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is the sixth book of the adventures of the ive! "u#ian$ %i&k$ 'nne$ (eor)e!and Ti**+ the do), The+ are ba&k on -irrin Is#and a)ain$ in one of their bi))est adventures of a##, The five books before this one$ in their ri)ht order$ are .

Five Five Five Five Five

on a Treasure Island Go Adventuring Again Run Away Together Go to Smuggler's Top Go Off in a Caravan

'#thou)h the books are ta#es about the sa*e &hara&ters$ ea&h book is &o*/#ete in itse#f, The ive are sti## havin) adventures$ and if +ou #ook on the 0ra//er of this book +ou 0i## find the na*es of the stories 0hi&h fo##o0 this one, I ho/e +ou 0i## en1o+ the* a##,
23I% 456T73,






(I55I'3 '3% I97(23



Chapter One A LETTER FOR GEORGE '332 0as tr+in) to do so*e of her /re/, in a &orner of the &o**on<roo* 0hen her &ousin (eor)e &a*e burstin) in, (eor)e 0as not a bo+= she 0as a )ir# &a##ed (eor)ina$ but be&ause she had a#0a+s 0anted to be a bo+ she insisted on bein) &a##ed (eor)e, So (eor)e she 0as, She 0ore her &ur#+ hair &ut short$ and her bri)ht b#ue e+es )#ea*ed an)ri#+ no0 as she &a*e to0ards 'nne, >'nne? I>ve 1ust had a #etter fro* ho*e < and 0hat do +ou think@ ather 0ants to )o and #ive on *+ is#and to do so*e s/e&ia# 0ork < and he 0ants to bui#d a sort of to0er or so*ethin) in the &ast#e +ard?> The other )ir#s #ooked u/ in a*use*ent$ and 'nne he#d out her hand for the #etter that (eor)e 0as 0avin) at her, 2ver+one kne0 about the #itt#e is#and off -irrin 4a+ that be#on)ed to (eor)e, -irrin Is#and 0as a tin+ /#a&e 0ith an o#d ruined &ast#e in the *idd#e of it. the ho*e of rabbits and )u##s and 1a&kda0s, It had under)round dun)eons$ in 0hi&h (eor)e and her &ousins had had one or t0o a*aAin) adventures, It had on&e be#on)ed to (eor)e>s *other$ and she had )iven it to (eor)e < and (eor)e 0as ver+ fier&e 0here her /re&ious -irrin Is#and 0as &on&erned? It 0as hers, 3obod+ e#se *ust #ive there$ or even #and there 0ithout her /er*ission,

'nd no0$ dear *e$ here 0as her father /ro/osin) to )o to her is#and$ and even bui#d so*e sort of 0orksho/ there? (eor)e 0as red 0ith exas/eration, >It>s 1ust #ike )ro0n<u/s= the+ )o and )ive +ou thin)s$ and then a&t as thou)h the thin)s 0ere theirs a## the ti*e, I don>t 0ant ather #ivin) on *+ is#and$ and bui#din) nast+ *ess+ sheds and thin)s there,> >7h (eor)e < +ou kno0 +our father is a ver+ fa*ous s&ientist$ 0ho needs to 0ork in /ea&e$> said 'nne$ takin) the #etter, >Sure#+ +ou &an #end hi* +our is#and for a bit@> >There are /#ent+ of other /#a&es 0here he &an 0ork in /ea&e$> said (eor)e, >7h dear < I 0as so ho/in) 0e &ou#d )o and sta+ there in the 2aster ho#>s < take our boat there$ and food and ever+thin)$ 1ust #ike 0e>ve done before, 3o0 0e shan>t be ab#e to if ather rea##+ does )o there,> 'nne read the #etter, It 0as fro* (eor)e>s *other, > y darling George! 'I thin" I must tell you at on#e that your lather pro$ $poses to live on %irrin Island for some little time in order to finish some very important e&periments he is ma"ing' (e will have to have some "ind of )uilding ere#ted there $a sort of tower! I )elieve' Apparently he needs a pla#e where he #an have a)solute pea#e and isolation! and also! for some reason! where there is water all round him' The fa#t of )eing surrounded )y water is ne#essary to his e&periment' '*ow! dear! don't )e upset a)out this' I "now that you #onsider %irrin Island is your very own! )ut you must allow your family to share it! espe#ially when it

is for something as important as your father's s#ientifi# wor"' Father thin"s you will )e very pleased indeed to lend him %irrin Island! )ut I "now your funny feelings a)out it! so I thought + had )etter write and tell you! )efore you arrive home and see him installed there! #omplete with his tower''
The #etter then 0ent on about other thin)s$ but 'nne did not bother to read these, She #ooked at (eor)e,


B 7h$(eor)e ? I don>t see 0h+ +ou *ind +our father borro0in) -irrin Is#and for a bit? I 0ou#dn>t *ind my father borro0in) an is#and fro* *e!if I 0as #u&k+ enou)h to have one ? B B Tour father 0ou#d ta#k to +ou about it first$ and ask +our /er*ission$ and see if +ou *inded$B said (eor)e$ su#ki#+, B 9+ father never does an+thin) #ike that, He 1ust does exa&t#+ as he #ikes 0ithout askin) an+bod+ an+thin), I rea##+ do think he *i)ht have 0ritten to *e hi*se#f, He 1ust /uts *+ ba&k u/,B B 6ou>ve )ot a ba&k that is ver+ easi#+ /ut u/$ (eor)e$B said 'nne$ #au)hin), B %on>t s&o0# at *e Hke that, I'm not borro0in) +our is#and 0ithout +our )ra&ious /er*ission,B 4ut (eor)e 0ou#dn>t s*i#e ba&k, She took her #etter and read it a)ain )#oo*i#+, B To think that a## *+ #ove#+ ho#ida+ /#ans are s/oi#t ? B she said, B 6ou kno0 ho0 su/er -irrin Is#and is at 2aster<ti*e!a## /ri*roses and )orse and bab+ rabbits, 'nd +ou and "u#ian and %i&k 0ere &o*in) to sta+$ and 0e haven>t sta+ed to)ether sin&e #ast su**er 0hen 0e 0ent &aravannin),B B I kno0, It is hard #u&k ? B said 'nne, B It 0ou#d have been 0iAard to )o and sta+ on the is#and these ho##s, 4ut /erha/s +our father 0ou#dn>t *ind if 0e did @ :e needn>t disturb hi*,B B 's if #ivin) on -irrin Is#and 0ith ather there 0ou#d be the sa*e as #ivin) there a## b+ ourse#ves$B said (eor)e$ s&ornfu##+, B 6ou kno0 it 0ou#d be horrid,B :e##$ +es!'nne didn>t think on the 0ho#e that -irrin Is#and 0ou#d be *u&h fun 0ith Cn&#e Duentin there,

(eor)e>s father 0as su&h a hot<te*/ered$ i*/atient *an$ and 0hen he 0as in the *idd#e of one of his ex/eri*ents he 0as Euite unbearab#e, The #east noise u/set hi*, B 7h dear!ho0 he 0i## +e## at the 1a&kda0s to kee/ Euiet$ and shout at the nois+ )u##s ? B said 'nne$ be)innin) to )i))#e, B He 0on>t find -irrin Euite so /ea&efu# as he i*a)ines ? B (eor)e )ave a 0ater+ sort of s*i#e, She fo#ded u/ the #etter and turned a0a+, B :e##$ I think it>s 1ust the #i*it$B she said, B I 0ou#dn>t have fe#t so bad if on#+ ather had asked *+ /er*ission,B B He>d never do that? B said 'nne, B It 1ust 0ou#dn>t o&&ur to hi*, 3o0 (eor)e$ don>t s/end the rest of the da+ broodin) over +our 0ron)s$ for )oodness> sake, (o do0n to the kenne#s and fet&h Ti**+, He>## soon &heer +ou u/,B Ti*oth+ 0as (eor)e>s do)$ 0ho* she #oved 0ith a## her heart, He 0as a bi) bro0n *on)re# do)$ 0ith a ridi&u#ous#+ #on) tai#$ and a 0ide *outh that rea##+ see*ed to s*i#e, '## the four &ousins #oved hi*, He 0as so friend#+ and #ovin)$ so #ive#+ and a*usin)$ and he had shared so ver+ *an+ adventures 0ith the* a##, The five of the* had had *an+ ha//+ ti*es to)ether, (eor)e 0ent to )et Ti**+, Her s&hoo# a##o0ed the &hi#dren to kee/ their o0n /ets, If it hadn>t a##o0ed this$ it is Euite &ertain that (eor)e 0ou#d not have )one to boardin)<s&hoo#? She &ou#d not bear to be /arted fro* Ti**+ for even a da+, Ti**+ be)an to bark ex&ited#+ as soon as she &a*e near, (eor)e #ost her su#k+ #ook and s*i#ed, %ear Ti**+$ dear trustab#e Ti**+!he 0as better than an+ /erson ? He

0as a#0a+s on her side$ a#0a+s her friend 0hatever she did$ and to Ti**+ there 0as no one in the 0or#d so 0onderfu# as (eor)e, The+ 0ere soon )oin) throu)h the fie#ds to)ether$ and (eor)e ta#ked to Ti**+ as she a#0avs

did, She to#d hi* about her father borro0in) -irrin Is#and, Ti**+ a)reed 0ith ever+ 0ord she said, He

#istened as if he understood ever+thin)$ and not even 0hen a rabbit shot a&ross



his /ath did he #eave his *istress>s side, Ti**+ a#0a+s kne0 0hen (eor)e 0as u/set, He )ave her hand a fe0 #itt#e #i&ks ever+ no0 and a)ain, 4+ the ti*e that (eor)e 0as ba&k at s&hoo# a)ain she fe#t *u&h better, She took Ti**+ into s&hoo# 0ith her$ s*u))#in) hi* in at a side door, %o)s 0ere not a##o0ed in the s&hoo# bui#din)$ but (eor)e$ #ike her father$ often did exa&t#+ as she #iked, She hurried Ti**+ u/ to her dor*itor+, He s&utt#ed under her bed Eui&k#+ and #a+ do0n, His tai# thu*/ed the f#oor )ent#+, He kne0 0hat this *eant, (eor)e 0anted the &o*fort of his nearness that ni)ht ? He 0ou#d be ab#e to 1u*/ on her bed$ 0hen #i)hts 0ere out$ and snu))#e into the &rook of her knees, His bro0n e+es )#ea*ed 0ith de#i)ht, B 3o0$ #ie Euiet$B said (eor)e$ and 0ent out of the roo* to 1oin the other )ir#s, She found 'nne$ 0ho 0as bus+ 0ritin) a #etter to her brothers$ "u#ian and %i&k$ at their boardin)<s&hoo#, B I>ve to#d the* about -irrin Is#and$ and +our father 0antin) to borro0 it$B she said, B :ou#d +ou #ike to &o*e and sta+ 0ith us! (eor)e$ these ho##s$ instead of us &o*in) to -irrin @ Then +ou 0on>t fee# &ross a## the ti*e be&ause +our father is on +our is#and,B B 3o thanks$B said (eor)e$ at on&e, B I>* )oin) ho*e, I 0ant to kee/ an e+e on ather ? I don>t 0ant hi* b#o0in) u/ -irrin Is#and 0ith one of his ex/eri*ents, 6ou kno0 he>s *essin) about 0ith ex/#osives no0$ don>t +ou @ B B 7oooh!ato* bo*bs$ or thin)s #ike that @ B said 'nne,


B I don>t kno0$B said (eor)e, B 'n+0a+$ Euite a/art fro* kee/in) an e+e on ather and *+ is#and$ 0e ou)ht to )o and sta+ at -irrin to kee/ 9other &o*/an+, She>## be a## a#one if ather>s on the is#and, I su//ose he>## take food and ever+thin) there,B B :e##$ there>s one thin)$ 0e shan>t have to &ree/ about on ti/toe and 0his/er$ if +our father isn>t at -irrin ;otta)e ? B said 'nne, B :e &an be as nois+ as 0e #ike, %o &heer u/$ (eor)e ? B 4ut it took (eor)e Euite a #on) ti*e to )et over the fit of )#oo* &aused b+ her *other>s #etter, 2ven havin) Ti**+ on her bed ea&h ni)ht$ ti## he 0as dis&overed b+ an an)r+ tea&her$ did not Euite *ake u/ for her disa//oint*ent, The ter* ran s0ift#+ on to its end, '/ri# &a*e in$ 0ith sunshine and sho0ers, Ho#ida+s &a*e nearer and nearer ? 'nne thou)ht 1o+fu##+ of -irrin$ 0ith its #ove#+ sand+ bea&h$ its b#ue sea$ its fishin)<boats and its #ove#+ &#iffside 0a#ks, "u#ian and %i&k thou)ht #on)in)#+ of the* too, This ter* both the+ and the )ir#s broke u/ on the sa*e da+, The+ &ou#d *eet in 5ondon and trave# do0n to -irrin to)ether, Hurrah ? The da+ &a*e at #ast, Trunks 0ere /i#ed in the ha##, ;ars arrived to fet&h so*e of the &hi#dren 0ho #ived fair#+ near, The s&hoo# &oa&hes dre0 u/ to take the others do0n to the station, There 0as a terrifi& noise of +e##in) and shoutin) ever+0here, The tea&hers &ou#d not *ake the*se#ves heard in the din, B 'n+one 0ou#d think that ever+ sin)#e &hi#d had )one &o*/#ete#+ *ad$B said one of the* to another, B 7h$ thank )oodness$ the+>re )ettin) into the &oa&hes, (eor)e ? ust +ou rush a#on)


the &orridor at sixt+ *i#es an hour$ 0ith Ti**+ barkin) his head off a## the ti*e ? B B 6es$ I *ust$ I *ust ? B &ried (eor)e, B 'nne$ 0here are +ou @ %o &o*e and )et into the &oa&h, I4 I>ve )ot Ti**+, He kno0s it>s ho#ida+s no0, ;o*e on$ Ti* ? B %o0n to the station 0ent the sin)in) &ro0d of &hi#dren, The+ /i#ed into the train, B 4a)s I this seat? :ho>s taken *+ ba) @ (et out$ Hett+$ +ou kno0 +ou &an>t brin) +our do) in here 0ith *ine, The+ fi)ht #ike an+thin), Hurrah$ the )uard>s b#o0in) his 0hist#e ? :e>re off? B The en)ine /u##ed s#o0#+ out of the station$ its #on) train of &arria)es behind it$ fi##ed to burstin) 0ith )ir#s off for their ho#ida+s, Throu)h the Euiet &ountr+side it 0ent$ throu)h s*a## to0ns and vi##a)es$ and at #ast ran throu)h the s*ok+ outskirts of 5ondon, B The bo+s> train is due in t0o *inutes before ours$B said 'nne$ #eanin) out of the 0indo0$ as the tra* dre0 s#o0#+ into the 5ondon station, FF If it 0as /un&tua#$ the+ *i)ht be on our /#atfor* to *eet us, 7h #ook$ (eor)e$ #ook !there the+ are ? B (eor)e hun) out of the 0indo0 too, B Hie$ "u#ian ? B she +e##ed, B Here 0e are ? Hie$ %i&k$ "u#ian ?B


Chapter Two BACK AT KIRRIN COTTAGE "C5I'3$ %i&k$ 'nne$ (eor)e and Ti**+ 0ent strai)hta0a+ to have buns and )in)er<beer at the station tea<roo*, It 0as )ood to be a## to)ether a)ain, Ti**+ 0ent near#+ *ad 0ith 1o+ at seein) the t0o bo+s, He ke/t tr+in) to )et on to their knees, B 5ook here$ Ti**+$ o#d thin)$ I #ove +ou ver+ *u&h$ and I>* 1o##+ )#ad to see +ou$B said %i&k$ B but that>s t0i&e +ou>ve u/set *+ )in)er<beer a## over *e, Has he behaved hi*se#f this ter*$ (eor)e @ B B air#+ 0e##$B said (eor)e$ &onsiderin), BHasn>t he$ 'nne@ I *ean!he on#+ )ot the 1oint out of the #arder on&e !and he didn>t do mu#h har* to that &ushion he &he0ed! and if /eo/#e will #eave their )o#oshes a## over the /#a&e nobod+ &an b#a*e Ti**+ for havin) a )ood o#d )a*e 0ith the*,B B 'nd that 0as the end of the )o#oshes$ I su//ose$B said "u#ian$ 0ith a )rin, B 7n the 0ho#e$ Ti**+$ +ou have a rather /oor re/ort, I>* afraid our Cn&#e Duentin 0i## not a0ard +ou the usua# ha#f<&ro0n 0e )et for )ood re/orts,B 't the *ention of her father$ (eor)e s&o0#ed, B I see (eor)e has not #ost her /rett+ s&o0#$B said %i&k$ in a teasin) voi&e, B %ear o#d (eor)e ? :e shou#dn>t kno0 her un#ess she /ut on that fier&eso*e s&o0# ha#f a doAen ti*es a da+ ? B


B 7h$ she>s better than she 0as$B said 'nne$ hurr+in) to (eor)e>s defen&e at on&e, (eor)e 0as not so tou&h+ as she had on&e been$ 0hen she 0as bein) teased, '## the sa*e$ 'nne kne0 that there *i)ht be s/arks f#+in) over her father takin) -irrin Is#and these ho#ida+s$ and she didn>t 0ant (eor)e to f#+ into a te*/er too soon ? "u#ian #ooked at his &ousin, B I sa+$ o#d thin)$ +ou>re not )oin) to take this business of -irrin Is#and too *u&h to heart$ are +ou @ B he said, B 6ou>ve 1ust )ot to rea#ise that +our father>s a re*arkab#+ &#ever *an$ one of the finest s&ientists 0e>ve )ot!and 7 think that those kind of fe##o0s ou)ht to be a##o0ed as *u&h freedo* as the+ #ike$ for their 0ork, I *ean!if Cn&#e Duentin 0ants to 0ork on -irrin Is#and for so*e /e&u#iar reason of his o0n$ then +ou ou)ht to be /#eased to sa+ > (o ahead$ ather ?> B (eor)e #ooked a #itt#e *utinous after this rather #on) s/ee&h = but she thou)ht a )reat dea# of "u#ian$ and usua##+ 0ent b+ 0hat he said, He 0as o#der than an+ of the*$ a ta##$ )ood<#ookin) bo+$ 0ith deter*ined e+es and a stron) &hin, (eor)e s&rat&hed Ti**+>s head$ and s/oke in a #o0 voi&e, B '## ri)ht, I 0on>t )o u/ in s*oke about it$ "u#ian, 4ut I>* fri)htfu##+ disa//ointed, I>d /#anned to )o to -irrin Is#and ourse#ves these ho##sG B :e##$ 0e>re a## disa//ointed$B said "u#ian, B4u&k u/ 0ith +our bun$ o#d thin), :e>ve )ot H to )et a&ross 5ondon and &at&h the train for -irrin, :e sha## *iss it if 0e don>t #ook out,B Soon the+ 0ere in the train for -irrin, "u#ian :HS ver+ )ood at )ettin) /orters and taxies, 'nne


)aAed ad*irin)#+ at her bi) brother as he found the* a## &orner<seats in a &arria)e, "u#ian did kno0 ho0 to ta&k#e thin)s ? B %o +ou think I>ve )ro0n$ "u#ian @ B she asked hi*, B I did ho/e I>d be as ta## as (eor)e b+ the end of this ter*$ but she )re0 too ?B B :e##$ I shou#d think +ou *i)ht be a Euarter of an in&h ta##er than #ast ter*$B said "u#ian, B 6ou &an>t &at&h us u/$ 'nne!+ou>## a#0a+s be the s*a##est ? 4ut I #ike +ou s*a##,B B 5ook at Ti**+$ /uttin) his head out of the 0indo0 as usua# ? B said %i&k, B Ti**+$ +ou>## )et a s*oke<)rit in +our e+e, Then (eor)e 0i## )o Euite *ad 0ith )rief and think +ou>re )oin) b#ind ?B B :oof$B said Ti**+$ and 0a))ed his tai#, That 0as the ni&e /art about Ti**+, He a#0a+s kne0 0hen he 0as bein) s/oken to$ even if his na*e 0as not *entioned$ and he ans0ered at on&e, 'unt ann+ 0as at the station to *eet the* in the /on+<tra/, The &hi#dren f#un) the*se#ves on her$ for the+ 0ere ver+ fond of her, She 0as kind and )ent#e$ and did her best to kee/ her &#ever$ i*/atient husband fro* findin) too *u&h fau#t 0ith the &hi#dren, B Ho0>s Cn&#e Duentin @ B asked "u#ian$ /o#ite#+$ 0hen the+ 0ere settin) off in the tra/, B He>s ver+ 0e##$B said his aunt, B 'nd terrib#+ ex&ited, 8ea##+$ I>ve never kno0n hi* to be so thri##ed as he has been #ate#+, His 0ork has been &o*in) a#on) ver+ su&&essfu##+,B B I su//ose +ou don>t kno0 0hat his #atest ex/eri*ent is @ B said %i&k, B 7h no, He never te##s *e a 0ord$B said

'unt ann+, B He never te##s an+one an+thin) 0hi#st he is at 0ork$ ex&e/t his &o##ea)ues$ of &ourse, 4ut I do kno0 it>s ver+ i*/ortant!and I kno0$ of &ourse$ that the #ast /art of the ex/eri*ent has to be *ade in a /#a&e 0here there is dee/ 0ater a## around, %on>t ask *e 0h+ ? I don>t kno0,B B 5ook ? There>s -irrin Is#and ? B said 'nne$ sudden#+, The+ had rounded a &orner$ and had &o*e in si)ht of the ba+, (uardin) the entran&e 7f it 0as the &urious #itt#e is#and to//ed b+ the o#d ruined &ast#e, The sun shone do0n on the b#ue sea$ and the is#and #ooked *ost en&hantin), (eor)e #ooked earnest#+ at it, She 0as #ookin) for the bui#din)$ 0hatever it 0as$ that her father said he needed for his 0ork, 2ver+one #ooked at the is#and$ seekin) the sa*e thin), The+ sa0 it easi#+ enou)h ? 8isin) fro* the &entre of the &ast#e$ /robab#+ fro* the &ast#e +ard$ 0as a ta##$ thin to0er$ rather #ike a #i)ht<house, 't the to/ 0as a )#ass< en&#osed roo*$ 0hi&h )#ittered in the sun, B 7h 9other ? I don>t #ike it? It s/oi#s -irrin Is#and$B said (eor)e$ in dis*a+, B %ar#in)$ it &an &o*e do0n 0hen +our father has finished his 0ork$B said her *other, FF It>s a ver+ f#i*s+$ te*/orar+ thin), It &an easi#+ be /u##ed do0n, ather /ro*ised *e he 0ou#d s&ra/ it as soon as his 0ork 0as done, He sa+s +ou &an )o a&ross and see it$ if +ou #ike, It>s rea##+ rather interestin),B B 7ooh!I>d love to )o and see it$B said 'nne$ at on&e, B It #ooks so Eueer, Is Cn&#e Duentin a## a#one on -irrin Is#and$ 'unt ann+ @ B B 6es, I don>t #ike hi* to be a#one$B said her

aunt, B or one thin) I a* sure he doesn>t )et his *ea#s /ro/er#+$ and for another$ I>* a#0a+s afraid so*e har* *i)ht &o*e to hi* 0hen he>s ex/eri*entin)!and if he>s a#one$ ho0 0ou#d I kno0 if an+thin) ha//ened to hi* @ B B :e##$ 'unt ann+$ +ou &ou#d a#0a+s arran)e for hi* to si)na# to +ou ea&h *ornin) and ni)ht$ &ou#dn>t +ou @ B said "u#ian$ sensib#+, B He &ou#d use that to0er easi#+, He &ou#d f#ash a si)na# to +ou in the *ornin)$ usin) a *irror$ +ou kno0 !he#io)ra/hin) that he 0as a## ri)ht!and at ni)ht he &ou#d si)na# 0ith a #a*/, 2as+ ? B B 6es, I did su))est that sort of thin)$B said his aunt, B I said I>d )o over 0ith +ou a## to*orro0$ to see hi*!and /erha/s$ "u#ian dear$ +ou &ou#d arran)e so*ethin) of the sort 0ith +our un&#e @ He see*s to #isten to +ou no0,B B (ra&ious ? %o +ou *ean to sa+ ather 0ants us to invade his se&ret #air$ and a&tua##+ to see his stran)e to0er@B asked (eor)e$ sur/rised, B:e##!I don>t think I 0ant to )o, 'fter a##$ it>s my is#and!and it>s horrid to see so*eone e#se takin) /ossession of it,B B 7h (eor)e$ don>t be)in a## that a)ain$B said 'nne$ 0ith a si)h, B 6ou and +our is#and ? ;an>t +ou even lend it to +our o0n father ? 'unt ann+$ +ou shou#d have seen (eor)e 0hen +our #etter &a*e, She #ooked so fier&e that I 0as Euite s&ared ? B 2ver+one #au)hed ex&e/t (eor)e and 'unt ann+, She #ooked distressed, (eor)e 0as a#0a+s so diffi&u#t ? She found fau#t 0ith her father$ and )ot u/ a)ainst hi* ti*e after ti*e!but dear *e$ ho0 ver+$ ver+ #ike hi* she 0as$ 0ith her s&o0#s$ her sudden te*/er$ and her fier&eness ?


If on#+ (eor)e 0as as s0eet<te*/ered and as eas+< )oin) as these three &ousins of hers ? (eor)e #ooked at her *other>s troub#ed fa&e$ and fe#t asha*ed of herse#f, She /ut her hand on her knee, B It>s a## ri)ht$ 9other ? I 0on>t *ake a fuss, I>## tr+ and kee/ *+ fee#in)s to *+se#f$ rea##+ I 0i##, I kno0 ather>s 0ork is i*/ortant, I>## )o 0ith +ou to the is#and to*orro0,B "u#ian )ave (eor)e a )ent#e &#a/ on the ba&k, B (ood o#d (eor)e ? She>s a&tua##+ #earned$ not on#+ to )ive in$ but to )ive in )ra&efu##+ ? (eor)e$ +ou>re *ore #ike a bo+ than ever 0hen +ou a&t #ike that,B (eor)e )#o0ed, She #iked "u#ian to sa+ she 0as #ike a bo+, She didn>t 0ant to be /ett+ and &att+ and bear *a#i&e as so *an+ )ir#s did, 4ut 'nne #ooked a #itt#e indi)nant, B It isn>t only bo+s that &an #earn to )ive in de&ent#+$ and thin)s #ike that$B she said, B Hea/s of )ir#s do, :e##$ I 1o##+ 0e## ho/e I do *+se#f? B B 9+ )oodness$ here>s another fire<brand ? B said 'unt ann+$ s*i#in), B Sto/ ar)uin) no0$ a## of +ou!here>s -irrin ;otta)e, %oesn>t it #ook s0eet 0ith a## the /ri*roses in the )arden$ and the 0a##f#o0ers &o*in) out$ and the daffodi#s /ee/in) ever+0here @ B It &ertain#+ did, The four &hi#dren and Ti**+ tore in at the front )ate$ de#i)hted to be ba&k, The+ &#attered into the house$ and$ to their )reat de#i)ht$ found "oanna$ the o#d &ook there, She had &o*e ba&k to he#/ for the ho#ida+s, She bea*ed at the &hi#dren$ and fond#ed Ti**+ 0hen he #ea/t a## round her$ barkin), B :e##$ there no0 ? Haven>t +ou a## )ro0n


a)ain @ Ho0 bi) +ou are$ 9aster "u#ian!ta##er than I a*$ I de&#are, 'nd #itt#e 9iss 'nne$ 0h+ she>s )ettin) Euite bi),B That /#eased 'nne$ of &ourse, "u#ian 0ent ba&k to the front door to he#/ his aunt 0ith the s*a## ba)s in the tra/, The trunks 0ere &o*in) #ater, "u#ian and %i&k took ever+thin) u/stairs, 'nne 1oined the*$ ea)er to see her o#d bedroo* a)ain, 7h$ ho0 )ood it 0as to be in -irrin ;otta)e on&e *ore ? She #ooked out of her 0indo0s, 7ne #ooked on to the *oor at the ba&k, The other #ooked side0a+s on to the sea, 5ove#+ ? 5ove#+ ? She be)an to sin) a #itt#e son) as she undid her ba), B 6ou kno0$B she said to %i&k$ 0hen he brou)ht (eor)e>s ba) in$ B +ou kno0$ %i&k$ I>* rea##+ Euite /#eased that Cn&#e Duentin has )one to -irrin Is#and$ even if it *eans 0e 0on>t be ab#e to )o there *u&h ? I fee# *u&h freer in the house 0hen he>s a0a+, He>s a ver+ &#ever *an and he &an be a0fu##+ ni&e!but I a#0a+s fee# a bit afraid of hi*,B %i&k #au)hed, B I>* not afraid of hi*!but he>s a bit of a 0et b#anket in a house$ I *ust sa+$ 0hen 0e>re here for the ho#ida+s, unn+ to think of hi* on -irrin Is#and a## a#one,B ' voi&e &a*e u/ the stairs, B ;o*e do0n to tea$ &hi#dren$ be&ause there are hot s&ones for +ou$ 1ust out of the oven,B B ;o*in)$ 'unt ann+ ? B &a##ed %i&k, B Hurr+$ 'nne, I>* a0fu##+ hun)r+, "u#ian$ did +ou hear 'unt ann+ &a##in) @ B (eor)e &a*e u/ the stairs to fet&h 'nne, She 0as /#eased to be ho*e$ and as for Ti**+$ he

0as en)a)ed in )oin) round ever+ sin)#e &orner of the house$ sniffin) vi)orous#+, > He a#0a+s does that? B said (eor)e, B 's if he thou)ht that there might be a &hair or a tab#e that didn>t s*e## Euite the sa*e as it a#0a+s did, (o*e on$ Ti*, Tea< ti*e ? 9other$ as ather isn>t here$ &an Ti**+ sit beside *e on the f#oor @ He>s a0fu##+ 0e##<behaved no0,B B Ier+ 0e##$B said her *other$ and tea be)an, :hat a tea ? It #ooked as if it 0as a s/read for a /art+ of t0ent+, (ood o#d "oanna ? She *ust have baked a## da+, :e##$ there 0ou#dn>t be *u&h #eft 0hen the ive had finished ?


Chapter Three OFF TO KIRRIN ISLAND 32JT da+ 0as fine and 0ar*, B:e &an )o a&ross to the is#and this *ornin)$B said 'unt ann+, B :e>## take our o0n food$ be&ause I>* sure Cn&#e Duentin 0i## have for)otten 0e>re &o*in),B B Has he a boat there @B asked (eor)e, B 9other!he hasn>t taken my boat$ has he @ B B 3o$ dear$B said her *other, B He>s )ot another boat, I 0as afraid he 0ou#d never be ab#e to )et it in and out of a## those dan)erous ro&ks round the is#and$ but he )ot one of the fisher*en to take hi*$ and had his o0n boat to0ed behind$ 0ith a## its stuff in,B B :ho bui#t the to0er @ B asked "u#ian, B 7h$ he *ade out the /#ans hi*se#f$ and so*e *en 0ere sent do0n fro* the 9inistr+ of 8esear&h to /ut the to0er u/ for hi*$B said 'unt ann+, B It 0as a## rather hush<hush rea##+, The /eo/#e here 0ere *ost &urious about it$ but the+ don>t kno0 an+ *ore than I do ? 3o #o&a# *an he#/ed in the bui#din)$ but one or t0o fisher*en 0ere hired to take the *ateria# to the is#and$ and to #and the *en and so on,B B It>s a## ver+ *+sterious$B said "u#ian, B Cn&#e Duentin #eads rather an ex&itin) #ife$ rea##+$ doesn>t he @ I 0ou#dn>t *ind bein) a s&ientist *+se#f, I 0ant to be so*ethin) rea##+ 0orth<0hi#e 0hen I )ro0 u/!I>* not 1ust )oin) into so*ebod+>s offi&e, I>* )oin) to be on *+ o0n,B B I think I sha## be a do&tor$B said %i&k,

B I>* off to )et *+ boat$B said (eor)e$ rather bored 0ith this ta#k, She kne0 0hat she 0as )oin) to do 0hen she 0as )ro0n<u/!#ive on -irrin Is#and 0ith Ti**+ ? 'unt ann+ had )ot read+ /#ent+ of food to take a&ross to the is#and, She 0as Euite #ookin) for0ard to the tri/, She had not seen her husband for so*e da+s$ and 0as anxious to kno0 that he 0as a## ri)ht, The+ a## 0ent do0n to the bea&h$ "u#ian &arr+in) the ba) of food, (eor)e 0as a#read+ there 0ith her boat, "a*es$ a fisher<bo+ friend of (eor)e>s$ 0as there too$ read+ to /ush the boat out for the*, He )rinned at the &hi#dren, He kne0 the* a## 0e##, In the o#d da+s he had #ooked after Ti**+ for (eor)e 0hen her father had said the do) *ust be )iven a0a+, (eor)e had never for)otten "a*es>s kindness to Ti**+$ and a#0a+s 0ent to see hi* ever+ ho#ida+s, B (oin) off to the is#and @ B said "a*es, B That>s a Eueer thin) in the *idd#e of it$ isn>t it @ -ind of #i)hthouse$ it #ooks, Take *+ hand$ 9iss$ and #et *e he#/ +ou in,B 'nne took his hand and 1u*/ed into the boat, (eor)e 0as a#read+ there 0ith Ti**+, Soon the+ 0ere a## in, "u#ian and (eor)e took the oars, "a*es )ave the* a shove and off the+ 0ent on the &a#*$ &#ear 0ater, 'nne &ou#d see ever+ stone on the botto* ? "u#ian and (eor)e ro0ed stron)#+, The+ sent the boat a#on) s0ift#+, (eor)e be)an to sin) a ro0in) son) and the+ a## took it u/, It 0as #ove#+ to be on the sea in a boat a)ain, 7h ho#ida+s$ )o s#o0#+$ don>t rush a0a+ too fast?


