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Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, 4/E Chapter 47

Question 1 Type: MCSA A child has rickets, and is being treated at the clinic. In addition to taking vitamin D as prescribed, what is the best information the nurse can provide? 1. Avoid dair products while taking vitamin D. 2. !e sure to take brand name, not generic, vitamin D. 3. Spend at least "# minutes$da in the sunlight. 4. %ake our vitamin D on an empt stomach. Correct Answer: & ationa!e 1' Dair products are good sources of vitamin D and should be consumed. ationa!e 2' (eneric vitamin D is fine to take. ationa!e 3' %went minutes$da in the sun will provide all the vitamin D that is re)uired. ationa!e 4' *itamin D should be taken with food, not on an empt stomach. "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Appl ing C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: +harmacological and +arenteral %herapies 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: ,ursing +rocess' Implementation &earnin$ *utcome: -./0 Question 2 Type: MCMA %he client receives alendronate 12osama34 as treatment for osteoporosis. %he nurse has completed medication education and evaluates learning has occurred when the client makes which statements? Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected. (tandard Te+t: Select all that appl . 1. 5I cannot lie down for at least &# minutes after taking the medication.5
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -$6 Cop right "#0- b +earson 6ducation, Inc.

2. 5Milk will help with the absorption of this medication.5 3. 5I should call m doctor if I e3perience heartburn.5 4. 5I must take this with a full glass of water.5 ,. 5%he medication can be taken with or without food.5 Correct Answer: 0,&,ationa!e 1' %he client must sta upright for at least &# minutes to prevent (I upset. ationa!e 2' Milk will interfere with the absorption of alendronate 12osama347 it should be taken on an empt stomach. ationa!e 3' Alendronate 12osama34 is irritating to the esophagus7 the client must contact the ph sician if heartburn occurs. ationa!e 4' Alendronate 12osama34 must be taken on an empt stomach with a full glass of water to ensure absorption. ationa!e ,' 2ood will interfere with the absorption of alendronate 12osama347 it should be taken on an empt stomach. "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Anal 8ing C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: +harmacological and +arenteral %herapies 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: ,ursing +rocess' 6valuation &earnin$ *utcome: -./. Question 3 Type: MCSA %he client has osteomalacia and the ph sician has ordered a treatment to restore calcium balance. 9hat will the nurse plan to administer to the client? 1. Calcium supplements and dark green, leaf vegetables 2. Calcium supplements and milk products 3. Calcium supplements and potassium 4. Calcium supplements and vitamin D Correct Answer: Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -$6 Cop right "#0- b +earson 6ducation, Inc.

ationa!e 1' Dark green, leaf vegetables are not the best of the sources of calcium listed. ationa!e 2' Calcium supplements and milk products are good choices, but the client must also have vitamin D. ationa!e 3' +otassium is not necessar with this illness. ationa!e 4' Calcium supplements and vitamin D are considered the most effective treatments for osteomalacia. "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Appl ing C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: +harmacological and +arenteral %herapies 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: ,ursing +rocess' +lanning &earnin$ *utcome: -./Question 4 Type: MCSA %he client receives ralo3ifene 16vista4. 9hich other medication would the nurse hold and validate with the ph sician? 1. :isinopril 1+rinivil4 2. +aro3etine 1+a3il4 3. Atorvastatin 1:ipitor4 4. Diphenh dramine 1!enadr l4 Correct Answer: & ationa!e 1' %here is no contraindication to the use of lisinopril 1+rinivil4 and ralo3ifene 16vista4. ationa!e 2' %here is no contraindication to the use of paro3etine 1+a3il4 and ralo3ifene 16vista4. ationa!e 3' Antilipids and hormones are the onl medications contraindicated with ralo3ifene 16vista4. ationa!e 4' %here is no contraindication to the use of diphenh dramine 1!enadr l4 and ralo3ifene 16vista4. "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Anal 8ing C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: +harmacological and +arenteral %herapies 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: ,ursing +rocess' Implementation &earnin$ *utcome: -./.
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -$6 Cop right "#0- b +earson 6ducation, Inc.

