One More Time

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Free Short Erotic Romance Stories by Kat VonWild

PLUS Bonus Chapters of a ailable full len!th and other short erotic romance stories a ailable for purchase"
This book contains sexual content that is suitable for mature audience only.

Published by and Copyright 2012 by at !on"ild

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-ote from %uthor+ )ncluded in this book are three free short erotic romance stories with bonus chapters of full(length a'ailable stories. %s an erotic romance writer& ) en$oy gi'ing my readers something to make their minds relax and their bodies heat up. ) like to think that each page strokes your imagination and builds an intensity that can.t be denied. -ow go find yourself that nice /uiet spot to read& alone or with a partner& and en$oy these free reads.

Free Story #ne $ Wantin! 0ade watched him from her loft across the way. -ight had fallen and her loft was pitch(black. She wanted it that way. She waited patiently for him to come home and follow his nightly routine. That .he. she watched patiently& on nights like this& was one Collin 1a2e. % successful businessman in the area and their only interaction was an occasional run(in at the local market& that was located at the base of his warehouse loft. She had made it her dirty little secret. The timing of her trips to the market. The silent cautious watching from her loft. 3er friends would think she was cra2y if they knew about the man. )t wasn.t that she couldn.t ha'e any man she wanted. She could. She $ust could not stop wanting this one particular man.

The night reflection on her window caught her image of herself& with her piercing blue eyes and $et(black hair. She wore it $ust past her shoulder blades in a straight cut. Tonight she wore a black silk robe& no panties and she could not wait to see Collin.s nightly routine. She wondered briefly if he knew how incredibly sexy he was& especially when he worked out& in the spare room& straight across from her front room loft. The room she was sitting in now& in her o'erstuffed chenille chair& facing his direction. This nightly routine often ended with her masturbating to a complete bone shattering orgasm and a good night.s sleep. She needed that sleep so she had energy to run her design team at Collins corporate office. See the complication. "anting the boss was not exactly on her list of career to(do.s. 3owe'er& she could not help it. The fact that she bought this place for the warehouse loft design had nothing to do with the fact that Collin li'ed across the way. That was fate. Collin.s multimedia design business had him working with design teams all across the 4nited States. 3owe'er& 0ade worked at his original business office. 4nfortunately& since she had accepted the $ob o'er a month ago& she had yet to meet him in person at work& only at the market below his loft. *ike clockwork& when he was in town& he came home at se'en o.clock. 3e would start out with a protein shake& check his computer& take a call& workout ( which was her fa'orite part& then shower and strut around his place in only a towel. 4sually he went out& or had a fla'or of the week date stop by and then lea'e& as soon as the deed was done. 5n a rare occasion& she would watch him sit and read a book or mo'ie. )t was the workout part& which got her worked up. She would accomplish her first orgasm then. She would take a moment to collect herself& maybe ha'e a nice glass of wine& she.d freshen up and then ine'itably with the 'ision of him strutting around in a towel she would ha'e a second one. She brushed her silk robe aside and rubbed her nipple to tautness& $ust thinking of him. The feel of the raw silk on her skin was di'ine. The slickness of the massage oil she dabbed on her fingers felt e'en better as she toyed with her own nipple. She let her hand wander from breast to breast& as each nipple grew taut. Then she would let the palm of her hand brush across the nipple creating a tingling sensation in each breast. She knew how to make herself feel good. )t was sur'i'al of the fittest out there and she did not go sleeping around with men $ust for the hell of it. She had one stand by for a /uick fix& strictly sex& but lately all she could do was think of Collin& and her self(satisfying moments in front of the window watching him. The light of Collins loft flipped on and the show began. She watched his routine start out like clockwork. This time though instead of a business suit he had on a pair of faded $eans that fit worn and nice in those places she imagined touching& gripping& licking and sucking until he came in her mouth. She watched him grab the hem of his tee shirt and take it off& exposing the nice set of chest muscles and abs that she adored. 3ow she wanted to run her fingertips o'er that chest and massage it. 3ow she fantasi2ed about wiping the sweat from his body after his workout and letting her hand take that sweat and wrap it around his cock with a firm grip. Tonight he was pacing back in forth& now in his bare feet and only those $eans. 3ow she wished he would take the $eans off and pace. She let her hand wander across her belly and rub between her legs on her inner thigh. She was warming up her intentions $ust watching him pace back and forth. 3e did seem upset about something but that did not stop her from wanting him and it did not stop her from pleasuring herself either. 3is phone rang and he went to it hurriedly. She watched him run his hand through his thick dark hair and hold it there as if he was agitated. %fter a few moments of tension from him& he slammed the phone

down and threw it across the room. 3e kept pacing. 3ow she wanted to pleasure him and help him work this out. She let two of her fingers dip deep inside of herself to bring the moisture up to her clitoris. "hile her other hand pinched her nipple again. The slickness she accumulated from $ust thinking of him was nice. Tonight her clitoris seemed ultra(sensiti'e. Tonight she was going for three orgasms. %s she knew tomorrow& they would meet for the 'ery first time and she needed to work him out of her system. 0ust as the palm of her hand brushed o'er her sensiti'e clit& she felt the first of a /uick con'ulsion. She stopped her palm and focused on Collin& who was now facing her directly. 3is hands were up against the floor to ceiling glass window. 3is ga2e was down on the street. Then his ga2e slowly lifted and looked directly at her. She knew he could not possible see her through her tinted darkened window. "ith her lights off& no one could see in. "ith his intense ga2e right in her direction& she proceeded to make herself feel good. She did not need to watch him work out to cum tonight. "ith him $ust standing there& facing her& his bare chest and $eans that made him look like a sex model& she would cum with $ust that. 3er hand grasped and released her breast& then pinched her nipple and brushed her palm across. 3er other hand took two fingers then three and pushed them deep inside her slick wet 'agina. She let the palm of her hand press down on her swollen clitoris as she pushed in and out. 3er head dropped back& her back arched and she found her g(spot $ust as her clitoris felt so ultra(sensiti'e the pressure caused her to cum so hard. 3er walls pulsed and tightened around her three fingers. 3er palm would send another shock wa'e through her body with $ust a slight mo'ement. 3er toes curled into the cushion of the chenille chair as she had long ago propped one leg open on either side next to the arm. 5pening herself fully& to help herself masturbate. The rolling feeling of something tra'eling through her body caused her to moan. 3er hand on her breast tra'eled from one to the next grasping at it& and then she collapsed forward to a fetal position on the chair. % slow lingering laughter built up with in her and she afforded herself the pleasure of the laughter. 3e was that good& without touching her. She was that fulfilled& that if she only did this once tonight& she would be sated. She caught his look of in/uisiti'eness& as if he had seen it all. The show she put on in pri'ate. Then he pushed away with a light shake to his head and walked towards his kitchen. 0ade on the other hand needed to freshen up and get that glass of wine for round two. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day of meetings and introductions. 3er introducing the owner of the company& Collin 1a2e& to her entire team of graphic designers& display builders and office staff. She might be a bit ner'ous but she knew her $ob and she did it well. She hired great staff and their designs were well known. The only thing she was not certain of was the pri'ate meeting her and 1r. Collin 1a2e would ha'e. Could she keep her hands to herself or would she want to take him right there in the pri'ate confines of her office6 Probably the later of the two. She walked into her galley kitchen of stainless steel and granite counter tops. 3ow she wanted Collin to eat her pussy right there with her spread on the counter top like a buffet. She giggled to herself lightly at the fantasies she was creating. 3owe'er& with him she thought it might be possible. "ith a full glass of wine in her hand& she took a deep sip and let the feel of the dark red wine settle on her palate. This wine in particular had a bit of sweetness to it instead of the typical bitterness. She let the wine settle until it was warm in her mouth and then she swallowed& imaging how Collin would taste when she swallowed him.

The moonlight from outside& positioned $ust right& allowed her to flitter about her apartment with grace. She could $ust see the outlines of her furniture. %s she turned from her galley to the loft windows that ran the full length of Collins apartment& she wondered if he e'en thought that someone might be watching him. %nyone who has e'er li'ed in a loft knew you were like a peep show unless windows were tinted. The light in Collins workout room flipped on. 3e was out of those sexy $eans and in his typical attire of gym shorts and tee shirt. She went to the windowpane section that was directly across from his workout room. She let the tie of her robe fall open and she placed one hand on the cool glass of the window. "ith an imaginary toast towards Collin& she spoke to herself. 7To Collin. 1ay the orgasm be intense.7 She took a sip of her wine and then set it on the ledge of the window. 3e seemed to be working out with more than usual intensity. She wondered if he had something to work out. She wanted to be the one to pleasure him until the stress was gone. 8or now& she would $ust pleasure herself. She let her hand slide up her body to her breast. She toyed with her nipple until it was taut. *etting the feel& of her pinch and brush motion tantali2e her senses. She let the hand that was on the window tease her other nipple. She played back and forth with grabbing and s/uee2ing her breasts& to pinching her nipples to brushing the palms of her hands o'er the taunt nipples. )t felt so good& so right while she watched Collin. She let her black silk robe slide off her naked body as her hands brought pleasure to her breasts and then slowly slid down between her legs. The ledge of the tall windows was at $ust the right height for her to set her naked foot on the ledge. She let one of her hands slide up her body to her neck to rub as the other hand slid between her legs& brushing her palm across her naked pussy. The moisture had already accumulated. %s her fingers toyed with her naked slick pussy& Collin stepped his game up. 3e practically tore his tee shirt off& wiped the sweat from his head of full black hair and tossed it aside. 3e began to do chin pull( ups on a bar and the sweat glistening on his skin& the flexing of his muscles and the feeling she wanted to fuck him so bad& caused a slow wa'e of desire to build to intensity. She imagined his hands on her body. She let her fingers pull slickness from within and moisten her clit. She could sense this one coming as she focused on his naked body& his muscles flexing& his sweat dripping. She dipped two fingers inside and thrust in and out /uickly. #y the third thrust& she had three fingers in and the palm of her hand hard against her swollen clitoris. She pulsed in and out of her body as Collin pulled up and released on the pull up bar. "ith a pinch of her nipple and a deep hard thrust of her fingers she came. The slick moist feeling of cum surrounded her fingers as the walls of her 'agina tightened with the wa'e of the orgasm. She continued to apply pressure to her swollen clit as she tilted her head back and moaned with pleasure. "hen her head rolled forward and her fingers pulled out& Collin was standing against the glass window again& looking in her direction. *ooking as if he had seen her cum. *ooking as if he needed to see her& talk to her or better yet& fuck her. 0ade knew when she took the $ob at Collin 1a2e.s company that they were known for winning awards for their designs. She $ust got wind that they won again& with e'en better top honors and she knew it was her skill and the team she hired that got them there. 3owe'er& her ner'es were still on edge. Collin was due in any minute and she had to pull it together. She stared at herself in the bathroom mirror. 3er $et(black hair was styled straight today with a touch of gloss that it had blue shimmers in $ust the right light. Those blue shimmers played off her crystal blue eyes and

pale skin. She looked& dare she say& like a dominatrix today. She wore an all(black& tight fitting suit& knee(high heeled black leather boots that sat against her cal'es like a second skin. She took a long deep cleansing breath. She ran her sweaty hands under ice(cold water for a second and lit the cool tingle through her 'eins. She dried her hands off. Slipped a second coat of red luster berry lipstick on her lips& blew the mirror a kiss and headed out the door. 9eady or not& here ) come. -ot but a few steps down the hall& and she registered the commotion. Collin was here and e'eryone was bustling about trying to look busy. 3er team worked incredible under pressure but anytime you had to meet the boss for the first time& ner'es can $ingle. She should know. 0ade expected an entourage of people with Collin& a limo dri'er& a secretary& an aid& but not this. Parked outside towards the rear of the lot was a nicely dress Collin in a black suit and red striped tie& parking his four(wheel dri'e 0eep& $et black. The man had taste she would gi'e him that. 3e walked casually towards the entrance& straightening his tie& carrying a black leather briefcase and a confidence stride that screamed sexy& to 0ade anyways. There wasn.t anything the man couldn.t do that wasn.t sexy. 0ade casually walked to the front reception area as the hustle of all the employees faded behind. The receptionist had $ust applied fresh make(up and was fluffing her blonde hair as to say look at me. 3owe'er& 0ade knew his type. 3e liked lean& tall& dark haired women& similar to herself. She had seen them many a time at his place& but ne'er a blonde. %s Collin walked through the front door& 0ade put on her most wicked sexy smile and stood with confidence. Collin on the other hand& looked ner'ous and stressed. She outstretched her hand for a greeting. 71r. Collin 1a2e& 0ade !erilli. ) am this di'ision.s manager. )t.s a pleasure to meet you.7 3is handshake was returned but he held her hand a moment longer than normal. 3e cocked his head to the side for a second& then shook it and smiled. 7) think we.'e met before. Corner market on sixth& Chan.s 1arket67 So& he remembered her. 7:es. ;'ery Saturday at nine a.m.7 They both finished the last part of the sentence together and laughed. The receptionist on the other hand seemed to ha'e landed off in la(la land. She could not stop staring at the two. 7)n fact.7 Collin started out. 7) $ust found out last night that you were my manager.7 3e looked down at his shoes then up into her eyes and smiled coyly. Then as if it sunk in& he took a deep sigh and smiled like a boss. That might make some sense as to why he was upset when he got the call. She had been sure he was into her at the market. -ow that he knew she was his employee& with a strict no fraterni2ing with the employee rule& the game might ha'e changed. 7%lso& neighbors.7 5h now& that would explain why after the call he $ust stared at her loft across the street from him. %ll the while& she was masturbating and ha'ing an orgasm. That thought brought a huge smile to her red glossed lips. 7So we are.7 )t did not take long for Collin to want to get down to business of meeting the employees. Se'eral rounds of indi'idual meetings& a group lunch in the boardroom& a congratulations speech from him to the group on their new sets of awards& along with indi'idual award gifts. 3owe'er& 0ade sensed Collins cool collected business procedures were about to crumble when she got him alone tonight in her office. She had wicked plans for him. ;mployee rules or not& she had to ha'e a taste of him and she would bet her sweet round ass that for one night he would let that rule slide. 0ade walked past se'eral offices that were empty. The receptionist had hung around& unlike her usual gone at fi'e. Collin was using an extra conference room for calls and work on his laptop& but there was se'eral times in the day where the brush of his touch would ignite her and then their eyes would lock& his

pupils enlarge and she could think of nothing more than her red berry lips wrapped around his throbbing hard cock. She picked up her intercom phone and bu22ed the receptionist. 7<o home 1eg. )t.s past fi'e on a 8riday. " going to be a bit. *ock the entry when you go. 3a'e a nice weekend.7 There was a pause on the speakerphone from her receptionist& and then a bleak sad 'oice answered back. 75h. %lright. )f 1r. 1a2e doesn.t need me. ) guess. 3a'e a nice weekend.7 0ade knew that woman was hopeful& but she was certain nothing was going to happen between her receptionist and 1r. 1a2e. 3e hadn.t taken a second look at her all day. Se'eral minutes past and 0ade sat leaning against her desk looking straight out her door down the hall towards Collins direction. She watched the receptionist peek her head in one more time to try and offer her& uh& assistance to Collin. Then she watched her sadly walk down the hall and wa'e good(bye. "ith her legs crossed at the ankles& her ass on the corner of her desk and black lace panties already off she was ready for play. -ot but a minute went by when Collin popped his head out of the conference room once the receptionist was gone. 3e looked down the hall at her and saw her waiting and his smile deepened while his eyes ga2ed o'er e'ery inch of her body. 0ade $ust sat there with a come(hither look and let her red berry lips cur'e up into a sensual sexy smile. She watched him try to walk all cool and collected down the hall& but his pace /uickened& as he got closer. %s soon as he was in her office& he turned and closed her door& then locked it. She pushed off the desk and closed the blinds to her window. 5nce her office was closed up for pri'acy& she turned to him& leaned her body into his& and whispered into his ear. 78inally& a moment to oursel'es. "ould you like to ha'e that one on one employee meeting now67 3er 'oice was not insinuating business& it was indicating sex. 3e cleared his throat as she loosened his tie and undid the first two buttons. 79elax.7 She coaxed as she let her fingers run o'er his chest and back up and o'er his shoulders. 7)t.s been a long day. Come sit and take a load off.7 She slowly took a hold of his hand and led him to her leather office club chair. She sat him down with a soft push of her hands to his chest. 3owe'er& he was going willingly. -ow she knew he was willing to let the employee relationship policy slid. 73ow was your day67 She bent o'er him with her hands on his knees& the ridge of her breasts now exposed in her suit $acket. 3is look was intense and indecisi'e& so she decided she would make up his mind for him. "ith a bend in her knees& she now had her face at the le'el close to his crotch. 3e had not answered and his breathing was hea'y. Then a hand reached out and brushed her hair. 7:ou are so fucking sexy. The first time ) saw you at Chan.s ) wanted you.7 7) know.7 3er hands now wandered up to his shirt and began unbuttoning it. %s soon as she got to his belt on his pants& his hands stopped her. 3e was hard& she felt it and his breathing was hea'y. 70ade. That was until ) found out ) was your boss. 1aybe we should stop now.7 She laughed lightly. 71aybe we should& and maybe we shouldn.t.7 She undid his belt. 3is large strong hand firmly placed itself o'er her hands that were about to undo his pants. 7=o you know how cra2y ) ha'e been about you since our first meeting6 ) tried to get you out of my system& then ) asked Chan and he told me your name. 1y assistant found out the rest& incon'eniently last night. %ny other time& if we had met before ) found out who you were...7 3e let the insinuation lay there as he slowly let the thought linger. She sensed now that all those familiar looking tall& dark haired beauty.s at his place was really her he was working out. 7"hy not $ust ask me

out at Chan.s67 She picked up his hand and laid it on the leather arm of the club chair. She proceeded to unbutton and un2ip his pants. 7)t.s complicated. ) don.t date& right now. Too busy for work...7 The last part slowed as her red berry lips touched the tip of his erected cock. 3er hand firmly grasped the base of his throbbing cock and her mouth lay open with the tip of him about to enter her mouth. 7Should ) stop67 -ot like she would& but she was teasing him with her eyes& his cock at her mouth& her suit $acket now open exposing her black lace bra and her perky breasts. 3e could do nothing more than moan as she took his cock into her hot wet mouth. She let him slid in and out of her moist mouth and then she would let the tip of his cock rest on her tongue. Then she would run her tongue around the tip and then deep throat his cock into her mouth. She lo'ed the weight and feel of his cock& lo'ed the thickness and the course of the 'ein that ran up the side. She let her tongue lick his balls and he flinched for a second so she grasped firmly and sho'ed his whole cock back in her mouth. 3is hand tried to reach out to touch her& but it only brushed her hair. 7<od fucking sexy right now. ) can.t belie'e how sexy you are.7 3e moaned out and she sensed the tension beginning to build. 3e was holding back. She would ha'e none of that. 7) lo'e your cock.7 She licked the tip& grasped at the base of his cock again and then let her mouth created an incredibly tight suction on the top half of his cock. 3e flinched& tensed& and then shot out in her mouth. She licked him up like an ice cream cone as she looked up into his eyes. 3is head lolled back but then slowly lowered until their eyes met. She let her hand slide up and down and o'er the tip letting his cum co'er e'ery inch of his cock. 3is smile grew and his hand reached out and wiped some cum off the collar of her suit $acket. 3e slowly moaned out her name. 70ade67 She knew the /uestion and she had the answer& but not until after he returned the fa'or. She wanted his mouth on her pussy and his cock inside her now. She felt the moisture between her legs and on her bald wet pussy waiting with no panties. 0ade put her fingers to his lips. 7Shh.7 She taunted slowly. Then she stood slowly& let her suit $acket fall to the floor& undid the 2ipper on her black short shirt and shimmied out of it. She stood there in a black garter and black hose& her knee high(heeled black boots and a bra& but not for long. She reached behind her back and undid her bra& letting it slid down her arms and exposing her perky nipples and large breasts. 7-ow. This meeting isn.t o'er.7 She licked her lips and watched his pupils enlarged& his smile deepened and he pushed up and stood. 3is pants dropped to the floor and he stepped out of them. 3e still looked fucking sexy with his dress shirt open to a bare and muscular chest and his suit $acket still on. She stepped forward and brushed both of them off his shoulders. 3e took a step forward and she took a step back& two more steps and she was at the edge of her desk. She sat her round firm ass on the mahogany colored desk and let her hands rest back behind her& supporting her. She watched him drop to his knees and look up at her. 3e looked as if he was ready to eat the buffet. Then she felt the lingering touch of his fingers inside her thigh and then between the wet folds of her bald pussy. 3e separated her lips and licked at her clitoris. Then his mouth went down and he created suction that about shocked her out of her boots. 78uck>7 She screamed and tilted her head back. 3er hand reached down to touch his thick dark hair and led him back into her pussy as he pulled away. 3is tongue lashed out& his fingers went in for a moment and then slid out. She could feel her body ready to con'ulse. 78uck me now.7 She begged.

3e stood and let his mouth linger o'er her taut nipple and nipped at it as his fingers gently slid out. The his mouth was on her neck under her ear with tender kisses and then she felt his throbbing cock& ready again& set right next to her 'ery wet pussy. 3is fingers toyed with her clit for a second as his head pulled back and looked into her eyes. 3is hand brushed o'er her hair. 70ade.7 3e said with so much sex to his 'oice as he guided his cock right into her pussy. 3er head tilted back again and the feel of his body pumping in and out of her was so incredible. 3er moans were loud and she felt his hand lay o'er her mouth gently as he whispered in her ear. 7Sh. Someone might hear us.7 She nipped gently at his hand. Then smiled coyly at him. 7;'eryone.s gone.7 )t was as if he let the anxiety of doing his manager in her office go. 3e groaned a few times and pushed deep with his cock into her pussy. 3is hand reached up and firmly grasped her breasts then pinched at her tight nipple. She mo'ed her hip forward $ust enough that he hit her g(spot and she was gone. 3er pussy tightened around his cock and she felt small flinches throughout her body. 3e pumped harder and faster as she was sure& her tight pulsating pussy was going to send him o'er the edge. )t did. 3e groaned so loud& his body tensed and then he fell against her until she was flat on her back against her desk& him on top and one heel of her boot lay on top of his naked ass. 7-ow that.s what ) call an employee meeting.7 The next morning she did not go to Chan.s. She was sure Collin got the email proposal on his laptop. She offered to /uit so they could ha'e sex like that more often. She offered to work as a contract employee at a pay cut like some of his contract designers he used across the 4.S. She had not heard back from him. She was lounging around in a black tank top and a black thong& contemplating her day. She replayed the sex in her office o'er and o'er& and she was sure Collin wanted her more now than he e'er did. 3e offered to take her to dinner& walked her to her car& practically had sex again at her car then he stood there perplexed as she dro'e away after telling him to check his email. She had seen him stir in his loft. 3e stood with his boxers on& drinking a cup of coffee earlier facing her loft. 3e had one hand on the window& a huge smile on his face and a coffee cup in his other hand. 3e had made a toast in her direction but she knew he could not see her through her darkened windows. She stood there staring at him& wondering why he had not called or emailed back. She had ne'er let a man get this deep into her before. She had always called all the shots. )t was past nine and she had not seen him since he left his loft at ten to nine and then walked into Chan.s 1arket on the street. She decided to pour herself an orange $uice and break out the $uicy large strawberries she had bought at Chan.s late last night. She had only taken one sip of $uice and was about to bite into a large $uicy strawberry when her bu22er rang. She went o'er and pressed the button. 70ade. )t.s Collin. Can ) come up67 She didn.t answer& $ust bu22ed him in. She was a little miffed he did not call or email& but she didn.t ponder on that. )f he was there for sex& she would gi'e it to him& because $ust the sound of his 'oice made her wet. She looked down and thought she should put on some shorts. She thought twice and figured that would $ust be more clothes to take off. 5nce he got to her door& he noticed the door was unlocked and a$ar. 3e pushed the door open with two hot coffees and a bag of pastries from Chan.s. 70ade67 75'er here.7 She was leaning up against her chair& with the $uice of the strawberry now dribbling down her chin. She smiled at him coyly.

She watched him set the food on the counter. 3is 'oice sounded ner'ous as he began to talk. 7) couldn.t get you out of my mind last night. ) tossed and turned. ) got your email. )...7 She slowly sauntered towards him and put a hand to his cheek& letting it brush across his face and then down his chest to his groin. 3e flinched and was already hard. She looked deep into his eyes and then laid a kiss on his lips. #efore she could react any further& he had her in his arms tight as he was kissing her mouth deep with his tongue. 3e pulled back and gently nipped at her lip. Then he pulled away when she didn.t react. 7Sorry.7 7=on.t be. ) saw you last night. 1y room is directly across from yours. ) saw your light come on and you try to read& then ) watched you type away on your laptop. ) masturbated at the thought of your cock in me and your mouth on my pussy then fell asleep.7 3er directness shocked him for a second then he looked in the direction of her loft. The tinted windows dawned on him. 7) changed the policy about employee relations. ) don.t want you to lea'e. :our di'ision is the top of all my offices.7 3is 'oice still sounded ner'ous and uncertain. 7"hat a relief for se'eral of my employees. Two of them are planning fall weddings. ) knew who you were the first time ) met you at Chan.s& otherwise ) would ha'e come on to you. ) figured ) should let you make that decision. ) ha'e no problems with it.7 She eyed the coffees and bag of pastries then smiled up at him. 7Shall we eat67 3owe'er& it wasn.t the bag he grabbed as she walked towards the counter. )t was her waist. 3e brought her in close to his body and let his hands wander o'er her breasts and between her legs where she was already wet. She leaned forward and let the palms of her hands rest against the granite counter in her kitchen& causing her ass to rise in the air in his direction. She looked o'er her shoulder and smiled at him. 7Shall we play first instead67 3e did not answer with words& instead he groaned at the sight of her practically bare bottom with nothing but a string on between her firm round cheeks. 3e let his hand slide back around front and toyed with her clitoris. 3e watched her take her tank off and lean back to the counter. Then she turned her head o'er her shoulder again to him. 78uck me first Collin.7 3e didn.t hesitate. 3e dropped his shorts around his ankles and was commando underneath. 3e grabbed a hold of his cock and slowly entered her tight wet pussy. 3e slid in and out slow as she moaned and then he watched her arch her back and the 'ision of her long sleek black hair down her back& her face facing towards the ceiling and her loud sexual moans of pleasure caused him to come so fast and hard. %s soon as the sensation subsided& he could tell she wasn.t done. She guided his hand across her clitoris and made his palm press hard and firm. She pushed hard up and down and then he let his fingers slid in $ust as her pussy tightened around them. 3e watched her scream out in pleasure. They took a moment to collect their breaths. 3e still had his hand inside the front of her thong with her dripping wet. 3e decided to $oke. 7This scrap of material doesn.t do much.7 3e tugged at the string of her thong. 3er gentle laughter soothed him. She turned and smiled with a look of a 'ery satisfied woman. 7-ormally ) $ust go commando.7 She looked down at his shorts. 7) see you do as well. ) was $ust wondering what to do with my day before you showed up. ) can smell the cinnamon from that bag. ) think we are going to ha'e to work off the pastries you brought o'er.7 70ade6 "hat did you decide67 3e could $ust eat her up with the way she was looking at him. 3owe'er& he did not want to lose his top manager because he could not keep his cock in his pants. 7) think we make a great team. -ow feed me before ) decide to eat you up.7 She licked her lips and brushed her hand across his soft cock. )t flinched for a second and he smiled.