B (eor)e$B said her *other nervous#+$ as the+ &a*e near to -irrin Is#and$ B +ou will be &arefu# of these a0fu# ro&ks$ 0on>t +ou@ The 0aters so &#ear to<da+ that I &an see the* a##!and so*e of the* are on#+ 1ust be#o0 the 0ater,B B 7h 9other ? 6ou kno0 I>ve ro0ed hundreds of ti*es to -irrin Is#and?B #au)hed (eor)e, B I si*/#+ #ouldn't )o on a ro&k ? I kno0 die* a##$ rea##+ I do, I &ou#d a#*ost ro0 b#indfo#d to the is#and no0,B


There 0as on#+ one /#a&e to #and on the is#and in safet+, This 0as a #itt#e &ove$ a natura# #itt#e harbour runnin) u/ to a stret&h of sand, It 0as she#tered b+ hi)h ro&ks a## round, (eor)e and "u#ian 0orked their 0a+ to the east side of the is#and$ rounded a #o0 0a## of ver+ shar/ ro&ks$ and there #a+ the &ove$ a s*ooth in#et of 0ater runnin) into the shore ? 'nne had been #ookin) at the is#and as the others ro0ed, There 0as the o#d ruined -irrin ;ast#e in the &entre$ 1ust the sa*e as ever, Its tu*b#edo0n to0ers 0ere fu## of 1a&kda0s as usua#, Its o#d 0a##s 0ere )ri//ed b+ iv+, B It>s a #ove#+ /#a&e ? B said 'nne$ 0ith a si)h, Then she )aAed at the &urious to0er that no0 rose fro* the &entre of the &ast#e +ard, It 0as not bui#t of bri&k but of so*e s*ooth$ shin+ *ateria#$ that 0as fitted to)ether in se&tions, 2vident#+ the to0er had been *ade in that 0a+ so that it *i)ht be brou)ht to the is#and easi#+$ and set u/ there Eui&k#+, B Isn>t it Eueer @ B said %i&k, B 5ook at that #itt#e )#ass roo* at the to/!#ike a #ook<out roo* ? I 0onder 0hat it>s for @ B B (an an+one &#i*b u/ inside the to0er @B asked %i&k$ turnin) to 'unt ann+, B 7h +es, There is a narro0 s/ira# stair&ase inside$B said his aunt, B That>s about a## there is inside the to0er itse#f, It>s the #itt#e roo* at the to/ that is i*/ortant, It has )ot so*e extraordinar+ 0irin) there$ essentia# to +our un&#e>s ex/eri*ents, I don>t think he does an+thin) 0ith the to0er!it 1ust has to be there$ doin) so*ethin) on its o0n$ 0hi&h has a &ertain effe&t on the ex/eri*ents he is *akin),B

'nne &ou#dn>t fo##o0 this, It sounded too &o*/#i&ated, B I shou#d #ike to )o u/ the to0er$B she said, B :e##$ /erha/s +our un&#e 0i## #et +ou$B said her aunt, B If he>s in a )ood te*/er$B said (eor)e, B 3o0 (eor)e!+ou>re not to sa+ thin)s #ike that$B said her *other, The boat ran into the #itt#e harbour$ and )rounded soft#+, There 0as another boat there a#read+!Cn&#e Duentin>s, (eor)e #ea/t out 0ith "u#ian and the+ /u##ed it u/ a #itt#e further$ so that the others &ou#d )et out 0ithout 0ettin) their feet, 7ut the+ a## )ot$ and Ti**+ ran u/ the bea&h hi de#i)ht, B 3o0$ Ti**+ ? B said (eor)e$ 0arnin)#+$ and Ti**+ turned a des/airin) e+e on his *istress, Sure#+ she 0asn>t )oin) to sto/ hi* #ookin) to see if there 0ere an+ rabbits @ 7n#+ 1ust loo"ing , :hat har* 0as there in that @ 'h!there 0as a rabbit ? 'nd another and another ? The+ sat a## about$ #ookin) at the #itt#e &o*/an+ &o*in) u/ fro* the shore, The+ f#i&ked their ears and t0it&hed their noses$ kee/in) Euite sti##, B 7h$ the+>re as ta*e as ever ? B said 'nne in de#i)ht, B 'unt ann+$ aren>t the+ #ove#+ @ %o #ook at the bab+ one over there, He>s 0ashin) his fa&e ? B The+ sto//ed to #ook at the rabbits, The+ rea##+ 0ere astonishin)#+ ta*e, 4ut then ver+ fe0 /eo/#e &a*e to -irrin Is#and$ and the rabbits *u#ti/#ied in /ea&e$ runnin) about 0here the+ #iked$ Euite unafraid, B 7h$ that one is , , ,B be)an %i&k$ but then



the /i&ture 0as s/oi#t, Ti**+$ Euite unab#e to do nothin) but #ook$ had sudden#+ #ost his se#f<&ontro# and 0as boundin) on the sur/rised rabbits, In a tri&e nothin) &ou#d be seen but 0hite bobtai#s f#ashin) u/ and do0n as rabbit after rabbit rushed to its burro0, B Timmy,- &a##ed (eor)e$ &ross#+$ and /oor Ti**+ /ut his tai# do0n$ #ookin) round at (eor)e *iserab#+, B :hat ? B he see*ed to sa+, B 3ot even a s&a*/er after the rabbits @ :hat a hardhearted *istress ? B B :here>s Cn&#e Duentin @ B asked 'nne$ as the+ 0a#ked to the )reat broken ar&h0a+ that 0as the entran&e to the o#d &ast#e, 4ehind it 0ere the stone ste/s that #ed to0ards the &entre, The+ 0ere broken and irre)u#ar no0, 'unt ann+ 0ent a&ross the* &arefu##+$ afraid of stu*b#in)$ but the &hi#dren$ 0ho 0ere 0earin) rubber shoes$ ran over the* Eui&k#+, The+ /assed throu)h a ruined door0a+ into 0hat #ooked #ike a )reat +ard, 7n&e there had $been a stone< /aved f#oor$ but no0 *ost of it 0as &overed b+ sand$ and b+ &#ose<)ro0in) 0eeds or )rass, The &ast#e had had t0o to0ers, 7ne 0as a#*ost a &o*/#ete ruin, The other 0as in better sha/e, "a&kda0s &ir&#ed round it$ and f#e0 above the &hi#dren>s heads$ &r+in) B &ha&k$ &ha&k$ &ha&k,B B I su//ose +our father #ives in the #itt#e o#d roo* 0ith the t0o s#it<#ike 0indo0s$B said %i&k to (eor)e, B That>s the on#+ /#a&e in the &ast#e that 0ou#d )ive hi* an+ she#ter, 2ver+0here e#se is in ruins ex&e/t that one roo*, %o +ou re*e*ber 0e on&e s/ent a ni)ht there @ B B 6es$B said (eor)e, B It 0as fun, I su//ose


that>s 0here ather #ives, There>s no0here e#se! un#ess he>s do0n in the dun)eons ? B B 7h$ no one 0ou#d #ive in the dun)eons sure#+$ un#ess the+ si*/#+ had to ? B said "u#ian, B The+>re so dark and &o#d, :here is +our father$ (eor)e @ I &an>t see hi* an+0here,B B 9other$ 0here 0ou#d ather be @B asked (eor)e, B :here>s his 0orksho/!in that o#d roo* there @ B She /ointed to the dark$ stone0a##ed$ stone<roofed roo*$ 0hi&h 0as rea##+ a## that 0as #eft of the /art in 0hi&h /eo/#e had #on) a)o #ived, It 1utted out fro* 0hat had on&e been the 0a## of the &ast#e, B :e##$ rea##+$ I don>t exa&t#+ kno0$B said her *other, B I su//ose he 0orks over there, He>s a#0a+s *et *e do0n at the &ove$ and 0e>ve 1ust sat on the sand and had a /i&ni& and ta#ked, He didn>t see* to 0ant *e to /oke round *u&h,B B 5et>s &a## hi*$B said %i&k, So the+ shouted #oud#+, B Cn&#e DC23<tin ? Cn&#e DC23<tin ? :here are +ou @ B The 1a&kda0s f#e0 u/ in fri)ht$ and a fe0 )u##s$ 0ho had been sittin) on /art of the ruined 0a##$ 1oined in the noise$ &r+in) B ee<oo$ ee<oo$ ee<oo B over and over a)ain, 2ver+ rabbit disa//eared in a tri&e, 3o Cn&#e Duentin a//eared, The+ shouted a)ain, B C3;52 DC23TI3 ? :H282 '82 67C @ B B :hat a noise ?B said 'unt ann+$ &overin) her ears, B I shou#d think that "oanna *ust have heard that at ho*e, 7h dear!0here is +our un&#e @ This is *ost anno+in) of hi*, I told hi* I>d brin) +ou a&ross to<da+,B B 7h 0e##!he *ust be so*e0here about$B said


"u#ian$ &heerfu##+, B If 9aho*et 0on>t &o*e to the *ountain$ then the *ountain *ust )o to 9aho*et, I ex/e&t he>s dee/ in so*e book or other, :e>## hunt for hi*,B B:e>## #ook in that #itt#e dark roo*$B said 'nne, So the+ a## 0ent throu)h the stone door0a+$ and found the*se#ves in a #itt#e dark roo*$ #it on#+ b+ t0o s#its of 0indo0s, 't one end 0as a s/a&e$ or re&ess$ 0here a fire/#a&e had on&e been$ )oin) ba&k into the thi&k stone 0a##, B He>s not here ? B said "u#ian in sur/rise, B 'nd 0hat>s *ore!there>s nothin) here at a##? 3o food$ no &#othes$ no books$ no stores of an+ sort, This is not his 0orkroo*$ nor even his store ? B B Then he *ust be do0n in the dun)eons$B said %i&k, B Kerha/s it>s ne&essar+ to his 0ork to be under)round!and 0ith 0ater a## round ? 5et>s )o and find the entran&e, :e kno0 0here it is!not far fro* the o#d 0e## in the *idd#e of the +ard,B B 6es, He *ust be do0n in the dun)eons, 9ustn>t he$ 'unt ann+ @ B said 'nne, B 're +ou &o*in) do0n @ B B 7h no$B said her aunt, B I &an>t bear those dun)eons, I>## sit out here in the sun$ in this she#tered &orner$ and un/a&k the sand0i&hes, It>s a#*ost #un&h<ti*e,B B 7h )ood$B said ever+one, The+ 0ent to0ards the dun)eon entran&e, The+ ex/e&ted to see the bi) f#at stone that &overed the entran&e$ standin) u/ri)ht$ so that the+ *i)ht )o do0n the ste/s under)round, 4ut the stone 0as #+in) f#at, "u#ian 0as 1ust about to /u## on the iron rin) to #ift it u/ 0hen he noti&ed so*ethin) /e&u#iar,


B 5ook$B he said, B There are 0eeds )ro0in) round the ed)es of the stone, 3obod+ has #ifted it for a #on) ti*e, Cn&#e Duentin isn>t do0n in the dun)eons ? B B Then 0here is he @ B said %i&k, B :herever #an he be @ B


Chapter Four WHERE IS UNCLE QUENTIN? >T>H2 four of the*$ 0ith Ti**+ nosin) round LFL their #e)s$ stood starin) do0n at the bi) stone that hid the entran&e to the dun)eons, "u#ian 0as /erfe&t#+ ri)ht, The stone &ou#d not nave been #ifted for *onths$ be&ause 0eeds had )ro0n &#ose#+ round the ed)es$ sendin) their s*a## roots into ever+ &ra&k, B 3o one is do0n there$B said "u#ian, B :e need not even bother to /u## u/ the stone and )o do0n to see, If it had been #ifted #ate#+$ those 0eeds 0ou#d have been torn u/ as it 0as raised,B B 'nd an+0a+$ 0e kno0 that no one &an )et Out of the dun)eon on&e the entran&e stone is &#osin) it$B said %i&k, B It>s too heav+, Cn&#e Duentin 0ou#dn>t be si##+ enou)h to shut hi*se#f in ? He>d #eave it o/en,B B 7f &ourse he 0ou#d$B said 'nne, B :e##! he>s not there$ then, He *ust be so*e0here e#se,B B 4ut where . - said (eor)e, B This is on#+ a s*a## is#and$ and 0e kno0 ever+ &orner of it, 7h!0ou#d he be in that &ave 0e hid in on&e @ The on#+ &ave on the is#and,B B 7h +es!he *i)ht be$B said "u#ian, B 4ut I doubt it, I &an>t see Cn&#e Duentin dro//in) do0n throu)h the ho#e in the &ave>s roof!and that>s the on#+ 0a+ of )ettin) in to it un#ess +ou>re )oin) to &#a*ber and s#ide about the ro&ks on the shore for a)es, I &an>t see hi* doin) that$ either,B


The+ *ade their 0a+ be+ond the &ast#e to the other side of the is#and, Here there 0as a &ave the+ had on&e #ived in, It &ou#d be entered 0ith diffi&u#t+ on the sea0ard side$ as "u#ian had said$ b+ &#a*berin) over s#i//er+ ro&ks$ or it &ou#d be entered b+ dro//in) do0n a ro/e throu)h a ho#e in the roof to the f#oor so*e 0a+ be#o0, The+ found the ho#e$ ha#f<hidden in o#d heather, "u#ian fe#t about, The ro/e 0as sti## there, B I>## s#ide do0n and have a #ook$B he said, He 0ent do0n the ro/e, It 0as knotted at interva#s$ so that his feet found ho#din)</#a&es and he did not s#ide do0n too Eui&k#+ and s&or&h his hands, He 0as soon in the &ave, ' di* #i)ht &a*e in fro* the sea0ard side, "u#ian took a Eui&k #ook round, There 0as abso#ute#+ nothin) there at a##$ ex&e/t for an o#d box that the+ *ust have #eft behind 0hen the+ 0ere #ast here the*< se#ves, He &#i*bed u/ the ro/e a)ain$ his head a//earin) sudden#+ out of the ho#e, %i&k )ave hi* a he#/in) hand, B:e##@B he said, B'n+ si)n of Cn&#e Duentin @ B B3o$B said "u#ian, BHe>s not there$ and hasn>t been there either$ I shou#d think, It>s a *+ster+ ? :here is he$ and if he>s rea##+ doin) i*/ortant 0ork 0here is a## his stuff@ I *ean$ 0e kno0 that /#ent+ of stuff 0as brou)ht here$ be&ause +our aunt to#d us so,B B %o +ou think he>s in the to0er @ B said 'nne$ sudden#+, B He *i)ht be in that )#ass roo* at the to/,B B :e##$ he>d see us at on&e$ if he 0ere ? B said


"u#ian$ s&ornfu##+, B And hear our +e##s too ? Sti##$ 0e *i)ht as 0e## have a #ook,B So ba&k to the &ast#e the+ 0ent and 0a#ked to the Eueer to0er, Their aunt sa0 the* and &a##ed to the*, B 6our #un&h is read+, ;o*e and have it, 6our un&#e 0i## turn u/$ I ex/e&t,B B 4ut 'unt ann+$ 0here is he @ B said 'nne$ 0ith a /uAA#ed fa&e, B :e>ve #ooked si*/#+ M0r+0here ? B Her aunt did not kno0 the is#and as 0e## as the &hi#dren did, She i*a)ined that there 0ere /#ent+ of /#a&es to she#ter in$ or to 0ork in, 3ever *ind$B she said$ #ookin) Euite undisturbed, FF He>## turn u/ #ater, 6ou &o*e a#on) and have +our *ea#,B B :e think 0e>## )o u/ the to0er$B said "u#ian, B"ust in &ase he>s u/ there 0orkin),B The four &hi#dren and Ti**+ 0ent to 0here the to0er rose u/ fro* the &ast#e +ard, The+ ran their hands over the s*ooth$ shinin) se&tions$ 0hi&h 0ere fitted to)ether hi &urvin) ro0s, B :hat>s this stuff it>s bui#t of@ B said %i&k, B So*e kind of ne0 /#asti& *ateria#$ I shou#d think$B said "u#ian, BIer+ #i)ht and stron)$ and easi#+ /ut to)ether,B B I shou#d be afraid it 0ou#d b#o0 do0n in a )a#e$B said (eor)e, B 6es$ so shou#d I$B said %i&k, B 5ook!here is the door,B The door 0as s*a##$ and rounded at the to/, ' ke+ 0as in the ke+ho#e, "u#ian turned it and un#o&ked the door, It o/ened out0ards not in0ards, "u#ian /ut his head inside and #ooked round, There 0as not *u&h roo* in the to0er, '

s/ira# stair&ase$ *ade of the sa*e shin+ stuff as the to0er itse#f$ 0ound u/ and u/ and u/, There 0as a s/a&e at one side of it$ into 0hi&h /ro1e&ted &urious hook<#ike ob1e&ts *ade of 0hat #ooked #ike stee#, :ire ran fro* one to the other, B 4etter not tou&h the*$B said "u#ian$ #ookin) &urious#+ at the*, B (oodness$ this is #ike a to0er out of a fair+<ta#e, ;o*e on!I>* )oin) u/ the stairs to the to/,B He be)an to &#i*b the stee/$ s/ira# stair0a+, It *ade hi* Euite )idd+ to )o u/ and round$ u/ and round so *an+$ *an+ ti*es, The others fo##o0ed hi*, Tin+$ s#it<#ike 0indo0s$ set side0a+s not do0n0ards$ 0ere #et into the side of the to0er here and there$ and )ave a #itt#e #i)ht to the stair0a+, "u#ian #ooked throu)h one$ and had a 0onderfu# vie0 of the sea and the *ain#and, He 0ent on u/ to the to/, :hen he )ot there he found hi*se#f in a s*a## round roo*$ 0hose sides 0ere of thi&k$ )#ea*in) )#ass, :ires ran ri)ht into the )#ass itse#f$ and then /ier&ed throu)h it$ the free ends 0avin) and )#itterin) in the stron) 0ind that b#e0 round the to0er, There 0as nothin) in the #itt#e roo* at a## ? ;ertain#+ Cn&#e Duentin 0as not there, It 0as &#ear#+ on#+ a to0er *eant to take the 0ires u/ on the hook<#ike thin)s$ and to run the* throu)h the stran)e$ thi&k )#ass at the to/$ and set the* free in the air, :hat for @ :ere the+ &at&hin) so*e kind of 0ire#ess 0aves @ :as it to do 0ith 8adar@ "u#ian 0ondered$ fro0nin)$ 0hat 0as the *eanin) of the to0er and the thin$ shinin) 0ires, The others &ro0ded into the #itt#e roo*, Ti**+


&a*e too$ havin) *ana)ed the s/ira# stairs 0ith diffi&u#t+, B (ra&ious ? :hat a Eueer /#a&e ? B said (eor)e, B 9+ )oodness$ 0hat a vie0 0e>ve )ot fro* here, :e &an see *i#es and *i#es out to sea!and on this other side 0e &an see *i#es and *i#es a&ross the ba+$ over the *ain#and$ to the hi##s be+ond,B B 6es, It>s #ove#+$B said 'nne, B 4ut!where is Cn&#e Duentin @ :e sti## haven>t found hi*, I su//ose he is on the is#and,B B :e##$ his boat 0as /u##ed u/ in the &ove$B said (eor)e, B :e sa0 it,B B Then he *ust be here so*e0here$B said %i&k, B 4ut he>s not in the &ast#e$ he>s not in the dun)eons$ he>s not in the &ave and he>s not u/ here$ t>s a first<&#ass *+ster+,B BThe 9issin) Cn&#e, :here is he@B said "u#ian, B 5ook$ there>s /oor 'unt ann+ sti## do0n there$ 0aitin) 0ith the #un&h, :e>d better )o do0n, She>s si)na##in) to us,B B I shou#d #ike to$B said 'nne, B It>s an a0fu# sEuash in this tin+ )#ass<roo*, I sa+!did +ou fee# the to0er s0a+ then$ 0hen that )ust of 0ind shook it@ I>* )oin) do0n Eui&k#+$ before the 0ho#e thin) b#o0s over ? B She be)an to )o do0n the s/ira# stairs$ ho#din) on to a #itt#e hand<rai# that ran do0n beside the*, The stairs 0ere so stee/ that she 0as afraid of fa##in), She near#+ did fa## 0hen Ti**+ /ushed his 0a+ /ast her$ and disa//eared be#o0 Her at a re*arkab#+ fast /a&e, Soon the+ 0ere a## do0n at the botto*, "u#ian #o&ked die door a)ain, B 3ot *u&h )ood #o&kin) a door if +ou #eave the ke+ in$B he said, B Sti## !I>d better,B

The+ 0a#ked over to 'unt ann+, B:e##$ I thou)ht +ou 0ere never &o*in) ?B she said, B %id +ou see an+thin) interestin) u/ there @ B B 7n#+ a #ove#+ vie0$B said 'nne, B Si*/#+ *a)nifi&ent, 4ut 0e didn>t find Cn&#e Duentin, It>s ver+ *+sterious$ 'unt ann+!0e rea##+ have #ooked ever+0here on the is#and!but he>s 1ust not here,B B 'nd +et his boat is hi the &ove$B said %i&k, B So he &an>t have )one,B B 6es$ it does sound Eueer$B said 'unt ann+$ handin) round the sand0i&hes, B 4ut +ou don>t kno0 +our un&#e as 0e## as I do, He a#0a+s turns u/ a## ri)ht, He>s for)otten I 0as brin)in) +ou$ or he 0ou#d be here, 's it is$ 0e *a+ not see hi*$ if he>s Euite for)otten about +our &o*in), If he re*e*bers$ he>## sudden#+ turn u/,B B 4ut 0here fro* @ B asked %i&k$ *un&hin) a /otted *eat sand0i&h, B He>s done a 1o##+ )ood disa//earin) tri&k$ 'unt ann+,B B :e##$ +ou>## see 0here he &o*es fro*$ I>ve no doubt$ 0hen he arrives$B said 'unt ann+, B 'nother sand0i&h$ (eor)e @ 3o$ not +ou$ Ti**+, 6ou>ve had three a#read+, 7h (eor)e$ do kee/ Ti**+>s head out of that /#ate,B B He>s hun)r+ too$ 9other$B said (eor)e, B :e##$ I>ve brou)ht do)<bis&uits for hi*$B said her *other, B 7h$ 9other ? 's if Ti**+ 0ou#d eat dog bis&uits 0hen he &an have sand0i&hes$B said (eor)e, B He on#+ eats do) bis&uits 0hen there>s abso#ute#+ nothin) e#se and he>s so ravenous he &an>t he#/ eatin) the*,B The+ sat in the 0ar* '/ri# sunshine$ eatin) hun)ri#+, There 0as oran)eade to drink$ &oo#


and de#i&ious, Ti**+ 0andered over to a ro&k</oo# he kne0$ 0here rain<0ater &o##e&ted$ and &ou#d be heard #a//in) there, B Hasn>t he )ot a )ood *e*or+ @ B said (eor)e /roud#+, B It>s a)es sin&e he 0as here!and +et he re*e*bered that /oo# at on&e$ 0hen he fe#t thirst+,B B It>s funn+ Ti**+ hasn>t found Cn&#e Duentin$ isn>t it @ B said %i&k$ sudden#+, B I *ean!0hen 0e 0ere huntin) for hi*$ and )ot > :ar*> +ou>d think Ti**+ 0ou#d bark or s&ra/e about or so*ethin), 4ut he didn>t,B B I think it>s 1o##+ funn+ that ather &an>t be found an+0here$B said (eor)e, B I do rea##+, I &an>t think ho0 +ou &an take it so &a#*#+$ 9other,B B :e##$ dear$ as I said before$ I kno0 +our father better than +ou do$B said her *other, B He>## turn u/ in his o0n )ood ti*e, :h+$ 1 re*e*ber on&e 0hen he 0as doin) so*e sort of 0ork in the sta#a&tite &aves at ;heddar$ he dis< a//eared in the* for over a 0eek!but he 0andered out a## ri)ht 0hen he had finished his ex/eri*ents,B B It>s ver+ Eueer$B be)an 'nne$ and then sto//ed sudden#+, ' &urious noise &a*e to their ears!a ru*b#in)$ )ru*b#in)$ an)r+ noise$ #ike a )iant hidden do)$ )ro0#in) in fur+, Then there 0as a hissin) noise fro* the to0er$ and a## the 0ires that 0aved at the to/ 0ere sudden#+ #it u/ as if b+ #i)htnin), B There no0!I kne0 +our father 0as so*e0here about$B said (eor)e>s *other, B I heard that noise 0hen I 0as here before!but I &ou#dn>t *ake out 0here it &a*e fro*,B B :here did it &o*e fro* @ B said %i&k, B It


sounded a#*ost as if it 0as underneath us$ but it &ou#dn>t have been, (ra&ious$ this is *ost *+sterious,B 3o *ore noises &a*e, The+ ea&h he#/ed the*se#ves to buns 0ith 1a* in the *idd#e, 'nd then 'nne )ave a sEuea# that *ade the* a## 1u*/ vio#ent#+, B 5ook ? There's Cn&#e Duentin ? Standin) over there$ near the to0er, He>s 0at&hin) the 1a&kda0s ? :herever did he &o*e fro* @ B


Chapter Five A MYSTERY 2I286732 stared at Cn&#e Duentin, There he 0as$ intent#+ 0at&hin) the 1a&kda0s$ his hands in his trousers /o&kets, He hadn>t seen the &hi#dren or his 0ife, Ti**+ #ea/t to his feet$ and )a*bo##ed over to (eor)e>s father, He barked #oud#+, Cn&#e Duentin 1u*/ed and turned round, He sa0 Ti**+!and then he sa0 a## the others$ starin) at hi* in rea# astonish*ent, Cn&#e Duentin did not #ook /arti&u#ar#+ /#eased to see an+one, He 0a#ked s#o0#+ over to the*$ a s#i)ht fro0n on his fa&e, B This is a sur/rise$B he said, B I had no idea +ou 0ere a## &o*in) to<da+,B B 7h /0ientin, B said his 0ife$ re/roa&hfu##+, B I 0rote it do0n for +ou in +our diar+, 6ou kno0 I did,B B%id +ou@ :e##$ I haven>t #ooked at *+ diar+ sin&e$ so it>s no 0onder I for)ot$B said Cn&#e Duentin$ a #itt#e /eevish#+, He kissed his 0ife$ (eor)e and 'nne$ and shook hands 0ith the bo+s, B Cn&#e Duentin!0here did +ou &o*e fro* @ B asked %i&k$ 0ho 0as eaten u/ 0ith &uriosit+, B :e>ve #ooked for +ou for a)es,B B 7h$ I 0as in *+ 0orkroo*$B said Cn&#e Duentin$ va)ue#+, B :e##$ but 0here>s that @ B de*anded %i&k, B Honest#+$ Cn&#e$ 0e &an>t i*a)ine 0here +ou

hide +ourse#f, :e even 0ent u/ the to0er $to see if +ou 0ere in that funn+ )#ass roo* at the to/,B B 1hat,B ex/#oded his un&#e$ in a sudden$ sur/risin) fur+, B6ou dared to )o u/ there@ 6ou *i)ht have been in )reat dan)er, I>ve 1ust finished an ex/eri*ent$ and a## those 0ires in there 0ere &onne&ted 0ith it,B B 6es$ 0e sa0 the* a&tin) a bit Eueer#+$B said "u#ian, B 6ou>ve no business to &o*e over here$ and interfere 0ith *+ 0ork$B said his un&#e$ sti## #ookin) furious, B Ho0 did +ou )et into that to0er@ I #o&ked it,B B 6es$ it 0as #o&ked a## ri)ht$B said "u#ian, , B 4ut +ou #eft the ke+ in$ +ou see$ Cn&#e!so I thou)ht it 0ou#dn>t *atter if , , ,B B 7h$ that>s 0here the ke+ is$ is it @ B said his un&#e, B I thou)ht I>d #ost it, :e##$ don>t +ou ever )o into that to0er a)ain, I te## +ou$ it>s dan)erous,B B Cn&#e Duentin$ +ou haven>t to#d us +et 0here +our 0orkroo* is$B said %i&k$ 0ho 0as Euite deter*ined to kno0, B :e &an>t imagine 0here +ou sudden#+ &a*e fro*,B B I to#d the* +ou 0ou#d turn u/$ Duentin$B #aid his 0ife, B 6ou #ook a bit thin$ dear, Have +ou been havin) re)u#ar *ea#s, 6ou kno0$ I #eft +ou /#ent+ of )ood sou/ to heat u/,B B %id +ou @ B said her husband, B :e##$ I don>t kno0 if I>ve had it or not, I don>t 0orr+ about *ea#s 0hen I>* 0orkin), I>## have so*e of those sand0i&hes no0$ thou)h$ if nobod+ e#se 0ants the*,B He be)an to devour the sand0i&hes$ one after


another$ as if he 0as ravenous, 'unt ann+ 0at&hed hi* in distress, B 7h Duentin!+ou>re starvin), I sha## &o*e over here and sta+ and #ook after +ou ? B Her husband #ooked a#ar*ed, B 7h no ? 3obod+ is to &o*e here, I &an>t have *+ 0ork interfered 0ith, I>* 0orkin) on an extre*e#+ i*/ortant dis&over+,B B Is it a dis&over+ that nobod+ e#se kno0s about @ B asked 'nne$ her e+es 0ide 0ith ad*iration, Ho0 &#ever Cn&#e Duentin 0as ? B :e##!I>* not sure about that$B said Cn&#e Duentin$ takin) t0o sand0i&hes at on&e, B That>s /art#+ 0h+ I &a*e over here!besides the fa&t that I 0anted 0ater round *e and above *e, I have a fee#in) that so*ebod+ kno0s a bit *ore than I 0ant the* to kno0, 4ut there>s one thin) ! the+ &an>t &o*e here un#ess the+>re sho0n the 0a+ throu)h a## those ro&ks that #ie round the is#and, 7n#+ a fe0 of the fisher*en kno0 that$ and the+>ve been )iven orders not to brin) an+one here at a##, I think +ou>re the on#+ other /erson that kno0s the 0a+$ (eor)e,B B Cn&#e Duentin!/#ease do te## us 0here +our 0orkroo* is$B be))ed %i&k$ fee#in) that he &ou#d not 0ait a sin)#e *o*ent *ore to so#ve the *+ster+, B %on>t kee/ botherin) +our un&#e$B said his aunt$ anno+in)#+, B 5et hi* eat his #un&h, He &an>t have had an+thin) for a)es ? B B6es$ but 'unt ann+$ I ,,,B be)an %i&k$ and 0as interru/ted b+ his un&#e, B 6ou obe+ +our aunt$ +oun) *an, I don>t 0ant to be /estered b+ an+ of +ou, :hat does it *atter 0here I 0ork@B

B 7h$ it doesn>t rea##+ *atter a bit$ sir$B said %i&k$ hurried#+, B It>s on#+ that I>* a0fu##+ &urious to< kno0, 6ou see$ 0e #ooked for +ou si*/#+ ever+0here,B B :e##$ +ou>re not Euite so &#ever as +ou thou)ht +ou 0ere then$B said Cn&#e Duentin$ and rea&hed for a 1a**+ bun, B (eor)e$ take this do) of +ours a0a+ fro* *e, He kee/s breathin) do0n *+ ne&k$ ho/in) I sha## )ive hi* a tit<bit, I don>t a//rove of tit<bits at *ea#ti*es,B (eor)e /u##ed Ti**+ a0a+, Her *other 0at&hed her father )obb#in) u/ the rest of the food, 9ost of the sand0i&hes she had saved for tea<ti*e had )one a#read+, Koor Duentin ? Ho0 ver+ hun)r+ he *ust be, B Duentin$ +ou don>t think there>s an+ dan)er for +ou here$ do +ou @ B she said, B I *ean! +ou don>t think an+one 0ou#d tr+ to &o*e s/+in) on +ou$ as the+ did on&e before @ B B 3o, Ho0 &ou#d the+ @ B said her husband, B 3o /#ane &an #and on this is#and, 3o boat &an )et throu)h the ro&ks un#ess the 0a+ throu)h is kno0n$ and the sea>s too rou)h round the ro&ks for an+ s0i**er,B B"u#ian$ see if +ou &an *ake hi* /ro*ise to si)na# to *e ni)ht and *ornin)$B said 'unt ann+$ turnin) to her ne/he0, B I fee# 0orried about hi* so*eho0,B "u#ian ta&k#ed his un&#e *anfu##+, B Cn&#e$ it 0ou#dn>t be too *u&h of a bother to +ou to si)na# to 'unt ann+ t0i&e a da+$ 0ou#d it @ B B If +ou don>t$ Duentin$ I sha## &o*e over ever+ sin)#e da+ to see +ou$B said his 0ife, B 'nd 0e *i)ht &o*e too$B said 'nne$


*is&hievous#+, Her un&#e #ooked *ost dis*a+ed at the idea, B :e##$ I &ou#d si)na# in the *ornin) and in the evenin) 0hen I )o u/ to the to/ of the to0er$B he said, B I have to )o u/ on&e ever+ t0e#ve hours to re<ad1ust the 0ires, I>## si)na# then, Ha#f</ast ten in the *ornin)$ and ha#f</ast ten at ni)ht,B B Ho0 0i## +ou si)na# @ B asked "u#ian, B :i## +ou f#ash 0ith a *irror in the *ornin) @ B B 6es!that 0ou#d be Euite a )ood idea$B said his un&#e, B I &ou#d do that easi#+, 'nd I>## use a #antern at ni)ht, I>## shine it out six ti*es at ha#f</ast ten, Then /erha/s +ou>## a## kno0 I>* a## ri)ht and 0i## #eave *e a#one ? 4ut don>t #ook for die si)na# to<ni)ht, I>## start to< *orro0 *ornin),B B 7h Duentin dear$ +ou do sound &rossN> said his 0ife, B I don>t #ike +ou bein) a## a#one here$ that>s a##, 6ou #ook thin and tired, I>* sure +ou>re not , , ,B Cn&#e Duentin /ut on a s&o0# exa&t#+ #ike (eor)e so*eti*es /ut on, He #ooked at his 0rist<0at&h, B:e##$ I *ust )o$B he said, BTi*e to )et to 0ork a)ain, I>## see +ou to +our boat,B B :e>re )oin) to sta+ to tea here$ ather$B said (eor)e, B 3o$ I>d rather +ou didn>t$B said her father$ )ettin) u/, B ;o*e on!I>## take +ou to +our boat,B B 4ut ather!I haven>t been on *+ is#and for a)es ? B said (eor)e$ indi)nant#+, B I 0ant to sta+ here a bit #on)er, I don>t see 0h+ I shou#dn>t,B F> :e##$ I>ve had enou)h interru/tion to *+ 0ork$B said her father, B I 0ant to )et on,B


B :e shan>t disturb +ou$ Cn&#e Duentin$B said %i&k$ 0ho 0as sti## terrib#+ &urious to kno0 0here his un&#e had his 0orkroo*, :h+ 0ou#dn>t he te## the*@ :as he 1ust bein) anno+in)@ 7r didn>t he 0ant the* to kno0 @ Cn&#e Duentin #ed the* a## fir*#+ to0ards the #itt#e &ove, It 0as /#ain that he *eant the* to )o and to )o Eui&k#+, B :hen sha## 0e &o*e over and see +ou a)ain$ Duentin @ B asked his 0ife, B3ot ti## I sa+ so$B said her husband, BIt 0on>t take *e #on) no0 to finish 0hat I>* on, 9+ 0ord$ that do)>s )ot a rabbit at #ast? B 7h Timmy,B +e##ed (eor)e$ in distress, Ti**+ dro//ed the rabbit he had a&tua##+ *ana)ed to )rab, It s&a*/ered a0a+ unhurt, Ti**+ &a*e to his *istress #ookin) ver+ shee/ish, B 6ou>re a ver+ bad do), "ust be&ause I took *+ e+e off +ou for ha#f a se&ond ? 3o$ it>s no )ood #i&kin) *+ hand #ike that, I>* &ross,B The+ a## &a*e to the boat, B I>## /ush her off$B said "u#ian, F> (et in$ a## of +ou, :e##$ )ood<b+e$ Cn&#e Duentin, I ho/e +our 0ork )oes 0e##,B 2ver+one )ot into the boat, Ti**+ tried to /ut his head on (eor)e>s knee$ but she /ushed it a0a+, B 7h$ be kind to hi* and for)ive hi*$B be))ed 'nne, B He #ooks as if he>s )oin) to &r+,B B 're +ou read+ @ B &ried "u#ian, B (ot the oars$ (eor)e@ %i&k$ take the other /air,B He shoved the boat off and #ea/t in hi*se#f, He &u//ed his hands round his *outh, B %on>t for)et to si)na#$ sir ? :e>## be 0at&hin) out *ornin) and evenin) ? B

B 'nd if +ou for)et$ I sha## &o*e over the ver+ next da+ ? B &a##ed his 0ife, The boat s#id a0av do0n the #itt#e in#et of 0ater$ and Cn&#e Duentin 0as #ost to si)ht, Then round the #o0 0a## of ro&ks 0ent the boat$ and 0as soon on the o/en sea, B "u$ 0at&h and see if +ou &an *ake out 0here Cn&#e Duentin is$ 0hen 0e>re round these ro&ks$B said %i&k, B See 0hat dire&tion he )oes in,B "u#ian tried to see his un&#e$ but the ro&ks 1ust there hid the &ove fro* si)ht$ and there 0as no si)n of hi* at a##, B 1hy didn>t he 0ant us to sta+ @ 4e&ause he didn>t 0ant us to kno0 his hidin)</#a&e ? B said %i&k, B 'nd why doesn>t he 0ant us to kno0 @ 4e&ause it>s so*e0here we don>t kno0$ either ? B B 4ut I thou)ht 0e kne0 ever+ sin)#e &orner of *+ is#and$B said (eor)e, B I think it>s *ean of ather not to te## *e$ if it>s so*e0here I don>t kno0, I &an>t think where it &an be ? B Ti**+ /ut his head on her knee a)ain, (eor)e 0as so absorbed in tr+in) to think 0here her father>s hidin)</#a&e &ou#d be that she absent<*inded#+ stroked Ti**+>s head, He 0as a#*ost beside hi*se#f 0ith de#i)ht, He #i&ked her knees #ovin)#+, B 7h Ti**+!I didn>t *ean to /et +ou for a)es$B said (eor)e, B Sto/ #i&kin) *+ knees, 6ou *ake the* fee# 0et and horrid, %i&k$ it>s ver+ *+sterious$ isn>t it!0here #an ather be hidin) @ B B I &an>t i*a)ine$B said %i&k, He #ooked ba&k at the is#and, ' &#oud of 1a&kda0s rose u/ into the air &a##in) #oud#+$ B ;ha&k$ &ha&k$ &ha&k ? B The bo+ 0at&hed the*, :hat had disturbed

the* @ :as it Cn&#e Duentin @ Kerha/s his hidin)< /#a&e 0as so*e0here about that o#d to0er then$ the one the 1a&kda0s nested in @ 7n the other hand$ the 1a&kda0s often rose into the air to)ether for no reason at a##, B Those 1a&kda0s are *akin) a bit of a fuss$B he said, B Kerha/s Cn&#e>s hidin)</#a&e is not far fro* 0here the+ roost to)ether$ b+ that to0er,B B ;an>t be$B said "u#ian, B :e 0ent a## round there to< da+,B B :e##$ it>s a *+ster+$B said (eor)e$ )#oo*i#+$ B and I think it>s horrib#e havin) a *+ster+ about *+ ver+ o0n is#and!and to be forbidden to )o to it$ and so#ve it, It>s rea##+ too bad ? B


Chapter Six UP ON THE CLIFF TH2 next da+ 0as rain+, The four &hi#dren /ut on their *a&kintoshes and sou><0esters and 0ent out for a 0a#k 0ith Ti**+, The+ never *inded the 0eather, In fa&t "u#ian said that he rea##+ li"ed the fee# of the 0ind and rain buffetin) a)ainst his fa&e, B :e for)ot that Cn&#e Duentin &ou#dn>t f#ash to us if the 0eather 0asn>t sunn+ ? B said %i&k, B %o +ou su//ose he>## find so*e 0a+ to si)na# instead @ B B 3o$B said (eor)e, B He 1ust 0on>t bother, He thinks 0e>re a0fu# fussers an+0a+$ I>* sure, :e>## have to 0at&h at ha#f</ast ten to<ni)ht to see if he si)na#s,B B I sa+ ? Sha## I be ab#e to sta+ u/ ti## then @ B said 'nne$ /#eased, B I shou#dn>t think so$B said %i&k, B I ex/e&t "u#ian and I 0i## sta+ u/!but +ou kids 0i## have to buAA off to bed ? B (eor)e )ave hi* a /un&h, B %on>t &a## us > "ids> N I>* a#*ost as ta## as +ou are no0,B B It>s not *u&h use 0aitin) about ti## ha#f</ast ten no0 to see if Cn&#e si)na#s to us in an+ 0a+$ is it @ B said 'nne, B 5et>s )o u/ on the &#iff! it>## be #ove#+ and b#o0+, Ti**+ 0i## #ike that, I #ove to see hi* ra&in) a#on) in the 0ind$ 0ith his ears b#o0n ba&k strai)ht ? B B:oof$B said Ti**+, B He sa+s he #ikes to see +ou 0ith +ours b#o0n



ba&k too$B said "u#ian$ )rave#+, 'nne )ave a sEuea# of #au)hter, B 6ou rea##+ are an idiot$ "u ? ;o*e on!#et>s take the &#iff</ath ? B The+ 0ent u/ the &#iff, 't the to/ it 0as ver+ 0ind+ indeed, 'nne>s sou><0ester 0as b#o0n to the ba&k of her head, The rain stun) their &heeks and *ade the* )as/, B I shou#d think 0e *ust be about the on#+ /eo/#e out this *ornin) ? B )as/ed (eor)e, B :e##$ +ou>re 0ron)$B said "u#ian, B There are t0o /eo/#e &o*in) to0ards us ? B So there 0ere, The+ 0ere a *an and a bo+$ both 0e## 0ra//ed u/ in *a&intoshes and sou><0esters, 5ike the &hi#dren$ the+ too 0ore hi)h rubber boots, The &hi#dren took a #ook at the* as the+ /assed, The *an 0as ta## and 0e##<bui#t$ 0ith sha))+ e+ebro0s and a deter*ined *outh, The bo+ 0as about sixteen$ a#so ta## and 0e##<bui#t, He 0as not a bad<#ookin) bo+$ but he had rather a su##en ex/ression, B (ood *ornin)$B said the *an$ and nodded, B (ood *ornin)$B &horused the &hi#dren$ /o#ite#+, The *an #ooked the* over keen#+$ and then he and the bo+ 0ent on, B :onder 0ho the+ are @B said (eor)e, B 9other didn>t sa+ there 0ere an+ ne0 /eo/#e here,B B"ust 0a#ked over fro* the next vi##a)e$ I ex/e&t$B said %i&k, The+ 0ent on for so*e 0a+, B :e>## 0a#k to the &oast)uard>s &otta)e and then )o ba&k$B said "u#ian, B Hie$ Ti*$ don>t )o so near the &#iff? B The &oast)uard #ived in a #itt#e 0hite0ashed


