Reception Reception Reception Reception Reception Reception: Ray Weds Sewah Ray Weds Sewah Ray Weds Sewah

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AvvIvuI nI CnupIcs
2. OpcnIng pvuycv (Hcv. MInIstcv)
3. MusIcuI IntcvIudc
4. tntvnductInn nI cLuIvmun
(Mv. MuxwcII SnvLpnv)
5. MusIcuI IntcvIudc / HcIvcsLmcnt
B. CuttIng nI CuLc (Mvs. HcIcnu Yuu Adumu)
7. PnppIng nI CLumpuIgn
- Mr. Froncis Ofori Twumosi
- Miss AdeIine Abeno Amonkwoh
- Mr. PeginoId Osei Akofo
- Mr. Poberf Quoo
- Miss Lydio 0orni
- Mr. John Mii Armoh Abobio
B. Vntc nI tLunLs (MIss mmunucIIu Addn)
9. CInsIng pvuycv (MIss sInum GnvnI)

Lord help us to remember when We first met and the strong love that grew between us.
To work that love into practical things so that nothing can divide us. We ask for words
both kind and loving and hearts always ready to ask forgiveness as well as to forgive.
Dear Lord, we put our marriage into your hands
1. AvvIvuI nI CnupIcs
2. OpcnIng pvuycv (Hcv. MInIstcv)
3. MusIcuI IntcvIudc
4. tntvnductInn nI cLuIvmun
(Mv. MuxwcII SnvLpnv)
5. MusIcuI IntcvIudc / HcIvcsLmcnt
B. CuttIng nI CuLc (Mvs. HcIcnu Yuu Adumu)
7. PnppIng nI CLumpuIgn
- Mr. Froncis Ofori Twumosi
- Miss AdeIine Abeno Amonkwoh
- Mr. PeginoId Osei Akofo
- Mr. Poberf Quoo
- Miss Lydio 0orni
- Mr. John Mii Armoh Abobio
B. Vntc nI tLunLs (MIss mmunucIIu Addn)
9. CInsIng pvuycv (MIss sInum GnvnI)

Lord help us to remember when We first met and the strong love that grew between us.
To work that love into practical things so that nothing can divide us. We ask for words
both kind and loving and hearts always ready to ask forgiveness as well as to forgive.
Dear Lord, we put our marriage into your hands
1. AvvIvuI nI CnupIcs
2. OpcnIng pvuycv (Hcv. MInIstcv)
3. MusIcuI IntcvIudc
4. tntvnductInn nI cLuIvmun
(Mv. MuxwcII SnvLpnv)
5. MusIcuI IntcvIudc / HcIvcsLmcnt
B. CuttIng nI CuLc (Mvs. HcIcnu Yuu Adumu)
7. PnppIng nI CLumpuIgn
- Mr. Froncis Ofori Twumosi
- Miss AdeIine Abeno Amonkwoh
- Mr. PeginoId Osei Akofo
- Mr. Poberf Quoo
- Miss Lydio 0orni
- Mr. John Mii Armoh Abobio
B. Vntc nI tLunLs (MIss mmunucIIu Addn)
9. CInsIng pvuycv (MIss sInum GnvnI)

Lord help us to remember when We first met and the strong love that grew between us.
To work that love into practical things so that nothing can divide us. We ask for words
both kind and loving and hearts always ready to ask forgiveness as well as to forgive.
Dear Lord, we put our marriage into your hands

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