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Name: ______________________

Class: ______________ Date: ________

Freshman English (Fall 2011) Midterm Exam (80 points)

TRUE/F !"E (8 points) #nstr$%ti&ns: Read each sentence then write True or False. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. This sentence is correct: My brothers are playing soccer. This sentence is correct: Mona is rock climbing today. This sentence is correct: The students are liking this lesson. This sentence is correct: Gene and Chris is taking a break. This sentence is correct: It isn't costing a lot of money to buy sports equipment. This sentence is correct: I don't think sports are boring. This sentence is correct: I am studying now. This sentence is correct: My sisters are knowing how to play ice hockey.

M TC'#N( (15 points) #nstr$%ti&ns: Match the actions to the de initions !e"ow. a catch the !#s . !$et #p . c read the newspaper . dta%e a shower . e eat !rea% ast . watch T& . $'isit riends . heat o#t . i $o to !ed . ( start wor% . ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ). 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. *o# do this when +o# want to $et c"ean. (*o# need soap and water.) *o# do this when +o#,re h#n$r+. (*o#,re not at ho-e.) Most peop"e do this at ni$ht !eca#se the+,re tired. *o# do this to see the news. co-edies. sports e'ents. or (#st to re"a/. *o# do this to "earn what is happenin$ in the wor"d. *o# do this !eca#se +o# ha'e a (o! and +o# need -one+. *o# do this in the -ornin$ !eca#se +o#,re h#n$r+. (*o#,re o ten at ho-e.)

#nstr$%ti&ns: Match the 'oca!#"ar+ words to the con'ersations !e"ow. a. swi--in$ !. (o$$in$ c. c"i-!in$ d. doin$ e. ta%in$ a !rea% . p"a+in$ soccer $. "i tin$ wei$hts h. st#d+in$ i. writin$ (. rappe""in$ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 16. 17. 18. 1). 20. 21. 22. 23. : 0here are 1a#ra and 2"thea3 ): The+,re ____. The+ went to the poo". : 4o +o# "i%e roc% ____3 ): 5ot rea""+. 6 thin% it,s dan$ero#s. : 0hat is 7a""+ ____3 ): 7he,s st#d+in$ at the "i!rar+. : 6s that an a"$e!ra !oo%3 ): *es. it is. 6,- ____ or a test. : 6s 8ran% at the $+-3 ): *es. he is. 9e,s ____ !eca#se he wants to !e stron$er. : 0h+ do +o# need a !a""3 ): :eca#se we,re ____ toda+. : 0here are Ti- and *o%o3 ): The+ $ot tired. so the+,re ____. : 2re +o# #sin$ the co-p#ter3 ): *es. 6,- ____ e-ai"s to -+ c"ass-ates.

MU!T#*!E C'+#CE (14 points) #nstr$%ti&ns: Read the artic"e. Then choose the correct answer. 9app+ 4i'ers; M+ riend <ettrin,s (o! is coo"; 0hat does he do3 0e""...he,s a to#r $#ide or di'ers. <ettrin,s Thai and is 24 +ears o"d. 6 thin% his (o! is interestin$ !eca#se peop"e ro- a"" aro#nd the wor"d co-e to Thai"and to di'e in the sea with <ettrin. 7o. e'er+ da+ he -eets peop"e ro- di erent co#ntries and di erent nationa"ities. 7o-e o <ettrin,s riends are ro- 6re"and. <apan. 5ew =ea"and. >anada. ?r#$#a+. and @reen"and. 0ow; 9is "i e is e/citin$ and he has a $ood sa"ar+ too. 6n -+ (o!. 6 see the sa-e peop"e e'er+ da+. 6,- a di'er too. !#t not or to#rists. 6 di'e or sea ood with -+ !rother and ather. 0e catch octop#s and she"" ish. M+ a-i"+ and 6 then se"" the sea ood to resta#rants. M+ na-e is 1#is and 6,- 24 "i%e <ettrin. M+ sa"ar+ isn,t $ood at a"" tho#$h. 0e are poor and "i e isn,t eas+. !#t we are happ+. 0e co-e ro- :io%o. AB#atoria" @#inea. 0e are AB#atoria" @#inean and spea% 7panish here. 0e are the on"+ co#ntr+ in 2 rica where peop"e spea% 7panish. To#rists co-e here ro- 7pain. !#t not ro-an+ other co#ntries. 6 so-eti-es want to -eet -ore peop"e "i%e <ettrin does. !#t 6 en(o+ -+ da+s with -+ !rother and ather. 4i'in$ is di ic#"t and isn,t a sa e occ#pation. The sea is so-eti-es 'er+ co"d and there are -an+ dan$ero#s ish. 9owe'er. or -e. the wor% is di erent and 'er+ interestin$. 6 thin% other (o!s are !orin$. Co"ice o icers. pi"ots. and photo$raphers aren,t "i%e #s. 0e can sta+ #nderwater or 10 -in#tes; <ettrin and 6 are 'er+ "#c%+ -en;

