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Health Care System & the Government

Hannah Cook

What is the Crisis in Health Care?

Paying more Decrease in quality care Millions of people are without care Billions of dollars are being wasted

Health care expenditures in the United States exceed $2 trillion a year.In comparison, the federal budget is $3 trillion a year. (SOURCE: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Office of the Actuary, National Health Statistics Group;) Approximately 50 percent of personal bankruptcies are due to medical expenses. (Source: Health Affairs)


75% percent of total health care spending in the United States in 2007 went towards the treatment of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and asthma. (Source: CMS) Approximately half of all chronic diseases are linked to preventable problems including smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity. (Source: CDC)

Total Budget 2014

$3.8 Trillion, $950 Billion in just Health Care

Government's Functions
Promote the General Welfare

Governments Solution
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act(ObamaCare)
Universal Healthcare

President Obama
No qualifications personally Board of Advisors
Health Care Policy Working Group

President Obama
Chief Executive
Enforcing ObamaCare

Chief Legislator
Proposing ObamaCare to Congress Signing it into Legislation

Chief Guardian of the Economy

Economic aspect of healthcare

President Obamas View

My view is that health care reform should be guided by a simple principle: Fix what's broken and build on what works. And that's what we intend to do.- President Barack Obama

Vice President Joe Biden

Helped advised President Obama Promoted the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Democrats vs. Republicans

No arbitrary insurer cancelation "We believe accessible, affordable, high quality health care is part of the American promise, that Americans should have the security that comes with good health care, and that no one should go broke because they get sick."

Preserve promise of Medicare "Democrats adamantly oppose any efforts to privatize or voucherize Medicare; unlike our opponents we will not ask seniors to pay thousands of dollars more every year while they watch the value of their Medicare benefits evaporate. Democrats believe that Medicare is a sacred compact with our seniors."

Make sure everyone has access to affordable health care "We will join 36 other industrialized nations in making sure everyone has access to affordable health care. We want to fix the disastrous Medicare Part D and ensure our seniors can afford their prescription drugs."


Expand coverage and cut health care costs "Expanding coverage. We will provide tax credits to Americans who are approaching retirement age and those who are between jobs so they can afford quality, reliable coverage. We will expand coverage for low income adults through existing federal-state health care programs. And we will provide all Americans with access to the same coverage that members of Congress give themselves."


Every American should have affordable health insurance "We must redouble efforts to bring the uninsured into coverage. We should guarantee access to affordable health care for every child. We should expand coverage to working families. We seek to ensure that dislocated workers are provided affordable care. We should make health care affordable for small businesses. In addition, Americans aged 55 to 65 should be allowed to buy into the Medicare program to get the coverage they need."

Repeal ObamaCare
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act(ObamaCare) was never really about healthcare, though its impact upon the nations health is disastrous, from the start, it was about power, the expansion of government control over one sixth of our economy, and resulted in an attack on our Constitution

Government-run Universal Healthcare leads to Inefficiencies
We reject any notion of government-run universal healthcare because we have seen evidence from around the world that government-run healthcare leads to inefficiencies, long waiting periods, and often substandard healthcare.

Reform Medicare will give seniors choice "Give older Americans access to the insurance plan Congress has, including medical savings accounts. Build on the strengths of the free market system, offer seniors real choices, and make sure there are incentives for the private sector to develop drugs. No more onesize-fits-all."

Give individuals tools to manage their own health needs "Individuals should be free to manage their own health needs through Flexible Savings Accounts(FSAs) and Medical Savings Accounts(MSAs). These initiatives make a government takeover of health care as anachronistic as surgery without anesthesia. Individuals should be able to roll over excess FSA dollars from one year to the next, instead of losing their unspent money at the end of each year. MSAs should be a permanent part of tax law, offered to all workers without restriction."

Allow customization of insurance, support health centers "A major reason why health insurance is so expensive is that many legislatures require policies to provide benefits that many families do not want. These mandates in rear costs for everyone. One area of health care that is sadly ignored is the role of primary and preventive care. We will boost funding for community health centers and establish stronger public-private partnerships for net providers and hospitals in underserved communities."

Court Case
National Federation of Independent Business vs. Sebelius Ruled on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Ruled the PPACA was now a tax

Extension Piece
Indiana Rep. Joe Donnelly

Sources rty_Health_Care.htm wp/2013/11/08/obamacare-by-the-numbers/

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