%he End Story %&o $ Willin! The sounds of the dance club music had her heart beating& reminiscence of her days of working the nightclub. 9ight now #ell had the closing duties on the hip new retail store off the strip mall. -ight manager was not so bad of a $ob. )n fact& it ga'e her plenty of opportunities to meet hip people her own age that liked to take down the clubs in the wee hours of the morning& instead of ha'ing to work that club. That was where she was heading once the shop was closed. She liked meeting new peeps at this $ob. 5ne particular man with his thick dark hair& bright blue eyes that lit up when she handed him his cash. 3e made li/uid pool instantly between her legs. 3e made her want to cum $ust handing him the cash. 3e had a way about him& reminding her of a body building lifeguard& tanned& muscular and a shyness that was sexy as hell. %ll the same& he made her want to drop to her knees and lick him hard. The beat was picking up on the shop tunes. She reached under the counter and turned it up until she could feel the bass of the beat pounding through her heart. She went to the front door and switched the display lights off& which with the tinted windows allowed her some pri'acy. She turned the front door to lock or so she thought. She had not noticed the door slightly propped open with a pebble. Causing the door to look closed but was actually a$ar. The beat had her in a trance. The music was $ust feeling so intense to her& her mind danced with the music and memory of her last customer. 3is eyes lit up when she flirted with him. 3is smile with the dimples caused her nipples to perk to a tautness that she noticed his eyes instantly went there and through her sheer bra and lace shirt. 3is smile had deepened. "ith some afforded pri'acy& all other employees gone and the beat of the music calling to her to $ust let loose& she did $ust that. She pulled the $eweled pick out of her long curly hair and swayed her hair from side to side while bent at the waist. She let her fingers run loose in her hair. She turned up and saw her image reflected in the dressing mirror. "ith thoughts of that man& she looked sexy. 3er long brown hair& curled in loose tendrils& fell down $ust past her breasts. 3er light green eyes accentuated with the bright green contacts she was wearing& causing them to pop. The hip outfit she had on was good but for some reason after thinking about the man. She decided it needed to come off. She was in the mood to wear something daring tonight. She started by swaying her hips to the music. The words dangerous poured from the speakers. The song was singing to her. She felt dangerous. She was going to strip to the nude and rock her naked body all o'er the store. nowing a passerby might be able to catch a small glimpse of her naked body through the dimly lit store as she passed between racks. *ooking to find what she wanted to wear tonight. 8irst off was her top. She wrapped it in each hand and began to rub it back and forth between her legs under her skirt& lea'ing her in only the black lace bra on top. %fter se'eral up and down motions with her shirt between her legs& she tossed it off to the floor. The music had her do a few dance mo'es with hip popping& finger snapping and head twists. She pulled down her skirt and slid it down slowly with her tight round ass facing to the front end of the store. She let each beat of the music cause her skirt to lower slowly as she bent at the waist. The skirt landed on the floor and she stepped out of it in her heels in $ust her thong underwear and lace bra. The she did a few more mo'es to the beat. She strutted around the store looking for something to wear. 8eeling rather indecisi'e and thinking more along the lines of something 'ery sexy to go out in tonight& she let her fingers run o'er some clothes in a rack.

The beat of the music slowed and then built up fast to a sound of a smack. The song was telling her to smack that. She lo'ed being spanked for arousal of some blood pumping sex. The feel of a strong man.s spank would cause the blood to rush to her clitoris& allowing for a tingling that got her ready for a man.s hard cock. The beat of the music got her thinking of the man from earlier smacking her on the ass. She did a pose and with a twist of her body she bent at the waist& flipped her hair down& and back up fast. She turned again and smacked herself on her ass and the sting of her hand got her blood rushing. She began mo'ing to the music& reached for a fedora hat off a display of hats& and slipped in on her head. She strutted around the shop in only her bra and thong. She made it back behind the counter and swayed her hips from side to side. She clicked the keys on the computer register to start the closing of the sales for the day. % lull between the songs caught her attention when she thought she heard a man clear his 'oice. Then the next song started up and she went to the second register. 5nce that one was done& she did a few dance mo'es to the song and when she popped her head back up& he stood behind the counter with the deepest grin on his face and sparkle so bright in his eyes& she was sure he saw some of it... most of it& or perhaps with the way he was looking at her& he saw all of it. She grabbed the hat off her head to co'er herself up. The beat of the music kept pumping loud? howe'er& she was sure her heart was pumping louder. 3ow long had he been standing there6 "hy hadn.t she heard him enter or the chime of the entry to the door6 1ostly& why had the front door not locked6 3e cleared his throat& held out his hand& and practically yelled his name. 73i& ).m =a'e.7 Then she reali2ed how loud she must ha'e had the music on. She reached with one hand down under the counter to turn the music down while still trying to co'er her clea'age with the hat. She smiled coyly as the music dropped to a regular 'olume. 3e spoke up again as she had not shook his hand that he had offered. 7) was in here a bit ago and ) must ha'e dropped my cell phone out in the dressing room.7 3e looked deep into her eyes. She bet he was wondering if those were really her green eyes. The gals always ask& the guys always stare. She looked into his eyes and reali2ed that her opportunities $ust grew bigger with the moment. 3e was attracted to her and there was no doubt she was attracted to him. She stepped up her bra'ado& flipped the hat onto her head& strutted out from behind the counter& and walked to the front door. *ooking for the culprit that kept the door from locking& she eyed the pebble and kicked it outside to the sidewalk& then closed and locked the door and strutted back. 3e had leaned himself back against the counter and his loose shorts and boxers could not hide what she knew was there. % throbbing hard cock& that $ust begged for her wet pussy. She walked up to him and let her hand tra'el from his neck to around the front of his chest and down his abs to a light brushing of his cock. 7-ice to meet you.7 0ust as her hand lifted away from his cock& she felt a twitch between his legs and she smiled. 7).m #ell.7 She strutted around the floor as if she was a dancer and mo'ed with the sound of the beat shaking her ass as she walked. She glanced into the three dressing rooms& and at the third& there was his phone. She kicked it out to the floor in front of him with her heel and strutted back to him standing between the phone and him. She eyed him up and down as if he was candy and she wanted to lick his lollipop. She turned and dropped down to grab the phone allowing him a serious 'iew of her ass in the air. Then she dropped to her knees& took the hat off her head and slid it between her legs to co'er her sha'ed bald pussy now exposed up to him. She bent her neck up and cur'ed her back to look o'er her shoulder at him. 7) think ) found it.7 3e was a shy one. 3is body was screaming yes but he was leaning against the counter gripping it for dear life now. She knew she would ha'e to take the lead and show this guy how into him she was.

She stood and smiled while holding his phone. 3e hadn.t reached for it yet. She turned the ringer off and smiled. 7)s it on 'ibrate67 3e smiled and shook his head yes. She slid the phone into the front of her thong and lightly patted it as she smiled. She reached around behind him leaning her body into his and picked up the shop phone. 7"hat.s your number67 %s he slowly told her the number between deep hea'y breaths& her breasts pressed against his chest. She pulled away and set the store phone on the counter as her thong began to 'ibrate. She looked into his eyes. 7:ou ha'e a call you might want to answer. ).m willing to let you answer.7 The sweat on his forehead let her know he was waiting for that answer as he finally let go of the counter and set his firm large hand on her hip& lowered to one knee and let his hand gra2e the front of her thong. 3e looked up into her eyes and she smiled down to him shaping the word .yes. with her mouth. She felt his hand tremble as he pulled the phone out and set it off to the side on the floor. 3e looked back up at her as his hands set on either side of her thong. 7Take it off.7 She instructed him. %s she let the clasp of her bra undo and slid it off her breasts and the straps down her arms& the pupils of his eyes enlarged& along with the dimples in his smile. 3e let the thong slide down the length of her body to the floor and she stepped out of it. Then she slightly stepped her legs apart and laid a hand on his thick lush black hair. "hen he looked back up into her eyes pleading with their deep bright intense blue she spoke with certainty. 7).m willing.7 %s if she unleashed him from the bonds that were making him hesitant& he smiled and let his eyes tra'el from her breasts to her belly to her pussy& which she was sure& was gi'ing off the scent of fuck me now. The sweet gentle brush of his lips on her inner thigh was nice& sweet e'en. 3owe'er& she now wanted his tongue(lashing and lapping at her pussy. Tugging on her clit and she wouldn.t mind a finger or two slowly pumping in and out of her slickness. She moaned loud with appro'al as his mouth finally made its way to the tip of her bald pussy lips. 3e brushed them softly then she felt his fingers separate her and his tongue lash out. 7:es. *ike that. *ick me like that.7 The intense feeling of his hot tongue on her with the music still beating in the background was erotic. She had done this in the backroom of a club before but ne'er at her work. This felt dangerous. The feel of his thick lush hair in her hand as she felt the motion of his head with each tongue(lashing was intensely surreal. Sex with a gorgeous man was not out of the /uestion for her& but with a complete stranger& it made the whole experience so much more intense. The groans of his pleasure grew louder as she knew his cock was $ust itching to get inside her. She felt his finger gently slid in and the slickness of her pussy surrounded it. Then a second finger entered and it was $ust then she reali2ed how big and strong his hands really were. "ith his fingers inside her sliding in and out& his lips began trailing kisses up onto her hip& back to her belly button and then to her breast as he teased his tongue o'er her taut nipple. 3e slowly raised himself up yet was able to continue pleasuring her with his fingers. The intense feeling to cum started to o'erride her and she focused on the sale sign o'er a rack to bring herself $ust off the edge she was about to ride o'er. The palm of his other hand came up to cup her breast as his mouth slid o'er to her other nipple. *icking his tongue o'er the pebble of the nipple then letting his mouth co'er it. Then he would pull away slowly with the nipple between his teeth and left a soft breath of air on her nipple that caused it to tighten up more. 3is lips were now at her neck nibbling in the spot she felt so erogenous with& right under her ear and an inch or so behind. "ith him standing tall& face in her neck& she felt the palm of his hand now brush her

swollen clitoris as his two fingers continued to slide in and out. She arched back in pleasure and slowly pushed him away. 71y turn.7 She had to ha'e his swollen cock in her mouth before she came. She saw the delight in his eyes as she let her hands grab the hem of his shirt and lift it o'er his head. The decisi'e moment she had been waiting for. The muscles she had assumed were under that cotton tee shirt were not only there& but with $ust a touch of her flittering fingertips& he tensed his stomach muscles showing a 'ery nice set of abs. She let her hands wander across his chest causing his darkened nipples to peek. The touch across his abs caused a flinching in his loose shorts. She smiled coyly at him and whispered. 7"hat do we ha'e in here67 She brushed her fingertips along the seam and then let her fingers slid in to undo the button on his shorts. The 2ipper glided down easy and then she slipped her fingertips into the edge of his shorts and boxers. She slowly& methodically lowered them down passed his knees onto the floor. 3is throbbing hard cock settled right by her mouth as she bent down naked in only her heels. The bulging of his cock by her mouth teased her. She let one hand slid up the back of his leg& around to o'er his hip and then firmly grasped the base of his cock. She let her other hand slid up the inside of his other leg and then held his balls in her hand. She looked up at his eyes& saw the desire and need in them. She let her hot warm mouth surround the tip of his cock while watching his head slowly lean back& with his face towards the ceiling. 3is groans of pleasure led her on. She lo'ed a man.s hard cock in her mouth. She lo'ed the way the ridges filled with pulsing as she slid his cock in and out of her mouth. The weight of him was di'ine. The sensual taste of his skin in her hot wet mouth felt incredible. She could tell he was en$oying himself as deep soft groans 'ibrated through his body. She felt his hand ra'el up in her hair and gently steered her head in& as she would pull $ust back out far enough that the tip of his cock danced around on her tongue and then she would feel him gently push in again. "here her hands cupped his balls she slid a finger $ust at the base of his balls and found a pleasure center of ner'es for a man and let some pressure fall there. She could smell that he was almost about to cum. She let her hand at the base of his cock tighten and then he all but reached down and pulled her up to him. 7-ot yet.7 3e practically growled. 8eeling his naked bare skin against her body sent sensations to e'ery sensual spot in her body. She wanted e'ery inch of him touching her. She wanted him in her? she wanted his fingers and hands touching her e'erywhere. She opened her mouth slightly and then he let his mouth de'our her. She lo'ed the taste of him& the feel of his tongue as he deepened in her mouth. The way his lips tingled against her caused her to want to cum. She let herself moan loudly and let her hands wander o'er his back and up to his neck. 3is lips pulled away and he groaned into her neck. The 'ibrations sent shi'ers throughout her body causing her to smile. 3is 'oice on her skin& when he spoke next to her ear& began warming her skin back up. 7) wanted you the second ) saw you tonight. 3ow is this possible67 She pulled back $ust enough to look into his eyes and smiled a wicked smile. 7)t $ust is.7 She let her fingers run up and down his chiseled chest and en$oyed the way his muscles flinched $ust a tad from her touch. Then as if a light switch turned on& he went from cautious and gentle& to greedy and hungry. "ell she knew how to feed a lion. *etting his hands wander all o'er her body and accept the nips at her taut nipples she moaned eagerly. Then he turned her around and she placed her hands on the counter. She looked o'er her shoulder at him and smiled wickedly. 7Spank me.7 She pleaded.

3e gently spanked her and she moaned and tossed her hair back to feel it drape down her back. She leaned her head back and pleaded as she looked upwards. 7Spank me harder.7 There was a moment of hesitation as any man might ha'e& then a hard smack resounded in her ears. The heat from the spank could be felt on her tight round ass& but e'en better was the sensation that it sent straight to her core. She was ready and she wanted him in her now. She felt his lips kiss where she was sure the red welt lay upon her ass and a whispered 'oice from him spoke. 7).m sorry if ) hurt you.7 She turned her head back to him and smiled. 7That felt good.7 She watched the dimples from his smile deepen and his eyes light up as he focused on her backside. ;ntering her tight wet pussy slowly& with his throbbing hard cock& she felt the stretch. She expected the feel would be incredible as she remembered how large his cock felt in her mouth. She moaned with pleasure as he began to slowly slide in and out of her& allowing her wet slick $uices to moisten his cock so it could slid better. 5ne of his hands rested on her hip& gently gliding her ass back and away from him. 3is other hand made gentle sliding motions up and down her spine. 7<od beautiful.7 3e practically moaned. She let a hand fall away from the edge of the counter top it was holding then reached up and slid that hand around behind her to touch where his hand rested on her hip. gorgeous. :ou feel so fucking good right now.7 The last part was almost a scream as she could feel her desire to cum get closer. 3er hand left his& slowly slid up her body to her taut nipple& and caught her breast as it was bouncing back and forth with the motion. She pinched her nipple and moaned at the feeling it ga'e. She cupped her breast and then let her own hand tighten o'er it. 0ust then& his hand left her hip and slid right to the front of her wet clit and he found it skillfully with his fingers and began to toy with it as she was on the 'erge. That touch and pressure sent her o'er the edge. 7<ood lord.7 She shouted out. 3er body con'ulsed as her slick wet walls tightened hard and fast around his cock. 3er body felt a tingling sensation down in her toes that tra'eled up the length of her body. She tilted her head back again and closed her eyes while en$oying the tingling& 'ibrating sensations. "ith one last deep thrust& he came and she felt so entirely wet and spent with his hot cum. They sat leaned against the counter on the floor. #y now& she would normally be at the club with her friends& but this was far better entertainment as she let her eyes tra'el o'er his extended legs& muscles pumped from their recent acti'ities. Then let her eyes tra'el across his cock where it laid there& resting and relaxed within the dark hairs that encircled it. She wanted to reach out and start something but they needed a moment to collect themsel'es. She looked him in the eyes and watched him smile. 70ust in case& ) forgot to introduce myself. #ell& short for 1ichelle.7 7=a'e.7 They shook hands. 7Thanks by the way.7 She smiled and leaned her head back looking up at the ceiling. 7) should be thanking you. )t had been a while. %fter ) saw you today& ) $ust wanted to fuck your brains out. ) didn.t think you would come back so it would happen but you did. So& more thanks from me to you.7 3is hand rested on her leg and she turned to see him looking down and smiling really big. She had a feeling that $ust took his ego up a notch or two. -ot e'ery gorgeous guy knew how good they looked or knew that woman wanted to fuck them. #ut today& when he bought some shorts and smiled at her& she knew. 3e was going to be one hell of a ride. 7) should go.7 3e started to stand up and she beat him to the punch. She practically $umped up and reached for a guy.s black 'est off the racks. )t was part of their e'ening hip club attire. She grabbed the

hat off the floor and tossed it on her head. "ith her heels still on& she strutted out and turned and offered him a hand as he was taking his time while watching her. )n the dimmed lights of the shop& they stood there& him naked and her ( pretty much naked. 3is clothes were now bunched up in his hands? his flip(flops had long been tossed off to the side. 3e started to co'er himself. She reached out and stopped him. 7=on.t.7 3e tilted his head and smiled. She felt she needed to explain herself& her actions but instead she decided he needed to stay $ust a bit longer. 7Stay.7 She practically whispered. Timing of the next song& on the stores music surround sound& could not ha'e been better. )t was a really& good bump and grind song. She started to dance around and then she noticed he had a look on his face. 7"hat67 3er 'oice smooth and gentle. 7<od beautiful. ).m really thirsty& you wouldn.t happen...7 3e didn.t ha'e to finish. She practically ran to the back room and grabbed two plastic bottles of pops out of the employee fridge. "hen she returned& his shirt was on the counter and his shorts were on his body. 3is flip(flops were at his feet. 7=on.t go. Stay for a bit.7 She opened the plastic cap of the pops and offered him one. 7).'e got another round in me if you do.7 3e all but groaned out a yes while he took a huge sip of the pop in the bottle and then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. 3e had been thirsty. She took a few /uick sips then set her pop bottle on the counter. The song was still going and she was sure of the way his body reacted to her dancing. 3e was semi hard when he asked for something to drink. She lifted her arms abo'e her head& and swayed and bumped out her hips. Causing the 'est& she wore to ride up and show her ass and $ust shy of the front side of her bald pussy. The look of lust and longing in his eyes were e'ident. The way his intense glare gra2ed e'ery inch of her body& felt so good. She could see how enlarged his pupils were and he was totally turned on again. 3e took another long sip of his pop and set it on the counter. Slowly he walked up behind her and slid his arms around her waist. She continued to dance slowly& sexually with the feel of him behind her. She felt the heated breath of his mouth against the side of her neck& the hardening erection of his cock up against her ass& with the way he was positioned. She felt the smoothness of his muscular skin against her and she undid the buttons of the 'est. "ith a /uickstep back mo'e& she dropped the 'est on the floor and then co'ered her pussy with the fedora. 3e stood there in his shorts with a huge erection and nothing could stop her. She bent at her waist and dropped her head down& then flipped her hair up and when she flipped back up his shorts were down around his ankles. She did a sexy step forward& grabbed his hand and they headed towards the dressing area where an armless chair sat outside the rooms. She sat him down and lowered herself with her ass in the air towards him and then turned it sideways and slinked the rest of the way down his body with her hands. She grabbed a hold of his hard cock and let her hand slid up and down it for a few seconds& letting the weight of his cock settle in her hand. She would s/uee2e $ust a little& as her hand would co'er the tip& and then slid back down to grasp the base of his cock. She slowly let go and let her hands wander up across his chest and o'er his shoulders as she stood up. She settled her lips on his for a deep& sensual kiss. %s she pulled away& she stood one leg on either side of him and slowly sank onto his throbbing cock& while her nipples brushed across his skin. 3is hands /uickly found themsel'es on her ass. She felt him encourage her back down to his cock e'ery time she rose up $ust enough that the tip of his cock could almost come out. She glided herself up and down a few times o'er his cock as she held onto the back of the chair.

Then one of his hands grasped ahold of her breast and tenderly kneaded it. 3is mouth lowered down and his lips brushed across her nipple then his tongue would lash out at it until it grew taut. 3e switched hands and put one back on her ass with a slap and grab while the other reached up for her other breast. The way his tongue felt across her taut nipple was incredible. The way his hand slapped her ass sent her close to the edge. Then he took the hand on her ass and reached in front& as she leaned back a bit and gently rubbed her clit with two fingers. The throbbing and the pressure of the rub sent her o'er the edge. She leaned back& while still holding the back of the chair& arched her back allowing her hair to drape down her back and made an inaudible sound of pleasure. She slowly collapsed her chest against his and then she whispered in his ear. 7<ood lord you are fantastic.7 "ith only a few more mo'ements of him gliding her body back and forth while her pulsating pussy surrounded his cock& he came. 3is head leaned back? he groaned aloud and then let his head collapse against hers. They sat there& breathing against each other for minutes. *etting the sweat of their bodies. touch each other skin and the only sounds were that of the music in the shop. )t was fantastic. 3ere she was a week later and she could not get that man out of her head. The sex they had shared was so incredible. She ne'er ga'e her digits? he ne'er called or stopped by the shop. She didn.t worry. )t was the most incredible night of sex she had e'er had. She would take what she got and mo'e on. 3owe'er& her mind lingered o'er e'ery inch of his sculpted body time and again. The way his muscles twitched at her touch. The way his cock felt in her hands& in her mouth& it was incredible. She lo'ed the feel of her tongue lingering o'er his cock& teasing the tip of it. She lo'ed the way his tongue lashed out and suckled her clit as his strong firm fingers slid in and out. She had masturbated to that 'ery memory of how skilled he was at playing with her slick wet hea'en. )n the end? both spent from numerous positions that when he walked her out to her car& lea'ing her with a gentle kiss and hug& she thought maybe he would be the romantic type and return. 3owe'er& she was a got(it gal& and if she saw it& she went and got it. Con'ersely& she did not go chasing after a guy if he didn.t want to come back around. )n her mind& he knew where to find her and knew she was willing. Then she followed the last customer out of the shop. This time& $ust for the heck of it& she picked up a small pebble outside the door& propped it open but pretended to lock it. She flipped the lights off in the display and went back to the counter to turn the music up. She grabbed her fa'orite fedora she had worn all week since their night together? e'er since her exhibition show& when she took the hat to co'er her bald wet pussy& bowing before him& ass in the air in his direction. That fedora. She slipped it on her head e'eryday a few times& $ust to stir the memories. #y the time she was down to a white lace bra& silk white thong that was soaked from the thought of that man& knee(high socks and a funky pair of high heels she had found her groo'e and was dancing like there was no tomorrow. Then with a bend of her hips& a swish of her hair and a twist of her waist as she stood up& he was there. She looked o'er e'ery s/uare inch of him standing there tall and handsome& with a huge bou/uet of erotic flowers& looking sexy as hell and e'en better. 1ore turned on then the first time. She smiled coyly. 7) was hoping you.d stop by.7 %he End Story %hree $ %ouched

*inda watched intensely through the office window looking out to her landscape paradise and pool& business demo area. 3er ga2e tra'eled o'er e'ery inch of her new super'isor that she had hired. 3e came highly recommended from one of her competitors that went out of business as a top(notch landscaper and manager. The day she inter'iewed him& she could easily see him as the type of man that would lure her into a distraction. 3owe'er& watching him now& she knew her resolution to stay hands off was fading fast. She wanted nothing more than to reach out and touch his naked body. She watched as he tossed his dirty work shirt into the backseat window of his black truck. 3e looked to ha'e $ust taken an employee shower and had his casual cargo shorts on and not much else. 3is muscles were lean and defined from all the hard labor of his work. 3is back was tanned to a golden color& mixed with his Spanish heritage& she could think of nothing more than to lick that golden skin of his. She watched him turn and the front of his chest rippled with muscles& down his abs and the definition at his hipbones showed as his $eans were loose and hanging. She saw no e'idence of a waistband for underwear& which meant one thing. 3e was commando under those cargo shorts. 3ow she wanted to pull those shorts off and lick up his hot throbbing cock. She was so focused on his muscles that she didn.t look at his face right away as his hand slide down his chest and back up to his wet brown hair on his head. That was when she noticed the way his golden brown eyes danced with mystery and his smile looked like deadly sin& staring straight at her. She let the metal blinds of her office slip out of her hand as she took a step back reali2ing she had been caught& ogling the hired help. She shook her head and smiled& then sat herself back at her desk to get some work done. 3er thoughts still lingered on the fact that she wanted to do nothing more than touch him. She wanted nothing more at that 'ery moment. )nstead& she imagined what he would be like when he touched her. She imagined the slip of his arms going around her and one of his hands reaching up and brushing her breast through her shirt& causing an immediate reaction from her nipple to grow perky. 3is lips brushing the back of her neck& causing a ripple sensation through her body. The whole time her eyes laid closed imaging the fantasy of his touch& she felt her body come ali'e with anticipation. 8antasi2ing about his muscular tanned body and how incredibly gorgeous it was when she got caught peeking at it a moment ago. 3ow his brown eyes and de'ilish smile made him so 'ery irresistible as he caught her staring. The problem was would he be willing to let her touch him. ;'en if it was $ust once. 1aybe if she told him that for that moment of her touch& she wasn.t his boss and he wasn.t her employee. That they were $ust two lo'ers tangled up in a sweaty moment of touch. She couldn.t help herself. She stood and pulled her long brown hair up into a ponytail. She turned off her fan that helped mo'e the a,c air around her office on the hot summer days. She caught a glimpse of her own brown eyes sparkling at a reflection of a woman who $ust had an intense mental fantasy in her office chair. 9ight now& she needed to go out and let the man know he passed his trial period of employment and would be a permanent hire if he accepted her pay. 3is eyes showed that he caught her at what she had been staring at for the last ten minutes. She walked towards him reali2ing that her breasts had a mind of their own and had pebbled from $ust looking at him. #y now& he had a fresh clean shirt on and looked like he was getting ready to head out to meet up with friends for a beer. 71ike.7 She held her hand out to shake his. 7"elcome to Paradise Pools and Property 1aintenance. :ou.'e got the $ob. 3ead super'isor like we talked about. 9alph may gi'e you shit but he knows he.s lucky to ha'e a $ob after failing the drug test for the second time. "hat do you say67 She watched him hesitate as he held her handshake. Then his hand dropped and he raked his hand through his hair.

7Sounds great. ) might ha'e one slight problem.7 3e sounded ner'ous as he looked down at his feet now in a pair of flip(flops and then back into her eyes. 71ike. 5ne thing you.ll learn working for me. ) may talk like a boss& act like a boss but ).m pretty soft when it comes to my workers. :ou got a problem. ) think we could work it out.7 She smiled at him with confidence as her body still reacted to the look of him. 1ore so now& than it did when she first met him. )t must ha'e something to do with the fact that he was such an earnest hard worker that had a great caring personality with the others and a way of $oking around with her. 3e left her e'ery morning with a smile to start her day and when he came back& he always said something to make her smile again. 7) think this problem. "ell. )t.s kind of embarrassing.7 3e seemed to stammer for a bit& and then his ga2e met hers. 3e pushed a loose strand of her hair behind her ear& and then touched her side of her neck lightly& as if he had the right. 8unny little flutters started up in the pit of her stomach as her lips cur'ed up into an amused smile. She liked the way it felt when he touched her $ust then. The way her body reacted and the way he seemed so ner'ous around her all of a sudden. 3ooking his thumbs into the loopholes of his cargo shorts caught her attention to other things that had grown. She watched his head tilt to one side as he began to study her. Then he shook her hand again. 73a'e a great weekend boss. ).ll find a way to work this out.7 7%lright 1ike. See ya at fi'e am on 1onday. 3a'e a great weekend.7 She stood there and watched him get in his truck. 3is window went down and he leaned out. 7:ou look nice today by the way. :ou ha'e a great weekend.7 %s he dro'e away& she headed straight for her office and turned the a,c on full blast along with her fan. The feel of his touch left her wishing for more. She let her hand slip up her work shirt and brush across her silk bra& and then slide down by her crotch as she lifted her denim skirt she wore today. She remembered his wa'e with the sexiest smile on his face. She remembered his tan muscles and sparkling brown eyes. Then in the pri'acy of her office& leaning back in her desk chair& knowing 1ike locked the gate behind him& she toyed with her bald wet pussy. %ma2ed that a man could actually do this to her with a look and a touch. )t only took a few soft glides of her fingers between the folds of her pussy lips to ha'e the moisture spread all o'er. She let her finger slide in and out a few /uick swift moments and she mentally thought it was 1ike.s hand that was creating this reaction out of her. The rush and excitement of it all brought on the feeling /uick. @uicker& then she had in a long time. She let the palm of her hand brush against her spread lips& exposing her clitoris to the touch of her palm. She pressed firmly with some force as she kept her mind fantasi2ing about 1ike. She took a second finger& slid it in to her warm wet pussy& and pressed in deep and forward to find her g(spot. )t took only a moment& and with the suction& her palm had created on her clitoris she was 'ibrating with an intense orgasm. The kind of orgasm that almost made her fall out of her office chair and onto her office floor. "hen the trembling sensation passed& she looked down into the personnel file of 1ike& sitting open on her desk. 3e was the perfect employee and he was also the perfect man to make her wildest dreams come true. -ow if she could only con'ince him that working for her did not need boundaries of boss and employee. )t only needed his special touch she so desperately desired. Come 1onday morning& *inda had a lot of work to do today& but for some reason she knew it would not get done. That reason was 1ike. That morning in the shower her mind toyed with her in the shower as she sha'ed her legs and lathered her body with soap. )t was the moment the soap lathered in her hands and began to wash o'er her body she knew she had it bad.