____ 24. 2ccordin$ to the readin$. what does 1#is thin% a!o#t his (o!3 a. 9is sa"ar+ is $ood. !. 9is wor% is sa e. c. 9e is "#c%+. ____ 25. 0here are the to#rists that co-e to AB#atoria" @#inea ro-3 a. @reen"and !. 7pain c. >anada ____ 26. AB#atoria" @#inea is a poor co#ntr+. a. Tr#e !. 8a"se c. 5o 6n or-ation #nstr$%ti&ns: >hoose the correct possessi'e ad(ecti'e to co-p"ete each sentence. ____ 27. a. his !. o#r c. -+ ____ 28. a. her !. +o#r c. their The !a$ !e"on$s to -e. 6t,s ____ !a$.

The shoes !e"on$ to her. The+,re ____ shoes.

#nstr$%ti&ns: >hoose the correct word to co-p"ete each sentence. ____ 2). a. so-e !. an+ c. aDan ____ 30. a. so-e !. an+ c. aDan ____ 31. a. so-e !. an+ c. aDan There are ____ e$$s in the re ri$erator.

2re there ____ "e-ons3

0e don,t need ____ stea%.

!istening #nstr$%ti&ns: 1isten to the con'ersation then choose the correct answer. ____ 32. 9ow -#ch -i"% do the spea%ers ha'e3 a. a "itt"e !. a "ot c. a ew ____ 33. 9ow -#ch !rea% ast cerea" does the wo-an want3 a. one !o/ !. two !o/es c. three !o/es !istening #nstr$%ti&ns: 1isten to the te"ephone con'ersation then choose the correct answer. ____ 34. 0hat does the wo-an #s#a""+ do on Monda+s3 a. 7he $oes to the $+-. !. 7he $oes swi--in$. c. 7he $oes to a soccer $a-e.

!istening #nstr$%ti&ns: 1isten to the con'ersation then choose the correct answer. ____ 35. 0hat are the spea%ers ta"%in$ a!o#t3

a. an acti'it+ or ne/t wee%end !. an acti'it+ or ne/t s#--er c. an acti'it+ or ne/t -onth ____ 36. 0h+ does the -an not want to $o s%iin$3

a. 9e doesn,t "i%e indi'id#a" sports. !. 9e doesn,t "i%e indoor sports. c. 9e doesn,t "i%e o#tdoor sports. ____ 37. 0hat do the spea%ers decide to do3

a. $o to a !ase!a"" $a-e !. $o to the -o'ies c. $o swi--in$ C+M*!ET#+N (14 points) #nstr$%ti&ns: >o-p"ete each sentence with the correct or- o the 'er! to be. ?se the si-p"e present tense. 38. 3). 5oot and Ca#" ____________________ Thai. E#r teacher ____________________ ro- :ahrain.

#nstr$%ti&ns: >o-p"ete each sentence with the si-p"e present or- o the 'er! in !rac%ets ( ). 40. 41. 42. 43. 6 #s#a""+ ____________________ ($o) to !ed aro#nd 11:00 p.-. >ind+ ____________________ (catch) the !#s near her ho#se. M+ parents o ten ____________________ ('isit) riends in 9o#ston. Mateo ____________________ (ta%e) a shower e'er+ -ornin$.