&otta)e on the &#iff$ fa&in) the sea, T0o other &otta)es stood beside it$ a#so 0hite0ashed, The &hi#dren kne0 the &oast)uard 0e##, He 0as a red<fa&ed$ barre#<sha/ed *an$ fond of 1okin), He 0as no0here to be seen 0hen the+ &a*e to his &otta)e, Then the+ heard his enor*ous voi&e sin)in) a sea< shant+ in the #itt#e shed behind, The+ 0ent to find hi*, F> Ha##o$ &oast)uard$B said 'nne, He #ooked u/ and )rinned at the &hi#dren, He 0as bus+ *akin) so*ethin), B Ha##o to +ou ? B he said, B So +ou>re ba&k a)ain$ are +ou @ 4ad /ennies$ the #ot of +ou!a#0a+s turnin) u/ 0hen +ou>re not 0anted ? B B :hat are +ou *akin) @ B asked 'nne, B ' 0ind*i## for *+ +oun) )randson$B said the &oast)uard$ sho0in) it to 'nne, He 0as ver+ &#ever at *akin) to+s, B 7h$ it>s lovely!- said 'nne$ takin) it in her hands, B %oes the 0ind*i## /art )o round!oh +es!it>s su/er$ &oast)uard ? B B I>ve been *akin) Euite a bit of *one+ out of *+ to+s$B said the o#d fe##o0$ /roud#+, B I>ve )ot so*e ne0 nei)hbours in the next &otta)e! *an and a bo+!and the *an>s been bu+in) a## the to+s I *ake, See*s to have a #ot of ne/he0s and nie&es ? He )ives *e )ood /ri&es too,B B 7h!0ou#d that be the *an and the bo+ 0e *et$ I 0onder @ B said %i&k, B 4oth ta##$ and 0e##<bui#t!and the *an had sha))+ e+e<bro0s,B B That>s ri)ht$B said the &oast)uard$ tri**in) a bit of his 0ind*i##, B 9r, ;urton and his son, The+ &a*e here so*e 0eeks a)o, 6ou ou)ht to )et to kno0 the son$ 9aster "u#ian, He>s about

+our a)e$ I shou#d think, 9ust be /rett+ #one#+ for hi* u/ here,B B %oesn>t he )o to an+ s&hoo# @ B asked "u#ian, B 3o, He>s been i##$ so his father said, (ot to have /#ent+ of sea<air and that sort of thin), 3ot a bad sort of bo+, He &o*es and he#/s *e 0ith *+ to+s so*eti*es, 'nd he #ikes to *ess about 0ith *+ te#es&o/e,B B I do too$B said (eor)e, B I #ove #ookin) throu)h +our te#es&o/e, ;an I #ook throu)h no0 @ I>d #ike to see if I &an s/ot -irrin Is#and,B B :e##$ +ou 0on>t see *u&h this 0eather$B said the &oast)uard, B 6ou 0ait a fe0 *inutes, See that break in the &#ouds@ :e##$ it>## &#ear in a fe0 *inutes$ and +ou>## be ab#e to see +our is#and easi#+, That>s a funn+ thin) +our father>s bui#t there$ 9iss, Kart of his 0ork$ I su//ose,B B 6es$B said (eor)e, B 7h Ti**+!#ook 0hat he>s done$ &oast)uard!he>s u/set that tin of /aint, 4ad bo+$ Ti**+ ? B B It>s not *+ tin$B said the &oast)uard, B It>s a tin be#on)in) to that +oun) fe##o0 next<door, I to#d +ou he &o*es in to he#/ *e so*eti*es, He brou)ht in that tin to he#/ /aint a #itt#e do##s> house I *ade for his father,B B 7h dear$B said (eor)e$ in dis*a+, B %o +ou think he>## be &ross 0hen he kno0s Ti**+ s/i#t it @ B B Shou#dn>t think so$B said the &oast)uard, B He>s a Eueer bo+ thou)h!Euiet and a bit su#k+, 3ot a bad bo+$ but doesn>t see* ver+ friend#+ #ike,B (eor)e tried to &#ear u/ the *ess of /aint, Ti**+ had so*e on his /a0s$ and *ade a #itt#e /attern of )reen /a0< *arks as he /attered about the shed,


B I>## te## the bo+ I>* sorr+$ if I *eet hi* on the 0a+ ba&k$B she said, B Ti**+$ if +ou dare to )o near an+ *ore tins of /aint +ou shan>t s#ee/ 7n *+ bed to<ni)ht,B O The 0eather>s a bit &#earer no0$B said %i&k, B ;an 0e have a sEuint throu)h the te#es&o/e$ &oast)uard @ B B 5et me see *+ is#and first$B said (eor)e at on&e, She ti#ted ti#e te#es&o/e hi the dire&tion of -irrin Is#and, She #ooked throu)h it earnest#+$ and a s*i#e &a*e over her fa&e, B 6es$ I &an see it &#ear#+, There>s the to0er ather has had bui#t, I &an even see the )#ass<roo* Euite &#ear#+$ and there>s nobod+ in it, 3o n)n of ather an+0here,B 2ver+one had a turn at #ookin) throu)h the te#es&o/e, It 0as fas&inatin) to see the is#and a//earin) so &#ose, 7n a &#ear da+ it 0ou#d be even easier to see a## the detai#s, B I &an see a rabbit s&a*/erin)$B said 'nne$ 0hen her turn &a*e, B %on>t +ou #et that do) of +ours sEuint throu)h the te#es&o/e then$B said the &oast)uard at on&e, B He>## tr+ to )et do0n it after that rabbit? B Ti**+ &o&ked his ears u/ at the *ention of the 0ord rabbit, He #ooked a## round and sniffed, 3o$ there 0as no rabbit, Then 0h+ did /eo/#e *ention the*@ 11 :e>d better )o no0$B said "u#ian, B :e>## be u/ here a)ain so*eti*e$ and 0e>## &o*e and #ee 0hat to+s +ou>ve done, Thanks for #ettin) us #ook throu)h the te#es&o/e,B P 6ou>re 0e#&o*e ?B said the o#d fe##o0, 11 6ou>re not #ike#+ to 0ear it out throu)h #ookin) ? ;o*e a#on) an+ ti*e +ou 0ant to use it,B


The+ said )ood<b+e and 0ent off$ Ti**+ &a/erin) round the*, B ;ou#dn>t 0e see -irrin Is#and 0e## ? B said 'nne, B I 0ished I &ou#d see 0here +our father 0as$ (eor)e, :ou#dn>t it be fun if 0e s/otted hi* 1ust &o*in) out of his hidin)</#a&e @ B The four &hi#dren had dis&ussed this /rob#e* a )ood dea# sin&e the+ had #eft the is#and, It /uAA#ed the* ver+ *u&h indeed, Ho0 did,it ha//en that (eor)e>s father kne0 a hidin)</#a&e that the+ didn>t kno0@ :h+$ the+ had been over ever+ in&h of the is#and ? It *ust be Euite a bi) hidin)< /#a&e too$ if he had )ot a## his stuff for his ex/eri*ents 0ith hi*, '&&ordin) to (eor)e>s *other$ there had been Euite a #ot of this$ to sa+ nothin) of stores of food, B If ather kne0 a /#a&e I didn>t kno0$ and never to#d *e about it$ I think he>s 1o##+ *ean$B (eor)e said ha#f a doAen ti*es, B I do rea##+, It>s my is#and ? B B :e##$ he>## /robab#+ te## +ou 0hen he>s finished the 0ork he>s on$B said "u#ian, B Then +ou>## kno0, :e &an a## )o and ex/#ore it then$ 0herever it is,B 'fter the+ #eft the &oast)uard>s &otta)e the+ turned their ste/s ho*e, The+ *ade their 0a+ a#on) the &#iff$ and then sa0 the bo+ the+ had *et before, He 0as standin) on the /ath #ookin) out to sea, The *an 0as not 0ith hi*, He turned as the+ &a*e u/ and )ave the* a /a#e kind of s*i#e, B Ha##o ? 4een u/ to see the &oast)uard @ B B6es$B said "u#ian, B3i&e o#d fe##o0$ isn>t he@B B I sa+$B said (eor)e$ B I>* so sorr+$ but *+


do) u/set a tin of )reen /aint$ and the &oast)uard said it 0as +ours, ;an I /a+ +ou for it$ /#ease @ B B(oodness$ no?B said the bo+, BI don>t *ind, There 0asn>t *u&h of it #eft an+0a+, That>s a ni&e do) of +ours,B B 6es$ he is$B said (eor)e$ 0ar*#+, B 4est do) in the 0or#d, I>ve had hi* for +ears$ but he>s Sti## as +oun) as ever, %o +ou #ike do)s @ B B 7h +es$B said the bo+$ but he *ade no *ove to /at Ti**+ or fuss hi*$ as *ost /eo/#e did, 'nd Ti**+ did not run round the bo+ and sniff at hi* as he usua##+ did 0hen he *et an+one


ne0, He 1ust stood b+ (eor)e$ his tai# neither u/ nor do0n, B That>s an interestin) #itt#e is#and$B said the bo+$ /ointin) to -irrin, B I 0ish I &ou#d )o there,B B It>s my is#and$B said (eor)e$ /roud#+, B 9+ ver+ o0n,B B 8ea##+ @ B said the bo+$ /o#ite#+, B ;ou#d +ou #et *e )o over one da+ then @ B B :e##!not 1ust at /resent$B said (eor)e, B 6ou see$ *+ father>s there!0orkin)!he>s a s&ientist,B B 8ea##+ @ B said die bo+ a)ain, B 2r!has he )ot so*e ne0 ex/eri*ent on hand$ then @ B B 6es$B said (eor)e, B 'h!and that Eueer to0er is so*ethin) to do 0ith it$ I su//ose$B said the bo+$ #ookin) interested for the first ti*e, B :hen 0i## his ex/eri*ent be finished @ B B :hat>s that to do 0ith +ou @ B said %i&k$ sudden#+, The other stared at hi* in sur/rise, %i&k sounded rather rude$ and it 0as not #ike hi*, B 7h nothin) ? B said the bo+$ hasti#+, B I on#+ thou)ht that if his 0ork 0i## soon be finished$ /erha/s +our brother 0ou#d take *e over to his is#and ? B (eor)e &ou#dn>t he#/ fee#in) /#eased, This bo+ thou)ht she 0as a bo+? (eor)e 0as a#0a+s )ra&ious to /eo/#e 0ho *ade the *istake of thinkin) she 0as a bo+, B 7f #ourse I>## take +ou ? B she said, B It shou#dn>t be #on) before I do!the ex/eri*ent is near#+ done,B


Chapter Seven A LITTLE SQUABBLE ' S7C3% *ade the* turn, It 0as the bo+>s father &o*in) u/, He nodded to the &hi#dren, B 9akin) friends @ B he said$ ai*ab#+, B That>s ri)ht, 9+ bo+>s /rett+ #one#+ here, I ho/e +ou>## &o*e u/ and see us so*eti*e, inished +our &onversation$ son @ B B 6es$B said the bo+, B This bo+ here sa+s that is#and is his$ and he>s )oin) to take *e over it 0hen his father has finished his 0ork there!and that 0on>t be #on),B B 'nd do +ou kno0 the 0a+ throu)h a## those 0i&ked ro&ks @ B said the *an, B I shou#dn>t &are to tr+ it, I 0as ta#kin) to the fisher*en the other da+$ and not one of the* a//eared to kno0 the 0a+ ? B This 0as rather astonishin), So*e of the fisher*en did kno0 it, Then the &hi#dren re*e*bered that the *en had a## been forbidden to take an+one to the is#and 0hi#st Cn&#e Duentin 0as at 0ork there, It 0as &#ear that the+ had /retended not to kno0 the 0a+$ in #o+a#t+ to their orders, B %id +ou 0ant to )o to the is#and then @ B asked %i&k$ sudden#+, B 7h no ? 4ut *+ bo+ here 0ou#d #ove to )o$B said the *an, B I don>t 0ant to be seasi&k$ bobbin) u/ and do0n on those 0aves near the is#and, I>* a /oor sai#or, I never )o on the sea if I &an he#/ it? B


B :e##$ 0e *ust )o$B said "u#ian, B :e>ve )ot to do so*e sho//in) for *+ aunt, (ood<b+e ? B B ;o*e and see us as soon as +ou &an$B said the *an, B I>ve a fine te#evision set that 9artin here 0ou#d #ike to sho0 +ou, 'n+ afternoon +ou #ike ? B B 7h thanks ? B said (eor)e, She had never seen te#evision, B :e>## &o*e ? B The+ /arted$ and the four &hi#dren and Ti**+ 0ent on do0n the &#iff</ath, B :hatever *ade +ou sound so rude$ %i&k @ B said (eor)e, B The 0a+ +ou said > :hat>s that to do 0ith +ou @ > sounded Euite insu#tin),B B :e##!I 1ust fe#t sus/i&ious$ that>s a##$B said %i&k, B That bo+ see*ed to be so 1o##+ interested in the is#and and in +our father>s 0ork$ and 0hen it 0ou#d be finished,B B :h+ shou#dn>t he be @ B de*anded (eor)e, B 2ver+one in the vi##a)e is interested ? The+ a## kno0 about the to0er, 'nd a## the bo+ 0anted to kno0 0as 0hen he &ou#d )o to *+ is#and! that>s 0h+ he asked 0hen ather>s 0ork 0ou#d be finished, I #iked hi*,B B 6ou on#+ #iked hi* be&ause he 0as ass enou)h to think +ou 0ere a bo+$B said %i&k, B"o##+ )ir#ish<#ookin) bo+ +ou are$ that>s a## I &an sa+,B (eor)e f#ared u/ at on&e, B %on>t be *ean ? I>* not )ir#ish<#ookin), I>ve far *ore fre&k#es than +ou have$ for one thin)$ and better e+ebro0s, And I &an *ake *+ voi&e )o dee/,B B 6ou>re 1ust si##+$B said %i&k$ in dis)ust, B 's if fre&k#es are bo+ish ? (ir#s have the* 1ust as *u&h as bo+s, I don>t be#ieve that bo+ thou)ht +ou 0ere a bo+ at a##, He 0as 1ust su&kin) u/ to

+ou, He *ust have heard ho0 *u&h +ou #ike /#a+in) at bein) 0hat +ou aren>t,B (eor)e 0a#ked u/ to %i&k 0ith su&h a furious #ook on her fa&e that "u#ian hasti#+ /ut hi*se#f in bet0een the*, B 3o0$ no bra0#s$B he said, B 6ou>re both too o#d to be)in s#a//in) ea&h other #ike kids in the nurser+, 5et *e te## +ou$ +ou>re both behavin) #ike babies$ not #ike bo+s or )ir#s?B 'nne 0as #ookin) on 0ith s&ared e+es, (eor)e didn>t )o off the dee/ end #ike this usua##+, 'nd it was funn+ of %i&k to have s/oken so rude#+ to the bo+ on the &#iff, Ti**+ )ave a sudden #itt#e 0hine, His tai# 0as do0n$ and he #ooked ver+ *iserab#e, B 7h (eor)e!Ti**+ &an>t )ear +ou to Euarre# 0ith %i&k ? B said 'nne, B 5ook at hi* ? He>s 1ust *iserab#e ? B BHe didn>t #ike that bo+ a bit$B said %i&k, B That 0as another thin) I thou)ht 0as funn+, If Ti**+ doesn>t #ike a /erson$ N don>t #ike hi* either,B B Ti**+ doesn>t always rush round ne0 /eo/#e$B said (eor)e, B He didn>t )ro0# or snar#$ an+0a+, '## ri)ht$ a## ri)ht$ "u#ian = I>* not )oin) to start bra0#in), 4ut I do think %i&k is bein) si##+, 9akin) a *ountain out of a *o#ehi##! 1ust be&ause so*eone 0as interested in -irrin Is#and and ather>s 0ork$ and 1ust be&ause Ti**+ didn>t ;a/er a## round hi*, He 0as su&h a so#e*n sort of bo+ that I>* not sur/rised Ti**+ 0asn>t a## over hi*, He /robab#+ kne0 the bo+ 0ou#dn>t #ike it, Ti**+>s &#ever #ike that,B B 7h$ do sto/ ? B said %i&k, B I )ive in! )ra&efu##+ ? I *a+ be *akin) a fuss, Krobab#+ '*, I &ou#dn>t he#/ *+ fee#in)s$ thou)h,B


'nne )ave a si)h of re#ief, The sEuabb#e 0as over, She ho/ed it 0ou#dn>t &ro/ u/ a)ain, (eor)e had been ver+ tou&h+ sin&e she had been ho*e, If on#+ Cn&#e Duentin 0ou#d hurr+ u/ and finish his 0ork$ and the+ &ou#d a## )o to the is#and as *u&h as the+ #iked$ thin)s 0ou#d be a## ri)ht, B I>d rather #ike to see that te#evision set$B said (eor)e, B :e *i)ht )o u/ so*e afternoon,B B 8i)ht$B said "u#ian, B 4ut$ on the 0ho#e$ I think it 0ou#d be best if 0e steered &#ear of an+ ta#k about +our father>s 0ork, 3ot that 0e kno0 *u&h, Sti##$ 0e do kno0 that on&e before there 0ere /eo/#e after one of his theories, The se&rets of the s&ientists are ver+$ ver+ i*/ortant these da+s$ +ou kno0$ (eor)e, S&ientists are I,I,K, ? B B :hat>s I,I,K, @ B asked 'nne, B Ier+ I*/ortant Keo/#e$ bab+ ? B said "u#ian$ 0ith a #au)h, B :hat did +ou think it *eant @ Iio#et$ Indi)o$ Kur/#e@ I )uess those are the &o#ours Cn&#e Duentin 0ou#d )o if he kne0 an+one 0as tr+in) to snoo/ into his se&rets?B 2ver+one #au)hed$ even (eor)e, She #ooked affe&tionate#+ at "u#ian, He 0as a#0a+s so sensib#e and )ood<te*/ered, She rea##+ 0ou#d )o b+ 0hat he said, The da+ /assed s0ift#+, The 0eather &#eared and the sun &a*e out stron)#+, The air s*e#t of )orse and /ri*roses and the sa#t of the sea, 5ove#+ ? The+ 0ent sho//in) for 'unt ann+$ and sto//ed to ta#k 0ith "a*es$ the fisher bo+, B 6our father>s )ot the is#and$ I see$B he said to (eor)e 0ith a )rin, B 4ad #u&k$ 9iss, 6ou>## not be )oin) over there so often, 'nd nobod+ e#se 0i##$ either$ so I>ve heard,B


BThat>s ri)ht$B said (eor)e, B3obod+ is a##o0ed to )o over there for so*e ti*e, %id +ou he#/ to take so*e of the stuff over$ "a*es @ B B 6es, I kno0 the 0a+$ +ou see$ be&ause I>ve been 0ith +ou$B said "a*es, B :e##$ 9iss$ ho0 did +ou find +our boat 0hen +ou 0ent a&ross +esterda+@ I )ot her a## shi/<sha/e for +ou$ didn>t I @ B B 6es$ +ou did$ "a*es$B said (eor)e$ 0ar*#+, B 6ou *ade her #ook beautifu#, 6ou *ust &o*e a&ross to the is#and 0ith us next ti*e 0e )o,B B Thanks$B said "a*es$ his read+ )rin sho0in) a## his 0hite teeth, B 5ike to #eave Ti**+ 0ith *e for a 0eek or t0o @ See ho0 he 0ants to sta+ ? B (eor)e #au)hed, She kne0 "a*es 0as on#+ 1okin), He 0as ver+ fond of Ti**+$ thou)h$ and Ti**+ adored "a*es, He 0as no0 /ushin) hi*se#f hard a)ainst the fisher<bo+>s knees$ and tr+in) to /ut his nose into his bro0n hand, Ti**+ had never for)otten the ti*e 0hen "a*es #ooked after hi* so 0e##, The evenin) &a*e$ and the ba+ 0as soft#+ b#ue, 5itt#e 0hite horses f#e&ked it here and there, The four )aAed a&ross to -irrin Is#and, It a#0a+s #ooked so #ove#+ at this ti*e of the evenin), The )#ass to/ of the to0er 0inked and b#inked in the sun, It #ooked a#*ost as if so*eone 0as si)na##in), 4ut there 0as no one in the #itt#e )#ass roo*, 's the &hi#dren 0at&hed the+ heard ft faint ru*b#in) sound$ and sudden#+ the to/ of the to0er 0as ab#aAe 0ith a &urious )#are, B 5ook ? That>s 0hat ha//ened +esterda+ ? B said "u#ian$ in ex&ite*ent, B 6our father>s at 0ork a## ri)ht$ (eor)e, I do 0onder 0hat he>s doin)?B

Then there &a*e a throbbin) sound$ a#*ost #ike the noise of an aero/#ane$ and on&e *ore the )#ass to/ of the to0er shone and b#aAed$ as the 0ires be&a*e fu## of so*e &urious /o0er, B :eird$B said %i&k, B ' bit fri)htenin) too, :here>s +our father at this ver+ *o*ent$ I 0onder$ (eor)e, Ho0 I>d #ike to kno0 ? B B I bet he>s for)otten a## about *ea#s a)ain$B said (eor)e, B %idn>t he 0o#f our sand0i&hes! he *ust have been starvin), I 0ish he>d #et 9other )o over there and #ook after hi*,B Her *other &a*e in at that *o*ent, B %id +ou hear the noise @ B she said, B I su//ose that 0as +our father at 0ork a)ain, 7h dear$ I ho/e he doesn>t b#o0 hi*se#f u/ one of these da+s ? B B'unt ann+$ &an I sta+ u/ ti## ha#f</ast ten to<ni)ht @ B asked 'nne$ ho/efu##+, B To see Cn&#e Duentin>s si)na#$ +ou kno0 @ B B (ood )ra&ious$ no ? B said her aunt, B 3o one needs to sta+ u/, I a* Euite &a/ab#e of 0at&hin) for it *+se#f? B B 7h 'unt ann+ ? Sure#+ I and %i&k &an sta+ u/ ? B said "u#ian, B 'fter a##$ 0e>re not in bed ti## ten at s&hoo#,B B 6es!but this is half$past ten$ and +ou 0ou#dn>t even be in bed then$B said his aunt, B There>s no reason 0h+ +ou shou#dn>t #ie in bed and 0at&h for it thou)h$ if +ou 0ant to !/rovidin) +ou haven>t fa##en as#ee/ ? B B 7h +es!f &an do that$B said "u#ian, B 9+ 0indo0 #ooks a&ross to -irrin Is#and, Six f#ashes 0ith a #antern @ I sha## &ount the* &arefu##+,B So the four 0ent to bed at the usua# ti*e, 'nne 0as as#ee/ #on) before ha#f</ast ten$ and (eor)e 0as so dro0s+ that she &ou#d not *ake

herse#f )et u/ and )o into the bo+s> roo*, 4ut %i&k and "u#ian 0ere both 0ide a0ake, The+ #a+ in their beds and #ooked out of the 0indo0, There 0as no *oon$ but the sk+ 0as &#ear$ and the stars shone do0n$ )ivin) a faint #i)ht, The sea #ooked ver+ b#a&k, There 0as no si)n of -irrin Is#and to be seen, It 0as #ost in the darkness of the ni)ht, B '#*ost ha#f</ast ten$B said "u#ian$ #ookin) at his 0at&h$ 0hi&h had #u*inous hands, B 3o0 then$ Cn&#e Duentin$ 0hat about it @ B


'#*ost as if his un&#e 0as ans0erin) hi*$ a #i)ht shone out in the )#ass to/ of the to0er, It 0as a &#ear$ s*a## #i)ht$ #ike the #i)ht of a #antern, "u#ian be)an to &ount, B 7ne f#ash,B There 0as a /ause, B T0o f#ashes,B 'nother /ause, B Three , , , four , , , five ,,, six ?B The f#ashes sto//ed, "u#ian snu))#ed do0n into bed, B:e##$ that>s that, Cn&#e Duentin>s a## ri)ht, I sa+$ it>s 0eird to think of hi* &#i*bin) that s/ira# stair0a+ ri)ht to the to/ of the to0er$ in the dark of ni)ht$ isn>t it @!1ust to *ess about 0ith those 0ires,B B 9****$B said %i&k$ s#ee/i#+, B I>d rather he did it$ than I ? 6ou &an be a s&ientist if +ou #ike$ "u!but I don>t 0ant to &#i*b to0ers in the dead of ni)ht on a #one#+ is#and, I>d #ike Ti**+ there$ at #east ? B So*eone kno&ked on their door and it o/ened, "u#ian sat u/ at on&e, It 0as 'unt ann+, B 7h "u#ian dear!did +ou see the f#ashes @ I for)ot to &ount the*, :ere there six @ B B 7h +es$ 'unt ann+ ? I>d have rushed do0n to te## +ou if an+thin) 0as 0ron), Cn&#e>s a## ri)ht, %on>t +ou 0orr+ ? B B I 0ish I>d to#d hi* to do an e&tra f#ash to te## *e if he>s had so*e of that ni&e sou/$B said his aunt, B :e##$ )ood ni)ht$ "u#ian, S#ee/ 0e##?B


Chapter Eight DOWN IN THE QUARRY TH2 next da+ da0ned bri)ht and sunn+, The four tore do0n to breakfast$ fu## of hi)h s/irits, B;an 0e bathe @ 'unt ann+$ it>s really 0ar* enou)h ? 7h do sa+ 0e &an ? B B 7f &ourse not? :hoever heard of bathin) in '/ri# ? B said 'unt ann+, B :h+$ the sea is terrib#+ &o#d, %o +ou 0ant to be in bed for the rest of the ho#ida+ 0ith a &hi## @ B B :e##$ #et>s )o for a 0a#k on the *oors at the ba&k of -irrin ;otta)e$B said (eor)e, B Ti**+ 0ou#d #ove that, :ou#dn>t +ou$ Ti* @ B B:oof$B said Ti**+$ thu*/in) his tai# hard on the )round, B Take +our #un&h 0ith +ou if +ou #ike$B said her *other, B I>## /a&k so*e for +ou,B B 6ou>## be )#ad to be rid of us for a #itt#e 0hi#e$ I ex/e&t$ 'unt ann+$B said %i&k$ 0ith a )rin, B I kno0 0hat 0e>## do ? :e>## )o to the o#d Euarr+ and #ook for /rehistori& 0ea/ons ? :e>ve )ot a 1o##+ )ood *useu* at s&hoo#$ and I>d #ike to take ba&k so*e stone arro0<heads or so*ethin) #ike that,B The+ a## #iked huntin) for thin)s, It 0ou#d be fun to )o to the o#d Euarr+$ and it 0ou#d be #ove#+ and 0ar* in the ho##o0 there, B I ho/e 0e shan>t find a /oor dead shee/ there$ as 0e on&e did$B said 'nne$ 0ith a shudder, B Koor thin) ? It *ust have fa##en do0n and baa<ed for he#/ for a)es,B


B 7f &ourse 0e shan>t$B said "u#ian, B :e sha## find sta&ks of /ri*roses and vio#ets thou)h$ )ro0in) do0n the sides of the Euarr+, The+ are a#0a+s ear#+ there be&ause it>s she#tered fro* ever+ 0ind,B B I shou#d #ove to have bun&hes of /ri*roses$B said his aunt, B 3i&e bi) ones ? 2nou)h to /ut a## over the house,B B :e##$ 0hi#st the bo+s are #ookin) for arro0heads 0e>## #ook for /ri*roses$B said 'nne$ /#eased, B I #ike /i&kin) f#o0ers,B B 'nd Ti**+$ of &ourse$ 0i## hunt for rabbits$ and 0i## ho/e to brin) ho*e enou)h for +ou to de&orate the #arder fro* to/ to botto*$B said %i&k$ so#e*n#+, Ti**+ #ooked thri##ed and )ave an ex&ited #itt#e 0oof, The+ 0aited for Cn&#e Duentin>s si)na# at ha#f</ast ten, It &a*e!six f#ashes of a *irror in the sun, The f#ashes 0ere Euite b#indin), B 3i&e #itt#e bit of he#io)ra/hin) ? B said %i&k, B (ood *ornin) and )ood<b+e$ Cn&#e ? :e>## 0at&h for +ou to< ni)ht, 3o0$ ever+bod+ read+ @ B B 6es ? ;o*e on$ Ti* ? :ho>s )ot the sand0i&hes @ I sa+$ isn>t the sun hot? B 7ff the+ a## 0ent, The+ had on &oats and their rubber boots$ but no hats$ and nobod+ thou)ht of takin) a *a&kintosh, It 0as )oin) to be a rea##+ #ove#+ da+ ? The Euarr+ 0as not rea##+ ver+ far!on#+ about a Euarter of a *i#e, The &hi#dren 0ent for a 0a#k beforehand$ for Ti**+>s sake, Then the+ *ade for the Euarr+, It 0as a Eueer /#a&e, 't so*e ti*e or other it had been dee/#+ Euarried for stone$ and then #eft to itse#f, 3o0 the sides 0ere &overed 0ith



s*a## bushes and )rass and /#ants of a## kinds, In the sand+ /#a&es heather )re0, The sides 0ere ver+ stee/$ and as fe0 /eo/#e &a*e there$ there 0ere no /aths to fo##o0, It 0as #ike a hu)e rou)h bo0#$ irre)u#ar in /#a&es$ and fu## of &o#our no0 0here /ri*roses o/ened thei> /a#e /eta#s to the sk+, Iio#ets )re0 there b+ the thousand$ both 0hite and /ur/#e, ;o0< s#i/s 0ere o/enin) too$ the ear#iest an+0here, B 7h$ it>s #ove#+ ? B said 'nne$ sto//in) at the to/ and #ookin) do0n, B Si*/#+ su/er ? I never in *+ #ife sa0 so *an+ /ri*roses!nor su&h hu)e ones ? B B 4e &arefu# ho0 +ou )o$ 'nne$B said "u#ian, B These sides are ver+ stee/, If +ou #ose +our footin) +ou>## ro## ri)ht do0n to the botto*! and find +ourse#f 0ith a broken ar* or #e)? B B I>## be &arefu#$B said 'nne, B I>## thro0 *+ basket do0n to the botto*$ so that I &an have t0o hands to &#in) to bushes 0ith$ if I 0ant to, I sha## be ab#e to fi## that basket &ra*fu# of /ri*roses and vio#ets ? B She f#un) the basket do0n$ and it boun&ed a## the 0a+ to the botto* of the Euarr+, The &hi#dren &#i*bed do0n to 0here the+ 0anted to )o!the )ir#s to a )reat /at&h of bi) /ri*roses$ the bo+s to a /#a&e 0here the+ thou)ht the+ *i)ht find stone 0ea/ons, B Ha##o ? B said a voi&e$ sudden#+$ fro* *u&h #o0er do0n, The four sto//ed in sur/rise$ and Ti**+ )ro0#ed, B :h+!it>s +ou ? B said (eor)e$ re&o)nisin) the bo+ the+ had *et the da+ before, B 6es, I don>t kno0 if +ou kno0 *+ na*e, It>s 9artin (urton$B said die bo+,


"u#ian to#d hi* their na*es too, B :e>ve &o*e to /i&ni& here$B he said, B 'nd to see if 0e, &an find stone 0ea/ons, :hat have +ou &o*e for @ B B 7h!to see if I &an find stone 0ea/ons too$B said the bo+, B Have +ou found an+ @ B asked (eor)e, B 3o, 3ot +et,B B :e##$ +ou 0on>t find an+ 1ust there$B said %i&k, B 3ot in heather ? 6ou 0ant to &o*e over here$ 0here the )round is bare and )rave##+,B %i&k 0as tr+in) to be friend#+$ to *ake u/ for the da+ before, 9artin &a*e over and be)an to s&ra/e about 0ith the bo+s, The+ had tro0e#s 0ith the*$ but he had on#+ his hands, B Isn>t it hot do0n here @ B &a##ed 'nne, B I>* )oin) to take off *+ &oat,B Ti**+ had his head and shou#ders do0n a rabbit<ho#e, He 0as s&ra/in) vio#ent#+$ sendin) u/ hea/s of soi# behind hi* in a sho0er, B (o##+ ? %on>t )o near Ti**+ un#ess +ou 0ant to be buried in earth ? B said %i&k, B He+Q Ti**+!is a rabbit rea##+ 0orth a## that hard 0ork @ B '//arent#+ it 0as$ for Ti**+$ /antin) #oud#+$ 0ent on di))in) for a## he 0as 0orth, ' stone f#e0 hi)h in the air and hit "u#ian, He rubbed his &heek, Then he #ooked at the stone that #a+ beside hi*, He )ave a shout, B 5ook at this!a 1o##+ fine arro0<head ? Thanks$ Ti**+$ o#d fe##o0, Ier+ )ood of +ou to )o di))in) for *e, :hat about a ha**er<head next @ B The others &a*e to see the stone arro0<head, 'nne thou)ht she 0ou#d never have kno0n 0hat

it 0as!but "u#ian and %i&k ex&#ai*ed over it in ad*iration, B "o##+ )ood s/e&i*en$B said %i&k, B See ho0 it>s been sha/ed$ (eor)e @ To think that this 0as used thousands of +ears a)o to ki## the ene*ies of a &ave<*an ? B 9artin did not sa+ *u&h, He 1ust #ooked at the arro0< head$ 0hi&h &ertain#+ 0as a ver+ fine$ uns/oi#t s/e&i*en$ and then turned a0a+, %i&k thou)ht he 0as a Eueer fe##o0, ' bit du## and borin), He 0ondered if the+ ou)ht to ask hi* to their /i&ni&, He didn>t 0ant to in the #east, 4ut (eor)e did ? B 're +ou havin) a /i&ni& here too @ B she said, 9artin shook his head, B 3o, I>ve not brou)ht an+ sand0i&hes,B B :e##$ 0e>ve /#ent+, Sta+ and have so*e 0ith us 0hen 0e eat the*$B said (eor)e$ )enerous#+, B Thanks, It>s ver+ ni&e of +ou$B said the bo+, B 'nd 0i## +ou &o*e and see *+ te#evision set this afternoon in return@ I>d #ike +ou to,B B 6es$ 0e 0i##$B said (eor)e, B It 0ou#d be so*ethin) to do ? 7h 'nne!1ust #ook at those vio#ets ? I>ve never seen su&h bi) 0hite ones before, :on>t 9other be /#eased@B The bo+s 0ent dee/er do0n$ s&ra/in) about 0ith their tro0e#s in an+ #ike#+ /#a&e, The+ &a*e to 0here a she#f of stone /ro1e&ted out a )ood 0a+, It 0ou#d be a ni&e /#a&e to have their #un&h, The stone 0ou#d be 0ar* to sit on$ and 0as f#at enou)h to take )in)erbeer bott#es and &u/s in safet+, 't ha#f</ast t0e#ve the+ a## had their #un&h, The+ 0ere ver+ hun)r+, 9artin shared their sand0i&hes$ and be&a*e Euite friend#+ over the*, B 4est sand0i&hes I>ve ever tasted$B he said, B I

do #ike those sardine ones, %oes +our *other *ake the* for +ou @ I 0ish I had a *other, 9ine died a)es a)o,B There 0as a s+*/atheti& si#en&e, The four &ou#d not think of an+ 0orse thin) to ha//en to a bo+ or )ir#, The+ offered 9artin the ni&est buns$ and the bi))est /ie&e of &ake i**ediate#+, B I sa0 +our father f#ashin) his si)na#s #ast ni)ht$B said 9artin$ *un&hin) a bun, %i&k #ooked u/ at on&e, B Ho0 do +ou kno0 he 0as si)na##in) @ B he asked, B :ho to#d +ou @ B B 3obod+$B said the bo+, B I 1ust sa0 the six f#ashes$ and I thou)ht it *ust be (eor)e>s father,B He #ooked sur/rised at %i&k>s shar/ tone, "u#ian )ave %i&k a nud)e$ to 0arn hi* not to )o off the dee/ end a)ain, (eor)e s&o0#ed at %i&k, B I su//ose +ou sa0 *+ father si)na##in) this *ornin) too$B she said to 9artin, B I bet s&ores of /eo/#e sa0 the f#ashes, He 1ust he#io)ra/hs 0ith a *irror at ha#f</ast ten to si)na# that he>s a## ri)ht! and f#ashes a #antern at the sa*e ti*e at ni)ht,B 3o0 it 0as %i&k>s turn to s&o0# at (eor)e, :h+ )ive a0a+ a## this infor*ation@ It 0asn>t ne&essar+, %i&k fe#t sure she 0as doin) it 1ust to /a+ hi* out for his shar/ Euestion, He tried to &han)e the sub1e&t, B :here do +ou )o to s&hoo# @ B he asked, B I don>t$B said the bo+, B I>ve been i##,B B :e##$ 0here did +ou )o to s&hoo# before +ou 0ere i##@ B asked %i&k, B I!I had a tutor$B said 9artin, B I didn>t )o to s&hoo#,B B 4ad #u&k ? B said "u#ian, He thou)ht it *ust be terrib#e not to )o to s&hoo# and have a## the

fun$ the 0ork and the )a*es of s&hoo#<#ife, He #ooked &urious#+ at 9artin, :as he one of these rather stu/id bo+s 0ho did no )ood at s&hoo#$ but had to have a tutor at ho*e@ Sti##$ he didn>t loo" stu/id, He 1ust #ooked rather su##en and du##, Ti**+ 0as sittin) on the 0ar* stone 0ith the others, He had his share of the sand0i&hes$ but had to be rationed$ as 9artin had to have so*e too, He 0as funn+ 0ith 9artin, He took abso#ute#+ no noti&e of hi* at a##, 9artin *i)ht not have been there ? 'nd 9artin took no noti&e of Ti**+, He did not ta#k to hi*$ or /at hi*, 'nne 0as sure he didn>t rea##+ #ike do)s$ as he had said, Ho0 &ou#d an+one be 0ith Ti**+ and not )ive hi* even one /at @ Ti**+ did not even #ook at 9artin$ but sat 0ith his ba&k to hi*$ #eanin) a)ainst (eor)e, It 0as rea##+ rather a*usin)$ if it 0asn>t so odd, 'fter a##$ (eor)e 0as ta#kin) in a friend#+ 0a+ to 9artin = the+ 0ere a## sharin) their food 0ith hi*!and Ti**+ behaved as if 9artin si*/#+ 0asn>t there at a##? 'nne 0as 1ust about to re*ark on Ti**+>s odd behaviour 0hen he +a0ned$ shook hi*se#f$ and #ea/t do0n fro* the ro&k, B He>s )oin) rabbitin) a)ain$B said "u#ian, B He+$ Ti*!find *e another arro0<head 0i## +ou$ o#d fe##o0 @ B Ti**+ 0a))ed his tai#, He disa//eared under the she#f of ro&k$ and there &a*e the sound of di))in), ' sho0er of stones and soi# f#e0 u/ into the air, The &hi#dren #a+ ba&k on the stone and fe#t


s#ee/+, The+ ta#ked for so*e *inutes$ and then I= 'nne fe#t her e+es &#osin), She 0as a0akened I b+ (eor)e>s voi&e, B :here>s Ti**+ @ Ti**+? Ti**+? ;o*e here ? :here have +ou )ot to @ B 4ut no Ti**+ &a*e, There 0as not even an ans0erin) bark, B 7h b#o0 ? B said (eor)e, F> 3o0 he>s )one do0n so*e extra<dee/ rabbit ho#e$ I su//ose, I *ust )et hiin, Ti**+ ? :herever are +ou @ B


