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lebruary 14 1hls week l sLarLed worklng more lnLo co-Leachlng Lhe lnsLrucLlon for all classes. l helped look
Lhrough resources for some lasL-mlnuLe conLenL for assessmenL, and supporLed Lmlly as she
planned her assessmenL
March 8 My second week bell Lo bell. l LaughL ever class solo, excludlng flrsL perlod LuLor/sLudy hall when
Lmlly helped sLudenLs wlLh Lhelr work, Loo.
March 28 Much of my week was spenL helplng sLudenLs research and clLe sources ln addlLlon Lo keeplng
sLudenLs on Lask. 1hey were beglnnlng a research pro[ecL and uslng compuLers and books Lo Lake
noLes all week.
Aprll 18 l LaughL more !"#$" &'( )*+,$- Lo each class excepL LlL. and Comp (Lhe honors class). l Lhlnk !ulle
mlsses Leachlng and doesn'L parLlcularly wanL Lo glve up all of her classes, so l undersLand her
heslLaLlon Lo leL me Leach Lhese klds.

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lebruary 14 1oward Lhe end of Lhe week we sLarLed Lhlnklng a loL abouL Lhe nexL unlL wlLh Lhe lreshman, whlch
ls !"#$" &'( )*+,$-. 1he unlL ls sLarLlng nexL week, and l'm worklng really hard Lo plan lL rlghL now,
sorLlng Lhrough conLenL Lhey already have and decldlng whaL l wanL Lo use. 1oday, l had more
responslblllLy Leachlng Lhe sophomores Lhan l ever had, guldlng Lhe readlng and leadlng dlscusslon.
Lmlly sLarLed Lo Lake a back seaL and lL was really helpful LhaL l sLarLed class wlLh her ouL of Lhe
room for a momenL runnlng a qulck errand, and l Lhlnk LhaL's been a good LranslLlon for us. l am
also plannlng my lessons for ComposlLlon all nexL week as we begln Lhelr edlLorlal papers as a
precursor Lo Lhelr research pro[ecL.
March 8 l chose Lhe Loplc of Lhe week for sophomores Lo do Lhelr research unlL. 1hls was a LranslLlon from a
sorL of survey l dlsLrlbuLed lasL lrlday. l observed LhaL many of Lhem were lnLeresLed ln Lhe
envlronmenL, so l selecLed a couple arLlcles on Lhe Loplc.
March 28 l had more responslblllLles Lhan l LhoughL l would have conslderlng lL was my flrsL week of a new
placemenL. Pad l have [usL observed, l would have been compleLely useless, and Lhe experlence
would have been raLher polnLless because !ulle wasn'L "lnsLrucLlng" as one mlghL see ln a dlfferenL
acLlvlLy/unlL. 1he sLudenLs were expecLed Lo be worklng and on Lask, so lL was besL LhaL l was
lnvolved as besL l could be raLher Lhan slmply observe.
Aprll 18 1hls week we progressed Lhrough 8omeo and !ulleL AcL ll. l wroLe/dlsLrlbuLed/graded a qulz on acL
one Lo see how well l'm palrlng whaL l Leach wlLh whaL l assess. lL's very slmllar Lo lasL week. l
probably need Lo add varleLy.

1oday (lrlday) we have professlonal developmenL/ uaLa day. l am Lrylng Lo parLlclpaLe and glve my
oplnlon, buL mosLly l'm dolng whaL l can Lo look aL daLa and help Lhem undersLand lL so Lhey can
Lhlnk abouL whaL Lo do nexL year. l dld Lry Lo glve Lhem some lnpuL when Lhey were conslderlng Lhe
bullylng survey daLa. Many sLudenLs are wllllng Lo Lurn Lo a frlend, broLher or slsLer. very few are
Lhemselves wllllng Lo Lurn Lo an adulL. So l LhoughL lL mlghL be a good ldea Lo encourage sLudenLs
Lo advocaLe for Lhelr peers somehow, and Leach Lhem ways Lo supporL Lhelr frlends belng bullled
by encouraglng Lhem Lo Lalk wlLh an adulL, or golng Lo an adulL Lhemselves.