#nstr$%ti&ns: >o-p"ete each sentence with a possessi'e prono#n: mine. yours. his. hers. ours. or theirs. 44. 45. This is their !a$$a$e. 6t,s ____________________. These are o#r passports. The+,re ____________________.

#nstr$%ti&ns: >o-p"ete each B#estion with much or many. 46. 9ow ____________________ "ett#ce do we ha'e3

#nstr$%ti&ns: >o-p"ete each sentence with the correct B#anti ier in !rac%ets ( ). 47. 0e need ____________________ (a "itt"e D "ots o ) sa#sa$es.

#nstr$%ti&ns: >o-p"ete each con'ersation with the correct word in !rac%ets ( ).. 48. : ____________________ (9ow -#ch D 9ow -an+) app"es do +o# need or the r#it sa"ad3 ): Ene !i$ one or two "itt"e ones.

#nstr$%ti&ns: >o-p"ete each sentence with the present contin#o#s or- o the 'er! in !rac%ets ( ). 4). 50. 51. 1ori and 7a- ____________________ (swi-) at 5orth :each toda+. Cat ____________________ ("i t wei$hts) at the $+-. 6 ____________________ (ta%e a !rea%) ri$ht now.

"'+RT N",ER (1) points) #nstr$%ti&ns: C#t the words in the correct order to -a%e a state-ent.


!rother,s D (o! D dan$ero#s D is D -+


#nstr$%ti&ns: 2nswer the B#estion in an+ correct wa+ with a co-p"ete sentence. 53. : 0here are +o# ro-3 :F #nstr$%ti&ns: 0rite a yes/no B#estion with o or oes. ?se the words in !rac%ets and the si-p"e present tense.


(Mic% and 5ora D eat o#t D on 7at#rda+s)


#nstr$%ti&ns: 2nswer each B#estion with +o#r own in or-ation. 0rite co-p"ete sentences and #se ad'er!s o reB#enc+: ne!er. sometimes. often. or always. 55. : 9ow o ten do +o# $i'e +o#r riends !irthda+ presents3 ): 56. : 0hat do +o# so-eti-es do in <an#ar+ or 8e!r#ar+3 ): 57. : 9ow o ten do +o# $et #p ear"+ on 7at#rda+ -ornin$s3 ): 58. : 0hen is +o#r a'orite ho"ida+3 ): #nstr$%ti&ns: Read each sit#ation then $i'e ad'ice. 0rite co-p"ete sentences with should or shouldn't.

5). *o#r riend ro- another co#ntr+ wants to 'isit +o#r co#ntr+. @i'e hi- or her so-e tra'e" ad'ice.


*o#r parents are $oin$ to rent a car and dri'e in another co#ntr+. @i'e the- so-e ad'ice.


*o#r !rother is $oin$ to tra'e" to @er-an+ in <an#ar+. @i'e hi- so-e ad'ice a!o#t c"othes.

62. 2 -an is $oin$ to tra'e" to o#r di erent co#ntries. @i'e hi- so-e ad'ice a!o#t his passport.
#nstr$%ti&ns: 0rite the correct ood $ro#p ne/t to each ood ite-: drinks. dairy products. !egetables. fruit. or protein and meat. 63. peppers _________________________ 64. 65. 66. 67. tea _________________________ cheese _________________________ (#ice _________________________ chic%en _________________________

#nstr$%ti&ns: 0rite a yes/no B#estion in the present contin#o#s tense. ?se the words in !rac%ets. 68. (the+ D ta%e a !rea%) 3

#nstr$%ti&ns: 2nswer each B#estion with a co-p"ete sentence. ?se the #nder"ined stati'e 'er!s and +o#r own in or-ation. 6). 9ow -#ch eB#ip-ent do peop"e need or (o$$in$3 . 70. 0hat do +o# thin% a!o#t roc% c"i-!in$3 . (10 points)

71. ,R#T#N( 0rite at "east ten sentences a!o#t a pop#"ar sport.