Question , Type: MCSA %he client receives h dro3 chloro)uine sulfate 1+la)uenil4. 9hich test does the nurse tell the client should be done on a regular basis? 1. Serum potassium 2. 6 e e3ams 3. Serum glucose 4. !lood pressure Correct Answer: " ationa!e 1' Serum potassium monitoring is not necessar when the client receives h dro3 chloro)uine sulfate 1+la)uenil4. ationa!e 2' !lurred vision, inabilit to read, and visual field disturbances can occur when receiving h dro3 chloro)uine sulfate 1+la)uenil4 so the client must have regular e e e3ams. ationa!e 3' Serum glucose monitoring is not necessar when the client receives h dro3 chloro)uine sulfate 1+la)uenil4. ationa!e 4' !lood pressure monitoring is not necessar when the client receives h dro3 chloro)uine sulfate 1+la)uenil4. "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Anal 8ing C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: +harmacological and +arenteral %herapies 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: ,ursing +rocess' Implementation &earnin$ *utcome: -./. Question Type: MCMA %he client has gout and receives allopurinol 1; loprim4. %he nurse has completed medication education and evaluates that learning has occurred when the client makes which statements? Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected. (tandard Te+t: Select all that appl .
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -$6 Cop right "#0- b +earson 6ducation, Inc.

1. <It ma take a few da s or weeks for me to get the full effect of this medication.< 2. <I should not drink alcohol while taking this drug.< 3. <If I develop a skin rash I should contact the prescriber.< 4. <I should not crush this medication.< ,. =I should take this medication with food.< Correct Answer: 0,",&,> ationa!e 1' It ma take 0/& weeks for blood levels of uric acid to return to normal range. ationa!e 2' Alcohol ma inhibit the renal e3cretion of uric acid. ationa!e 3' Skin rash is a possible adverse reaction of allopurinol and can be serious. ationa!e 4' Allopurinol tablets ma be crushed for administration. ationa!e ,' Allopurinol should be taken with or after meals. "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Appl ing C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: +harmacological and +arenteral %herapies 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: ,ursing +rocess' Implementation &earnin$ *utcome: -./. Question 7 Type: MCSA %he client takes calcium supplements. 9hat is the best instruction b the nurse? 1. 5%his drug ma cause insomnia.5 2. 5%ake our calcium with a meal.5 3. 5It does not matter if *itamin D is added.5 4. 5%ake them on an empt stomach.5 Correct Answer: " ationa!e 1' Insomnia is not an adverse effect of calcium ingestion. ationa!e 2' Calcium is best absorbed if taken with a meal.
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -$6 Cop right "#0- b +earson 6ducation, Inc.

ationa!e 3' *itamin D facilitates absorption of calcium. ationa!e 4' Calcium should be taken with food for best absorption. "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Appl ing C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: +harmacological and +arenteral %herapies 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: ,ursing +rocess' Implementation &earnin$ *utcome: -./. Question . Type: MCSA %he nurse assesses the client might be e3periencing to3icit from colchicine. 9hich statement b the client would most likel confirm the nurse?s suspicion? 1. 5M @oints hurt more.5 2. 5I have nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain ever da .5 3. 5I don?t see as well as I used to, and m taste has changed.5 4. 5I wake up at night with muscle cramps.5 Correct Answer: " ationa!e 1' Aoint pain is not a sign of colchicine to3icit . ationa!e 2' ,ausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain are signs of colchicine to3icit . ationa!e 3' *ision and taste changes are not signs of colchicine to3icit . ationa!e 4' Muscle cramps are not a sign of colchicine to3icit . "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Appl ing C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: +harmacological and +arenteral %herapies 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: ,ursing +rocess' Assessment &earnin$ *utcome: -./B Question / Type: MCSA
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -$6 Cop right "#0- b +earson 6ducation, Inc.

