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Preamble We, the Local Colleges and Universities of Region III, in order to promote the common interests, unity, meaningful partnerships, understanding and goodwill of the local colleges and universities in the region, do hereby establish the ALCU-R3.

ARTICLE I NAME AND DOMICILE Section 1. The name of the organization shall be Association of Local Colleges and Universities in Region III, a non-stock and non-profit corporation hereinafter referred to as ALCU-R3, and duly incorporated in accordance with the laws of the Republic of the Philippines. Section 2. The domicile of this Association shall be located in City College of San Fernando, Pampanga.

ARTICLE II PURPOSES Section 1. The purposes of this Association shall be: a) To promote development among member institutions in terms of reasonably high standards of instruction, dynamic research program, credible community extension program, library and laboratory facilities and equipment, as well as promotion of understanding, complementation and cooperation among locally supported institutions of higher learning: b) To provide opportunity for exchange of resources in terms of human resources, and best practices; c) To seek recognition, participation and necessary representation in policy making bodies on education at the local, national and international levels and participate in the implementation of pertinent educational programs, projects and services; d) To foster partnership and productive consultations between ALCU, and among the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Technical Education Skills Development Authority (TESDA), Department of Education (DEPED), and other government and non-government agencies, and the local education councils and other educational associations with similar objectives.

ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP AND OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVE Section 1. Voluntary Membership. Membership is open to all local colleges and universities in Region III, operating under its own charter, offering degree and non-degree programs, and granted the government authority to operate. Section 2. Official Representative-The member LCU is represented by the School Head. Section 3. Member responsibilities include: a. All member schools shall pay an annual membership fee, to be determined through a board resolution, to be settled on or before the General Assembly. b. Payment of other dues required of the association from time to time; c. Attendance to assemblies and regular meeting; d. Abeyance to the rules and regulations set by the Association. Section 4. Member privileges include: a. Election representation in meetings and during the General Assembly (right to a vote); b. Copies of all circulars, board resolutions, researches and other documents of the Association. c. Participation is different activities & competitions of the association. Section 5. Resignation and Withdrawal of Membership a) b) Any member may resign or withdraw from the association after giving due notice or intention to do so to the Executive Officers/Association officials; Membership may be withdrawn by the Executive Officers for any of the following reasons: 1. Non-payment of dues for two (2) years 2. Non-participation in the Associations 2 general assemblies without valid reason w/o valid reason 3. Three (3) accumulated absences without prior notice

ARTICLE IV PARTNERSHIP ALCU-R3 can enter into partnerships or accept donations.


Section 1. The General Assembly. The General Assembly shall be the supreme authority of this Association. All members of the General Assembly shall have the power to: a) Determine the general policies and programs of ALCU R3; b) Lay down association rules on membership fees; Section 2. The Association shall be governed by the Board of Directors who will elect from among themselves the following Executive Officers: a) President b) Vice-President c) Secretary d) Treasurer e) Auditor f) Public Relations Officers, and Section 3. General Provisions Regarding the Officers a.) All Presidents or official representatives of member Colleges and Universities are considered Board of Directors: b.) They can be elected Executive Officers during election by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. c.) The Executive Officers shall manage the daily affairs of the Association. d.) Tenure. The Executive Officers shall serve for a term of two years, without extension but this will not prevent them from holding other positions. e.) Succession. In the event the President and shall serve his/her unexpired term. Section 4. Commissions. Under the direction of Executive Officers, there shall be the following Commissions, organized (standing commissions) and headed by a Director: a) Accreditation Commission b) Development Commission c) Instructional Materials Commission d) Special Programs and Projects Section 5. Organizational Structure

ARTICLE VI THE OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES Section 1. Duties of the President. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officers of the Association and shall be responsible for managing its administrative and business affairs. He shall preside at all meetings, conferences and convention of the Association and Executive Officers. He shall recommend appointments to commissions, communities, or to other bodies of the Association subject to the approval of the Executive Officers. Section 2. Duties of the Vice President. The Vice President shall president all meetings, conferences and conventions in the absence of the President. He shall perform such other duties and have such other authority from time to time as may be assigned or delegated by the President or by the Board.

Section 3. Duties of the Secretary. The Secretary shall be the head of the Secretariat of the Association. He/She shall take minutes of the Executive Officers meetings, keep records, property accountabilities and all official documents of the Association. He/she shall send notices of the meetings to all members of the Executive Officers. Section 4. Duties of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible of all funds and records, properties and securities of the Association and shall deposit the same in any officially designated bank. He/She shall disburse funds in accordance with the rules and regulations established as authorized by the Executive Officers. He/She shall keep an account of all receipts on expenditures and other financial transactions of the Association. Finally, he/she shall perform such other duties as directed by the President or the Executive Officers. He/She shall render financial reports as part of the agenda during regular meeting of the Board. Section 5. Duties of the Auditor. He shall examine all financial records and audit them. He shall also perform other functions as may be provided for by the Board. Section 6. Duties of the Public Relations Officer of the Association. He shall promote the Associations programs and activities using tri-media. He shall also perform other functions as may be provided for by the Board. Section 7. The Executive Officers, in its rule-making capacity, may promulgate the duties and responsibilities of the other Officers not herein mentioned.

ARTICLE VII MEETINGS Section 1. The regular meetings shall be attended by the Board of Directors every last Friday of the Quarter; Section 2. The General Assembly shall be held every May. In the event that there will be no election of new set of Executive officers prior to the expiration of the two year tenure, the incumbent officers will be acting as interim executive officers until an election will be called. Section 3. Special meetings among the Executive Officers may be called by the President when necessary. Section 4. The place of the meeting can be set anywhere in Central Luzon as may be agreed upon by the Executive Officers before the end of a previous meeting. Section 5. Majority of the members hold a quorum.

ARTICLE VIII RULES ON PROCEDURES The General Assembly and the Board of Directors shall adopt the generally accepted rules of procedures.

ARTICLE IX ACADEMIC YEAR The academic year shall commence on June, after the annual General Assembly and end on the last day of May of the succeeding year. Operationally, the membership shall cover the same period from June-May 31, and the payment of the membership shall be on or before the last Friday of June.

ARTICLE X OFFICIAL SEAL The Association shall adopt its official seal. (include description c/o Mabalacat City College)

ARTICLE XI AMENDMENTS Any member may propose an amendment to this Constitution and By-Laws of the Association subject to the approval of majority of the Executive Officers.

ARTICLE XII EFFECTIVITY This Constitution and By-Laws shall take effect upon approval and signing by the charter members present during the General Assembly.

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