0ho p"a+s it3 0ho watches it3 4o +o# "i%e it3 0h+. or wh+ not3

Freshman English ns-er "e%ti&n

TRUE/F !"E 1. 257: TEC: 2. 257: TEC: 3. 257: TEC: 4. 257: TEC: 5. 257: TEC: 6. 257: TEC: 7. 257: TEC: 8. 257: TEC:

Midterm Exam

T CT7: 1 RA8: ?sin$ present contin#o#s and stati'e 'er!s T CT7: 1 RA8: ?sin$ present contin#o#s and stati'e 'er!s 8 CT7: 1 RA8: ?sin$ present contin#o#s and stati'e 'er!s 8 CT7: 1 RA8: ?sin$ present contin#o#s and stati'e 'er!s 8 CT7: 1 RA8: ?sin$ present contin#o#s and stati'e 'er!s T CT7: 1 RA8: ?sin$ present contin#o#s and stati'e 'er!s T CT7: 1 RA8: ?sin$ present contin#o#s and stati'e 'er!s 8 CT7: 1 RA8: ?sin$ present contin#o#s and stati'e 'er!s

p. 52G57 p. 52G57 p. 52G57 p. 52G57 p. 52G57 p. 52G57 p. 52G57 p. 52G57

E:<: 7pea%in$ E:<: 7pea%in$ E:<: 7pea%in$ E:<: 7pea%in$ E:<: 7pea%in$ E:<: 7pea%in$ E:<: 7pea%in$ E:<: 7pea%in$

M TC'#N( ). 257: TEC: 10. 257: TEC: 11. 257: TEC: 12. 257: TEC: 13. 257: TEC: 14. 257: TEC: 15. 257: TEC: 16. 257: TEC: 17. 257: TEC: 18. 257: TEC: 1). 257: TEC: 4 CT7: 1 ?nderstandin$ the -eanin$s o 9 CT7: 1 ?nderstandin$ the -eanin$s o 6 CT7: 1 ?nderstandin$ the -eanin$s o 8 CT7: 1 ?nderstandin$ the -eanin$s o > CT7: 1 ?nderstandin$ the -eanin$s o < CT7: 1 ?nderstandin$ the -eanin$s o A CT7: 1 ?nderstandin$ the -eanin$s o RA8: p. 16G17 'oca!#"ar+ ter-s RA8: p. 16G17 'oca!#"ar+ ter-s RA8: p. 16G17 'oca!#"ar+ ter-s RA8: p. 16G17 'oca!#"ar+ ter-s RA8: p. 16G17 'oca!#"ar+ ter-s RA8: p. 16G17 'oca!#"ar+ ter-s RA8: p. 16G17 'oca!#"ar+ ter-s RA8: p. 52G53 RA8: p. 52G53 RA8: p. 52G53 RA8: p. 52G53 E:<: &oca!#"ar+ E:<: &oca!#"ar+ E:<: &oca!#"ar+ E:<: &oca!#"ar+ E:<: &oca!#"ar+ E:<: &oca!#"ar+ E:<: &oca!#"ar+ E:<: &oca!#"ar+ E:<: &oca!#"ar+ E:<: &oca!#"ar+ E:<: &oca!#"ar+

2 CT7: 1 ?sin$ 'oca!#"ar+ in con'ersations > CT7: 1 ?sin$ 'oca!#"ar+ in con'ersations 4 CT7: 1 ?sin$ 'oca!#"ar+ in con'ersations 9 CT7: 1 ?sin$ 'oca!#"ar+ in con'ersations

20. 257: TEC: 21. 257: TEC: 22. 257: TEC: 23. 257: TEC:

@ CT7: 1 ?sin$ 'oca!#"ar+ in con'ersations 8 CT7: 1 ?sin$ 'oca!#"ar+ in con'ersations A CT7: 1 ?sin$ 'oca!#"ar+ in con'ersations 6 CT7: 1 ?sin$ 'oca!#"ar+ in con'ersations