Chapter Nine GEORGE MAKES A DISCOVERYAND LOSES HER TEMPER (278(2 s#i//ed do0n fro* the ro&k, She /eered under it, There 0as a #ar)e o/enin) there$ s&attered 0ith stones that Ti**+ had #oosened in his di))in), B Sure#+ +ou haven>t at #ast found a rabbit ho#e bi) enou)h to )o do0n ?B said (eor)e, B TI996 ? :here are +ou @ B 3ot a bark$ not a 0hine &a*e fro* the ho#e, (eor)e 0ri))#ed under the she#f of ro&k$ and /eered do0n the burro0, Ti**+ had &ertain#+ *ade it ver+ bi), (eor)e &a##ed u/ to "u#ian, B"u#ian ? Thro0 *e do0n +our tro0e#$ 0i## +ou @ B The tro0e# #anded b+ her foot, (eor)e took it and be)an to *ake the ho#e bi))er, It *i)ht be bi) enou)h for Ti**+$ but it 0asn>t bi) enou)h for her ? She du) hard and soon )ot ver+ hot, She &ra0#ed out and #ooked over on to the ro&k to see if she &ou#d )et one of the others to he#/ her, The+ 0ere a## as#ee/ ? B 5aA+ thin)s ? B thou)ht (eor)e$ Euite for)ettin) that she too 0ou#d have been doAin) if she hadn>t 0ondered 0here Ti**+ had )one, She s#i//ed do0n under the ro&k a)ain and be)an to di) hard 0ith her tro0e#, Soon she had *ade the ho#e bi) enou)h to )et throu)h, She 0as sur/rised to find Euite a #ar)e /assa)e$



on&e she had *ade the entran&e bi) enou)h to take her, She &ou#d &ra0# a#on) on hands and knees ? B I sa+!I 0onder if this is 1ust so*e ani*a#>s run0a+ !or #eads so*e0here ? B thou)ht (eor)e, B TI996 ? :here are +ou @ B ro* so*e0here dee/ in the Euarr+ side there &a*e a faint 0hine, (eor)e fe#t thankfu#, So Ti**+ was there$ after a## ? She &ra0#ed a#on)$ and then Euite sudden#+ the tunne# be&a*e hi)h and 0ide$ and she rea#ised that she *ust be in a /assa)e, It 0as /erfe&t#+ dark$ so she &ou#d not see an+thin)$ she &ou#d on#+ fee#, Then she heard the sound of /atterin) feet$ and Ti**+ /ressed affe&tionate#+ a)ainst her #e)s$ 0hinin), B 7h Ti**+!+ou )ave *e a bit of a fri)ht? B said (eor)e, B :here have +ou been @ Is this a rea# /assa)e!or 1ust a tunne# in the Euarr+$ *ade b+ the o#d *iners$ and no0 used b+ ani*a#s @ B B :oof$B said Ti**+$ and /u##ed at (eor)e>s shorts to *ake her )o ba&k to the da+#i)ht, B '## ri)ht$ I>* &o*in) ? B said (eor)e, B %on>t i*a)ine I 0ant to 0ander a#one here in the dark ? I on#+ &a*e to #ook for +ou,B She *ade her 0a+ ba&k to the she#f of ro&k, 4+ this ti*e %i&k 0as a0ake$ and 0ondered 0here (eor)e had )one, He 0aited a fe0 *inutes$ b#inkin) u/ into the dee/ b#ue sk+$ and then sat u/, B (eor)e ? B There 0as no ans0er, So$ in his turn %i&k s#i//ed do0n fro* the ro&k and #ooked around, 'nd$ to his ver+ )reat astonish*ent he sa0 first Ti**+$ and then (eor)e on hands and knees$ a//earin) out of the ho#e under the ro&k,

He stared o/en<*outhed$ and (eor)e be)an to )i))#e, B It>s a## ri)ht, I>ve on#+ been rabbitin) 0ith Ti**+ ? B She stood beside hi*$ shakin) and brushin) soi# fro* her 1erse+ and shorts, B There>s a /assa)e behind the entran&e of the ho#e under the ro&k$B she said, B 't first it>s 1ust a narro0 tunne#$ #ike an ani*a#>s ho#e!then it )ets 0ider!and then it be&o*es a /ro/er hi)h 0ide /assa)e ? I &ou#dn>t see if it 0ent on$ of &ourse$ be&ause it 0as dark, Ti**+ 0as a #on) 0a+ in,B


B (ood )ra&ious? B said %i&k, B It sounds ex&itin),B B 5et>s ex/#ore it$ sha## 0e @ B said (eor)e, B I ex/e&t "u#ian>s )ot a tor&h,B B 3o$B said %i&k, B :e 0on>t ex/#ore to<da+,B The others 0ere no0 a0ake$ and #istenin) 0ith interest, B Is it a se&ret /assa)e @ B said 'nne$ thri##ed, B 7h do #et>s ex/#ore it? B B 3o$ not to<da+$B said %i&k a)ain, He #ooked at "u#ian, "u#ian )uessed that %i&k did not 0ant 9artin to share this se&ret, :h+ shou#d he @ He 0as not a rea# friend of theirs$ and the+ had on#+ 1ust )ot to kno0 hi*, He nodded ba&k to %i&kF B 3o$ 0e 0on>t ex/#ore to<da+, 'n+0a+$ it *a+ be nothin)!1ust an o#d tunne# *ade b+ the Euarr+<*en,B 9artin 0as #istenin) 0ith )reat interest, He 0ent and #ooked into the ho#e, B I 0ish 0e &ou#d ex/#ore$B he said, B 9a+be 0e &ou#d /#an to *eet a)ain 0ith tor&hes and see if there rea##+ is a /assa)e there,B "u#ian #ooked at his 0at&h, B3ear#+ t0o o>&#o&k, :e##$ 9artin$ if 0e>re )oin) to see that ha#f</ast t0o te#evision /ro)ra**e of +ours$ 0e>d better be )ettin) on,B ;arr+in) baskets of /ri*roses and vio#ets$ the )ir#s be)an to &#i*b u/ the stee/ side of the Euarr+$ "u#ian took 'nne>s basket fro* her$ afraid she *i)ht s#i/ and fa##, Soon the+ 0ere a## at the to/, The air fe#t Euite &oo# there after the 0ar*th of the Euarr+, The+ *ade their 0a+ to the &#iff</ath and before #on) 0ere /assin) the &oast)uard>s &otta)e, He 0as out in his )arden$ and he 0aved to the*, The+ 0ent in the )ate0a+ of the next<door


&otta)e, 9artin /ushed the door o/en, His father 0as sittin) at the 0indo0 of the roo* inside$ readin), He )ot u/ 0ith a broad$ 0e#&o*in) s*i#e, B :e##$ 0e##$ 0e##? This is ni&e ? ;o*e a#on) in$ do, 6es$ die do) as 0e##, I don>t *ind do)s a bit, I #ike the* ? B It see*ed rather a &ro0d in the s*a## roo*, The+ a## shook hands /o#ite#+, 9artin ex/#ained hurried#+ that he had brou)ht the &hi#dren to see a te#evision /ro)ra**e, B ' )ood idea$B said 9r, ;urton$ sti## bea*in), 'nne stared at his )reat e+ebro0s, The+ 0ere ver+ #on) and thi&k, She 0ondered 0h+ he didn>t have the* tri**ed! but /erha/s he #iked the* #ike that, The+ *ade hi* #ook ver+ fier&e$ she thou)ht, The four #ooked round the #itt#e roo*, There 0as a te#evision set standin) at the far end$ on a tab#e, There 0as a#so a *a)nifi&ent 0ire#ess! and so*ethin) e#se that *ade the bo+s stare 0ith interest, B Ha##o ? 6ou>ve )ot a trans*ittin) set$ as 0e## as a re&eivin) set$B said "u#ian, B6es$B said 9r, ;urton, BIt>s a hobb+ of *ine, I *ade that set,B B :e## ? 6ou *ust be brain+ ? B said %i&k, B :hat>s a trans*ittin) set @B asked 'nne, B I haven>t heard of one before,B B 7h$ it 1ust *eans a set to send out *essa)es b+ 0ire#ess!#ike /o#i&e<&ars have$ 0hen the+ send ba&k *essa)es to their /o#i&e stations$B said %i&k, B This is a ver+ /o0erfu# one$ thou)h,B 9artin 0as fidd#in) about 0ith the te#evision s0it&hes, Then the /ro)ra**e be)an$ and 'nne )as/ed to see a *an>s fa&e sudden#+ a//ear on

the #i)hted s&reen of the set, B I &an hear hi* and see hi*$B she 0his/ered to "u#ian, 9r, ;urton heard her and #au)hed, B 4ut +our do) &an>t smell hi*$ or he>d be after hi* ? B It 0as )reat fun seein) the te#evision /ro)ra**e, :hen it 0as over 9r, ;urton asked the* to sta+ to tea, B 3o0 don>t sa+ no$B he said, B I>## rin) u/ and ask +our aunt$ if +ou #ike$ if +ou>re afraid she *i)ht be 0orried,B B :e##!if +ou>d do that$ sir$B said "u#ian, B I think she would 0onder 0here 0e>d )one ? B 9r, ;urton ran) u/ 'unt ann+, 6es$ it 0as Euite a## ri)ht for the* to sta+$ but the+ *ustn>t be too #ate ba&k, So the+ sett#ed do0n to an unex/e&ted#+ )ood tea, 9artin 0as not ver+ ta#kative$ but 9r, ;urton *ade u/ for it, He #au)hed and 1oked and 0as a#to)ether ver+ )ood &o*/an+, The ta#k &a*e round to -irrin Is#and, 9r, ;urton said ho0 beautifu# it #ooked ea&h evenin), (eor)e #ooked /#eased, B 6es$B she said, B I a#0a+s think that, I do 0ish ather hadn>t &hosen this /arti&u#ar ti*e to 0ork on *+ is#and, I>d /#anned to )o and sta+ there,B B I su//ose +ou kno0 ever+ in&h of it? B said 9r, ;urton, B 7h +es ? B said (eor)e, B :e a## do, There are dun)eons there$ +ou kno0!rea# dun)eons that )o dee/ do0n!0here 0e on&e found )o#d in)ots,B B 6es!I re*e*ber readin) about that$B said 9r, ;urton, B That *ust have been ex&itin), an&+ finding the dun)eons too ? 'nd there>s an o#d 0e## too +ou on&e )ot do0n$ isn>t there @ B

B 6es$B said 'nne$ re*e*berin), B 'nd there is a &ave 0here 0e on&e #ived!it>s )ot an entran&e throu)h the roof$ as 0e## as fro* the sea,B B 'nd I su//ose +our father is &ondu&tin) his *arve##ous ex/eri*ents do0n in the dun)eons @ B said 9r, ;urton, B:e##$ 0hat a stran)e /#a&e to 0ork in ? B B 3o!0e don>t , , ,B be)an (eor)e$ 0hen she )ot a ki&k on the ank#e fro* %i&k, She s&re0ed u/ her fa&e in /ain, It had been a ver+ shar/ ki&k indeed, B :hat 0ere +ou )oin) to sa+ @B said 9r, ;urton$ #ookin) sur/rised, B 2r!I 0as 1ust )oin) to sa+ that!er!er! 0e don>t kno0 0hi&h /#a&e ather has &hosen$B said (eor)e$ kee/in) her #e)s 0e## out of the 0a+ of %i&k>s feet, Ti**+ )ave a sudden shar/ 0hine, (eor)e #ooked do0n at hi* in sur/rise, He 0as #ookin) u/ at %i&k 0ith a ver+ hurt ex/ression, B :hat>s the *atter$ Ti**+ @ B said (eor)e$ anxious#+, B He>s findin) the roo* too hot$ I think$B said %i&k, B 4etter take hi* out$ (eor)e,B (eor)e$ fee#in) Euite anxious$ took hi* out, %i&k 1oined her, She s&o0#ed at hi*, B :hat did +ou 0ant to ki&k *e for #ike that@ I sha## have a fri)htfu# bruise,B B 6ou kno0 1o##+ 0e## 0h+ I did$B said %i&k, B (ivin) a0a+ ever+thin) #ike that? ;an>t +ou see the &ha/>s ver+ interested in +our father bein) on the is#and @ There *a+ be nothin) in it at a##$ but +ou *i)ht at #east kee/ +our *outh shut, "ust #ike a )ir#$ &an>t he#/ b#abbin), I had to sto/ +ou so*eho0, I don>t *ind te##in) +ou I


trod 1o##+ hard on /oor o#d Ti**+>s tai# too$ to *ake hi* +e#/$ so that +ou>d turn +our attention to hi* and sto/ ta#kin) ? B B 7h!+ou beast? B said (eor)e$ indi)nant#+, B Ho0 #ould +ou hurt Ti**+ @ B B I didn>t 0ant to, It 0as a sha*e$B said %i&k$ stoo/in) to fond#e Ti**+>s ears, FF Koor o#d Ti*, I didn>t 0ant to hurt +ou$ o#d fe##o0,B B I>* )oin) ho*e$B said (eor)e$ her fa&e s&ar#et 0ith an)er, B I hate +ou for ta#kin) to *e #ike that!te##in) *e I b#ab #ike a )ir#!and sta*/in) on /oor Ti**+>s tai#, 6ou &an )o ba&k and sa+ I>* takin) Ti**+ ho*e,B B 8i)ht$B said %i&k, B 'nd a 1o##+ )ood thin) too, The #ess +ou ta#k to 9r, ;urton the better, 2m )oin) ba&k to find out exa&t#+ 0hat he is and 0hat he does, I>* )ettin) 1o##+ sus/i&ious, 6ou>d better )o before +ou )ive an+thin) e#se a0a+ ?B '#*ost &hokin) 0ith ra)e$ (eor)e 0ent off 0ith Ti**+, %i&k 0ent ba&k to *ake her a/o#o)ies, "u#ian and 'nne$ sure that so*ethin) 0as u/$ fe#t *ost un&o*fortab#e, The+ rose to )o$ but to their sur/rise$ %i&k be&a*e ver+ ta#kative and a//eared to be sudden#+ ver+ *u&h interested in 9r, ;urton and 0hat he did, 4ut at #ast the+ said )ood<b+e and 0ent, B;o*e a)ain$ do$B said 9r, ;urton$ bea*in) at the three of the*, B 'nd te## the other bo+! 0hat>s his na*e$ (eor)e!that I ho/e his do) is Euite a## ri)ht a)ain no0, Su&h a ni&e$ 0e##< behaved do) ? :e## )ood<b+e ? See +ou a)ain soon$ I ho/e?B


Chapter Ten A SURPRISING SIGNAL O:H'TS u/ 0ith (eor)e@B de*anded R R "u#ian$ as soon as the+ 0ere safe#+ out of earshot, B I kno0 +ou ki&ked her at tea<ti*e$ for ta#kin) too *u&h about the is#and!that 0as idioti& of her!but 0h+ has she )one ho*e in a huff@ B %i&k to#d the* ho0 he had trodden on /oor Ti**+>s tai# to *ake hi* 0hine$ so that (eor)e 0ou#d turn her attention to hi* and sto/ ta#kin), "u#ian #au)hed$ but 'nne 0as indi)nant, B That 0as horrid of +ou$ %i&k,B B6es$ it 0as$B said %i&k, B4ut I &ou#dn>t think of an+ other 0a+ to head (eor)e off the is#and, I rea##+ honest#+ thou)ht she 0as )ivin) a0a+ to that fe##o0 a## the thin)s he bad#+ 0anted to kno0, 4ut no0 I think he 0anted to kno0 the* for Euite another reason,B > :hat do +ou *ean @ B said "u#ian$ /uAA#ed, B :e##$ I thou)ht at first he *ust be after Cn&#e Duentin>s se&ret$ 0hatever it is$B said %i&k$ B and that 0as 0h+ he 0anted to kno0 a## the ins and outs of ever+thin), 4ut no0 that he>s to#d *e he>s a 1ourna#ist!that>s a *an 0ho 0rites for the ne0s/a/ers$ 'nne!I think after a## he on#+ 0ants the infor*ation so that he &an use it for his /a/er$ and *ake a s/#ash 0hen Cn&#e has finished his 0ork,B B 6es$ I think that too$B said "u#ian$ thou)htfu##+ = B in fa&t$ I>* /rett+ sure of it, :e##$


there>s no har* in that$ but I don>t see 0h+ 0e shou#d sit there and be /u*/ed a## the ti*e, He &ou#d easi#+ sa+$ > 5ook here$ I>d be ob#i)ed if +ou>d s/i## the beans about -irrin Is#and! I 0ant to use it in a ne0s/a/er stor+,> 4ut he didn>t sa+ that,B B 3o, So I 0as sus/i&ious$B said %i&k, B 4ut I see no0 he>d 0ant a## sorts of tit<bits about -irrin Is#and to /ut in his ne0s/a/er$ 0hatever it is, 4#o0 ? 3o0 I sha## have to ex/#ain to (eor)e I 0as 0ron)!and she rea##+ is in a te*/er ? B B 5et>s take the road to -irrin Ii##a)e and )o to )et so*e bones for Ti**+ at the but&her>s$B said "u#ian, B ' sort of a/o#o)+ to Ti* ? B This see*ed a )ood idea, The+ bou)ht t0o #ar)e *eat+ bones at the but&her>s$ and then 0ent to -irrin ;otta)e, (eor)e 0as u/ in her bedroo* 0ith Ti**+, The three 0ent u/ to find her, She 0as sittin) on the f#oor 0ith a book, She #ooked u/ su#ki#+ as the+ &a*e in, B (eor)e$ sorr+ I 0as su&h a beast$B said %i&k, B I did it in a )ood &ause$ if +ou on#+ kne0 it, 4ut I>ve dis&overed that 9r, ;urton isn>t a s/+$ seekin) out +our father>s se&ret !he>s on#+ a 1ourna#ist$ s*e##in) out a stor+ for his /a/er ? 5ook!I>ve brou)ht these for Ti**+!I a/o#o)ise to hi* too,B (eor)e 0as in a ver+ bad te*/er$ but she tried to res/ond to %i&k>s friend#iness, She )ave hi* a s*a## s*i#e, B '## ri)ht, Thanks for the bones, %on>t ta#k to *e to< ni)ht$ an+bod+, I fee# *ad$ but I>## )et over it,B


The+ #eft her sittin) on the f#oor, It 0as a#0a+s best to #eave (eor)e severe#+ a#one 0hen she 0as in one of her te*/ers, 's #on) as Ti**+ 0as 0ith her$ she 0as a## ri)ht$ and he &ertain#+ 0ou#d not #eave her 0hi#st she 0as &ross and unha//+, (eor)e did not &o*e do0n to su//er, %i&k ex/#ained, B :e had a bit of a ro0$ 'unt ann+$ but 0e>ve *ade it u/, (eor)e sti## fee#s sore about it thou)h, Sha## I take her su//er u/ @ B B 3o$ I 0i##$B said 'nne$ and she took u/ a tra+ of food, B I>* not hun)r+$B said (eor)e$ so 'nne /re/ared to take it a0a+ a)ain, B :e##$ +ou &an #eave it$B said (eor)e hurried#+, B I ex/e&t Ti**+ 0i## #ike it,B So 'nne$ 0ith a se&ret s*i#e to herse#f$ #eft the tra+, '## the dishes 0ere e*/t+ b+ the ti*e she &#i*bed the stairs to fet&h the tra+ a)ain ? B %ear *e!Ti**+ was hun)r+ ? B she said to (eor)e$ and her &ousin s*i#ed shee/ish#+, B 'ren>t +ou &o*in) do0n no0@ :e>re )oin) to /#a+ *ono/o#+,B B 3o thanks, 6ou #eave *e a#one this evenin)$ and I>## be a## ri)ht to<*orro0$B said (eor)e, B 8ea##+ I 0i##,B So "u#ian$ %i&k$ 'nne and 'unt ann+ /#a+ed *ono/o#+ 0ithout (eor)e, The+ 0ent u/ to bed at the usua# ti*e and found (eor)e in bed$ fast as#ee/$ 0ith Ti**+ &ur#ed u/ on her toes, I>## #ook out for Cn&#e Duentin>s si)na#$B said "u#ian$ as he )ot into bed, B (osh$ it>s a dark ni)ht to<ni)ht,B He #a+ in bed and #ooked out of the 0indo0 to0ards -irrin Is#and, Then$ at exa&t#+ ha#f</ast


ten the six f#ashes &a*e!f#ash$ f#ash$ f#ash$ throu)h the darkness, "u#ian buried his head in his /i##o0, 3o0 for a )ood s#ee/ ? He 0as a0akened b+ a throbbin) noise so*e ti*e #ater, He sat u/ and #ooked out of the 0indo0$ ex/e&tin) to see the to/ of the to0er ab#aAe 0ith #i)ht$ as it so*eti*es 0as 0hen his un&#e &ondu&ted a s/e&ia# ex/eri*ent, 4ut nothin) ha//ened, There 0as no f#are of #i)ht, The throb< bin) died a0a+ and "u#ian #a+ do0n a)ain, B I sa0 Cn&#e>s si)na#s a## ri)ht #ast ni)ht$ 'unt ann+$B he said next *ornin), B %id +ou @ B B6es$B said his aunt, B"u#ian$ do +ou think +ou 0ou#d 0at&h for the* this *ornin)$ dear @ I have to )o and see the vi&ar about so*ethin)$ and I don>t be#ieve I shou#d be ab#e to see the to0er fro* the vi&ara)e,B B 6es$ of &ourse I 0i##$ 'unt ann+$B said "u#ian, B :hat>s the ti*e no0 @ Ha#f</ast nine, 8i)ht, I>## 0rite so*e #etters sittin) b+ the 0indo0 in *+ roo*!and at ha#f</ast ten I>## 0at&h for the si)na#s,B He 0rote his #etters$ interru/ted first b+ %i&k$ then b+ (eor)e$ 'nne and Ti**+$ 0ho 0anted hi* to )o on the bea&h 0ith the*, (eor)e had Euite re&overed herse#f no0$ and 0as tr+in) to be s/e&ia##+ ni&e to *ake u/ for +esterda+>s te*/er, B I>## &o*e at ha#f</ast ten$B said "u#ian, B 'fter I>ve seen the si)na#s fro* the to0er, The+>re due in ten *inutes,B 't ha#f</ast ten he #ooked at the )#ass to/ of the to0er, 'h!there 0as the first si)na#$ b#aAin) bri)ht#+ as the sun &au)ht the *irror he#d b+ his un&#e in the to0er,


B 7ne f#ash$B &ounted "u#ian, B T0o!three<four!five !six, He>s a## ri)ht,B He 0as 1ust about to turn a0a+ 0hen another f#ash &au)ht his e+e, B Seven ? B Then another &a*e, 2i)ht, 3ine, Ten, 2#even, T0e#ve, B Ho0 Eueer$B said "u#ian, B :h+ t0e#ve f#ashes @ Ha##o$ here 0e )o a)ain ? B 'nother six f#ashes &a*e fro* the to0er$ then no *ore at a##, "u#ian 0ished he had a te#es&o/e$ then he &ou#d see ri)ht into the to0er ? He sat and thou)ht for a *o*ent$ /uAA#ed, Then he heard the others &o*e /oundin) u/ the stairs, The+ burst into the roo*, B"u#ian ? ather f#ashed ei)hteen ti*es instead of six ?B > %id +ou &ount the*$ "u @ B B :h+ did he do that @ Is he in dan)er of so*e sort @ B B 3o, If he 0as he>d f#ash the S,7,S, si)na#$B said "u#ian, B He doesn>t kno0 9orse ? B said (eor)e, B :e##$ I ex/e&t he 1ust 0ants to #et us kno0 that he needs so*ethin)$B said "u#ian, > :e *ust )o over to<da+ and find out 0hat it is, 9ore food /erha/s,B So$ 0hen 'unt ann+ &a*e ho*e the+ su))ested the+ shou#d a## )o over to the is#and, 'unt ann+ 0as /#eased, B 7h +es ? That 0ou#d be ni&e, I ex/e&t +our un&#e 0ants a *essa)e sent off so*e0here, :e>## )o this *ornin),B (eor)e f#e0 off to te## "a*es she 0anted her boat, 'unt ann+ /a&ked u/ /#ent+ of food 0ith "oanna>s he#/, Then the+ set off to -irrin Is#and in (eor)e>s boat,


's the+ rounded the #o0 0a## of ro&ks and &a*e into the #itt#e &ove$ the+ sa0 Cn&#e Duentin 0aitin) for the*, He 0aved his hand$ and he#/ed to /u## in the boat 0hen it ran )ent#+ on to the sand, > :e sa0 +our treb#e si)na#$B said 'unt ann+, B %id +ou 0ant so*ethin)$ dear @ B B6es$ I did$B said Cn&#e Duentin, B:hat>s that +ou>ve )ot in +our basket$ ann+ @ 9ore of those de#i&ious sand0i&hes, I>## have so*e ? B B 7h Duentin!haven>t +ou been havin) +our *ea#s /ro/er#+ a)ain @ B said 'unt ann+, B :hat about that #ove#+ sou/ @ B B :hat sou/ @ B said Cn&#e Duentin$ #ookin) sur/rised, B I 0ish I>d kno0n about it, I &ou#d have done 0ith so*e #ast ni)ht,B B 4ut /uentin, I to#d +ou about it before$B said 'unt ann+, B It 0i## be bad b+ no0, 6ou *ust /our it a0a+, 3o0 don>t for)et!/our it a0a+ ? :here is it @ Kerha/s I had better /our it a0a+ *+se#f,B B 3o, I>## do it$B said Cn&#e Duentin, B 5et>s sit do0n and have our #un&h,B It 0as *u&h too ear#+ for #un&h$ but 'unt ann+ at on&e sat do0n and be)an to un/a&k the food, The &hi#dren 0ere a#0a+s read+ for a *ea# at an+ ti*e$ so the+ didn>t in the #east *ind #un&h bein) so ear#+, B :e##$ dear!ho0 is +our 0ork )ettin) on @ B asked 'unt ann+$ 0at&hin) her husband devour sand0i&h after sand0i&h, She be)an to 0onder if he had had an+thin) at a## to eat sin&e she had #eft hi* t0o da+s a)o, B 7h ver+ 0e## indeed$B said her husband, B ;ou#dn>t be better, "ust )ot to a *ost tri&k+

and interestin) /oint, I>## have another sand0i&h$ /#ease,B B :h+ did +ou si)na# ei)hteen ti*es, Cn&#e Duentin @ B asked 'nne, B 'h 0e##!it>s diffi&u#t to ex/#ain$ rea##+$B said her un&#e, B The fa&t is!I &an>t he#/ fee#in) there>s so*ebod+ e#se on this is#and besides *+se#f?B B /uentin , :hat in the 0or#d do +ou *ean @ B &ried 'unt ann+$ in a#ar*, She #ooked over her shou#der as if she ha#f<ex/e&ted to see so*ebod+ there, '## the &hi#dren stared in a*aAe*ent at Cn&#e Duentin, He took another sand0i&h, B 6es$ I kno0 it sounds *ad, 3obod+ e#se &ou#d /ossib#+ have )ot here, 4ut I kno0 there is so*eone ? B B 7h don>t$ Cn&#e ? B said 'nne$ 0ith a shiver, B It sounds horrid, 'nd +ou>re a## a#one at ni)ht too ? B B 'h$ that>s 1ust it ? I 0ou#dn>t *ind a bit if I was a## a#one at ni)ht?B said her un&#e, B :hat 0orries *e is that I don>t think I shall be a## a#one,B > Cn&#e$ 0hat *akes +ou think there>s so*ebod+ here @ B asked "u#ian, B :e##$ 0hen I had finished the ex/eri*ent I 0as doin) #ast ni)ht!about ha#f</ast three in the ear#+ *ornin) it 0ou#d be!but /it&h<dark$ of &ourse$B said Cn&#e Duentin$ B I &a*e into the o/en for a breath of fresh air, 'nd I &ou#d s0ear I heard so*ebod+ &ou)h!+es$ &ou)h t0i&e ? B B (ood )ra&ious ? B said 'unt ann+$ start#ed, B 4ut Duentin!+ou *i)ht have been *istaken, 6ou do i*a)ine thin)s so*eti*es$ +ou kno0$ 0hen +ou>re tired,B


B 6es$ I kno0$B said her husband, B 4ut I &ou#dn>t i*a)ine this! &ou#d I @ B He /ut his hand into his /o&ket and took so*ethin) out, He sho0ed it to the others, It 0as a &i)arette end$ Euite &ris/ and fresh, B 3o0$ I don>t s*oke &i)arettes, 3or do an+ of +ou ? :e## then!0ho s*oked that &i)arette @ 'nd ho0 did he &o*e here @ 3o one 0ou#d brin) hi* b+ boat!and that>s the on#+ 0a+ here,B There 0as a si#en&e, 'nne fe#t s&ared, (eor)e stared at her father$ /uAA#ed, :ho &ou#d be here @ 'nd 0h+ @ 'nd ho0 had the+ )ot there @ B :e##$ Duentin!0hat are +ou )oin) to do @ B said his 0ife, B :hat 0ou#d be best @ B B I>## be a## ri)ht if (eor)e 0i## )ive her &onsent to so*ethin)$B said Cn&#e Duentin, B I 0ant Ti**+ here$ (eor)e ? :i## +ou #eave hi* behind 0ith *e @ B


Chapter Eleven GEORGE MAKES A HARD CHOICE TH282 0as a horrified si#en&e, (eor)e stared at her father in &o*/#ete dis*a+, 2ver+one 0aited to see 0hat she 0ou#d sa+, B 4ut ather!Ti**+ and I have never been se/arated on&e$B she said at #ast$ in a /#eadin) voi&e, B I do see +ou 0ant hi* to )uard +ou! and +ou #an have hi*!but I>## have to sta+ here too ? B B 7h no ? B said her father at on&e, B 6ou &an>t /ossib#+ sta+$ (eor)e, That>s out of the Euestion, 's for never bein) se/arated fro* Ti**+$ 0e## sure#+ +ou 0ou#dn>t *ind that for on&e @ If it 0as to ensure *+ safet+@B (eor)e s0a##o0ed hard, This 0as the *ost diffi&u#t de&ision she had ever had to *ake in her #ife, 5eave Ti**+ behind on the is#and! 0here there 0as so*e unkno0n hidden ene*+$ #ike#+ to har* hi* if he /ossib#+ &ou#d ? 'nd +et there 0as ather too!he *i)ht be in dan)er if there 0as no one to )uard hi*, B I sha## 1ust have to sta+ here$ ather$B she said, B I &an>t #eave Ti**+ behind un#ess I sta+ too, It>s no )ood,B Her father be)an to #ose bis te*/er, He 0as #ike (eor)e!he 0anted his o0n 0a+$ and if he didn>t have it he 0as )oin) to *ake a fuss ? B If I>d asked "u#ian or %i&k or 'nne this sa*e thin)$ and the+>d had a do)$ the+ 0ou#d a## have said +es$ at on&e?B he ra)ed, B 4ut +ou$ (eor)e$



+ou *ust a#0a+s *ake thin)s diffi&u#t if +ou &an ? 6ou and that do)!an+one 0ou#d think he 0as 0orth a thousand /ounds ? B B He>s 0orth *u&h *ore than that to *e$B said (eor)e$ in a tre*b#in) voi&e, Ti**+ &re/t nearer to her and /ushed his nose into her hand, She he#d his &o##ar as if she 0ou#d not #et hi* )o for a *o*ent, B 6es, That do)>s 0orth *ore to +ou than +our father or *other or an+one$B said her father$ in dis)ust, B 3o$ Duentin$ I &an>t have +ou sa+in) thin)s #ike that$B said his 0ife$ fir*#+, B That>s 1ust si##+, ' *other and father are Euite different fro* a do)!the+>re #oved in different 0a+s, 4ut +ou are /erfe&t#+ ri)ht$ of &ourse! Ti**+ must sta+ behind 0ith +ou!and I sha## &ertain#+ not a##o0 (eor)e to sta+ 0ith hi*, I>* not )oin) to have )oth of +ou ex/osed to dan)er, It>s bad enou)h to 0orr+ about you! as it is,B (eor)e #ooked at her *other in dis*a+, B 9other ? %o te## ather I *ust sta+ here 0ith Ti**+,B B ;ertain#+ not$B said her *other, B 3o0 (eor)e$ be unse#fish, If it 0ere #eft to Ti* to de&ide$ +ou kno0 /erfe&t#+ 0e## that he 0ou#d sta+ here!and sta+ without +ou, He 0ou#d sa+ to hi*se#f$ > I>* needed here!*+ e+es are needed to s/+ out ene*ies$ *+ ears to hear a Euiet foot< fa##!and *a+be *+ teeth to /rote&t *+ *aster, I sha## be /arted fro* (eor)e for a fe0 da+s! but she$ #ike *e$ is bi) enou)h to /ut u/ 0ith that ?> That>s 0hat Ti**+ 0ou#d sa+$ (eor)e$ if it 0ere #eft to hi*,B 2ver+one had been #istenin) to this unex/e&ted


s/ee&h 0ith )reat attention, It 0as about the on#+ one that &ou#d /ersuade (eor)e to )ive in 0i##in)#+ ? She #ooked at Ti**+, He #ooked ba&k at her$ 0a))in) his tai#, Then he did an extraordinar+ thin)!he )ot u/$ 0a#ked over to (eor)e>s father$ and #a+ do0n beside hi*$ #ookin) at (eor)e as if to sa+ B There +ou are ? 3o0 +ou kno0 0hat N think is ri)ht? B B 6ou see @ B said her *other, B He a)rees 0ith *e, 6ou>ve a#0a+s said that Ti**+ 0as a )ood do)$ and this /roves it, He kno0s 0hat his dut+ is, 6ou ou)ht to be /roud of hi*,B B I a*$B said (eor)e$ in a &hok+ voi&e, She )ot u/ and 0a#ked off, B'## ri)ht$B she said over her shou#der, B I>## #eave hi* on the is#and 0ith ather, I>## &o*e ba&k in a *inute,B 'nne )ot u/ to )o after /oor (eor)e$ but "u#ian /u##ed her do0n a)ain, B 5eave her a#one? She>## be a## ri)ht, (ood o#d Ti**+!+ou kno0 0hat>s ri)ht and 0hat>s 0ron)$ don>t +ou @ (ood do)$ s/#endid do) ? B Ti**+ 0a))ed his tai#, He did not atte*/t to fo##o0 (eor)e, 3o!he *eant to sta+ b+ her father no0$ even thou)h he 0ou#d *u&h rather be 0ith his *istress, He 0as sorr+ that (eor)e 0as unha//+!but so*eti*es it 0as better to do a hard thin) and be unha//+ about it$ than tr+ to be ha//+ 0ithout doin) it, B 7h Duentin dear$ I don>t #ike this business of +ou bein) here and so*ebod+ e#se s/+in) on +ou$B said his 0ife, B I rea##+ don>t, Ho0 #on) 0i## +ou be before +ou>ve finished +our 0ork @ B B ' fe0 da+s *ore$B said her husband, He #ooked at Ti**+ ad*irin)#+, B That do) *i)ht

a#*ost have kno0n 0hat +ou 0ere sa+in)$ ann+$ 1ust no0, It 0as re*arkab#e the 0a+ he 0a#ked strai)ht over to *e,B B He>s a ver+ &#ever do)$B said 'nne$ 0ar*#+, B 'ren>t +ou$ Ti* @ 6ou>## be Euite safe 0ith hi*$ Cn&#e Duentin, He>s terrib#+ fier&e 0hen he 0ants to be ? B B 6es, I shou#dn>t &are to have hi* #ea/in) at my throat$B said her un&#e, B He>s so bi) and /o0erfu#, 're there an+ *ore /ie&es of &ake @ B B Duentin$ it>s rea##+ too bad of +ou to )o 0ithout +our *ea#s$B said his 0ife, B It>s no )ood te##in) *e +ou haven>t$ be&ause +ou 0ou#dn>t be as ravenous as this if +ou had had +our food re)u#ar#+,B Her husband took no noti&e of 0hat she 0as sa+in), He 0as #ookin) u/ at his to0er, FF %o +ou ever see those 0ires at the to/ b#aAe out @ B he asked, B :onderfu# si)ht$ isn>t it @ B B Cn&#e$ +ou>re not inventin) a ne0 ato* bo*b$ or an+thin)$ are +ou @ B asked 'nne, Her un&#e #ooked at her s&ornfu##+, B I 0ou#dn>t 0aste *+ ti*e inventin) thin)s that 0i## be used to ki## and *ai* /eo/#e ? 3o!I>* inventin) so*ethin) that 0i## be of the )reatest use to *ankind, 6ou 0ait and see ? B (eor)e &a*e ba&k, B ather$B she said$ B I>* #eavin) Ti**+ behind for +ou!but /#ease 0i## +ou do so*ethin) for *e @ B B :hat @ B asked her father, B 3o si##+ &onditions no0? I sha## feed Ti**+ re)u#ar#+$ and #ook after hi*$ if that>s 0hat +ou 0ant to ask *e, I *a+ for)et *+ o0n *ea#s$ but +ou ou)ht to kno0 *e 0e## enou)h to kno0 I shou#dn>t ne)#e&t an+ ani*a# de/endent on *e,B

