Tom Sawyer

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Book Review

Name: Danang Aryo Pinuji Class: XII IPA D Title: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Author: Mar Twain !retold "y Marie Coghill# Pu"lisher: PT $ramedia Pusta a %tama Pages: &'( )ages. Tom Sawyer is one of the most endearing *hara*ters in Ameri*an fi*tion+ This wonderful "oo deals with all the *hallenges that any young )erson fa*es, and resolves them in e-*iting and unusual ways+ .i e many young )eo)le, Tom would rather "e having fun than going to s*hool and *hur*h+ This is always getting him into trou"le, from whi*h he finds unusual solutions+ /ne of the great s*enes in this "oo has Tom )ersuading his friends to hel) him whitewash a fen*e "y ma ing them thin that nothing *ould "e finer than doing his )unishment for )laying hoo y from s*hool+ 0hen I first read this story, it o)ened u) my mind to the )otential )ower of )ersuasion+ Tom als has the unusual e-)erien*e of wat*hing his own funeral and hearing what )eo)le really thought of him+ That1s something we all should "e a"le to do+ 2y imagining what )eo)le will say at our funeral, we *an hel) esta"lish the )ur)ose of our own lives+ $irls are a )art of Tom1s life, and 2e* y That*her and he have a remar a"le adventure in a *ave with Injun 3oe+ Any young )erson will remem"er the e-*itement of "eing near someone they *ared a"out alone in this adventure+ The adventures that this "oy had is very different from adventures that )resent id had+ Present id have an adventure from video games and internet, "ut Mar Twain )roof that Tom Sawyer4s ind of fun is still the "est way to s)end your *hildhood+ 5rom every adventure that he had, we always have something to learn+ And the way Mar Twain ends the story will ma e us want to read his another story to now the develo)ment hu* le"erry with his new family+ Also Mar Twain always have 6uotes from every adventure that Tom Sawyer had+ Syno)sis

The "oo "egins in St+ Peters"urg, Missouri, a small village on the "an s of the Mississi))i 7iver in the mid8&(99s+ Tom, a mis*hievous "oy, is hiding from his Aunt Polly while stealing jam from the )antry+ 0hen *aught, he runs away and goes swimming instead of going to s*hool+ The ne-t day, Aunt Polly )unishes him for )laying hoo ey "y ma ing him whitewash their entire fen*e+ Tom instead *onvin*es the other "oys in town that whitewashing is fun and gets them to do all the wor for him+ Aunt Polly lets him go and he goes to )lay with his friend

3oe+ The two "oys have wild imaginations and a taste for getting into trou"le+ /n his way home from )laying, Tom sees a "eautiful girl and falls in love with her+ That Sunday, the whole family must go to *hur*h+ At Sunday s*hool, Tom trades other "oys for ti* ets that will earn him a free 2i"le+ To a*tually earn the 2i"le, *hildren must *olle*t ti* ets "y learning two thousand 2i"le verses+ Tom1s new love, 2e* y That*her, arrives at Sunday s*hool with her father, a judge+ Tom )roudly *laims his 2i"le in front of everyone, "ut *annot name the first two dis*i)les when 6uestioned "y 3udge That*her+ At *hur*h, he entertains himself "y )laying with a )in*h "ug, whi*h "ites a dog and *auses a huge disru)tion+ /n his way to s*hool on Monday, Tom runs into :u* le"erry 5inn, the son of the town drun + :u* is homeless, *an1t read and lives a wild life+ Tom is late for s*hool, and for )unishment is for*ed to sit ne-t to 2e* y, whi*h he is ha))y a"out+ At lun*h, Tom and 2e* y meet and Tom *onvin*es her that they should get engaged and iss+ She does iss him, "ut Tom lets it sli) that he was already engaged to someone else, and she reje*ts him+ Tom s i)s the rest of s*hool and meets 3oe in the woods to )lay 7o"in :ood+ At midnight, Tom and :u* snea into the graveyard+ /n*e there, they hear )eo)le *oming and hide+ Dr+ 7o"inson arrives with Injun 3oe, an evil *riminal, and Muff Potter+ They are stealing "odies from the grave+ The men argue+ Muff Potter is no* ed out, and Injun 3oe murders Dr+ 7o"inson+ Tom and :u* run away, fearing for their lives+ 0hen Muff Potter awa es, Injun 3oe tells him that he, not Injun 3oe, murdered the Do*tor+ Tom and :u* , s*ared, swear never to tell anyone what they saw+ :owever, Tom is "othered "y the event and "egins to have nightmares+ 2e* y gets si* and he "e*omes very de)ressed+ 0hen 2e* y returns to s*hool, she reje*ts him again and Tom de*ides to run away+ :e *onvin*es 3oe and :u* that they should "e*ome )irates, and they steal a s iff and sail to 3a* son1s Island, down8river from St+ Peters"urg+ There they )lay and tal a"out what they will do as )irates+ They see )eo)le from the village sear*hing the river for them, and reali;e that they townsfol "elieve that they have drowned+ They "egin to get homesi* , "ut Tom *onvin*es them that they should stay on the island+ That night, however, he snea s "a* to St+ Peters"urg+ Tom intends on leaving Aunt Polly a note saying that they are alive and well+ 0hen he snea s into his house, he hides and listens to Aunt Polly, 3oe1s mother, his "rother Sid, and his *ousin Mary *rying and tal ing a"out funeral )lans for the "oys+ Tom waits until Aunt Polly is aslee) and snea s "a* out, without leaving the note+ After Tom returns to the island, he tells :u* and 3oe of a great )lan he has devised+ :u* tea*hes them how to smo e, although they get si* doing it+ That night, there is a terri"le storm, and the "oys s)end most of the night getting soa ed and trying to find shelter+ The day of the funeral, they a*t on Tom1s )lan: they return to the village and hide in the gallery of the *hur*h to wat*h their own funeral+ In the middle of the funeral, they *ome out of hiding and the entire town is overjoyed+ 2a* at s*hool, Tom and 2e* y are still fighting+ 2e* y a**identally ri)s a )age in the s*hoolmaster1s "oo , "ut Tom, out of love, )retends he did it and ta es the )unishment for her+ She is grateful and their fighting sto)s+

