Out in Space 2013 Version

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Stage 3 Science and Technology: Out in Space Looking at environments beyond Earth

Stage 3 Stage Statement

Students who have achieved Stage 3 are able to undertake investigations independently in order to satisfy their own curiosity. They demonstrate a willingness to initiate their own investigations this might include designing appropriate fair tests to evaluate a range of possible e!planations for the results of their investigations. Students select and use appropriate language" structures and media and demonstrate skills in critically e!amining and communicating scientific and technological ideas and issues. Students can relate their scientific and technological understanding to new tasks or different situations. Students research and investigate to identify phenomena and processes that have influenced Earth over time. They build on their e!isting understanding of forms of energy. Students are aware of the skills and processes involved in designing and making" investigating and using technology. They manage the design process including aspects of time management" design constraints and needs of the target audience. #t this stage" they can make decisions involving some conflicting interests or issues" eg ethical" aesthetics" environmental and cultural. Students use two$ and three$dimensional drawings and models to develop and modify their design ideas and to communicate details to others. They recogni%e and use some conventions and symbols related to developing plans and diagrams" such as measurements and some use of scale. They can observe the form and detail of ob&ects carefully in order to produce accurate drawings from different views and they reflect on their drawings" sketches or computer models. Students are aware of a range of issues related to scientific and technological achievements. They are capable of ac'uiring information from a variety of resources and are able to e!periment with new techni'ues and skills as technologies change. Students identify emerging trends by using data" diagrams and a range of tools and e'uipment to assist with observations. Students recognise that computer$based technologies have a wide range of applications in society and can identify and describe some of the effects of such technologies on individuals and communities. Students who have achieved Stage 3 can confidently and competently use a range of computer$based hardware and applications. Students at this stage can identify alternative uses and can be creative in adapting available software to the re'uirements of a task. Students reflect on the methods used and positive and negative results of technological and scientific activity both throughout their own pro&ects and in personal" local and global conte!ts.

English *iewing videos and reading plays to gain ideas for play writing. +iscussing structure of narrative stories. ,sing writing to e!plain models of the solar system. Mathematics E!plaining the basis of time measurement in terms of movement of the earth around the sun. -easuring in kilometres. .eading and using numbers to a million and beyond. Personal Development, Health and Physical Education E!ploring strategies related to sun protection. Creative and Practical Arts +rama: organising" improving and performing movement and language through role play of space adventures.

Links to other (L#)s

Outcomes / Learning 0rocesses 1nvestigating

INV S !" Conducts their o#n investigations and ma$es %udgments &ased on the results o' o&serving, (uestioning, planning, predicting, testing, collecting, recording and analysing data, and dra#ing conclusions!

+esigning and -aking

DM S !) Develops and resolves a design tas$ &y planning, implementing, managing and evaluating design processes!

,sing Technology
*+ S !, Evaluates, selects and uses a range o' e(uipment, computer-&ased technology, materials and other resources to meet the re(uirements and constraints o' investigating and designing tas$s!

.utcomes and Indicators ES S !/ 0ecognises that the Earth is the source o' most materials and resources, and descri&es phenomena and processes, &oth natural and human, that 'orm and change the Earth over time! Indicators 2 researches information on the causes and effects of catastrophic events such as earth'uakes and cyclones 2 uses a thermometer" rain gauge" wind gauge to record local weather and compare this with data from another area 2 devises an e!periment to simulate the effects of significant weather changes on flora and vegetation" eg e!treme cold" and reports on conclusions 2 devises a fair test to determine the rate of crystal formation in different conditions" using a saturated salt solution and presents findings 2 uses a range of magnifying devices to identify" describe and classify different types of rocks and crystals 2 works collaboratively to design a storyboard and produce a five$minute sci$fi adventure video based on factual knowledge of a prehistoric period 2 uses e$mail to contact a museum when researching techni'ues used to gain information from fossils 2 plans and constructs a model and evaluates a system designed to overcome wind or water erosion 2 designs a presentation to demonstrate a se'uence of changes to the Earth3s surface over time" eg the formation of mountains 2 creates a database using relevant information about landforms selected from a range of electronic and printed references.

.esources Library books" posters and videos on space e!ploration.


Summative Evaluation

Learning E!periences:
4eek5 s Topic 6 Learning E!periences +ate

Topic 9

Topic 3

*nit Introduction! *iew you tube videos and 147 resources on the sun and solar system. +efine/ 4hat is the solar system. 1dentify the sun as the centre of the solar system and describe it as a star made of gases. +efine 8solar) and 8solar energy.) List ways in which we use the sun)s energy. +esign and model a solar powered device. Design and ma$e a model o' the solar system 1nvestigate and order the planets from the sun. .esearch and describe the features of each planet. +esign and model the planets of the solar system. 1nvestigate and teach the design process discussing the steps including defining the problem5task" identifying criteria and constraints" brainstorming and drafting ideas" identifying positives and negatives" choosing the best solution" building the design" evaluating the design. Students form groups and cooperatively plan the design following the given proforma. Students elect appropriate materials to create a model of planets" comets" moons" asteroids. +ecide on a method of construction" including organisation of e'uipment and steps in the process. +emonstrate relative si%e of planets" distance from the sun" shape of orbit" relative time taken to complete an orbit. E!plain the orbit of the planets and their relationship with the gravitational pull of the sun. E!plain the orbits of the planets" the duration of each planet)s orbit and the fact that the orbits are ellipses not circles. 1ravity ,se 1nternet websites" you tube and 147 to list and discuss ways man has used the effect of gravity to his advantage. 1nvestigate how much would you weigh on other planets and the moon: The more mass a planet has" the more gravity it has. The mass of the Earth is ;.<=>9 ? 6;9> kg really big. 0lanets which have more mass than Earth would have more gravity than Earth. # person would weigh more on these planets than they do on Earth. +etermine your weight on the other planets by multiplying your weight @your best guessA by the gravity on that planet.

Learning E!periences:
4eek5 s +ate

Topic >

Topic H

+etermine how far you can &ump on the Earth. To do this: 0lace a piece of tape on the floor as a starting line. Bump as far as you can off of both feet. @ST#C+1CD 7.O#+ B,-0A Eave your partner mark where you 'irst land not where you end upF -easure the distance in cm and record in the table. +o this five times" and then find the average. 0ick up the tape when you are finished. 1nvestigate what we find in 8space) and the environment and conditions beyond Earth)s surface. E!plain the effect of the Earth)s rotation on day and night. E!plain the relationship between the tilt of the Earth and its orbit of the sun on the seasons in each hemisphere. List what else can be found in the solar system besides the Sun" planets and moons. .esearch and describe the features of comets" asteroids and meteorites. 1dentify conditions that characterise5sustain life on earth @including gravityA. .esearch how the earth)s atmosphere provides for our needs" eg air to breathe" protection from the sun. Gompare the atmosphere. Ghart discoveries as similarities5differences. .eflect on our responsibilities in maintaining a life$sustaining environment on Earth. 1nvestigate the contribution #ustralia has made to the e!ploration of space. List the instruments and machines we have used and are still using to research the solar system. E!plain how different types of telescopes work. E!plain how a rocket works. E!periment p9;/ Science I Technology Today bk H. Gomplete timeline of important events in space e!ploration. .esearch famous people associated with space e!ploration. +esign a space station considering the needs and practicalities of such a venture. Gollect information from Siding Springs Observatory. Gontact OTG and GS1.O for information on astrospace. Jind out about #ustralian satellites and telescopes.

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