B 6es!I kno0$ ather$B said (eor)e$ #ookin) a bit doubtfu# a## the sa*e, B :hat I 0anted to ask +ou 0as this !0hen +ou )o u/ in the to0er to si)na# ea&h *ornin)$ 0i## +ou /#ease take Ti**+ 0ith +ou @ I sha## be u/ at the &oast)uard &otta)e$ #ookin) throu)h his te#es&o/e at the )#ass roo* in the to0er!and I sha## be ab#e to see Ti**+ then, If I &an &at&h 1ust a )#i*/se of hi* ea&h da+ and kno0 he>s a## ri)ht$ I shan>t 0orr+ so *u&h,B BIer+ 0e##$B said her father, B4ut I don>t su//ose for a *o*ent that Ti**+ 0i## be ab#e to &#i*b u/ the s/ira# stair0a+,B B 7h$ he &an$ ather!he>s been u/ it on&e a#read+$B said (eor)e, B (ood heavens? B said her father, B Has the do) been u/ there too@ '## ri)ht$ (eor)e!I /ro*ise I>## take hi* u/ 0ith *e ea&h *ornin) that I si)na#$ and )et hi* to 0a) his tai# at +ou, There ? :i## that satisf+ +ou @ B B 6es, Thank +ou$B said (eor)e, B 'nd +ou>## )ive hi* a fe0 kind 0ords and a /at o&&asiona##+$ ather$ 0on>t +ou , , , and , , , @ B B 'nd /ut his bib on for hi* at *ea#<ti*es$ I su//ose$ and &#ean his teeth for hi* at ni)ht? B said her father$ #ookin) &ross a)ain, B I sha## treat Ti**+ #ike a /ro/er )ro0n<u/ do)$ a friend of *ine$ (eor)e!and be#ieve *e$ that>s the 0a+ he 0ants *e to treat hi*, Isn>t it$ Ti**+ @ 6ou #ike a## those fri##s to be ke/t for +our *istress$ don>t +ou$ not for *e @ B B :oof$B said Ti**+$ and thu*/ed his tai#, The &hi#dren #ooked at hi* ad*irin)#+, He rea##+ 0as a ver+ sensib#e$ &#ever do), He see*ed so*eho0 *u&h *ore )ro0n<u/ than (eor)e,

BCn&#e$ if an+thin) )oes 0ron)$ or +ou 0ant he#/ or an+thin)$ f#ash ei)hteen ti*es a)ain$B said "u#ian, B 6ou ou)ht to be a## ri)ht 0ith Ti**+, He>s better than a doAen /o#i&e*en! but +ou never kno0,B B 8i)ht, 2i)hteen f#ashes if I 0ant +ou over here for an+thin)$B said his un&#e, B I>## re*e*ber, 3o0 +ou>d better a## )o, It>s ti*e I )ot on 0ith *+ 0ork,B B 6ou>## /our that sou/ a0a+$ 0on>t +ou$ Duentin @ B said his 0ife$ anxious#+, B 6ou don>t 0ant to *ake +ourse#f i## b+ eatin) bad sou/, It *ust be )reen b+ no0 ? It 0ou#d be so #ike +ou to for)et a## about it 0hi#st it 0as fresh and )ood!and on#+ re*e*ber it 0hen it 0as bad ? B B :hat a thin) to sa+ ? B said her husband$ )ettin) u/, B 'n+one 0ou#d think I 0as five +ears o#d$ 0ithout a brain in *+ head$ the 0a+ +ou ta#k to *e ? B B 6ou>ve /#ent+ of brains$ dear$ 0e a## kno0 that$B said his 0ife, B 4ut +ou don>t see* ver+ o#d so*eti*es ? 3o0 #ook after +ourse#f!and kee/ Ti**+ b+ +ou a## the ti*e,B B ather 0on>t need to bother about that- said (eor)e, B Ti**+ 0i## kee/ b+ him, 6ou>re on )uard$ Ti**+$ aren>t +ou @ 'nd +ou kno0 0hat that *eans ? B B :oof$B said Ti**+$ so#e*n#+, He 0ent 0ith the* a## to the boat$ but he did not atte*/t to )et in, He stood b+ (eor)e>s father and 0at&hed the boat bob a0a+ over the 0ater, B (ood<b+e$ Ti**+ ?B shouted (eor)e$ in a funn+$ fier&e voi&e, B 5ook after +ourse#f? B Her father 0aved$ and Ti**+ 0a))ed his tai#,


(eor)e took one of the /airs of oars fro* %i&k and be)an to ro0 furious#+$ her fa&e red 0ith the hard 0ork, "u#ian #ooked at her in a*use*ent, It 0as hard 0ork for hi* too$ to kee/ u/ 0ith the furious ro0in)$ but he didn>t sa+ an+thin), He kne0 a## this fur+ in ro0in) 0as (eor)e>s 0a+ of hidin) her )rief at /artin) 0ith Ti**+, unn+ o#d (eor)e ? She 0as a#0a+s so intense about thin)s !furious#+ ha//+ or furious#+ unha//+$ in the seventh heaven of de#i)ht or do0n in the ver+ de/ths of des/air or an)er, 2ver+one ta#ked hard so that (eor)e 0ou#d think the+ 0ere not noti&in) her fee#in)s at /artin) 0ith Ti**+, The ta#k$ of &ourse$ 0as *ost#+ about the unkno0n *an on the is#and, It see*ed ver+ *+sterious indeed that he shou#d sudden#+ have arrived, B Ho0 did he )et there @ I>* sure not one of the fisher*en 0ou#d have taken hi*$B said %i&k, B He *ust have )one at ni)ht$ of &ourse$ and I doubt if there is an+one but (eor)e 0ho 0ou#d kno0 the 0a+ in the dark!or even dare to tr+ and find it, These ro&ks are so &#ose to)ether$ and so near the surfa&e = one +ard out of the ri)ht &ourse and an+ boat 0ou#d have a ho#e in the botto* ? B B 3o one &ou#d rea&h the is#and b+ s0i**in) fro* the shore$B said 'nne, B It>s too far$ and the sea is too rou)h over these ro&ks, I honest#+ do 0onder if there is an+one on the is#and after a##, Kerha/s that &i)arette end 0as an o#d one,B B It didn>t #ook it$B said "u#ian, B :e##$ it 1ust beats *e ho0 an+one )ot there ? B He fe## into thou)ht$ /uAA#in) out a## the /ossib#e


and i*/ossib#e 0a+s, Then he )ave an ex&#a*ation, The others #ooked at hi*, B I>ve 1ust thou)ht!0ou#d it be /ossib#e for an aero/#ane to /ara&hute an+one do0n on the is#and @ I did hear a throbbin) noise one ni)ht! 0as it #ast ni)ht@ It *ust have been a /#ane>s en)ine$ of &ourse ? Could an+one be dro//ed on the is#and @ B B 2asi#+$B said %i&k, B I be#ieve +ou>ve hit on the ex/#anation$ "u ? (ood for +ou ? 4ut I sa+ !0hoever it is *ust be in dead#+ earnest$ to risk bein) dro//ed on a s*a## is#and #ike that in the dark of ni)ht? B In dead#+ earnest? That didn>t sound at a## ni&e, ' #itt#e shiver 0ent do0n 'nne>s ba&k, B I am )#ad Ti**+>s there$B she said, 'nd ever+one fe#t the sa*e!+es$ even (eor)e ?


Chapter Twelve THE OLD MAP AGAIN IT 0as on#+ about ha#f</ast one 0hen the+ arrived ba&k$ be&ause the+ had had #un&h so ver+ ear#+$ and had not sta+ed #on) on the is#and, "oanna 0as *ost sur/rised to see the*, B :e##$ here +ou are a)ain ? B she said, B I ho/e +ou don>t a## 0ant another #un&h$ be&ause there>s nothin) in the house ti## I )o to the but&her>s ? B B 7h no$ "oanna!0e>ve had our /i&ni& #un&h$B said her *istress$ B and it 0as a )ood thin) 0e /a&ked so *u&h$ be&ause the *aster ate Euite ha#f of the #un&h ? He sti## hasn>t had that ni&e sou/ 0e *ade for hi*, 3o0 it 0i## be bad$ of &ourse,B B 7h$ the *en ? The+>re as bad as &hi#dren ? B said "oanna, B 1ell, B said (eor)e, B %o +ou rea##+ think an+ of us 0ou#d #et +our )ood sou/ )o bad$ "oanna@ 6ou kno0 1o##+ 0e## 0e>d /robab#+ eat it u/ before 0e ou)ht to ? B B That>s true!I 0ou#dn>t a&&use an+ of +ou four!or Ti**+ either!of /#a+in) about 0ith +our food$B said "oanna, B 6ou *ake )ood 0ork of it$ the #ot of +ou, 4ut 0here is Ti**+ @ B B I #eft hi* behind to #ook after ather$B said (eor)e, "oanna stared at her in sur/rise, She kne0 ho0 /assionate#+ fond of Ti**+ (eor)e 0as, B 6ou>re a ver+ )ood )ir#!so*eti*es ? B she


said, B See no0!if +ou>re sti## hun)r+ be&ause +our father has eaten *ost of +our #un&h$ +ou )o and #ook in the bis&uit tin, I *ade +ou so*e of +our favourite )in)er bis&uits this *ornin), 6ou )o and find the*,B That 0as a#0a+s "oanna>s 0a+ ? If she thou)ht an+one 0as u/set$ she offered the* her best and freshest food, (eor)e 0ent off to find the bis&uits, B 6ou>re a kind sou#$ "oanna$B said (eor)e>s *other, B I>* so thankfu# 0e #eft Ti**+ there, I fee# ha//ier about the *aster no0,B B :hat sha## 0e do this afternoon @ B said %i&k$ 0hen the+ had finished *un&hin) the de#i&ious )in)er bis&uits, B I sa+$ aren>t these )ood @ 6ou kno0$ I do think )ood &ooks deserve so*e kind of de&oration$ 1ust as *u&h as )ood so#diers$ or s&ientists$ or 0riters, I shou#d )ive "oanna the 7,4,;,4,2,B B :hatever>s that @ B said "u#ian, B 7rder of the 4est ;ooks of the 4ritish 2*/ire$B said %i&k )rinnin), B :hat did +ou think it 0as @ > 7h$ 4e ;arefu# 4efore 2atin) @ > B B 6ou rea##+ are an abso#ute donke+$B said "u#ian, B 3o0$ 0hat shall 0e do this afternoon @ B $ B (o and ex/#ore the /assa)e in the Euarr+$B said (eor)e, "u#ian &o&ked an e+e at the 0indo0, B It>s about to /our 0ith rain$B he said, B I don>t think that &#a*berin) u/ and do0n the stee/ sides of that Euarr+ in the 0et 0ou#d be ver+ eas+, 3o!0e>## #eave that ti## a fine da+,B B I>## te## +ou 0hat 0e>## do$B said 'nne$ sudden#+, B %o +ou re*e*ber that o#d *a/ of -irrin ;ast#e 0e on&e found in a box @ It had /#ans of the &ast#e in it!a /#an of the dun)eons$

and of the )round f#oor$ and of the to/ /art, :e##$ #et>s have it out and stud+ it @ 3o0 0e kno0 there is another hidin)</#a&e so*e0here$ 0e *i)ht be ab#e to tra&e it on that o#d *a/, It>s sure to be on it so*e0here!but /erha/s 0e didn>t noti&e it before ? B The others #ooked at her$ thri##ed, B 3o0 that rea##+ is a bri##iant idea of +ours$ 'nne$B said "u#ian$ and 'nne )#o0ed 0ith /#easure at his /raise, B ' ver+ fine idea indeed, "ust the thin) for a 0et afternoon, :here>s the *a/@ I su//ose +ou>ve )ot it so*e0here safe$ (eor)e @ B B 7h +es$B said (eor)e, B It>s sti## in that o#d 0ooden box$ inside the tin #inin), I>## )et it,B She disa//eared u/stairs and &a*e do0n a)ain 0ith the *a/, It 0as *ade of thi&k /ar&h*ent$ and 0as +e##o0 0ith a)e, She #aid it out on the tab#e, The others bent over it$ ea)er to #ook at it on&e *ore, B %o +ou re*e*ber ho0 fri)htfu##+ ex&ited 0e 0ere 0hen 0e first found the box @ B said %i&k, B 6es$ and 0e &ou#dn>t o/en it$ so 0e thre0 it out of the to/ 0indo0 do0n to the )round be#o0$ ho/in) it 0ou#d burst o/en? B said (eor)e, B 'nd the &rash 0oke u/ Cn&#e Duentin$B said 'nne$ 0ith a )i))#e, B 'nd he &a*e out and )ot the box and 0ou#dn>t #et us have it? B B 7h dear +es!and /oor "u#ian had to 0ait ti## Cn&#e Duentin 0as as#ee/$ and &ree/ in and )et the box to see 0hat 0as in it?B finished %i&k, B 'nd 0e found this *a/! and ho0 0e /ored over it? B The+ a## /ored over it a)ain, It 0as in three /arts$ as 'nne had said!a /#an of the dun)eons$ a /#an of the )round f#oor and a /#an of the to/ /art, The+ a## /ored over it a)ain, It 0as in three /arts

B It>s no )ood botherin) about the to/ /art of the &ast#e$B said %i&k, B It>s a## fa##en do0n and ruined, There>s /ra&ti&a##+ none of it #eft$ ex&e/t for that one to0er,B B I sa+ ? B said "u#ian$ sudden#+ /uttin) his fin)er on a &ertain s/ot in the *a/$ B do +ou re*e*ber there 0ere two entran&es to the dun)eons @ 7ne that see*ed to start so*e0here about that #itt#e stone roo* ! and the other that

started 0here 0e did at #ast find the entran&e @ :e##! 0e never found the other entran&e$ did 0e @ B B 3o ? :e didn>t ? B said (eor)e$ in ex&ite*ent, She /ushed "u#ian>s fin)er a0a+ fro* the *a/, B 5ook!there are ste/s sho0n here!so*e0here 0here that #itt#e roo* is !so there must be an entran&e there ? Here>s the other f#i)ht of ste/s !the ones 0e did find$ near the 0e##,B B I re*e*ber that 0e hunted /rett+ hard for the entran&e in the #itt#e roo*$B said %i&k, B :e s&ra/ed a0a+ the 0eeds fro* ever+ sin)#e stone$ and )ave it u/ at #ast, Then 0e found the other entran&e$ and for)ot a## about this one,B B 'nd N think ather has found the entran&e 0e didn't find ? B said (eor)e$ triu*/hant#+, B It #eads under)round$ obvious#+, :hether or not it 1oins u/ 0ith the dun)eons 0e kno0 I &an>t *ake out fro* this *a/, It>s a bit b#urred here, 4ut it>s Euite /#ain that there is an entran&e here$ 0ith stone ste/s #eadin) under)round so*e0here ? See$ there>s so*e sort of /assa)e or tunne# *arked$ #eadin) fro* the ste/s, (oodness kno0s 0here it )oes$ it>s so s*eared,B B It 1oins u/ 0ith the dun)eons$ I ex/e&t$B said "u#ian, B :e never ex/#ored the 0ho#e of the*$ +ou kno0! the+>re so vast and 0eird, If 0e ex/#ored the 0ho#e /#a&e$ 0e shou#d /robab#+ &o*e a&ross the stone ste/s #eadin) fro* so*e0here near that #itt#e roo*, Sti##$ the+ *a+ be ruined or fa##en in no0,B B 3o$ the+ &an>t be$B said (eor)e, B I>* /erfe&t#+ sure that>s the entran&e ather has found, 'nd I>## te## +ou so*ethin) that see*s to /rove it$ too,B B :hat @ B said ever+one,


B :e##$ do +ou re*e*ber the other da+ 0hen 0e first 0ent to see ather @ B said (eor)e, B He didn>t #et us sta+ #on)$ and he &a*e to see us off at the boat, :e##$ 0e tried to see 0here he 0ent$ but 0e &ou#dn>t!but %i&k said he sa0 the 1a&kda0s risin) u/ in a f#o&k$ as if the+ had been sudden#+ disturbed!and he 0ondered if ather had )one so*e0here in that dire&tion,B "u#ian 0hist#ed, B 6es!the 1a&kda0s bui#d in the to0er$ 0hi&h is b+ the #itt#e roo*!and an+one )oin) into the roo* 0ou#d disturb the*, I be#ieve +ou>re ri)ht$ (eor)e,B B It>s been /uAA#in) *e a0fu##+ 0here Cn&#e Duentin &ou#d be doin) his 0ork$B said %i&k, B I si*/#+ &ou#d not so#ve the *+ster+!but no0 I think 0e have ? B B I 0onder ho0 ather found his hidin)</#a&e$B said (eor)e$ thou)htfu##+, B I sti## think it 0as *ean of hi* not to te## *e,B B There *ust have been so*e reason$B said %i&k$ sensib#+, B %on>t start broodin) a)ain ? B B I>* not$B said (eor)e, B I>* /uAA#ed$ that>s a##, (o##+ !I 0ish 0e &ou#d take the boat and )o over to the is#and at on&e$ and ex/#ore ? B B 6es, I bet 0e>d find the entran&e a## ri)ht no0$B said %i&k, B 6our father is sure to have #eft so*e tra&e of 0here it is!a stone a bit &#eaner than the rest!or 0eeds s&ra/ed off!or so*ethin),B B %o +ou su//ose the unkno0n ene*+ on the is#and kno0s Cn&#e Duentin>s hidin)</#a&e @ B said 'nne$ sudden#+, B 7h$ I do ho/e he doesn>t? He &ou#d so easi#+ shut hi* in if he did,B B :e##$ he hasn>t )one there to shut Cn&#e u/ !he>s )one there to stea# his se&ret$ or find it

out$B said "u#ian, B (o##+$ I>* thankfu# he>s )ot Ti**+, Ti**+ &ou#d ta&k#e a doAen ene*ies,B B 3ot if the+ had )uns$B said (eor)e$ in a s*a## voi&e, There 0as a si#en&e, If 0as not a ni&e thou)ht to think of Ti**+ at the 0ron) end of a )un, This had ha//ened on&e or t0i&e before in their adventures$ and the+ didn>t 0ant to think of it ha//enin) a)ain, B :e##$ it>s no )ood thinkin) si##+ thin)s #ike that$B said %i&k$ )ettin) u/, B :e>ve had a 1o##+ interestin) ha#f< hour, I think 0e>ve so#ved that *+ster+, 4ut I su//ose 0e shan>t kno0 for &ertain ti## +our father>s finished his ex/eri*ent$ (eor)e$ and #eft the is#and!then 0e &an )o over and have a )ood snoo/ round,B B It>s sti## rainin)$B said 'nne$ #ookin) out of the 0indo0, B 4ut it>s a bit &#earer, It #ooks as if the sun 0i## be out soon, 5et>s )o for a 0a#k,B B I sha## )o u/ to the &oast)uard>s &otta)e$B said (eor)e$ at on&e, B I 0ant to #ook throu)h his te#es&o/e to see if I &an )et 1ust a )#i*/se of Ti**+,B B Tr+ the fie#d<)#asses$B su))ested "u#ian, B (o u/ to the to/ of the house 0ith the*,B B 6es$ I 0i##$B said (eor)e, B Thanks for the idea,B She fet&hed the fie#d<)#asses$ 0here the+ hun) in the ha##$ and took the* out of their #eather &ase, She ran u/stairs 0ith the*, 4ut she soon &a*e do0n a)ain$ #ookin) disa//ointed, B The house isn>t hi)h enou)h for *e to see *u&h of the is#and /ro/er#+, I &an see the )#ass to/ of the to0er easi#+$ of &ourse!but the te#es&o/e 0ou#d sho0 it *u&h better, It>s *ore /o0erfu#, I think I>## )o u/ and have a sEuint,

6ou don>t need to &o*e if +ou don>t 0ant to,B She /ut the )#asses ba&k into their &ase, B 7h$ 0e>## a## &o*e and have a sEuint for o#d Ti**+< do)$B said %i&k$ )ettin) u/, B 'nd I don>t *ind te##in) +ou 0hat 0e>## see ?B B :hat @ B said (eor)e$ in sur/rise, B :e>## see Ti**+ havin) a /erfe&t#+ 0onderfu# ti*e$ &hasin) ever+ sin)#e rabbit on the is#and ? B said %i&k 0ith a )rin, B 9+ 0ord!+ou needn>t 0orr+ about Ti**+ not havin) his food re)u#ar#+ ? He>## have rabbit for breakfast$ rabbit for dinner$ rabbit for tea!and rain<0ater fro* his favourite /oo#, 3ot a bad #ife for o#d Ti**+ ? B B 6ou kno0 /erfe&t#+ 0e## he>## do nothin) of the sort$B said (eor)e, F> He>## kee/ &#ose to ather and not think of rabbits on&e ? B B 6ou don>t kno0 Ti**+ if +ou think that$B said %i&k$ dod)in) out of (eor)e>s 0a+, She 0as turnin) red 0ith exas/eration, B I bet that>s 0h+ he 0anted to sta+, "ust for the rabbits ? B (eor)e thre0 a book at hi*, It &rashed to the f#oor, 'nne )i))#ed, FF 7h sto/ it$ +ou t0o, :e>## never )et out, ;o*e on$ "u!0e 0on>t 0ait for the sEuabb#ers ? B


Chapter Thirteen AFTERNOON WITH MARTIN B46 the ti*e the+ rea&hed the &oast)uard>s &otta)e the sun 0as out, It 0as a rea# '/ri# da+$ 0ith sudden sho0ers and then the sun s0ee/in) out$ s*i#in), 2ver+thin) )#ittered$ es/e&ia##+ the sea, It 0as 0et underfoot$ but the &hi#dren had on their rubber boots, The+ #ooked for the &oast)uard, 's usua# he 0as in his shed$ sin)in) and ha**erin), B (ood<da+ to +ou$B he said$ bea*in) a## over his red fa&e, B I 0as 0onderin) 0hen +ou>d &o*e and see *e a)ain, Ho0 do +ou #ike this rai#0a+ station I>* *akin) @ B B It>s better than an+ I>ve ever seen in the sho/s$B said 'nne$ in )reat ad*iration, The &oast)uard &ertain#+ had *ade it 0e##$ do0n to the s*a##est detai#, He nodded his head to0ards so*e s*a## 0ooden fi)ures of /orters and )uards and /assen)ers, B Those are 0aitin) to be /ainted$B he said, B That bo+ 9artin said he>d &o*e in and do the* for *e!ver+ hand+ 0ith his /aints he is$ a /ro/er artist!but he>s had an a&&ident,B B (as he @ :hat ha//ened @ B said "u#ian, B I don>t Euite kno0, He 0as ha#f<&arried ho*e this *ornin) b+ his father$B said the &oast)uard, B 9ust have s#i//ed and fa##en so*e0here, I 0ent out to ask$ but 9r, ;urton 0as in a hurr+ to )et the bo+ on a &ou&h, :h+ don>t



+ou )o in and ask after hi* @ He>s a Eueer sort of bo+ !but he>s not a bad bo+,B B 6es$ 0e 0i## )o and ask$B said "u#ian, B I sa+$ &oast)uard!0ou#d +ou *ind if 0e #ooked throu)h +our te#es&o/e a)ain @ B B 3o0 +ou )o and #ook at a## +ou 0ant to ? B said the o#d fe##o0, B I te## +ou$ +ou 0on>t 0ear it out b+ #ookin) ? I sa0 the si)na# fro* +our


father>s to0er #ast ni)ht$ 9iss (eor)e!1ust ha//ened to be #ookin) that 0a+, He 0ent on f#ashin) for a #on) ti*e$ didn>t he @ B B 6es$B said (eor)e, B Thank +ou, I>## )o and have a #ook no0,B She 0ent to the te#es&o/e and trained it on her is#and, 4ut no *atter 0here she #ooked she &ou#d not see Ti**+$ or her father, The+ *ust be do0n in his 0orkroo*$ 0herever it 0as, She #ooked at the )#ass roo* in the to/ of the to0er, That 0as e*/t+ too$ of &ourse, She si)hed, It 0ou#d have been ni&e to see Ti**+, The others had a #ook throu)h as 0e##, 4ut nobod+ sa0 Ti**+, It 0as /#ain that he 0as kee/in) &#ose to his *aster!a /ro/er #itt#e )uard ? B :e##!sha## 0e )o in and see 0hat>s ha//ened to 9artin @ B said "u#ian$ 0hen the+ had finished 0ith the te#es&o/e, B It>s 1ust about to /our 0ith ra* a)ain!another '/ri# sho0er ? :e &ou#d 0ait next<door ti## it>s over,B B8i)ht, 5et>s )o$B said %i&k, He #ooked at (eor)e, B %on>t be afraid I sha## be rude$ (eor)e, 3o0 that I kno0 9r, ;urton is a 1ourna#ist$ I shan>t bother about hi*,B B '## the sa*e!I>* not > b#abbin) > an+ *ore$B said (eor)e$ 0ith a )rin, B I see +our /oint no0 !even if it doesn>t *atter$ I sti## shan>t > b#ab> an+ *ore,B B (ood for +ou ? B said %i&k$ /#eased, B S/oken #ike a bo+ ? B B 'ss ?B said (eor)e$ but she 0as /#eased a## the sa*e, The+ 0ent throu)h the front )ate0a+ of the next &otta)e, 's the+ fi#ed in$ the+ heard an an)r+ voi&e,


B :e##$ +ou &an>t? '#0a+s 0antin) to *ess about 0ith a brush and /aint, I thou)ht I>d kno&ked that idea out of +our head, 6ou #ie sti## and )et that ank#e better, S/rainin) it 1ust 0hen I 0ant +our he#/ ? B 'nne sto//ed$ fee#in) fri)htened, It 0as 9r, ;urton>s voi&e the+ &ou#d hear throu)h the o/en 0indo0, He 0as )ivin) 9artin a )ood ta#kin) to about so*ethin)$ that 0as /#ain, The others sto//ed too$ 0onderin) 0hether to )o in or not, Then the+ heard a ban)$ and sa0 9r, ;urton #eavin) the &otta)e fro* the ba&k entran&e, He 0a#ked ra/id#+ do0n the )arden there$ and *ade for the /ath$ that #ed to the ba&k of the &#iff, There 0as a road there that 0ent to the vi##a)e, B (ood, He>s )one, And he didn>t see us? B said %i&k, B :ho 0ou#d have thou)ht that su&h a )enia#$ s*i#in) fe##o0 &ou#d have su&h a rou)h bruta# voi&e 0hen he #oses his te*/er @ ;o*e on!#et>s /o/ in and see /oor 9artin 0hi#st there>s a &han&e,B The+ kno&ked on the door, B It>s us ? B &a##ed "u#ian$ &heerfu##+, B ;an 0e &o*e in @ B B 7h +es ?B shouted 9artin fro* indoors$ soundin) /#eased, "u#ian o/ened the door and the+ a## 0ent in, B I sa+ ? :e heard +ou>d had an a&&ident$B said "u#ian, B :hat>s u/ @ 're +ou hurt *u&h @ B B 3o, It>s 1ust that I t0isted *+ ank#e$ and it 0as so /ainfu# to 0a#k on that I had to be ha#f<&arried u/ here$B said 9artin, B Si##+ thin) to do?B B 7h!it>## soon be ri)ht if it>s 1ust a t0ist$B said %i&k, B I>ve often done that, The thin) is to 0a#k on it as soon as +ou &an, :here 0ere +ou 0hen +ou fe## @ B

9artin 0ent sudden#+ red$ to ever+one>s sur/rise, B :e##!I 0as 0a#kin) on the ed)e of the Euarr+ 0ith *+ father!and I s#i//ed and ro##ed a )ood 0a+ do0n$B he said, There 0as a si#en&e, Then (eor)e s/oke, B I sa+$B she said$ B I ho/e +ou didn>t )o and )ive a0a+ our #itt#e se&ret to +our father @ I *ean!it>s not so *u&h fun 0hen )ro0n< u/s share a se&ret, The+ 0ant to )o snoo/in) about the*se#ves!and it>s *u&h *ore fun to dis&over thin)s b+ ourse#ves, 6ou didn>t te## hi* about that ho#e under the she#f of ro&k$ did +ou @ B 9artin hesitated, B I>* afraid I did$B he said at #ast, B I didn>t think it 0ou#d *atter, I>* sorr+,B B 4#o0 ? B said %i&k, B That 0as our o0n #itt#e dis&over+, :e 0anted to )o and ex/#ore it this afternoon$ but 0e thou)ht it 0ou#d be so 0et 0e>d fa## do0n the stee/ s#o/e,B "u#ian #ooked at 9artin shar/#+, B I su//ose that>s 0hat ha//ened to you.- he said, B6ou tried &#a*berin) do0n and s#i//ed ? B B 6es$B said 9artin, B I>* rea##+ sorr+ if +ou thou)ht it 0as +our se&ret, I 1ust *entioned it to *+ father out of interest!+ou kno0!so*ethin) to sa+!and he 0anted to )o do0n and see for hi*se#f,B B I su//ose 1ourna#ists are a#0a+s #ike that$B said %i&k, B :antin) to be on the s/ot if there>s an+thin) to be ferreted out, It>s their 1ob, '## ri)ht$ 9artin!for)et it, 4ut do tr+ and head +our father off the Euarr+, :e would #ike to do a bit of ex/#orin) first$ before he butts in, Thou)h there *a+ be nothin) to be found at a## ? B There 0as a /ause, 3obod+ kne0 Euite 0hat

to sa+, 9artin 0as rather diffi&u#t to ta#k to, He didn>t ta#k #ike an ordinar+ bo+!he never *ade a 1oke$ or said an+thin) si##+, B 'ren>t +ou bored$ #+in) here @ B said 'nne$ fee#in) sorr+ for hi*, B 6es$ a0fu##+, I 0anted *+ father to )o in and ask the &oast)uard to brin) in so*e #itt#e fi)ures I said I>d /aint for hi*$B said 9artin, B 4ut he 0ou#dn>t #et *e, 6ou kno0$ I si*/#+ #ove /aintin)!even doin) a #itt#e thin) #ike that ! /aintin) &#othes on to+ /orters and )uards! so #on) as I &an have a brush in *+ hand and &o#ours to &hoose fro* ? B This 0as the #on)est s/ee&h 9artin had ever *ade to the four &hi#dren ? His fa&e #ost its du##$ bored #ook as he s/oke$ and be&a*e bri)ht and &heerfu#, B 7h!+ou 0ant to be an artist$ I su//ose @ B said 'nne, B I 0ou#d #ike that$ too ? B B 'nne ? 6ou &an>t even dra0 a &at that #ooks #ike one ? B said %i&k$ s&ornfu##+, B 'nd 0hen +ou dre0 a &o0 I thou)ht it 0as an e#e/hant,B 9artin s*i#ed at 'nne>s indi)nant fa&e, B I>## sho0 +ou so*e of *+ /i&tures$B he said, B I have to kee/ the* hidden a0a+$ be&ause *+ father &an>t bear *e to 0ant to be an artist? B B %on>t )et u/ if +ou don>t 0ant to$B said "u#ian, B I>## )et the* for +ou,B B It>s a## ri)ht, If it>s )ood for *e to tr+ and 0a#k$ I 0i##$B said 9artin$ and )ot off the &ou&h, He /ut his ri)ht foot )in)er#+ to the f#oor and then stood u/, B 3ot so bad after a## ? B he said, He #i*/ed a&ross the roo* to a book&ase, He /ut his hand behind the se&ond ro0 of books and brou)ht out a &ardboard &ase$ bi) and f#at,

He took it to the tab#e, He o/ened it and s/read out so*e /i&tures, B (ra&ious ? B said 'nne, B The+>re )eautiful, %id +ou rea##+ do these @ B The+ 0ere Eueer /i&tures for a bo+ to dra0$ for the+ 0ere of f#o0ers and trees$ birds and butterf#ies!a## dra0n and &o#oured *ost /erfe&t#+$ ever+ detai# /ut in #ovin)#+, "u#ian #ooked at the* in sur/rise, This bo+ 0as &ertain#+ )ifted, :h+$ these dra0in)s 0ere as )ood as an+ he had ever seen in exhibitions ? He /i&ked a fe0 u/ and took the* to the 0indo0, B %o +ou *ean to sa+ +our father doesn>t think these are )ood!doesn>t think it>s 0orth 0hi#e to #et +ou train as an artist @ B he said$ in sur/rise, B He hates *+ /i&tures$B said 9artin$ bitter#+, B I ran a0a+ fro* s&hoo#$ and 0ent to an art<s&hoo# to train!but he found *e and forbade *e to think of dra0in) an+ *ore, He thinks it>s a 0eak$ feeb#e thin) for a *an to do, So I on#+ do it in se&ret no0,B The &hi#dren #ooked at 9artin 0ith s+*/ath+, It see*ed an a0fu# thin) to the* that a bo+ 0ho had no *other$ shou#d have a father 0ho hated the thin) his son *ost #oved, 3o 0onder he a#0a+s #ooked du## and *iserab#e and su##en ? B It>s ver+ bad #u&k$B said "u#ian at #ast, B I 0ish 0e &ou#d do so*ethin) to he#/,B B :e##!)et *e those fi)ures and the /aint<tins fro* the &oast)uard$B said 9artin$ ea)er#+, B :i## +ou @ ather 0on>t be ba&k ti## six, I>## have ti*e to do the*, 'nd do sta+ and have tea 0ith *e, It>s so du## u/ here, I hate it,B B 6es$ I>## )et the thin)s for +ou$B said "u#ian, B I &an>t for the #ife of *e see 0h+ +ou shou#dn>t

have so*ethin) to a*use +ourse#f 0ith if +ou 0ant to, 'nd 0e>## rin) u/ *+ aunt and te## her 0e>re sta+in) here to tea!so #on) as 0e don>t eat ever+thin) +ou>ve )ot? B B 7h$ that>s a## ri)ht$B said 9artin$ #ookin) ver+ &heerfu# indeed, B There>s /#ent+ of food in the house, 9+ father has an enor*ous a//etite, I sa+$ thanks *ost a0fu##+,B "u#ian ran) u/ his aunt, The )ir#s and %i&k 0ent to fet&h the fi)ures and the /aint fro* the &oast)uard, The+ brou)ht the* ba&k and arran)ed the* on a tab#e beside 9artin, His e+es bri)htened at on&e, He see*ed Euite different, B This is )rand$B he said, B 3o0 I &an )et on ? It>s a si##+ #itt#e 1ob$ this$ but it 0i## he#/ the o#d *an next door$ and I>* a#0a+s ha//+ 0hen I>* *essin) about 0ith a brush and /aints ? B 9artin 0as ver+$ ver+ &#ever at /aintin) the #itt#e fi)ures, He 0as Eui&k and deft$ and 'nne sat 0at&hin) hi*$ Euite fas&inated, (eor)e 0ent to hunt in the #arder for the tea<thin)s, There 0as &ertain#+ /#ent+ of food ? She &ut so*e bread and butter$ found so*e ne0 hone+$ brou)ht out a hu)e &ho&o#ate &ake and so*e )in)er buns$ and /ut the kett#e on to boi#, B I sa+$ this is rea##+ )rand$B said 9artin a)ain, B I 0ish *+ father 0asn>t &o*in) ba&k ti## ei)ht, 4+ the 0a+! 0here>s the do) @ I thou)ht he a#0a+s 0ent ever+0here 0ith +ou ? :here>s Ti**+ @ B


