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Muhammad Zainal Salim HP.



Personal Information

Surname Name Title

: Salim : Muhammad Zainal :-


Indonesia (Excellent both Oral and Written) at Senior High School o Average of practice score o Average Score Report : 8.2/10 : 8.4/10

English (Good both Oral and Written) at Senior High School o Average of practice score o International TOEFL IBT : 7.3/10 o National examination Score : 7.4/10 :-

Arabic (Excelent both Oral and Written) at Senior High School o Average of practice score o Average Score Report : 8.0/10 : 8.3/10

Qualification Highli Organizational Experience

Muhammad Zainal Salim HP. 087739356129 Member of Geophysics Instrument Club (GIC) as Theory Division. (2014) Staff 1st commite (legislation) DPM (Dewan Perwakilan Mahasiswa) FMIPA Gadjah Mada University (2013) Leader of RUMAH 2011 (Forum Ukhwah 2011) KMFM (Keluarga Muslim Fakultas MIPA) UGM (2011-2012) Staff Development Potential of Services and Syiar Department, KMFM Gadjah Mada University (2011-2012) The Worship and Spirit Division of Daaru Hiraa Boarding School Senate (2011-2012) The Art Division of Orasawa Hulondalo (Community Gorontalo Culture Lovers) (2010) The Proctor Grade 10 of MAN Insan Cendekia Gorontalo (2008 2009) Secretary of FASIH Al-Hikmah (Organization of Students) (2006 2007) The Regeneration Education Division of FASIH Al-Hikmah (2005 2006)

Achievements & Particular Events

Participant on Petrel workshop with TOTAL E&P Indonesie , Yogyakarta. (2014) Geothermal short course Exploration and Production of Geothermal Energy with Isto Jannata Saputra (Supreme Energi) and Eben Ezer Siahaan (Pertamina Geothermal Energy), held by America Assosiation Petroleum Geologist (AAPG) (2014)

Muhammad Zainal Salim HP. 087739356129 Honorary Lecture Aeromagnetics (A Driver for Discovery & Development of Earth Resources) with Mr. Dave Isles, held by Society Exploration Geophysics (2013) Participant of Gephysics Expedition, Identification of Geological structures in the geothermal prospects area with Audio Magnetotelurik (AMT) method, Candi umbul, Grabag held by SEG and HMGF (Geophysics student associations of Gadjah Mada University) (2013) Participant of Roadshow Geotermal, Memasyarakatkan Geotermal di Lingkungan Perguruan Tinggi held by Pusat Sumber Daya Geologi (2013) Main Participant of room Education on Future Leader Summit 2013, Semarang, held by LSM Organisasi Kepemudaan Pemimpin Nusantara (2013) Partcipant on Workshop Basic physics lab assistant (Improvement the

Performance of Assistant) Yogyakarta, held by Units Physics lab Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Gadjah Mada University (2012) Participant of Leadership Training 1: Introduction to The World Mission, held by KMFM UGM (2011) Participant in MHQ (Musabaqah Hifdzil Quran) Juz 29 (Chapter Al-Mulk until Al-Mursalat), Yogyakarta, held by Pondok Quran Jogja Partcipant Social Service (2011)

at Shelter Gondang I, Cangkringan, Sleman, (2011)

Yogyakarta held by KMFM Gadjah Mada University Partcipant on Workshop Training for Community Empowerment

Community:Provosioning of PAUD program at Pakem village, Yogyakarta, held by Komunitas Kita (2011) Best Drible Basket Ball, Basketball Coach Gorontalo Province Versions (2010)

Muhammad Zainal Salim HP. 087739356129 Partcipant on MHQ Ramadhan 1431 H, Gorontalo, held by MAN Insan Cendekia Gorontalo (2009)

Frist Winner of Nasyid (Religious Music) in Mawlid Prophet Celebration Village level, Bobos, held by FASIH Al-Hikmah (2007)

Work Experience

ANFA Private Education as Mathematics and Natural science private Mentor (2014) Rumah Cerdas Ulil Albab as Mathematics and Natural science private Mentor (2013) Units Physics lab Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM as Assistant lab (Topic: Gravity Measurements by of Mathematical Swing Method) (2012)

Units Physics lab Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM as Assistant lab (Topic: Measurement of the Spring Constant) (2012)

SDIT Salman Al-Farisi (Elementary School) as Religius Tutor for Grade 4th (2012)

Legal Education

MAN Insan Cendekia Gorontalo (Senior High shool) Major of Study GPA : Exact Science : 8.35 (Scale 10)

(graduated 2011)

SMP Terbuka 1 Dukupuntang (Junior High School) Major of Study GPA :: 8.29 (Scale 4)

(graduated 2008)

PTQT Al-Hikmah (Boarding School at Junior High School) Major of Study : Memorizing Scripture (Quran)

(graduated 2008)

Muhammad Zainal Salim HP. 087739356129 GPA : 10 (Scale 30)

Contributions Committee

Secretary and Fund

Division at Event Training Authorship with TASARO

(Famous writers In Indonesia), Dukupuntang, held by Fasih Al-Hikmah (2007) Decorating Publications and Documentation Division at Event Ikhwan Akhwat Award, held by OSIS MAN Insan Cendekia Gorontalo (2010) Decorating Publications and Documentation Division at ICSoul (Biggest Festival Event) Centered on Part Design, Province level, Gorontalo, held by OSIS MAN Insan Cendekia Gorontalo (2010) Decorating Publications and Documentation Division at 11th Graduation, Gorontalo, held by MAN Insan Cendekia Gorontalo (2011) Program Division at MIA (Muslim In Action) Yogyakarta, held by KMFM Gadjah Mada University (2012) Program Division at PASCAL (Pengenalan Kampus Science Awal kuliah) Centered on Master Ceremony, Yogyakarta, held by Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Gadjah Mada University (2012) Equipment committee at OPMG (Orientasi Pengenalan Medan Geofisika) at Wonolelo, held by Departement of Geophysics Gadjah Mada University (2012) Program Division at Training Leadership 1, Ngemplak, held by KMFM Gadjah Mada University (2012)

Muhammad Zainal Salim HP. 087739356129 Leader at Seminar nasional Kedaulatan Energi at FMIPA UIN SUKA, Yogyakarta, held by IKLIM MIPA (Ikatan Legislatif Mahasiswa MIPA) (2013) Mahkamah Division at PASCAL (Pengenalan Kampus Science Awal kuliah), Yogyakarta, held by Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Gadjah Mada University (2012) Guide committee at PALAPA UGM 2013 (Orientation phase of Gadjah Mada University new student), Yogyakarta, held by Gadjah Mada University (2013)

Additional Personal Information

Place of Birth Date of Birth Gender Blood Type Religion Marital Status Nationality Address

: Jakarta, West Java, Indonesia : January 20th, 1994 : Male :B : Moslem :Single : Indonesia : Daaru Hiraa Boarding School Malangrejo RT 03 RW 34 Wedomartani, Ngemplak, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55584

JL KHA Madani no.121 RT 08, RW 09, Jatimakmur, Pondokgede, Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17413 Phone : 087739356129 Email: Interest : Sport (Basketball), Organization, Research, Travelling

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