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We are pleased to announce that we have recruited an additional
member for the Support Desk. His name is James Rimmer; he has a
degree in computing and has spent the past couple of years working
as a Field Engineer and a Support Technician at a private school both
teaching and supporting pupils aged 3 - 13 years. So, he has plenty of
Newsletter • Issue 3 • Spring 2007
experience in supporting end-users and is also working towards his
MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) qualification. I am sure
he will make a valuable contribution to the team and ensure that your
calls are answered quickly and efficiently, even during those busy
periods. I am sure you will join with me in extending him a warm


Congratulations to Parker Optometrists in
Downham Market who are the winners of the Winter
Word Search competition. Optometrist Claire Parker
commented that she had “filled it out in 5 minutes, faxed it off,
and thought no more of it.” Parker Optometrists have been
using Optisoft successfully for almost 10 years and will now be
adding the new Stock module, courtesy of this win. Mrs Parker
estimates that the practice spend a whole week each year Welcome to our first newsletter of technology to provide a solution where data
doing a stock take, so it will be an invaluable addition to their the year. The first thing to say is thank is ‘real time’ and seamlessly available
system and should cut this laborious and time consuming task you for your continued support in 2006 and throughout the organisation via a secure
down to size. The win may also be the catalyst for we would like to wish you every success in Internet connection. Of course, it will have
implementing a small network running Optisoft and Broadband 2007. Hopefully, this newsletter will play its the same look, feel and functionality of the
Internet in the office. part in ensuring that by keeping you informed current version but the interface has been
of new developments in IT and Optisoft itself, enhanced to make it even more patient-
From left to right (Howard Parker, Claire Parker, Jo helping you to get the most out of your IT centric.
Norman, Philip Leakey and Mervyn Graver.) our existing customers and to the future
system. In fact, the feedback on the
evolution of Practice Management Systems. I hope you find the rest of the newsletter of
newsletter has been so good that we have
The word search will return in the next issue. The big news for the current version will be interest and look forward to seeing you all at
decided to produce it on a quarterly basis
electronic ordering and tracking to multiple Optrafair.
from now on. However, software upgrades
WANT TO SEE MORE? CONTACT OPTISOFT ON... will remain bi-annual and be included in the
suppliers, which will also provide automatic
catalogue updates for use in both the
Summer and Winter editions only.
Dispensing and Ordering modules, to finally
If you would like to receive further information on any of the stories featured in this newsletter or if you’re interested Obviously, we are gearing up for Optrafair streamline the whole process. In addition, we
will be demonstrating the brand new version, Keith Sheers
in hearing more about Optisoft then please feel free to contact us or tick a box below and and return to us by fax or post. 2007 and Optisoft will be on Stand W50 with
some major and exciting releases that Optisoft Enterprise Edition. This has been Managing Director
Please contact me regards:
demonstrate our continuing commitment to built using the very latest software

Cash Module Optrafair AGM Optisoft Products and Services

Practice: IT News
In order to try and avoid the usual lull and storm effect of Optrafair we have decided
Full Address: to set and announce the Optrafair special offers now and they will apply to all orders
placed before 30th April 2007, whether placed at the show or not. With this years show
expected to be as well attended and busy as ever, why not take the opportunity to take

Telephone: Email: advantage of the same offers but in the comfort of your own practice. Returning the
reply-paid card or calling us on 0845 230 1230 for your personal demonstration today will
Optisoft Ltd, The Pallion, Whinchat Hall, Skipwith Road, Escrick, York YO19 6EJ guarantee you Optrafair value, a preview of all the new developments first and no queues! Sales – 0845 230 1230 Support – 0845 230 3450
Fax – 0870 350 6780

The Cash module has proved very popular
indeed with the Optisoft Community. In fact, Report
almost a third of you are now using it and if you
are not amongst that number, you should be,
because good cash management is a
fundamental requirement for a retail
practitioner today. The benefits to your The Report Generator, provided in the Patient Recall
business can be summarised as follows. module, is a hidden gem that all too often remains dormant.
Perhaps if we renamed it to the Mailshot Generator it would get the
First and foremost, it will enable you to meet
use it deserves and fulfil the purpose it was primarily built for. So, let’s run
the legislative requirements of HM Revenue &
through an example and see how, in 5 simple steps, Optisoft makes it
Customs. They require a quarterly VAT return,
easy to send out a promotional voucher to encourage those that haven’t
an annual tax return and will even bless you
been to the practice for more than 3 years to return.
with their company over the years to audit your

