RPP Bio SMP 2 Gorontalo 2

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Versi terjemahan dari RPP BIO SMP 2 GORONTALO.

LESSON PLAN (RPP) Name of School: Junior High School 2 Gorontalo Subjects: Biology Class / Semester: VII / Odd A. Standard Competence : Being 2.Memahami substances and chemical changes B. Competency Basic : 2 .1 Menyelididki properties of substances based on his form and its application in daily life C. Destination Learning : Participants learners can: 1. Characterizing the properties of substances based on his form 2. Classify the types of substances based on changing its form Character of students expected: Discipline (Discipline) Respect and attention (Respect) Diligent (Diligence) Responsibility (Responsibility) Accuracy (Carefulness) D. Material Learning : States of matter, and properties of substances E. Method and Learning Model : Model

Group Investigation


Lecture Discussion Group

F. Step-by-Step Activity FIRST MEETING

Face Advance

a. Activities Introduction Motivation and apperception

HAVE you heard term substance or see existing substances in environment around You through a medium?

Prerequisite knowledge

What is with states of matter? How a substance can change?

b. Core Activities


In exploration activities, the teacher:

Explain material with true. Mention Miscellaneous states of matter Explain how demolition states of matter. Request student for think at once complete about material and problems are presented. involve participant learners search extensive information and in about topic / theme material that will be learned and learn of various source; use diverse approach learning, instructional media, and source Another study; facilitate occurrence interaction among participants learners and between participant learners with teachers, the environment, and source learn other; involve participant learners in active in each activity learning, and

facilitate participant learners do trial in field. Elaboration

In the course of elaboration, the teacher:

Divide class in some group heterogeneous. Explain intent learning and task group Call heads for one material task so that one group have task one material / different tasks of other groups Request each group discuss material that has been there is in cooperative contain discovery. After completed discussion, through interpreter speech, the chairman deliver result discussion group Direct talks on principal problems and add material that has not diu ngkapkan the student Respond result discussion participant learners and members fish real information. Provide explanation brief at once give conclusion Confirmation

In the course of confirmation, the teacher:

Provide motivation to participant students who are less or not yet participate active. Ask answer about things that have not been unknown student With student ask answer straighten error understanding, giving strengthening and inference

c. Closing Activities In the closing activity, the teacher:

Provide appreciation to group with performance better. Co- with participant learners and / or own make summary / conclusion lessons; Do valuation and / or reflection against activities that have been implemented in consistent and programmed; Provide bait reverse against process and result learning;.

Provide task home form exercise matter.

G. Tool and Ingredients:

LCD Sheet Work Students (LKS) Markers Board

H. Source Learning: 1. Book ipa smp science 2. Book IPA SM P KLS VI I SBC 2006, by Ernawaty, (grants) I. Rating: Assessment techniques a. Valuation Process

Liveliness student in submit question Liveliness student in answer question Mastery material

b. Valuation performance based result

Group Individual

c. Panilaian result

Essay Test of Assessment of techniques Form of instrument Instruments / about Briefly describe a change of state of a substance

Indicators achievement competence

The types of changes in Test performance The written test states of matter

Knowing Gorontalo, December 28, 2012 Normative Coordinator / Adaptive Subject Teacher Dra. Silvia Thaib Siti F. Tjodi NIP: 195401071984022003 NIM: 431 409 014 Know Head of SMP Negeri 2 Gorontalo Drs. Sugiono G. Hadju NIP: 195312121975101007

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Versi terjemahan dari RPP BIO SMP 2 GORONTALO.docx

LESSON PLAN (RPP) Name of School: Junior High School 2 Gorontalo Subjects: Biology Class / Semester: VII / Odd A. Standard Competence : Being 2.Memahami substances and chemical changes B. Competency Basic : 2 .1 Menyelididki properties of substances based on his form and its application in daily life C. Destination Learning : Participants learners can: 1. Characterizing the properties of substances based on his form 2. Classify the types of substances based on changing its form Character of students expected: Discipline (Discipline) Respect and attention (Respect) Diligent (Diligence) Responsibility (Responsibility) Accuracy (Carefulness) D. Material Learning : States of matter, and properties of substances E. Method and Learning Model : Model

Group Investigation


Lecture Discussion Group

F. Step-by-Step Activity FIRST MEETING

Face Advance

a. Activities Introduction Motivation and apperception

HAVE you heard term substance or see existing substances in environment around You through a medium?

Prerequisite knowledge

What is with states of matter? How a substance can change?

b. Core Activities


In exploration activities, the teacher:

Explain material with true. Mention Miscellaneous states of matter Explain how demolition states of matter. Request student for think at once complete about material and problems are presented. involve participant learners search extensive information and in about topic / theme material that will be learned and learn of various source; use diverse approach learning, instructional media, and source Another study; facilitate occurrence interaction among participants learners and between participant learners with teachers, the environment, and source learn other; involve participant learners in active in each activity learning, and

facilitate participant learners do trial in field. Elaboration

In the course of elaboration, the teacher:

Divide class in some group heterogeneous. Explain intent learning and task group Call heads for one material task so that one group have task one material / different tasks of other groups Request each group discuss material that has been there is in cooperative contain discovery. After completed discussion, through interpreter speech, the chairman deliver result discussion group Direct talks on principal problems and add material that has not diu ngkapkan the student Respond result discussion participant learners and members fish real information. Provide explanation brief at once give conclusion Confirmation

In the course of confirmation, the teacher:

Provide motivation to participant students who are less or not yet participate active. Ask answer about things that have not been unknown student With student ask answer straighten error understanding, giving strengthening and inference

c. Closing Activities In the closing activity, the teacher:

Provide appreciation to group with performance better. Co- with participant learners and / or own make summary / conclusion lessons; Do valuation and / or reflection against activities that have been implemented in consistent and programmed; Provide bait reverse against process and result learning;.

Provide task home form exercise matter.

G. Tool and Ingredients:

LCD Sheet Work Students (LKS) Markers Board

H. Source Learning: 1. Book ipa smp science 2. Book IPA SM P KLS VI I SBC 2006, by Ernawaty, (grants) I. Rating: Assessment techniques a. Valuation Process

Liveliness student in submit question Liveliness student in answer question Mastery material

b. Valuation performance based result

Group Individual

c. Panilaian result

Essay Test of Assessment of techniques Form of instrument Instruments / about Briefly describe a change of state of a substance

Indicators achievement competence

The types of changes in Test performance The written test states of matter

Knowing Gorontalo, December 28, 2012 Normative Coordinator / Adaptive Subject Teacher Dra. Silvia Thaib Siti F. Tjodi NIP: 195401071984022003 NIM: 431 409 014 Know Head of SMP Negeri 2 Gorontalo Drs. Sugiono G. Hadju NIP: 195312121975101007

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