%he client takes a bisphosphonate for osteoporosis. 9hich assessment is best in determining the effectiveness of the medication? 1. ,ormal serum calcium levels 2. Absence of fractures 3. !one densit scan 4. Absence of bone pain Correct Answer: & ationa!e 1' %he bone densit scan, not the levels of serum calcium, is the best assessment measure to determine the effectiveness of biphosphonates. ationa!e 2' %he bone densit scan, not the absence of fractures, is the best assessment measure to determine the effectiveness of bisphosphonates. ationa!e 3' %he bone densit scan is the best assessment tool to determine the effectiveness of bisphosphonates. ationa!e 4' %he bone densit scan, not the absence of bone pain, is the best assessment measure to determine the effectiveness of bisphosphonates. "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Appl ing C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: +harmacological and +arenteral %herapies 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: ,ursing +rocess' Assessment &earnin$ *utcome: -./Question 10 Type: MCSA %he nurse has taught the client with osteoporosis about how to manage the illness. 9hich statement b the client indicates that she needs additional teaching? 1. 5I will avoid drinking alcohol.5 2. 5I will walk for &# minutes ever da .5 3. 5I will take m calcium at bedtime.5 4. 5I will drink milk regularl .5 Correct Answer: &
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -$6 Cop right "#0- b +earson 6ducation, Inc.

ationa!e 1' Avoiding alcohol will help with osteoporosis. ationa!e 2' 9alking will help with osteoporosis. ationa!e 3' Calcium should be taken with meals, not at bedtime. ationa!e 4' Drinking milk will help with osteoporosis. "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Anal 8ing C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: +harmacological and +arenteral %herapies 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: ,ursing +rocess' 6valuation &earnin$ *utcome: -./& Question 11 Type: MCSA %he client has arthritis and has @ust learned that she is pregnant. 9hat is the best instruction b the nurse? 1. An ice bath to the affected @oint will help with discomfort. 2. C dro3 chloro)uine 1+la)uenil4 is the best medication for ou. 3. Dou could tr heat applications and splinting for discomfort. 4. (lucocorticoids are considered safe during pregnanc . Correct Answer: & ationa!e 1' Ceat will relieve arthritic pain much more effectivel than ice. ationa!e 2' C dro3 chloro)uine 1+la)uenil4 is a +regnanc Categor C drug, and should be avoided. ationa!e 3' Ceat and splinting are appropriate nonpharmacological methods for arthritic pain during pregnanc . ationa!e 4' (lucocorticoids are +regnanc Categor C drugs, and should be avoided. "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Appl ing C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: +harmacological and +arenteral %herapies 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: ,ursing +rocess' Implementation &earnin$ *utcome: -./>
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -$6 Cop right "#0- b +earson 6ducation, Inc.

Question 12 Type: MCSA %he nurse teaches a class for college students about osteoporosis. 9hat is the best information to include? 1. +revention of osteoporosis begins in earl adulthood. 2. Medication is the primar treatment to prevent and halt bone loss. 3. Esteoporosis is an inevitable part of aging. 4. Men do not need to be concerned about osteoporosis. Correct Answer: 0 ationa!e 1' +revention of osteoporosis should begin in earl adulthood. ationa!e 2' :ifest le changes such as diet, e3ercise, and calcium are also needed as well as medication. ationa!e 3' . Esteoporosis is not an inevitable part of aging. ationa!e 4' Men are also at risk for osteoporosis. "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Appl ing C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: +harmacological and +arenteral %herapies 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: ,ursing +rocess' Implementation &earnin$ *utcome: -./Question 13 Type: MCSA %he client?s calcium level is low. 9hat will be the nurse?s primar concern? 1. Sei8ures 2. !one fractures 3. C pogl cemia 4. Depression Correct Answer: 0 ationa!e 1' A low calcium level puts the client at risk for sei8ures.
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -$6 Cop right "#0- b +earson 6ducation, Inc.

