Newsletter 01

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CLOO gives you buying power Optisoft Word Search

The primary benefit of CLOO is CLOO will enable us to deliver and promote To celebrate what we foresee as a very FULL NAME: ............................................................................................................................
simple: by uniting the buying power of our products by streamlining the whole order successful New Year and to say thank you
independent opticians, the system enables process, from the point of sale through to the to all our customers we have devised a word COMPANY NAME:....................................................................................................................
you to buy and sell at prices that are just as delivery – It has to be the way forward for all search for you to fill in. Simply find the words
CONTACT NO: .................................................. EMAIL: ........................................................
favourable as supermarket prices. It’s also practitioners who want to grow their business listed within the puzzle, cut it out and fax it back Newsletter • Issue 1 • Spring 2006
easy to use, efficient and – assuming you and increase profit margins”. to us on 0870 350 6780. All correct entries will be ADDRESS: ................................................................................................................................
place more than 20 orders per month – entered into a free prize draw – the winner of
Mr John Hanson, Johnson & Johnson’s
completely free. which will receive an Optisoft module of their ............................................................................ POST CODE: ..............................................
Director of Key Customer Development in
choice free!!
CLOO has reached agreement with Europe agreed, saying: “CLOO coincides with
Every independent practitioner is all too aware many of the market leading contact lens the J&J credo: that we must constantly strive
manufacturers to ensure that the interests of to reduce our costs in order to maintain

of the threat posed by recent legislation that
allows anyone to sell contact lenses. both the practitioner and the manufacturer reasonable prices. Customers’ orders must
Inevitably, supermarkets have entered the are safeguarded. There is no change to the be serviced promptly and accurately. Our G V T P D T C T B O C L D S D ACTIVISU
market and are using their immense buying relationship between the manufacturer’s sales suppliers and distributors must have an APPOINTMENTS
power to sell contacts at prices that and marketing team and the practitioner. opportunity to make a fair profit, and CLOO S S U F A L A R W L N L J H D CHART
independents are finding tough to match. This means that your practice will continue fits the bill for all parties involved”.
However, what some may not be aware of
to receive the high standard of service
Meanwhile, David Nygren, UK-Ireland
you’d expect from reps with news updates,
is that Optisoft have a web-based application
new product information, trial lenses and all
Sales & Marketing Director believes that
called CLOO (Contact Lens Online Ordering) “CLOO offers practitioners the ability to
the other benefits that help to promote a DISPENSING
that has been specifically developed to
help the independent practitioner remain
manufacturer’s or optician’s business.
manage their patient’s contact lens needs
efficiently and effectively. The market is
competitive in this arena and to provide the
sort of service that today’s patients are
The improved CLOO system is already
gaining praise from key manufacturers.
continuing to evolve rapidly. While it is easy
to focus on price, what consumers actually
looking for. If you want to protect your future Mr Nick Loan – Managing Director of Bausch seek is value. CLOO offers the ability for
contact lens consumables business from the & Lomb said: “Our Vision Care business practitioners to increase service to the
supermarkets, we recommend that you invest
in this technology now, before it is too late.
manufactures and markets the world's most
comprehensive line of eye care products.
patients, placing the emphasis where it needs
to be – providing value to patients”.
A vision in red, Optisoft unveil their new look A P P O I N T M E N T S T R N OPTISOFT The Optisoft review
You will have noticed from this applications of it throughout the year. One of developed by us to try and communicate our Z W T Q V C K W C O K E E F G PATIENT 2005 will also go down as the year
newsletter that we have launched an eye these will be our new and exciting brochure. range of products more clearly and precisely to that we completed all of the outstanding
catching new look. Designed to stand out This will be finding its way to you in the early you, our customers. Optisoft are looking to the P R A C T I C E M H R B S E F PERFECT large-scale modifications of Optisoft for
Windows Professional, either to incorporate
from the crowd, we look forward to further part of this year. The new brochure has been future with our new branding, we hope you like it.
V C Q Z H U P C D A A U T C M PRACTICE new technology or to update it as a result of the
RECALL latest market changes. The latest version – on
G D H C N M H A P A D R F T E SWING the attached CD – has been improved in many With so much going on,
ways, mostly in response to direct feedback however, one project wasn’t
N J B S E S N E L N M E T N E TEST and customer requests. All of these changes completed in 2005 – our website.
are detailed in this newsletter. Thanks for your The site will get all the focus it
input – we’re very confident that you will be deserves in 2006, with enhancements
pleased with the results. geared towards further improving
customer service and providing ‘added-value’
Optisoft supplies award winning hardware Improving the quality of our service has also for every Optisoft user. To take advantage of
been high on the agenda. As part of the these new services you will need both a

process, we carried out an independent market broadband connection and email. If you are not
Optisoft has supplied Hewlett Packard (formally
Compaq) computer systems since its inception over
The PC Pro awards are the most
comprehensive guide to customer support and
Want to see more? Contact Optisoft on... Optrafair years are always busy for Optisoft and survey in June 2005. Overall, we were pleased connected to the Internet, talk to us. We are
2005 was no exception. There was a notable with the results, but it did highlight areas for now a service provider for Fasthosts, the UK’s
15 years ago. Now, our belief in HP’s reliability, service and product reliability in Europe. IT manufacturers
rise in the number of practitioners who are improvement. As a consequence, we have largest web hosting company.
competitive prices for business PCs has been acknowledged themselves regard the Awards as the most
planning to invest in the future of their practice increased resources in the installation, training
by two prestigious awards. dependable and honest assessment of their If you would like to receive further information on any of the stories featured in this newsletter
and update their existing computer systems or and support departments, enabling us to All the best for the coming year.
HP won the Microsoft Global Enterprise Services and products and UK after-sales service. or if your interested in hearing more about Optisoft then please feel free to contact us... install a new system for the first time. With just provide a faster and more efficient service.
