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REVISION OF THE CONSONANTS : General rules to remember with consonants

. Always pronounce a consonant with force. !. Pronounce all the consonants present in a words Latin transcription E.g: Forest /"rst/ Tree /tri:/ Problem /#rblm/ English /$%l / Forests /"rsts& Note: f a word has one or more consonants /p/, /t/, and /k/ standing before the last consonants! the consonant"s# before the last will not be pronounced. $therwise! the consonants will still be pronounced fully as usual. E.g: %a&es /me&s/ 'tops /stps/ Lots /lts/ Fact /f(&t/ Adapt /d(pt/ '. )e pronounce (s& (es endings in: * Plural nouns: +ow many penS are there in your schoolbag, * Third-person singular .erbs: +e goES to school by bus * Possessi.e case: %ary)S brother is a doctor * /ontraction of 0is0 or 0has0: +e)S been a famous student since he was 12 years old *. The letter 3s shall be pronounced as 3s when the last consonant of the word is un.oiced such as &#&+ &t&+ &,&+ &"&+ &-& E.g: 4e.elops /d.elpS/ %eets /mitS/ 5oo&s /b&S/ Laughs / l(fS/ .. The letter 3s shall be pronounced as 3/ when the last consonant of the word is .oiced such as &b&+ &0&+ &%&+ &1&+ &2&+ &m&+ &n&+ &$+ &l&+ &r& and 1owels E.g: Pubs /pb3/ 5uildings /bld63/ 5reathes /bri73/ 4ies /da3/ 4. The letter"s# 3s or 3es shall be pronounced as 3/ when the last consonants of the word are &s&+ &/&+ & &+ & &+ &t &+ &0 & E.g: 8isses /9&sI3/ 5o:es /9b&sI3/ 4ances /9da:nsI3/ 4ishes /9dI3/ )atches /9wt ;/ /hanges /9tend ;/ Note: f the pattern of a word is 3-se! when ad<ded 3s! it will usually be pronounced as 3<< E.g: +ourse /ha3</ =oses /9ro3</ +orse /h"r#3</ 5. The ending 3ed shall be pronounced as 3t when the last consonant of the word is un.oiced such as &#&+ ,&+ &"&+ &s&+ & &+ &t& E.g: 'topped /stpT/ Laughed /l(fT/ Loo&ed /l&T/ 6. The ending 3ed shall be pronounced as 30 when the last consonant of the word is .oiced such as &b&+ &%&+ &1&+ &/&+ & &+ &0 &+ &2&+ &m&+ &n&+ &$+ &l&+ &r& and 1owels E.g: =obbed /rb4/ /losed /&lo<4/ /hanged /tend4/ Tra.elled / tr(.l4/ 7. The ending 3ed shall be pronounced as 3i0 when the last consonant of the word is &t& or &0& Note: %ost ad> with the ?ed ending shall be pronounced as 3i0. @a&ed! Learned! 5elo.ed! Aged! 5lessed! /roo&ed! =ugged! 'acred! )retched! )ic&ed! $ne/two/fourlegged