Chapter Fourteen A SHOCK FOR GEORGE %I;- #ooked at (eor)e, He didn>t think it 0ou#d *atter te##in) 9artin 0here Ti**+ 0as$ so #on) as (eor)e didn>t )ive the reason 0h+ he had been #eft on the is#and, 4ut (eor)e 0as )oin) to ho#d her ton)ue no0, She #ooked at 9artin and s/oke Euite airi#+, B7h$ Ti**+@ :e #eft hi* behind to<da+, He>s a## ri)ht,B B (one out sho//in) 0ith +our *other$ I su//ose$ ho/in) for a visit to the but&her>s ? B said 9artin, This 0as the first 1oke he had ever *ade to the &hi#dren$ and thou)h it 0as rather a feeb#e one the+ #au)hed hearti#+, 9artin #ooked /#eased, He be)an to tr+ and think of another #itt#e 1oke$ 0hi#st his deft hands /ut reds and b#ues and )reens on the #itt#e 0ooden fi)ures, The+ a## had a hu)e tea, Then$ 0hen the &#o&k said a Euarter to six the )ir#s &arried the /ainted fi)ures &arefu##+ ba&k to the &oast)uard$ 0ho 0as de#i)hted 0ith the*, %i&k took ba&k the #itt#e tins of /aint$ and the brush$ stu&k in a 1ar of tur/entine, B:e## no0$ he>s &#ever that bo+$ isn>t he@B said the &oast)uard$ e+ein) the fi)ures in de#i)ht, B 5ooks sort of *iserab#e and su#k+!but he>s not a bad sort of bo+ ? B B I>## 1ust have one *ore sEuint throu)h +our te#es&o/e$B said (eor)e$ B before it )ets too dark,B She ti#ted it to0ards her is#and, 4ut on&e *ore


there 0as no si)n of Ti**+$ or of her father either, She #ooked for so*e ti*e$ and then 0ent to 1oin the others, She shook her head as the+ raised their e+ebro0s inEuirin)#+, The )ir#s had 0ashed u/ the tea<thin)s$ and &#eared a0a+ neat#+, 3obod+ fe#t as if the+ 0anted to 0ait and see 9r, ;urton, The+ didn>t fee# as if the+ #iked hi* ver+ *u&h$ no0 the+ kne0 ho0 hard he 0as on 9artin, B Thanks for a #ove#+ afternoon$B said 9artin$ #i*/in) to the door 0ith the*, B I en1o+ed *+ s/ot of /aintin)$ to sa+ nothin) of +our &o*/an+,B B 6ou sti&k out for +our /aintin)$B said "u#ian, B If it>s the thin) +ou>ve got to do$ and +ou kno0 it$ +ou *ust )o a## out for it, See @ B B 6es$B said 9artin$ and his fa&e 0ent su##en a)ain, B 4ut there are thin)s that *ake it diffi&u#t!thin)s I &an>t ver+ 0e## te## +ou, 7h 0e##! never *ind ? I dare sa+ it 0i## a## &o*e ri)ht one da+$ and I>## be a fa*ous artist 0ith /i&tures in the a&ade*+ ? B B ;o*e on$ Eui&k#+$B said %i&k$ in a #o0 voi&e to "u#ian, B There>s his father &o*in) ba&k ? B The+ hurried off do0n the &#iff</ath$ seein) 9r, ;urton out of the &orner of their e+es$ &o*in) u/ the other /ath, B Horrid *an ? B said 'nne, B orbiddin) 9artin to do 0hat he rea##+ #on)s to do, 'nd he see*ed so ni&e and 1o##+ and a##<over<us$ didn>t he @ B B Ier+ a##<over<us$B said %i&k$ s*i#in) at 'nne>s ne0 0ord, B 4ut there are a #ot of /eo/#e #ike that!one thin) at ho*e and Euite another outside ? B B I ho/e 9r, ;urton hasn>t been tr+in) to

ex/#ore that /assa)e in the side of the Euarr+$B said (eor)e$ #ookin) ba&k$ and 0at&hin) the *an 0a#k u/ to his ba&k door, B It 0ou#d be too bad if he butted in and s/oi#t our fun, I *ean!there *a+ be nothin) to dis&over at a##! but it 0i## be fun even findin) there 0 nothin),B B Ier+ invo#ved ?B said %i&k$ 0ith a )rin, B 4ut I )ather 0hat +ou *ean, I sa+$ that 0as a )ood tea$ 0asn>t it@B B 6es$B said (eor)e$ #ookin) a## round her in an absent<*inded *anner, B:hat>s u/@B said %i&k, B:hat are +ou #ookin) #ike that for @ B B 7h!ho0 si##+ of *e!I 0as 1ust #ookin) for Ti**+$B said (eor)e, B 6ou kno0$ I>* so used to hi* a#0a+s bein) at *+ hee#s or so*e0here near that I 1ust &an>t )et used to hi* not bein) here,B B 6es$ I fee# a bit #ike that too$B said "u#ian, B 's if there 0as so*ethin) *issin) a## the ti*e, (ood o#d Ti* ? :e sha## *iss hi* a0fu##+$ a## of us!but +ou *ost of a##$ (eor)e,B B 6es, 2s/e&ia##+ on *+ bed at ni)ht$B said (eor)e, B I shan>t be ab#e to )o to s#ee/ for a)es and a)es,B B I>## 0ra/ a &ushion u/ in a ru) and /#onk it do0n on +our feet 0hen +ou>re in bed$B said %i&k, B Then it 0i## fee# #ike Ti**+ ? B B It 0on>t? %on>t be si##+B said (eor)e$ rather &ross#+, B 'nd an+0a+ it 0ou#dn>t smell #ike hi*, He>s )ot a #ove#+ s*e##,B B 6es$ a Ti**+<s*e##$B a)reed 'nne, B I #ike it too,B The evenin) 0ent ver+ Eui&k#+$ /#a+in) the end#ess )a*e of *ono/o#+ a)ain, "u#ian #a+ in

bed #ater$ 0at&hin) for his un&#e>s si)na#, 3eed#ess to sa+$ (eor)e 0as at the 0indo0 too ? The+ 0aited for ha#f< /ast ten, B 3o0 ? B said "u#ian, 'nd 1ust as he s/oke there &a*e the first f#ash fro* the #antern in the to0er, B 7ne$B &ounted (eor)e$ B t0o!three!four! five! six ? B She 0aited anxious#+ to see if there 0ere an+ *ore$ but there 0eren>t, B 3o0 +ou &an )o to bed in /ea&e$B said "u#ian to (eor)e, B 6our father is a## ri)ht$ and that *eans that Ti**+ is a## ri)ht too, Krobab#+ he has re*e*bered to )ive Ti**+ a )ood su//er$ and has had so*e hi*se#f as 0e## ? B B :e##$ Ti**+ 0ou#d soon re*ind hi*$ if he for)ot to feed hi*$ that>s one thin)$B said (eor)e$ s#i//in) out of the roo*, B (ood ni)ht$ %i&k = )ood ni)ht$ "u ? See +ou in the *ornin),B 'nd ba&k she 0ent to her o0n bed and snu))#ed do0n under the sheets, It 0as Eueer not to have Ti**+ on her feet, She tossed about for a 0hi#e$ *issin) hi*$ and then fe## as#ee/ Euite sudden#+, She drea*ed of her is#and, She 0as there 0ith Ti**+!and the+ 0ere dis&overin) in)ots of )o#d do0n in the dun)eon, :hat a #ove#+ drea* ? 3ext *ornin) da0ned bri)ht and sunn+ a)ain, The '/ri# sk+ 0as as b#ue as the for)et<*e<nots &o*in) out in the )arden, (eor)e )aAed out of the dinin)<roo* 0indo0 at breakfast<ti*e$ 0onderin) if Ti**+ 0as runnin) about her is#and, B %rea*in) about Ti* @ B said "u#ian$ 0ith a #au)h, B 3ever *ind!+ou>## soon see hi*$ (eor)e, 'nother hour or so and +ou>## feast +our e+es on hi* throu)h the &oast)uard>s te#es&o/e ? B B %o +ou rea##+ think +ou>## be ab#e to *ake

out Ti*$ if he>s in the to0er 0ith +our father at ha#f< /ast ten @ B asked her *other, B I shou#dn>t have thou)ht +ou 0ou#d be ab#e to,B B 6es$ I sha##$ 9other$B said (eor)e, B It>s a ver+ /o0erfu# te#es&o/e$ +ou kno0, I>## 1ust )o u/ and *ake *+ bed$ then I>## )o u/ the &#iff</ath, 'n+one e#se &o*in) @ B B I 0ant 'nne to he#/ *e 0ith so*e turnin) out$B said her *other, B I>* #ookin) out so*e o#d &#othes to )ive to the vi&ar>s 0ife for her 1u*b#e sa#e, 6ou don>t *ind he#/in) *e$ 'nne$ do +ou @ B B 3o$ I>d #ike to$B said 'nne at on&e, B :hat are the bo+s )oin) to do @ B B I think I *ust do a bit of *+ ho#ida+ 0ork this *ornin)$B said "u#ian$ 0ith a si)h, B I don>t 0ant to!but I>ve ke/t on /uttin) it off, 6ou>d better do so*e too$ %i&k, 6ou kno0 0hat +ou are!+ou>## #eave it a## to the #ast da+ if +ou>re not &arefu# ? B B'## ri)ht, I>## do so*e too$B said %i&k, B6ou 0on>t *ind s&ootin) u/ to the &oast)uard>s &otta)e a#one$ 0i## +ou$ (eor)e @ B B 3ot a bit$B said (eor)e, B I>## &o*e ba&k 1ust after ha#f</ast ten$ as soon as I>ve s/otted Ti**+ and ather,B She disa//eared to *ake her bed, "u#ian and %i&k 0ent to fet&h so*e books, 'nne 0ent to *ake her bed too$ and then &a*e do0n to he#/ her aunt, In a fe0 *inutes (eor)e +e##ed )oodb+e and rushed out of the house, B :hat a hurri&ane ? B said her *other, B It see*s as if (eor)e never 0a#ks if she &an /ossib#+ run, 3o0 'nne! /ut the &#othes in three /i#es! the ver+ o#d!the not so o#d !and the Euite ni&e,B



"ust before ha#f</ast ten "u#ian 0ent u/ to his 0indo0 to 0at&h for the si)na# fro* his un&#e, He 0aited /atient#+, ' fe0 se&onds after the ha#f<hour the f#ashes &a*e!one$ t0o$ three$ four$ five$ six!)ood ? 3o0 (eor)e 0ou#d sett#e do0n for the da+, Kerha/s the+ &ou#d )o to the Euarr+ in the afternoon, "u#ian 0ent ba&k to his books and 0as soon buried in the*$ 0ith %i&k )runtin) b+ his side, 't about five *inutes to e#even there 0as the sound of runnin) feet and /antin) breath, (eor)e a//eared at the door of the sittin)<roo* 0here the t0o bo+s 0ere doin) their 0ork, The+ #ooked u/, (eor)e 0as red in the fa&e$ and her hair 0as 0ind< b#o0n, She fou)ht to )et her breath enou)h to s/eak, B "u#ian ? %i&k ? So*ethin)>s ha//ened!Ti**+ 0asn>t there ? B B (osh!0hat do +ou *ean @ B said "u#ian in sur/rise, (eor)e s#u*/ed do0n on a &hair$ sti## /antin), The bo+s &ou#d see that she 0as tre*b#in) too, B It>s serious$ "u#ian ? I te## +ou Ti**+ 0asn>t in the to0er 0hen the si)na#s &a*e ? B B:e##!it on#+ *eans that +our absent<*inded father for)ot to take hi* u/ 0ith hi*$B said "u#ian$ in his *ost sensib#e voi&e, B :hat did +ou see @ B B I had *+ e+e )#ued to the te#es&o/e$B said (eor)e$ B and sudden#+ I sa0 so*eone &o*e into the Stt#e )#ass roo* at the to/, I #ooked for Ti**+$ of &ourse$ at on&e! but I te## +ou$ he 0asn>t there ? The six f#ashes &a*e$ the *an disa//eared!and that 0as a##, 3o Ti**+ ? 7h I do fee# so dreadfu##+ 0orried$ "u#ian,B


B:e##$ don>t be$B said "u#ian$ soothin)#+, B Honest#+$ I>* sure that>s 0hat ha//ened, 6our father for)ot about Ti**+, 'n+0a+$ if +ou sa0 him! obvious#+ thin)s are a## ri)ht,B B I>* not thinkin) about ather ? B &ried (eor)e, B He *ust be a## ri)ht if he f#ashed his si)na#s!I>* thinkin) about Ti**+, :h+$ even if ather for)ot to take hi*$ he>d )o 0ith hi*, 6ou kno0 that? B B 6our father *i)ht have shut the door at the botto* and /revented Ti**+ fro* )oin) u/$B said %i&k, B He *i)ht$B said (eor)e$ fro0nin), She hadn>t thou)ht of that, B 7h dear!no0 I sha## 0orr+ a## da+ #on), 1hy didn>t I sta+ 0ith Ti**+@ :hat sha## I do no0 @ B B :ait ti## to<*orro0 *ornin)$B said %i&k, B Then /robab#+ +ou>## see o#d Ti* a## ri)ht,B B To<*orro0 *ornin)? :h+$ that>s ages a0a+ ? B said /oor (eor)e, She /ut her head in her hands and )roaned, B 7h$ nobod+ understands ho0 *u&h I #ove Ti**+, 6ou 0ou#d /erha/s if +ou had a do) of +our o0n$ "u#ian, It>s an a0fu# fee#in)$ rea##+, 7h Ti**+$ are +ou a## ri)ht @ B B 7f &ourse he>s a## ri)ht$B said "u#ian$ i*/atient#+, B %o /u## +ourse#f to)ether$ (eor)e,B B I feel as if so*ethin)>s 0ron)$B said (eor)e$ #ookin) obstinate, B"u#ian!I think I>d better )o a&ross to the is#and,B B 3o$B said "u#ian at on&e, B %on>t be idioti&$ (eor)e, 3othin) is 0ron)$ ex&e/t that +our father>s been for)etfu#, He>s sent his 7,-, si)na#, That>s enou)h ? 6ou>re not to )o and &reate a s&ene over there 0ith hi*, That 0ou#d be dis< )ra&efu# ?B


B :e##!I>## tr+ and be /atient$B said (eor)e$ unex/e&ted#+ *eek, She )ot u/$ #ookin) 0orried, "u#ian s/oke in a kinder voi&e, B ;heer u/$ o#d thin) ? 6ou do #ike to )o off the dee/ end$ don>t +ou @ B



Chapter Fifteen IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT (eor)e did not *oan an+ *ore about her 0orries, She 0ent about 0ith an anxious #ook in her b#ue e+es$ but she had the sense not to te## her *other ho0 0orried she 0as at not seein) Ti**+ in the )#ass roo*$ 0hen her father si)na##ed, She *entioned it$ of &ourse$ but her *other took the sa*e vie0 as "u#ian did, B There ? I kne0 he>d for)et to take Ti**+ u/ ? He>s so ver+ for)etfu# 0hen he>s at 0ork,B The &hi#dren de&ided to )o to the Euarr+ that afternoon and ex/#ore the tunne# under the she#f of ro&k, So the+ set off after their #un&h, 4ut 0hen the+ &a*e to the Euarr+$ the+ did not dare to &#i*b do0n the stee/ sides, The heav+ rain of the da+ before had *ade the* far too dan)erous, B 5ook$B said "u#ian$ /ointin) to 0here the bushes and s*a##er /#ants 0ere ri//ed u/ and &rushed, B I bet that>s 0here o#d 9artin fe## do0n +esterda+ ? (osh$ he *i)ht have broken his ne&k ? B B 6es, I vote 0e don>t atte*/t to )o do0n ti## it>s as dr+ as it 0as the other da+$B said %i&k, It 0as disa//ointin), The+ had brou)ht tor&hes$ and a ro/e$ and had #ooked for0ard to a #itt#e ex&ite*ent, B :e##$ 0hat sha## 0e do @ B asked "u#ian, B I>* )oin) ba&k ho*e$B said (eor)e$ unex/e&ted#+, B I>* tired, 6ou others )o for a 0a#k,B


'nne #ooked at (eor)e, She did see* rather /a#e, B I>## &o*e ba&k 0ith +ou$ (eor)e$B said 'nne$ s#i//in) her hand throu)h her &ousin>s ar*, 4ut (eor)e shook it off, B 3o thanks$ 'nne, I 0ant to be a#one,B B:e##!0e>## )o over the &#iff then$B said "u#ian, B It>## be ni&e and b#o0+ u/ there, See +ou #ater$ (eor)e ? B The+ 0ent off, (eor)e turned and s/ed ba&k to -irrin ;otta)e, Her *other 0as out, "oanna 0as u/stairs in her bedroo*, (eor)e 0ent to the #arder and took severa# thin)s fro* it, She bund#ed the* into a ba) and then f#ed out of the house, She found "a*es the fisher<bo+, B "a*es ? 6ou>re not to te## a sou#, I>* )oin) over to -irrin Is#and to<ni)ht! be&ause I>* 0orried about Ti**+, :e #eft hi* there, Have *+ boat read+ at ten o>&#o&k,B "a*es 0as a#0a+s read+ to do an+thin) in the 0or#d for (eor)e, He nodded and asked no Euestions at a##, B8i)ht$ 9iss, It>## be read+, 'n+thin) +ou 0ant /ut in it @ B B 6es$ this ba)$B said (eor)e, B 3o0 don>t s/#it on *e$ "a*es, I>## be ba&k to<*orro0 if I find Ti*>s a## ri)ht,B She f#ed ba&k to the house, She ho/ed "oanna 0ou#d not noti&e the thin)s she had taken fro* the #arder she#f, B I &an>t he#/ if it 0hat I>* doin) is 0ron)$B she ke/t 0his/erin) to herse#f, B I kno0 so*ethin) isn>t ri)ht 0ith Ti**+, 'nd I>* not at a## sure about ather$ either, He wouldn't have >for)otten his so#e*n /ro*ise to *e about takin) Ti**+ u/ 0ith hi*, I>## have to )o a&ross to the is#and, I &an>t he#/ it if it>s 0ron) ? B


The others 0ondered 0hat 0as u/ 0ith (eor)e 0hen the+ &a*e ba&k> fro* their 0a#k, She 0as so fid)et+ and rest#ess, The+ had tea and then did so*e )ardenin) for 'unt ann+, (eor)e did so*e too$ but her thou)hts 0ere far a0a+$ and t0i&e her *other had to sto/ her /u##in) u/ seed#in)s instead of 0eeds, 4edti*e &a*e, The )ir#s )ot into bed at about a Euarter to ten, 'nne 0as tired and fe## as#ee/ at on&e, 's soon as (eor)e heard her re)u#ar breathin) she &re/t Euiet#+ out of bed and dressed a)ain, She /u##ed on her 0ar*est 1erse+$ )ot her rain&oat$ rubber boots and a thi&k ru)$ and ti/toed do0nstairs, 7ut of the side door she 0ent and into the ni)ht, There 0as a bit of a *oon in the sk+$ so it 0as not as dark as usua#, (eor)e 0as )#ad, She 0ou#d be ab#e to see her 0a+ throu)h the ro&ks a #itt#e no0!thou)h she 0as sure she &ou#d )uide the boat even in the dark ? "a*es 0as 0aitin) for her, Her boat 0as read+, B 2ver+thin)>s in$B said "a*es, B I>## /ush off, 3o0 +ou be &arefu#$ 9iss!and if +ou do s&ra/e a ro&k$ ro0 #ike an+thin) in &ase she fi##s and sinks, 8ead+ @ B 7ff 0ent (eor)e$ hearin) the #a/<#a/ of the 0ater a)ainst the sides of the boat, She heaved a si)h of re#ief$ and be)an to ro0 stron)#+ a0a+ fro* the shore, She fro0ned as she ro0ed, Had she brou)ht ever+thin) she *i)ht 0ant @ T0o tor&hes, K#ent+ of food, ' tin<o/ener, So*ethin) to drink, ' ru) to 0ra/ herse#f in to<ni)ht, 4a&k at -irrin ;otta)e "u#ian #a+ in bed 0at&hin) for his un&#e>s si)na#s, Ha#f</ast ten, 3o0 for the si)na#s, 'h$ here the+ 0ere ? 7ne!


t0o!three!four!five!six ? (ood, Six and no *ore ? He 0ondered 0h+ (eor)e hadn>t &o*e into his and %i&k>s roo* to 0at&h for the*, She had #ast ni)ht, He )ot u/$ /added to the door of (eor)e>s roo* and /ut his head in, B (eor)e ? B he said soft#+, B It>s 7,-, 6our father>s si)na#s have 1ust &o*e a)ain,B There 0as no re/#+, "u#ian heard re)u#ar breathin) and turned to )o ba&k to bed, The )ir#s *ust be as#ee/ a#read+ ? :e##$ (eor)e &ou#dn>t rea##+ be 0orr+in) *u&h about Ti**+ no0$ then ? "u#ian )ot into his bed and soon fe## as#ee/ hi*se#f, He had no idea that (eor)e>s bed 0as e*/t+!no idea that even no0 (eor)e 0as batt#in) 0ith the 0aves that )uarded -irrin Is#and ? It 0as *ore diffi&u#t than she had ex/e&ted$ for the *oon did not rea##+ )ive ver+ *u&h #i)ht$ and had an anno+in) 0a+ of )oin) behind a &#oud 1ust 0hen she bad#+ needed ever+ s&ra/ of #i)ht she &ou#d )et, 4ut$ deft#+ and &#ever#+$ she *ana)ed to *ake her 0a+ throu)h the /assa)e bet0een the hidden ro&ks, Thank )oodness the tide 0as hi)h so that *ost of the* 0ere 0e## be#o0 the surfa&e ? 't #ast she s0un) her boat into the #itt#e &ove, Here the 0ater 0as /erfe&t#+ &a#*, Kantin) a #itt#e$ (eor)e /u##ed her boat u/ as far as she &ou#d, Then she stood in the darkness and thou)ht hard, :hat 0as she )oin) to do@ She did not kno0 0here her father>s hidin)</#a&e 0as!but she fe#t &ertain the entran&e to it *ust be so*e0here in or near the #itt#e stone roo*, Shou#d she *ake her 0a+ to that @


6es$ she 0ou#d, It 0ou#d be the on#+ /#a&e to she#ter in for the ni)ht$ an+0a+, She 0ou#d /ut on her tor&h 0hen she )ot there$ and hunt round for an+ #ike#+ entran&e to the hidin)</#a&e, If she found it$ she 0ou#d )o in!and 0hat a sur/rise she 0ou#d )ive her father ? If o#d Ti**+ 0as there he 0ou#d )o *ad 0ith de#i)ht, She took the heav+ ba)$ dra/ed the ru) over her ar*$ and set off, She did not dare to /ut on her tor&h +et$ in &ase the unkno0n ene*+ 0as #urkin) near, 'fter a##$ her father had heard hi* &ou)h at ni)ht ? (eor)e 0as not fri)htened, She did not even think about bein) fri)htened, '## her thou)hts 0ere set on findin) Ti**+ and *akin) sure he 0as safe, She &a*e to the #itt#e stone roo*, It 0as /it&h<dark in there$ of &ourse!not even the faint #i)ht of the *oon /ier&ed into its b#a&kness, (eor)e had to /ut on her tor&h, She /ut do0n her bund#e at the ba&k of the 0a##$ near the o#d fire/#a&e re&ess, She dra/ed the ru) over it and sat do0n to have a rest$ s0it&hin) off her tor&h, 'fter a 0hi#e she )ot u/ &autious#+ and s0it&hed on her tor&h a)ain, She be)an to sear&h for the hidin)</#a&e, :here #ould the entran&e be @ She f#ashed her tor&h on to ever+ f#a)stone in the f#oor of the roo*, 4ut not one #ooked as if it had been *oved or #ifted, There 0as nothin) to sho0 0here there *i)ht be an entran&e under)round, She *oved round the 0a##s$ exa*inin) those too in the #i)ht of her tor&h, 3o!there 0as no si)n that a hidden 0a+ #a+ behind an+ of those


stones either, It 0as *ost tanta#iAin), If she on#+ kne0? She 0ent to 0ra/ the ru) round her$ and to sit and think, It 0as &o#d no0, She 0as shiverin)$ as she sat there in the dark$ tr+in) to /uAA#e out 0here the hidden entran&e &ou#d be, 'nd then she heard a sound ? She 1u*/ed and then stiffened a## over$ ho#din) her breath /ainfu##+, :hat 0as it@ There 0as a &urious )ratin) noise, Then a s#i)ht thud, It &a*e fro* the re&ess 0here /eo/#e #on) a)o had bui#t their bi) #o) fires ? (eor)e sat /erfe&t#+ sti##$ strainin) her e+es and ears, She sa0 a bea* of #i)ht in the fire/#a&e re&ess, Then she heard a *an>s &ou)h ? :as it her father@ He had a &ou)h at ti*es, She #istened hard, The bea* of #i)ht )re0 bri)hter, Then she heard another noise!it sounded as if so*eone had 1u*/ed do0n fro* so*e0here ? 'nd then!a voi&e ? B ;o*e on ? B It 0as not her father>s voi&e ? (eor)e )re0 &o#d 0ith fear then, 3ot her father>s voi&e ? Then 0hat had ha//ened to hi*!and to Ti**+ @ So*eone e#se 1u*/ed do0n into the re&ess$ )ru*b#in), BI>* not used to this &ra0#in) about? B That 0asn>t her father>s voi&e either, So there 0ere two unkno0n ene*ies ? 3ot one, 'nd the+ kne0 her father>s se&ret 0orkroo*, (eor)e fe#t a#*ost faint 0ith horror, :hatever had ha//ened to hi* and Ti**+ @ The *en 0a#ked out of the #itt#e stone roo* 0ithout seein) (eor)e at a##, She )uessed the+ 0ere )oin) to the to0er, Ho0 #on) 0ou#d the+ be@

5on) enou)h for her to sear&h for the /#a&e the+ had a//eared fro* @ She strained her ears a)ain, She heard their footste/s )oin) into the )reat +ard, She ti/toed to the door0a+ and #ooked out, 6es!there 0as the #i)ht of their tor&h near the to0er ? If the+ 0ere )oin) u/$ there 0ou#d be /#ent+ of ti*e to #ook round, She 0ent ba&k into the #itt#e stone roo*, Her hands 0ere tre*b#in) and she found it diffi&u#t to s0it&h on her tor&h, She 0ent to the fire/#a&e re&ess and f#ashed the #i)ht in it,


She )ave a )as/ ? Ha#f0a+ u/ the re&ess at the ba&k 0as a b#a&k o/enin) ? She f#ashed the #i)ht u/ there, 2vident#+ there 0as a *ovab#e stone ha#f0a+ u/ that s0un) ba&k and revea#ed an entran&e behind, 'n entran&e to 0hat @ :ere there ste/s$ su&h as 0ere sho0n in the o#d *a/ @ ee#in) Euite breath#ess$ (eor)e stood on ti/toe and f#ashed her #i)ht into the ho#e, 6es! there 0ere ste/s ? The+ 0ent do0n into the 0a## at the ba&k, She re*e*bered that the #itt#e stone roo* ba&ked on to one of the i**ense#+ thi&k o#d 0a##s sti## #eft, She stood there$ un&ertain 0hat to do, Had she better )o do0n and see if she &ou#d find Ti**+ and her father @ 4ut if she did$ she *i)ht be *ade a /risoner too, 7n the other hand$ if she sta+ed outside$ and the *en &a*e ba&k and shut u/ the entran&e$ she *i)ht not be ab#e to o/en it, She 0ou#d be 0orse off then ever ? B I>## )o do0n ? B she sudden#+ de&ided, B 4ut I>d better take *+ ba) and the ru)$ in &ase the *en &o*e ba&k and see the*, I don>t 0ant the* to kno0 I>* on the is#and if I &an he#/ it ? I &ou#d hide the* so*e0here do0n there$ I ex/e&t, I 0onder if this entran&e #eads to the dun)eons,B She #ifted u/ the ru) and the ba) and /ushed the* into the ho#e, She heard the ba) ro## do0n the ste/s$ the tins inside *akin) a *uff#ed noise, Then she &#i*bed u/ herse#f, (ra&ious$ 0hat a #on) dark f#i)ht of ste/s ? :herever did the+ #ead to @


Chapter Sixteen DOWN TO THE CAVES (278(2 0ent &autious#+ do0n the stone ste/s, The+ 0ere stee/ and narro0, B I shou#d think the+ run ri)ht do0n in the *idd#e of the stone 0a##$B thou)ht (eor)e, B (oodness$ here>s a narro0 bit ? B It 0as so narro0 that she had to )o side0a+s, B ' fat *an 0ou#d never )et throu)h there ? B she thou)ht to herse#f, B Ha##o!the ste/s have ended ? B She had )ot her ru) round her shou#ders$ and had /i&ked u/ her ba) on the 0a+ do0n, In her other hand she he#d her tor&h, It 0as terrib#+ dark and Euiet do0n there, (eor)e did not fee# s&ared be&ause she 0as ho/in) to see Ti**+ at an+ *o*ent, 3o one &ou#d fee# afraid 0ith Ti**+ 1ust round the &orner$ read+ to 0e#&o*e the* ? She stood at the botto* of the ste/s$ her tor&h sho0in) her a narro0 tunne#, It &urved shar/#+ to the #eft, B 3o0 0i## it 1oin the dun)eons fro* here @ B she 0ondered$ tr+in) to )et her sense of dire&tion to he#/ her, B The+ &an>t be far off, 4ut there>s no si)n of the* at the *o*ent,B She 0ent on do0n the narro0 tunne#, 7n&e the roof &a*e do0n so #o0 she a#*ost had to &ra0#, She f#ashed her tor&h on it, She sa0 b#a&k ro&k there$ 0hi&h had evident#+ been too hard to be re*oved b+ the tunne#<bui#ders #on) a)o,


The tunne# 0ent on and on and on, (eor)e 0as /uAA#ed, Sure#+ b+ no0 she *ust have )one b+ a## the dun)eons ? :h+!she *ust be headin) to0ards the shore of the is#and ? Ho0 ver+ Eueer ? %idn>t this tunne# 1oin the dun)eons then@ ' #itt#e further and she 0ou#d be under the bed of the sea itse#f? The tunne# took a dee/ s#o/e do0n0ards, 9ore ste/s a//eared$ &ut rou)h#+ fro* ro&k, (eor)e &#i*bed do0n the* &autious#+, :here in the 0or#d 0as she )oin)@ 't the botto* of the ste/s the tunne# see*ed to be &ut out of so#id ro&k!or e#se it 0as a natura# /assa)e$ not *ade b+ *an at a##, (eor)e didn>t kno0, Her tor&h sho0ed her b#a&k$ ro&k+ 0a##s and roof$ and her feet stu*b#ed over an irre)u#ar ro&k+ /ath, Ho0 she #on)ed for Ti**+ beside her? B I *ust be ver+ dee/ do0n$B she thou)ht$ /ausin) to f#ash her tor&h round her on&e *ore, B Ier+ dee/ do0n and ver+ far fro* the &ast#e ? (ood )ra&ious!0hatever>s that a0fu# noise @ B She #istened, She heard a *uff#ed boo*in) and *oanin), :as it her father doin) one of his ex/eri*ents @ The noise 0ent on and on$ a dee/$ never<endin) boo*, B :h+!I be#ieve it>s the sea ? B said (eor)e$ a*aAed, She stood and #istened a)ain, B 6es! it is the sea!over *+ head ? I>* under the ro&k+ bed of the -irrin 4a+ ? B 'nd no0 /oor (eor)e did fee# a bit s&ared ? She thou)ht of the )reat 0aves sur)in) above her$ she thou)ht of the rest#ess$ *ovin) 0ater s&ourin) the ro&k+ bed over her head$ and fe#t fri)htened in &ase the sea shou#d find a 0a+ to #eak do0n into her narro0 tunne#?


B 3o0$ don>t be si##+$B she to#d herse#f stern#+, B This tunne# has been here under the sea<bed for hundreds of +ears!0h+ shou#d it sudden#+ be&o*e unsafe 1ust 0hen you are in it$ (eor)e @ B Ta#kin) to herse#f #ike this$ to kee/ u/ her s/irits$ she 0ent on a)ain, It 0as ver+ Eueer indeed to think she 0as 0a#kin) under the sea, So this 0as 0here her father 0as at 0ork 1 Cnder the sea itse#f, 'nd then (eor)e sudden#+ re*e*bered so*ethin) he had said to the* a##$ the first ti*e the+ had visited hi* on the is#and, :hat 0as it no0 @ B 7h +es ? He said he had to have 0ater a)ove and around hi* ? B said (eor)e, B ow I see 0hat he *eant ? His 0orkroo* is so*e0here do0n here!so the sea<0ater is a)ove hi*!and it>s a## round the to0er$ be&ause it>s bui#t on a is#and ? B :ater above$ and 0ater around!so that 0as 0h+ her father had &hosen -irrin Is#and for his ex/eri*ent, Ho0 had he found the se&ret /assa)e under the sea$ thou)h @ B :h+$ even I didn>t kno0 of that$B said (eor)e, B Ha##o! 0hat a* I &o*in) to @ B She sto//ed, The /assa)e had sudden#+ 0idened out into an enor*ous dark &ave$ 0hose roof 0as unex/e&ted#+ hi)h$ #ost in dark shado0s, (eor)e stared round, She sa0 Eueer thin)s there that she didn>t understand at a##!0ires$ )#ass boxes$ #itt#e *a&hines that see*ed to be at 0ork 0ithout a sound$ 0hose &entres 0ere a#ive 0ith Eueer$ )#ea*in)$ shiverin) #i)ht, Sudden s/arks shot u/ no0 and a)ain$ and 0hen that ha//ened a funn+ s*e## &re/t round the &ave, B Ho0 0eird a## this is ? B thou)ht (eor)e, B Ho0ever &an ather understand a##

these *a&hines and thin)s ? I 0onder 0here he is, I do ho/e those *en haven>t *ade hi* /risoner so*e0here ? B ro* this Eueer$ '#addin>s &ave another tunne# #ed, (eor)e s0it&hed on her tor&h a)ain and 0ent into it, It 0as *u&h #ike the other one$ but the roof 0as hi)her, She &a*e to another &ave$ s*a##er this ti*e$ and &ra**ed 0ith 0ires of a## kinds, There 0as a &urious hu**in) sound here$ #ike thousands of bees in a hive, (eor)e ha#f<ex/e&ted to see so*e f#+in) round, B It *ust be these 0ires *akin) the noise$B she said, There 0as nobod+ in the &ave at a##$ but it #ed into another one$ and (eor)e ho/ed that soon she 0ou#d find Ti**+ and her father, She 0ent into the next &ave$ 0hi&h 0as /erfe&t#+ e*/t+ and ver+ &o#d, She shivered, Then do0n another /assa)e$ and into a s*a## &ave, The first thin) she sa0 be+ond this tin+ &ave 0as a #i)ht ? ' #i)ht ? Then /erha/s she 0as &o*in) to the &ave her father *ust be in ? She f#ashed her tor&h round the #itt#e &ave she 0as no0 standin) in and sa0 tins of food$ bott#es of beer$ tins of s0eets$ and a /i#e of &#othes of so*e sort, 'h$ this 0as 0here her father ke/t his stores, She 0ent on to the next &ave$ 0onderin) 0h+ Ti**+ had not heard her and &o*e to )reet her, She #ooked &autious#+ into the &ave 0here the #i)ht &a*e fro*, Sittin) at a tab#e$ his head in his hands$ /erfe&t#+ sti##$ 0as her father ? There 0as no si)n of Ti**+, B ather ? B said (eor)e, The *an at the tab#e 1u*/ed vio#ent#+ and turned round, He stared


at (eor)e as if he rea##+ &ou#d not be#ieve his e+es, Then he turned ba&k a)ain$ and buried his fa&e in his hands, B Father , - said (eor)e a)ain$ Euite fri)htened be&ause he did not sa+ an+thin) to her, He #ooked round a)ain$ and this ti*e he )ot u/, He stared at (eor)e on&e *ore$ and then sat do0n heavi#+, (eor)e ran to hi*, B :hat>s the *atter @ 7h ather$ 0hat>s the *atter @ :here>s Ti**+ @ B B (eor)e ? Is it really +ou$ (eor)e @ I thou)ht I *ust be drea*in) 0hen I #ooked u/ and sa0 +ou ? B said her father, B Ho0 did +ou )et here @ (ood )ra&ious$ it>s i*/ossib#e that +ou shou#d be here ? B B ather$ are +ou a## ri)ht @ :hat>s ha//ened !and 0here>s Ti**+ @ B said (eor)e$ ur)ent#+, She #ooked a## round$ but &ou#d see no si)n of hi*, Her heart 0ent &o#d, Sure#+ nothin) a0fu# had ha//ened to Ti**+ @ B %id +ou see t0o *en @ B asked her father, B :here 0ere the+ @ B B 7h ather!0e kee/ askin) ea&h other Euestions and no, ans0erin) the* ? B said (eor)e, B Te## *e first!0here is Ti**+ @ B B I don>t kno0$B said her father, B %id those t0o *en )o to the to0er @ B B6es$B said (eor)e, B ather$ 0hat>s ha//ened @ B B :e##$ if the+>ve )one to the to0er$ 0e>ve )ot about an hour in /ea&e$B said her father, B 3o0 #isten to *e$ (eor)e$ ver+ &arefu##+, This is terrib#+ i*/ortant,B B I>* #istenin)$B said (eor)e, B 4ut do hurr+ u/ and te## *e about Ti**+,B