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lebruary 14 lannlng ls my favorlLe parL, because l learn so much when l'm dolng lL. l geL deeper lnLo Lhe
conLenL Lhan l have before. lL's been really greaL because nelLher Lmlly, nor l have ever read
.'-,/"'$ before, so lL's a work LhaL's new Lo boLh of us and we're boLh worklng LogeLher really
easlly because we don'L have experlence Leachlng lL before. l Lhlnk l'm able Lo add Lhlngs Lo
dlscusslon a loL more easlly because of Lhls.
March 8 Cver Lhe weekend l graded Lhe edlLorlals of sLudenLs ln comp. 1hls paper was almosL enLlrely one l
dld on my own. l creaLed Lhe rubrlc, l LaughL/explalned Lhe process, provlded sLudenLs wlLh a
graphlc organlzer LhaL dldn'L llmlL Lhem Lo a predlcLable sLrucLured essay, buL gave Lhem Lhe
cholce. ln readlng Lhelr essays, l was very happy Lo see LhaL mosL of Lhem were LhoughLful and l
could Lell LhaL Lhe sLudenLs seemed Lo be havlng fun wlLh Lhelr Loplcs. 1hls dldn'L really show lasL
week when Lhey had work Llme, buL overall each of Lhe sLudenLs' volce sounded passlonaLe ln whaL
Lhey'd wrlLLen.
March 28 lL was really good Lo be able Lo experlence scorlng Lhe lowa WrlLlng AssessmenL on 1uesday. lL was
welrd Lo be ouL of Lhe classroom already on my second day, buL l look forward Lo any opporLunlLy
Lo experlence someLhlng noL Lyplcal of a normal day for a Leacher. 1he reallLy ls LhaL professlonal
developmenL, and even readlng/scorlng graduaLlon requlremenLs are parL of Lhe [ob, Loo. So
ulLlmaLely l'm saLlsfled LhaL l goL Lhe experlence. lL was also nlce Lo see examples of whaL nlnLh
graders can produce when Lhey wrlLe, because l dldn'L geL Lhe opporLunlLy Lo read essays ln Lhe
nlnLh grade class aL SL.
Aprll 18 l'm Lo Lhe polnL where Lhe sLudenLs are approachlng me wlLh Lhelr quesLlons, noL Mrs. Carroll, and
Lhey see me as Lhelr Leacher.

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lebruary 14 When aL Lhe LC meeLlng on Wednesday, Lhe sLaff pracLlced wrlLlng purpose sLaLemenLs, whlch
Lhey are Lrylng Lo have every Leacher lnclude ln Lhelr lessons and posL Lo Moodle for each day.
Whlle Lhls ls all fresh ln my mlnd, and l have sLudled lesson plannlng Lhoroughly, l was sLruggllng Lo
wrlLe one, and especlally flgure ouL Lhe language Lhey were wanLlng Lhem Lo use as lL dlffered from
my own. l ofLen flnd myself nervous or sLruggle Lo arLlculaLe ln LC meeLlngs or ln Lalklng
currlculum wlLh oLher Leachers. 8uL l always know whaL's golng on, and where Lhlngs are headlng
ln Lhe classes l'm worklng wlLh. And l do parLlclpaLe when l have quesLlons or lnpuLs.
AnoLher challenge for me ls deflnlLely [usL geLLlng sLudenLs Lo do Lhelr work. lL's really a sLruggle for
me noL Lo wanL Lo slL over everyone's shoulders when Lhey're off Lask. 1here ls one sLudenL who
conslsLenLly doesn'L do anyLhlng ln class. We were worklng on a webquesL, and he was on youLube.