Technology Partner of the Year award in 2005 against Regards,
Optisoft will continue to install these award winning PCs for under £270,000 worth of orders placed, it was Based on the very pleasing positive feedback,
worldwide competition from brands such as Dell, Accenture,
Cap Gemini and the Unisys Corporation.
the foreseeable future. With our PC prices at the lowest they
have ever been, this means you will get – quite literally – the best
Optisoft Ltd, The Pallion, Whinchat Hall, Skipwith Road, Escrick, York YO19 6EJ Optisoft’s most successful show ever. Thank
you all for your support on the stand and for
many of you have already noticed the
difference. We intend to continue to improve
Keith Sheers
They also won the PC Pro Reliability & Service Award 2005. PCs on the market at a very competitive price.
Sales – 0845 230 1230, Support – 0845 230 3450, Fax – 0870 350 6780 placing your business with Optisoft. throughout the coming year and beyond. Managing Director Sales – 0845 230 1230 Support – 0845 230 3450
Fax – 0870 350 6780
Safe, not sorry! – Automated Backups All new Optisoft v5 Time for an upgrade? Optisaver upgrade with Optisoft
Protecting your data should be your first priority. For a secondary daily The latest version of Optisoft for Windows Professional The independently owned, Lancashire based group, Optisavers, “The integration between the modules is seamless. It is very easy to
Your patient database is the most important part backup we recommend is the best yet, with improvements that have eradicated all has upgraded to the Optisoft Professional Practice Management see how the installation of additional modules will enhance the system
of your computer system. If you are unfortunate the use of an external hard teething troubles. The system has now been refined to the very System in all of their seven practices. even further. Following our initial experience with Optisoft we will
enough to lose your database due to file drive such as the Maxtor limit of the underlying design and technology. Optisoft definitely be installing other modules in the very near future with a view
Optisoft installed their PMS and created a VPN (Virtual Private Network)
corruption or hardware failure, it could seriously One Touch. The backup engineers are already working on the next version, which will of becoming completely paperless.”
between each practice to enable central management from the head office.
affect the running of your practice, probably routine onto this device use the even more advanced Microsoft .NET platform.
more than you think. Here are the key improvements that you’ll notice: The Optisoft system will now provide the group with patient
should be automated
information, marketing data, practice sales reporting, stock reporting and
You can now automate backups to produce to perform the backup Patient Recall. As the Patient Recall module is the
internal e-mail. However, the ‘icing on the cake’ is that overall control has
an almost foolproof solution. Following recent at a suitable time every original core of the system, it is the most refined.
been given back to staff. The VPN enables Optisavers to interrogate the
advancements in technology, we would now day usually overnight. However, in response to requests by patients for
databases in all seven practices from store to store or from head office and
advise the following: reminders and collection details to be sent by SMS or
As an option, you extract information whenever required.
e-mail, support for all of these technologies has been
As an absolute minimum you should perform could subscribe to
added. This means that you can send an SMS or e-mail Ron Spector, Managing Director said “Optisoft Recall provides us with
a daily backup using an Iomega Zip drive and a our new Internet offsite
on demand and set up your recall so it sends reminders in invaluable monitoring information, we have all the KPI’s required such as
set of Zip disks, one disk for each day of the backup service. You will require
whichever way your patient prefers. This saves money on historical and future recall statistics. And the EPOS module is a revelation!
week. At least one of the daily backups each a broadband connection, and for postage too. It automatically generates all the cash reports we will ever need, as well as
week should be taken away from the premises a small monthly fee we will look after calculating all my VAT management reports.”
until the same day the following week. your data on a secure dedicated server. Appointments. We have completely rewritten this module
over the past couple of years to meet the increasingly complex He continued: “Optisoft has surpassed all our expectations with
demands of staff and patient scheduling. It is now full screen and the smooth implementation of the system. We were extremely impressed
flexible enough to handle any mix of practice requirements. Staff with how easy the software is to use, and the training we received was very
Dispensing Optician joins Optisoft as Training Consultant Scheduling enables you quickly and easily to manage staff availability,
whether permanent, locum or both. Appointment Types and Templates
thorough at a pace which matched our requirements.”

enable you to set up your calendar so that your staff simply book patients into
Mark Wilkinson has joined Optisoft as the last seven years and have seen it develop
a Training Consultant. He qualified as a and improve over time to become the industry
available pre-allocated slots. Our Find Next Appointment facility enables you to pick
a patient and automatically find a convenient next appointment slot. Finally, the calendar
What would you like to see? The Optisoft survey
Dispensing Optician in 1994 and started his leading Practice Management System that it interface now provides multiple views, which – combined with the search function – makes for an even faster and more streamlined process. The module
career at D&A in Bristol. Since then, he has is today.” also prints appointment confirmations and sends automatic appointment reminders by letter, e-mail or SMS to minimise the risk of non-attendance. During 2005 Optisoft were keen to consider and prefer an Optisoft product when
also gained experience of various dispensing further our knowledge of our customers. buying a new software system.
Mark’s new role as a Training Consultant
systems used in practices such as Haine & OptomNotes. This module now integrates fully and maintain products used within the system. the system now enables you to compete with To do this we commissioned an independent
with Optisoft will enable him to make full use Around 85% of the market owns some form
Smith, Rayners, Vision Express, Optical with the Patient Recall module. This ensures The dispensing interface has also been supermarkets on price. survey that would ask users and non users of
of his vast knowledge and experience of of software system to help them manage their
Express, Specsavers and independent optician that patient confidentiality is maintained while improved with time-saving features that enable Optisoft software their opinions on the different
dispensing and managing in practice. Mark has Cash. The popular Cash module is largely practice more efficiently, these systems range
Susan Bowers. non-sensitive data is updated automatically. more efficient dispensing. New features include types of systems that are on the market today.
also been tasked to improve the service unchanged. Overall speed has been significantly from a single patient recall module to a full
It also integrates with the very latest digital an additional pairs facility, different lens types
Mark said, “I have used various computer offered to clients by helping to test and increased. It can now handle transactions The most important thing we wanted to Optisoft system that handles stock information
equipment, including combination units such in same dispense, multiple examination fees
systems during my time in practice, ranging develop new modules, maintaining frame and from Spectacles Dispensing with multiple pairs achieve was to see what areas of our business and dispensing. There was no shock when the
as the Nidek RKT-770, to provide a fast and and a host of speed and validation-related
from DOS through to Windows based systems. lens catalogues and keeping clients up to as well as multiple fees, vouchers and items could be improved to create a better results from the survey showed that the
efficient pre-screening system that also meets improvements.