She closed her eyes and dreamed of 1ike. =reaming he let the water in the shower run extra hot as it steamed up her body. She let the feel of his hands run the lathered soap run o'er and between e'ery space and nook on her body. She had let his hand brush once between her legs o'er her bald pussy and she felt the excitement build all o'er again. 3is hands fully lathered& both went up to her breasts and toyed with her nipples the way she desired to be handled. 3e pinched her nipples and rolled them with his fingers. Then he let the palm of his hands brush across the sensiti'e nipples and a slight tingling surged through her body. That exciting thought of the fantasy 'ision of 1ike.s hands reaching between her legs caused one of her hands to press hard and firm against the steamed up glass shower. Then the palm of her other hand pressed hard and fast against her bald pussy. She cried out in pleasure and let her face lean back into the hot water as the shower rinsed her body of all the lather. #ack to reality at her business& she knew she had it bad for 1ike. %s she watched him drink his coffee and talk with the guys in the break room from her open office door& she let herself /uickly replay her fantasy of him this morning o'er in her mind. Then she swiped it clean like an eraser to a board and stood at her desk. She knew how to be a professional. She hadn.t built a successful business from luck or easy cash. #ut if there was one thing she was willing to chance right now was the fact with the way 1ike came in and flirted this morning and smiled& he had it bad himself. -ow they $ust needed to work though this together& multiple times and then they could get it all out of their system and mo'e on. 5r maybe. 0ust maybe& he wouldn.t mind working under her& around her or behind her& for a 'ery& 'ery long time. She walked into the break room and all eyes turned on her. ;xcept 1ike.s. 3e looked down at his work boots and by the time he looked up into her eyes& she had been deep into the days planning and couldn.t stop. -ot e'en for the de'ilish grin on his face and the way his eyes scanned her body like he was licking her up and eating her out. The way he looked at her made the room spin for $ust a second& so she cut it short and then briskly walked back into her office. )t was only 1onday. )f something didn.t happen soon. )t was going to be a long week. %s the day worked on she got herself engrossed in business contracts that the morning slipped by. %t lunch& a floral deli'ery of fresh sunflowers arri'ed and the receptionist and front desk guys made a comment about .lucky guy. and .anybody we know.. Problem was there was no card signed. 5nly a note that whoe'er sent them noticed she lo'ed sunflowers& which she did. She had photographed a million and one pictures and had a few of her pri2e winning photos on her office walls. -ot to mention that she always tried to work some type of sunflower into a landscape pro$ect. )t was her signature. She set the large bou/uet that arri'ed in a blue 'ase on her window ledge where she could look at them e'ery time she looked out to the demo pool. The day wrapped up fast with her mind wondering. "as she 1ike.s problem6 "as she reading his interest correctly and was this his first step at approaching her. She couldn.t help but smile all day to think that the man that made her stomach flip(flop from a touch and her breast perk when he smiled& was truly interested back in her. %t days end the staff was gone along with all the other workers. The front gate was locked and through her bou/uet of sunflowers& she watched 1ike out by the demo pool. She watched him bend o'er for something on the ground and stand back up with his tight ass and chiseled back to her. "hen 1ike stood back up and turned& he caught *inda staring& so he flashed the sexiest of smiles and wa'ed at her to come out and $oin her next to the pool. 3e bent down and flipped a switch and the pool fountain turned on along with the lights in the pool. The sun was setting and it was getting dark. )t ga'e the feel of romance and that was exactly what he was looking for.

%s she walked out she felt his eyes tra'el her body& the way she smiled at him with her long brown hair loose around her shoulders and her brown eyes twinkling she was responding to his secret desires. 3e sensed she knew he sent the flowers. 3e sensed that she knew his only problem about this $ob was that he needed to touch his boss in ways she needed to be touched. *ike a woman that desired a strong man.s touch tra'eling o'er her body and bringing her to orgasm. 3e wanted that so bad he was willing to wager his $ob. %s she walked towards him with her sexy smile and tanned body in nothing but a company logo tee shirt& sheer bra by the way her nipples always reacted to him and a denim skirt that he so desperately wanted to lift. 3e wanted to lift that skirt and let his hand stroke her and he wondered what it would be like if he fucked her 'ery& wet pussy. 7Crew.s gone. <ates locked. 1ind if ) take a /uick swim to cool off67 3e motioned his head towards the pool. 5f course& she didn.t mind. Se'eral of her employees used the pool on hot summer nights. They knew that all they had to do was ask. #ut& by the way he motioned& she was sure he was not only asking for himself& but for her to $oin him as well. She watched his hands grasp the edge of his tee shirt and raise it o'er his head. 3is tanned muscular chest and abs caused a hitch in her breath and she stopped cold in her tracks. =amn the man was gorgeous. 7=on.t mind if you do. 1ind if ) $oin you67 *ike she had to ask. She knew she didn.t but a man wanted to be a man and now that the clock was stopped and he was off company time& she would let him be the one in charge. Then without a response& she watched him kick his flip(flops to the side and drop his shorts. Showing a throbbing member that was commando and he $umped into the pool headfirst. 3is cock was large and she wanted nothing more at that moment for him to be easing into her wet pussy with the stretch of him. 3owe'er& they were on new territory& so she lifted her shirt o'er her head& un2ipped her skirt and let it drop. Then she unhooked her bra and slid her panties down her legs. 0ust as he came up for air from his di'e& his eyes lit up at the fact that her body was so incredibly sexy with clothes on& but naked he officially had it bad for her. 3e watched the way she slipped into the water of the pool from the stairs and the relief the cool pool brought to her body. 3e waded around in the deeper end of the pool watching her& waiting for a sign that she was as into him as he was to her. 7:ou got my flowers67 3e had to know what she thought. 7:es. They are my fa'orites. Thank you. #y the way. There is no problem here. This is 'ery mutual.7 She let her body slip the rest of the way into the coolness of the pool. )t felt incredible. Those words meant more to him than she could imagine. "hen he took this $ob on as a trial basis& he noticed immediately the way their bodies reacted to each other. 3e had other offers& but her company was on firm ground and better pay. 3owe'er& after their first inter'iew& he could think of nothing more than fucking her brains out on a regular basis. She took a moment to let the water surround her body in motion as she swam out to the middle with her head abo'e water. "ith each kick of her legs out to keep her buoyance she felt the rush of water between her legs and up her pussy. )t tingled $ust enough to make her giggle. She could ha'e fainted. 3er body was so alert with excitement and her mind wondered where this would go. She decided it would go where'er they both played around with. *ife was too short for second guessing. She pushed off the stairs and swam towards him with her face and a come(hither look to her. She wanted to tease and flirt for a second to allow him to decide if this is what he wanted. )t did not take long for him to con'ince her he had already made up his mind and was a 'ery willing participant.

She watched him dip under the water and swim towards her. Staying under water $ust until he reached her. The feel of his hands running up her legs& o'er her belly and then brushing her breasts was erotic as his head came abo'e water. 3is eyes looked up to her and his mouth was at her breast le'el $ust abo'e the water. They didn.t speak& at first. )t was as if they both wanted to en$oy the play and feel& and touch of each other.s bodies. 3e co'ered his mouth o'er her nipple sucking it and then let his hands caress her body until he stood taller out of the water and then lowered his mouth down on her and kissed her. )t was sensual and ex/uisite. She felt a strong desire to cum $ust from his touch. )nstead& she relaxed her mind and prepared herself for a night of fun. Their hands explored each other.s body& touching each other until they were lost in the touch of each other.s skin. 3e caressing between her thighs. Then they found their way to the edge of the pool. 3e was smooth and seducti'e as he got her to sit naked on the edge and guided one of her legs to bend then rested a foot off to the side& allowing him full access to her pussy. "ith $ust a light brush of his fingertips& he looked into her eyes and smiled at her with that look. That look that told her that he was going to practically eat her ali'e and make her cum with the feel of his lips on her pussy. She looked him in the eyes as she smiled back& and then tilted her head back in a relaxed fashion as he let his fingers massage her bald pussy and then separated her lips to expose her clit. 3e spoke softly yet with a sincere timber sound to his 'oice before he led his head between her legs and began to lap and suck at her pussy. so incredibly beautiful.7 Those words were drowned out by the feel of his tongue lashing at her. She lo'ed the way he would stop and kiss the inside of her thigh before going right back to pleasuring her. She let her hands lean back a bit and her ass mo'e up and forward as his hand slipped underneath her ass for support. She moaned out in encouragement and got the wicked smile from him when she looked down at him occasionally. 3e seemed to be fully en$oying himself. She let one hand caress his wet hair and gently encourage his head in and out as his tongue lapped at her pussy. %s his mouth licked at her like an ice cream cone& his fingers dipped in and out and then a long drawn out moan escaped her mouth. 7) think ).m going to cum.7 Swift in his mo'ements. 3e applied suction to her clitoris as his fingers pressed in deep and hard& then his hand holding her ass gripped her firmly and he pressed his mouth in with $ust enough pressure her orgasm released. 3e felt her body tremble with excitement and her muscles flinch. 3e kissed the inside of her leg and looked up with a smile. 3er head was back but the smile on her face said it all. She had en$oyed herself and he was proud. The entire moment was the best feeling she had e'er had from another person. 3e had brought her to orgasm that sent shi'ers through her body as her cunt tightened around his fingers. She practically screamed out in pleasure but remembered where they were at. 5ut in the open& at her business& yet luckily for them& their passionate experience happened in the most secluded part of the demo area. She had designed it so that her clients would fall in lo'e with the surrounded landscape of the pool to offer them pri'acy& for $ust this 'ery reason. -ow she could see why this was one of her top designs. Swiftly one of his hands came to her mouth to stifle her rolling moan of pleasure. 7Careful. Someone might call the police and tell them your employee is molesting you.7 3e said it is such a $oking manner that all she could do was let out a slow& soft laughter and felt her body become relaxed. %s she did this& his mouth went to her nipple and teased it with a bite. She felt his strength as he lifted her up and then lowered her back into the pool. Then his mouth went to her neck and sucked on the backside $ust under her ear as her breasts brushed against his body.

She felt a rush of excitement happening again and she could see that she would be /uickly ready to play some more. She was sure how she could return the fa'or. She wanted to place her mouth on his throbbing cock and suck it until he came. 3e let his tongue work along her slender neck for a second then breathed in her ear. 7This is much nicer than $ust flirting. ) wondered how recepti'e you would be. -ow ) can see you.'e sol'ed my problem.7 She laughed lightly. 7) don.t suppose the fact that ).m your boss might ha'e caused a moment of hesitation. #ut ).m glad you didn.t hesitate. There are no problems here.7 8or a moment& their light laughter allowed them to relax. 3e wrapped his arms around her and nestled his face by her breasts. 7) want this $ob. ).'e worked hard for it. %nd ).ll continue to work hard. Somehow& ) had a feeling you wanted this too and since the boss and ok with it ) ha'e to say this could really be a nice benefit to the $ob.7 7).m not sure who.s going to benefit more.7 She smiled up at him as he stood up tall again. 7) don.t like secrets though. ) won.t lie about you. ) hope you don.t want to hide the fact that attracted to me as well.7 %s he said all that& she had to let that thought sink in deep into her mind. )t could complicate things if it was all out in the open. 3owe'er& it could make it easier on her as well. She didn.t respond right away. 3e pushed off and away then smiled as he swam backwards in the pool. She was sure he was going to fuck her right there in the pool& yet he stopped himself. 3er hesitation must ha'e made him think. "ith nothing but the romantic lights of the pool lighting the area and the dark sky of the night abo'e them& she wanted to swim out to him and pull him out to suck on his cock. #ut she knew he was hesitant as she was the boss. She had tried to reassure him this was what she wanted& but she understood. She watched him swim around for a bit then she pushed off the wall and swam towards him? meeting him at the middle of the pool. She approached him slowly and then stood naked in front of him. 7This is not typical boss employee relations for me. 8rom the first day we met something sparked and ).m not one to let things $ust rush on by. ) sensed your attention& then the flowers and that kiss. *et.s $ust say that right now we are $ust two hungry souls for passion.7 3e brushed a light kiss on her neck then looked back down and smiled at her& looking into her eyes. 7) ha'e only begun to eat.7 3is eyes tra'eled to the crest of her breasts $ust abo'e the water and his fingers reached up and brushed her nipples. )t got a huge smile on her face. 7) insist that you must be fed.7 Then she laughed. 7#ut first& ) know you ha'en.t eaten much today. *et.s order deli'ery and eat in the outdoor dining demo.7 3e laid a hand on her neck and pulled her in for a sensual long lingering kiss with his tongue. "hen he pulled away& he whispered. 78eed me now& but ) still want to feed on you later.7 Then he kissed her lips again as his de'ilish smile crossed his face and his brown eyes sparkled with desire. They ate their pi22a in light banter of flirtatious remarks& under the soft romantic lights of a custom built pa'ilion and custom granite dinette. They leaned back in the cushioned dining chairs? *inda in only 1ike.s clean long tee shirt and 1ike in his casual cargo shorts he always put on at the end of a workday. They talked about her degree and building the business in a 'ery competiti'e market. They talked about his degree and bad boy ways that kept him from e'er making a success at his dream. % dream 'ery similar to hers. %s she held up her can of soda from the 'ending machine& she offered a toast. 7To a 'ery successful business transition and may we continue working so 'ery well together.7 She said it is such a sexual flirtatious way that he found her hard to resist.

3e pulled her in for a kiss and led her to stand up. 3is hands grabbed the edge of his tee shirt on her& slowly sliding it up and o'er her body as his mouth sucked on to her breast. *etting his hot tongue brush her sensiti'e nipple and then suck at it. 3e felt her hands reach down to his cargo pants and his erection was e'ident. 3e felt her hand slide in and he let out a moan& as he knew her touch would dri'e him wild. %gainst his better $udgment& he stopped her cold. 7-ot tonight. ) don.t ha'e protection and ) want you to be sure. Tonight ) $ust want to pleasure you.7 7)t doesn.t ha'e to be all about me. ) want to know what the weight of you felt like in my hands.7 She let the button loose on his cargo shorts and proceeded to drop to her knees as her hands slid them o'er his hips and ass and down to the ground. "ith $ust a step back& he seated back in his chair and she had her hand firmly grasped around his hard cock. %s soon as his hard throbbing cock $utted out from his pants& she was enthralled with the si2e and weight of it. She let her hand grasp firmly at the base of his cock& then her warm moist mouth surround the tip of his cock as she slowly glided her mouth o'er it. 3er mouth slid down and his cock gently went in deeper into her mouth she felt him relax back into his seat. She let her mouth linger as her tongue played with the tip of his cock and licked the slit while her hot mouth still surrounded him. Then she grasped a bit firmer at the base of his cock& she created a suction with her mouth and went as deep as she could then up and down without e'er letting his cock out of her mouth. She let his moans of pleasure encourage her on while his hand laid gently in her hair and keeping it out of her face& guiding her back down as she would come up. %s soon as her mouth pulled off& she felt the gentle pressure of his hand to guide her down again. This time she sucked hard and fast and felt his body tense within seconds. %s her mouth pulled off and her grip tightened& he released himself with a low timber groan. %s soon as his breathe returned& he felt he needed to thank her. 3e let his hand circle to the back of her neck then she leaned in for a 'ery sensual long tongue(twisting kiss. 3e nipped at her lip and held it& then leaned back and rested his nose to her nose. 7Thank you.7 3e leaned back and smiled& looking at the mischie'ousness in her eyes. 3e was sure she had en$oyed herself as much as he did. That made them one hell of a partnership. The night was young and hot. The air was humid and the pool seemed like another in'iting in'itation for them to relax and get to know each other better. %lthough he was sure that tonight was more about exploring their touch than talking. 7*et.s cool off again.7 3e led her down to the shallow end of the pool after they had $oked and swam around for a while. )t was fast approaching midnight but neither one of them cared. 5nce they were where their feet could stand and their heads were abo'e water they stood looking at each other as their hands played with each other underwater. %t first& both their hands tra'eled o'er each other.s bodies. Then 1ike.s mouth began nipping and sucking on her nipples until they were perky. The feel of his slow gentle mo'ements and brush of his hands across her skin in other places told her that he knew how to make a woman.s body respond to his touch. 3e wanted to make sure that e'ery part of her was well alert and ready before he got to the moment where he wanted to bring her to orgasm. -ot e'ery man knew it took a woman more time then they wanted to spend& to get a woman.s body ready. 3owe'er& it was e'ident that he knew. She remembered his $okes at the pa'ilion about his bad boy ways getting him into trouble and positions that she only read about. She wanted him to teach her and put her in those positions but first she wanted him to continue touching her and kissing her neck under her ear where she lo'ed. *etting his hands tra'el o'er her body under water and then grabbing her tight as he kissed her deeply with his tongue.

3e was definitely experienced with the way he knew all the places a woman wanted to be kissed and stroked. She felt more relaxed with his touch as the time went by and found that she wanted to explore his body as much as he was exploring hers. 3is fingers began to pleasure her pussy under water with gentle strokes of lightness. 3e lifted one leg and held it under water as he backed her to the edge of the pool. Then when her back touched the wall& he applied a deeper pressure of touch. 3e kissed her deeply with his tongue and en$oyed the soft feel of a woman.s tender lips. 3e watched her head lean back to face up to the starry sky as he kissed her neck and then down to breasts that were $ust abo'e the water. 3e took turns sucking and nipping on each breast then trailed kisses back up to her neck& and kissed and sucked right under her ear where it caused a loud moan from her each time. %ll the while& his fingers en$oyed the feel of the inside of her pussy. 3e let them slide in and out while underwater. 3e let his hand slide up her gentle slender neck and wrapped his fingers up in her wet hair. 3e looked into her soft brown eyes as she leaned her head back towards him and smiled. 3e knew she was close and he wanted to take her o'er the edge. 3e turned her so her back was to his chest and he whispered in her ear. 7Tonight ) want you to let it all go and scream at the top of your lungs if you want to. Tonight ) want you to cum as my hand is against your pussy and my fingers are deep inside you.7 3e let one hand firmly grasp her breast and then pinched her nipple while the other pressed hard and firm against her clit. *etting his two fingers slid in and out while applying pressure then he pinched hard and felt the grip and 'ibration of her orgasm in his own hand. )t felt so incredible to bring a woman that much $oy. She didn.t howl or cry out. )nstead she held her breathe as one long continuous orgasm rolled through her body. She felt her toes trying to grasp the cement floor of the pool and 1ike.s hands hold her tightly as she tossed her head back against his shoulders. 8inally& a long breath of air was able to expel from her lungs. She breathed deep back in and then let out a long slow breathe that was a sensual moan of pleasure. Somewhere in there& she was sure she cursed. 3owe'er& his lips on her neck and calming 'oice telling her to let it all go& caused her smile of pleasure turn into a slow laughter. %s soon as she was able& she turned to him and let his arms surround her in a hold so tight& it was such a sense of secure feeling she could ha'e stood there the rest of the night until their bodies pruned from the pool. )nstead& they gradually made their way out. She got dressed and he slid on his cargo shorts commando and slipped on his flip(flops after helping her get dressed. 3e handled all the lights and made sure the perimeter was secure& as she went to the office to lock up. )t was now past one am in the morning and in four hours& they would be right back here to meet with the employees before heading out. %t the end of the next week& 1ike decided to silence her laughter with a kiss that was so sensual. 3is tongue slid into her mouth and searched out e'ery sensual spot her mouth that he en$oyed. 3is lips created suction on her lips and a low moan started deep within them that when he pulled away all *inda had to do was smile. %s soon as he left& her day could not ha'e gone fast enough. She ached for his touch e'ery second of the day. She damned herself for keeping him up so late the last few nights& that one of the guys had called in stating that he fell asleep on his lunch hour. She told the worker that 1ike had been working late at the office& to nudge him awake and send him this way. %s soon as he was to arri'e& she wanted to ra'age him. )nstead& she had her receptionist clear out the other office with the couch and was going to force him to nap. 3owe'er& he had other plans. 3e wanted to finish out the day and head home for a shower and nap. Then he calmly and boldly asked her in front of the other employees. 7Can ) see you later for a date67 The cat was out of the bag. 3e didn.t want to hide what they were doing and she didn.t want to explain to her employees. #ut damn it. )t was her company and if she wanted to screw the help she was going to do

it. ;specially& when that employee was able to bring her to multiple orgasms each time. 3er answer back brought a smile to his face. 7).d lo'e that.7 The staff left on time and the gates were locked. The anticipation of his return after he went home to nap and shower almost killed her. She tried to nap herself but her body still bu22ed from the multiple orgasms she had reached the night before. The air was warm and humid but the cool bree2e inside the pa'ilion made it the perfect retreat. She had an )talian dinner deli'ered this time and she hoped that tonight would be the start of their entire weekend together. She didn.t care if it was her place or his. 0ust that they left here together& and came back together on 1onday. They both slowly sat back and looked at each other with the afterglow of e'erything that had happened in a short time. 1ike spoke up first. 7) don.t know about you but ) feel like this is getting more intense each time.7 She leaned up to him and kissed him. Then she stood and pulled him up. *etting her arms slide o'er his back and up behind his neck while her tongue slipped into his mouth. "hen she pulled away& she smiled up at him then hugged him. 7-ot only more intense. #ut it.s like ) can.t get enough.7 7) want to spend the weekend with you.7 3e smiled down at her with a serious look awaiting her answer. 3e gently pulled her up against his side and caressed her skin through her shirt. 7%nd ) would like nothing better than that. -o matter where we stay ) want to be with you all weekend.7 3er answer to him was well recei'ed as his lips softly kissed hers. % sensual kiss as his tongue slowly entered her mouth and explored. "hen he pulled away& he complimented her looks. 7:ou look incredible tonight& by the way. =id you make it home for a nap67 3er soft brown hair was down and curled. 3er makeup was sultry dark and sexy. 3er dress was a short black slee'eless dress that hugged her perky breasts tight with a tie strap behind her neck and it hit $ust abo'e her knees. 3er black strappy heels were tall and made her legs look extra lean and sexy. 7) tried but ) had so much going on. ) used the employee shower and ) always keep a fun outfit here in case ) run out of time.7 3e lightly kissed her on the lips then offered a chair for her to sit. 7:ou must be hungry. *et.s feed you first before ) eat you.7 %fter she sat& he leaned down& kissed her on the neck& the spot that always made her moan softly& and whispered in her ear. 7:ou look incredibly sexy for a woman that is rushed. *et.s take all the time we want this weekend.7 They ate their dinner with sensual touching of the arms and legs under the table as the air filled with light con'ersation and they flirted. %s the meal was finished and they sat there talking& it was e'ident that they had taken the step from $ust physical touch to friends. Then he broke the light banter and con'ersation& by standing up and reaching for her hand. She looked to him and his eyes lit up with excitement& and then he nodded his head in a yes motion. She gently kissed him on the lips. They began by kissing each other in a tender embrace. Their lips tingled with the excitement the weekend was holding. 3e undid the string that held her dress top up and it open up to a set of 'ery perky nipples tanned from the sun. % light giggle left her lips. She felt so giddy to be here with him. Then a passionate kiss /uieted her as he began to get more aggressi'e in his mo'es. 3e slipped the top down to her waist as he kissed her& then let his hands slide up and down her back and then to her hips where he grabbed at the dress she was wearing. 3e gently eased it down her hips as his mouth& trailed kisses o'er her nipples& down her belly

then he let a soft gentle kiss on her bald pussy. Parting her lips with her tongue for a brief lick then looked up to her and smiled while helping her step out of her dress. 3e undid her straps to her heels& which she slipped off and kicked to the side. She stood there naked in front of him as his kisses trailed back up her body& while his hands rubbed the inside of her thighs& gently resting one hand between her legs and nestled it& then began to rub her wet pussy softly with a few fingers. She moaned in ecstasy as she had missed the touch of him all day while he worked. )t was as if she couldn.t get enough of his attention. She glanced at him noticing he had a 'ery hard cock still in his pants. She let her fingers linger o'er his body& en$oying the feel of his muscles& as his intense ga2e told her he always wanted to pleasure her first. 3e felt the slickness of her bald pussy that was wet and ready. 3e met the readiness of her hot wet pussy and he let his hands rub gently o'er her legs and into her thighs. 3e dipped his fingers in and pulled them out. Then he stood and let her undress him. 3e made it easy for her with $ust a tee shirt and loose shorts. %s soon as she seemed to ha'e a good feel of his naked skin& he turned her and stood her naked body facing away. %s he stood behind kissing her neck& letting his hands toy with her nipples& pinching and pulling then brushing with his palms& he whispered in her ear. 7) want to wake with you in the morning. issing your neck $ust like this.7 Then he kissed her neck where it made her moan. 7) want to ha'e my hands full of your wet pussy and watch you wither before the sun has fully risen.7 Then his hand gently guided down across her belly. 5ne hand brushed the moisture from her wet pussy up while the other separated her pussy. The palm of his hand flattened against her clitoris as he pressed firmly creating a suction friction against her throbbing clit. She felt fingers dip in and out of her as she stared up at the night sky& leaning her head back on his shoulder& lo'ing his touch. She felt an orgasm about to approach? she reached back and began to gently rub his hard cock. She whispered o'er to him. 78uck me now& 1ike.7 3e reached down and grabbed a condom from his shorts. 3e rolled it on and then leaned her o'er the 'ery granite table they $ust ate from. 3e watched as she looked o'er her shoulder at him& her legs spread apart& her ass high and tight and her hands on the table. 78uck me 1ike.7 She pleaded. The first moment the tip of his cock entered her tight wet pussy he felt the stretch. She had mentioned she lo'ed this position with him although they talked about trying all of them. Then he let his hard cock slide in and out& as he brought one of his hands around front to her bald pussy and searched out her clit. 3is fingers found the pulsing pebble as he applied $ust the right amount of pressure. 3e felt the con'ulsions of her tight pussy around his cock and he shot off inside the condom. 8eeling each pulse from her made his insides tightened and his groin twitched. 3e was powerless to control the thoughts that controlled his body.s reaction. 3e felt more for her than any other woman in such a short time. %s they caught their breath& he let his tongue lick between her shoulder blades allowing her warm flesh to settle on the tip of his tongue. Then she turned and latched her arms around him. @uickly en'eloping his tongue in her mouth. 3e was surprised by the reaction to the taste of her warm mouth& she tasted like hea'en and desire all wrapped up into one. 3e wondered what all this meant as his fingers wrapped into the soft texture of her hair. 3e barely managed to stay in control as his hands slid down her shoulders filling his palms with the touch of her skin. 7) lo'e you.7 3e practically blurted out. 3e had ne'er said that to any woman before but now he meant it as /uickly as it came out of his mouth. 3e had no regrets. 3e meant it and he said it and it that scared her then he would deal with it later. 3is ga2e wandered up past the hollow of her throat past her chin to a

full set of luscious lips that looked pouty and swollen from all their kissing. 3e felt things for her in e'ery cell of his aching body. 5nly a second passed since he proclaimed his lo'e to her and she was in shock& yes. #ut more so she wanted to let him know that she felt it too. 3er fingers raked through his hair as she held his ga2e. 7) lo'e you too. :ou mean so much to me. ) want this to work out& ) really do. ) think what we ha'e is so special.7 Then her mouth co'ered his and she let the warmth of his tongue in her mouth allow her to feel his passion. "hen he finally pulled back and en'eloped her into his arms& he let his nose settle in her hair and breathed her in deeply. 3e said it one more time into her ear as he felt her hands roaming o'er e'ery inch of his body. 3e lo'ed that she was ready so soon that it wouldn.t be long and they would be making lo'e again. That weekend they played with each other and tried new positions that made them happier. They talked about all the funny moments in life that led them to where they are today. They showered at each other.s place depending on where they last made lo'e and ate a lot of deli'ery food. #ecause they didn.t want to waste anytime going out when staying in was so much fun. #y 1onday& the staff at her business knew. %s soon as they confirmed e'eryone.s suspicions& they went about acting freely as they chose. "ith a touch or a kiss in passing. Tender words on the phone or o'er the call system. This was more than fun interplay& this was serious. % few employees cracked $okes in pri'ate. 3owe'er& it was her company damn it and she had e'ery intention of lo'ing the man& that stole her heart and soul& that 'ery first night at the demo pool& for a 'ery long time. -o one /uestioned or stared at their passing touches or locked doors. Their after hour rules of the pool changed as well. ;mployees had to arrange ahead of time. )n case after work foreplay led to a 'ery erotic display of them trying new positions or areas of the demo yard. %s the busy season ended& they decided it would be easiest on all if they $ust got married. %lthough it was what they both decided. The demo yard made the best backdrop to the wedding. The sunflowers that were planted e'erywhere played with the theme of the wedding. The pool made for a great after party. Then when e'eryone was gone& they sat at the 'ery table where they shared their lo'e& they $oked about it all starting with one simple touch? a feeling of excitement that they both felt from the 'ery moment they met. % feeling of lust and satisfaction that soon followed with the need and desire to commit. They agreed that they could not ha'e asked for a better beginning. %he End 'bout the 'uthor Kat Von Wild *ike luscious li/uid dreams& my stories pour from my flittering fingertips& creating a pro'ocati'e experience& for your pleasure. =eliciously dark dreams dare me to be so bold. Stimulating warm trickling sensations like a waterfall gently washing o'er your soul. Simply enticing your desires& whether you be a man or woman& may you find yourself lost to the scrumptious experience ) ha'e presented to you. %ccept my offering of a moment in time to escape. Thank you for allowing me to offer you pleasure. #ther e$boo(s a ailable for purchase" Sample chapters to follo&"

Erotic Romance )ystery =own home bad boy& Chase Cooper& feels a storm brewing and when one hot and sexy contract for hire pri'ate security detail woman crosses his path& he feels the electricity in the air intensify. Protecting the locals is one thing he has always done. Protecting a woman that steals his heart is another. %ll bets are off and the game of high )ntel and secret security are changing fast. There is mystery in the air and a $ob to be done& but is much going to happen while the sexual intensity sparks. 1alcolm is her call sign and she is well e/uipped to kill a man in more ways than a secret agent knows how. She has been called out to protect the niece of a high(powered man from mysterious happenings. "hat she plans is a /uick easy $ob to draw out the culprit& secure the $ob and dispose of anything or anyone that might lea'e a trace. "hat she gets instead is a $olt to her lifestyle and a desire to be normal. )f that word e'en exists in one.s life. 3owe'er& after meeting Chase Cooper and reali2ing that hot steamy sex is not all that exists between him& she reali2es she has found her soul mate. She sets out to make a normal life for herself. "ith such intense sexual desire being fulfilled between them& can they start a life together without the dangers of the world lurking around the corner6

Perfect Co&boy $ Romance Series Boo( #ne % heart(warming& sultry experience& of a modern cowboy romance. %ngel 1orrison is a down(home country girl who has been gi'en the heart wrenching task of looking for the replacement for her boss& 9andy& who has been like a dad to her all her life. 9andyAs recent heart attack brought new meaning to e'eryoneAs life at the ranch. 3owe'er& mostly for %ngel whose only true dream is to marry the perfect cowboy& settle down& and start a family. The last thing she planned was to find a man like Colton Smith+ a man& who still li'ed by the cowboy code& was easy on the eyes and tugged at her heart. Things heat up with %ngel being the one to train him to do his $ob& howe'er& he does not know whether to be mad as heck or turn the heat up. The complications get worse while ha'ing her as his only ally and learning that %ngel was offered his $ob and is well trained for it. This causes one cowboy to take all his animosity out on his sweet %ngel. )tAs not long before he reali2es the best thing that e'er happened to him $ust galloped away at a race horses. Can this cowboy win %ngel.s heart back6

Cosmopolitan )an $ Romance Series Boo( %&o 5pposites attract yet when the attraction is this hot& you $ust ha'e to add fuel to the fire instead of putting it out. 5ne simple down to earth cowgirl can.t seem to work this cosmopolitan millionaire out of her system. 3is international experience did not prepare him for the way his body reacted to someone as sexy and explosi'e as her. 0ust when he thought the deal was done& she put him in for a surprise of a lifetime. Sometimes it takes best friends and old friends to make it all work out.