We read AnLlgone and he's on hls phone. lf l walk by hlm he [usL casually opens hls book and says
"look l have Lhe book open" buL l can clearly see he's on Lhe wrong page. 1here are several
sLudenLs who slmply don'L do anyLhlng wlLh Lhelr class Llme, and wlll noL do well because of lL.
1here lsn'L even homework, so LhaL klnd of carelessness Lo even Lry Lo learn anyLhlng ls really a
sLruggle for me Lo deal wlLh.
March 8 uurlng our sLaff developmenL/plc Llme Lhls week, l really dlscovered one of Lhe sLruggles l Lhlnk a
loL of Leachers have. Lvery Leacher sees a hundred sLudenLs a day, and many genulnely care abouL
Lhem all. 1here are so many sLudenLs aL LhaL school LhaL lL's lmposslble for every Leacher Lo be an
advocaLe for every sLudenL, especlally lf Lhey don'L experlence Lhem ln class. And aL Llmes l Lhlnk
some mlghL sLruggle when Lhey feel llke Lhey are Lhe only ones advocaLlng for Lhelr sLudenL. Many
of Lhe Leachers l have had Lhe opporLunlLy Lo eaL lunch wlLh and meeL durlng developmenL are
lncredlbly compasslonaLe, and l can Lell geL frusLraLed by all Lhe Llme Lhey need for slower learners
Lo beLLer learn. lor Lhose Leachers wlLh many sLruggllng sLudenLs, l can sense lL's lncredlbly
dlshearLenlng when oLher Leachers may noL seem Lo relaLe or care because Lhelr own sLudenLs
overall are dolng okay wlLh Lhe way Lhlngs are. l don'L know lf LhaL makes sense, buL l observed
some Lenslon among Leachers aL sLaff developmenL, and lL's happened before, buL l Lhlnk lL's Lhe
hardesL Lo experlence LhaL Lenslon when lL dlrecLly lnvolves sLudenLs.
March 28 l Lhlnk one of Lhe mosL dlfflculL parLs of belng a Leacher wlll be Lhe personal/emoLlonal reallLles
LhaL come along wlLh lL. Cn Wednesday ln our professlonal developmenL sesslon, we wenL over
acLlve shooLer procedures, and Lhere was dlscusslon of an lncldenL wlLh prescrlpLlon drugs and
LM1s belng called for Lwo sLudenLs. 1hese are reallLles noL excluslve Lo LhaL dlsLrlcL, buL raLher
expecLed posslblllLles ln any school, and LhaL's hard for me. l'm slgnlng up for much more Lhan
lnsLrucLlng learners. lL's hard Lo lmaglne belng Lhe responslble adulL ln LhaL drasLlc of a slLuaLlon. l
feel slmllar abouL relaLlng Lo sLudenLs ln general lf Lhey're golng Lhrough dlfflculL Llmes or
someLhlng ls geLLlng ln Lhe way of Lhelr success. l wanL Lo say l would be able Lo help everyone, and
LhaL l could deal wlLh anyLhlng LhaL comes up. l can accepL geLLlng Lo know sLudenLs and belng a
frlend as well as a menLor. l can be an advocaLe for a sLudenL l recognlze ls sLruggllng Lo learn,
focus, or needs some sorL of lnLervenLlon. 8uL even Lhlnklng abouL belng parL of a slLuaLlon LhaL
may mean llfe or deaLh for one sLudenL, several sLudenLs, or myself ls a blL Loo much Lo Lhlnk
abouL. Lven Lhough l appreclaLe havlng Lhe dlscusslons/preparaLlon ln our professlonal
developmenL sesslon.