I have also been using Optisoft in practice for date with all the latest products. per order. experience for our users. The results proved to majority of users out there currently own some We would just like to thank all of our users
the needs of the optometrist in the examination
Contact Lens Dispensing. This module Optisoft Setup CD (Disc Included): All these be very positive for Optisoft having more than sort of patient recall system, but the results that have taken part in the questionnaire results
room. Standard templates and diagrams can
remains largely unchanged. It can now handle improvements are included in the new Optisoft 80% awareness of our products and services. also showed that almost half also owned and congratulations to the winner of the Red
be used to speed up the process and to ensure
Money is money... right? the maintenance of comprehensive, high quality
up to three pairs of contact lenses per
dispense and integrates seamlessly with the
Setup CD attached. It will check your system
to make sure that it meets the minimum
We also had the highest percentage of
respondents say that they would always
some sort of appointment system and stock
control system.
Letter Day vouchers. You can find out who it
was by reading the article below.
patient notes.
Cash module. It can also record the details specification and then upgrade your installed
When it comes to financing scheme is structured to suit your business. Clinical Imaging. This module has received and outcome of trial lenses. version without the need for user input. If the
acquisitions, cash is not always the best This ‘tailored’ approach enhances your a lot of attention due to the advancements
Spectacles Ordering. Most of the modifications system is unsuitable the CD will not install and
in digital photography and the government’s
option. Acquisitions made with cash or a
bank overdraft/loan means that all VAT for the
business and gives you more confidence
when making future plans. focus on diabetic screening. The system to this module have been made in response to will tell you why. It is important that you check
all PCs are suitable before upgrading any. This
Red Letter Day Winner
purchase will be accounted for in that VAT now integrates with the vast majority of the the growth in automated electronic ordering. The
Bernard Reilly of Charnley Opticians system can now send electronic orders to all because if you upgrade the server and one of
quarter. This means that ‘the cheapest rate’ new high resolution digital slit-lamps/fundus Optisoft recently commissioned use, customer
Leamington Spa commented: “When we were the terminals is unsuitable, you would have to
does not always mean ‘the best deal’. cameras and has extensive measuring and suppliers who accept them, either directly or
purchasing our computer system from Optisoft, update it or replace it before installation could independent research to gain service and value for
drawing tools that enable the capture, through integration with third-party software
Performance Finance is a specialist finance Performance Finance were great. They took be completed. insight into the requirements of money. Each of the respondents
annotation, manipulation and storage of images. such as Opsys, Speedmaster and others.
team that provides expertise for all types of the time to find out about our business and, opticians when considering practice in the survey were entered into a
Images can also be imported and exported Make your mark with
finance within the Optical market place. Typical from the discussions we had, we were given Contact Lens Online Ordering. CLOO™ management software. As part of the free prize draw to win a staggering £500
to or from older systems or for referral to Optisoft Version Five...
solutions will accelerate tax relief, help to avoid a facility that not only spread our VAT over is our new Contact lens Online Ordering system research, over 5000 questionnaires were worth of Red Letter Day experience
deminimis problems, ensure ownership at the many VAT quarters but also greatly enhanced another professional. that provides participating Opticians with a fully sent to opticians throughout the UK and vouchers. Congratulations to the lucky
end of the finance term and be kind to your our tax relief.” Spectacles Dispensing. This module has been functioning e-commerce website, a secure Ireland. The results, published within the winner, Alan Hurst of C&A Hurst
cash flow. completely rewritten over the last year. A new extranet based management system, a direct Optician IT supplement (Oct 05), Opticians, who was presented with the
Performance Finance can
By using a specialist, you can ensure that be contacted by phone on graphical interface for product maintenance home delivery service of contact lenses and highlighted three requirements that are vouchers by Paul Houston, Sales and
not only do you benefit from competitive 01536 330359 or by email at has been modelled on current catalogues and solutions with your own practice branding. considered to be key when considering Marketing Director of Optisoft (both
finance but you also ensure that the finance significantly reduces the time taken to set up Above all – as described in this newsletter – practice management software: ease of pictured left).
Safe, not sorry! – Automated Backups All new Optisoft v5 Time for an upgrade? Optisaver upgrade with Optisoft
Protecting your data should be your first priority. For a secondary daily The latest version of Optisoft for Windows Professional The independently owned, Lancashire based group, Optisavers, “The integration between the modules is seamless. It is very easy to
Your patient database is the most important part backup we recommend is the best yet, with improvements that have eradicated all has upgraded to the Optisoft Professional Practice Management see how the installation of additional modules will enhance the system
of your computer system. If you are unfortunate the use of an external hard teething troubles. The system has now been refined to the very System in all of their seven practices. even further. Following our initial experience with Optisoft we will
enough to lose your database due to file drive such as the Maxtor limit of the underlying design and technology. Optisoft definitely be installing other modules in the very near future with a view
Optisoft installed their PMS and created a VPN (Virtual Private Network)
corruption or hardware failure, it could seriously One Touch. The backup engineers are already working on the next version, which will of becoming completely paperless.”
between each practice to enable central management from the head office.
affect the running of your practice, probably routine onto this device use the even more advanced Microsoft .NET platform.
more than you think. Here are the key improvements that you’ll notice: The Optisoft system will now provide the group with patient
should be automated
information, marketing data, practice sales reporting, stock reporting and
You can now automate backups to produce to perform the backup Patient Recall. As the Patient Recall module is the
internal e-mail. However, the ‘icing on the cake’ is that overall control has
an almost foolproof solution. Following recent at a suitable time every original core of the system, it is the most refined.
been given back to staff. The VPN enables Optisavers to interrogate the
advancements in technology, we would now day usually overnight. However, in response to requests by patients for
databases in all seven practices from store to store or from head office and
advise the following: reminders and collection details to be sent by SMS or
As an option, you extract information whenever required.