Luc(y Catch $ Romance Series Boo( %hree Some woman $ust cannot help but fall for the dangerous badass. Some men think the only way to get the woman is to become that badass. %ll Claire wanted was a good man like 0oe& after years of dating the dangerous ones. %ll 0oe offered her was friendship. *ittle did she know that her sexy looks and sweet demeanor was all 0oe could think about& yet he did not know how to go about offering himself to her. "atching Claire ride away on the back of a 3arley with some other man tore at his heart. 3e figured the only way to get her back was to turn himself into one bad dude. %ll Claire wanted was her old 0oe back. Sometimes it takes good friends and a lot of luck to make that *ucky Catch. 'lso a ailable short erotic romance stories"

Erotic Short Romance Can one rodeo(winning cowboy steal the heart and kiss of one =aisy 1ay6 :ou bet your bucking bronco. This steaming duo finally takes the chance to express their sultry attraction to each other and in more ways or positions than you can count on. )n a steamy shower& old barn& and handmade custom kitchen table or in front of the fire& these two find ways to make the ecstasy ele'ate. This hot scorching erotic short romance story will lea'e you warm and wanting for more... of something> @uestion is can you handle the hot temperatures and sultry scenes this story unfolds6

Erotic Short Romance "hat do mistletoe& a si22ling hot redhead and a smoking hot bartender do if thrust upon each other with undeniable lust6 They meet in the middle of course. )nstant attraction and lustful illusions can lead to something so wonderful during the magical time of year. 0ohn Tally is a successful business man who.s made his millions and now it.s time for him to come back from the beaches of California to his hometown of -ew :ork to help his brother out. "hile managing his brother.s ta'ern while he reco'ers from surgery& he expected a fun hangout with the locals. "hat he did not expect is a redhead so delicious he decides that putting his heart on the line so /uick could be worth it in the end. "hat Callie 5.Conner ne'er expected while Christmas shopping for gifts for her family was a day of frustration. =oing something so not her style& she stops into a cute little pub for an afternoon beer. "hat she got instead was an early Christmas present for herself.

Erotic Short Romance % woman.s desire to fulfill her husband.s fantasies leads her down a sensual path of new foreplay. ;scaping the restraints of limited imagination& she finds that the epitome of e'eryman man.s dream of two women together& is an experience of sensual o'erload. %llowing her to experiment into le'els of desire& which before seemed taboo to her. 4nleashing her imagination and desire to new le'els& while recreating the lust they had lost.

Erotic Short Romance Some girls like it hot& but this one likes it wet and wild. %ttraction to the bad boys can bring on a dangerous mix but this one has her man wet and wild. Some days it $ust pays to take care of the urge of a restlessness that can ache between your legs. This wild and restless one finds her man& but he almost gets away. Then like a hero& he rescues her in more ways than one& letting the heat turn up past scorching as they explore their sensations lea'ing them sated for more. Some girls like it hot& but this one likes it wet and wild. %ttraction to the bad boys can bring on a dangerous mix but this one has her man wet and wild. Some days it $ust pays to take care of the urge of a

restlessness that can ache between your legs. This wild and restless one finds her man& but he almost gets away. Then like a hero& he rescues her in more ways than one& letting the heat turn up past scorching as they explore their sensations lea'ing them sated for more. ' Special %ouch Series"

These stories are a part of a series of short erotic stories for %dult ;rotic 9omance& geared in mind to what women want and need. These characters are sure to ha'e you begging your lo'e partner to duplicate their actions. ;'ery woman knows it takes a special touch in more than one place to bring a woman to orgasm. These men know how to sweep their woman off their feet and ha'e them begging for more. 5nce you are done reading a special touch series short story you will be handing the story o'er to your lo'er and begging them to do that& to you. Sample Chapters %he Wild #ne Erotic Romance )ystery by Kat Von Wild Chapter #ne Storm clouds had been brewing all day& building up for one heck of an e'ening thunderstorm. The steel blue clouds were up to something and the air was thick with humidity. Chase Cooper was no idiot to the weather. 3e knew when a good storm was brewing& but he could also sense when some other kind of trouble was about to rain down. The last few days he had been restless since the break in at the Sanders 8arm. Ten years as a cop in Titan County did not lea'e him without the typical local teen or misdemeanor trouble from wayward adults. This break(in was something different& although he would not admit it openly? he had a bad gut feeling about it. They all laughed it off as misdemeanor fun while the gal was out to church. That Sanders gal

must ha'e gotten someone riled up because she.s not only acting weird& strange things ha'e been happening to her& or so she says. % loud thunderous boom echoed throughout the 'alley. Chase took a look to the long dirt county road that came into town the back way and left him with nothing but a feeling of something coming. The lightening flash filled the darkened sky with a brilliant flash of light and then things settled right back to the way they were. The way Chase liked them& /uiet and contempt in this sleepy little town that could easily mimic 1ayberry. ;'en though Se'er City has its share of moderni2ation and attraction for retirees? it also has the bones of society that started this sleepy little town off the lake. % lake that once was se'eral gra'el pits that got connected together twenty years back. %s soon as the highway connected to it and a new hospital landed here& the town took off but somehow kept its small town si2e and stature as a hidden gem. %nother loud boom filled the air. Chase decided to get out of his police cruiser and take a long sniff of the fresh air that smelled of pending rain. 3e leaned against his hood& looking out to the dirt county road that usually let him catch a racing teenage dri'er or two on this early summer e'ening. So far& all that had passed him in the last hour was a few trucks with retirees in them& and a few towing their fishing boats away from the lake for the e'ening& because of the storm. % flash of lightening streaked across the sky once again& this time dancing in different directions. The dark clouds had now etched themsel'es across any a'ailable blue skyline and reached out to the hori2on. )t would be a short time and the hard slick rain would be falling& making this dirt county road a muddy mess. Chase took another long whiff of the pending rainstorm in the air and smiled to himself. 3e lo'ed the smell of coming rain& along with loud rolling thunder and a lightening show to ri'al. )t was what he lo'ed about this area. Tonight might $ust be a /uiet night after all in the Saturday night category. The next sound Chase heard as he pushed off his cruiser was that of something other than thunder& yet it had a familiar sound of something brewing all together. 1aybe his night wasn.t going to be so /uiet after all. 1aybe one of those 1acklin boys got their !(B engine built a bit early and was out for a /uick test dri'e before the rainstorm. 3e shielded his eyes against a sunray that peeked out of a storm cloud and blinded him for a second. 3e looked to the crest of the county road and held his breathe for that =odge Charger to make it o'er the hill. 5h he would warn them all right& but first he wanted to feel the rush of the engine roaring by him& before he $umped into his police cruiser and chased after those boys for a bit of fun. The dust cloud billowed o'er the hill and the roar got louder. Chase kept his hand shielded from the blinding sun that had $ust peeked out from behind a storm cloud and felt his heart beat faster and faster. 3e lo'ed the sound of a powerful engine& and he lo'ed the chase e'en more. 0ust as he could stand it no more& a black 1ustang charged o'er the hill and sped past him at well o'er the fifty(fi'e mile an hour speed limit. )f that unfamiliar 1ustang did not slow down soon& it might miss the turn at #lind 1ans #end& $ust a mile out. Chase $umped in his cruiser& hit the lights& and gassed his car out of there without a moment to spare. The taillights of the black 1ustang were swallowed up by the dust storm it kicked up. :et& that would not discourage Chase. 3e pressed his foot to the gas pedal and watched the mile per hours rush up at racecar pace. 3e felt his heart beat faster and faster and his fingers gripped the steering tighter with his knuckles turning white. The flashing of his cruiser lights bounced out ahead of him against the white lilac trees planted along the 1iller property. #lind 1an.s #end was seconds ahead and all he saw was a continuing dust cloud. %s he slowed his own cruiser to turn at the warning signs along the road& he noticed the dust cloud was now gone and he slammed his breaks in his cruiser. 3e could only hope that the sleek black 1ustang did not go out o'er the ridge road and down to the fishing ponds below by the ri'er. 3e set the cruiser to park but left the

engine running and left his sirens flashing. 3e got out of his car& walking each step reluctantly to the edge& trudging one brown cowboy tip in front of the other& watching the dust settle on his wrangler $eans and stopped two steps of the edge. 3e took in a deep breath and took the final step to look o'er. -othing. ."ell ).ll be damned.. 3e said to himself. ."here the hell did the 1ustang go6. 3e looked around to see if anything around there looked out of place& like a black 1ustang might ha'e dri'en through. -ot a thing in site looked out of place. 0ust then& the skies echoed with thunder and opened with rain. Chase took a running stride back to the cruiser and got inside. 3e scratched his head mentally& wondering if what he really saw& happened. #ecause if that 1ustang had taken that cur'e at that speed there was no way& and with the way he was sure he was catching up he should at least see dust heading in the direction of the turn. 3e kept his lights on as he continued to dri'e the direction he was chasing. 3e kept his speed at a fast clip but did not worry about catching up with the stranger. Probably some idiot passing through& or 'isiting his parents& he thought to himself. ;ither way& if he caught the bastard in town he would write him a warning while he secretly admired his car. Chase had a thing for fast cars and a respect for those who dro'e them so handing out speeding tickets to a beauty like that one would go against his 'ery nature& that is unless the damn fool decided to speed all o'er town. %s Chase climbed back in the cruiser and headed the direction the 1ustang should be going& his heart raced. The thought of dri'ing a 1ustang like that one put his foot down a little harder on the gas pedal& letting the feel of the cruiser race in his blood. 3e had his own racecar sitting out in the old barn of his place $ust waiting for enough cash to drop a new engine in it. )t wasn.t a brand new 1ustang like that one& no he was more partial to the older ones that his dad use to dri'e him around in. Chase.s Camaro was a soft blue with lots of rust and no engine. 3owe'er& if time and perse'erance ser'ed him right& along with next year.s county bonus& pro'iding no more homeowner mishaps like his roof falling in last year& he had great plans for his Camaro. 3e had sa'ed enough to get the body and paint done so that he could start working on dropping in the engine he was slowly working on in off hours. )f time and effort were on his side& next summer he would be the one needing to be chased down by a cruiser. -ot that any of his co(workers would but the thrill of it dro'e him on. Three miles on down the /uiet county road& the rain slowed to a mist and something caught his eye as he dro'e past the Sanders place. %ll the lights were on and there was one familiar black 1ustang parked in the front of the house. )t took a second for Chase to slow to a stop and look towards the property. )t was not normal to ha'e all the lights on in the place and e'erything in his gut told him something was up. 3e called it in to the station and put the cruiser in re'erse until he was $ust at the dri'eway. 3e flipped his siren lights off and turned into the dri'eway at a cautious crawl. 0ust as he stopped the cruiser& he watched a woman that looked dangerous walk with purpose and fast stride out of the Sanders house. Chase put the cruiser in park and opened his door to get out. 3e wasn.t e'en out of his seat and closing the door when she stood in front of him with a look that one could only understand as .=on.t 8uck "ith 1e.. ;'ery sensible man knew it and this cop was no stranger to a dangerous woman. Standing before Chase& stood a woman at least fi'e foot se'en in black $eans& tight black tank top with $ust enough crest to peek his interest. #y the time his eyes wandered from her black boots with a sil'er tip to her face& she had a look that he could only read as .my face is up here asshole.. 3er $et(black hair was pulled back tight into a ponytail high on her head. )f she were to let it out& he was sure her hair would fall forward and co'er her breasts. 3e liked a woman with long hair. 3e preferred blondes but this woman had something about her that he could only describe as "ild. %s he looked into her piercing bright blue eyes& he almost hesitated in asking if they were contacts as they were so blue and intense. 3e watched her raise a single eyebrow in /uestion as he listened to her ask one simple /uestion of him& in a 'oice that he could only describe as serious yet mysterious.

7%re you responding to the call67 -ow& he had not been called by dispatch for anything out this way. 3e had his radio on and handheld clipped on. 3e hit a button and dispatched came on o'er the speaker. 7=ispatch.7 7Chase here. :ou get a call for Sanders place67 7-o sir.7 7Send another car this way? ) think we.'e got an issue.7 7:es Sir.7 The dispatcher could be heard putting a call out as Chase o'erheard the woman mumble something about that won.t be necessary. 3e watched her walk o'er to her 1ustang& open the door& reach in and pull out a semi(automatic pistol. 3e watched her check it for ammo and then put it in the back of her pants co'ered by her tank top. Then he watched her pull something out of her door& set her boot up on the door ledge& pull her black $eans up and then slide a small re'ol'er into a small holder. #y this time& he did not know if to pull his gun on her or watch her as she loaded up with weapons. 0ust as he watched her pull a huge knife out of the side pocket of her seat in its holder and slide it.s strap and holder o'er her shoulder so that the large knife with spiked handle rested to her side for easy reach& he had his gun on her. 7-ow wait a minute missy. "ho the hell are you67 3e could feel his heart race and his finger tense as she turned and looked at him with a look that could say only one thing. .Someone you don.t want to fuck with.. 71alcolm.7 She said her name with such distinction he had no time to ask what the hell kind of name is 1alcolm for a woman. The sound of aty Sanders scared 'oice caught both of their attention to turn and look at the short petite woman standing on her porch. 3er simple short cut of brown hair and small round eyes that were dark with terror looked out at them. 7<ood& here.7 Chase wasn.t e'en aware that he should be nor was he sure she meant him or this 1alcolm woman. 0ust then& the sky decided to open up again from a light misting rain to a full onslaught of a downpour as the sky rumbled with discontent. #oth of them made a run for the porch& 1alcolm was there first& and Chase felt caught off guard a bit with her stealth like mo'es and lightning speed. 3e was going to hit the gym tomorrow and amp up his speed on the treadmill. -o woman was going to outrun him. 1alcolm spoke up first. 7=amn it& aty. "hen ) got here and saw all the lights on but you didn.t answer& you had me concerned.7 )nteresting& Chase thought to himself. She was only concerned not scared. That must say something about her bra'ado and the way she carried herself. aty.s scared 'oice and darting eyes pleaded to the both of them. 7) called twice& o'er fifteen minutes ago and nobody came. -ow my phone is cut off and ) keep hearing sounds out by the barn.7 0ust then& the second police cruiser pulled up and Chase alerted the officer to go check out the barn. 3e turned to aty& put a hand on her shoulder& and spoke softly. 71y dispatch doesn.t show your call. %re you sure you called emergency67 3e watched her head shake yes up and down as she turned to this woman named 1alcolm and pleaded with her. 75h <od& it.s happening again. ) can.t take it.7 Chase watched 1alcolm wrap aty up in her arms and calm her with soft soothing words and an air of protection about her. Then he saw the look in 1alcolm.s eyes like she could take care of this herself. -ot that Chase was one to take orders but when 1alcolm spoke o'er aty.s head& he decided that the two would be safe as they started to walk inside. 7<o check out the barn. ).ll secure the perimeter inside.7

Chase turned to his fellow officer who obser'ed all that and ga'e each other raised eyebrows. %s they turned to step off the porch and head around back to the barn& only one thought processed repeatedly in his brain& who is this woman6 Chapter %&o 1alcolm immediately pulled her semiautomatic out from her back and tucked aty in behind her as they walked the entire inside of her small brick ranch. %s soon as the windows were all checked as locked and all the rooms were safe& she walked aty back to the front room and had her sit down on her couch& then poured her a shot of whiskey. %t first& aty refused and 1alcolm assured her that it would help calm her ner'es. She would ha'e taken her own shot or two of whiskey after facing off with that cop back there but she didn.t drink when on staff. She was hired to protect aty Sanders by her 4ncle and she would do exactly that. She would catch the person or persons that had been harassing her& and then breaking into her place and tearing it apart. -ormally& she ne'er took a $ob this small and worked with the same side as the law. )t ne'er paid as well as working contract with the other side of the law& but when 1r. Sanders called her in as a special fa'or& she was not about to turn him down. 3e was definitely on the wrong side of the law& but aty did not know that about her uncle. 8or some reason& this time& he was paying her a premium price to secure the client. 1alcolm thought back to the instant she first laid eyes on the cop and what sexual appetite he stirred in her as she took a long serious look at him. )t takes a strong man to gi'e 1alcolm that sense of pure sexual lust in $ust a look. )t almost took her off her focused game as she loaded up with weapons. The way his dark brown eyes wandered o'er her body sent tingles to her core. The itch to reach out and run her hands through his dark brown hair as it curled up $ust at the collar of his police button down shirt. %lthough she liked the personal touch of cowboy $eans and rugged worn boots on his feet& not the same professional attire as the second officer that showed up. 3owe'er& in these types of backwoods parts& you often found a rebel among the law and that man ga'e 1alcolm a sense of rebel and sexual desire in one look. -ot many men could stir her blood the way he did with $ust a look. The front door opened and both officers came in laughing and talking like it was boy.s night out. 1alcolm did not like them taking this situation lightly. 3owe'er& for aty.s sake& she was not going to show the true nature of the danger her uncle instilled upon her. The first responding officer spoke up first. 7%ll.s clear& aty. -ot a speck of dust out of place. Pouring awfully hard though& so if there was anybody messing around the barn& their foot prints are washed away. ;'erything seems to check out. 3owe'er& the light inside the barn is burnt out. 1ight want to replace that.7 7) $ust did& the other day. )t keeps burning out.7 aty sounded a bit troubled& but then again& 1alcolm sensed the local law was not truly aware of e'erything that had been going on. The second officer offered up common sense. 71aybe there.s a drain on the wiring. :ou might call an electrician to check it all out.7 1alcolm watched the plain looking cop in full uniform turn and nod his head to the casual one that stirred her interest. 7) was $ust heading home for dinner. <i'e me a call if you need me. 9ain ought to make it a /uiet Saturday night. Can only hope it keeps on pouring down. ).ll check the bridge o'er at 1ill Creek after dinner& make sure it didn.t wash out again. ).'e got a road block and flares if it did& but that last rebuild seems to be a mighty fine $ob.7 1alcolm looked around the place as the officer.s talked. Something did not seem right& but she could not put her finger on it $ust yet. %s soon as e'eryone was calm and aty was asleep& she would run a sweep through the entire house for sound bugs or hidden cameras. Somebody was scaring aty for something and she was not sure what or why& neither aty nor her uncle seemed to know& but then again& that is why

he hired her at such a high price. 3e wanted his niece safe and secure and the bastards that were scaring her& to be taken care of without the law. %nd that& was something 1alcolm had been good at all her professional life& a'oiding the law and taking care of business like this. She turned to the sound of aty.s 'oice sounding a bit peppier after she poured her another shot and watched her drink it down. 7"here are my manners6 5fficer Chase Cooper& this is my uncle.s pri'ate assistant 1alcolm.7 1alcolm turned to the officer and offered her hand to shake. Chase seemed to not want to let go as he /uestioned $ust her name. 71alcolm6 )s that a first name or last name67 She looked him dead straight in the eyes and answered seriously. 71y call name sir.7 She pulled her hand out of his grasp and felt the tingle he left her with. )f he was going to be doing these things to her body& she might $ust need to get him worked out of her system fast and hard& sexually. 3owe'er& that would ha'e to wait until her $ob was done. Chase wasn.t done /uestioning her or aty about what she was doing here& what was going on and why his dispatch ne'er got the first two calls. 7 aty& you said you called in twice before your phone went out.7 3e walked o'er to a wall phone in her kitchen and picked it up and listened for a dial tone& there was none. 7Phone line might need to be checked. 9ain might be affecting it. :ou got a cell67 7:es.7 aty grabbed her cell phone out of her purse and checked it for battery and signal. 7%ll charged and ready to go& sir.7 The last word came out giggly. 1alcolm had poured her another shot and watched her down it fast. %t this rate& she would be out cold soon and that was part of 1alcolm.s plan. 7%nd you. 1alcolm. =o you ha'e a cell phone67 She did. )t was actually a satellite phone that worked from anywhere and she always had extra batteries and a solar charger with her when she tra'eled. 7) do.7 1alcolm looked around again and had that feeling she was being watched& a feeling she ne'er doubted to be inaccurate. 71ay ) ha'e both your cell phone numbers please67 aty rattled hers off so fast that the numbers meshed together& so 1alcolm walked o'er to Chase.s phone and took it from his hands. She /uickly inputted the numbers into his contacts and then handed the phone back. Chase ga'e her a look of disbelief because the woman seemed to ha'e bold mo'es about her. Then he watched her walk towards the kitchen with that stealth like mo'e again. This time he obser'ed her backside and noticed the strength in her stride and the way her muscles were e'ident in her tank top& the way her black $eans filled out a 'ery nice ass and the way her boots made a stepping sound across the hard wood floors. There was nothing normal or super feminine about 1alcolm yet for some reason his e'ery thought turned full of sexual carnal lust with e'ery mo'e she made. 3e /uickly en'isioned her naked body hot and sweaty from sex that was intense. 3e was sure she had an intense sexual nature about her& he could tell these things. Then he heard her speak to them both in a neutral 'oice with her back turned. 7).m going to make a hot tea& would you like one67 7Sure.7 Chase wasn.t really a tea person but he did need to stay and gets some answers so if a tea got the ball rolling& so be it. 3e turned his attention to aty while 1alcolm had her back to them. 7;xplain to me again about her.7 3e directed his head to 1alcolm. aty lowered her 'oice to a whisper and began explaining as much as she could. 7She.s one of my uncle.s personal assistants. ) think she is Special 8orces or some type of one man& excuse me woman& wrecking force. :ou know my 4ncle Pete& Chase. 3e.s a 'ery powerful businessman and he needs a 'aried type of personal assistant from time to time. %fter ) was knocked out cold when ) was last 'isiting my %unt Sheryl at her place at their break in& ) had this feeling ).'e been watched and followed e'erywhere but can.t pro'e it. Then when ) came back from the 'isit& you know& my place had been ransacked but

nothing stolen. )t was weird. Then little things ha'e been happening and ) can.t seem to shake the feeling that ).m being watched and followed. ) ha'en.t bothered you other than the break in& it felt foolish to report something that isn.t really happening. ) guess& when ) called my uncle to tell him about these things& he insisted on sending 1alcolm. 3e told me she would $ust gi'e me a sense of security for a bit and check things out.7 7) see.7 %lthough Chase wasn.t sure. "hat he was sure of was he would run the plates on her 1ustang when he left and do a full search report on 1r. Pete Sanders and his operation. Some of it he was /uite aware of& being $ust a shy left of the law& but for the most part& he ne'er hurt anyone and had ties with party affiliates he didn.t want to e'en mess with. Titan County was a small place and not one to go up against the likes of a man like Sanders from Texas& se'eral states away. 7So aty. Tell me. :ou called tonight67 Chase /uestioned as he held a data pen to his phone screen as he was taking digital notes. She still kept her 'oice low as if she was hiding from someone. 7:es. The first time seemed odd. )t was a strange man that didn.t seem to speak ;nglish well and then he disconnected me. "hen they didn.t call back& ) called again and got a woman this time. She too seemed confused but said they would send someone right out. Shortly after& 1alcolm showed and then you. )n the meantime& ) was sure ) saw someone big around the barn and then the outside light went out and it.s on all the time. Then the phone disconnected and ) locked myself in the pantry& behind the canned goods. ) know it sounds stupid but ) think someone is after me.7 Chase needed to calm aty down. The alcohol seemed to ha'e worked her up into a fren2y instead of calming her down. 0ust then& 1alcolm handed aty a hot tea and winked at Chase. )f he didn.t know better there was something in that tea. *istening to Chase and aty discuss why she was there had 1alcolm smiling& internally. She wasn.t one to show any emotion on the outside. :ears of foster care and fighting it out on the streets alone taught her that. 3owe'er& much of her accomplished skill was in great thanks to one man& her mentor& =ale Smith aka 1alcolm 5ne& if that was e'en his real name. 3e caught her stealing from his car& which was unlocked and scolded her like a child& than practically kidnapped her until she confessed that she was a teenage runaway from the foster care system. That was when he offered to teach her skills and a profession she would ne'er ha'e dreamed of in exchange for remaining safe and secure under his watch. %t first& 1alcolm remembered thinking there was a catch to all this& so she ne'er di'ulged her real name and =ale always teased in calling her 1alcolm from day one. )t was years before she e'er found out that was his call signal. %long the way& there were times she wondered what she was doing getting into this profession and the danger it would bring but as she got older& it seemed to be an e'eryday kind of $ob for her. =ale Smith taught her all the militant skills& computer sa''y and e'erything she would need to be a .Consultant. or otherwise known as a hired man. % person who did damage control to being the damage& a person who could counteract a sub$ect.s mo'e or simply make sure the sub$ect ne'er made a mo'e. %t the age of twenty(nine& 1alcolm was now going on ten years of hard(learned skill and she had e'ery skill accomplished thanks to =ale Smith. 1aybe when this $ob was done& she would gi'e him a surprise by showing up at his ranch for old time.s sake. %s soon as 1alcolm handed the tea off to aty and then one to Chase& she watched him carefully set his off to the side table and proceed back to taking notes on his smart phone. %s soon as he directed the next /uestion to her& she took a long sip of her hot tea& let the peppermint soothe her tongue and then swallowed while mentally thinking of the way those broad shoulders of Chase.s must look under his uniform shirt. "ondering if he had spectacular pectoral muscles to match those broad shoulders& and how she wanted to set her hands on those shoulders while she sat naked in his lap& riding him. %s if he could read her mind& he cleared his throat and reached for his tea after all.