B These t0o *en 0ere /ara&huted do0n on to the is#and$ to tr+ and find out *+ se&ret$B said her father, B I>## te## +ou 0hat *+ ex/eri*ents are for$ (eor)e!the+ are to find a 0a+ of re/#a&in) a## &oa#$ &oke and oi#!an idea to )ive the 0or#d a## the heat and /o0er it 0ants$ and to do a0a+ 0ith *ines and *iners,B B (ood )ra&ious ? B said (eor)e, B It 0ou#d be one of the *ost 0onderfu# thin)s the 0or#d has ever kno0n,B B 6es$B said her father, B 'nd I shou#d give it to the 0ho#e 0or#d!it sha## not be in the /o0er of an+ one &ountr+$ or &o##e&tion of *en, It sha## be a )ift to the 0ho#e of *ankind!but$ (eor)e$ there are *en 0ho 0ant *+ se&ret for the*se#ves$ so that the+ *a+ *ake &o#ossa# fortunes out of it,B B Ho0 hatefu# ? B &ried (eor)e, B (o on$ ather!ho0 did the+ hear of it @ B B :e##$ I 0as at 0ork on this idea 0ith so*e of *+ &o##ea)ues$ *+ fe##o0<0orkers$B said her father, B 'nd one of the* betra+ed us$ and 0ent to so*e /o0erfu# business *en to te## the* of *+ idea, So 0hen I kne0 this I de&ided to &o*e a0a+ in se&ret and finish *+ ex/eri*ents b+ *+se#f, Then nobod+ &ou#d betra+ *e,B B 'nd +ou &a*e here ? B said (eor)e, B To *+ is#and,B B 6es!be&ause I needed 0ater over *e and 0ater around *e$B said her father, B Duite b+ &han&e I #ooked at a &o/+ of that o#d *a/$ and thou)ht that if the /assa)e sho0n there!the one #eadin) fro* the #itt#e stone roo*$ I *ean! if the /assa)e there really did #ead under the sea$ as it see*ed to sho0$ that 0ou#d be the idea# /#a&e to finish *+ ex/eri*ents,B


O 7h ather!and I *ade su&h a fuss ? B said (eor)e$ asha*ed to re*e*ber< ho0 &ross she had been, B %id +ou @ B said her father$ as if he had for)otten a## about that, B :e##$ I )ot a## *+ stuff and &a*e here, 'nd no0 these fe##o0s have found *e$ and )ot ho#d of *e ? B B Koor ather ? ;an>t I he#/ @ B said (eor)e, B I &ou#d )o ba&k and brin) he#/ over here$ &ou#dn>t I@B B 6es$ +ou &ou#d ? B said her father, B 4ut +ou *ustn>t #et those *en see +ou$ (eor)e,B BI>## do an+thin) +ou 0ant *e to$ ather$ an+thin) ? B said (eor)e, B 4ut first do te## *e 0hat>s ha//ened to Ti**+ @ B B :e##$ he ke/t b+ *e a## the ti*e$B said her father, B 8ea##+$ he>s a 0onderfu# do)$ (eor)e, 'nd then$ this *ornin)$ 1ust as I 0as &o*in) out of the entran&e in that #itt#e roo* to )o u/ into the to0er 0ith Ti**+ to si)na#$ the t0o *en /oun&ed on *e and for&ed *e ba&k here,B B 4ut 0hat ha//ened to Ti**+@ B asked (eor)e$ i*/atient#+, :ou#d her father never te## her 0hat she 0anted to kno0 @ B He f#e0 at the *en$ of &ourse$B said her father, B 4ut so*eho0 or other one of the* #assooed hi* 0ith a noose of ro/e$ and &au)ht hi*, The+ /u##ed the ro/e so ti)ht round his ne&k that he a#*ost &hoked,B B 7h$ /oor$ /oor Ti**+$B said (eor)e$ and the tears ran do0n her &heek, B Is he!#o +ou think!he>s a## ri)ht$ ather @ B B 6es, ro* 0hat I heard the *en sa+in) after0ards I think the+>ve taken hi* to so*e &ave and shut hi* in there$B said her father,


B 'n+0a+$ I sa0 one of the* )ettin) so*e do)< bis&uits out of a ba) this evenin)!so that #ooks as if he>s a#ive and ki&kin)!and hun)r+ ? B (eor)e heaved a )reat si)h of re#ief, So #on) as Ti**+ 0as a#ive and a## ri)ht ? She took a fe0 ste/s to0ards 0hat she thou)ht *ust be another &ave, BI>* )oin) to find Ti**+$ ather$B she said, B I must find hi* ? B



Chapter Seventeen TIMMY AT LAST O3o$ (eor)e ? B &a##ed her father shar/#+, <F<S> B ;o*e ba&k, There is so*ethin) ver+ i*/ortant I 0ant to sa+, ;o*e here ? B (eor)e 0ent over to hi*$ fi##ed 0ith i*/atien&e to )et to Ti**+$ 0herever he 0as, She must find hi* ? B 3o0 #isten$B said her father, B I have a book in 0hi&h I have *ade a## *+ notes of this )reat ex/eri*ent, The *en haven>t found it ? I 0ant +ou to take it safe#+ to the *ain#and$ (eor)e, %on>t #et it out of +our si)ht ? If the *en )ot ho#d of it the+ 0ou#d have a## the infor*ation the+ needed ? B B 4ut don>t the+ kno0 ever+thin) 1ust b+ #ookin) at +our 0ires and *a&hines and thin)s @ B asked (eor)e, B The+ kno0 a ver+ )reat dea#$B said her father$ B and the+>ve found out a #ot *ore sin&e the+>ve been here!but not Euite enou)h, I daren>t destro+ *+ book of notes$ be&ause if an+thin) shou#d ha//en to *e$ *+ )reat idea 0ou#d be &o*/#ete#+ #ost, So$ (eor)e$ I *ust entrust it to +ou and +ou *ust take it to an address I 0i## )ive +ou$ and hand it to the /erson there,B B It>s an a0fu# res/onsibi#it+$B said (eor)e$ a #itt#e s&ared of hand#in) a book 0hi&h *eant so *u&h$ not on#+ to her father$ but /ossib#+ to the 0ho#e of the 0or#d, B 4ut I>## do *+ best$ ather, I>## hide in one of the &aves ti## the *en &o*e

ba&k$ and then I>## s#i/ ba&k u/ the /assa)e to the hidden entran&e$ )et out$ )o to *+ boat and ro0 ba&k to the *ain#and, Then I>## de#iver +our book of notes 0ithout fai#$ and )et he#/ sent over here to +ou,B B (ood )ir#$B said her father$ and )ave her a hu), B Honest#+$ (eor)e$ +ou do behave as brave#+ as an+ bo+, I>* /roud of +ou,B (eor)e thou)ht that 0as the ni&est thin) her father had ever said to her, She s*i#ed at hi*, B :e##$ ather$ I>## )o and see if I &an find Ti**+ no0, I si*/#+ *ust see that he>s a## ri)ht before I )o to hide in one of the other &aves,B B Ier+ 0e##$B said her father, B The *an 0ho took the bis&uits 0ent in that dire&tion!sti## further under the sea$ (eor)e, 7h!b+ the 0a+! ho0 is it +ou>re here$ in the *idd#e of the ni)ht @ B It see*ed to strike her father for the first ti*e that (eor)e a#so *i)ht have a stor+ to te##, 4ut (eor)e fe#t that she rea##+ &ou#dn>t 0aste an+ *ore ti*e!she must find Ti**+ ? B I>## te## +ou #ater$ ather$B she said, B 7h! 0here>s that book of notes @ B Her father rose and 0ent to the ba&k of the &ave, He took a box and stood on it, He ran his hand a#on) a dark rid)e of ro&k$ and fe#t about unti# he had found 0hat he 0anted, He brou)ht do0n a s#i* book$ 0hose /a)es 0ere of ver+ thin /a/er, He o/ened the book and (eor)e sa0 *an+ beautifu##+ dra0n dia)ra*s$ and /a)es of notes in her father>s s*a## neat hand0ritin), B Here +ou are$B said her father$ handin) her the book, B %o the best +ou &an, If an+thin) ha//ens to *e$ this book 0i## sti## enab#e *+

fe##o0<0orkers to )ive *+ idea to the 0or#d, If I &o*e throu)h this a## ri)ht$ I sha## be )#ad to have the book$ be&ause it 0i## *ean I sha## not have to 0ork out a## *+ ex/eri*ents a)ain,B (eor)e took the /re&ious book, She stuffed it into her *a&kintosh /o&ket$ 0hi&h 0as a bi) one, B I>## kee/ it safe$ ather, 3o0 I *ust )o and find Ti**+$ or those t0o *en 0i## be ba&k before I &an hide in one of the other &aves,B She #eft her father>s &ave and 0ent into the next one, There 0as nothin) there at a##, Then on she 0ent do0n a /assa)e that t0isted and turned in the ro&k, 'nd then she heard a sound she #on)ed to hear, ' 0hine ? 6es$ rea##+ a 0hine ? B Ti**+ ? B shouted (eor)e$ ea)er#+, B 7h Ti**+ ? I>* &o*in) ? B Ti**+>s 0hine sto//ed sudden#+, Then he barked 1o+ous#+, B:oof$ 0oof$ 0oof$ 0oof?B (eor)e a#*ost fe## as she tried to run do0n the narro0 tunne#, Her tor&h sho0ed her a bi) bou#der that see*ed to be b#o&kin) u/ a s*a## &ave in the side of the tunne#, 4ehind the bou#der Ti**+ barked$ and s&ra/ed franti&a##+ ? (eor)e tu))ed at the stone 0ith a## her stren)th, B Ti**+ ? B she /anted, B Ti**+ ? I>## )et +ou out ? I>* &o*in) ? 7h Ti**+ ? B The stone *oved a #itt#e, (eor)e tu))ed a)ain, It 0as a#*ost too heav+ for her to *ove at a##$ but des/air *ade her stron)er than she had ever been in her #ife, The stone Euite sudden#+ s0un) to one side$ and (eor)e 1ust )ot one of her feet out of its 0a+ in ti*e$ or it 0ou#d have been &rushed, Ti**+ sEueeAed out of the s/a&e #eft, He f#un)

hi*se#f on (eor)e$ 0ho fe## on the )round 0ith her ar*s ti)ht round hi*, He #i&ked her fa&e and 0hined$ and she buried her nose in his thi&k fur in 1o+, B Ti**+ ? :hat have the+ done to +ou @ Ti**+$ I &a*e as soon as I &ou#d?B Ti**+ 0hined a)ain and a)ain in 1o+$ and tried to /a0 and #i&k (eor)e as if he &ou#dn>t have enou)h of her, It 0ou#d have been diffi&u#t to sa+ 0hi&h of the t0o 0as the ha//ier, 't #ast (eor)e /ushed Ti**+ a0a+ fir*#+, B Ti**+$ 0e>ve )ot 0ork to do ? :e>ve )ot to es&a/e fro* here and )et a&ross to the *ain#and and brin) he#/,B B :oof$B said Ti**+, (eor)e stood u/ and f#ashed her tor&h into the tin+ &ave 0here Ti**+ had been, She sa0 that there 0as a bo0# of 0ater there and so*e bis&uits, The *en had not i##<treated hi*$ then$ ex&e/t to #asso hi* and ha#f<&hoke hi* 0hen the+ &au)ht hi*, She fe#t round his ne&k tender#+$ but ex&e/t for a s0o##en rid)e there$ he see*ed none the 0orse, B 3o0 hurr+ u/!0e>## )o ba&k to ather>s &ave!and then find another &ave be+ond his to hide in ti## the t0o *en &o*e ba&k fro* the to0er, Then 0e>## &ree/ out into the #itt#e stone roo* and ro0 ba&k to the *ain#and$B said (eor)e, B I>ve )ot a ver+$ ver+ i*/ortant book here in *+ /o&ket$ Ti**+,B Ti**+ )ro0#ed sudden#+$ and the hairs on the ba&k of his ne&k rose u/, (eor)e stiffened$ and stood #istenin), ' stern voi&e &a*e do0n the /assa)e, B I don>t kno0 0ho +ou are or 0here +ou>ve &o*e fro*!but if +ou have dared to #et that do) #oose he>## be shot ? 'nd$ to sho0 +ou that I *ean

0hat I sa+$ here>s so*ethin) to #et +ou kno0 I>ve a revo#ver ? B Then there &a*e a deafenin) &rash$ as the *an /u##ed the tri))er$ and a bu##et hit the roof so*e0here in the /assa)e, Ti**+ and (eor)e a#*ost Then there &a*e a deafenin) &rash

1u*/ed out of their skins, Ti**+ 0ou#d have #ea/t u/ the /assa)e at on&e$ but (eor)e had her hand on his &o##ar, She 0as ver+ fri)htened$ and tried hard to think 0hat 0as best to do,


The e&hoes of the shot 0ent on and on, It 0as horrid, Ti**+ sto//ed )ro0#in)$ and (eor)e sta+ed abso#ute#+ sti##, B :e## @ B said the voi&e$ B %id +ou hear 0hat I said @ If that do) is #oose$ he>## be shot, I>* not havin) *+ /#ans s/oi#t no0, 'nd +ou$ 0hoever +ou are$ 0i## /#ease &o*e u/ the tunne# and #et *e see +ou, 4ut I 0arn +ou!if the do)>s 0ith +ou$ that>s the end of hi* ? B D B Ti**+ ? Ti**+$ run a0a+ and hide so*e0here ? B 0his/ered (eor)e sudden#+, 'nd then she re*e*bered so*ethin) e#se that fi##ed her 0ith des/air, She had her father>s /re&ious book of notes 0ith her!in her /o&ket? Su//ose the *en found it on her @ It 0ou#d break her father>s heart to kno0 that his 0onderfu# se&ret had been sto#en fro* hi* after a##, (eor)e hurried#+ took the thin$ f#at #itt#e book fro* her /o&ket, She /ushed it at Ti**+, B Kut it in +our *outh, Take it 0ith +ou$ Ti*, 'nd )o and hide ti## it>s safe to &o*e, Dui&k ? (o$ Ti**+$ )o ? I>## be a## ri)ht,B To her )reat re#ief Ti**+$ 0ith the book in his *outh$ turned and disa//eared do0n the tunne# that #ed further under the sea, Ho0 she ho/ed he 0ou#d find a safe hidin)< /#a&e ? The tunne# *ust end soon!but *a+be before it did$ Ti**+ 0ou#d sett#e do0n in so*e dark &orner and 0ait for her to &a## hi* a)ain, B :i## +ou &o*e u/ the /assa)e or not @B shouted the voi&e$ an)ri#+, B 6ou>## be sorr+ if I have to &o*e and fet&h +ou!be&ause I sha## shoot a## the 0a+ a#on) ? B B I>* &o*in) ?B &a##ed (eor)e$ in a s*a## voi&e$ and she 0ent u/ the /assa)e, She soon



sa0 a bea* of #i)ht$ and in a *o*ent she 0as in the f#ash of a /o0erfu# tor&h, There 0as a sur/rised ex&#a*ation, B (ood heavens ? ' bo+ ? :hat are you doin) here$ and 0here did +ou &o*e fro* @ B (eor)e>s short &ur#+ hair *ade the *an 0ith the tor&h think she 0as a bo+$ and (eor)e did not te## hi* he 0as 0ron), The *an he#d a revo#ver$ but he #et it dro/ as he sa0 (eor)e, B I on#+ &a*e to res&ue *+ do)$ and to find *+ father$B said (eor)e$ in a *eek voi&e, B:e##$ +ou &an>t *ove that heav+ stone?B said the *an, B ' kid #ike +ou 0ou#dn>t have the stren)th, 'nd +ou &an>t res&ue +our father either ? :e>ve )ot hi* /risoner$ as +ou no doubt sa0,B B 6es$B said (eor)e$ de#i)hted to think that the *an 0as sure she had not been stron) enou)h to *ove the bi) stone, She 0asn>t )oin) to sa+ a 0ord about Ti**+ ? If the *an thou)ht he 0as sti## shut u/ in that tin+ &ave$ 0e## and )ood ? Then she heard her father>s voi&e$ anxious#+ &a##in) fro* so*e0here be+ond the *an, B (eor)e ? Is that +ou @ 're +ou a## ri)ht @ B B 6es$ ather ? B shouted ba&k (eor)e$ ho/in) that he 0ou#d not ask an+thin) about Ti**+, The *an be&koned her to &o*e to hi*, &T#ien he /ushed her in front of hi* and the+ 0a#ked to her father>s &ave, B I>ve brou)ht +our bo+ ba&k$B said the *an, B Si##+ #itt#e idiot!thinkin) he &ou#d set that sava)e do) free ? :e>ve )ot hi* /enned u/ in a &ave 0ith a bi) bou#der in front ? B 'nother *an &a*e in fro* the o//osite end of the &ave, He 0as a*aAed to see (eor)e, The other *an ex/#ained,


B :hen I )ot do0n here$ I heard a noise out be+ond this &ave$ the do) barkin) and so*eone ta#kin) to hi*!and found this kid there$ tr+in) to set the do) free, I>d have shot the do)$ of &ourse$ if he had been freed,B B 4ut!ho0 did this bo+ )et here @ B asked the other *an$ sti## a*aAed, B 9a+be he &an te## us that ? B said the other, 'nd then$ for the first ti*e$ (eor)e>s father heard ho0 (eor)e had )ot there and 0h+, She to#d the* ho0 she had 0at&hed for Ti**+ in the )#ass<roo* of the to0er and hadn>t seen hi*!and that had 0orried her and *ade her sus/i&ious, So she had &o*e a&ross to the is#and in her boat at ni)ht$ and had seen 0here the *en &a*e fro*, She had )one do0n the tunne#$ and ke/t on ti## she &a*e to the &ave$ 0here she had found her father, The three *en #istened in si#en&e, B :e##$ +ou>re a tireso*e nuisan&e$B one of the *en said to (eor)e$ B but *+ 0ord$ +ou>re a son to be /roud of, It>s not *an+ bo+s 0ou#d have been brave enou)h to run so *u&h risk for an+one,B B 6es, I>* rea##+ /roud of +ou$ (eor)e$B said her father, He #ooked at her anxious#+, She kne0 0hat he 0as thinkin) !0hat about his /re&ious book @ Had she been sensib#e enou)h to hide it@ She did not dare to #et hi* kno0 an+thin) 0hi#st the *en 0ere there, B 3o0$ this &o*/#i&ates *atters$B said the other *an$ #ookin) at (eor)e, B If +ou don>t )o ba&k ho*e +ou>## soon be *issed$ and there 0i## be a## kinds of sear&h</arties )oin) on!and *a+be so*eone 0i## send over to the is#and here to te## +our father +ou have disa//eared ? :e don>t


0ant an+one here at /resent!not ti## 0e kno0 0hat 0e 0ant to kno0 ? B He turned to (eor)e>s father, B If +ou 0i## te## us 0hat 0e 0ant to kno0$ and )ive us a## +our notes$ 0e 0i## set +ou free$ )ive +ou 0hatever su* of *one+ +ou ask us for$ and disa//ear ourse#ves,B B 'nd if I sti## sa+ I 0on>t @ B said (eor)e>s father, B Then I a* afraid 0e sha## b#o0 u/ the 0ho#e of +our *a&hines and the to0er!and /ossib#+ +ou 0i## never be found a)ain be&ause +ou 0i## be buried do0n here$B said the *an$ in a voi&e that 0as sudden#+ ver+ hard, There 0as a dead si#en&e, (eor)e #ooked at her father, B 6ou &ou#dn>t do a thin) #ike that$B he said at #ast, B 6ou 0ou#d )ain nothin) b+ it at a## ? B B It>s a## or nothin) 0ith us$B said the *an, B '## or nothin), 9ake u/ +our *ind, :e>## )ive +ou ti## ha#f</ast ten to<*orro0 *ornin)! about seven hours, Then either +ou te## us ever+thin)$ or 0e b#o0 the is#and sk+<hi)h ? B The+ 0ent out of the &ave and #eft (eor)e and her father to)ether, 7n#+ seven hours ? 'nd then$ /erha/s$ the end of -irrin Is#and ?


Chapter Eighteen HALF!PAST FOUR IN THE MORNING 'S soon as the *en 0ere out of earshot$ (eor)e>s father s/oke in a #o0 voi&e, B It>s no )ood, I>## have to #et the* have *+ book of notes, I &an>t risk havin) +ou buried do0n here$ (eor)e, I don>t *ind an+thin) for *+se#f!0orkers of *+ sort have to be read+ to take risks a## their #ives!but it>s different no0 +ou>re here ? B B ather$ I haven>t )ot the book of notes$B 0his/ered (eor)e$ thankfu##+, B I )ave the* to Ti**+, I did *ana)e to )et that stone a0a+ fro* the entran&e to his #itt#e /rison !thou)h the *en think I didn>t ? I )ave the book to Ti**+ and to#d hi* to )o and hide ti## I fet&hed hi*,B B ine 0ork$ (eor)e ? B said her father, B :e## ! /erha/s if +ou )ot Ti**+ no0 and brou)ht hi* here!he &ou#d dea# 0ith these t0o *en before the+ sus/e&t he is free ? He is Euite &a/ab#e of )ettin) the* both do0n on the )round at on&e,B B 7h +es ? It>s our on#+ &han&e$B said (eor)e, B I>## )o and )et hi* no0, I>## )o a #itt#e 0a+ a#on) the /assa)e and 0hist#e, ather!0h+ didn>t you )o and tr+ and res&ue Ti**+ @ B B I didn>t 0ant to #eave *+ book$B said her father, B I dared not take it 0ith *e$ in &ase the *en &a*e after *e and found it, The+>ve been #ookin) in a## the &aves for it, I &ou#dn>t bear to #eave it here$ and )o and #ook for the

do), I 0as sure he 0as a## ri)ht$ 0hen I sa0 the *en takin) bis&uits out of the ba), 3o0 do )o$ (eor)e$ and 0hist#e to Ti**+, The *en *a+ be ba&k at an+ *o*ent,B (eor)e took her tor&h and 0ent into the /assa)e that #ed to the #itt#e &ave 0here Ti**+ had been, She 0hist#ed #oud#+$ and then 0aited, 4ut no Ti**+ &a*e, She 0hist#ed a)ain$ and then 0ent further a#on) the /assa)e, Sti## no Ti**+, She &a##ed hi* #oud#+, BTI996? TI996? ;792 H282 ? B 4ut Ti**+ did not &o*e, There 0as no sound of s&a*/erin) feet$ no 1o+fu# bark, B 7h bother ? B thou)ht (eor)e, B I ho/e he hasn>t )one so far a0a+ that he &an>t hear *e, I>## )o a #itt#e further,B So she *ade her 0a+ a#on) the tunne#$ /ast the &ave 0here Ti**+ had been$ and then on do0n the tunne# a)ain, Sti## no Ti**+, (eor)e rounded a &orner and then sa0 that the tunne# s/#it into three, Three different /assa)es$ a## dark$ si#ent and &o#d, 7h dear ? She didn>t in the #east kno0 0hi&h to take, She took the one on the #eft, 4ut that a#so s/#it into three a #itt#e 0a+ on ? (eor)e sto//ed, B I sha## )et abso#ute#+ #ost in this *aAe of /assa)es under the sea if I )o on$B she thou)ht, B I si*/#+ daren>t, It>s too fri)htenin), TI996 ? TI996 ? B Her voi&e 0ent e&hoin) a#on) the /assa)e and sounded ver+ Eueer indeed, She retra&ed her ste/s and 0ent ri)ht ba&k to her father>s &ave$ fee#in) *iserab#e, B ather$ there>s no si)n of Ti**+ at a##, He


She &a##ed hi* #oud#+, B Ti**+ 1 Ti**+ I ;o*e here I> *ust have )one a#on) one of the /assa)es and )ot #ost? 7h dear$ this is a0fu#, There are #ots of tunne#s be+ond this &ave, It see*s as if the 0ho#e ro&k+ bed of the sea is *ined 0ith tunne#s ? B (eor)e sat do0n and #ooked ver+ do0nhearted, B Duite #ike#+$B said her father, B :e##!that>s a /erfe&t#+ )ood /#an )one 0ron), :e *ust tr+ and think of another,B

B I do 0onder 0hat "u#ian and the others 0i## think 0hen the+ 0ake u/ and find *e ,)one$B said (eor)e$ sudden#+, B The+ *i)ht even &o*e and tr+ to find *e here,B B That 0ou#dn>t be *u&h )ood$B said her father, B These *en 0i## si*/#+ &o*e do0n here and 0ait$ and nobod+ 0i## kno0 0here 0e are, The others don>t kno0 of the entran&e in the #itt#e stone roo*$ do the+ @ B B 3o$B said (eor)e, B If the+ &a*e over here I>* sure the+>d never find it? :e>ve #ooked before, 'nd that 0ou#d *ean the+>d be b#o0n u/ 0ith the is#and, ather$ this is si*/#+ dreadfu#,B B If on#+ 0e kne0 0here Ti**+ 0as ? B said her father, B 7r if 0e &ou#d )et a *essa)e to "u#ian to te## hi* not to &o*e, :hat>s the ti*e @ 9+ 0ord$ it>s ha#f</ast three in the ear#+ *ornin) I I su//ose "u#ian and the others are fast as#ee/,B "u#ian was fast as#ee/, So 0as 'nne, %i&k 0as in a dee/ s#ee/ as 0e##$ so nobod+ )uessed that (eor)e>s bed 0as e*/t+, 4ut$ about ha#f</ast four 'nne a0oke$ fee#in) ver+ hot, B I rea##+ *ust o/en the 0indo0 ? F> she thou)ht, B I>* boi#in) ? B She )ot u/ and 0ent to the 0indo0, She o/ened it$ and stood #ookin) out, The stars 0ere out and the ba+ shone faint#+, B (eor)e$B 0his/ered 'nne, B 're +ou a0ake @ B She #istened for a re/#+, 4ut none &a*e, Then she #istened *ore intent#+, :h+$ she &ou#dn>t even hear (eor)e>s breathin) ? Sure#+ (eor)e 0as there @ She fe#t over (eor)e>s bed, It 0as f#at and e*/t+, She s0it&hed on the #i)ht and #ooked at

it, (eor)e>s /+1a*as 0ere sti## on the bed, Her &#othes 0ere )one, B (eor)e has )one to the is#and ? B said 'nne$ in a fri)ht, B '## in the dark b+ herse#f? B She 0ent to the bo+s> roo*, She fe#t about "u#ian>s bed for his shou#der$ and shook hi* hard, He 0oke u/ 0ith a 1u*/, B :hat is it @ :hat>s u/@B B"u#ian ? (eor)e is )one, Her bed>s not been s#e/t in$B 0his/ered 'nne, Her 0his/er a0oke %i&k$ and soon both bo+s 0ere sittin) u/$ 0ide a0ake, B 4#o0 ? I *i)ht have )uessed she>d do a foo# thin) #ike that$B said "u#ian, B In the *idd#e of the ni)ht too!and a## those dan)erous ro&ks to ro0 round, ow 0hat are 0e )oin) to do about it @ I told her she 0asn>t to )o to the is#and! Ti**+ 0ou#d be Euite a## ri)ht? I ex/e&t Cn&#e Duentin for)ot to take hi* u/ to the to0er 0ith hi* +esterda+$ that>s a##, She *i)ht have 0aited ti## ha#f</ast ten this *ornin)!then she 0ou#d /robab#+ have seen hi*,B B :e##!0e &an>t do an+thin) no0$ I su//ose$ &an 0e @ B said 'nne$ anxious#+, B 3ot a thin)$B said "u#ian, B I>ve no doubt she>s safe#+ on -irrin Is#and b+ no0$ *akin) a fuss of Ti**+$ and havin) a )ood o#d ro0 0ith Cn&#e Duentin, 8ea##+$ (eor)e is the #i*it? B The+ ta#ked for ha#f an hour and then "u#ian #ooked at his 0at&h, B ive o>&#o&k, :e>d better tr+ and )et a bit *ore s#ee/, 'unt ann+ 0i## be 0orried in the *ornin) 0hen she hears of (eor)e>s #atest es&a/ade ? B 'nne 0ent ba&k to her roo*, She )ot into bed and fe## as#ee/, "u#ian &ou#d not s#ee/!he


ke/t thinkin) of (eor)e and 0onderin) 0here exa&t#+ she 0as, :ou#dn>t he )ive her a ta#kin)<to 0hen she &a*e ba&k ? He sudden#+ heard a /e&u#iar noise do0nstairs, :hatever &ou#d it be @ It sounded #ike so*eone &#i*bin) in at a 0indo0, :as there one o/en @ 6es$ the 0indo0 of the #itt#e 0ash<> /#a&e *i)ht be o/en, ;rash ? :hat in the 0or#d 0as that @ It &ou#dn>t be a bur)#ar!no bur)#ar 0ou#d be foo#ish enou)h to *ake su&h a noise, There 0as a sound on the stairs$ and then the bedroo* door 0as /ushed o/en, In a#ar* "u#ian /ut out his hand to s0it&h on the #i)ht$ but before he &ou#d do so so*ethin) heav+ 1u*/ed ri)ht on to/ of hi* ? He +e##ed and %i&k 0oke u/ 0ith a 1u*/, He /ut on the #i)ht!and then "u#ian sa0 0hat 0as on his bed! Ti**+ ? B Ti**+ ? Ho0 did +ou )et here @ :here>s (eor)e @ Ti**+$ is it rea##+ +ou @ B B (o##+$B said %i&k$ a*aAed, B Has (eor)e brou)ht hi* ba&k then @ Is she here too @ B 'nne &a*e in$ 0akened b+ the noise, B :h+$ Timmy , 7h "u#ian$ is (eor)e ba&k too$ then @ B B 3o$ a//arent#+ not$B said "u#ian$ /uAA#ed, B I sa+$ Ti*$ 0hat>s this +ou>ve )ot in +our *outh @ %ro/ it$ o#d &ha/$ dro/ it ? B Ti**+ dro//ed it, "u#ian /i&ked it u/ fro* the bed, B It>s a book of notes!a## in Cn&#e>s hand<0ritin) ? :hat does this *ean @ Ho0 did Ti**+ )et ho#d of it!and 0h+ did he Ibrin) it here @ It>s *ost extraordinar+ ? B 3obod+ &ou#d i*a)ine 0h+ Ti**+ had sudden#+ a//eared 0ith the book of notes!and no (eor)e,


B It>s ver+ Eueer$B said "u#ian, B There>s so*ethin) I don>t understand here, 5et>s )o and 0ake 'unt ann+,B

So the+ 0ent and 0oke her u/$ te##in) her a## the+ kne0, She 0as ver+ 0orried indeed to hear that (eor)e 0as )one, She /i&ked u/ the book of notes and kne0 at on&e that it 0as ver+ i*/ortant,


B I *ust /ut this into the safe$B she said, B I kno0 this is va#uab#e, Ho0 did Ti**+ )et ho#d of it @ B Ti**+ 0as a&tin) Eueer#+, He ke/t /a0in) at "u#ian and 0hinin), He had been ver+ /#eased to see ever+one$ but he see*ed to have so*ethin) on his *ind, B :hat is it$ o#d bo+ @ B asked %i&k, B Ho0 did +ou )et here @ 6ou didn>t s0i*$ be&ause +ou>re not 0et, If +ou &a*e in a boat$ it *ust have been 0ith (eor)e!and +et +ou>ve #eft her behind ? B B 7 think so*ethin)>s ha//ened to (eor)e$B said 'nne$ sudden#+, B I think Ti**+ kee/s /a0in) +ou to te## +ou to )o 0ith hi* and find her, Kerha/s she brou)ht hi* ba&k in the boat$ and then 0as terrib#+ tired and fe## as#ee/ on the bea&h or so*ethin), :e ou)ht to )o and see,B B 6es, I think 0e ou)ht$B said "u#ian$ B 'unt ann+$ 0ou#d +ou #ike to 0ake "oanna and )et so*ethin) hot read+$ in &ase 0e find (eor)e is tired out and &o#d @ :e>## )o do0n to the bea&h and #ook, It 0i## soon be da+#i)ht no0, The eastern sk+ is 1ust be)innin) to sho0 its first #i)ht,B B :e##$ )o and dress then$B said 'unt ann+$ sti## #ookin) ver+ 0orried indeed, B 7h$ 0hat a dreadfu# fa*i#+ I>ve )ot!a#0a+s in so*e s&ra/e or other ? B The three &hi#dren be)an to dress, Ti**+ 0at&hed the*$ 0aitin) /atient#+ ti## the+ 0ere read+, Then the+ a## 0ent do0nstairs and out of doors, "u#ian turned to0ards the bea&h$ but Ti**+ stood sti##, He /a0ed at %i&k


'nd then ran a fe0 ste/s in the o//osite dire&tion, T :h+!he doesn>t want us to )o to the bea&h ? He 0ants us to )o another 0a+ ? B &ried "u#ian$ in sur/rise, B '## ri)ht$ Ti**+!+ou #ead the 0a+ and 0e>## fo##o0 ? B



BTI996 ran round the house and *ade the *oor behind, for It 0as *ost extraordinar+, :herever 0as he )oin) @ B This is a0fu##+ Eueer$B said "u#ian, B I>* sure (eor)e &an>t be an+0here in this dire&tion,B Ti**+ 0ent on s0ift#+$ o&&asiona##+ turnin) his head to *ake sure ever+one 0as fo##o0in) hi*, He #ed the 0a+ to the Euarr+ ? B The Euarr+ ? %id (eor)e &o*e here then @ B said %i&k, B 4ut 0h+ @ B The do) disa//eared do0n into the *idd#e of the Euarr+$ s#i//in) and s#idin) do0n the stee/ sides as he 0ent, The others fo##o0ed as best the+ &ou#d, 5u&ki#+ it 0as not as s#i//er+ as before$ and the+ rea&hed the botto* 0ithout a&&ident, Ti**+ 0ent strai)ht to the she#f of ro&k and disa//eared underneath it, The+ heard hi* )ive a short shar/ bark as if to sa+ B ;o*e on ? This is the 0a+ ? Hurr+ u/ ? B B He>s )one into the tunne# under there$B said %i&k, B :here 0e thou)ht 0e *i)ht ex/#ore and didn>t, There *ust be a /assa)e or so*ethin) there$ then, 4ut is (eor)e there@B B I>## )o first$B said "u#ian$ and 0ri))#ed throu)h the ho#e, He 0as soon in the 0ider bit and then &a*e out into the /art 0here he &ou#d a#*ost stand, He 0a#ked a #itt#e 0a+ in the dark$ hearin) Ti**+ bark i*/atient#+ no0 and then, 4ut in a *o*ent or t0o "u#ian sto//ed,


B It>s no )ood tr+in) to fo##o0 +ou in the dark$ Ti**+ ? B he &a##ed, B :e>## have to )o ba&k and )et tor&hes, I &an>t see a foot in front of *e ? B %i&k 0as 1ust 0ri))#in) throu)h the first /art of the ho#e, "u#ian &a##ed to hi* to )o ba&k, B It>s too dark$B he said, B :e *ust )o and )et tor&hes, If (eor)e for so*e reason is u/ this /assa)e$ she *ust have had an a&&ident$ and 0e>d better )et a ro/e$ and so*e brand+,B 'nne be)an to &r+, She didn>t #ike the idea of (eor)e #+in) hurt in that dark /assa)e, "u#ian /ut his ar* round her as soon as he 0as in the o/en air a)ain, He he#/ed her u/ the sides of the Euarr+$ fo##o0ed b+ %i&k, B 3o0 don>t 0orr+, :e>## )et her a## ri)ht, 4ut it beats *e 0h+ she 0ent there!and I sti## &an>t i*a)ine ho0 Ti* and she &a*e fro* the is#and$ if the+ are here$ instead of on the bea&h ? B B 5ook!there>s 9artin ? B sudden#+ said %i&k in sur/rise, So there 0as ? He 0as standin) at the to/ of the Euarr+$ and see*ed 1ust as sur/rised to see the* as the+ 0ere to see hi* ? B 6ou>re u/ ear#+$B &a##ed %i&k, B 'nd )oodness *e! are +ou )oin) )ardenin) or so*ethin)@ :h+ the s/ades @ B 9artin #ooked shee/ish and didn>t see* to kno0 0hat to sa+, "u#ian sudden#+ 0a#ked u/ to hi* and &au)ht ho#d of his shou#der, B 5ook here$ 9artin ? There>s so*e funn+ business )oin) on here ? :hat are +ou )oin) to do 0ith those s/ades @ Have +ou seen (eor)e @ %o +ou kno0 0here she is$ or an+thin) about her@ ;o*e on$ te## *e ? B 9artin shook his shou#der a0a+ fro* "u#ian>s )ri/$ #ookin) extre*e#+ sur/rised,


B (eor)e @ 3o I :hat>s ha//ened to hi* @ B B (eor)e isn>t a hi*!she>s a her$B said 'nne$ sti## &r+in), B She>s disa//eared, :e thou)ht she>d )one to the is#and to find her do)!and Ti*rn+ sudden#+ a//eared at -irrin ;otta)e$ and brou)ht us here ? B B So it #ooks as if (eor)e *i)ht be so*e0here near here$B said "u#ian, B 'nd I 0ant to kno0 if +ou>ve seen her or kno0 an+thin) of her 0hereabouts @ B B 3o$ "u#ian, I s0ear I don>t ? B said 9artin, B :e##$ te## *e 0hat +ou>re doin) here so ear#+ in the *ornin)$ 0ith s/ades$B said "u#ian$ rou)h#+, B :ho are +ou 0aitin) for @ 6our father @ B