ationa!e 2' A consistentl low calcium level will result in bone fractures, but this is not the immediate concern. ationa!e 3' A low calcium level will not result in h pogl cemia. ationa!e 4' A low calcium level will not result in depression. "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Appl ing C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: +h siological Adaptation 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: ,ursing +rocess' +lanning &earnin$ *utcome: -./& Question 14 Type: MCSA %he nurse administers calcium intravenousl 1I*4 to the client. 9hat will a ke assessment b the nurse include? 1. Assess the serum glucose levels. 2. Assess the intravenous 1I*4 site. 3. Assess the serum potassium levels. 4. Assess for peripheral edema. Correct Answer: " ationa!e 1' %he client?s glucose levels will not be affected when receiving intravenous 1I*4 calcium. ationa!e 2' %he intravenous 1I*4 site must be assessed, as e3travasation ma lead to necrosis of tissue at the insertion site. ationa!e 3' %he client?s serum potassium levels should not be affected when receiving intravenous 1I*4 calcium. ationa!e 4' %he client should not develop peripheral edema when receiving intravenous 1I*4 calcium. "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Appl ing C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: +harmacological and +arenteral %herapies 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: ,ursing +rocess' Assessment &earnin$ *utcome: -./. Question 1,
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -$6 Cop right "#0- b +earson 6ducation, Inc.

Type: MCSA %he client receives alendronate 12osama34 as treatment for osteoporosis. 9hich s mptoms, caused b an adverse effect of the medication, does the nurse teach should be reported to the ph sician? 1. Finging of the ears 2. Cot and dr skin 3. *ision changes and photophobia 4. Muscle spasms and facial twitching Correct Answer: ationa!e 1' Finging of the ears is not associated with alendronate 12osama3.4 ationa!e 2' Cot and dr skin is not an adverse effect of alendronate 12osama34. ationa!e 3' *ision changes and photophobia are not adverse effects of alendronate 12osama34. ationa!e 4' Muscle spasms and facial twitching indicate a low calcium level, which can be caused b alendronate 12osama34, and should be reported immediatel before the client has sei8ures. "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Anal 8ing C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: +harmacological and +arenteral %herapies 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: ,ursing +rocess' Implementation &earnin$ *utcome: -./. Question 1Type: MCSA An important function of calcium is to 1. regulate acidGbase balance. 2. improve glucose absorption. 3. increase energ . 4. regulate nerve transmission. Correct Answer: Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -$6 Cop right "#0- b +earson 6ducation, Inc.

ationa!e 1' Calcium does not regulate acidGbase balance. ationa!e 2' Calcium does not improve glucose absorption. ationa!e 3' Calcium does not increase energ level as do carboh drates. ationa!e 4' Ade)uate calcium levels help to transmit nerve impulses. "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Femembering C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: +h siological Adaptation 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: ,ursing +rocess' Assessment &earnin$ *utcome: -./0 Question 17 Type: MCSA 9hich of the following signs are common with h pocalcemia? 1. !ruising 2. C pertension 3. Muscle wasting 4. Muscle spasms Correct Answer: ationa!e 1' !ruising is not a sign of h pocalcemia. ationa!e 2' C pertension is not a sign of h pocalcemia. ationa!e 3' Muscle wasting is not a sign of h pocalcemia. ationa!e 4' Signs and s mptoms of h pocalcemia are nerve and muscle e3citabilit . Muscle spasms, tremors, or cramping can be evident. ,umbness and tingling of the e3tremities can occur, and convulsions are possible. "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Hnderstanding C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: +h siological Adaptation 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: ,ursing +rocess' Assessment &earnin$ *utcome: -./&
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -$6 Cop right "#0- b +earson 6ducation, Inc.