e-mail, support for all of these technologies has been
As an absolute minimum you should perform could subscribe to
added. This means that you can send an SMS or e-mail Ron Spector, Managing Director said “Optisoft Recall provides us with
a daily backup using an Iomega Zip drive and a our new Internet offsite
on demand and set up your recall so it sends reminders in invaluable monitoring information, we have all the KPI’s required such as
set of Zip disks, one disk for each day of the backup service. You will require
whichever way your patient prefers. This saves money on historical and future recall statistics. And the EPOS module is a revelation!
week. At least one of the daily backups each a broadband connection, and for postage too. It automatically generates all the cash reports we will ever need, as well as
week should be taken away from the premises a small monthly fee we will look after calculating all my VAT management reports.”
until the same day the following week. your data on a secure dedicated server. Appointments. We have completely rewritten this module
over the past couple of years to meet the increasingly complex He continued: “Optisoft has surpassed all our expectations with
demands of staff and patient scheduling. It is now full screen and the smooth implementation of the system. We were extremely impressed
flexible enough to handle any mix of practice requirements. Staff with how easy the software is to use, and the training we received was very
Dispensing Optician joins Optisoft as Training Consultant Scheduling enables you quickly and easily to manage staff availability,
whether permanent, locum or both. Appointment Types and Templates
thorough at a pace which matched our requirements.”

enable you to set up your calendar so that your staff simply book patients into
Mark Wilkinson has joined Optisoft as the last seven years and have seen it develop
a Training Consultant. He qualified as a and improve over time to become the industry
available pre-allocated slots. Our Find Next Appointment facility enables you to pick
a patient and automatically find a convenient next appointment slot. Finally, the calendar
What would you like to see? The Optisoft survey
Dispensing Optician in 1994 and started his leading Practice Management System that it interface now provides multiple views, which – combined with the search function – makes for an even faster and more streamlined process. The module
career at D&A in Bristol. Since then, he has is today.” also prints appointment confirmations and sends automatic appointment reminders by letter, e-mail or SMS to minimise the risk of non-attendance. During 2005 Optisoft were keen to consider and prefer an Optisoft product when
also gained experience of various dispensing further our knowledge of our customers. buying a new software system.
Mark’s new role as a Training Consultant
systems used in practices such as Haine & OptomNotes. This module now integrates fully and maintain products used within the system. the system now enables you to compete with To do this we commissioned an independent
with Optisoft will enable him to make full use Around 85% of the market owns some form
Smith, Rayners, Vision Express, Optical with the Patient Recall module. This ensures The dispensing interface has also been supermarkets on price. survey that would ask users and non users of
of his vast knowledge and experience of of software system to help them manage their
Express, Specsavers and independent optician that patient confidentiality is maintained while improved with time-saving features that enable Optisoft software their opinions on the different
dispensing and managing in practice. Mark has Cash. The popular Cash module is largely practice more efficiently, these systems range
Susan Bowers. non-sensitive data is updated automatically. more efficient dispensing. New features include types of systems that are on the market today.
also been tasked to improve the service unchanged. Overall speed has been significantly from a single patient recall module to a full
It also integrates with the very latest digital an additional pairs facility, different lens types
Mark said, “I have used various computer offered to clients by helping to test and increased. It can now handle transactions The most important thing we wanted to Optisoft system that handles stock information
equipment, including combination units such in same dispense, multiple examination fees
systems during my time in practice, ranging develop new modules, maintaining frame and from Spectacles Dispensing with multiple pairs achieve was to see what areas of our business and dispensing. There was no shock when the
as the Nidek RKT-770, to provide a fast and and a host of speed and validation-related
from DOS through to Windows based systems. lens catalogues and keeping clients up to as well as multiple fees, vouchers and items could be improved to create a better results from the survey showed that the
efficient pre-screening system that also meets improvements.
I have also been using Optisoft in practice for date with all the latest products. per order. experience for our users. The results proved to majority of users out there currently own some We would just like to thank all of our users
the needs of the optometrist in the examination
Contact Lens Dispensing. This module Optisoft Setup CD (Disc Included): All these be very positive for Optisoft having more than sort of patient recall system, but the results that have taken part in the questionnaire results
room. Standard templates and diagrams can
remains largely unchanged. It can now handle improvements are included in the new Optisoft 80% awareness of our products and services. also showed that almost half also owned and congratulations to the winner of the Red
be used to speed up the process and to ensure
Money is money... right? the maintenance of comprehensive, high quality
up to three pairs of contact lenses per
dispense and integrates seamlessly with the
Setup CD attached. It will check your system
to make sure that it meets the minimum
We also had the highest percentage of
respondents say that they would always
some sort of appointment system and stock
control system.
Letter Day vouchers. You can find out who it
was by reading the article below.
patient notes.
Cash module. It can also record the details specification and then upgrade your installed
When it comes to financing scheme is structured to suit your business. Clinical Imaging. This module has received and outcome of trial lenses. version without the need for user input. If the
acquisitions, cash is not always the best This ‘tailored’ approach enhances your a lot of attention due to the advancements
Spectacles Ordering. Most of the modifications system is unsuitable the CD will not install and
in digital photography and the government’s
option. Acquisitions made with cash or a
bank overdraft/loan means that all VAT for the
business and gives you more confidence
when making future plans. focus on diabetic screening. The system to this module have been made in response to will tell you why. It is important that you check
all PCs are suitable before upgrading any. This
Red Letter Day Winner
purchase will be accounted for in that VAT now integrates with the vast majority of the the growth in automated electronic ordering. The
Bernard Reilly of Charnley Opticians system can now send electronic orders to all because if you upgrade the server and one of
quarter. This means that ‘the cheapest rate’ new high resolution digital slit-lamps/fundus Optisoft recently commissioned use, customer
Leamington Spa commented: “When we were the terminals is unsuitable, you would have to
does not always mean ‘the best deal’. cameras and has extensive measuring and suppliers who accept them, either directly or
purchasing our computer system from Optisoft, update it or replace it before installation could independent research to gain service and value for
drawing tools that enable the capture, through integration with third-party software
Performance Finance is a specialist finance Performance Finance were great. They took be completed. insight into the requirements of money. Each of the respondents
annotation, manipulation and storage of images. such as Opsys, Speedmaster and others.