B6es$B said 9artin, B 'nd 0hat are +ou )oin) to do @ B asked %i&k, B (oin) ex/#orin) u/ the ho#e there @ B B 6es$B said 9artin a)ain$ su##en and 0orried, B 3o har* in that$ is there @ B B It>s a##!ver+!Eueer$B said "u#ian$ e+ein) hi* and s/eakin) s#o0#+ and #oud#+, B 4ut!#et *e te## +ou this! we're )oin) ex/#orin)!not +ou ? If there>s an+thin) Eueer u/ that ho#e$ we'll find it ? :e sha## not a##o0 +ou or +our father to )et throu)h the ho#e, So )o and find hi* and te## hi* that? B 9artin didn>t *ove, He 0ent ver+ 0hite$ and stared at "u#ian *iserab#+, 'nne 0ent u/ to hi*$ tears sti## on her fa&e and /ut her hand on his ar*, B 9artin$ 0hat is it @ :h+ do +ou #ook #ike that @ :hat>s the *+ster+ @ B 'nd then$ to the dis*a+ and horror of ever+one$ 9artin turned a0a+ 0ith a noise that sounded ver+ #ike a sob ? He stood 0ith his ba&k to the*$ his shou#ders shakin), B (ood )ra&ious ? :hat is u/ @ B said "u#ian$ in exas/eration, B Ku## +ourse#f to)ether$ 9artin ? Te## us 0hat>s 0orr+in) +ou,B B 2ver+thin)$ ever+thin) ? B said 9artin$ in a *uff#ed voi&e, Then he s0un) round to fa&e the*, B 6ou don>t kno0 0hat it is to have no *other and no father!nobod+ 0ho &ares about +ou!and then , , ,B B 4ut +ou have )ot a father ? B said %i&k at on&e, B I haven>t, He>s not *+ father$ that *an, He>s on#+ *+ )uardian$ but he *akes *e &a## hi* father 0henever 0e>re on a 1ob to)ether,B

B ' 1ob @ :hat sort of 1ob @ B said "u#ian, B 7h an+ kind!a## beast#+$B said 9artin, B Snoo/in) round and findin) thin)s out about /eo/#e$ and then )ettin) *one+ fro* the* if 0e /ro*ise to sa+ nothin)!and re&eivin) sto#en )oods and se##in) the*!and he#/in) /eo/#e #ike the *en 0ho are after +our un&#e>s se&ret , , ,B B Oho , B said %i&k at on&e, B 3o0 0e>re &o*in) to it, I thought +ou and 9r, ;urton 0ere both sus/i&ious#+ interested in -irrin Is#and, :hat>s this /resent 1ob$ then @ B B 9+ )uardian 0i## ha#f<ki## *e for te##in) a## this$B said 9artin, B 4ut$ +ou see$ the+>re /#annin) to b#o0 u/ the is#and!and it>s about the 0orst thin) I>ve ever been *ixed u/ in!and I kno0 +our un&#e is there!and /erha/s (eor)e too no0$ +ou sa+, I &an>t )o on 0ith it ? B ' fe0 *ore tears ran do0n his &heeks, It 0as a0fu# to see a bo+ &r+in) #ike that$ and the three fe#t sorr+ for 9artin no0, The+ 0ere a#so fu## of horror 0hen the+ heard hi* sa+ that the is#and 0as to be b#o0n u/ ? B Ho0 do +ou kno0 this @ B asked "u#ian, B :e##$ 9r, ;urton>s )ot a 0ire#ess re&eiver and trans*itter as +ou kno0$B ex/#ained 9artin$ B and so have the fe##o0s on the is#and!the ones 0ho are after +our un&#e>s se&ret!so the+ &an easi#+ kee/ in tou&h 0ith one another, The+ *ean to )et the se&ret if the+ &an!if not the+ are )oin) to b#o0 the 0ho#e /#a&e sk+<hi)h so that no)ody &an )et the se&ret, 4ut the+ &an>t )et a0a+ b+ boat$ be&ause the+ don>t kno0 the 0a+ throu)h those ro&ks, , , ,B B :e##$ ho0 0i## the+ )et a0a+ then @ B de*anded "u#ian,


B :e fee# sure this ho#e that Ti**+ found the other da+$ #eads do0n to the sea$ and under the sea<bed to -irrin Is#and$B said 9artin, B 6es$ I kno0 it sounds too *ad to be true!but 9r, ;urton>s )ot an o#d *a/ 0hi&h &#ear#+ sho0s there 0as on&e a /assa)e under the sea<bed, If there is! 0e##$ the fe##o0s a&ross on the is#and &an es&a/e do0n it$ after *akin) a## /re/arations for the is#and to be b#o0n u/, See @ B B 6es$B said "u#ian$ takin) a #on) breath, B I do see, I see it a## ver+ &#ear#+ no0, I see so*ethin) e#se too ? Timmy has found his 0a+ fro* the is#and$ usin) that sa*e /assa)e +ou have 1ust to#d us about!and that's 0h+ he>s #ed us ba&k here!to take us to the is#and and res&ue Cn&#e Duentin and (eor)e,B There 0as a dee/ si#en&e, 9artin stared at the )round, %i&k and "u#ian thou)ht hard, 'nne sobbed a #itt#e, It a## see*ed Euite unbe#ievab#e to her, Then "u#ian /ut his hand on 9artin>s ar*, B 9artin ? 6ou did ri)ht to te## us, :e *a+ be ab#e to /revent so*ethin) dreadfu#, 4ut +ou *ust he#/, :e *a+ need those s/ades of +ours! and I ex/e&t +ou>ve )ot tor&hes too, :e haven>t, :e don>t 0ant to 0aste ti*e )oin) ba&k and )ettin) the*!so 0i## +ou &o*e 0ith us and he#/ us @ :i## +ou #end us those s/ades and tor&hes @ B B :ou#d +ou trust *e @ B said 9artin$ in a #o0 voi&e, B 6es$ I 0ant to &o*e and he#/ +ou, 'nd if 0e )et in no0$ *+ )uardian 0on>t be ab#e to fo##o0$ be&ause he 0on>t have a tor&h, :e &an )et to the is#and and brin) +our un&#e and (eor)e safe#+ ba&k,B B (ood for +ou ? B said %i&k, B :e##$ &o*e on


then, :e>ve been ta#kin) far too #on), ;o*e on do0n a)ain$ "u, Hand hi* a s/ade and tor&h$ 9artin,B B 'nne$ +ou>re not to &o*e$B said "u#ian$ to his #itt#e sister, B 6ou>re to )o ba&k and te## 'unt ann+ 0hat>s ha//ened, :i## +ou do that @ B B 6es, I don>t 0ant to &o*e$B said 'nne, B I>## )o ba&k no0, %o be &arefu#$ "u#ian ? B She &#i*bed do0n 0ith the bo+s and then stood and 0at&hed ti## a## three had disa//eared into the ho#e, Ti**+$ 0ho had been 0aitin) i*/atient#+ durin) the ta#kin)$ barkin) no0 and a)ain$ 0as )#ad to find that at #ast the+ 0ere )oin) to *ake a *ove, He ran ahead in the tunne#$ his e+es )#ea*in) )reen ever+ ti*e he turned to see if the+ 0ere fo##o0in), 'nne be)an to &#i*b u/ the stee/ side of the Euarr+ a)ain, Then$ thinkin) she heard a &ou)h$ she sto//ed and &rou&hed under a bush, She /eered throu)h the #eaves and sa0 9r, (urton, Then she heard his voi&e, B 9artin ? :here on earth are +ou @ B So he had &o*e to #ook for 9artin and )o u/ the tunne# 0ith hi* ? 'nne hard#+ dared to breathe, 9r, ;urton &a##ed a)ain and a)ain$ then *ade an i*/atient noise and be)an to &#i*b do0n the side of the Euarr+, Sudden#+ he s#i//ed ? He &#ut&hed at a bush as he /assed$ but it )ave 0a+, He ro##ed Euite near 'nne$ and &au)ht si)ht of her, He #ooked astonished$ but then his #ook be&a*e one of fear as he ro##ed *ore and *ore Eui&k#+ to the botto* of the dee/ Euarr+, 'nne heard hi* )ive a dee/ )roan as at #ast he &a*e to a sto/, 'nne /eered do0n in fri)ht, 9r, ;urton 0as


sittin) u/$ ho#din) one of his #e)s and )roanin), He #ooked u/ to see if he &ou#d s/+ 'nne,

B 'nne ? B he &a##ed, B I>ve broken *+ #e)$ I think, ;an +ou fet&h he#/ @ :hat are +ou doin) here so ear#+ @ Have +ou seen 9artin @ B


'nne did not ans0er, If he had broken his #e)$ then he &ou#dn>t )o after the others ? 'nd 'nne &ou#d )et a0a+ Eui&k#+, She &#i*bed &arefu##+$ afraid of ro##in) do0n to the botto*$ and havin) to #ie beside the horrid 9r, ;urton, B 'nne ? Have +ou seen 9artin @ 5ook for hi* and )et he#/ for *e$ 0i## +ou @ B shouted 9r, ;urton$ and then )roaned a)ain, 'nne &#i*bed to the to/ of the Euarr+ and #ooked do0n, She &u//ed her hands round her *outh and shouted #oud#+ . B 6ou>re a ver+ 0i&ked *an, I shan>t fet&h he#/ for +ou, I si*/#+ &an>t )ear +ou ? B 'nd$ havin) )ot a## that off her &hest$ the #itt#e )ir# shot off at to/ s/eed over the *oor, B I *ust te## 'unt ann+, She>## kno0 0hat to do ? 7h I ho/e the others are safe, :hat sha## 0e do if the is#and b#o0s u/ @ I>* )#ad$ )#ad$ )#ad I to#d 9r, ;urton he 0as a ver+ 0i&ked *an,B 'nd on she ran$ /antin), 'unt ann+ 0ou#d kno0 0hat to do ?


C"#$te% T&ent' EVERYTHING BOILS UP 92'3:HI52 the three bo+s and Ti**+ 0ere havin) a stran)e 1ourne+ under)round, Ti**+ #ed the 0a+ 0ithout fa#terin)$ sto//in) ever+ no0 and a)ain for the others to &at&h u/ 0ith hi*, The tunne# at first had a ver+ #o0 roof and the bo+s had to 0a#k a#on) in a stoo/in) /osition$ 0hi&h 0as ver+ tirin) indeed, 4ut after a bit the roof be&a*e hi)her and "u#ian$ f#ashin) his tor&h round$ sa0 that the 0a##s and f#oor$ instead of bein) *ade of soi#$ 0ere no0 *ade of ro&k, He tried to re&kon out 0here the+ 0ere, B :e>ve &o*e /ra&ti&a##+ strai)ht to0ards the &#iff$B he said to %i&k, BThat>s a##o0in) for a fe0 turns and t0ists, The tunne# has s#o/ed do0n so stee/#+ the #ast fe0 hundred +ards that I think 0e *ust be ver+ far under)round indeed,B It 0as not unti# the bo+s heard the &urious boo*in) noise that (eor)e had heard in the &aves$ that the+ kne0 the+ *ust be under the ro&k+ bed of the sea, The+ 0ere 0a#kin) under the sea to -irrin Is#and, Ho0 stran)e$ ho0 unbe#ievab#+ astonishin) ? B It>s #ike a /e&u#iar#+ vivid drea*$B said "u#ian, B I>* not sure I #ike it ver+ *u&h ? '## ri)ht$ Ti*!0e>re &o*in), Ha##o!0hat>s this @ B The+ a## sto//ed, "u#ian f#ashed his tor&h ahead and sa0 a /i#e of fa##en ro&ks, Ti**+ had *ana)ed to sEueeAe hi*se#f throu)h a ho#e


in the*$ and )o throu)h to the other side$ but the bo+s &ou#dn>t, B This is 0here the s/ades &o*e in$ 9artin ? B said %i&k$ &heerfu##+, B Take a hand ?B 4+ dint of /ushin) and shove##in)$ the bo+s at #ast *ana)ed to *ove the /i#e of fa##en ro&ks enou)h to *ake a 0a+ /ast, B Thank )oodness for the s/ades ? B said "u#ian, The+ 0ent on$ and 0ere soon ver+ )#ad of the s/ades a)ain$ to *ove another hea/ of ro&k, Ti**+ barked i*/atient#+ 0hen the+ ke/t hi* 0aitin), He 0as ver+ anxious to )et ba&k to (eor)e, Soon the+ &a*e to 0here the tunne# forked into t0o, 4ut Ti**+ took the ri)ht<hand /assa)e 0ithout hesitation$ and 0hen that one forked into three$ he a)ain &hose one 0ithout sto//in) to think for one *o*ent, B 9arve##ous$ isn>t he @ B said "u#ian, B '## done b+ s*e## ? He>s been this 0a+ on&e$ so he kno0s it a)ain, :e shou#d be &o*/#ete#+ #ost under here if 0e &a*e b+ ourse#ves,B 9artin 0as not en1o+in) this adventure at a##, He said ver+ #itt#e$ but #aboured on after the others, %i&k )uessed he 0as 0orr+in) about 0hat 0as )oin) to ha//en 0hen the adventure 0as over, Koor 9artin, '## he 0anted to do 0as to dra0!and instead of that he had been dra))ed into one horrib#e 1ob after another$ and used as a &at>s /a0 b+ his evi# )uardian, B %o +ou think 0e>re an+0here near the is#and @ B said %i&k$ at #ast, B I>* )ettin) tired of this ? B B 6es$ 0e *ust be$B said "u#ian, B In fa&t I think 0e>d better be as Euiet as 0e &an$ in &ase 0e &o*e sudden#+ on the ene*+ ? B


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So$ 0ithout s/eakin) a)ain$ the+ 0ent as Euiet#+ as the+ &ou#d!and then sudden#+ the+ sa0 a faint #i)ht ahead of the*, "u#ian /ut out his hand to " sto/ the others, The+ 0ere nearin) the &ave 0here (eor)e>s H father had his books and /a/ers!0here (eor)e had found hi* the ni)ht before, Ti**+ stood in front of the*$ #istenin) too, He 0as not )oin) to run head#on) into dan)er ? The+ heard voi&es$ and #istened intent#+ to see 0hose the+ 0ere, B (eor)e>s!and Cn&#e Duentin>s$B said "u#ian at #ast, 'nd$ as if Ti**+ had H a#so satisfied hi*se#f that those 0ere indeed the t0o voi&es$ the do) ran ahead and 0ent into the #i)hted &ave$ barkin) 1o+fu##+, B Ti**+ ? B &a*e (eor)e>s voi&e$ and the+ heard so*ethin) overturn as she s/ran) u/, "1 B :here have +ou been @ B B :oof$B said Ti**+$ tr+in) to ex/#ain, B :oof? B 'nd then "u#ian and %i&k ran into the &ave fo##o0ed b+ 9artin ? Cn&#e Duentin and (eor)e stared in the ver+ )reatest a*aAe*ent, B"u#ian? %i&k? 'nd artin, Ho0 did you )et here @ B &ried (eor)e$ 0hi#st Ti**+ 1u*/ed and &a/ered round her, B I>## ex/#ain$B said "u#ian, B It 0as Ti**+ that fet&hed us ? B 'nd he re#ated the 0ho#e stor+ of ho0 Ti**+ had &o*e into -irrin ;otta)e in the ear#+ *ornin) and had 1u*/ed on his bed$ and a## that had ha//ened sin&e, 'nd then$ in their turn$ Cn&#e Duentin and (eor)e to#d a## that had ha//ened to them , - :here are the t0o *en @ B asked "u#ian, B So*e0here on the is#and$B said (eor)e,


B I 0ent s&outin) after the* so*e ti*e a)o$ and fo##o0ed the* u/ to 0here the+ )et out into the #itt#e stone roo*, I think the+>re there unti# ha#f</ast ten$ 0hen the+>## )o u/ and si)na#$ so that /eo/#e 0i## think ever+thin) is a## ri)ht,B B :e##$ 0hat are our /#ans @B said "u#ian, B :i## +ou &o*e ba&k do0n the /assa)e under the sea 0ith us @ 7r 0hat sha## 0e do @ B B 4etter not do that$B said 9artin$ Eui&k#+, B 9+ )uardian *a+ be &o*in)!and he>s in tou&h 0ith other *en, If he 0onders 0here I a*$ and thinks so*ethin) is u/$ he *a+ &a## in t0o or three others$ and 0e *i)ht *eet the* *akin) their 0a+ u/ the /assa)e,B The+ did not kno0$ of &ourse$ that 9r, ;urton 0as even then #+in) 0ith a broken #e) at the botto* of the Euarr+, Cn&#e Duentin &onsidered, B I>ve been )iven seven hours to sa+ 0hether or not I 0i## )ive the fe##o0s *+ se&ret$B he said, B That ti*e 0i## be u/ 1ust after ha#f</ast ten, Then the *en 0i## &o*e do0n a)ain to see *e, I think bet0een us 0e ou)ht to be ab#e to &a/ture the*!es/e&ia##+ as 0e>ve )ot Ti**+ 0ith us ? B B 6es!that>s a )ood idea$B said "u#ian, B :e &ou#d hide so*e0here ti## the+ &o*e!and then set Ti**+ on the* before the+ sus/e&t an+thin) ? B '#*ost before he had finished these 0ords the #i)ht in the &ave 0ent out ? Then a voi&e s/oke out of the b#a&kness, B -ee/ sti## ? 7ne *ove*ent and I>## shoot,B (eor)e )as/ed, :hat 0as ha//enin)@ Had the *en &o*e ba&k unex/e&ted#+ @ 7h$ 0h+ hadn>t Ti**+ )iven the* 0arnin)@ She had been

fond#in) his ears$ so /robab#+ he had been unab#e to hear an+thin) ? She he#d Ti**+>s &o##ar$ afraid that he 0ou#d f#+ at the *an in the darkness and be shot, The voi&e s/oke a)ain, B :i## +ou or 0i## +ou not )ive us +our se&ret @ B B 3ot$B said Cn&#e Duentin$ in a #o0 voi&e, B 6ou 0i## have this 0ho#e is#and$ and a## +our 0ork b#o0n u/ then$ and +ourse#f too and the others @ B B 6es ? 6ou &an do 0hat +ou #ike ? B sudden#+ +e##ed (eor)e, B 6ou>## be b#o0n u/ +ourse#f too, 6ou>## never be ab#e to )et a0a+ in a boat !+ou>## )o on the ro&ks ? B The *an in the darkness #au)hed, B :e sha## be safe$B he said, B 3o0$ kee/ at the ba&k of the &ave, I have +ou &overed 0ith *+ revo#ver,B The+ a## &rou&hed at the ba&k, Ti**+ )ro0#ed$ but (eor)e *ade hi* sto/ at on&e, She did not kno0 if the *en kne0 he 0as free or not, Duiet footste/s /assed a&ross the &ave in the darkness, (eor)e #istened$ strainin) her ears, T0o /airs of footste/s ? 4oth *en 0ere /assin) throu)h the &ave, She kne0 0here the+ 0ere )oin) ? The+ 0ere )oin) to es&a/e b+ the under< sea /assa)e!and #eave the is#and to be b#o0n u/ behind the* ? 's soon as the footste/s had died a0a+$ (eor)e s0it&hed on her tor&h, B ather ? Those *en are es&a/in) no0$ do0n the sea<tunne#, :e *ust es&a/e too!but not that 0a+ ? 9+ boat is on the shore, 5et>s )et there Eui&k#+ and )et a0a+ before there>s an+ ex/#osion,B B 6es$ &o*e a#on)$B said her father, B 4ut if


on#+ I &ou#d )et u/ into *+ to0er$ I &ou#d sto/ an+ 0i&ked /#an of theirs ? The+ *ean to use the /o0er there$ I kno0!but if I &ou#d )et u/ to the )#ass roo*$ I &ou#d undo a## their /#ans ? B B 7h do be Eui&k then$ ather ? B &ried (eor)e$ )ettin) in Euite a /ani& no0, B Save *+ is#and if +ou &an ? B The+ a## *ade their 0a+ throu)h the &ave u/ to the /assa)e that #ed to the stone f#i)ht of ste/s fro* the #itt#e stone roo*, 'nd there the+ had a sho&k ? The stone &ou#d not be o/ened fro* the inside ? The *en had a#tered the *e&hanis* so that it &ou#d no0 on#+ be o/ened fro* the outside, In vain Cn&#e Duentin s0un) the #ever to and fro, 3othin) ha//ened, The stone 0ou#d not *ove, B It>s on#+ fro* outside it &an be o/ened$B he said in des/air, B :e>re tra//ed ? B The+ sat do0n on the stone ste/s in a ro0$ one above the other, The+ 0ere &o#d$ hun)r+ and *iserab#e, :hat &ou#d the+ do no0@ 9ake their 0a+ ba&k to the &ave$ and then )o on do0n the under<sea tunne#@ B I don>t 0ant to do that$B said Cn&#e Duentin, B I>* so afraid that if there is an ex/#osion$ it *a+ &ra&k the ro&k+ bed of the sea$ 0hi&h is the roof of the tunne#!and then 0ater 0ou#d /our in, It 0ou#dn>t be /#easant if 0e ha//ened to be there at that *o*ent,B B 7h no, %on>t #et>s be tra//ed #ike that$B said (eor)e$ 0ith a shudder, B I &ou#dn>t bear it,B B Kerha/s I &ou#d )et so*ethin) to ex/#ode this stone a0a+$B said her father$ after a 0hi#e,


It>s on#+ fro* outside it &an be o/ened$B he said in des/air, B :e>re tra//ed ? B B I>ve )ot /#ent+ of stuff if on#+ I>ve ti*e to /ut it to)ether,B B 5isten ? B said "u#ian$ sudden#+, B I &an hear so*ethin) outside this 0a##, Sh ? B The+ a## #istened intent#+, Ti**+ 0hined and s&rat&hed at the stone that 0ou#d not *ove,


B It>s voi&es ? B &ried %i&k, B 5ots of the*, :ho &an it be @ B B 4e 3uiet- said "u#ian$ fier&e#+, B :e must find out?B B I kno0$ I kno0 ? B said (eor)e$ sudden#+, B It>s the fisher*en 0ho have &o*e over in their boats ? That's 0h+ the *en didn>t 0ait ti## ha#f</ast ten ? Thafs 0h+ the+>ve )one in su&h a hurr+ ? The+ sa0 the fisher<boats &o*in) ? B B Then 'nne *ust have brou)ht the* ? B &ried %i&k, B She *ust have run ho*e to 'unt ann+$ to#d her ever+thin) and )iven the ne0s to the fisher*en!and the+>ve &o*e to res&ue us ? 'nne ? '332 ? :2>82 H282? B Ti**+ be)an to bark deafenin)#+, The others en&oura)ed hi*$ be&ause the+ fe#t &ertain that Ti**+>s bark 0as #ouder than their shouts ? B :77 ? :77 ? :77 ? B 'nne heard the barkin) and the shoutin) as soon as she ran into the #itt#e stone roo*, B :here are +ou @ :here are +ou @ B she +e##ed, B H282 ? H282 ? 97I2 TH2 ST732 ? B +e##ed "u#ian$ shoutin) so #oud#+ that ever+one near hi* 1u*/ed vio#ent#+, B 9ove aside$ 9iss!I &an see 0hi&h stone it is$B said a *an>s dee/ voi&e, It 0as one of the fisher*en, He fe#t round and about the stone in the re&ess$ sure it 0as the ri)ht one be&ause it 0as &#eaner than the others throu)h bein) used as an entran&e, Sudden#+ he tou&hed the ri)ht /#a&e$ and found a tin+ iron s/ike, He /u##ed it do0n!and the #ever s0un) ba&k behind it$ and /u##ed the stone aside ? 2ver+one hurried out$ one on to/ of the other ?

The six fisher*en standin) in the #itt#e roo* stared in astonish*ent, 'unt ann+ 0as there too$ and 'nne, 'unt ann+ ran to her husband as soon as he a//eared!but to her sur/rise he /ushed her a0a+ Euite rou)h#+, He ran out of the roo*$ and hurried to the to0er, :as he in ti*e to save the is#and and ever+one on it @ 7h hurr+$ hurr+ ?


Chapter Twenty-one THE END OF THE ADVENTURE B:H282>S he )one@B said 'unt ann+$ Euite hurt, 3obod+ ans0ered, "u#ian$ (eor)e and 9artin 0ere 0at&hin) the to0er 0ith anxious intensit+, If on#+ Cn&#e Duentin 0ou#d a//ear at the to/, 'h!there he 0as ? He had taken u/ 0ith hi* a bi) stone, 's ever+one 0at&hed he s*ashed the )#ass round the to0er 0ith the stone, ;rash ? ;rash ? ;rash ? The 0ires that ran throu)h the )#ass 0ere broken and s/#it as the )#ass &rashed into /ie&es, 3o /o0er &ou#d ra&e throu)h the* no0, Cn&#e Duentin #eaned out of the broken )#ass roo* and shouted exu#tant#+, B It>s a## ri)ht? I 0as in ti*e ? I>ve destro+ed the /o0er that *i)ht have b#o0n u/ the is#and! +ou>re safe ? B (eor)e found that her knees 0ere sudden#+ shakin), She had to sit do0n on the f#oor ? Ti**+ &a*e and #i&ked her fa&e 0onderin)#+, Then he too sat do0n, B :hat>s he doin)$ s*ashin) the to0er u/ @ B asked a bur#+ fisher*an, B I don>t understand a## this,B Cn&#e Duentin &a*e do0n the to0er and re1oined the*, B 'nother ten *inutes and I shou#d have been too #ate$B he said, B Thank )oodness$ 'nne$ +ou a## arrived 0hen +ou did,B $ B I ran a## the 0a+ ho*e$ to#d 'unt ann+$ and 0e )ot the fisher*en to &o*e over as soon



as the+ &ou#d )et out their boats$B ex/#ained 'nne, B :e &ou#dn>t think of an+ other 0a+ of res&uin) +ou, :here are the 0i&ked *en @ B B Tr+in) to es&a/e do0n the under<sea tunne#$B said "u#ian, B 7h!+ou don>t kno0 about that$ 'nne ? B 'nd he to#d her$ 0hi#st the fisher*en #istened o/en<*outhed, B 5ook here$B said Cn&#e Duentin$ 0hen he had finished, B 's the boats are here$ the *en *i)ht as 0e## take a## *+ )ear ba&k 0ith the*, I>ve finished *+ 1ob here, I shan>t 0ant the is#and an+ *ore,B B 7h ? Then we &an have it? B said (eor)e$ de#i)hted, B 'nd there>s /#ent+ of the ho#ida+s #eft, :e>## he#/ to brin) u/ 0hat +ou 0ant$ ather,B B :e ou)ht to )et ba&k as Eui&k#+ as 0e &an$ so as to &at&h those fe##o0s at the other end of the tunne#$ sir$B said one of the fisher*en, B 6es, :e ou)ht$B said 'unt ann+, B (ra&ious ? The+>## find 9r, ;urton there 0ith a broken #e)$B said 'nne$ sudden#+ re*e*berin), The others #ooked at her in sur/rise, This 0as the first the+ had heard of 9r, ;urton bein) in the Euarr+, 'nne ex/#ained, B 'nd I to#d hi* he 0as a ver+ 0i&ked *an$B she ended triu*/hant#+, B Duite ri)ht$B said Cn&#e Duentin$ 0ith a #au)h, B :e##$ /erha/s 0e>d better )et *+ )ear another ti*e,B B 7h$ t0o of us &an see to that for +ou no0$B said the bur#+ fisher*an, B 9iss (eor)e here$ she>s )ot her boat in the &ove$ and +ou>ve )ot +ours$ sir, The others &an )o ba&k 0ith +ou$ if +ou #ike!and To* and *e$ 0e>## fix u/ +our

thin)s and brin) the* a&ross to the *ain#and #ater on, Save us &o*in) over a)ain$ sir,B B8i)ht$B said Cn&#e Duentin$ /#eased, B6ou do that$ then, It>s do0n in the &aves throu)h that tunne# behind the stone,B The+ a## 0ent do0n to the &ove, It 0as a beautifu# da+ and the sea 0as ver+ &a#*$ ex&e/t 1ust round the is#and$ 0here the 0aters 0ere a#0a+s rou)h, Soon the boats 0ere bein) sai#ed or ro0ed to the *ain#and, B The adventure is over ? B said 'nne, B Ho0 Eueer!I didn>t think it 0as one 0hi#e it 0as ha//enin)!but no0 I see it 0as ? B B 'nother to add to our #on) #ist of adventures$B said "u#ian, B ;heer u/$ 9artin!don>t #ook so b#ue, :hatever ha//ens$ 0e>## see +ou don>t &o*e out bad#+ over this, 6ou he#/ed us$ and +ou thre0 in +our #ot 0ith us, :e>## see that +ou don>t suffer!0on>t 0e$ Cn&#e Duentin @ :e>d never have )ot throu)h those fa##s of ro&k if 0e hadn>t had 9artin and his s/ades ? B B :e##!thanks$B said 9artin, B If +ou &an )et *e a0a+ fro* *+ )uardian!and never #et *e see hi* a)ain !I>d be ha//+ ? B B It>s Euite #ike#+ that 9r, ;urton 0i##$ be /ut so*e0here safe 0here he 0on>t be ab#e to see his friends for Euite a #on) ti*e$B said Cn&#e Duentin dr+#+, BSo I don>t think +ou need 0orr+,B 's soon as the boats rea&hed shore$ "u#ian$ %i&k$ Ti**+ and Cn&#e Duentin 0ent off to the Euarr+ to see if 9r, ;urton 0as sti## there!and to 0ait for the other t0o *en to &o*e out of the tunne# ? 9r, ;urton 0as there a## ri)ht$ sti## )roanin)


and &a##in) for he#/, Cn&#e Duentin s/oke to hi* stern#+, B :e kno0 +our /art in this *atter$ ;urton, 6ou 0i## be dea#t 0ith b+ the /o#i&e, The+ 0i## be a#on) in a short 0hi#e,B Ti**+ sniffed round 9r, ;urton$ and then 0a#ked a0a+$ nose in air$ as if to sa+ B :hat a nast+ bit of 0ork ? B The others arran)ed the*se#ves at the *outh of the ho#e and 0aited, 4ut nobod+ &a*e, 'n hour 0ent b+!t0o hours, Sti## nobod+, B I>* )#ad 9artin and 'nne didn>t &o*e$B said Cn&#e Duentin, I do 0ish 0e>d brou)ht sand0i&hes,B 't that *o*ent the /o#i&e arrived$ s&ra*b#in) do0n the stee/ sides of the Euarr+, The /o#i&e do&tor 0as 0ith the* and he sa0 to 9r, ;urton>s #e), Then$ 0ith the he#/ of the others$ he )ot the *an to the to/ 0ith )reat diffi&u#t+, B"u#ian$ )o ba&k and )et sand0i&hes$B said Cn&#e Duentin at #ast, B It #ooks as if 0e>ve )ot a #on) 0ait? B "u#ian 0ent ba&k$ and 0as soon do0n the Euarr+ 0ith neat /a&kets of ha* sand0i&hes and a ther*os of hot &offee, The t0o /o#i&e*en 0ho 0ere sti## #eft offered to sta+ and 0at&h$ if Cn&#e Duentin 0anted to )o ho*e, B %ear *e$ no ? B he said, B I 0ant to see the fa&es of these t0o fe##o0s 0hen the+ &o*e out, It>s )oin) to be one of the ni&est *o*ents of *+ #ife ? The is#and is not b#o0n u/, 9+ se&ret is safe, 9+ book is safe, 9+ 0ork is finished, 'nd I 1ust 0ant to te## these thin)s to *+ t0o dear friends ? B B 6ou kno0$ ather$ I be#ieve the+>ve #ost their 0a+ under)round$B said (eor)e, B"u#ian said


there 0ere *an+ different /assa)es, Ti**+ took the bo+s throu)h the ri)ht ones$ of &ourse!but the+ 0ou#d have been Euite #ost if the+ hadn>t had hi* 0ith the* ? B Her father>s fa&e fe## at the thou)ht of the *en bein) #ost under)round, He did so bad#+ 0ant to see their dis*a+ed fa&es 0hen the+ arrived in the Euarr+ ? B :e &ou#d send Ti**+ in$B said "u#ian, B He 0ou#d soon find the* and brin) the* out, :ou#dn>t +ou$ Ti* @ B B :oof$B said Ti**+$ a)reein), B 7h +es!that>s a )ood idea$B said (eor)e, B The+ 0on>t hurt hi* if the+ think he &an sho0 the* the 0a+ out? (o on in$ Ti**+, ind the* bo+= find the*? 4rin) the* here ? B B :oof$B said Ti**+$ ob#i)in)#+$ and disa//eared under the she#f of ro&k, 2ver+one 0aited$ *un&hin) sand0i&hes and si//in) &offee, 'nd then the+ heard Ti**+>s bark a)ain$ fro* under)round ? There 0as a /antin) noise$ then a s&ra/in) sound as so*ebod+ &a*e 0ri))#in) out fro* under the ro&k, He stood u/!and then he sa0 the si#ent )rou/ 0at&hin) hi*, He )as/ed, B (ood *ornin)$ "ohnson$B said Cn&#e Duentin$ in an a*iab#e voi&e, B Ho0 are +ou @ B "ohnson 0ent 0hite, He sat do0n on the nearb+ heather, B 6ou 0in ? B he said, B I do$B said Cn&#e Duentin, B In fa&t$ I 0in handso*e#+, 6our #itt#e /#an 0ent 0ron), 9+ se&ret is sti## safe!and next +ear it 0i## be )iven to the 0ho#e 0or#d ? B There 0as another s&ra/in) sound and the


se&ond *an arrived, He stood u/ too!and then he sa0 the Euiet#+ 0at&hin) )rou/, B (ood *ornin)$ Keters$B said Cn&#e Duentin, B So ni&e to see +ou a)ain, Ho0 did +ou #ike +our under)round 0a#k @ :e found it better to &o*e b+ sea,B Keters #ooked at "ohnson$ and he too sat do0n sudden#+, B :hat>s ha//ened @ B he said to "ohnson, B It>s a## u/$B said "ohnson, Then Ti**+ a//eared$ 0a))in) his tai#$ and 0ent to (eor)e, B I bet the+ 0ere )#ad 0hen Ti**+ &a*e u/ to the* ? B said "u#ian, "ohnson #ooked at hi*, B 6es, :e 0ere #ost in those hatefu# tunne#s, ;urton said he>d &o*e to *eet us$ but he never &a*e,B B 3o, He>s /robab#+ in the /rison hos/ita# b+ no0$ 0ith a broken #e)$B said Cn&#e Duentin, B :e##$ &onstab#e !do +our dut+,B 4oth *en 0ere at on&e arrested, Then the 0ho#e &o*/an+ *ade their 0a+ ba&k over the *oor, The t0o *en 0ere /ut into a /o#i&e &ar and driven off, The rest of the &o*/an+ 0ent into -irrin ;otta)e to have a )ood *ea#, B I>* *ost terrib#+ hun)r+$B said (eor)e, B"oanna$ have +ou )ot an+thin) ni&e for breakfast @ B B 3ot *u&h$B said "oanna$ fro* the kit&hen, B 7n#+ ba&on and e))s and *ushroo*s ? B B 7ooh ? B said 'nne, B "oanna$ +ou sha## have the 7,4,(,4,2, ? B B 'nd 0hat *a+ that be @ B &ried "oanna$ but 'nne &ou#dn>t re*e*ber, BIt>s a de&oration ? B she &ried, B :e##$ I>* not a ;hrist*as tree ? B shouted

ba&k "oanna, B 6ou &o*e and he#/ 0ith the breakfast?B It 0as a ver+ 1o##+ breakfast that the seven of the*! no ei)ht$ for Ti**+ *ust &ertain#+ be &ounted!sat do0n to, 9artin$ no0 that he 0as free of his )uardian$ be&a*e Euite a different bo+, The &hi#dren *ade /#ans for hi*, B 6ou &an sta+ 0ith the &oast)uard$ be&ause he #ikes +ou! he ke/t on and on sa+in) +ou 0eren>t a bad bo+ ? 'nd +ou &an &o*e and /#a+ 0ith us and )o to the is#and, 'nd Cn&#e Duentin 0i## see if he &an )et +ou into an art<s&hoo#, He sa+s +ou deserve a re0ard for he#/in) to save his 0onderfu# se&ret? B 9artin )#o0ed 0ith /#easure, It see*ed as if a #oad had fa##en a0a+ fro* his shou#ders, B I>ve never had a &han&e ti## no0$B he said$ B I>## *ake )ood, 6ou see if I don>t? B B 9other ? ;an 0e )o and sta+ on -irrin Is#and and 0at&h the to0er bein) taken do0n to<*orro0 @ B be))ed (eor)e, B %o sa+ +es ? 'nd &an 0e sta+ there a 0ho#e 0eek @ :e &an s#ee/ in that #itt#e roo* as 0e did before,B B :e##!I su//ose +ou &an ? B said her *other$ s*i#in) at (eor)e>s ea)er fa&e, B I>d rather #ike to have +our father to *+se#f for a fe0 da+s and feed hi* u/ a bit,B B 7h!that re*inds *e$ ann+$B said her husband$ sudden#+, B I tried so*e sou/ +ou #eft for *e$ the ni)ht before #ast, 'nd$ *+ dear$ it 0as horrib#e ? Duite bad 1 B B 7h /uentin , I to#d +ou to /our it a0a+ ? 6ou kno0 I did$B said his 0ife$ distressed, B It *ust have been &o*/#ete#+ bad, 6ou rea##+ are dreadfu#,B


The+ a## finished their breakfast at #ast$ and 0ent out into the )arden, The+ #ooked a&ross -irrin 4a+ to -irrin Is#and, It #ooked #ove#+ in the *ornin) sun, B :e>ve had a #ot of adventures to)ether$B said "u#ian, B 9ore than *ost &hi#dren, The+ have been ex&itin)$ haven>t the+ @ B 6es!the+ have ? 4ut no0 0e *ust sa+ )oodb+e to the ive$ and to -irrin Is#and too, (oodb+e$ "u#ian$ %i&k$ (eor)e$ 'nne!and Ti**+, 4ut on#+ Ti**+ hears our )ood<b+e$ for he has su&h shar/ ears, B:oof? (ood<b+e?B


Enid Blyton


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