RA8: p. 52G53 RA8: p. 52G53 RA8: p. 52G53 RA8: p. 52G53

E:<: &oca!#"ar+ E:<: &oca!#"ar+ E:<: &oca!#"ar+ E:<: &oca!#"ar+

MU!T#*!E C'+#CE 24. 257: TEC: 25. 257: TEC: 26. 257: TEC: 27. 257: TEC: 28. 257: TEC: 2). 257: TEC: 30. 257: TEC: 31. 257: TEC: 32. 257: TEC: 33. 257: TEC: 34. 257: TEC: TRH: 35. 257: TEC: 36. 257: TEC: 37. 257: TEC: > CT7: 1 RA8: p. 4G13 E:<: Readin$ Ceop"e: nationa"ities and occ#pations : CT7: 1 RA8: p. 4G13 E:<: Readin$ Ceop"e: nationa"ities and occ#pations > CT7: 1 RA8: p. 4G13 E:<: Readin$ Ceop"e: nationa"ities and occ#pations. > CT7: 1 RA8: p. 28G2) E:<: @ra--ar Cossession (possessi'e ad(ecti'es) 2 CT7: 1 RA8: p. 28G2) E:<: @ra--ar Cossession (possessi'e ad(ecti'es) 2 CT7: 1 RA8: p. 40G41 E:<: @ra--ar 7o-e and an+ with co#nt and nonGco#nt : CT7: 1 RA8: p. 40G41 E:<: @ra--ar 7o-e and an+ with co#nt and nonGco#nt : CT7: 1 RA8: p. 40G41 E:<: @ra--ar 7o-e and an+ with co#nt and nonGco#nt 2 CT7: 1 RA8: p. 44G45 E:<: 1istenin$ Ta"%in$ a!o#t how -#ch ood to !#+ TRH: 0A1_>41_Trac%33 : CT7: 1 RA8: p. 44G45 E:<: 1istenin$ Ta"%in$ a!o#t how -#ch ood to !#+ TRH: 0A1_>41_Trac%33 2 CT7: 1 RA8: p. 52G55 E:<: 1istenin$ Ta"% a!o#t what #s#a""+ happens and what,s happenin$ now 0A1_>41_Trac%34 2 CT7: 1 RA8: p. 56G57 E:<: 1istenin$ Ta"% a!o#t acti'ities +o# "i%e and dis"i%e TRH: 0A1_>41_Trac%35 > CT7: 1 RA8: p. 56G57 E:<: 1istenin$ Ta"% a!o#t acti'ities +o# "i%e and dis"i%e TRH: 0A1_>41_Trac%35 : CT7: 1 RA8: p. 56G57 E:<: 1istenin$ Ta"% a!o#t acti'ities +o# "i%e and dis"i%e TRH: 0A1_>41_Trac%35

C+M*!ET#+N 38. 257: are CT7: 1 3). 257: is RA8: p. 4G5 E:<: @ra--ar TEC: :e

CT7: 1 40. 257: $o CT7: 1 41. 257: catches CT7: 1 42. 257: 'isit CT7: 1 43. 257: ta%es CT7: 1 44. 257: theirs CT7: 1 45. 257: o#rs CT7: 1 46. 257: -#ch

RA8: p. 4G5 RA8: p. 16G17 RA8: p. 16G17 RA8: p. 16G17 RA8: p. 16G17 RA8: p. 28G2) RA8: p. 28G2)

E:<: @ra--ar E:<: @ra--ar E:<: @ra--ar E:<: @ra--ar E:<: @ra--ar E:<: @ra--ar E:<: @ra--ar

TEC: :e TEC: 7i-p"e present tense TEC: 7i-p"e present tense TEC: 7i-p"e present tense TEC: 7i-p"e present tense TEC: Cossession (possessi'e prono#ns) TEC: Cossession (possessi'e prono#ns)

CT7: 1 RA8: p. 44G45 E:<: @ra--ar TEC: 9ow -#ch and how -an+ with B#anti iers: "ots o F a ewF a "itt"e 47. 257: "ots o CT7: 1 RA8: p. 44G45 E:<: @ra--ar TEC: 9ow -#ch and how -an+ with B#anti iers: "ots o F a ewF a "itt"e 48. 257: 9ow -an+ CT7: 1 RA8: p. 40G45 4). 257: are swi--in$ CT7: 1 50. 257: is "i tin$ wei$hts ,s "i tin$ wei$hts CT7: 1 51. 257: a- ta%in$ a !rea% ,- ta%in$ a !rea% CT7: 1 "'+RT N",ER 52. 257: M+ !rother,s (o! is dan$ero#s. RA8: p. 52G53 E:<: 7pea%in$ E:<: @ra--ar TEC: Ta"%in$ a!o#t ood TEC: Cresent contin#o#s tense