E.ery word in English two or more syllables possesses a primary stress. f the the first syllable is at least one syllable away from the syllable with the primary stress! it will most of the times contain a secondary stress. n order to recognise a word stress! we base on a collection of rules. t is ad.isable that you should follow the following rules in the order of appearance for the best performance. =E%E%5E= that English is a language full of irregularities! in those cases! you should memorise them. Ste# : dentify the signals of a words stress. . f a word has the following endings: (tion+ (sion! the stress falls on the secon0 syllable from the end. E.g: contribution! precision! education! re.olution! etc !. f a word has the following endings: (ic+ (ous+ the stress sometimes falls on the secon0 syllable from the end. E.g: religious! prestigious! contagious! ambitious! 3.icious! 3precious! delicious! ad.antageous! etc energetic! barbaric! phonetic! economic! gymnastic! biologic! etc E@ce#tions: 3furious! 3dangerous! 3courteous! etc 3catholic! etc '. f a word has the following endings: (tal and (ial the stress falls on the secon0 syllable from the end. E.g: elemental! residential! essential! preferential! etc *. f a word has the following endings: (cA+ (tA+ (#hA+ (rA+ (al+ (ate and B%A+ the stress falls on the thir0 syllable from the end. E.g: proficiency! illiteracy! diplomacy! efficiency! etc possibility! ability! responsibility! etc geography! biography! etc elementary! compulsory! 3memory! etc 3allergy! etc 3radical! grammatical! 3critical! geological! etc 3educate! eradicate! 3compensate! immediate! etc .. f a word has the following endings: (ese+(ee+(eer+(oo+(oon+(iCue+ and BesCue+ the stress falls on the syllable. E.g: Aietnamese! Bapannese! cigarette! picturesCue! baloon! maroon! uniCue! etc 4. f a word is a compound noun! the stress falls on the "irst syllable of the "irst indi.idual word. E.g: 3blac&bird! 3greenhouse! 3sisterhood! etc 5. f a word is a compound noun! ad.erb or ad>ecti.e! the stress falls on the "irst syllable of the secon0 indi.idual word. E.g: bad-3tempered! understand! o.erflow!!! old-3fashioned! etc Ste# !: f a word has no signals! then the stress will: . 8suallA fall on the "irst syllable of a two(sAllable word in a noun or a0Decti1e. E.g: 3modern! 3people! 3person! 3pretty! 3handsome! etc !. 8suallA fall on the secon0 syllable of a two(sAllable word in a 1erb. E.g: impro.e! repair! etc '. 8suallA fall on the "irst syllable of a three(sAllable word in a noun or a0Decti1e. *. 8suallA fall on the thir0 syllable of a three(sAllable word in a 1erb. .. 8suallA fall on the secon0 syllable of a "our(sAllable word. E.g: particular! significant! economy! etc Ste# ': The prefi:es and suffi:es not mentioned abo.e do not affect a words stress! therefore we should determine the stress based on the root word.


E@ercise 1. A. admire D. A. describe E. A. independence F. A. comfort 2. A. ashamed G. A. influential H. A. profit I. A. career J. A. .ocational 1K. A. general E@ercise ! 1. A. reali<e D. A. important E. A. mineral F. A. republic 2. A. protection G. A. recogni<e H. A. intelligent I. A. relationship J. A. define 1K. A. suppose E@ercise ' 1. A. indi.idual D. A. carpenter E. A. necessary F. A. influence 2. A. contain G. A. H. A. a.oid I. A. forefinger J. A. in.ol.ed 1K. A. operation E@ercise * 1. A. redundant D. A. absolute E. A. machine F. A. unemployed 2. A. furious G. A. return H. A. address I. A. estimate J. A. addition 1K. A. aesthetic E@ercise . 1. A. physical D. A. conform E. A. percentage F. A. decay 2. A. prefer G. A. ama<ing H. I. J. A. appear A. painter A. inspire

5. honour 5. struggle 5. politician 5. nation 5. position 5. creati.e 5. suggest 5. ma>ority 5. employer 5. opinion 5. impro.e 5. especially 5. e:ample 5. collector 5. separate 5. stimulate 5. direct 5. command 5. idea 5. e:pect 5. reputation 5. re.ise 5. achie.e 5. modern 5. poisonous 5. unhealthy 5. gesture 5. precise 5. eCual 5. official 5. harmony 5. accuracy 5. enthusiast 5. necessity 5. wonderful 5. lottery 5. millionaire 5. medical 5. e:emplify 5. particular 5. acti.ity 5. perhaps 5. ad.antage 5. purpose 5. electricity 5. ability 5. audience 5. energy 5. resign