"ith a seducti'e smile& she decided to answer. 7*ike aty said& ) am a personal assistant to her uncle. ) ha'e security knowledge and he has paid for me to come down here and help aty ha'e some peace of mind.7 3owe'er& he was not going to let it stop there. 7;xactly what kind of .personal assistant. are you6 "hat kind of personal security duty do you do and if you don.t mind me asking this& do you ha'e permits for all those weapons you strapped on out there67 1alcolm laughed a soft sexual note. She walked o'er to the chair that Chase was sitting in and looked down at him with the thought of how she wanted to crawl into his naked lap. )nstead of showing her mental seduction& she reached into her back pocket and pulled out her phone. She pressed a few keys then showed a screen to Chase that showed the link to her security firm listing the details of what she was capable. She watched Chase hold her phone& enlarge the text with the swipe of his fingers& then read a few lines& and then hand the phone back to her. She let the tone of her 'oice speak 'olumes. 7) can assure you& ) am legit.7 The last word being /uestionable to anyone that really knew her but as far as the go'ernment was concerned& she had all her bases co'ered. 7"ell& it seems that aty here is in good hands for the time being. )t doesn.t really seem like foul play is going on other than the break in last week and it is spring break. So& it.s hard to say if it was some hoodlums that $ust got caught in the action and took off before anyone saw who they were or if they thought they stole something of 'alue and aty here $ust hasn.t noticed it missing.7 They both turned and looked at aty sleeping soundly on her couch. 1alcolm grabbed an afghan off the back of the couch and co'ered her up. 7She should be out for a good eight hours. <i'es me time to run detail on the house and make plans for tomorrow.s security. ).'e got a crew coming out tomorrow to wire this place up. 1ind ha'ing a deputy out here for a bit or swinging by67 1alcolm ne'er needed the local law around. She knew her stuff and she had a competent crew flying in& compliments of aty.s uncle. This small little ranch would be loaded with enough security de'ices to make the white house look like a mini mart security. 1r. Sanders was well aware this was something and he had not yet let 1alcolm in on all of it& but for now& she would handle the basic details and gi'e aty a sense of security. That is& if she could keep from mentally straying her mind to an erotic sexual nature of one simple minded cop. % man whose looks were simple yet he created such a sexual need deep inside her that was not familiar to her. 3e too had his own sexual chemistry that might ri'al hers as she noticed the way he looked at her like a star'ed mountain lion& yet he kept his emotions in check. Chase stood to stretch his legs from sitting and noticed that he was maybe fi'e inches taller than her with her boots on& but he was not a small man. 3e took a long ga2e into her eyes& staring at the intense blue with the way her face held some secrecy to it and her body held itself in a prepared stance. "ithout reali2ing it& he felt his hand reach out and touch the fine leather grain of the knife holder that was slung o'er her shoulder and to her side. 7"ould you like to see it67 3er 'oice caught him off guard and he looked back into her eyes and watched a sensual smile creep across her face. 7%ctually& ) would. )f you don.t mind67 7) don.t mind at all. ) suppose you are wondering why ) geared up. ) ha'e to tell you& ) wasn.t sure what to expect when ) got here& but when aty didn.t answer me at first& ) wanted to make sure ) had my fa'orites on me.7 Chase watched her pull the knife from its leather holder and then set the shiny sil'er knife in her hand gently. 7Take it.7 She told him. 78eel its weight. Careful though& it could slice through se'eral layers of skin in a second.7 Chase took the knife from her hand and examined the ex/uisite knife. 3e had his own collection& but it was the magnificent detail on the handle& that made him reali2e that this was no dime store knife. This woman knew her tools and that excited him more than he cared to admit. 3e was one to like the more feminine women& the women that wanted a hero& yet here he stood in front of a woman who was not only

her own hero but a hero to others as well and did not need a man like him to sa'e her. That was something new. Chase handed the knife back to her and watched her slide it back into its holder with grace and dignity. Then he caught her eye lea'ing him& as he was sure she had been checking him out and wander around the place. 73ow much do you know about the break in67 She asked 7-ot much. *ike ) said& no one was caught in the act& there were no fingerprints& nothing was missing and the place was a mess like an amateur did it or some hoodlums. 3ey& tell me. "hat is aty.s uncles take on this67 7"ell. Chase. ) hope ) can trust you to say& he is not telling me e'erything and that break in was not hoodlums. )f you did not find any fingerprints& that would direct me to think professional. )f you didn.t find anything missing& perhaps they didn.t take anything but they placed something here instead.7 Chase watched her walk o'er and flip a picture o'er. 5n the back was a small camera with a memory card& she ripped it off and put it in her pocket. 7Perhaps.7 1alcolm spoke softly. Chase was surprised at what she found and watched her go silent as she stood up on the coffee table& reached up to the ceiling fan and pulled down a small de'ice and then put it in her pocket. 7Somebody wants to hear what.s going on and maybe hope to set a trap for someone.7 3er 'oice was a bit more serious now. 3e watched her walk o'er and open the front door& pull some kind of mechanism out of the door lock knob and then put it in her pocket. 78ollow me.7 She directed him outside and he followed. -ow she had his interest pi/ued. The rain had decided to slow down a bit and 1alcolm walked off the porch steps& out into the rain& held her hand up to her window and Chase watched something in her window read her palm print and then the 1ustang beeped and unlocked itself. She hit a button inside the door and the trunk unlocked and popped open. She walked back to the back and grabbed out three sil'er hard suitcases and one large black duffle bag. There were a few more cases in there but she did not grab them and he watched her hit a button and the back trunk closed and an audible sound of a lock was heard. She then walked o'er& closed the door and started to walk back in. She stopped and looked o'er her shoulder at him. 78ollow me.7 %s soon as she kept walking& Chase walked o'er and tried her door. -othing& it was locked. Then he put his palm print up and nothing. 7)t won.t open for you.7 3er 'oice called out. 7<rab that metal case by your feet.7 3e hadn.t e'en seen her lea'e it there for him to carry in. 3e reached down& picked it up& and reali2ed it was hea'ier than it looked. 3e wondered what was in it. %s soon as he walked inside& he saw her set up a station in the corner of the front room looking out the front window. She opened a case& pulled out a de'ice& and began to scan the front room. Two more mini cameras with memory cards were found& along with one more bugging de'ice. She then grabbed out a roll of window film and began to roll out sections of the front window in a film that allowed her to see out but no one to see in. Chase was beginning to wonder if this was all a bit of o'erkill. -o one had really done anything threatening yet and as far as he could tell& it was possible that aty.s uncle had an enemy or two that $ust hoped aty would expose some information about him. %s if she could read his mind& she spoke with an air of confidence. 7)t.s not o'erkill. ).m securing the place. ) am going to debug the entire perimeter inside tonight. )t.s getting dark out. :ou can lea'e if you like. ) ha'e already run )ntel on you while you were in here talking to aty. clean. :our deputy on the other hand& he.s got a few things ) would worry about. ).m going to be up all night. :ou can stay or you can lea'e so you can run on back to the station& run my plates try to find out who the hell ) really am and what ) am doing here but ).m going to tell you now& there won.t be much you will find on me.7

Chase was not going for it. 3e had a few tricks up his own slee'e. 7)s that so67 7:es. 8irst& you will run my plates ")*= 5-; and see that it belongs to a corporation front named 1*P. 1*P stands for 1alcolm *imited Protection. )t.s my corporation front. There is nothing else you will find on me.7 Chase watched her walk around the rest of the house& as he followed& and when they came back to the front room he watched her proceed to open the rest of her sil'er cases and begin to plug in data. 7;'erything seems 'ery 0ames #ondish& so tell me& what.s in the black bag67 1alcolm said it so matter of fact. 71y clothes. ) don.t plan on being here but a few days. ) work fast.7 Then she stopped what she was doing and walked right up to him and stood within inches of his face. 7%nd when ) am done with this detail Chase& ) ha'e a little business with you ).d like to take care of.7 Then going against all her professional code and strong will& she could hold it in no longer. She wrapped her hands up in his thick lush hair and pulled his head down to hers and began to kiss him with such an intensity that when she pulled back& she knew she needed to finish this $ob /uick. Chapter %hree Chase was caught off guard. 3e had to wonder if the kiss was a distracti'e maneu'er& or was she $ust as attracted to him as he was to her. 3e sat in his s/uad car watching one light after another turn off in the house. 3e sat there while plugging in her 1ustang plates into his cruiser laptop and got exactly what she described. 3e also noticed that when he ran a check on her satellite cellphone number& 1*P came up and nothing more. So& he was sure he had his work cut out for him. 3e grabbed a <PS tracker out of his cruiser glo'e box that he had for emergencies& got out& and put it under the 1ustang. "hen he got back in his car& his cellphone rang. 7) saw that. 1y 1ustang is programed with a scrambler. :ou will be go se'eral miles in the wrong direction if you try to follow me. Perhaps you might want me to call if ).m going anywhere important.7 73ow did you get my number67 3e demanded an answer. 7"hen ) put our numbers in.7 3er 'oice had a sexy amusing tone to it. Chase knew at that moment he was dealing with a professional. % professional woman for hire and she wasn.t playing around. 3e didn.t know if he could catch her at her game& but what he did know was that kiss she laid on him& had him still hard in his wranglers and a desire to find out more anyway he could& e'en if he had to get her naked and sated& he was on his own personal mission of desire. %s the silence between them built up& as they sat there on their cellphones& waiting for the first person to say something& Chase spoke up with an idea e'en he knew was not called for. 7) suppose ) could stay here tonight and help you.7 3e listened to a long pause. 7%fter that kiss& do you really think things wouldn.t go too far6 ) know ) would finish what ) started& what about you67 That was all she had to say to Chase to con'ince him he was absolutely sure she would do exactly as she $ust stated. Then he heard his own 'oice offer up a suggestion that would dri'e him insane. 7) could $ust sit out here in my car. :ou know& for safety sake.7 73mm. ) don.t think so. <oodnight Chase.7 "ell& Chase was not a man to go after a woman. 3e knew when the time was right the two of them had some sexual energy they needed to work out. 3e turned his key in his cruiser and called into dispatch that he was heading back closer to town. The night was young and /uiet with the rain& but he knew that could change any minute.

Somehow or another he was going to find out some information on this woman whose call sign is 1alcolm. 3e figured going through the backdoor way could be best. 3e would start with aty Sanders than switch to her uncle. Somewhere in the information age there had to be a tad bit of info on her and he was determined to find out more about the woman that had him in a sexual mess. )f he had one more 'isual of her body naked sliding o'er his he was going to explode. 1alcolm had her work cut out for her. She felt the inside perimeter was secure and after tomorrow both inside and out would be wired and monitored by Sanders expert security firm. )n the meantime& listening to aty lightly snore on her li'ing room couch ga'e her a small feeling of success. 5n the dri'e all the way from Texas to Se'er City her mind had worked out the details she had been gi'en& which was not much. =ri'ing up here in her brand new 1ustang was not her best idea& but she had $ust recei'ed it detailed with security systems weeks ago and had a need to burn the midnight oil. Twel'e hours later& she was here& but what if she had been a moment too late. % mo'e like that can be a de'astating one for a person in her career. 5ne false mo'e and the $obs stop coming in or at least at the pay she was accustomed to. This gig was well o'er fifty grand with another fifty if she actually caught who was causing the trouble and secured them from future access to his client. That client being aty Sanders& but ultimately 1r. Sanders& who had paid her more than once to secure his future. -ot that killing thugs and criminals ga'e her pleasure. )n fact& after each securement& she was back in her own place in the backwoods of the mountains and usually puked for days. Call it a small self(conscious but =ale always told her that a $ob like this was not for the weak at heart and as 1alcolm was getting $ust shy of turning thirty& she felt she was getting weaker faster with each securement. Taking tonight for example& she would ne'er ha'e kissed a man like Chase $ust for the sake of satisfying her sexual urge. She was a woman who could control herself around a 'ibrant sexual man like Chase. She had encountered hundreds like him in her career& some of which were in the same field of expertise as her. 3owe'er& she could not ignore the fact that Chase was the first man to stir the pot so /uickly and lea'e her feeling so sexually frustrated she had actually gone against her personal code of protocol. She in'ited him back inside to her clients place. She could hear =ale now& whispering in her ear as he did through all those years of training when she was about to make a mistake. .1alcolm& darling& you might want to think this through.. "hich she did and still found herself wanting him with her& on her& inside of her& fulfilling her... client be damned. %nd that& was not like her at all. -ot at all. Perhaps& it was her biological clock ticking. %t a con'enience station on the way& she caught herself smiling at an infant that was smiling back while her mother was holding her. That was the first time she had e'er smiled at a child. Children were the last thing on her mind& wanting them& raising them& pft... that was for real women. 1alcolm ne'er considered herself a real woman nor did she feel like a man& she $ust felt ali'e when she was in the thick of a $ob& feeling the adrenaline pumping through her body. %ctually& $ust feeling any emotion was highly cra'ed from 1alcolm. %nd tonight& after meeting Chase& a sexual emotion other than desire rose up in her belly and made her reali2e that there was more than ha'ing sex with strange men and mo'ing on about her $ob. )t was about finding that right sexual partner that made her want to do wild things with him and then sit and ha'e a con'ersation. Some would call it a relationship and that was a word new to 1alcolm.s repertoire. ;'en =ale kept his distance as soon as she was properly trained and of age. 3e would always tell her it was better this way. ;specially $ust in case they were on opposite ends of a $ob& now how would the two of them handle that6 That was a /uestion neither of them e'er answered physically or mentally. %nd $ust now& the thought crossed 1alcolm.s mind. To read more ( purchase the story.

Sample Chapters $ Perfect Co&boy C*'P%ER #+E Setting down her book and flipping off her light& %ngel settled into her bed for an o'erdue nights rest. )t was late. She had a full day of work ahead. She closed her eyes in the darkness of her room& pulled up her comforter and fluffed her pillow under her head. %ll while listening to the /uiet of the mountain country night at one a.m. The stillness of the night brought on memories that she no sooner wanted to lea'e behind. They were memories too fresh to forget. "ith all the changes going in her life& she needed something to settle her ner'es. The last month had brought on so many changes once again in her life. She was beginning to feel like a woman constantly tested for her strength. 8or once& she would like to ha'e a man to fall back on. % husband to share all that has happened to her o'er the last month. #eing a woman of twenty six she didnAt feel she needed to push it but marriage and kids is what she felt she was born to accomplish. Something she ne'er had as a little girl was a father& siblings or security. She always had her best friend& *ou %nn. "hen she lost her mom& *ou %nnAs family took her in. 3anging out on the ranch as a little girl set the prelude to where she wanted home to be& here in the mountain air on a ranch& with a good man and some kids. Then 9andy had his stroke and it seemed as if e'erything came to a stop. 9andy had always felt like the dad she ne'er had. 3e treated her $ust like his niece& *ou %nn& when they were kids. Then as an adult& he taught her all about promoting the ranch and made her his right hand gal as soon as her college legs took step. 8inding him in the midst of a heart attack& her life passed in the blink of an eye. )t brought back the memory of her momAs death. The reality that she needed family now more than e'er& that *ou %nnAs family had become hers& but now she wanted her own family. So taking the $ob at the ranch to replace 9andy was not e'en an option in her life. 5ut of all the obscene ways of falling in lo'e& %ngel was sure she found her true lo'e& without e'en meeting him. Thinking once again how her life has ne'er been anything but normal. Today had been one of those days where she did nothing but try to get 9andyAs $ob done& instead had found herself being rather melancholic about her life. 1aybe it was this Colton guy she found to replace 9andy. 3e was truly the type of cowboy she could see herself spending the rest of her life with. She had not e'en met him in person yet. %ll the research she had to do on him& the employers& friends and e'en his house cleaner had spoken as if he was truly the perfect cowboy for the $ob. 8or her& one look at his picture& posted in a maga2ine article about him& and she fell head o'er heels. She knew all this was strange. 1aybe she was feeling desperate& as the dating pool in her small mountain town had not found her the type of man she desired. She knew she needed a man with not only physical strength but also a belief in his $ob and his community. That was what e'eryone betrayed him as? a man you can depend on. 3er mind was milling o'er a million things at once and as usual& as of late& she was once again milling o'er a man she had not officially met. "ho would not know she existed in the company or that he would be working with her. 1aybe that was not her brightest idea& and lord knows e'eryone put two senses in about it. 3owe'er& she wanted it this way. %lmost like a surprise. 3oping that he took the $ob for what it is and not worrying that some blonde country bumpkin sidekick would be following him around drooling. She knew if he was in person what he made out on paper& she was had. -e'er in a million years did she think that she would be pawning for a man this way. 3owe'er& something about this man felt right. )f he was not her dream man& he definitely was the best man for the $ob to replace 9andy and let 9andy get on with his retirement.

3er mind did not want to settle and she had a long day ahead. She pulled open her drapes to open the window a crack and get some of the fresh mountain air to lull her to sleep. %s she got back under her comforter& she spoke out(loud to herself. C9elax>D Startled by her own 'oice talking& she was beginning to feel almost cra2y. Thinking to herself this time& she began gi'ing herself mental instructions on how to relax. 0ust close your eyes and think of something good. 5 . The book ) am reading is really good& intense and sexy. 5k& $ust picture myself with a hot and sexy man like in my book. C"hoEwho.D Sounds of an owl& $ust inches from her window made her whisper aloud again to calm her ner'es. C)t will stop in a minute.D -ormally sleep was not an issue& but her life had felt almost intense lately. "ith all the changes going on at the ranch and 9andyAs heart attack& she had been doing double time to keep e'eryone ok with him missing work. "hich was work she lo'ed& but tonight had her especially ner'ous. Tomorrow morning& Colton Smith& 9andyAs replacement would be taking his final tour of the ranch and gi'en the keys to his company truck to take home and then dri'e back up by the weekend. Thinking about the prospect of the new man and what the future would hold left too many unanswered /uestions. 3er sleeping trouble really started right after 9andyAs heart attack. The 'i'id dreams? from the memory of finding him on the floor in his office& all pale and clutching his chest& like something was trying to escape from his body. )t haunted her e'ery night in her dreams. Tonight she had hoped that the chamomile tea& the hot bath and the book she was reading would put her to sleep. 3owe'er& tonight she was too darn restless and thinking about Colton Smith was only adding to her ner'ousness. 8inding 9andyAs replacement was tough. 3e did not want to retire& but his wife& Sheila& told him after his triple by(pass surgery that he was officially retired. 8or now& 9andy knew she was at the helm looking for his replacement. )t had been hard but after days of researching and phone inter'iews she got 1r. 9& the owner of 9alston 9anch& to sway this one away from his corporate city $ob back to the county. The ranch had been all the work 9andy had e'er known. She knew it killed him to ha'e to retire. 3e worked there since he was sixteen years old. %lthough it was not your normal $ob for a sixteen(year(old boy& but in the mountain area& they li'ed in& it was not unlikely. Since those days& the surrounding area had de'eloped into a tourism catchall for skiing and snowmobiling in the winter& and huge summer season of campers& fishermen and local sightseers. The slumbering thoughts were not working and the sound of the owl& which normally would soothe her& felt like it struck a ner'e e'ery time it called out into the night. <etting up to close the window& %ngel saw her reflection with $ust enough light coming from her hallway and saw the worry in her face. She smiled at herself& opened her eyes wider and tilted her head $ust a tad& a happier looking expression shown back. She closed the curtains and thought about sleeping in the nude. %s her sleep shirt hit the floor she reali2ed there was $ust enough cool in the room now from the window being open that being naked made her ha'e to pee. CTinkle time.D Talking to herself& she began to giggle on the way into her bathroom. *i'ing on her own and now working alone& lately she found herself constantly talking to herself& aloud and in her head. %s if& it was a calming effect on her currently wayward life. )f it were not one a.m. on a Tuesday& she would call her best friend& *ou %nn& to release some of her worries. *ou %nn had always been there for her since she was a little girl. She was the sister she ne'er had. She helped her through puberty& boys and college& and now she had helped her more than e'er when she thought she lost the only man she e'er considered a dad. Calling *ou %nn would only put two people out of bed. Two people who worked hard and needed their sleep& besides *ou %nnAs "ednesdayAs at her hair salon were the busiest. She would need a darn good reason for waking her up. 8eeling silly& walking from her bathroom to her bed in only her socks& she smiled from deep within. She thought of how it would be if a man were waiting for her in her bed& to welcome her back from her late night rende2'ous from the bathroom. 3ow he would pull her naked body close and cur'e his body to

hers& pro'iding warmth and protection. 8or now& she would grab an extra pillow. Setting it next to her stomach while lying on her side and tossing a leg o'er the end of the pillow. )t would ha'e to do for now. Counting sheep& it is. She thought to herself. Starting at sixty& thinking somehow that would gi'e her a head start. % few minutes pass as she counts to herself& en'isioning a peaceful place by the lake. 9eali2ing that counting got her nowhere she wanted to be asleep. She kicked off the comforter? grabbing her sleep shirt& she slid it back on and flipped on her reading light. *ooking at her book& she had read for a short time before attempting this trying 'enture of sleep she decided to grab the briefing portfolio on the new guy& Colton& which lay $ust underneath her latest romance no'el. Staring into the photo from the article that profiled Colton Smith& %ngel felt a bit dreamy. "ho wouldnAt6 The man had strong features& crystal blue eyes& and a sincere smile with a detection of a dimple in his cheeks& strong $aw line and dark blonde hair with sun kissed highlights. )t was more than his gorgeous natural cowboy looks that got %ngel. )t was the response to the /uestions asked in the article. %s if he still li'ed by the cowboy code. Something you cannot seem to find in many men anymore. Something she had been looking for in a man for herself. Then when she called around doing in/uisitions& with fellow employers& she felt inspired by e'ery personAs enthusiasm to talk about how great of a man he is. 3is actual experience in cattle ranching went back to when he was a boy& but he had a record of accomplishment for reco'ering farming and cattle businesses from foreclosure at his current marketing firm. 3e was handsome and that did cause a smitten reaction from within her. Sure& he had experience related to the industry. She would not bring in an amateur to run the ranch. The 9alston 9anch was like a second home to her. 0ust looking at his picture she wondered how her first week with him would be. Could she keep from being her normal flirtatious self6 1aybe she could. She would be a true professional and impress the hell out of him. She planned to train him to do 9andyAs $ob so well and organi2ed e'erything ahead of time that only the man himself could cause failure. She wanted 9andy to relax as soon as possible and she did not think he could until he was sure she found the right replacement. The 9alston 9anch was 9andyAs life and li'ely hood. 1ore than that& it was a second home to him and all the men were like his boys. 0ust like %ngel and *ou %nn& who he treated like his daughters. 3im and his wife& Shelia were ne'er blessed with kids so the ranch employees always played that part in their li'es. "ith the digital clock& reading one twenty two in the morning& her nine am meeting with the printer was nagging on her brain. She wanted to stay out of the office tomorrow until Colton had left back into the city to pack up his belongings. 9andy had urged her to be in the meeting with Colton but she told him that she did not want him thinking& her $ob in all this& is to hire him. She was to be an assistant of sorts& but e'en with that& it was up to Colton if she stayed on at the 9anch working in the promotions and marketing. -ot that she wasnAt worried about getting any freelance work. The town always supplied her with plenty to do in her independent graphics business. )t was $ust the ma$ority of her work was with 9andy and the 9anch& being a stand by gal 8riday. That suited her laid(back life style $ust fine. That way when she did find a man to settle down with& her career would not be so much of her life. )t would be easy to ease things up to start a family& which is what she really wanted to do. She wanted lots of kids and at least one dog& maybe a golden *abrador. 9eali2ing she was daydreaming instead of night dreaming& asleep& she decided to read some of her book instead. #efore she could open the book to where she left off& a picture fell out of her book that she was using as a bookmark. )t was of her with *ou %nn with 9andy& looking healthy and happy before his heart attack. The memories started to flood back in force& good and bad. %ll the fun times they had handling stock shows and rodeo promotions. )t was not until the ban on beef in 0apan that things got a little tight around

the ranch. ;'eryone in the ranch did the best they could to make things work and to come up with their own ideas of additional re'enue to keep the ranch at its le'el of producti'ity. Thinking back to 9andy in the hospital and the doctors telling them the heart attack was from blocked arteries and that he needed to retire from the hard labor. Sheila& his wife of thirty years& laid down the law and said 9andy was to retire for good. She wanted to continue to en$oy her husbandAs company without another chance of a heart attack. She was $ust as afraid as %ngel was that 9andy would ha'e another heart attack if he stayed on at the ranch. 3e could ne'er be a deskman. 3e was a hands(on type of helper. %ngel could not help but remember 9andy in the hospital looking twenty years older and 'ery weak. She had only known a strong hearty 9andy all her life. The weaker one lying in the hospital reminded her how short and precious life is. 3ow she needed to mo'e into the next phase of her life and that would mean finding a man to settle down with. *aying a light kiss to the picture of two people she lo'ed so much& she set it back on her nightstand and told herself to be thankful that 9andy li'ed. That as each day began& 9andy got more color in his face and actually $oked around about retirement and being bored stiff or dri'en cra2y by his wife. %ngel knew better. They were the strongest& happiest married couple she had e'er met and she knew Shelia would make 9andyAs retirement one to remember. *ying on her side& holding her book open towards the light& she began to read the steamy part of her book. He began kissing her neck and ear as he let go of the cue stick. His hot breathe teasing. She bent over the pool table as he bent down and began rubbing his heated hands on the back and insides of her thighs. Soft moans escaped her lips as she moved her legs a little farther apart. He gently slid his hand up to the top of her leg and felt the warmth and moisture she had already accumulated. She felt light headed and dizzy trying to catch her breath. His hand gently massaged over her panties touching the front of her as he dribbled soft kisses on the back of her leg. The amount of pleasure this gave her was so incredible she whimpered out. C#)FF G #)FF G #)FFD 3er hand shot out to the side and slammed the snoo2e button on her alarm clock reading se'en a.m. Stretching to wake up she reali2ed she fell asleep to the steamy part of her romance no'el and her dreams filled with one particular man in mind. % man who could 'ery easily be her perfect cowboy& Colton Smith. She turned off her alarm and decided it was going to be a great day. C*'P%ER %W# C"ell Colton ) guess congratulations are in order old buddy. ) mean running an entire ranch is a big change from what you ha'e been doing in the city. %s your best friend& ) would suggest you think twice about this transaction& then again& as your best friend& ) know how badly you want to get back into ranching.D 1ike knew that this was like a congratulatory speech for his best friend Colton& that he was proud of him for burning his own path. The beers they downed the pre'ious night held all the emotion. 1ike $ust wanted to send him off with a final farewell phone call before he had to fly out to Canada to work on his latest deal. 3e $ust hoped the $oke he played on him at the bar with TabascoAd beer would ha'e slipped his mind already. C"ell& 1ike& buddy& old pal& ) belie'e this 'enture will pro'e the best for both of us and although ) will miss our 8riday night pool games and twofer beers& ) will not miss the practical pranks you played on me or the fact you paid my housekeeper& 8rederica& to play them on me.D Colton had to get his last dig in. 3e had one more prank waiting for 1ike at his rental parking spot in his garage. 3e had his pri2ed cor'ette mo'ed to a different le'el of the garage& with a ransom note attached to his parking spot number

