BARBU LAUTARU' - The Third Romanian Song

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Barbu Lutarul, by Iosif Iser, painting in The National Art Museum in Bucharest

Barbu Lutarul was a renowned singer, kobsa and fiddle player, born in 1780, in Iai, Romnia. He died in 1860. His real name was Vasile Barbu.descendant of an old family of musicians. He enjoyed fame during his time and became legendary by his original interpretation. Barbu Lutarul was one of those Romanian folk singers who, by their way of creation and interpretation, contributed to the formation and enrichment of the Romanian traditional folk music born from the combination of elements of the Romanian folk music born from the combination of elements of the Romanian folk music with elements of oriental romance of Slavic and Western origins. He aroused the admiration of Franz Liszt during its journey through Moldova, in the winter of 1847, in Iai. French weekly "La Vie Parisienne" reported in 1874 that during the visit, Barbu Lutaru reproduced the improvisation of Franz Liszt at the first audition. RO BARBU LUTARU Eu sunt Barbu Lutaru Starostele i cobzarul Ce-am cntat pe la domnii i la mndre cununii Cobza mea era vestit De boierii de pe-aici Veac ntreg a fost iubit Chiar i chiar de venetici Of, of, of, mi-aduc aminte Of, of, of, c mai-nainte Nici un chef nu se inea Fr drag cobza mea Dar acuma, amar mie, De cnd lumea-i veneie Nu mai am n lume glas i pe ulii am rmas Voi, boieri din lumea nou, Ziua bun v zic vou, M duc, m cltoresc, Ca un cntec btrnesc Dar s tii c-am fost odat Vocea lumii desftat i-nchinai cte-un pahar Pentru Barbu Lutar EN BARBU, THE FIDDLER I am Barbu called the fiddler/ the kobsa player Renowned Master in playing for Noble men/Boyars At their glittering wedding ceremonies My performing was so famous To the boyars all over my land Even foreigners enjoyed it so much That loved I was by everyone Oh, oh, oh, I still remember Oh, oh, oh, that years ago There was no feast without my beloved fiddle playing But now bitter times have come for me Since so many foreigners came to my land No fellow wishes to listen to my fiddle anymore And alone did I wander on the lanes You, new boyars, lend me an ear And accept my humble greeting That prepared I am to travel away Along with my old and loving playing I also dare remind you that I was once a famous and beloved voice And please dont forget to toast to me To the old Barbu, the renowned fiddler

DICTIONARY RO- EN lutarul = cununii = vestit, - = boierii = venetici = chef = ulii = a cltori = odat = a nchina = the fiddler wedding ceremonies famous the boyars foreigners venetici the lanes to travel once to toast

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