Question 1. Type: MCSA %he s mptoms of gout are due to 1. an increase in the e3cretion of uric acid. 2. buildup of uric acid in the blood. 3. cartilage loss in the @oints. 4. a decrease in uric acid in the blood. Correct Answer: " ationa!e 1' An increase in e3cretion would not cause gout. ationa!e 2' (out is due to buildup of uric acid in blood or @oints. ationa!e 3' Cartilage loss is characteri8ed b osteoarthritis. ationa!e 4' A decrease in uric acid would not cause gout. "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Femembering C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: &earnin$ *utcome: -./> Question 1/ Type: MCSA A client takes calcium three times a da in the form of supplements. %he nurse will advise the client to take the drug 1. with tea or coffee. 2. on an empt stomach. 3. with 8inc supplements. 4. with food. Correct Answer: Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -$6 Cop right "#0- b +earson 6ducation, Inc.

ationa!e 1' Caffeine ma slow absorption. ationa!e 2' %aking the calcium on an empt stomach can increase gastric upset. ationa!e 3' ;inc can interact with calcium and decrease effectiveness. ationa!e 4' 2ood helps to absorb the calcium. "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Hnderstanding C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: ,ursing +rocess' Implementation &earnin$ *utcome: -./B Question 20 Type: MCSA %he mechanism of action of selective estrogen receptor modulators 1S6FMs4, such as ralo3ifene 16vista4, is to 1. increase calcium levels in the bone. 2. slow bone resorption. 3. inhibit s nthesis of microtubules. 4. increase bone mass and densit . Correct Answer: ationa!e 1' Calcium supplements increase calcium levels. ationa!e 2' !isphosphonates slow bone resorption. ationa!e 3' Selective estrogen receptor modulators do not inhibit s nthesis of microtubules. ationa!e 4' Selective estrogen receptor modulators increase bone mass and densit through the estrogen receptor. "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Femembering C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: +harmacological and +arenteral %herapies 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: ,ursing +rocess' Assessment &earnin$ *utcome: -./.
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -$6 Cop right "#0- b +earson 6ducation, Inc.

Question 21 Type: MCMA During a medication histor , the client states, =I take the calcium supplement called calcitriol.< Cow should the nurse respond to this statement? Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected. (tandard Te+t: Select all that appl . 1. =Calcitriol is a vitamin D supplement.< 2. =9hat other medications do ou take?< 3. =Dou donIt understand the medications ou are taking.< 4. =Do ou also take a vitamin D supplement?< ,. =Do ou take the prescription strength or over/the/counter?< Correct Answer: 0," ationa!e 1' Calcitriol is a vitamin D supplement. ationa!e 2' Calcitriol is often taken with calcium supplementation and the client ma have medication names confused. ationa!e 3' %his ma be the truth, but this is not a therapeutic statement. ationa!e 4' Calcitriol is a vitamin D supplement. ationa!e ,' %he nurse should correct the clientIs mistake. "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Anal 8ing C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: +harmacological and +arenteral %herapies 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: ,ursing +rocess' Implementation &earnin$ *utcome: -.." Question 22 Type: MCMA A client who has osteoporosis sa s, =I am e3ercising more. I go to the g m once a week.< Cow should the nurse respond?
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -$6 Cop right "#0- b +earson 6ducation, Inc.

Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected. (tandard Te+t: Select all that appl . 1. =9hat kind of e3ercises are ou doing< 2. =Dou should tr to e3ercise three to five times a week.< 3. =%hat is not enough.< 4. =Is there somewhere that ou can walk on the da s ou donIt go to the g m?< ,. =63ercise will not improve our osteoporosis.< Correct Answer: 0,",ationa!e 1' In order to affect osteoporosis, e3ercise must be weight/bearing. ationa!e 2' %o affect osteoporosis, e3ercise should be done three to five times weekl . ationa!e 3' %his is a true statement, but is not therapeutic. %he nurse should encourage this clientIs efforts at e3ercise. ationa!e 4' %his client should e3ercise more fre)uentl and walking is a good form of e3ercise for those with osteoporosis. ationa!e ,' 9eight/bearing e3ercise has been shown to slow or improve effects of osteoporosis. "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Anal 8ing C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: +h siological Adaptation 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: ,ursing +rocess' Implementation &earnin$ *utcome: -..J Question 23 Type: MCMA A client states, =I stopped taking m medications for osteoporosis. I couldnIt see how the were helping me an .< Cow should the nurse respond? Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected. (tandard Te+t: Select all that appl . 1. =%he results from these medications are hard for ou to see.<
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -$6 Cop right "#0- b +earson 6ducation, Inc.

