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[trip adviser] Rolling Pin Pastry Shop Ranked #1 of 45 in Owensboro 5 of 5 stars 14 reviews ever !

!isappoints" #5$%1$&#1% 'he best ever" #1$#($&#1% )*isines+ ,akery -reat .arvest ,read )o/ 0 )afe Ranked #& of 45 in Owensboro 5 of 5 stars 11 reviews 'his is not a resta*rant 2ore like a 3///" #1$#4$&#1% !eli3io*s breads4 great sandwi3hes and///" 1&$%1$&#1& )*isines+ .ealthy ,ill5s Resta*rant Ranked #% of 45 in Owensboro 4/5 of 5 stars && reviews -reat 6*n3h at ,ill5s" #1$#7$&#1% 8at at ,ill5s" #5$1&$&#1% )*isines+ 9editerranean Old .i3kory Pit ,ar:,:; Ranked #4 of 45 in Owensboro 4/5 of 5 stars 5# reviews ,est ,,; and Servi3e <n Owensboro" #5$&1$&#1% O9- ,,;====" #5$15$&#1% )*isines+ >2eri3an4 ,arbe3*e !iane5s ,akery !elights Ranked #5 of 45 in Owensboro 5 of 5 stars 1 reviews 6O?8=" #5$%1$&#1% O/9/-/ ,est birthday 3ake ever=" #5$&#$&#1% )*isines+ ,akery 9oonlite ,ar:,:;*e <nn Ranked #1 of 45 in Owensboro 4 of 5 stars 1#7 reviews ?ery good food and friendly staff" #4$#($&#1% > fa2o*s pla3e with good food/" #%$#7$&#1% 'e@as Roadho*se Ranked #A of 45 in Owensboro 4/5 of 5 stars %1 reviews

)onsistently great three nights in a r///" #1$#($&#1% food$at2osphere" #%$1A$&#1% Pri3e+ B&# )*isines+ >2eri3an Ca2o*s ,istro Ranked #( of 45 in Owensboro 4/5 of 5 stars 17 reviews 'r*ly 8nDoyable 9eal=" #1$#7$&#1% Pretty 3ool///" #5$&7$&#1% )*isines+ )entral 8*ropean )heddar5s Ranked #7 of 45 in Owensboro 4/5 of 5 stars %7 reviews -olf trip//R'E trail" #5$&($&#1% -reat food4 great val*e/" #&$&($&#1% Pri3e+ B5 : B&# )*isines+ >2eri3an )olby5s Ranked #1# of 45 in Owensboro 4/5 of 5 stars 4& reviews .ave a standing reservation Criday ni///" #4$#($&#1% -reat food and servi3e in a 3o2fortabl///" #%$11$&#1% )*isines+ >2eri3an4 Seafood4 Steakho*se FFFFF [yelp] 1/ Old .i3kory Pit ,ar:, ; 4/# star rating&1 reviews B G ,arbeH*e %%( Iashington >ve Owensboro4 JK 4&%#1 L&A#M 7&1:7### 'he 2*tton was absol*tely to die for/ &/ Ca2o*s ,istro 4/5 star rating14 reviews BB G <talian4 -reek 1#& I &nd St Owensboro4 JK 4&%#% L&A#M 1(1:(&#&