team that provides expertise for all types of the time to find out about our business and, opticians when considering practice in the survey were entered into a
Images can also be imported and exported Make your mark with
finance within the Optical market place. Typical from the discussions we had, we were given Contact Lens Online Ordering. CLOO™ management software. As part of the free prize draw to win a staggering £500
to or from older systems or for referral to Optisoft Version Five...
solutions will accelerate tax relief, help to avoid a facility that not only spread our VAT over is our new Contact lens Online Ordering system research, over 5000 questionnaires were worth of Red Letter Day experience
deminimis problems, ensure ownership at the many VAT quarters but also greatly enhanced another professional. that provides participating Opticians with a fully sent to opticians throughout the UK and vouchers. Congratulations to the lucky
end of the finance term and be kind to your our tax relief.” Spectacles Dispensing. This module has been functioning e-commerce website, a secure Ireland. The results, published within the winner, Alan Hurst of C&A Hurst
cash flow. completely rewritten over the last year. A new extranet based management system, a direct Optician IT supplement (Oct 05), Opticians, who was presented with the
Performance Finance can
By using a specialist, you can ensure that be contacted by phone on graphical interface for product maintenance home delivery service of contact lenses and highlighted three requirements that are vouchers by Paul Houston, Sales and
not only do you benefit from competitive 01536 330359 or by email at has been modelled on current catalogues and solutions with your own practice branding. considered to be key when considering Marketing Director of Optisoft (both
finance but you also ensure that the finance significantly reduces the time taken to set up Above all – as described in this newsletter – practice management software: ease of pictured left).
Safe, not sorry! – Automated Backups All new Optisoft v5 Time for an upgrade? Optisaver upgrade with Optisoft
Protecting your data should be your first priority. For a secondary daily The latest version of Optisoft for Windows Professional The independently owned, Lancashire based group, Optisavers, “The integration between the modules is seamless. It is very easy to
Your patient database is the most important part backup we recommend is the best yet, with improvements that have eradicated all has upgraded to the Optisoft Professional Practice Management see how the installation of additional modules will enhance the system
of your computer system. If you are unfortunate the use of an external hard teething troubles. The system has now been refined to the very System in all of their seven practices. even further. Following our initial experience with Optisoft we will
enough to lose your database due to file drive such as the Maxtor limit of the underlying design and technology. Optisoft definitely be installing other modules in the very near future with a view
Optisoft installed their PMS and created a VPN (Virtual Private Network)
corruption or hardware failure, it could seriously One Touch. The backup engineers are already working on the next version, which will of becoming completely paperless.”
between each practice to enable central management from the head office.
affect the running of your practice, probably routine onto this device use the even more advanced Microsoft .NET platform.
more than you think. Here are the key improvements that you’ll notice: The Optisoft system will now provide the group with patient
should be automated
information, marketing data, practice sales reporting, stock reporting and
You can now automate backups to produce to perform the backup Patient Recall. As the Patient Recall module is the
internal e-mail. However, the ‘icing on the cake’ is that overall control has
an almost foolproof solution. Following recent at a suitable time every original core of the system, it is the most refined.
been given back to staff. The VPN enables Optisavers to interrogate the
advancements in technology, we would now day usually overnight. However, in response to requests by patients for
databases in all seven practices from store to store or from head office and
advise the following: reminders and collection details to be sent by SMS or
As an option, you extract information whenever required.
e-mail, support for all of these technologies has been
As an absolute minimum you should perform could subscribe to
added. This means that you can send an SMS or e-mail Ron Spector, Managing Director said “Optisoft Recall provides us with
a daily backup using an Iomega Zip drive and a our new Internet offsite
on demand and set up your recall so it sends reminders in invaluable monitoring information, we have all the KPI’s required such as
set of Zip disks, one disk for each day of the backup service. You will require
whichever way your patient prefers. This saves money on historical and future recall statistics. And the EPOS module is a revelation!
week. At least one of the daily backups each a broadband connection, and for postage too. It automatically generates all the cash reports we will ever need, as well as
week should be taken away from the premises a small monthly fee we will look after calculating all my VAT management reports.”
until the same day the following week. your data on a secure dedicated server. Appointments. We have completely rewritten this module
over the past couple of years to meet the increasingly complex He continued: “Optisoft has surpassed all our expectations with
demands of staff and patient scheduling. It is now full screen and the smooth implementation of the system. We were extremely impressed
flexible enough to handle any mix of practice requirements. Staff with how easy the software is to use, and the training we received was very
Dispensing Optician joins Optisoft as Training Consultant Scheduling enables you quickly and easily to manage staff availability,
whether permanent, locum or both. Appointment Types and Templates
thorough at a pace which matched our requirements.”

enable you to set up your calendar so that your staff simply book patients into
Mark Wilkinson has joined Optisoft as the last seven years and have seen it develop
a Training Consultant. He qualified as a and improve over time to become the industry
available pre-allocated slots. Our Find Next Appointment facility enables you to pick
a patient and automatically find a convenient next appointment slot. Finally, the calendar
What would you like to see? The Optisoft survey
Dispensing Optician in 1994 and started his leading Practice Management System that it interface now provides multiple views, which – combined with the search function – makes for an even faster and more streamlined process. The module
career at D&A in Bristol. Since then, he has is today.” also prints appointment confirmations and sends automatic appointment reminders by letter, e-mail or SMS to minimise the risk of non-attendance. During 2005 Optisoft were keen to consider and prefer an Optisoft product when
also gained experience of various dispensing further our knowledge of our customers. buying a new software system.