/. title /. political /. immortality /. apply /. begin /. introduction /. surrender /. continue /. minority /. abroad /. possible /. prefer /. diamond /. situation /. de.elop /. acti.ity /. desire /. .ocabulary /. e:press /. unusual /. e:perience /. ignore /. poetic /. consider /. chemical /. amount /. permit /. specific /. machine /. community /. grammatical /. ob.ious /. replace /. generosity /. reaction /. reward /. belie.e /. /. incredible /. disease /. increase /. remo.e /. e:amine /. /. in.ent /. performance /. go.ernment /. e:press /. dangerous

4. difficult 4. society 4. different 4. moment 4. enemy 4. uni.ersity 4. report 4. education 4. reasonable 4. surprise 4. comfortable 4. influence 4. popular 4. inscription 4. encourage 4. adult 4. satisfactory 4. island 4. figure 4. literary 4. scientific 4. traditional 4. communicate 4. different 4. scientist 4. reali<e 4. e:act 4. computer 4. e.entual 4. efficiency 4. essential 4. original 4. fortune 4. represent 4. honesty 4. immediate 4. mislead 4. .egetables 4. candle 4. acceptability 4. e:pectancy 4. .arious 4. influence 4. in.ention 4. collaborate 4. tele.ision 4. talented 4. boundary 4. e:change E


1K. A. commodity E@ercise 4 1. A. petroleum D. A. producer E. A. attract F. A. widespread 2. A. direction G. A. product H. A. biological I. A. e:periment J. A. geometric 1K. A. destroy E@ercise 5 1. A. e:tent D. A. inadeCuate E. A. demonstrate F. A. secondary 2. A. instead G. A. balcony H. A. fle:ible I. A. control J. A. geothermal 1K. A. attendance E@ercise 6 1. A. politics D. A. Bapan E. A. conseCuently F. A. conference 2. A. argument G. A. treatment H. A. affirm I. A. effort J. A. physiology 1K. A. contribution E@ercise 7 1. A. afloat D. A. chemistry E. A. sentimental F. A. pronounce 2. A. muscular G. A. magnetic H. A. distraction I. A. probability J. A. emergency 1K. A. natural

5. material 5. resource 5. consume 5. descend 5. an:iety 5. community 5. con.ert 5. e:pedition 5. giant 5. supply 5. disappear 5. synonymous 5. a.ailable 5. responsible 5. e:pectation 5. furious 5. accident 5. together 5. giant 5. e:perimental 5. compulsory 5. imaginary 5. astronaut 5. profile 5. announcement 5. definite 5. pre.ent 5. rely 5. distinguished 5. economics 5. appropriate 5. superior 5. original 5. commonplace 5. American 5. instrument 5. radiation 5. considerable 5. attitude 5. encourage 5. surplus

/. deposit /. occur /. companion /. noticeable /. e:plode /. garbage /. efficient /. synthetic /. windmill /. potential /. de.elopment /. admit /. authority /. simplify /. super.ision /. campaign /. mechanic /. domestic /. windmill /. elementary /. geography /. result /. unfortunate /. initiate /. /. museum /. intelligent /. infection /. a.ailable /. nominate /. opportunity /. passenger /. tribute /. mathematics /. soldier /. dramatic /. unpleasant /. recommend /. technological /. shortage /. dynamite

4. Cuality 4. anger 4. situation 4. control 4. alternati.e 4. utility 4. dispose 4. scientific 4. software 4. pollution 4. independent 4. manuscript 4. purpose 4. celebrate 4. sociologist 4. apartment 4. sur.ey 4. rela:ed 4. software 4. geographical 4. similar 4. annoyed 4. appro:imate 4. pro>ect 4. reception 4. permanent 4. acCuire 4. remedy 4. lu:urious 4. competition 4. anni.ersary 4. contribute 4. emphasis 4. information 4. prefer 4. argument 4. eCuipment 4. description 4. entertainment 4. distraction 4. decision

E@ercise E 1. A. legacy D. A. numerous E. A. beha.iour F. A. mishap 2. A. unspea&able

