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Musculoskeletal System: Characteristics Where Type of movement Speed Shape Skeletal Attach to bone via tendon Voluntary Fastest

- Multinuclied - Stiated(thick and thin filaments on sacromere Type of Muscle Cells Cardiac Heart Involuntary Medium - Branched - 1 or 2 nuclei - Stiated Smooth In the walls of blood vessels or hollow organs Involuntary Slowest - 1 nucleus - Eye shaped - No stiated

Parts Tendons Muscle fibres

Parts of skeletal muscle Characteristics + functions Connect bone with muscle, continuous with epidmysium Are muscle cells and are divided into fasciles. Each muscle fibre is controlled by only 1 neuron but 1 neuron controls many fibres. T tubules: increase surface area and assist in muscle contraction, as the protein pump from t tubules to sacroplasmic reticulum stimulates the release of ca+ ions into the interior of cells to generate contraction Myofibrils: contain protein filaments, such as actin or myosin (contractile machinery) Sacroplasmic Reticulum: are distributed throughout the cytoplasm and controls the muscle movement by controlling the release of ca ions acts as a storage for ca+ ions Mitochondria: most common in two locations: subsarcolemmal (next to sacrolemma) and intermycrofibrillar area (interspersed with myofibrils) Sacromere: is the muscle cell membrane which is stiated, that is lined with thick and thin filaments in cardiac and skeletal muscle Z line: anchors thin filaments (actin) M line: where thick filaments (myosin) meet. These myosin filaments are anchored by titin A band: regions of myosin filament. Contraction does not affect this. I band: regions of only actin filaments. shortens during contraction H zone: regions between the opposing ends of thin filaments. shortens during contraction Thick filaments: also called myosin filaments. is a dimer and on its head has two sites: ATPase site and actin filament binding site Thin filaments: also called actin filaments: are composed of globular (G actin) stringed together to form f actin fibrous actin. Two proteins: tropomysosin in looped around actin filaments, which are anchored by toponin.

Contraction in the muscle cells: occurs only during high concentration of calcium ions because high concentration of calcium, means calcium binds to toponin complex which changes the conformation of tropomyosin, causing it to uncover myosin binding sites and allowing the binding of myosin to acting, which in relaxation is not possible because tropomyosin covers all the binding sites.

Steps: 1. Release of Acetylcholine (Ach) neurotransmitters: it is released from motor neuron, as it contained in a synaptic vescile into the synaptic clift at neuromuscular junction via exocytosis due to action potential generated ach binds to the ach receptor on the muscle cell (post synaptic region) nicotinic cholinergic receptor causes the K pump to pump K out and Na in which generates the action potential in the cell. 2. Propagation of action potential from sacromere to T tubules: target the charged amino acids to DHP receptor (dihydropyridine receptors) which causes its conformation to change sending the signal to ryanodine receptor ( which connects to SA) causes the release of calcium from SA by opening the Ca+ gates. 3. Release of Ca ions from sacroplasmic membrane into cell: Ca released from SA may also bind to the Ca channels on SA to open (Ca induced Ca release). These ca ions travel to neighbouring cells via gap junction to cause action potential in those cells and the combined contraction in these cells causes contraction of the muscle. Otherwise, if occurs in isolation, then produces twitch. 4. Calcium binds to toponin: causes the conformation change in tropomysin uncovers the myosin binding sites 5. Myosin binds to actin (Cross bridge cycle): a. Binding of myosin to actin( formation of crossbridge) : when ATP binds to myosin and hydrolyzes, it increases its affinity to bind to actin. Now myosin is enegized (like a spring) b. Release of Pi and ADP: releases the spring ( myosin) causing the power stroke of myosin on actin, causing the actin to get pulld toward the middle of sacromere, due to shortening of I band. This shifts the myosin into the low energy state c. Rigor mortis: the low energy state increases the affinity between actin and myosin; thereby tightly binding them d. ATP binds to myosin: which changes its conformation, decreases its affinity to actin thereby detaching it. e. ATP hydrolyses: this puts myosin in a high energized state, which increases its affinity to actin continuation of cycle. Relaxation: Calcium transports back into the sacromysin reticulum by ATPase causing the relaxation of muscle cell Twitch: contraction of a single muscle fibre in isolation. It is reproducible and is same for the same muscle every time, provided that there is no change in the cell properties. However, it differs from muscle to muscle due to some fibres are stronger than the others due to diameter difference. This diagram explains the levels of calcium ions during the movement. Latent period: the time between action potential and start contraction to occur due to the excitation contraction coupling. Contraction phase: highest calcium concentration and relaxation phase is the longest phase with zero tension.

Force generating capacity: maximum tension peak in that above graph. It also depends on the number of crossbridges and the geometric arrangement of the sacromeres. It varies with: 1. Fibre Diameter: the greater the diameter the greater the cross sectional area the greater the actin and myosin (greater number of sacromeres) the greater the force generated which is why the muscular person generates a greater force than the average person. The number of cell do not affect so much because the number of sacromers/ cross sectional area is constant; therefore, the best way to increase strength is to increase the area. 2. Fibre Length: important because overlap of cross bridges and overlap of thin filaments decreases the force generated. Therefore, the maximum force is generated when the fibre length is enough so that all the myosin heads bind to the actin as it will have maximum number of crossbridges therefore, maximum contraction in a cell.

Muscle Fibre Recruitment: increasing the number of motor neurons to generate extra force

The size principle: This principle states that you recruit the small motor units (motor neuron + muscle fibres) and work your way up. This is because larger units have larger cell bodies; which are harder to depolorize requires a stronger stimulation from CNS.

Skeletal Muscle Metabolism This is because during light exercise, oxygen demands meet the ATP demand; however, this is not true for intense exercise which is why anaerobic glycolysis is predominant source of energy

Colour Contraction speed: depends of the excitation coupling and cross bridge formation Conduction velocity: difference due to the difference in the myosin isoforms it expresses. Activity Duration Fatigue Power Storage Two type of type 2: -

Skeletal muscle fibre types Type 1 Have a greater number of mitochondria red Slow Slow twitch Aerobic Long. Like legs Resistant Strong Triglyceride

Type 2 White Fast Fast twitch Anaerobic Short. Like in finger Easily Weak ATP, creatine phosphate.

Type IIa: fast contracting; high aerobic activity Type IIb: fast contracting; low aerobic activity; high glycolytic capacity usually recruited when greater force is required.

Most muscles are combination of the three muscle fibres Recruitment: type 1 type IIa type IIb

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