Mark’s new role as a Training Consultant
systems used in practices such as Haine & OptomNotes. This module now integrates fully and maintain products used within the system. the system now enables you to compete with To do this we commissioned an independent
with Optisoft will enable him to make full use Around 85% of the market owns some form
Smith, Rayners, Vision Express, Optical with the Patient Recall module. This ensures The dispensing interface has also been supermarkets on price. survey that would ask users and non users of
of his vast knowledge and experience of of software system to help them manage their
Express, Specsavers and independent optician that patient confidentiality is maintained while improved with time-saving features that enable Optisoft software their opinions on the different
dispensing and managing in practice. Mark has Cash. The popular Cash module is largely practice more efficiently, these systems range
Susan Bowers. non-sensitive data is updated automatically. more efficient dispensing. New features include types of systems that are on the market today.
also been tasked to improve the service unchanged. Overall speed has been significantly from a single patient recall module to a full
It also integrates with the very latest digital an additional pairs facility, different lens types
Mark said, “I have used various computer offered to clients by helping to test and increased. It can now handle transactions The most important thing we wanted to Optisoft system that handles stock information
equipment, including combination units such in same dispense, multiple examination fees
systems during my time in practice, ranging develop new modules, maintaining frame and from Spectacles Dispensing with multiple pairs achieve was to see what areas of our business and dispensing. There was no shock when the
as the Nidek RKT-770, to provide a fast and and a host of speed and validation-related
from DOS through to Windows based systems. lens catalogues and keeping clients up to as well as multiple fees, vouchers and items could be improved to create a better results from the survey showed that the
efficient pre-screening system that also meets improvements.
I have also been using Optisoft in practice for date with all the latest products. per order. experience for our users. The results proved to majority of users out there currently own some We would just like to thank all of our users
the needs of the optometrist in the examination
Contact Lens Dispensing. This module Optisoft Setup CD (Disc Included): All these be very positive for Optisoft having more than sort of patient recall system, but the results that have taken part in the questionnaire results
room. Standard templates and diagrams can
remains largely unchanged. It can now handle improvements are included in the new Optisoft 80% awareness of our products and services. also showed that almost half also owned and congratulations to the winner of the Red
be used to speed up the process and to ensure
Money is money... right? the maintenance of comprehensive, high quality
up to three pairs of contact lenses per
dispense and integrates seamlessly with the
Setup CD attached. It will check your system
to make sure that it meets the minimum
We also had the highest percentage of
respondents say that they would always
some sort of appointment system and stock
control system.
Letter Day vouchers. You can find out who it
was by reading the article below.
patient notes.
Cash module. It can also record the details specification and then upgrade your installed
When it comes to financing scheme is structured to suit your business. Clinical Imaging. This module has received and outcome of trial lenses. version without the need for user input. If the
acquisitions, cash is not always the best This ‘tailored’ approach enhances your a lot of attention due to the advancements
Spectacles Ordering. Most of the modifications system is unsuitable the CD will not install and
in digital photography and the government’s
option. Acquisitions made with cash or a
bank overdraft/loan means that all VAT for the
business and gives you more confidence
when making future plans. focus on diabetic screening. The system to this module have been made in response to will tell you why. It is important that you check
all PCs are suitable before upgrading any. This
Red Letter Day Winner
purchase will be accounted for in that VAT now integrates with the vast majority of the the growth in automated electronic ordering. The
Bernard Reilly of Charnley Opticians system can now send electronic orders to all because if you upgrade the server and one of
quarter. This means that ‘the cheapest rate’ new high resolution digital slit-lamps/fundus Optisoft recently commissioned use, customer
Leamington Spa commented: “When we were the terminals is unsuitable, you would have to
does not always mean ‘the best deal’. cameras and has extensive measuring and suppliers who accept them, either directly or
purchasing our computer system from Optisoft, update it or replace it before installation could independent research to gain service and value for
drawing tools that enable the capture, through integration with third-party software
Performance Finance is a specialist finance Performance Finance were great. They took be completed. insight into the requirements of money. Each of the respondents
annotation, manipulation and storage of images. such as Opsys, Speedmaster and others.
team that provides expertise for all types of the time to find out about our business and, opticians when considering practice in the survey were entered into a
Images can also be imported and exported Make your mark with
finance within the Optical market place. Typical from the discussions we had, we were given Contact Lens Online Ordering. CLOO™ management software. As part of the free prize draw to win a staggering £500
to or from older systems or for referral to Optisoft Version Five...
solutions will accelerate tax relief, help to avoid a facility that not only spread our VAT over is our new Contact lens Online Ordering system research, over 5000 questionnaires were worth of Red Letter Day experience
deminimis problems, ensure ownership at the many VAT quarters but also greatly enhanced another professional. that provides participating Opticians with a fully sent to opticians throughout the UK and vouchers. Congratulations to the lucky
end of the finance term and be kind to your our tax relief.” Spectacles Dispensing. This module has been functioning e-commerce website, a secure Ireland. The results, published within the winner, Alan Hurst of C&A Hurst
cash flow. completely rewritten over the last year. A new extranet based management system, a direct Optician IT supplement (Oct 05), Opticians, who was presented with the
Performance Finance can
By using a specialist, you can ensure that be contacted by phone on graphical interface for product maintenance home delivery service of contact lenses and highlighted three requirements that are vouchers by Paul Houston, Sales and
not only do you benefit from competitive 01536 330359 or by email at has been modelled on current catalogues and solutions with your own practice branding. considered to be key when considering Marketing Director of Optisoft (both
finance but you also ensure that the finance significantly reduces the time taken to set up Above all – as described in this newsletter – practice management software: ease of pictured left).
CLOO gives you buying power Optisoft Word Search
The primary benefit of CLOO is CLOO will enable us to deliver and promote To celebrate what we foresee as a very FULL NAME: ............................................................................................................................
simple: by uniting the buying power of our products by streamlining the whole order successful New Year and to say thank you
independent opticians, the system enables process, from the point of sale through to the to all our customers we have devised a word COMPANY NAME:....................................................................................................................
you to buy and sell at prices that are just as delivery – It has to be the way forward for all search for you to fill in. Simply find the words
CONTACT NO: .................................................. EMAIL: ........................................................
favourable as supermarket prices. It’s also practitioners who want to grow their business listed within the puzzle, cut it out and fax it back Newsletter • Issue 1 • Spring 2006
easy to use, efficient and – assuming you and increase profit margins”. to us on 0870 350 6780. All correct entries will be ADDRESS: ................................................................................................................................
place more than 20 orders per month – entered into a free prize draw – the winner of
Mr John Hanson, Johnson & Johnson’s
completely free. which will receive an Optisoft module of their ............................................................................ POST CODE: ..............................................
Director of Key Customer Development in
choice free!!
