Expt No-7

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7 DETERMINATION OF ALTERNATOR EFFICIENCY BY RATED MOTOR METHOD INTRODUCTION: The efficiency of an alternator can be determined conventionally from the following relationship, Output * 100 % efficiency = __________________________ Output w ! !i m"# ! !here, != $riction and windage loss != %ore loss at the e&citation re'uired to give a terminal voltage e'ual to the calculated terminal voltage( !i= $ield and field rheostat losses( "= )rmature current per phase( #= *% resistance of the armature in ohms( m=+o( of phases != ,tray load loss( The preceding losses must correspond to the value of the output assumed( ,everal methods are in use to determine the losses of an alternator and in this e&periment rated motor method of determining losses will be performed( "n the rated motor method the generator is driven at rated speed by a motor of -nown efficiency( "n our e&periment we shall assume the motor driving the generator has an efficiency of ./%( )ll necessary data and curves can be obtained from the tests specified in the procedure( EQUIPMENTS: )% 0oltmeter 102300 04, *% 0oltmeter 1021/0 04 )% )mmeter 10230 )4, *% )mmeter 102/ ), 0230 )4 Two rheostat 33 ohms( /) One ,5,T ,witch, One *5,T ,witch, One T6,T ,witch( SET UP:

2 3

8 7 6 5

PROCEDURE: Test 17 $riction and windage 8oss * ,tart the motor and run at rated speed of the alternator 11000 rpm4 * *on9t e&cite the alternator( * :easure motor input voltage 104 and current 1"4 * $riction and !indage loss=0"*6fficiency of motor Test ;7 %ore loss and O(%(%( curve * 6&cite the alternator with terminals open( * :easure7 14 :otor 0("( ;4 )lternator ", 0 for different values of " * %ore 8oss=10"20" test14 * 6fficiency of motor( * )lways chec- and ad<ust the speed( Test 37 ,tray power loss( * =eep the e&citation at minimum * ,hort circuit the alternator * :easure7 14 :otor 0, " ;4 )lternator ", 0 for different values of ", by varying e&citation( * +ote " at rated " * ,tray power loss=10"=0" test4* eff( of motor2m"( #( * %hec- and ad<ust the speed continuously( Test >7 ?ero p(f characteristic curve( * %onnect a three2phase inductor ban- as the alternator load( * 0ary " and 8 simultaneously so that rated current " flows( %arry out this test at half the rated current if it is not possible to do so at the rated current( Then @ero p(f characteristic at rated current can be obtained by 5otier triangle method( Test /7 :easure dc7resistance of the armature of the alternator( REPORT: 5lot O(%(% 5lot @ero p(f( characteristic curve at rated current( 5lot the core loss vs(0 curve( 5lot the stray power loss vs( " curve *etermine the efficiency of the alternator at rated =0) load and .0% p(f lagging( *iscussion( #6$6#6+%67 )8T6#+)T"+A %B##6+T :)%C"+6#D25uchstein and 8ioyd(

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