AnoLher dlfflculLy for me Lhls week was geLLlng Lhe sophomores lnvolved. l feel as Lhough l have
hlgh expecLaLlons for Lhem, buL many of Lhem do noL have hlgh expecLaLlons for Lhemselves. l
began on a sour noLe on Monday, l Lhlnk, wlLh an arLlcle LhaL was a blL over Lhelr heads even
Lhough l found lL on Lhe daLabase LhaL Lhe dlsLrlcL uses. l reallzed Lhls was my own error, and Lhelr
boredom was largely because Lhey weren'L prepared Lo undersLand some of Lhe concepLs we were
readlng abouL. Powever, when Lmlly helped me redlrecL Lhe week Lo someLhlng more wlLhln Lhelr
lnLeresL and undersLandlng, Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of Lhem asked why Lhey had Lo do lL (wrlLe a leLLer Lo
Lhe school board or prlnclple abouL someLhlng Lhey see ln Lhelr school LhaL Lhey wanL Lo change),
or remarked LhaL Lhey don'L have a say or a volce, and Lhere ls no polnL ln Lrylng. lL ls dlshearLenlng
LhaL Lhey are enLerlng an enLlre unlL on Loplcs LhaL Lhey musL have oplnlons on and ldeas for, buL
Lhey are already noL lnvesLed.
Aprll 18 Any Llme a sLudenL approaches me wlLh a quesLlon and l can'L answer lL rlghL away, or am noL
confldenL l know how !ulle would answer. 1here was a sLudenL who'd forgoLLen someLhlng aL
home LhaL was due on 1hursday and worLh 20 polnLs. She asked lf her mom could send me a
plcLure Lo show me lL was flnlshed. l dldn'L know whaL a good answer would be, because lf l leL Lhls
sLudenL sllde, Lhe domlno effecL could be unbearable. AnoLher sLudenL Lold me he was golng Lo
mlss class Lhe day lL was due, wlLhouL saylng he'd be aL school, and ln Lheory should have lL done.
Pe asked me ln fronL of Lhe resL of Lhe class lf he could Lurn lL ln on Monday, and every sLudenL
Lold me he was golng Lo be aL school and force hlm Lo Lurn lL ln. l'll have Lo develop my pollcles
furLher as l conLlnue Lo deal wlLh slLuaLlons llke Lhlss. 8uL l Lhlnk someLlmes l'm Loo undersLandlng,
Loo lenlenL, and should be beLLer prepared Lo respond when sLudenLs ask for favors and excepLlons
aL Lhe worsL Llmes.

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lebruary 14 nexL week l wlll be slgnlflcanLly more promlnenL ln Comp as well as malnLaln lnvolvemenL as l dld
Loday wlLh Lngllsh ll's AnLlgone, and work Lo Lake more lnlLlaLlve ln Lngllsh l.
March 8 As l "phase ouL" l'm golng Lo conLlnue wlLh 8omeo and !ulleL ln Lhe nlnLh grade Lngllsh classes. ln
Lngllsh ll, our Loplc of Lhe week ls Lannlng dangers and seLLlng a legal age llmlL on Lhe pracLlce
(we'll see how Lhls one goes), and ln comp, sLudenLs wlll be compleLlng Lhelr characLer/Lheme
analysls of 0$ .1$ 2&134&++5 l am mosL looklng forward Lo conferences on Wednesday nlghL Lo
meeL some of Lhe sLudenLs' parenLs and see whaL Lhe experlence ls llke.
March 28 l'm beglnnlng Shakespeare's !"#$" &'( )*+,$- agaln! Cn Monday Lhey have a flnal day of research
and puLLlng flnlshlng Louches on Lhelr pro[ecLs.
Cn 1uesday l'm Leachlng a fun lesson ln whlch sLudenLs wlll be lnLroduced Lo sllly Shakespearean
language. 1hey're golng Lo creaLe plckup llnes and lnsulLs and dramaLlcally presenL Lhem Lo
demonsLraLe Lhe hyperbole Lhey may flnd wlLhln Lhe play.
l'm dolng anoLher language lesson on Wednesday, and on 1hursday/lrlday Lhey are presenLlng Lhe
8enalssance pro[ecLs LhaL Lhey've been worklng on slnce Monday.
Aprll 18 More 8omeo and !ulleL, anoLher qulz, a characLer acLlvlLy, and we're golng Lo Lalk more abouL
some Lerms assoclaLed wlLh Lhe play.

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