01 02 03 04 05
business and make sure that everything is
being accounted for as it should be. The Cash
module makes light work of all of this and
means you can sleep at night! Step 1 is to set the Step 2 is to select the Step 3 is to view the Step 4 is to decide what Step 5 is to decide
efficient ‘tilling’ operation and usually by means work and audit fees that would save. Search criteria and this fields that will be output to check it is output is required for the whether you want to
Secondly, it will minimise the possibility of of a computerised till with a bar-code reader, is the tab you will be displayed on the output correct and refine as data. Left-click on the save what you have
fraud. The very nature of the business means like the one they’ve seen in Tesco! No more Finally, it will allow you to analyse your presented with when eg report, mailshot etc. necessary. Left-click on Output tab and you will done for future use. If
that there is a lot of cash about. This can lead looking through catalogues; everything is sold business to make sure you are making the you left-click the Report Left-click on the Display the View tab and then see the various options you think so then left-
to temptation and, unfortunately, fraud is ever quickly, efficiently and at the right price. most of the opportunities. When the system Generator icon with the tab and you will be select Show Data. This available eg File, Mailshot click the Load / Save /
on the increase. The fact that everyone knows combines the patient data with the cash mouse. At the top left is presented with a screen displays the fields you etc. You could of course Printer tab and select
that all transactions are recorded against the Fourthly, it will provide the practice transactions its reports enable you to build an the Table panel which that is almost identical to defined in Step 2 for create your own mailshot Save. The system will
individual operator will ensure that no-one is management information you need. On a daily overall picture of the patient buying patterns. displays the available the one described in those records that meet letter, print it in-house prompt you for a name
led astray and you don’t lose any of your hard basis it will streamline the cashing up and It’s only when you understand the current tables. When you select Step 1 and works in the criteria you defined and get your staff to and location and it will
earned profits. banking process. On a monthly basis it will trends that you can expect to make plans for a table the fields you can exactly the same way. in Step 1, it also shows administer it. But, take be duly saved.
provide the sales totals needed for your improvement in the future. search on are displayed For this example we you the number of my advice; use the
Thirdly, it will project a professional image and in the Fields panel need to select all of the records selected on the default options, output it Congratulations! You
monthly management accounts. On a yearly
improve your service. A modern retailer is To find out more complete and return the reply- below. For this example fields that will be merged bottom left. Now you to a file and liaise with have created your first
basis it will enable your accountant to produce
expected to be able to provide a fast and paid card or call us now on 0845 230 1230. we need to find all into the mailshot letter. can decide if you are your marketing company mailshot in just 5 simple
the annual audited accounts. Just imagine the
patients with a Recall So, left-click the Patients happy to proceed to the to design your letter / steps. Try it yourself and
Start Date before table and double-click next step or need to voucher and to should you need
MICROSOFT WINDOWS VISTA ARRIVES AGM AT OPTRAFAIR 1/1/2004. So, using the all those fields you think make refinements ie implement the mailshot. assistance please call
Support on 0845 230
mouse, left-click the you are going to need change the criteria or You will get a much more
Patient Recall table and (eg Title, Initials, output fields. professional result and 3450.
As you are no doubt aware Microsoft The Optisoft Team is delighted to invite then left-click the Start Surname, Salutation, save your own
Windows Vista was officially released on you to our 2007 Annual General Meeting. For Date field displayed Address1, Address2 etc) professionals for looking
January 30th 2007 and you can already buy PCs your convenience, this will be held alongside below. Then, double left- and they will appear on after patients.
preloaded with it. However, before you rush out and Optrafair 2007 on Monday at 2PM in Suite 32/33, click the < (less than) the right in the Display
buy one there are a few things you should take into adjacent to the entrance to Hall 20. The focus of the symbol in the Criteria List panel. Don’t worry, if
consideration. There is always a delay between the AGM will be to; review the past 12 months, bring panel and enter you forget one you can
launch of a new operating system and software you up to date with company news and to give you 1/1/2004 in the Enter go back and add it later.
vendors approving their product to run on it, as you a sneak preview of the ground breaking software Search Value window. You are now ready to
can’t start the testing process until it is finally developments that lie ahead. It also gives you a You are ready to move move onto the next step.
released. The good news is that initial tests confirm chance to openly discuss your new ideas with us, on to the next step.
that Optisoft will run on Vista, but we need to do more therefore cementing the relationship which allows
extensive testing before we can fully approve it. In us to develop the product and company to suit your
addition, if past experience is anything to go by, Vista needs better in the future. Hopefully, you have
will have “teething problems” and we would already completed and returned your personal
recommend waiting until at least Service Pack 1 is Microsoft’s Vista: invitation to reserve your place. If not please
released to be on the safe side, as this usually “don’t adopt the platform complete and return the reply-paid card or call
resolves any major issues found. In summary, our until we have given it our 0845 230 3450 as soon as possible to avoid
advice is that you don?t adopt the platform yet, wait seal of approval” disappointment, as numbers are strictly limited.
until we have given it our seal of approval, otherwise
it might end in tears!