to call a mysterious cell to retrie'e his car. 3e would of course get his car back in time to get to the airport& but he lo'ed to play the pranks in return. CTalk at cha later cowboy.D 1ike put a country drawl in his 'oice. CSee ya later 1ike.D Colton hung up the phone with hesitation. 3e would miss his best friend but he had $ust landed his dream $ob promoting and managing a large ranch. % change from his city $obs but his absence from the country life had put a hole in his heart. This felt like a second chance. The new company truck arri'ed two days ago and now the mo'ers were packing his belongings. 1ost would go into storage and his essentials would go with him. 3e figured he would grab his Starbucks before he hit the highway. -o local Starbucks where he was going or at least an hour dri'e from the 9anch where he would be working at& nor did he think he would ha'e the time. The 9alston 9anch was a large cattle ranch that started dabbling in other ranching experiences after their largest 0apanese account declared a ban on %merican beef. The feel of the ranch reminded him of the ranch his dad managed while he was a little boy. Those owners had taken great care of his dad and mom. 9emembering how the countryside had offered pure wholesomeness for Colton as a little boy. 3e recalled being fascinated with the beauty of nature& the ad'enture of the countryside and the care of the animals. -o& his early childhood years were strictly ranch lifestyle& not tele'ision& gaming systems or gangs and crime. 3e figured he probably would ha'e stayed in that lifestyle all his life until an unlikely ranching accident took his father. %fter his father.s death& his mother did not want to be there anymore. She took them into the big city in hopes her only son would not follow in his fatherAs career path. Colton knew that one day he would come back to this. 3e dreamed of it& planned for it. 3e $ust ne'er had the heart to follow through until after his mother.s early death and reali2ed there was nothing to hold him back now. The owners seemed laid back but in a hurry to get him out there. They fronted him a company truck& and organi2ed packing& mo'ing him and paying a bonus to gi'e his current corporation a short notice. Colton was hesitant on gi'ing his current company short notice. 3e did not want to burn any bridges in case this was not what he wanted. 3is boss knew of ColtonAs dreams and told him if things did not work out& he always had a $ob. ;'erything seemed to fall into place so easy he was not sure if he should $ust go with the flow or proceed with caution. The long dri'e into the mountains left him with a lot of time to think to himself. 3e figured the ranch owners would gi'e him a warm welcome but the ranch hands might take it a little hard on him. 3owe'er& all the years of 1ikeAs practical $okes prepared him for anything. =ri'ing through town Colton caught a glimpse of a modern day mountain town. There were still some of the older buildings with an anti/ue appeal about them& claiming to sell old soda shop fountain drinks or tourist gifts. To his dismay there were se'eral more modern looking buildings that blended as well as one could imagine from the old to the new. Se'eral fancy sports cars mixed with economy cars and mini'ans lined the parking lot next to the 'isitor bureau? much of what you would expect 'isiting a mountain town that catered to winter and summer 'isitors. The local ski slope was not that far away and Colton had skied there a time or two& but now that he would be li'ing here& he took a closer look at what the town held and where the local eatery and bars were. Passing the local grocery store& Colton saw a lot more four(wheel dri'es and dually trucks similar to his. 8iguring those were more locals that needed the hea'y(duty trucks for the hea'y snowfall that would be $ust around the corner. Cracking his tinted window to the company truck $ust a tad& he smelt a whiff of a real fire burning. Stopped at a light he looked around to see if there were any forest fires on the hori2on and he could see

none& much to his relief. 3e knew that was a back draw to mountain li'ing& like Californians and earth/uakes? mountains and forest fires were common. 5ne had to be prepared to e'acuate on a moment.s notice. %s ColtonAs light turned green& he smiled to himself as he continued to dri'e on through town to the turnoff of the main highway to the ranch. 3e did not see any coffee shops or fast foods he used to fre/uent& but he saw 'ery /uaint restaurants and gift shops. "ith their anti/ue style storefronts and gathered customers chatting on benches or street corners. %ll which brought back a flood of memories from his childhood of growing up in a small mountain town similar to this. This was his homecoming and he was en$oying soaking in e'ery site& sound and smell. Pulling up the fi'e(mile road& off the county road& he knew this place held promise. % renewed feeling of connection to the country burned deep within him as he dro'e towards the ranch with his expectations well thought out. These people needed him as much as he needed them and he would not let them down. Tall e'ergreen pines mixed with colorful aspens crowed the dirt road on the dri'e up. The road was well maintained and cleared $ust enough to get a large truck and horse or cattle trailer through& but the bumpy ri'ets in the dirt bounced his empty truck around a bit. 3e figured rain must ha'e fallen hea'y not that long ago to put the bumpiness back into what appeared to be a 'ery well maintained county road. 5ut of the corner of his eye& he saw a ground s/uirrel hurry off and stop on top of a large mountain boulder off the shoulder of the road. )t seemed to be watching Colton pass. The sight of the s/uirrel allowed him to see the incredible 'iew $ust beyond the boulder. "ild flowers exploded in a sunny open pasture $ust beyond the large rock and a glimpse of the sun lea'ing its last shadow of the day made it all more pictures/ue than anyone could imagine. This was the type of scenery cowboys wrote poems and lo'e songs about. 3is final turn into the road that would lead him right up to the main ranch and the cabin they had pointed out that would be his. 3e watched the sun as it was about to set on the 'alley below the 9alston 9anch& an eagerness settled low in his gut. 3e was about to take o'er managing eight hundred acres that were attached to the ranch and many more the owner had only led prelude to. The owner was a collector of unwanted land $ust for the sack of owning and preser'ing it. The 'astness of it all began to well up in his chest. "as he making the right choice6 Could he handle a $ob like this& since it was so different from any $ob he e'er had6 "hat was he doing6 3e was not a negati'e thinker. 3e had always liked to grab the bull by the horns and ride it out. 3e did that on any new $ob or task& this one was no different. 3e would go full force with gusto and make this dream work. This was a challenge he looked forward to and as the sun set on his city life behind him& this was a new beginning back to his country roots. %s he pulled up to the front of the cabin house he would be li'ing in& that set about hundred yards from the main ranch& he noticed six big burley backsides of guys and one smaller more feminine shape from behind. Some $okes and laughs were coming from the split rail fence they were hanging around on while watching the sunset. Colton figured they had not heard him pull up. 3e grabbed his duffel bag and set it on the front porch of his cabin they had showed him on his exploration. -o time like the present& he told himself. 3e had only met 9andy& the retiring ranch manager& and the owners on his inter'iew 'isit. The rest of the ranch hands were a blur and he was sure in due time he would get to know e'eryone. 3e headed o'er to the fence where e'eryone seemed to be sitting /uietly now watching the sun rest on the hori2on. The sunset was brilliant with dusty pinks& 'ibrant oranges and denim blues all blending together in the e'ening sky as he approached the fence. C3owdyD Colton broke the calm silence. -obody turned. -obody acknowledged him. C3owdy all.D 3e bolstered out with /uite a bit more hardiness. )n anticipation that they all were ready to welcome their new boss& his frustration grew as no one immediately acknowledged him.

9andy& the lead ranch hand& finally turned and said a /uiet C3owdyD with his fingers to his lips in a hushing signal and then turned back around. Colton was not sure what they were listening for but he knew e'ening wildlife could be 'ery interesting. % minute of /uiet passed as the sky grew darker and the suns final fading turned into some stars up abo'e. Colton was leaning against the railing when he heard a 'ery feminine& soft sexy 'oice. C"ell boys& same time next week. )All bring the Coors *ight this time>D She took her cowboy hat off to let out her soft curly long blonde hair& which had been piled up in her hat. The scent of her hair was fresh. She shook her head and turned briskly swinging her legs around on the rail almost smacking ColtonAs face with her 9oper boots. This put her chest to his face as he was leaning on the fence. Colton stopped breathing and could not speak. She was like an %ngel with her ha2el green eyes& soft sensuous lips and tanned skin. There stood the man she had stared into a photo of a hundred times& but real life brought him a much better $ustice. %ll six foot two inches of him with his dark blonde hair in a short cut with those incredible blue eyes that were like a pool of refreshing water she could step herself into. CSorry& ) didnAt reali2e you came up.D %ngel was shocked. She had assisted in the hiring of the man that rest before her& but his presence made her all $ittery. 1aybe it was $ust the surprise+ that she had not e'en reali2ed he had walked up& and that he was leaning on the split rail fence next to her. CThatAs alright mamD he managed to choke out. 3e did not know if it was the fact he almost got kicked in the face with a pair of ropers that were attached to the most hea'enly image of a woman. CColton SmithD 3e spoke with sincerity as he stretched out his hand for a shake. %ngel used his hand to $ump down& not to shake. C%ngel 1orrisonD was all she could speak. She dreamed of this moment but was so ner'ous. She put on her black cowboy hat and started strutting towards her old beat up pick(up truck. She would let the boys do the introductions and catch her breath and courage for tomorrow. Colton watched her walk. )t was mesmeri2ing. 3er scent was clean and her smile %ngelic. %ngel must be her nickname. 3e thought to himself and he must ha'e waited too long between dating to reali2e he could melt so /uick with so few words. %ngel ga'e a shout o'er her shoulder with a backwards wa'e to the guys. CSee ya boys. Tell those wi'es of yours hello>D 8i'e of the ranch hands& had turned and spoke in unison. CSee ya %ngel. =ri'e careful now.D 9andy spoke up the loudest and called out. C=onAt you forget to call Shelia when you get home to check in and make sure e'erythingAs ok.D C"ill do 9andyD %ngel knew if she did not call to check in with Shelia e'ery night after work& she would make 9andy stop in and check in on her. She had started carrying a cell phone with her e'erywhere $ust for that reason so she did not always ha'e to be at home when she called. She knew it made them feel better when she checked in and Shelia always kept the calls brief. Colton figured Shelia must be her grandma or something. "hy would a grown woman ha'e to report and check in6 -ow Colton knew 9andy as the main ranch hand and the man he was replacing while he retired but who& was this %ngel woman6 There were not any females on the employee rooster. Colton turned and looked to 9andy. They were about the same height. 9andy looked fatherly at %ngel as she dro'e away. CThat is one special girl.D

"ithout e'en thinking& Colton spoke his mind. CThat is one hot woman.D Shit> =id ) really $ust say that or did ) think it. Sometimes his mouth got ahead of him and got him into trouble. This is one time? he hoped he had not spoken loud enough. %ll fi'e ranch hands walked away looking o'er their shoulder at 9andy. CSee yaD chorused out and then a single Cand set the new guy straightD. Colton could not see who had said it but he sure as hell thought that was no way to treat your new boss. Then again his words Hthat is one hot womanA echoed in his head. -ice one Colton& way to go. 3e told himself. Colton tried to lighten the mood. CShe li'e& ) mean work around here or she your daughter6D 9andy raised a single brow& ga'e a stern look and a gruff answer to his stumbling /uestion. CTwo miles off the county road& works here and she might as well be my daughter. "e all treat her that way. SheAs our %ngel.D 3is outstretched palm met one almost twice his si2e& leathered and callused. C)tAs a pleasure to meet you again sir and next time ) will keep my thoughts to myself on that one.D Colton ga'e the most genuine smile. 9andy could not be too mad at the kid. 3e already knew %ngel had taken a liking to the boy without e'en meeting him in person. 3eck she researched the guy and brought him here. She was more excited than anyone was and e'eryone trusted her opinion on him. She did not want to be in the personal inter'iews so things would not be too confusing& but 9andy knew %ngel as if she was his own daughter. She had a thing for Colton and that poor boy was not going to know what hit him. C"ell Colton& those ranch hands that $ust left are 'ery protecti'e of %ngel. H5ne hot womanA was not the smartest thing& to spout out in your first introduction. #ut& enough said about that. )tAs late? we were expecting you to get in late so no big yahoo tonight. See ya in the morning.D C-ot the greeting ) was expecting. #ut ) guess my pot shot didnAt help.D Colton did not want to appear as a wimp either. 3e expected certain things from his employees and a Hset the new guy straightA was not it. C:ouAll earn their respect before you get it. 5nce your do those boys and the twel'e others that work for you will do anything for you. See ya in the morning and Colton do not lose any sleep o'er it. "e are pretty laid back here? we donAt tend to ponder too much on the little stuff.D 9andy wanted to get his point across that this was not a $ump right in and be the boss kind of $ob. Colton was going to ha'e to earn a little respect before those tough crew hands cow towed to him. 9andy walked away& and got in a matching truck to ColtonAs and dro'e off. "hoa -elly> That was not the welcoming committee& he had hoped for. That %ngel girl was something. 3e did not remember any females on the employee rooster. 3er face and her figure matched her name. Colton grabbed his duffel and headed into his cabin. 3e guessed 9andy was right? he needed to ad$ust to the crew& $ust as they might need ad$usting to him. 3e figured since they were not expecting him until late explained the cold shoulder& that and maybe his smart comment. 3e had meant to keep that one to himself& along with the images he con$ured up. She was like a country 'ersion of a sports illustrated swimsuit model. %s Colton walked to his cabin& he saw a note in a 'ery neat female handwriting welcoming him and mentioned a se'en a.m. meeting at the main ranch house for breakfast. Stating it was a chance for the whole gang to meet him. 3e got a fire going in the fireplace. The fall night air can get cool in the mountain 'alleys and well he had to admit it? was not the crispness in the air but the ambiance of the house& the sunset and a real fireplace that made him light the fire.

3e went to the side(by(side refrigerator and saw it stocked with the basic essentials along with long neck Coors *ight. %nother note attached& in the same handwriting .best beer around.. 3e grabbed one and popped it open. 3e set back in one of the two mahogany colored leather back chairs& propped his feet upon the o'ersi2ed matching leather ottoman and watched the fire glow and pop from the dry wood he placed in. Things were looking up and her face would not get out of his head. 3e felt her presence but could not figure out how. 3e had been with plenty of women& city women& but this one was different. There was a spark when she touched his shoulder to apologi2e and a stimulating rush went up his arm when she used his hand to $ump down. "hen she turned around on the fence and almost knocked him in the head with her boot he felt charged. This %ngel woman was a site for sore eyes and working around all men& day in and day out& could set a man up for some& much needed& female appeal. That name& %ngel as she said it& she spoke it with a sincere smile. %s if& she was the welcome wagon lady to greet him. The Hsee ya boysA like she was talking to her brothers or dad. 9andyAs fatherly reaction for her to call Sheila when she got home. "hat was that about6 Colton let all those thoughts bounce around in his head as the firewood crackled from its dryness. 3e figured one more beer until the fire died out and he could get a good night.s rest before his early a.m. meeting. 3e would double check that employee rooster tomorrow for %ngel. %s Colton really looked around the inside of his cabin for the first time he noticed how nicely furnished and decorated it looked. @uality pieces of rustic lodge type furniture and the earth tone coloring on the walls and dIcor made him feel like he was really in the country. This place was smaller than his condo in the city but it felt much more like home. <rabbing his duffel bag& he headed towards the loft where the bedroom was. 5pen to below on one side his hand gently rubbed on the /uality handmade timber staircase. 3e stopped in awe of the 'iew when he got to the top of the stairs. The whole west side was floor to ceiling glass windows. The 'iew was more incredible then anyone could ha'e imagined. There was another cobblestone fireplace on the north facing the king si2e bed. The bedding pulled back& ready for him to slip in& for a good night.s rest. Colton sat back on the bed& felt the flannel sheets with the sheepskin comforter. -ow this is how you welcome your 9anch 1anager. Colton thought. *ooking o'er at the oak rustic nightstand& he saw a cordless phone& a white binder with H9anch Phone *istA on it& a slender local phone book& and an alarm clock with it already set for six a.m.& and two remotes. 5ne for his sleep number bed and the other for a T!& but where was it6 )n the corner of the room was an incredibly hand car'ed red oak armoire. 3e pulled it open to find a thirty(two inch 3=T! with =!= player. There was another nicely written note same as the one on the beer& satellite channels a'ailable& =!= mo'ies in the main ranch lounge. Colton stripped to the buff& the only way he could get a good night sleep& and flipped the lights out. *ooking through the glass window& he fell asleep ga2ing at millions of stars& a 'iew you do not see that well in the city. %ngel pulled up to her carriage house and took a deep breath of fresh air. She felt a little woo2y after finally meeting Colton. She could not get herself to stick around and chat. She was $ust too ner'ous. 1ost men she was comfortable with& but this one made her tummy doing the cha cha. She walked o'er to her hammock that strung between two 'ery old pine trees next to her house. The ranch ownerAs yellow lab& from whom she rented her carriage house& came up to her for some good night petting as she lay there looking at the stars. She dreamed of someday owning a ranch like this with a dog like this. Some kids to run after and maybe a husband like& Colton popped in her head. #oy a large glass of ice water with lots of ice should cool her thinking. 3e was a new guy and last thing she needed to do was be all flustered as she was trying to teach him 9andyAs $ob. =octorAs orders were for 9andy to do as

little as possible. She needed to keep her head clear for 9andy. 3owe'er& a little night time fantasi2ing could not kill a girl. C*'P%ER %*REE )t was dawn and Colton lay in bed already awake. )t felt unusual to de'iate from his normal workout routine that ran in the morning but the mo'ers would not be there until later with his stuff that was not going into storage. 3is weight machine was what kept him physically fit& since his city $ob kept him seated most of the time. 3e was looking forward to being able to mo'e around on the $ob& ride horses& maybe e'en help with feeding the animals and bailing hay. 0ust then& the alarm went off to break his thoughts. 3e $umped out of bed to shower and sha'e. The shower was big enough for two& not that he was thinking about anyone in particular or maybe he was. 1aybe a certain %ngel might want to share this shower with him. 3e got the impression %ngel was off limits. That& or would come with a high price of serious intrusion from the ranch crew. -ot something& a new boss man needed to be contending with. )t was a /uarter to se'en as he was heading up the path to the main ranch house. )t was a sprawling fi'e thousand s/uare feet of log house. The ranch house held offices and single apartment rooms for any single ranch hands that li'ed there. %ll the married ones li'ed off the ranch. There was a huge entertainment area with big screen T!& pool tables and comfortable chairs around a fireplace. The main kitchen was incredible& like something you would see out of a cooking show and the eating area had a huge horseshoe shaped wood table. )t set so& that while talking with each other& someone could be talking in the center. The way it was explained to him was all hands shared with cooking meals and cleaning duties. Colton figured that did not mean him since he was the manager after all and they would not ha'e hired him if they knew that his extent of cooking meant reaching for a protein bar or dialing up a local restaurant. %s far as cleaning went he was sorry to let 8rederica his long time housekeeper go. She was like a mother to him. 3e ga'e her a huge bonus and hooked her up with a good friend who had been asking for years to steal her away. 3e figured once he settled he would send a huge bou/uet of her fa'orite flowers. Colton noticed %ngel walking toward him with a 'ery shy smile and two cups of hot steaming coffee in extra(large mugs. %ngel tilted her pretty head towards him and spoke in that incredibly sincere 'oice. C1orningEcoffeeE no cream& $ust sugar& hope you like.D She looked down /uickly& then up again as she handed him his coffee. #oy was she ha'ing trouble completing a sentence. This was going to be harder than she anticipated? she was like a schoolgirl who was trying to get the popular guy. C<reat.D Colton smiled back. Their hands touched for a brief second and there was that sensation between them again. 3e wondered if she felt it too. C;'erything in the cabin to your liken.7 She truly hoped he liked how she decorated the place. -o one had li'ed in it for a long time and well she lo'ed the fact that she was doing it for a man that had caught her affections on paper alone. %ll the research she did on him felt like she found the man for her before she e'er met him in person. 3e had no idea who she was or what part she played in all this. 8or now& she wanted to keep it that way. CPerfect.D 3e wondered if she played a part in setting up the cabin. )f so& she did a killer $ob. She sighed a deep breath and thought to herself& gorgeous and so few words. She could see herself stumbling all o'er the place with this one. C1rs. 9alston& we call her #ecky for short& had me redo the place. -o one has li'ed there for se'eral years. )t was a pro$ect. -o one has li'ed in that cabin in /uite a

while& but it kept me busy.D <osh& she was rambling and repeating herself. 3e really made her ner'ous or was it those flashing white teeth& those masculine lips and those dimples that formed e'ery time he said HperfectA. 3er heart was melting like sugar in hot water. C%ngel& is it right6 That short for something6 ;'eryone around here seems to ha'e nicknames.D C%ngel 1orrison is my full name.D She smiled then looked down into her coffee and took a sip after blowing into it. C"hat do you do here? ) mean ) didnAt see any female names on the employee rooster they sent.D She was ner'ous. "hat if he decided he did not need her6 She really needed this $ob until she landed the other big account out of 1ontana. "ith his experience& he would probably fire her and hire some secretary. 3owe'er& she figured the 9alstonAs would still keep her employed with odd $obs but this is the work she lo'es& promoting ranches. !ery ner'ously& she answered him. C1arketing& ) mean ) am youAre ad'ertising freelance company the ranch uses. ) am the odd $ob girl they hire when #ecky wants a break from the female side of the ranchAs responsibilities and well ) do handle all promotions and marketing material.D Silence from both as the air filled with a tense feeling of electricity. They stared at each other for only a moment. Then she looked down into her coffee while holding it with both hands. C) hope you like the beer ) picked and your furnishings and bed& ) mean bedding.D #oy was she stumbling now. She sensed his inhibitions. 3er tongue was mo'ing in different ways then her mind. CCoors ;xtra <old is actually what ) prefer to drink and ) thought they hired me to handle the marketing and promoting of this ranch.D Colton wondered why he felt the need to take out any frustrations on her. 3e was sure he was o'er reacting. She seemed safe enough. 3e should be glad they ha'e a gal 8riday to help out. C)Am sorry sir. ) am $ust& like ) said& a girl 8riday& odd $ob gal& ) uhE ) uhE handle all the marketing and promotions grunt work you wonAt ha'e time for or uhE that you instruct me to do. ) am strictly freelance& you donAt ha'e to use me if you donAt want& you could choose anyone you want& ) uhED 9andy walked up to bale %ngel out of her stumbling madness. 3e had o'erheard some of the later part of the con'ersation. 3e had a feeling Colton would need to be& clued in& sooner than later. C1orning Colton.D % 'ery hardy laugh bolstered out of 9andy. C1orning 9andy.D Colton turned towards 9andy. 3e had felt the massi'e presence e'en before he had spoken. %ngel took this as her clue that she could bow out. Thankful that 9andy came to her stumbling rescue. She figured she would go find #ecky. C%ngel always babbles ner'ously when sheAs smitten with someone and frankly there hasnAt been many. That gal is usually on top of her game.D 9andy o'erheard %ngel trying to explain herself and he felt it was time he rescued her and set Colton straight. C)s that so6D Colton was a little unprepared at how all this was being played out to him. 3e was shocked no one had mentioned her before or the $ob she played in all this. 3e needed to get a grip& one minute he wanted to bed the woman and the next rip her head off. That was not like him? he must be feeling some anxiety o'er all of this. CShe took great pride in preparing that cabin for you. )n fact& she takes great pride in e'ery $ob she does. -o task too small or no $ob too big& she takes full pride to accomplish it correctly.D 9andy could sense some animosity. CPerfect& then sheAs a keeper.D Colton could not understand why he felt defensi'e all of a sudden.

C)Ad say.D 9andy could tell ColtonAs facial expressions had hardened up a notch. C"ell this is 'ery good to know.D Colton took a huge gulp of coffee and looked stern. C:ou know& sheAs the reason you are here. She does odd $obs and bills through her ad agency. 1r. 9 likes it that way. She is a soft spot in the 9alstonAs heart& since they ne'er could ha'e kids she is like one of theirs. She has a soft spot in all our hearts.D 9andy did not feel this was the time or place but Colton was going to need a little straightening out and soon. #oth men stood silently for a moment. Then the silence was broken by a boisterous Patsy Cline sounding lady. C1orning all& thanks for attending this 1onday morning meeting. %ngel would you be a dear and pass out the agendas to the boys. ;'eryone gi'e a hearty welcome to our newest crew& Colton Smith.D There was some 'ery friendly C3owdyD and C3elloAsD this time. 3owe'er& all that stuck& in ColtonAs head& was those words Cnewest crewD. )t re'erberated in his head like a pang& not& newest manager& not ranch manager& but newest crew and why was %ngel the reason he was here. C%lright team& first item.D #roadcasted out from 1rs. 9alston without notice to ColtonAs bad mood. Colton sunk deep into his thoughts and noticed 1rs. 9alston& or #ecky& as they called her& was a serious take(charge woman. %ngel sat next to her side& intent on following her lead. C-ow %ngel has some great new marketing ideas& letAs hear her out. Catch up with her when you can and gi'e her your input.D That did it. Colton sat there stunned. Totally tuning out her ideas and fuming. %ngel has some new marketing ideas& that was to be his arena& maybe this was a bad idea& lea'ing city corporate for the country life. 3is dream of being back on a ranch started to ha'e a weird feeling. 3e wasnAt getting the respect he deser'ed and then 9andyAs words rumbled in his head HyouAll earn their respect before you get it.A 3e snapped out of his internal re'erberation to %ngelAs sweet soothing 'oice. C-ow boys these are all ideas weA'e chatted about during our sunset sessions& howe'er welcoming Colton Smith to our cra2y corral will make our ideas soar. "hy donAt we let 1r. Colton Smith tell us a little about himself and then we can all head out to finish our morning.D Colton was prepared to wow and shock them with his marketing and management awards but somehow he got the impression these guys donAt care about awards and corporate marketing hoopla. 3e stood up C) look forward to meeting each and e'ery one of you personally at your earliest con'enience. Thanks for the warm welcome.D 3is words came out somewhat sarcastic. Then he sat down. 3e was trying to rethink his game plan on how to handle this situation. They all stared at him as if he was a heifer gi'ing birth. %n odd moment later both #ecky and %ngel spoke up at the same time. C"ell now&D both ladies said in unison. C5ops sorry&D %ngel smiled so sweetly. C:ou go ahead.D Colton could not help but melt away his anxiety as he watched her. She ga'e off a sweet shyness that seemed natural and all the ranch hands looked at her with kindness. )t felt rather natural to look at her and feel at ease. 3e did not want to get caught staring but the longer he looked the less tension he felt in his shoulders. Then #ecky smiled. C%ngel they are all yours. <ot to run boys.D Colton was shocked once again. :ears of corporate faceless emotions would not let him show it& but he was one pissed hombre. "ho was the manager him or %ngel6 "hy not ha'e 9andy up there directing the show and then handing it off to him. "ell that $ust burned that they did not /uite explain things to

him as well as they should ha'e. 3oping that this day would and needed to get better& Colton kept his eyes on the woman that seemed to soften his edge. %ngel smiled sweetly at e'eryone then stopped at Colton. 3er eyes melted the muscle tension he felt building in his neck once again. 3er smile focused on him& which made him relax again. C"ell if our 1r. Smith doesnAt feel like bragging& ) $ust want to say to all you boys how extremely lucky we are to ha'e a man of his extraordinary experience here to keep this ranch up and running. *etAs make him feel at home.D %ngel started clapping and a half enthusiastic round of applause followed. Then a few head nods and awkward smiles headed his way& but there was that odd man out feeling. CSince 9andyAs last heart attack we ha'e all learned to slow up the pace& but it is time to get back to growing business and letting 1r. Smith take us to the next le'el. )Am sure all you boys will be real nice to your new boss and assist him in any way needed. ) will be helping in getting 1r. Smith up to pace for 9andy so he will take the doctorAs orders and get the rest he needs. 3owe'er you know 9andy will keep his smiling face around for a long time because he canAt seem to do otherwise.D %ngel looked at 9andy then turned her attention to Colton again. She really hoped this little speech would melt the tension she felt coming from him. Things hadnAt gone /uite like she planned this morning. 1aybe she should ha'e been there for his first inter'iew to let him know what part she played in all this. C"e all look forward to getting to know you personally& right boys.D =id Colton hear her right& heart attack6 9andy was bowing out from this $ob but not because he wanted to but because the doctors were making him. %s a few ranch hands ga'e out a little more enthusiastic response. C:eah& looking forward to it.D C;specially %ngel.D Someone muttered as all the ranch hands spoke up at once. CSheAs been fussing about your arri'al.D %nother ranch hand spoke up. %ngelAs cheeks flushed and she looked down in embarrassment. These boys were going to be in some hot water when she was done with them. CShe actually went shopping at the same stores 1rs. 9 gets her furnishings.D Sounded out another sarcastic comment. 9andy stood up. C#oys get to work. Stop by ColtonAs office at your earliest and get it done in the next forty eight hours.D 3e figured that was enough $eering on their parts& and %ngel needed an escape. This situation was going to need some straightening out soon. C%ngel ) need to speak with you a moment then ) belie'e you ha'e the morning planned catching Colton up. Colton& %ngel will be in your office in a few moments& she knows how to reach me if you ha'e any /uestions.D 9andy directed. Colton looked around and smiled. CPerfect. See you in my office then.D 3e was shocked to find out about %ngel and her personnel touch to the cabin. "hat was all the ra22ing the guys were gi'ing her6 3e felt like he was back in school when the girl likes the guy and only the guy doesnAt know it yet. 9andy pulled %ngel aside and smiled. C#reathe girl& it will be ok. "hy youAre gonna make me think you ha'e a crush on this boy.D %ngel ga'e her sweet smile to 9andy. C"ell he sure doesnAt hurt to look at and he makes me ner'ous. )t must be his track record and the feeling that he is gonna put things back on track.D C"atch yourself little lady& he seems like a heartbreaker. #esides& heAs doing your $ob. "hy did you turn down the 9alstonAs for the position anyway6D