2. =It takes about B months to see an results.< 3. =9hen did ou stop taking the medications?< 4. =9ere there an other reasons that ou decided to discontinue the medications?< ,. =Dou are not helping us help ou when ou donIt follow directions.< Correct Answer: 0,&,ationa!e 1' %he changes from taking medications for osteoporosis are difficult for the client to measure. ationa!e 2' %herapeutic response ma take 0 to & months. ationa!e 3' %he nurse should determine how long it has been since therap was discontinued. ationa!e 4' %he nurse should determine if other reasons, such as adverse side effects or cost of medication, were factors in the clientIs decision. ationa!e ,' %his is not a therapeutic approach to this clientIs statement. "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Anal 8ing C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: +harmacological and +arenteral %herapies 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: ,ursing +rocess' Implementation &earnin$ *utcome: -..J Question 24 Type: MCMA A client has been prescribed denosumab 1+rolia4. 9hat medication education should the nurse provide? Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected. (tandard Te+t: Select all that appl . 1. =I will give our medication in the form of an in@ection.< 2. =Dou ma feel more fatigued than usual when taking this drug.< 3. =!e certain to keep our appointments for follow/up.< 4. =Do not take an kind of calcium supplement or vitamin D supplement while taking this drug.< ,. =9e must monitor our cholesterol while ou are taking this drug.<
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -$6 Cop right "#0- b +earson 6ducation, Inc.

Correct Answer: 0,",&,> ationa!e 1' Denosumab is given subcutaneousl . ationa!e 2' An adverse reaction of this drug is fatigue. ationa!e 3' %his drug can cause severe h pocalcemia, so it is important to monitor lab values. ationa!e 4' Calcium and vitamin D supplementation ma be necessar to keep serum calcium at normal level. ationa!e ,' %his drug ma result in h percholesterolemia. "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Appl ing C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: +harmacological and +arenteral %herapies 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: ,ursing +rocess' Implementation &earnin$ *utcome: -..J Question 2, Type: MCMA A client is receiving therap for gout. 9hich information should the nurse provide? Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected. (tandard Te+t: Select all that appl . 1. =Dou should not drink alcohol.< 2. =Dou should increase intake of fatt fish like salmon and sardines.< 3. =%ake a vitamin C supplement while on our medication for gout.< 4. =Increase our fluid intake to " to - liters each da .< ,. =If our @oint pain does not improve, let us know.< Correct Answer: 0,-,> ationa!e 1' :imiting or eliminating alcohol consumption is standard treatment for gout. ationa!e 2' Salmon and sardines should be eliminated from the diet. ationa!e 3' *itamin C ma acidif the urine and lead to formation of uric acid stones.
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -$6 Cop right "#0- b +earson 6ducation, Inc.

ationa!e 4' Increasing fluid intake increases uric acid e3cretion. ationa!e ,' %he client should be taught to report worsening or continued inflammation or pain. "!o#a! ationa!e: Co$niti%e &e%e!: Appl ing C!ient 'eed: +h siological Integrit C!ient 'eed (u#: +h siological Adaptation 'ursin$/)nte$rated Concepts: ,ursing +rocess' Implementation &earnin$ *utcome: -..J

Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -$6 Cop right "#0- b +earson 6ducation, Inc.

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