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Preschool Instructional Plan Teacher Name: Danielle Kolb Activity Name: Rhymin Dust !unnies"#lannel !

oar$ Date: 03/01/2010 Domain #ocus: %an ua e

1. &oals/%earnin 'b(ectives: What are the desired outcomes for the children? Children will practice listening and recalling a series of events though storytelling and observation. (Sociomoral) Children will learn about communicating ideas and feelings through pretend play and art. ( epresentational) Children will be able to use language to communicate the events and story they have !ust heard"seen. ( epresentational) Children will be cooperative members of a small group activity. (Sociomoral) #. )aterials Nee$e$: $oo%: Rhyming Dust Bunnies by &an 'homas (i))a $o* +lannel $oard ,it (- flannel .ust $unnies/ 1 flannel vacuum/ cleaner/ 1 flannel broom/ 012 felt conversation bubbles) 3. Proce$ures: a. 4s% up front if anyone can e*plain what it means when two words rhyme (sin% and drin%). 4s% if anyone %nows what a dust bunny is? 5f they do not %now as% them to describe what they thin% it is. 6nce a dust bunny is understood as% children if they can tal%. 6nce the 7no8 answer is given e*plain these are special dust bunnies that no only tal% but rhyme. b. ead hyming .ust $unnies to the children. 9se enthusiasm and have fun: 6nce the boo% has been read as% the children to help you recreate the story as you retell it on the flannel board. Can they remember most of the story?

c. 4s% the children what their favorite part of the story was. .o they %now any words that might rhyme with the words in the boo%? Words they already %now? d. 6nce the discussion on rhyming has concluded children are free to go to centers for an activity of their choice or they may ta%e turns recreating the story themselves. -. *u estions +or *im,li+ication/-.tension : +or simplification not each of the rhyming strings needs to be recreated with the flannel board. 4lso the story and

the flannel board can be done at the same time. 'his would be a great activity to use words that children already %now (their name). +or e*pand the lesson loo% bac% at the words used in the boo% and see if the children can thin% of additional words that rhyme. 0. Assessment: 4re the children able to recall the story as the flannel board is preformed? Can they communicate those ideas effectively and accurately? Were the children able to tell when the dust bunnies happy/ scared or sad? .id they all wor% together when recalling the events of the story? Were they cooperative with one another while the story was being read? ;. -valuation: a. <ist of all children who participated in the activity/ outcomes/ modifications b. =valuation of your teaching

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