%ngel looked at 9andy as a little girl looks at her =ad when she wants an ice cream cone. C) ha'e dreams of settling down in a big ranch of my own with a big dog and a couple kids to run after. Plus ) really en$oy my computer teaching and 'olunteering and ) would ha'e to gi'e all of that up.D C#ut %ngel they offered you a lot of money.D 9andy $ust could not totally grasp it but he knew that like his Shelia& some women had a different way of looking at things. C)tAs not about the money& itAs about the experience and this feels right.D %ngel did not know how else to explain it than it felt right. Colton felt right the first time she saw him on paper. C%lright young lady& but you take it easy. Call me if you need me )All be around.D C#ye 9andy.D %ngel felt relie'ed to ha'e finally explained why she turned 9andyAs $ob down. Then she read about Colton Smith& in a business maga2ine& and knew he was the man for the $ob. She e'en felt a little dreamy that he was the man for her. She had researched him and checked his references. 3e felt like her prince charming she always dreamed about but it was the comment in article with him on a horse at a corporate dude ranch retreat. H5nce a cowboy always a cowboyA. That comment& made her think about getting this ranch back on its feet and with ColtonAs record of accomplishment he was the man to do it. 1aybe he was the man for her. She did not think her personal reasons for brining Colton in would $eopardi2e the ranch& because his track record showed he had taken on all sorts of related tasks and made a fortune for the corporation he worked for. Since 9andyAs heart attack& they all had been concentrating on making 9andy reali2e it was time to retire& 'isit %laska& as he has always wanted to and watch sunsets with Shelia& not the ranch hands. %ngel took o'er all his responsibilities per the 9alston.s& but she did not want the $ob& she $ust did not want 9andy to o'erwork himself again. She was relie'ed Colton was here and soon she would be back to doing the work she lo'es and hopefully land that other big account for a ranch in 1ontana that would only re/uire a few 'isits. 1ost of the work would be done& through the internet& with an occasional short trip to the ranch. %ngel walked into ColtonAs office. C;'erything to your liken. ) hope ) got it all here for you& right down to the paperclips.D She was ner'ous as a girlAs first day in a new school. She had not reali2ed this incredible looking man before her was going to make her react this way. 3is incredible blue eyes ga'e her a wink. CPerfect.D 3e felt himself flirt with her a little. % little flirting is ok he con'inced himself. 1aybe it would put both of them at ease. She did seem a little ner'ous around him. 5h gosh& she was not going to make it through the day. Those dimples were adorable and the way he said HperfectA& she needed to get a hold of herself. C5k well letAs get down to it. "e ha'e a lot of ground to co'er before lunch and then ) ha'e a computer class to teach at two p.m. ) can come back after but ) think youAll ha'e the guys stopping by to meet you and lots of reading to do.D C:ou teach6D C:eah& $ust some locals at the library& nothing exciting.D C5h& all right& where should we start first6D Colton was impressed with his office. ;'erything he could possibly need seemed to be at his fingertips and neatly organi2ed. The 'iew of his office was better than any office 'iew he had in the city. The o'ersi2ed large glass window to the side of his desk looked out towards the west& where the rolling hills of the 'alley the 9alstonAs owned below stretched out across the land with tall wheat grass and an abundance of wildflowers. 0ust beyond the path that led to his cabin& he could see the o'ersi2ed horse stalls painted in white and red.

Things might not ha'e started grand& but they were looking up. 3e listened carefully as %ngel directed him on all areas of his $ob. "here to locate the information he would need& and had his laptop loaded. She showed him how to use his new cell phone that had walkie(talkie capabilities with all the ranch hands and her if need be. She had loaded his phone with all numbers and set his phone up with all speed dial options. She wanted to make this transition as smooth as possible for him and it showed. 3e was thoroughly impressed with her. 3a'ing %ngel being next to him& made him feel like he could tackle anything. She seemed to know this $ob inside and out. 3e could see why they kept her around. 3er long curly blonde hair would brush up against him from time to time as she would lean o'er to point something out and thoughts of his fingers intertwined in her hair would pop up in his head. She carried a fresh scent that caused him to take in an extra breathe around her. )maging some fun on the side would not be totally out of order once he was up to speed. Colton figured he would gi'e it a couple weeks then maybe ask her out. %ngel felt her heart beat faster e'ery time she leaned in closer. 3er head felt light as if she could not get enough oxygen. The next man next to her& in person& was better than any photo of him. 3is scent was intoxicating. She felt the need to lean in more o'er his shoulder than necessary. CThat ought to do it. )f you need to call me& )Am a'ailable until two p.m. Then )All turn my phone off while teaching my class. %ny /uestions6D %ngel felt a sense of relief. She needed to get some fresh air and think about getting herself in check. C-ope.D Colton felt like he could $ump right in& since %ngel had made sure e'erything was ready to go. %ngel sensing he was the strong silent type she picked up her empty coffee cup and started out the office. C%ngel6D Colton didnAt want her to lea'e. 3e liked ha'ing her next to him. C:es6D %ngel turned back towards Colton. *ooking at him behind the big oak desk with the rolling hills filling the large glass window behind him& he fit that desk like a perfect picture. CThanks and great $ob. See ya tomorrow.D 3e smiled with dimples in cheek and with what he hoped sounded like true appreciation. =eep down he knew she made the transition into this $ob much easier on him. C:ouAre welcome. )All be in around nine a.m.D She wasnAt sure but she thought the sound of him thanking her was genuine. 1aybe he would be glad to keep her around if she kept up the good work. CCould you make it eight a.m.6 )Ad like an early start.D CSure. See ya at eight.D She turned and walked out as he looked down on his desk. To read more ( purchase the story. Sample Chapters $ Cosmopolitan )an
-ext in Series to Perfect Cowboy

C*'P%ER #+E There are moments in a womanAs life when she puts her best friendAs needs ahead of hers. This was one of those times. She had to con'ince her best friend %ngel& that it was $ust another weekend in their lo'ely summit mountain town. 1isleading her was not a normal endea'or howe'er& %ngelAs new beau& Colton& had some serious plans up his slee'e. See Colton had taken the weekend off to go back to =en'er. %ngel had been sensing something was 'ery ner'ous with the way Colton had been acting before he left. *ou %nn knew that Colton had her best interest at heart. 3e was making plans that would change their life together fore'er.

Tonight was a planned girl.s night out& $ust the two of them& like it used to be. *ou %nn missed those nights. Since %ngel and Colton had fallen in lo'e. % lo'e like she use to ha'e. 3a'ing not found anyone to replace her deceased husband& she was often lonely. 3owe'er& watching her best friend fall in lo'e and find her soul mate brought on many emotions. ;motions she had buried deeper than she thought. 5nes she had not dealt fully with. *ou %nn had to admit she became $ealous watching %ngel fall in lo'e. 3owe'er& she felt extremely elated for her& in the same swirl of emotions. -ot e'ery day a girl meets her true lo'e and falls so deep& so /uick. )t reminded *ou %nn of her first true lo'e& her deceased husband& Stanley. She knew she would ne'er replace another soul mate like her Stanley. She would $ust ha'e to settle for a good old fashioned& easygoing cowboy that could handle her heated temper. % man& which shared her similar interests? for the lo'e of the country& good food and good friends. Someone she could share the simple life. %s *ou %nn sat in the side booth of 1ain Street =iner& she watched a 'ery distracted looking %ngel walk towards the entrance door. She could not help but admire what a beautiful woman she had grown into. 3er cowgirl walk caused her long blonde curly hair to swish from side to side. #y the way her friends face seemed troubled& she knew %ngel was Hchewing gritA o'er Colton lea'ing to =en'er for the weekend. -ow *ou %nn knew that Colton wasnAt doing anything bad. )n fact he was about to turn her best friends life into a whirlwind of good news. 3owe'er& %ngel had been stressing her doubts to none other than *ou %nn. "hich for the first time e'er& she had to hide the news from her about what ColtonAs plan was. )t was killing her. CThanks for meeting with me for dinner. Colton had to run into =en'er to help his friend 1ike mo'e into a new condo. 3eAs been acting a little strange lately and ) donAt know& ) $ust needed some company tonight. ) donAt think heAs cheating or anything like that& but heAs $ust acting ner'ous a lot. So ) figured ) could call on you6D %ngel knew she could always rely on her best friend *ou %nn. ;'en when& *ou %nn was married and li'ed in the big city for a while& she could always call and she would be there for her. 0ust walking in here tonight and looking into *ou %nnAs honest brown eyes& she felt secure. C%ngel& honey we are gonna ha'e a fun night. ) rented a couple chick flicks to watch& stocked up on munchies and bought some #(J2 slide mix so we could drink& nibble and giggle. 3oney donAt you worry about anything. ColtonAs a great guy. 1aybe he $ust needed a little man time with his best friend. ) mean it isnAt like heAs bonded with any of the guys from the ranch yet& except 9andy. %nd& well 9andy is his fatherAs age. TheyAll probably be so tired from mo'ing they wonAt e'en ha'e time to hit the bars. :ou said he was going to be back Saturday e'ening to do a test run on the sleigh ride& so donAt worry. *etAs en$oy our 8riday night chick night>D *ou %nn knew what Colton was up to and if all went as planned Saturday night was going to change %ngel for the rest of her life. She figured after dinner& drinking and watching some mo'ies& %ngel would relax. C%lright& )All relax. )Am sure heAs really going to help 1ike mo'e. )tAs $ust 1ike is well off and could pay mo'ers. %nd 1ike is a ladyAs man and Colton and he used to hit the bars Hpatrolling for potentialsA as Colton called it. ) guess )Am more worried about the peer pressure from 1ike then what Colton will do.D %ngel was sure she was worrying for nothing& but Colton did seem like he was hiding something when he left. C%ngel honey& you really ha'e nothing to worry about. *etAs en$oy our meal and ha'e a fun night. "e ha'enAt had a night like this since Colton rode into town. ) miss you and our 8riday nights. -ow come on and letAs eat dinner /uick and we can stop by the shop for stuff to gi'e each other pedicures& sound good6D *ou %nn really did miss hanging with %ngel but she knew how great it was to be in lo'e with a man and want to spend e'ery waking moment with them.

"hen Colton had confided in *ou %nn about asking %ngel for her hand in marriage in a romantic setting she almost screamed his ear off. She guaranteed she would keep %ngel busy all 8riday to Saturday afternoon. She dusted off some old photo albums they did together and found an old home mo'ie that had both girls learning how to ride horses and make lassos. She knew once she con'inced %ngel that Colton didnAt need a break from her but $ust 'isiting his best buddy& and then they could relax and ha'e a great time. She couldnAt help but wonder what ColtonAs best friend looked like and how cool it was for him to come all the way up here to watch his best friend propose to his future wife. 5n the dri'e into =en'er& Colton thought about how he told %ngel he had to go into =en'er to help his buddy 1ike mo'e to a new condo. )t ate him up to lie to her& but he knew the end(result would make her happy. 3e couldnAt image a life without %ngel. )n such a short time& they had connected with a true friendship and fallen in lo'e. 3e didnAt want to s/uander the gift he was gi'en. =en'er had some incredible $ewelers and he needed to ask 1ike to be his best man. 3e knew 1ike might try to talk him out of Hall this madnessA as 1ike would call it. 3e knew there was no talking him out of it. 3e wanted to ask %ngel for her hand in marriage on the sleigh ride. The first pro$ect they did together? the sleigh rides& was about to take off for the winter season. 3e wanted all the special people in their li'es to be there when he asked for her hand. %ngel was such a romantic he wanted to co'er all bases. % strong feeling came o'er him when he reali2ed dri'ing back into =en'er? it didnAt feel like home anymore. The ranch and %ngel felt like home. Colton knew from their last email 1ike had a ma$or client sale he was wrapping up that morning and then he would meet them at their old hang out. % place they had hung out on a regular basis before Colton took up the ranch $ob. They had the best green chili and a relaxing atmosphere. <reat locals and a fun staff with the knowing they could always find a pool table to shoot at unless there was a ma$or sporting e'ent. Colton had $ust ordered for them when 1ike strode in. "ith his dark hair& tanned skin in =ecember and bright white teeth he screamed salesman. )t was the thousand(dollar business suit he wore and his )talian leather loafers that screamed executi'e. 1ike did not recogni2e him in his cowboy hat at first. 3e stood and put a hand out for 1ike and the men shook hands and ga'e a /uick pat on the back type of man hug. They were best friends and Colton was a little ner'ous. C1ike. *ooking like a true cosmopolitan man. "hat that suit set you back6D CColton& shit man you look totally different& like a true cowboy. That your ranch dually out there6D C:eah& nice $ob perk.D The guys /uit competing for who was doing better a long time ago. "hen 1ike made his first million& Colton put his hands up and surrendered. 3e always figured he would be the poorer of the two. They were both good at in'esting but unlike Colton being in 1anagement and 1arketing& 1ike was one of the top sales reps at his work and e'ery bonus check he got he in'ested wisely. CThis old suit& oh ) donAt know& about thousand.D Colton swallowed hard on his beer. 1ike eyed ColtonAs hat and checked out his boots. CSo how much you spend on those boots and hat& cowboy6D *ooking past the expensi'e duds& he could tell that Colton had a happy gleam in those blue eyes of his. 3is skin looked tan and blonde hair much blonder. %n indication that his new $ob wasnAt all about sitting behind an oak desk.

Colton let out a hardy laugh. 3is best friend had him there. @uality cowboy clothes did not come cheap and well they paid him well at the ranch and this weekend being a special occasion he wanted to look good. C:ou got me there old buddy& about se'en hundred. ;'en6D C;'en. So what brought you to =en'er other than trying to whoop ass at the pool tables on your best buddy6 :ou know in one week& our office is closed for a month and wonAt open until after the -ew :ear. ) was thinking of dri'ing up to the ranch& seeing firsthand what kind of mayhem youA'e caused and maybe check out the local gals.D 1ike flashed his million(dollar smile. Colton wondered how many times that man got his teeth whitened. "atching 1ike take a drink of his beer& the man had perfectly manicured hands. -othing with this man shocked him anymore. 3e had become one pampered executi'e. C<reat news 1ike? ) came to find a ring to ask for %ngels hand in marriage? you know& make an honest woman out of her and ) want you to be there when ) ask and be my best man at the wedding.D 1ike was in mid drink when Colton laid all that out. 3e spit out his beer and choked in utter surprise. C"hat6D 1ikeAs beer spit landed on ColtonAs new cowboy hat. 3e pulled it off& grabbed a napkin& and started to wipe. C3ey asshole you $ust got beer on my new hat.D C:eah well )All buy you a new damn hat after ) beat some sense into you. "hat are you cra2y6 :ou $ust met this one and by what you described sheAs handing out the milk for free& why marry the cow6D Colton was pissed. 3e knew 1ike wasnAt calling %ngel a cow but was implying why marry the gal if sheAs already gi'ing it out. 3e took a moment and glared at 1ike. 3e was sure this was going be 1ikeAs response and he didnAt want to come across unsure of his actions. The stare down started. % minute passed but it sure as hell felt like an hour& but Colton wasnAt backing down. CSorry man. :ou really lo'e her6D C:esD Colton was glaring back still. CSo alright then ) donAt understand but )Am sure once ) meet her ) will fall in lo'e with her too. She must be one hell of a gal to ha'e snagged you so /uickly and put you under her spell.D Colton knew 1ikeAs negati'e attitude towards marriage was stemmed from his wealth and all the women in his social circle always trying to get him to marry them. That and 1ike had ne'er been in lo'e. -ot the way Colton was. CCan you dri'e back tomorrow morning with me6 ) ha'e to find a ring today and ) told %ngel ) was helping you mo'e& so she knows )Am staying at your place tonight. )Am planning on ha'ing all the special people in our li'es there when ) surprise her at the warming hut at the end of the sleigh ride tomorrow.D 1ike interrupted Colton. C"ait> :ou are going too fast. :ou want me to come up tomorrow6D C)tAs 8riday. ) get the ring today and propose tomorrow. :ou could dri'e back on Sunday. )tAs only a couple hours. dri'e. ) burned you a couple country cdAs for the dri'e and $ust to make it enticing )All race my dually against your cor'ette in the mountains.D Colton knew his best bud would be there for him& he would $ust gi'e him a hard time about it. C)snAt it a little weird to ask for a gals hand in marriage with your friends around6 ) mean what if she says no. % sleigh ride to a warming hut? romantic& but surprising with all your friends6D 1ike was beginning to wonder what this %ngel was doing to his best friends head. C)A'e put some hard thinking into this and discussed it o'er with 9andy? thatAs the guy ) told you about that is like %ngels dad. "ell& %ngel is a family gal but doesnAt ha'e any except the people that took her in when her mom died. ;'ery ma$or decision she makes she discuss it with the people )A'e in'ited. )

figured it would be nice to ha'e my best man and future god parent there too>D Colton smiled and put a menu between them as 1ike spit out another sip of beer. CShit man> Sorry about the beer shower. :ou ha'e to /uit saying shit that surprises me while )Am drinking. )s %ngel pregnant6 )s that why youAre rushing all this6 =amn man& modern woman doesnAt re/uire a marriage license to ha'e a baby.D 1ike was shocked. C-ope& %ngels not pregnant but we ha'e already discussed starting a family right away. "e both want kids and well you being my best friend youAre re/uired to be best man in the wedding and the future god parent of our children.D Colton let out a hardy laugh. 3e knew his best friend wouldnAt let him down but might need a few more drinks before he talks him into it. 3e knew 1ike didnAt do anything he was told unless it was his idea and Colton had years of practice. C"ow this is a lot youAre loading on me.D 1ike felt like their old life $ust went on a short ride on the tilt a whirl. 8irst& he becomes a cowboy and mo'es to the country& now he wants to get married& ha'e kids& all in less than a few freaking months. C3ey foods here. ) hope you donAt mind ) ordered us some appeti2ers and our fa'orite green chili. "ell take another round.D )ndicating another beer like he was drinking to the waitress. 1ike ga'e him the one raised eyebrow look and drank the rest of his beer. C5h shit& )All do it.D C*'P%ER %W# 1ike had to tie up loose ends that Saturday morning with his client. 3e wanted the deal sealed before heading out of town. 3e ne'er left anything undone. 3e was a finish the $ob through to the end kind of man and this one should land him a hefty bonus when all the deal closed out. Colton waited at 1ikeAs condo for him and repacked his bag with $eans& warm boots and flannel shirts and warm wool socks. 1ike was a skier but he packed non(cowboy clothes and Colton wanted him to fit in badly. 1ike walked into his condo $ust as Colton set the bag back in place. 3e grinned and did not say much to 1ike. C9eady to race up the mountain6D C9eady.D Shifting through his mail he $ust picked up& he was not in any big hurry unlike his best friend seemed to be. C:ou gonna change out of that other expensi'e suit6D Sensing the man was on leisure time he wanted to hurry things up a bit. C-ope& isnAt this a fancy occasion6D Slugging him on the side of his arm and getting a dirty glare in return. C0ust kidding Colton& )All change when ) get there. *etAs rock and oh you can keep your country music for now.D C"hate'er 1ikeD nowing he was gi'ing him a hard time that he had ditched his more metro ways to get back to the country. 9ight now& his ner'es had the best of him. The sooner he got %ngel to say yes the better he would feel. nowing once 1ike met %ngel& he would agree she was the one for him. That maybe her best friend might not be a bad catch for 1ike. 8ollowing 1ike down the hall& towards the ele'ator that would lead them to the garage& where their car and truck were parked& Colton grinned and laughed inwardly. %ll he could think about was 1ikeAs reaction to the way he repacked his o'ernight bag. Colton and 1ike raced up through the mountainside. "hat should ha'e taken at least three hours& took them two and half hours. ColtonAs dually climbed all the hills extremely well& but 1ikeAs cor'ette was geared for high altitude.

1ike was impressed with ColtonAs company truck. 3e figured it had a chip in it to make it run faster due to all the hea'y loads he would ha'e to pull. Colton.s mind wandered to %ngel the whole dri'e up home. "ith e'erything he had planned he did not want %ngel to see 1ike or she might suspect something else was up. 3e really wanted to surprise her. 3e knew she had not put any pressure on him but 9andy and Sheila& her adopti'e aunt and uncle kept relaying how in lo'e %ngel felt. They were about the only family %ngel had other than her best friend *ou %nn and her mom #ee. 9andy had always played dad and uncle to *ou %nn and %ngel but had also been %ngelAs boss until they hired him to replace 9andy. -e'er in a million years would Colton ha'e reali2ed what type of bond he would make with 9andy as he fell in lo'e with %ngel. 5nce he asked for %ngels hand from 9andy& the old man almost cried. Colton pulled off the highway& $ust one exit before their turnoff and got out of the truck. 1ike pulled in behind him and got out of his cor'ette. C"hatAs up6 =id my cor'ette wear your dually out6 )snAt it the next exit6D C"ell& ) didnAt mention this before but if %ngel sees you or your flashy sports car she might ask /uestions and ) donAt want to lie to her& $ust surprise her.D C%lright& whatAs your game plan cowboy6D Colton handed him a piece of paper with a printout of a map and some handwritten instructions. C"ell here are directions to her best friendAs house and work $ust down the road from her house. Park in the local shop district on main and your car will blend with tourists. SheAs expecting you at either place. 3er back door to her house is always open& so if sheAs not at her shop or house than wait at her house. SheAll take you to the warming hut tonight and bring you back to her place to sleep tonight.D C"hoAs her6D C*ou %nn. %nd 1ike6D C:eahED C*ou %nn is single and she is good looking but she is also a hothead. ) wouldnAt put your smooth mo'es on this one.D C=onAt worry? )All be a perfect gentleman for you pal. 5h and Colton& you got the ring6D Colton grinned. 1ike always liked acting like the older brother e'en though he was only six months older. C) got it in my pocket& right next to my heart.D C)Am sorry old buddy did you say %ngel was the romantic or you6 )t must be all this fresh air messing up your head.D CSee ya tonight 1ike.D Colton got in his truck and wa'ed. %s Colton pulled back on the highway& 1ike came up fast and blew by him in his red cor'ette. Colton shook his head. 1ike was a wild one and boy was he turning into the cosmopolitan man. 3e $ust hoped *ou %nn would not rip him to shreds. She had a way of making fun of any tra'elers that looked like a Cosmo boy. 3e barely warned *ou %nn about his pretentious friend and charming ways& but felt it best for her to make $udgment on her own. She had $ust smiled at Colton and said HdonAt worry& )Am a big girl and ) can handle the best of themA. Colton was sure she could& but 1ike was the best of the best. 1ike followed the map and figured he would park where'er he felt like. )t looked like both her shop and home were off a historical part of 1ain Street. Therefore& he figured his 'ette would blend in either way. #esides he didnAt want his pri2ed possession too far away in case his extremely expensi'e alarm system went off. The fact that it was tied in to 5n Star was comforting& but his 'ette was loaded and could get damaged in an attempt of car theft. 3e didnAt want to chance it. #esides& once %ngelAs friend got a load

of his 'ette she might want him to take her for a ride. % little fresh mountain moonlight could do his stress le'els wonders. 3e wasnAt thinking about the sky kind& he was thinking about the tight end kind. Pulling in front of her !ictorian styled house& he figured he would try her at home and if she wasnAt there he would go on in& check things out and get on(line on his laptop to get some work done before the big meeting on 1onday. The coloring of her house was traditional to its period. !ery ornate wood pieces placed in corners of the porch and doorways. The coloring wasnAt something he would do but the shades of grays with burgundies were much of what he saw coming into town. )t felt 'ery much like a !ictorian home would look in a maga2ine but with a lot of mountain landscaping. The path to her backdoor was slightly hidden by a white trellis co'ered in 'ines& taking him a second to find. *ooking around& o'erall the house looked well maintained and 1ike wondered if this *ou %nn lady had herself a handyman or landscaper or lots of free time. #ut that thought& was /uickly replaced with& the fact that Colton forewarned him that *ou %nn was not only beautiful& but also hotheaded. Colton knew 1ike ne'er went for the sassy talk back kind. CCome on inD *ou %nn hollered o'er her shoulder as she was facing the cooler while loading it with beer and pop. #ending at her waist with her backside facing the door& she figured it was 1ike& ColtonAs best friend who was due any minute and if not she always had friends popping by. 1ike walked in and set down his o'ernight bag and laptop case by the front door. 3e was ama2ed at what was in front of him. Colton had warned him what a hottie this *ou %nn was. % 'isual inspection had put her into a different perspecti'e. 3mm& he would be a gentleman but if she made a pass he wouldnAt turn her down. *ooking at her bent o'er& all he could get was a great look at her heart shaped ass and long& 'ery long slender legs with cowgirl boots on. 3er long dark brown hair flipped to the side. *ou %nn tilted her head sideways to peek at the stranger walking through the door who had not said a word since they walked in. She stood up from bending o'er the cooler. She wiped her cold hands on her $eans& flicked her hair o'er her shoulder and held out her hand. C1ike ) presume6D C:es 1amD 1ike reached out to shake hands but as *ou %nn put her hand in his& he felt electric warmth trail up his arm. 3e pulled her hand to his mouth and kissed the top as if she was a princess. 3is senses scattered as a tingling sensation brushed across his lips when he kissed the top of her hand. 3er hands were smooth and her fingers were long and sexy with pink painted nails. % flash of those hands on his center parts had him smiling a mile wide. 3er light brown eyes with flecks of gold reminded him of dark honey. 3er full luscious lips and dimples made 1ike think of lots of exotic things. 5h shit& why did this one ha'e to be off limits6 "hy did he promise Colton to be a gentleman6 *ou %nn pulled back her hand /uickly in response to what her body reacted. -o man got her tingly since her Stanley. "hile mentally blessing StanleyAs resting soul& she con'inced herself it must ha'e been the dry air and static that ga'e her the sensations from his hand. Colton mentioned his friend was /uite the ladyAs man. This man oo2ed cosmopolitan& centerfold& city boy. 8rom his thousand(dollar suit and )talian leather loafers& to his expensi'e haircut and manicured nails. 3is tanned skin was from a winter tanning booth and his dark hair and chiseled face screamed executi'e. 3e did ha'e soft brown eyes like hers but they were suggesting something and she was not sure if she read them right. The o'en bu22er went off to break the silence of the two of them checking each other out. 5h well& she knew how to be a great host and her silent stares were not it. C1ike& )Am *ou %nn& %ngelAs best friend. "ould you mind terribly finishing putting the beer into the cooler while ) grab the o'en6 ) cooked up some food for tonight.D CSure& so is this gonna be a big shindig with lots of food6 ) didnAt get a chance to eat this morning before my business meeting and ) didnAt eat on the long dri'e up here.D

CThere will be food but honey why donAt ) make you something to eat. )t will $ust take a minute. "e arenAt due for another forty fi'e minutes or so& let me fix you something to hold you o'er. "ould you mind tossing the cooler in the back of my pickup out front when you finish loading it6 5h& and the restrooms down the hall and second door on the left. :ou might want to slip into something warmer than your thousand(dollar suit. The couch pulls out into a bed. ) already put fresh linens on and there is a comforter and pillow in the chest. "e shouldnAt be home too late but in case we came back separately.D *ou %nn felt in charge as always. =irecting e'eryone was her specialty but this man $ust stood there and stared. C=id ) talk too fast6D *ou %nn felt a little ner'ous. 3e was good looking but she promised Colton she would be the perfect host and watch her hothead temper. She didnAt think her thoughts at that particular moment would ha'e made her a 'ery good hostess. C-ope& ) got it all right here.D 1ike took two fingers and knocked the side of his head with them. 3e felt busted staring and he reali2ed for the first time he had no effect on this one. 4sually he made women like her all giggles and they would swoon o'er him. This one $ust went about her business& directing him and boy did she talk fast. #ut the way& she spoke the word HhoneyA as it rolled off those incredible lips& made him think of all his original thoughts when he saw her bending o'er and then when he kissed the top of her hand. :es siree& this was going to be an interesting trip. 1ike finished filling the cooler with beer and pop and tossed it in the bed of her truck. )t was an old slightly rusted 1KLM Che'rolet. 3e could see it being a classic& once it was restored. The license plate personali2ed with the word H35-;:A. 3e wondered if that was because that word rolled off her tongue se'eral times& as she addressed him or because her eyes were like honey. 0ust thinking about it made him semi hard. She had the most exotic eyes he had e'er seen. 3e was more of a blonde hair blue eyed fa'oring kind. 3owe'er& he could see himself settling for some fun with the honey eyed brown hair beauty inside. "hen he came back in& he grabbed his o'ernight bag he went down the hall to change without exchanging any words. *ou %nn saw him and smiled then turned back around to packing up the hot food she cooked in a large cardboard box. 1ike un2ipped his black tra'el duffel bag he used on short trips to find ColtonAs pranks had already started. 3e had repacked his clothes. "hat was he trying to do make him a country boy6 5h well he figured he was $ust trying to get him to fit in so Colton would be comfortable. 3e hung his suit up on the back of her shower door and figured he could steam any creases out later. 3e came back in the front room and dropped his bag by the couch. 3e picked up his laptop case and set it on the kitchen table next to the plate of food. "ell one thing was for sure she made him a nice plate of food& a huge heap of potato salad and two turkey sandwiches. 3e was star'ing and this would hit the spot. 3e popped open his laptop and looked o'er the top of it with *ou %nnAs back to him. 1mm well& that backside was in'iting. 3e en'isioned himself running his hands up the back side of her legs all naked and smooth to her back and up her neck and whisking her around naked and planting a kiss on those luscious lips. 0ust then& *ou %nn turned around and looked long and hard at 1ike. %lmost as if& she read his mind. C3oney& ) bet you didnAt know )Am good at reading minds.D 1ike choked on his sandwich and his eyes bulge. C5h 1ike are you ok6 ) could tell you were en$oying that sandwich& but ) didnAt mean to make you choke. :ou ok6D *ou %nn came around the table and gently patted 1ike on the back. 3er touch magnified his thoughts down to his trousers. Shit& he wouldnAt be able to stand up for a bit.