.aven5t tried the filet b*t <52 s*re its a2aNing/ %/ 'he 9iller .o*se 4/5 star rating11 reviews BBB G )aterers4 Resta*rants %#1 8 5th St Owensboro4 JK 4&%#% L&A#M 1(5:5(A( ///of bo*rbon$whiskey4 they have a base2ent bar with over 1##O brands/ 4/ 9oonlite ,ar:,:; <nn %/5 star rating%% reviews BB G ,arbeH*e &(4# I Parrish >ve Owensboro4 JK 4&%#1 L&A#M 1(4:(14% 'he b*rgoo was so good < ordered a 3ase/ 5/ ,asant <ndian )*isine 4/5 star rating7 reviews BB G <ndian 1%1 So*thtown ,lvd Owensboro4 JK 4&%#% Cor <ndian food in the heart of Owensboro4 this pla3e is top not3h=== Ie were so e@3ited to eat <ndian food witho*t having to drive orth or 8ast that we pretty 2*3h wanted one of everything/ P 1/ ,ill5s Resta*rant 4/5 star rating11 reviews BB G >2eri3an L ewM 4&# Crederi3a St Owensboro4 JK 4&%#1 L&A#M (5&:(1&# One of the best resta*rants in Owensboro4 JK/ Re2inds 2e of a pla3e yo* wo*ld find in a big 3ity/ Cood is ni3ely presented and 2ost i2portantly tastes good/ < like how ,ill5s e@peri2entsP A/ ,ig !ipper 4/5 star rating( reviews B G ,*rgers &(&# I Parrish >ve Owensboro4 JK 4&%#1

L&A#M 1(4:4(#1 < 6O?8 this pla3e/ >nyti2e < 3o2e ba3k ho2e < try to 2ake a pit stop here for a b*rger and a shake/ <t5s a great pla3e to go d*ring the s*22er/ (/ iko5s <talian )*isine 4/5 star ratingA reviews BBB G <talian &&## 8 Parrish >ve Owensboro4 JK 4&%#% L&A#M (5&:111( iko5s is a 3ool 2i@ of <talian 0 9editerranean/ < have 2et the owner and his wife and they are s*per ni3e and they are fro2 -ree3e/ ,*t4 they 3an 2ake so2e da2n good <talian food/ < thinkP 7/ -reat .arvest ,read )o 0 )afe 4/5 star rating1 reviews B G ,reakfast 0 ,r*n3h4 Sandwi3hes %&11 Crederi3a St Owensboro4 JK 4&%#1 L&A#M 171:##7% 'he best l*n3h pla3e aro*nd= ,read not only 2ade daily4 b*t they grind their own flo*r every day= 'ry the s2oked t*rkey panini: wonderf*l/ 1#/ )*lver5s Resta*rant 4/5 star rating4 reviews BB G Resta*rants %#&# .ighland Point !r Owensboro4 JK 4&%#% L&A#M 1(7:4#4# .ands down the best ha2b*rger in Owensboro/ 'he ,*tterb*rger 2elts in yo*r 2o*th= )on3rete 9i@ers are to die for4 < 3an5t even talk abo*t it/ FFFFF [*rban spoon] 1 Old .i3kory ,ar:,:; ((Q o vote B Owensboro : ,arbe3*e %%( Iashington >ve & 'he 9iller .o*se (&Q

o vote BB Owensboro : >2eri3an %#1 8ast 5th St % ,ig !ipper 71Q o vote B Owensboro : ,*rgers &(&# I Parrish >ve 4 )e3ilia5s PiNNa 71Q o vote B Owensboro : ,*ffet4 PiNNa4 Sandwi3hes$S*bs 1A41 S3her2 Rd 5 C*Di of Eapan (%Q o vote BB Owensboro : Eapanese4 Steakho*se4 S*shi 4#&( Crederi3a St 1 Ca2o*s ,istro (AQ o vote BBB Owensboro : Sandwi3hes$S*bs4 Steakho*se4 9editerranean 1#& I &nd St A )heddars )as*al )afe (&Q o vote B Owensboro : ,*rgers4 Sandwi3hes$S*bs4 P*b Cood %#4# .ighland Pointe !r ( 'okyo (1Q o vote B Owensboro : Eapanese %415 Crederi3a Street 7 Real .a3ienda 9e@i3an/// 71Q o vote B Owensboro : 9e@i3an %11( >lvey Park !r 8 1# Rolling Pin Pastry Shop 7%Q o vote B Owensboro : ,akery4 ,reakfast$,r*n3h4 !on*ts 11&7 8 1(th St

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