CLOO has reached agreement with Europe agreed, saying: “CLOO coincides with
Every independent practitioner is all too aware many of the market leading contact lens the J&J credo: that we must constantly strive
manufacturers to ensure that the interests of to reduce our costs in order to maintain

of the threat posed by recent legislation that
allows anyone to sell contact lenses. both the practitioner and the manufacturer reasonable prices. Customers’ orders must
Inevitably, supermarkets have entered the are safeguarded. There is no change to the be serviced promptly and accurately. Our G V T P D T C T B O C L D S D ACTIVISU
market and are using their immense buying relationship between the manufacturer’s sales suppliers and distributors must have an APPOINTMENTS
power to sell contacts at prices that and marketing team and the practitioner. opportunity to make a fair profit, and CLOO S S U F A L A R W L N L J H D CHART
independents are finding tough to match. This means that your practice will continue fits the bill for all parties involved”.
However, what some may not be aware of
to receive the high standard of service
Meanwhile, David Nygren, UK-Ireland
you’d expect from reps with news updates,
is that Optisoft have a web-based application
new product information, trial lenses and all
Sales & Marketing Director believes that
called CLOO (Contact Lens Online Ordering) “CLOO offers practitioners the ability to
the other benefits that help to promote a DISPENSING
that has been specifically developed to
help the independent practitioner remain
manufacturer’s or optician’s business.
manage their patient’s contact lens needs
efficiently and effectively. The market is
competitive in this arena and to provide the
sort of service that today’s patients are
The improved CLOO system is already
gaining praise from key manufacturers.
continuing to evolve rapidly. While it is easy
to focus on price, what consumers actually
looking for. If you want to protect your future Mr Nick Loan – Managing Director of Bausch seek is value. CLOO offers the ability for
contact lens consumables business from the & Lomb said: “Our Vision Care business practitioners to increase service to the
supermarkets, we recommend that you invest
in this technology now, before it is too late.
manufactures and markets the world's most
comprehensive line of eye care products.
patients, placing the emphasis where it needs
to be – providing value to patients”.
A vision in red, Optisoft unveil their new look A P P O I N T M E N T S T R N OPTISOFT The Optisoft review
You will have noticed from this applications of it throughout the year. One of developed by us to try and communicate our Z W T Q V C K W C O K E E F G PATIENT 2005 will also go down as the year
newsletter that we have launched an eye these will be our new and exciting brochure. range of products more clearly and precisely to that we completed all of the outstanding
catching new look. Designed to stand out This will be finding its way to you in the early you, our customers. Optisoft are looking to the P R A C T I C E M H R B S E F PERFECT large-scale modifications of Optisoft for
Windows Professional, either to incorporate
from the crowd, we look forward to further part of this year. The new brochure has been future with our new branding, we hope you like it.
V C Q Z H U P C D A A U T C M PRACTICE new technology or to update it as a result of the
RECALL latest market changes. The latest version – on
G D H C N M H A P A D R F T E SWING the attached CD – has been improved in many With so much going on,
ways, mostly in response to direct feedback however, one project wasn’t
N J B S E S N E L N M E T N E TEST and customer requests. All of these changes completed in 2005 – our website.
are detailed in this newsletter. Thanks for your The site will get all the focus it
input – we’re very confident that you will be deserves in 2006, with enhancements
pleased with the results. geared towards further improving
customer service and providing ‘added-value’
Optisoft supplies award winning hardware Improving the quality of our service has also for every Optisoft user. To take advantage of
been high on the agenda. As part of the these new services you will need both a

process, we carried out an independent market broadband connection and email. If you are not
Optisoft has supplied Hewlett Packard (formally
Compaq) computer systems since its inception over
The PC Pro awards are the most
comprehensive guide to customer support and
Want to see more? Contact Optisoft on... Optrafair years are always busy for Optisoft and survey in June 2005. Overall, we were pleased connected to the Internet, talk to us. We are
2005 was no exception. There was a notable with the results, but it did highlight areas for now a service provider for Fasthosts, the UK’s
15 years ago. Now, our belief in HP’s reliability, service and product reliability in Europe. IT manufacturers
rise in the number of practitioners who are improvement. As a consequence, we have largest web hosting company.
competitive prices for business PCs has been acknowledged themselves regard the Awards as the most
planning to invest in the future of their practice increased resources in the installation, training
by two prestigious awards. dependable and honest assessment of their If you would like to receive further information on any of the stories featured in this newsletter
and update their existing computer systems or and support departments, enabling us to All the best for the coming year.
HP won the Microsoft Global Enterprise Services and products and UK after-sales service. or if your interested in hearing more about Optisoft then please feel free to contact us... install a new system for the first time. With just provide a faster and more efficient service.
Technology Partner of the Year award in 2005 against Regards,
Optisoft will continue to install these award winning PCs for under £270,000 worth of orders placed, it was Based on the very pleasing positive feedback,
worldwide competition from brands such as Dell, Accenture,
Cap Gemini and the Unisys Corporation.
the foreseeable future. With our PC prices at the lowest they
have ever been, this means you will get – quite literally – the best
Optisoft Ltd, The Pallion, Whinchat Hall, Skipwith Road, Escrick, York YO19 6EJ Optisoft’s most successful show ever. Thank
you all for your support on the stand and for
many of you have already noticed the
difference. We intend to continue to improve
Keith Sheers
They also won the PC Pro Reliability & Service Award 2005. PCs on the market at a very competitive price.
Sales – 0845 230 1230, Support – 0845 230 3450, Fax – 0870 350 6780 placing your business with Optisoft. throughout the coming year and beyond. Managing Director Sales – 0845 230 1230 Support – 0845 230 3450
Fax – 0870 350 6780
CLOO gives you buying power Optisoft Word Search
The primary benefit of CLOO is CLOO will enable us to deliver and promote To celebrate what we foresee as a very FULL NAME: ............................................................................................................................
simple: by uniting the buying power of our products by streamlining the whole order successful New Year and to say thank you
independent opticians, the system enables process, from the point of sale through to the to all our customers we have devised a word COMPANY NAME:....................................................................................................................
you to buy and sell at prices that are just as delivery – It has to be the way forward for all search for you to fill in. Simply find the words
CONTACT NO: .................................................. EMAIL: ........................................................
favourable as supermarket prices. It’s also practitioners who want to grow their business listed within the puzzle, cut it out and fax it back Newsletter • Issue 1 • Spring 2006
easy to use, efficient and – assuming you and increase profit margins”. to us on 0870 350 6780. All correct entries will be ADDRESS: ................................................................................................................................
place more than 20 orders per month – entered into a free prize draw – the winner of
Mr John Hanson, Johnson & Johnson’s
completely free. which will receive an Optisoft module of their ............................................................................ POST CODE: ..............................................