RA8: p. 52G53

E:<: @ra--ar

TEC: Cresent contin#o#s tense

RA8: p. 52G53

E:<: @ra--ar

TEC: Cresent contin#o#s tense

CT7: 1 53. 257: 2nswers wi"" 'ar+.

RA8: p. 8G)

E:<: @ra--ar

TEC: :e I ad(ecti'e (Ino#n)

CT7: 1 RA8: p. 4G) E:<: 7pea%in$ TEC: Ta"%in$ a!o#t peop"e. p"aces. and occ#pations 54. 257: 4o Mic% and 5ora eat o#t on 7at#rda+s3 CT7: 1 RA8: p. 16G17 E:<: @ra--ar TEC: 7i-p"e present tense (+esDno B#estions) 55. 257: 2nswers wi"" 'ar+. CT7: 1 56. 257: 2nswers wi"" 'ar+. CT7: 1 57. 257: 2nswers wi"" 'ar+. CT7: 1 58. 257: 2nswers wi"" 'ar+. CT7: 1 5). 257: 2nswers wi"" 'ar+. CT7: 1 60. 257: 2nswers wi"" 'ar+. CT7: 1 61. 257: 2nswers wi"" 'ar+. CT7: 1 62. 257: 2nswers wi"" 'ar+. CT7: 1 63. 257: 'e$eta!"es RA8: p. 20G21 E:<: @ra--ar TEC: 2d'er!s o reB#enc+

RA8: p. 20G21

E:<: @ra--ar

TEC: 2d'er!s o reB#enc+

RA8: p. 20G21

E:<: @ra--ar

TEC: 2d'er!s o reB#enc+

RA8: p. 20G21

E:<: @ra--ar

TEC: 2d'er!s o reB#enc+

RA8: p. 32G33

E:<: @ra--ar

TEC: 7ho#"d or ad'ice

RA8: p. 32G33

E:<: @ra--ar

TEC: 7ho#"d or ad'ice

RA8: p. 32G33

E:<: @ra--ar

TEC: 7ho#"d or ad'ice

RA8: p. 32G33

E:<: @ra--ar

TEC: 7ho#"d or ad'ice

CT7: 1 RA8: p. 40G41 E:<: &oca!#"ar+ TEC: >ate$oriJin$ ood 'oca!#"ar+ !+ ood $ro#ps 64. 257: drin%s

CT7: 1 RA8: p. 40G41 E:<: &oca!#"ar+ TEC: >ate$oriJin$ ood 'oca!#"ar+ !+ ood $ro#ps 65. 257: dair+ prod#cts CT7: 1 RA8: p. 40G41 E:<: &oca!#"ar+ TEC: >ate$oriJin$ ood 'oca!#"ar+ !+ ood $ro#ps 66. 257: drin%s CT7: 1 RA8: p. 40G41 E:<: &oca!#"ar+ TEC: >ate$oriJin$ ood 'oca!#"ar+ !+ ood $ro#ps 67. 257: protein and -eat CT7: 1 RA8: p. 40G41 E:<: &oca!#"ar+ TEC: >ate$oriJin$ ood 'oca!#"ar+ !+ ood $ro#ps 68. 257: 2re the+ ta%in$ a !rea%3 CT7: 1 6). 257: 2nswers wi"" 'ar+. CT7: 1 70. 257: 2nswers wi"" 'ar+. 71. 257: 2nswers wi"" 'ar+. CT7: 10 RA8: p. 16G23 E:<: 0ritin$ TEC: 0ritin$ a!o#t sport. RA8: p. 52G53 E:<: @ra--ar TEC: 7tati'e 'er!s

RA8: p. 56G57

E:<: @ra--ar

TEC: 7tati'e 'er!s

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