The Cash module has proved very popular
indeed with the Optisoft Community. In fact, Report
almost a third of you are now using it and if you
are not amongst that number, you should be,
because good cash management is a
fundamental requirement for a retail
practitioner today. The benefits to your The Report Generator, provided in the Patient Recall
business can be summarised as follows. module, is a hidden gem that all too often remains dormant.
Perhaps if we renamed it to the Mailshot Generator it would get the
First and foremost, it will enable you to meet
use it deserves and fulfil the purpose it was primarily built for. So, let’s run
the legislative requirements of HM Revenue &
through an example and see how, in 5 simple steps, Optisoft makes it
Customs. They require a quarterly VAT return,
easy to send out a promotional voucher to encourage those that haven’t
an annual tax return and will even bless you
been to the practice for more than 3 years to return.
with their company over the years to audit your

01 02 03 04 05
business and make sure that everything is
being accounted for as it should be. The Cash
module makes light work of all of this and
means you can sleep at night! Step 1 is to set the Step 2 is to select the Step 3 is to view the Step 4 is to decide what Step 5 is to decide
efficient ‘tilling’ operation and usually by means work and audit fees that would save. Search criteria and this fields that will be output to check it is output is required for the whether you want to
Secondly, it will minimise the possibility of of a computerised till with a bar-code reader, is the tab you will be displayed on the output correct and refine as data. Left-click on the save what you have
fraud. The very nature of the business means like the one they’ve seen in Tesco! No more Finally, it will allow you to analyse your presented with when eg report, mailshot etc. necessary. Left-click on Output tab and you will done for future use. If
that there is a lot of cash about. This can lead looking through catalogues; everything is sold business to make sure you are making the you left-click the Report Left-click on the Display the View tab and then see the various options you think so then left-
to temptation and, unfortunately, fraud is ever quickly, efficiently and at the right price. most of the opportunities. When the system Generator icon with the tab and you will be select Show Data. This available eg File, Mailshot click the Load / Save /
on the increase. The fact that everyone knows combines the patient data with the cash mouse. At the top left is presented with a screen displays the fields you etc. You could of course Printer tab and select
that all transactions are recorded against the Fourthly, it will provide the practice transactions its reports enable you to build an the Table panel which that is almost identical to defined in Step 2 for create your own mailshot Save. The system will
individual operator will ensure that no-one is management information you need. On a daily overall picture of the patient buying patterns. displays the available the one described in those records that meet letter, print it in-house prompt you for a name
led astray and you don’t lose any of your hard basis it will streamline the cashing up and It’s only when you understand the current tables. When you select Step 1 and works in the criteria you defined and get your staff to and location and it will
earned profits. banking process. On a monthly basis it will trends that you can expect to make plans for a table the fields you can exactly the same way. in Step 1, it also shows administer it. But, take be duly saved.
provide the sales totals needed for your improvement in the future. search on are displayed For this example we you the number of my advice; use the
Thirdly, it will project a professional image and in the Fields panel need to select all of the records selected on the default options, output it Congratulations! You
monthly management accounts. On a yearly
improve your service. A modern retailer is To find out more complete and return the reply- below. For this example fields that will be merged bottom left. Now you to a file and liaise with have created your first
basis it will enable your accountant to produce
expected to be able to provide a fast and paid card or call us now on 0845 230 1230. we need to find all into the mailshot letter. can decide if you are your marketing company mailshot in just 5 simple
the annual audited accounts. Just imagine the
patients with a Recall So, left-click the Patients happy to proceed to the to design your letter / steps. Try it yourself and
Start Date before table and double-click next step or need to voucher and to should you need
MICROSOFT WINDOWS VISTA ARRIVES AGM AT OPTRAFAIR 1/1/2004. So, using the all those fields you think make refinements ie implement the mailshot. assistance please call
Support on 0845 230
mouse, left-click the you are going to need change the criteria or You will get a much more
Patient Recall table and (eg Title, Initials, output fields. professional result and 3450.
As you are no doubt aware Microsoft The Optisoft Team is delighted to invite then left-click the Start Surname, Salutation, save your own
Windows Vista was officially released on you to our 2007 Annual General Meeting. For Date field displayed Address1, Address2 etc) professionals for looking
January 30th 2007 and you can already buy PCs your convenience, this will be held alongside below. Then, double left- and they will appear on after patients.
preloaded with it. However, before you rush out and Optrafair 2007 on Monday at 2PM in Suite 32/33, click the < (less than) the right in the Display
buy one there are a few things you should take into adjacent to the entrance to Hall 20. The focus of the symbol in the Criteria List panel. Don’t worry, if
consideration. There is always a delay between the AGM will be to; review the past 12 months, bring panel and enter you forget one you can
launch of a new operating system and software you up to date with company news and to give you 1/1/2004 in the Enter go back and add it later.
vendors approving their product to run on it, as you a sneak preview of the ground breaking software Search Value window. You are now ready to
can’t start the testing process until it is finally developments that lie ahead. It also gives you a You are ready to move move onto the next step.
released. The good news is that initial tests confirm chance to openly discuss your new ideas with us, on to the next step.
that Optisoft will run on Vista, but we need to do more therefore cementing the relationship which allows
extensive testing before we can fully approve it. In us to develop the product and company to suit your
addition, if past experience is anything to go by, Vista needs better in the future. Hopefully, you have
will have “teething problems” and we would already completed and returned your personal
recommend waiting until at least Service Pack 1 is Microsoft’s Vista: invitation to reserve your place. If not please
released to be on the safe side, as this usually “don’t adopt the platform complete and return the reply-paid card or call
resolves any major issues found. In summary, our until we have given it our 0845 230 3450 as soon as possible to avoid
advice is that you don?t adopt the platform yet, wait seal of approval” disappointment, as numbers are strictly limited.
until we have given it our seal of approval, otherwise
it might end in tears!