5. illuminate 5. recent 5. predict 5. e.acuate 5. accomplish

/. humanity /. telescope /. occurrence /. .igorous /. emotional

4. commemorate 4. 4. en.ironmental 4. moderate 4. tendency F


G. H. I. J. 1K.

A. e:pression A. de.elopment A. supply A. familiar A. ingenious

5. response 5. pre.ent 5. 5. repellent 5. 5. considerable 5. termination 5. arbitrary 5. ridiculous 5. psychological 5. attitude 5. uni.erse 5. conclusi.e 5. dominant 5. in.asion 5. .arious 5. a.erage 5. arbitrary 5. ancient 5. monetary 5. e:cess 5. successful 5. inspiration 5. appeal 5. significant 5. interaction 5. another 5. retirement 5. e:hilarate 5. attention 5. describe 5. infect 5. disaster 5. effecti.e 5. in.ol.e 5. susceptible 5. domesticate 5. technological 5. pursuit 5. unfinished 5. lucrati.e 5. competition 5. minority 5. indestructible 5. belie.e 5. e:change 5. conclude 5. inter.ention

/. psychologist /. common /. effecti.e /. antiseptic /. enormous /. inhabitant /. humanity /. di.ision /. romantic /. e:ploration /. summarise /. sestablish /. obser.ation /. emerge /. incorporate /. technology /. e:tensi.e /. di.ision /. powerful /. policy /. demand /. cartoon /. inter.ene /. resourceful /. e:ecuti.e /. ad.ancement /. pessimistic /. appear /. precaution /. adaptable /. /. descendent /. public /. disease /. e:pose /. resistant /. unlimited /. e:ponnential /. perfection /. contagion /. conser.ati.e /. indestructible /. determined /. phenomenon /. /. information /. con.incing /. eradicate

4. .ehicle 4. a.oid 4. remedy 4. sur.i.e 4. dangerous 4. urface 4. diplomacy 4. .olcano 4. outdated 4. distribution 4. astronomer 4. result 4. e:pansion 4. element 4. e:tend 4. calculate 4. magnetic 4. .olcano 4. appoint 4. pro.erb 4. regular 4. purpose 4. opportunity 4. ma:imum 4. reluctant 4. untamed 4. epidemic 4. implement 4. rigorous 4. auditory 4. testimony 4. regulate 4. surround 4. positi.e 4. garbage 4. reco.ery 4. sabotage 4. infiltration 4. confident 4. separate 4. distinguish 4. democracy 4. e.idence 4. e.idence 4. appro:imate 4. descripti.e 4. continent 4. employee 2

E@ercise 1. A. identify D. A. .ariety E. A. unthin&able F. A. intricate 2. A. planetary G. A. property H. A. disco.ery I. A. recession J. A. impetus 1K. A. introduce E@ercise ! 1. A. missionary D. A. controller E. A. genetic F. A. atmosphere 2. A. confirm G. A. recession H. A. inflation I. A. creation J. A. throughout 1K. A. maintenance E@ercise ' 1. A. accept D. A. undisturbed E. A. release F. A. transform 2. A. en.ironment G. A. con.ey H. A. communicate I. A. infection J. A. unsin&able 1K. A. approach E@ercise * 1. A. nominate D. A. eliminate E. A. substantial F. A. immunity 2. A. accompany G. A. athletic H. I. J. 1K. A. predecessor A. outstanding A. material A. facility

E@ercise . 1. A. together D. A. detail E. A. recombine


F. 2. G. H. I. J. 1K.

A. initial A. automobile A. dependable A. infrastructure A. schedule A. comfortable A. enthusiasm

5. isolate 5. alternati.e 5. assortment 5. con.enient 5. elastic 5. fle:ible 5. chemistry

/. community /. practical /. suitable /. e:ecuti.e /. impro.ement /. prosperous /. e:plosi.e

4. humanity 4. automated 4. commercial 4. creati.e 4. eCuipment 4. endea.or 4. synthetic


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