Director of Key Customer Development in
choice free!!
CLOO has reached agreement with Europe agreed, saying: “CLOO coincides with
Every independent practitioner is all too aware many of the market leading contact lens the J&J credo: that we must constantly strive
manufacturers to ensure that the interests of to reduce our costs in order to maintain

of the threat posed by recent legislation that
allows anyone to sell contact lenses. both the practitioner and the manufacturer reasonable prices. Customers’ orders must
Inevitably, supermarkets have entered the are safeguarded. There is no change to the be serviced promptly and accurately. Our G V T P D T C T B O C L D S D ACTIVISU
market and are using their immense buying relationship between the manufacturer’s sales suppliers and distributors must have an APPOINTMENTS
power to sell contacts at prices that and marketing team and the practitioner. opportunity to make a fair profit, and CLOO S S U F A L A R W L N L J H D CHART
independents are finding tough to match. This means that your practice will continue fits the bill for all parties involved”.
However, what some may not be aware of
to receive the high standard of service
Meanwhile, David Nygren, UK-Ireland
you’d expect from reps with news updates,
is that Optisoft have a web-based application
new product information, trial lenses and all
Sales & Marketing Director believes that
called CLOO (Contact Lens Online Ordering) “CLOO offers practitioners the ability to
the other benefits that help to promote a DISPENSING
that has been specifically developed to
help the independent practitioner remain
manufacturer’s or optician’s business.
manage their patient’s contact lens needs
efficiently and effectively. The market is
competitive in this arena and to provide the
sort of service that today’s patients are
The improved CLOO system is already
gaining praise from key manufacturers.
continuing to evolve rapidly. While it is easy
to focus on price, what consumers actually
looking for. If you want to protect your future Mr Nick Loan – Managing Director of Bausch seek is value. CLOO offers the ability for
contact lens consumables business from the & Lomb said: “Our Vision Care business practitioners to increase service to the
supermarkets, we recommend that you invest
in this technology now, before it is too late.
manufactures and markets the world's most
comprehensive line of eye care products.
patients, placing the emphasis where it needs
to be – providing value to patients”.
A vision in red, Optisoft unveil their new look A P P O I N T M E N T S T R N OPTISOFT The Optisoft review
You will have noticed from this applications of it throughout the year. One of developed by us to try and communicate our Z W T Q V C K W C O K E E F G PATIENT 2005 will also go down as the year
newsletter that we have launched an eye these will be our new and exciting brochure. range of products more clearly and precisely to that we completed all of the outstanding
catching new look. Designed to stand out This will be finding its way to you in the early you, our customers. Optisoft are looking to the P R A C T I C E M H R B S E F PERFECT large-scale modifications of Optisoft for
Windows Professional, either to incorporate
from the crowd, we look forward to further part of this year. The new brochure has been future with our new branding, we hope you like it.
V C Q Z H U P C D A A U T C M PRACTICE new technology or to update it as a result of the
RECALL latest market changes. The latest version – on
G D H C N M H A P A D R F T E SWING the attached CD – has been improved in many With so much going on,
ways, mostly in response to direct feedback however, one project wasn’t
N J B S E S N E L N M E T N E TEST and customer requests. All of these changes completed in 2005 – our website.
are detailed in this newsletter. Thanks for your The site will get all the focus it
input – we’re very confident that you will be deserves in 2006, with enhancements
pleased with the results. geared towards further improving
customer service and providing ‘added-value’
Optisoft supplies award winning hardware Improving the quality of our service has also for every Optisoft user. To take advantage of
been high on the agenda. As part of the these new services you will need both a

process, we carried out an independent market broadband connection and email. If you are not
Optisoft has supplied Hewlett Packard (formally
Compaq) computer systems since its inception over
The PC Pro awards are the most
comprehensive guide to customer support and
Want to see more? Contact Optisoft on... Optrafair years are always busy for Optisoft and survey in June 2005. Overall, we were pleased connected to the Internet, talk to us. We are
2005 was no exception. There was a notable with the results, but it did highlight areas for now a service provider for Fasthosts, the UK’s
15 years ago. Now, our belief in HP’s reliability, service and product reliability in Europe. IT manufacturers
rise in the number of practitioners who are improvement. As a consequence, we have largest web hosting company.
competitive prices for business PCs has been acknowledged themselves regard the Awards as the most
planning to invest in the future of their practice increased resources in the installation, training
by two prestigious awards. dependable and honest assessment of their If you would like to receive further information on any of the stories featured in this newsletter
and update their existing computer systems or and support departments, enabling us to All the best for the coming year.
HP won the Microsoft Global Enterprise Services and products and UK after-sales service. or if your interested in hearing more about Optisoft then please feel free to contact us... install a new system for the first time. With just provide a faster and more efficient service.
Technology Partner of the Year award in 2005 against Regards,
Optisoft will continue to install these award winning PCs for under £270,000 worth of orders placed, it was Based on the very pleasing positive feedback,
worldwide competition from brands such as Dell, Accenture,
Cap Gemini and the Unisys Corporation.
the foreseeable future. With our PC prices at the lowest they
have ever been, this means you will get – quite literally – the best
Optisoft Ltd, The Pallion, Whinchat Hall, Skipwith Road, Escrick, York YO19 6EJ Optisoft’s most successful show ever. Thank
you all for your support on the stand and for
many of you have already noticed the
difference. We intend to continue to improve
Keith Sheers
They also won the PC Pro Reliability & Service Award 2005. PCs on the market at a very competitive price.
Sales – 0845 230 1230, Support – 0845 230 3450, Fax – 0870 350 6780 placing your business with Optisoft. throughout the coming year and beyond. Managing Director Sales – 0845 230 1230 Support – 0845 230 3450
Fax – 0870 350 6780

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