We are pleased to announce that we have recruited an additional
member for the Support Desk. His name is James Rimmer; he has a
degree in computing and has spent the past couple of years working
as a Field Engineer and a Support Technician at a private school both
teaching and supporting pupils aged 3 - 13 years. So, he has plenty of
Newsletter • Issue 3 • Spring 2007
experience in supporting end-users and is also working towards his
MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) qualification. I am sure
he will make a valuable contribution to the team and ensure that your
calls are answered quickly and efficiently, even during those busy
periods. I am sure you will join with me in extending him a warm


Congratulations to Parker Optometrists in
Downham Market who are the winners of the Winter
Word Search competition. Optometrist Claire Parker
commented that she had “filled it out in 5 minutes, faxed it off,
and thought no more of it.” Parker Optometrists have been
using Optisoft successfully for almost 10 years and will now be
adding the new Stock module, courtesy of this win. Mrs Parker
estimates that the practice spend a whole week each year Welcome to our first newsletter of technology to provide a solution where data
doing a stock take, so it will be an invaluable addition to their the year. The first thing to say is thank is ‘real time’ and seamlessly available
system and should cut this laborious and time consuming task you for your continued support in 2006 and throughout the organisation via a secure
down to size. The win may also be the catalyst for we would like to wish you every success in Internet connection. Of course, it will have
implementing a small network running Optisoft and Broadband 2007. Hopefully, this newsletter will play its the same look, feel and functionality of the
Internet in the office. part in ensuring that by keeping you informed current version but the interface has been
of new developments in IT and Optisoft itself, enhanced to make it even more patient-
From left to right (Howard Parker, Claire Parker, Jo helping you to get the most out of your IT centric.
Norman, Philip Leakey and Mervyn Graver.) our existing customers and to the future
system. In fact, the feedback on the
evolution of Practice Management Systems. I hope you find the rest of the newsletter of
newsletter has been so good that we have
The word search will return in the next issue. The big news for the current version will be interest and look forward to seeing you all at
decided to produce it on a quarterly basis
electronic ordering and tracking to multiple Optrafair.
from now on. However, software upgrades
WANT TO SEE MORE? CONTACT OPTISOFT ON... will remain bi-annual and be included in the
suppliers, which will also provide automatic
catalogue updates for use in both the
Summer and Winter editions only.
Dispensing and Ordering modules, to finally
If you would like to receive further information on any of the stories featured in this newsletter or if you’re interested Obviously, we are gearing up for Optrafair streamline the whole process. In addition, we
will be demonstrating the brand new version, Keith Sheers
in hearing more about Optisoft then please feel free to contact us or tick a box below and and return to us by fax or post. 2007 and Optisoft will be on Stand W50 with
some major and exciting releases that Optisoft Enterprise Edition. This has been Managing Director
Please contact me regards:
demonstrate our continuing commitment to built using the very latest software

Cash Module Optrafair AGM Optisoft Products and Services

Practice: IT News
In order to try and avoid the usual lull and storm effect of Optrafair we have decided
Full Address: to set and announce the Optrafair special offers now and they will apply to all orders
placed before 30th April 2007, whether placed at the show or not. With this years show
expected to be as well attended and busy as ever, why not take the opportunity to take

Telephone: Email: advantage of the same offers but in the comfort of your own practice. Returning the
reply-paid card or calling us on 0845 230 1230 for your personal demonstration today will
Optisoft Ltd, The Pallion, Whinchat Hall, Skipwith Road, Escrick, York YO19 6EJ guarantee you Optrafair value, a preview of all the new developments first and no queues! Sales – 0845 230 1230 Support – 0845 230 3450
Fax – 0870 350 6780

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