S*hool ends with the "oys )laying a )ran on the s*hoolmaster in front of the whole village+ 2e* y leaves town for the summer, and Tom is sad and very "ored+ Tom gets the measles and is si* for two wee s+ A revival *omes to town and everyone, even :u* , gets very religious for a short time+ Soon enough, that ends, just in time for Muff Potter1s trial to "egin+ Tom is still wra* ed with guilt a"out letting Muff Potter ta e the "lame for Injun 3oe1s *rime+ :e goes against his oath and *onfesses what he nows to the defense attorney+ :e testifies in *ourt, and Muff Potter is freed, "ut not "efore Injun 3oe es*a)es+ Tom and :u* go loo ing for "uried treasure+ Instead, they find Injun 3oe again+ 0hile hiding from him, they dis*over that he is in )ossession of a large amount of treasure+ They de*ide to s)y on him and try to steal it+ 2e* y returns to town, and all the *hildren !e-*e)t :u* # go on a )i*ni* to M*Dougal1s Cave+ 0hile e-)loring, Tom and 2e* y get lost and left "ehind+ The same night Tom and 2e* y get lost, :u* follows Injun 3oe and another man to 0idow Douglas1s house+ :e overhears Injun 3oe1s )lan to hurt the 0idow Douglas, and runs to Mr+ 3ones, the 0elshman, to get hel)+ Mr+ 3ones and his sons *hase Injun 3oe off+ The ne-t day, :u* is e-hausted and gets very si* + At *hur*h that morning, Aunt Polly reali;es that Tom and 2e* y are missing, and the town "egins to sear*h the ma;e8li e *ave to find them+ Inside the *ave, Tom and 2e* y reali;e they are lost and try to find a way out+ At one )oint, Tom thin s he1s found someone, "ut all he dis*overs is Injun 3oe hiding out in the *ave+ After many days, just as they1ve given u) ho)e, Tom sees light and leads 2e* y out+ The townsfol are overjoyed when they return+ 3udge That*her has the door to the *ave sealed+ 0hen Tom finds out, he tells the judge that Injun 3oe is inside, "ut they arrive too late, and Injun 3oe has starved to death+ After Injun 3oe1s funeral, Tom reali;es that the treasure is hidden in the *ave+ :e and :u* go "a* and find the treasure+ 0hen they return, they are summoned to the 0idow Douglas1s house, where Mr+ 3ones tells everyone that :u* is the one who saved the 0idow1s life+ The 0idow, out of gratitude, announ*es that she will ado)t :u* + Tom reveals that they have found Injun 3oe1s treasure+ They are "oth ri*h+ :u* has a hard time living under 0idow Douglas1s roof and runs away+ Tom *onvin*es him to return and "e*ome a )art of res)e*ta"le so*iety with the )romise that they will start a dangerous gang of ro""ers+ :u* agrees, and they go "a* to the village+

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