C"hy donAt you stand up and put your arms abo'e your head. That always helps me if ) start to choke on food.D She did not know what she was asking for. 3e knew that he had been all business lately and put off dating but he was not that out of commission. -o woman in this short of time had him warming to thoughts like this. C-o thatAs alright. )All be ok. ) $ust swallowed wrong. <reat sandwich *ou %nn& thanks& ) was star'ing. 3ey ) hope you donAt mind but ) ha'e a few emails to follow up from this morning.s meeting.D 1ike figured if he kept talking she wouldnAt take notice to what happened to his manly parts under the table. Thankful his lap top was there. 3e could $ust put it back in the case and hold it front of him while he stepped out to get air and 'isit his car. C<lad you like the sandwich. ) read you for a turkey a'ocado with bacon on a croissant kind of guy.D She wondered if she pegged him. She lo'ed sitting in the local restaurant as tourists or businessmen dro'e through town and stopped for lunch. She would take one look at them and guess the type of lunch they would ha'e. She lo'ed doing that and describing a man.s personality $ust by the car& they dro'e. CCan ) bother you for something to drink6D CCoke or lemonade6D C% Coke would be great.D CSure. 3ere you go.D *ou %nn turned back around after she handed him a diet Coke and went about packing up the warm food with crumpled newspaper inside the big cardboard box to keep it warm. 1ike took a moment to glance around her home and found the dIcor not too o'erly feminine but actually filled with a lot of dark mission wood and more masculine furnishing. ;xcept for a homemade /uilt here or there and se'eral 'ases filled with flowers throughout the house& the only room that was 'ery bright and white was the kitchen. "ith yellow curtains& white tiled floor and yellow daisy wallpaper on the only wall that did not ha'e cabinets. The table and chairs he sat at all had different patterned painted flowers on it. 3e was in the daisy chair. The white kitchen table sat six comfortably and each chair place had a coordinating place mat painted on the table surface to match the chair. <o figure e'ery girl needs a flowery touch somewhere in her home. 1ike figured if it was his kitchen it would be all chrome& granite and black or stainless steel& a manAs kitchen. #ut then& he really didnAt care about her home dIcor& but whether or not he might get lucky with her. 3e knew he promised Colton& but this one had too many naughty thoughts in his head in such a short time& that he figured if she led on she was up for uncomplicated fun he was a more than willing partner. *ou %nn watched 1ike out of the corner of her eye as she finished up and noticed he was checking out her house and kitchen. She had furnished it with most of StanleyAs furniture to remind her of him. 3owe'er& the kitchen table that had him s/uirming like a little boy in Sunday school was her recent purchase from the fall festi'al to help raise funds for the public library. The artist she purchased it from had taken an old trashed out oak table and turned it into something bright and cheery. She lo'ed that about her community crafters. C%lright 1ike ) need to go freshen up and put on a little something warmer. The tent should be warm but we ha'e a small hike from where we can hide our cars to the warming tent. 3ey& did you bring a warm $acket6 :ouAre gonna need one.D *ou %nn knew she had a couple extra menAs $ackets still in her closet from her first husband& Stanley. She kept the warmer ones to wear to help remember him. *ou %nn didnAt e'en hear 1ikeAs answer as she slowly walked into her room and shut the door. She sat down on her bed to think. "hat was she doing offering StanleyAs $acket to another man. She kept those $ackets around for herself. The smell from Stanley was long gone but the memories still lingered. She

knew Stanley had been dead for plenty of time for her to mo'e on but it tore her up when she thought of him. 3e was a businessman like 1ike and he died on a flight to an international client. )t seemed like $ust yesterday she was li'ing in =en'er with Stanley when it happened. %ll she remembered after the bad news was dri'ing home and collapsing into a mental coma for days at her motherAs house. %ngel& Sheila and 9andy dro'e into town and handled e'erything for her. % knock at the door broke her thinking. C*ou %nn are you ok& youA'e been in there a while6D 1ike spoke softly though the closed door. C"e need to head out. )All go warm up your truck. )f you find an extra $acket for me that would be great& ) did lea'e mine at home in such a rush to get up here.D 1ike turned and headed to the key rack by the back door and then grabbed the box of hot food off the kitchen counter. *istening to the back door close& she changed in a flash and grabbed an old parka of StanleyAs. )t was time to mo'e on and it was $ust for %ngel and Colton for one night. She could not be that mean and let 1ike free2e. Stanley would lend it to him if he was ali'e. She came out her back door lea'ing it unlocked like usual and tossed the $acket at the incredible looking man leaning against her old truck with his arms crossed against his chest. 3is dark na'y flannel shirt rolled up past his elbows and his tight *e'is were snug in all the right spots and worn. )t put a nice thought in her head but she needed to place a little distance between them or else. She dug up her hothead attitude and reached for the dri'er side door he was leaning against. C)All dri'e my truck. :ou ha'e no clue where you are going and ) hate gi'ing directions. This $acket should keep you warm on the walk up to the hut.D The tingling sensation that tra'eled from *ou %nnAs hand up her arm as she all but butted him away from the dri'er door to dri'e had her wondering if it had been too long or if this man was such great eye candy& the rest of her body was $ust reacting. The chill from her nasty attitude /uickly replaced with how sexy she looked in her faded boot cut *e'iAs& brown cowgirl boots and a camel colored suede $acket with fringe all along the arms. She looked like the sexiest %nnie 5akley imitation he had e'er seen. 1ike walked around to the passenger truck door and took a seat placing the $acket between them on the front bench seat of the truck. 3e wasnAt sure but the gorgeous brunette next to him $ust turned two shades cooler since the choking incident in the kitchen. ;'er since she offered a coat to him she went all mental and wasnAt there. She was in the room o'er half an hour when he knocked. 3eAd gladly let her dri'e. )t was her truck. 3e was $ust trying to be the nice gentleman and do the dri'ing. 1aybe once %ngel accepted the proposal she would lighten up and be happy again. 1ike figured heAd keep the con'ersation as light as possible. The first few minutes of town were /uite. *ou %nnAs stereo had been stolen a week ago and she hadnAt had the time to replace it. She took a big sigh and figured she should start the con'ersation& but where to start6 1ike sat looking out the window at the incredible scenery that lay before him. 3e lo'ed to 'isit the mountains to fish or ski but he could not remember the last time he had been up. The trees were co'ered in new fallen snow. -ot a hea'y one& since the roads were dry. The sky was crystal blue but darkening as the sun was setting. )t was a warm day but by sundown& he figured mid(forties. 3e was glad *ou %nn grabbed him a $acket. CThanks for the loaner $acket.D C-o problem.D % moment of pause then a deep sigh escaped *ou %nnAs lips. CSo 1ike ) ne'er got your last name. ) $ust know you as ColtonAs best friend.D

C0ohnson. Pretty simple. ;asy to remember. *ou %nn& ) ne'er got your last name. ) $ust know you as %ngelAs best friend.D C9ider.D CSo it looks like your radio got stolen& bummer& sa'ing up for a new one6D *ou %nn rolled her eyes to herself. C:ep& sa'ing up.D "ho did this creep think she was6 0ust because she lo'ed this old truck and chose to sa'e her money and in'est it& didnAt mean she couldnAt afford it. 3e was a good looking one and he was checking her out right now so she turned and threw her country girl charm his way. CSo honey& whatAs a good looking guy like you do for a li'ing anyways6D She figured kill them with kindness always worked. Plus the fact& that he was drop dead gorgeous? his dark hair& blue eyes and tanned skin with his white teeth made him look like a menAs cologne model. 4nder any other circumstance& she would throw caution to wind as they say and $ump his incredible good(looking bones. She had not felt this horny this /uick with another man before& well maybe Stanley and with that thought she cooled her heels. C"ell )Am the sales director for a software company. "hat do you do pretty lady6D 1ike figured they both now acknowledged their possible interest in each other. )t was a start& not the kind he was used to but a start. Colton said he was a charmer so letAs $ust see if she could get him to charm her for the short 'isit. %fter all& she knew when the wedding rolled around she would be the one to stand next to this guy. C3air and nails.D She decided lea'ing out the fact she was the owner of her salon was ok. She wasnAt the one to flaunt her success. C5h& does it pay decent6 ) mean are the tips in this town ok or do you ha'e to supplement your income with a second $ob6D 1ike figured she had an incredible !ictorian home nicely decorated in town on prime real estate but her truck was old and in need of a stereo system. 3ow well could doing hair in a mountain town pay6 C) get by $ust fine.D *ou %nn gritted her teeth. She didnAt need to pri'y up the fact she was worth o'er three million dollars. She owned her shop and the building it was in. She owned e'erything else free and clear. )t helped that Stanley had a million dollar life insurance policy he left her. 3owe'er& since his death three years ago she made the other two million with in'esting and buying and selling real estate properties in her town. CSo& do you do lots of old ladies blue hair dos or do you get a decent clientele6 ) mean your hair is incredible and the color is gorgeous& but what kind of clientele do you get6D 1ike could $ust imagine some of the clientele that came in to the shop in this small of a town. *ou %nn was ready to ripe him one until he complimented her hair. Something she took great pride in. C) get a few blue dos but they are usually woman that knew me as a baby.D She needed to redirect the con'ersation before she ga'e this man a piece of her mind. CSo 1ike what kind of truck do you dri'e6D C"ell ) ha'e 8ord 81J0 but ) dro'e my 'ette up here. Colton wanted to race me. =onAt tell %ngel but we made it back from =en'er in two and half hours. Colton kept up pretty good but then ) didnAt make him push it either. ) also ha'e a LMA mustang con'ertible but it stays garaged.D 1ike didnAt want to o'erload this simple country girl. )f he impressed her too much she would be shopping him for marriage and that was the exact reason he had put off dating seriously. )f it was not a guaranteed& no conditions lay& he didnAt bother. C5h... impressi'eD *ou %nn oo2ed out sheepishly& while thinking Hwhate'erA to herself. C:ou know what they say+ you can say a lot about the man by the car he dri'es. 1ike 0ohnson you send mixed messages.D *ou %nn wanted to gag. =id he seriously think by impressing her she would in'ite him to her bed

tonight. 3e might be a hunk but he definitely rubbed her the wrong way. 5r maybe& she $ust wanted the distance. The feelings he brought on by a touch or look were too close to home. 1ike sat silent for a long moment. 3e got the impression she was not impressed. She came across as a simple country girl but he was starting to think that there was more than meets the eye with this one. "ell he could charm the pants of $ust about any woman so he switched his momentum. CSo *ou %nn& Colton briefly told me what an incredible person and host you are. )Am looking forward to getting to know you and %ngel. 3e told me ) would fall in lo'e with her. )f sheAs half the woman you are )Am sure ) will.D 1ike flashed his million(dollar smile and caught the blush on *ou %nnAs cheeks and the tips of her luscious lips turn upwards. C"ell 1ike& Colton told me you were a charmer. eep it up& you are finally scoring points.D 1ike kept his ga2e out on the scenery but his mind was more along the lines of a hot steamy night of sex after they got back. 1aybe he could get a few bonus points in with her if he made %ngel think he was a great guy. C*'P%ER %*REE %s they turned off the county road onto a freshly plowed makeshift dirt road& 1ike was glad he turned things around. *ou %nn was warming up to him and they had shared a few laughs. 3e had a hard time keeping his eyes off her. She was like a wild horse that could use a little taming. *ou %nn figured if she could get past the H) know )Am hot attitudeA the man in her truck was better than any centerfold model sheAd seen. 3e had a great sense of humor once he lightened up and well she was his host for the weekend and she figured she would be during the wedding weekend as well. 1ike carried the cooler with *ou %nn as they walked up the path to the warming hut. )t looked as if someone plowed a temporary road up the hill through the snow $ust for tonight. 1ike began to wonder how much was being put into this production. %s e'eryone gathered /uietly in the warming hut around the big heater& 1ike was introduced. ;'en the owners of the ranch were there. Colton had mentioned how well e'eryone embraced him and treated him like family. 3e could see the honest sincerity these people held in the excitement of Colton and %ngel getting engaged. 1ike hadnAt e'en been up to 'isit once but could tell by what Colton had said and looking around him. This had become his best friend.s home. % cell phone rang and e'eryone got /uiet. CThatAs the signal e'eryone. TheyAre $ust around the corner.D % hushed 'oice called out. -o one said a word. % minute or two passed and then 1ike could hear the sounds of horses hoo'es and sleigh bells o'er the hum of the heater. C%ngel& ) want to show you something inside the tent.D ColtonAs 'oice from $ust outside. 1ike began to wonder how ner'ous his best friend must feel right at the particular moment and he felt ner'ous for him and happy at the same time. 3e was glad he came to share this moment in his life. C5h& ok& what is it6D %ngel sounded mystified. C"ell youAll ha'e to see for yourself.D Sounded a 'ery shaky 'oice that was ColtonAs. :ep& Colton was ner'ous and 1ike could really hear it in his 'oice. Colton guided %ngel through the tent flaps with his hand on her back. % rush of emotions was about to take o'er and he needed to hold it together until he asked her. CSurprise>D ;'eryone shouted.

C"hat is this all about6D %ngel s/uealed. Colton grabbed %ngelAs hand and got on his knee. 3e had the box with the one caret engagement ring that 1ike helped him pick& open in his other hand. C%ngel& in front of all our fa'orite people& will you marry me6D Tears fell down her face. She couldnAt breathe. She knew she had been a ner'ous ninny for nothing. Colton was $ust going to buy her a ring so he could propose. She knew they talked about it but she figured that they would get married in a year or so. This was more to her liken. C%ngel6D 8or a brief moment& Colton wondered if she wasnAt ready and he was asking too soon. "hat if she wanted more time then e'eryone had led on6 C:esD she whispered and Colton felt a world of relief. 3e didnAt think e'eryone else heard her& because *ou %nn started to taunt her. CCome on %ngel& you know you want him bad.D *ou %nn coxed. C:es> :es> :es>D %ngel shouted and leaned down to grab Colton for a huge hug. She felt like the happiest woman on the face of the earth. She knew they had discussed a future and kids but this was a lot sooner than she thought Colton could commit. Colton hugged %ngel for a moment and then kissed her long and hard. %ll sense of sanity seemed to be lost. They didnAt care that e'eryone was whooping and hollering at them as his mouth created a suction that was taking all the air from their lungs. "hen they pulled back for a breath& he slipped the engagement ring on her finger and they kissed again so deeply their lips burned from the friction as his tongue slid in and out creating electricity that caused %ngel to giggle. %s e'eryone whooped and hollered? 1ike and *ou %nn were standing next to each other shouting and then she turned and ga'e him a tight hug. The hug shocked him a little? they were caught up in the excitement. #ut the sensation *ou %nn sent through his body was so incredible he wanted to kiss her right there. )t took all his constraints& since he was sure she would smack him and then heAd ha'e no place to sleep tonight. C"hoee>D *ou %nn shouted again. 1aking it sound like she was so thrilled for %ngel and Colton& which she was. #ut the hug she threw at 1ike sent stimulating feelings to her core and shocked the heck out of her. She hadnAt felt anything like that since Stanley and it made her head light. 1ike thought about the lo'e and admiration in not only ColtonAs eyes but also e'eryone elseAs. 3e felt a twinge of $ealousy wondering if he would e'er be able to share this same type of moment with Colton but he was the one asking. *ou %nn nudged 1ike as she saw him staring in a swirl of emotion at %ngel and Colton. CThis is so cool. They are so in lo'e and %ngel had no idea it was coming.D C:eah& cool.D 1ike felt like the odd man out. 3e always figured Colton would be the first one married& but 1ike had yet to e'er be in lo'e and sometimes wondered if he e'er would. 3is attention was brought back when he heard %ngel scream. C<et o'er here 1ikeD Colton had a tear in his eye and he wanted 1ike there to be happy with them? somehow& %ngel knew that. 1ike ga'e %ngel a hug and congratulated them. 3e shook ColtonAs hand and ga'e a brief pat on his back with a manly hug. They were not the huggy kind of men& but this was an emotional time. 1ike and %ngel were chatting briefly then *ou %nn dragged %ngel away while Colton and 1ike got a chance to catch up. C3appy for you man. SheAs incredible.D 1ike was in awe at how incredibly beautiful %ngel was. 3er long blonde curly hair and blue eyes were 'ery sexy. She was tall and slender like *ou %nn& but *ou %nn was definitely gifted in the cur'es

department. 3e could see the lo'e in ColtonAs eyes and could tell that this was his woman to make him happy. Colton was ne'er 'ery good at commitment with woman but he always went for the blondes. This blonde he $ust asked to be his wife was definitely something great to look at e'ery morning. That thought made him think marriage couldnAt be all that bad if it was a great looking woman with a guaranteed laid. 3e would $ust make her sign a pre(nuptial to eliminate the money hunger part. C:es %ngel is incredible? there is no doubt about that. Change of sub$ect& how would e'erything go with you and *ou %nn6 She can be a tough one.D C-ope& smooth as glass.D 1ike grinned thinking to himself that bumpy wa'y glass& but ok. Their con'ersation was interrupted by *ou %nn. C1ike& get o'er here and help me pass out this food.D *ou %nn yelled o'er her shoulder. She didnAt plan on coming across bossy but then she felt a strong desire to ha'e him next to her& touching her again. She had dragged %ngel away to gi'e her own personal congrats hug and she wanted to tell her that ColtonAs best friend had her interest. %ngel told her that Colton had mentioned in past con'ersations that they would make an explosi'e pair& but to feel free if the urge struck her. Shelia and 9andy pulled %ngel away and *ou %nn couldnAt help herself she had called 1ike o'er for her own personal satisfaction& but the man was ignoring her and he went towards the beer. "ell 1ike did not take orders from brassy chicks but this oneAs grin sent a shocking effect to his core. 3e needed a beer $ust to settle his ner'es. 5k he could not be too rude. 3e would grab them both a beer and help for a second but he did not think he needed to play caterer that was the womanAs $ob. #esides& he needed to get his buddy a shot of whiskey to complete the celebration. %s 1ike grabbed a beer and cracked it open he took a long drink and wiped the back of his shirt slee'e to his mouth. The beer took a small edge out of the tension his groin was getting e'ery time he got around *ou %nn. 3e caught her nasty look and he reached in the cooler& grabbed a second beer& and held it up to her. She smiled back with a nod and he figured she was game. 1aybe if he got her bu22ed& he could dri'e her truck back and get in some action before he left tomorrow. -othing like killing two birds with one stone& being here for his buddy and getting laid later would be $ust about a great weekend. *ou %nn watched him take the long sip of his beer as if he was mocking her. 3owe'er& the way he wiped off his beer with his slee'e was cowboy style& not napkin wiping cosmopolitan. So maybe he had some rugged cowboy genes in him somewhere under his manicured body. %nd a fine body it is. ;'en the loose flannel didnAt hide the chest muscles and thick biceps the man carried. 3e was built almost as big as Colton. She liked a man to carry his weight in muscles& not flab. )t ga'e her a sense of strength and health. The longer she looked at him the more obsessed she got. She could see herself spending some fun time with this one if it werenAt for her heart reminding her how hurt she would get she might ha'e laid the honey on thick. 1ike handed a beer to the woman that had his mental interests in the gutter. 3e felt her long slender fingers wrap around his and the beer he was offering. The smirk on her face about said it all. She $ust might be a willing participant. *ou %nn could sense he was toying with her. She was about to turn up the heat and pour on the whiskey. "hat she needed was a man too drunk to let her change her mind that she didnAt need the heart ache. CThanks cowboy>D To read more ( purchase the story. Sample Chapters $ Luc(y Catch $ +e,t in series from Cosmopolitan )an C*'P%ER #+E

3e took a bite of his breakfast than looked up to watch her peel her banana. 3e wondered how one woman could make& this simple of an act& so sensuous. Slowly she peeled each side meticulously. ;yeing the banana like it was a treasure to unlock. Then she smiled at him and took a small nibble off the tip of the banana with her lips wrapped around it. She looked as if she was en$oying herself& $ust taking a bite of her banana. #lood rushing between his legs& the thought of watching her eat& put other suggestions in his head and he almost choked. C)s that all your ha'ing6D 3e had to ask? $ust a banana and a milkshake seemed too light of a breakfast. 3e liked a woman to en$oy a meal with him. %lthough watching her eat that banana made him reali2e she was en$oying it. ;'en better& he was en$oying himself watching her. C"hat6 This6 :eah& bananas are my fa'orite and ) like to ha'e something creamy to wash it down. 4sually ) ha'e a tall glass of milk but ) am feeling sinful and this 'anilla milkshake sounded really& good. )Am $ust not a big breakfast eater.D Why is he so interested in what I eat? He never asked me about what I m eating in front of him before. Claire liked to eat healthy and well a milkshake at breakfast may seem a little odd. 8or some reason this morning she felt being like herself& her own silly self. Sometimes she ne'er did most things the normal way. C5hD 3e looked at his plate of smothered breakfast burrito? a heart attack on a plate. 3e had packed on a few extra pounds and could afford to lose twenty or so but this was not the time to think about the thousand or so calories on his plate. 3e had the most beautiful woman across from him eating breakfast with him. 4nfortunately& she only saw him as her HfriendA. C1ore coffee6D The waitress asked. C:es that would be great.D 0oe answered and held up both their cups for her. morning was not a good morning without a full cup of $a'a. nowing full well& ClaireAs

Claire put two sweetener packets& two creamers and an ice cube into her cup. She smiled into the coffee as she stirred the ice cube to nothing. She lo'ed the fact that 0oe came to breakfast with her on a moment.s notice. She treasured the fact he came into her life. 3e definitely was not the normal man she would find herself with. 3e was so polite and charming. She was $ust always attracted to the bad boys& the lo'eAem and lea'eAem& and her latest $ust ditched her to go on a ride with his friends. "hen she saw 0oe walking out of his bait shop she ran out to catch up with him& hoping to $oin him. %s usual& in his polite manner& he asked her to $oin him. She knew he was her only friend that spent time with her other than *ou %nn and %ngel but they were busy being newlyweds. 3er bad ass& so called boyfriend& seemed to flit in and out of town on the occasional weekend with only a cell phone to reach him& that ne'er seemed turned on. )f she did not know better& she would think he was seeing someone else. 0oe blew on his coffee for a minute watching Claire stir her coffee. She was $ust like her coffee& full of cream and sugar and then really& hot so you would need an ice cube to cool her off. 3er long blonde hair that she wore in 'arying fashionable styles was down and straight with part of it falling in front to barely co'er her 'oluptuous breasts. She was so cur'y yet skinny. 3er crystal blue eyes reminded him of a cloudless day in the Colorado skies. % true blue. 3er lips were always with a natural pout look on them unless he got her to laugh then her smile went from ear to ear with the whitest teeth heAd e'er seen. 3er skin was so creamy white he wanted to lick her up like an ice cream cone. 3is mind read her like a fantasy from Playboy maga2ine& but in person& she was naturally shy and real. The fact that he was infatuated with her and could do nothing other than offer friendship ate away at his gut e'ery day he spent with her.

"ith steam rising up out of his cup& he kept staring at her playing with her coffee and stirring it until the ice cube was completely melted. The two solid minutes he had been staring at her did nothing but cause his mind to wander and his manly parts to rise to attention. She took another bite of her banana with her lips surrounding the tip& not her teeth& as she looked outside the diner window. She seemed unaware of his stares. She slowly gently tugged another bite off. )t was almost as if she was sucking on something& that represented a banana but smaller than how his manly parts were feeling at that particular moment. The second she licked her lips after swallowing her bite of banana he choked on his food for real this time. C:ou ok6D She asked genuinely. 0oe shook his head yes and took a sip of coffee to wash down the 'isuals in his head. She smiled and took a sip of her 'anilla milkshake with a huge dri22le of whip cream from the can on top. C1mmE this is good.D She said in a low seducti'e 'oice. C:ou wanna sip6D !o" I want to suck# on you or your finger at least. <od this was hard sitting across the table from her. 3e was hard and e'ery muscle in his gut clenched tight. 3e took a sip of coffee as to ignore her /uestion. C3ere ha'e a lick of whip cream.D %s if she read his mind& she took her finger and pulled off the whip cream dollop from the top of her milkshake. She put it in front of his mouth and smiled. C5pen up big boy here comes the cream.D Saying it in a teasing& seducti'e tone. "hat was he to do6 =eny her6 3e parted his lips enough to take the whip cream and suck it off her finger. She seemed to be en$oying it as much as him& since she didnAt pull her finger out all too /uick. )t may ha'e only been a few seconds before she pulled her finger out of his hot mouth and she took a /uick sip of her milkshake through the straw. C<ood huh6D she asked. 5h <od& good does not describe how her finger felt in his mouth. 3e wanted to suck on that finger until she came. 3e wanted to eat that whip cream& off her nipples he wanted toE. C:ouAre awfully /uiet this morning. Something up6D She asked sweetly. C8ine& $ustED he could not finish. 3e did not know how much more of this he could take. 3e was up& hard and eager& and 'ery horny for the woman sitting across from him at this greasy spoon diner. She saw him as a HfriendA as she called him the first time they met. 3e saw her& as the most ex/uisite thing on any menu. Claire had really done some hard thinking after she caught up with 0oe for breakfast. 3ere in front of her was a man so incredibly nice and considerate yet 'ery attracti'e. 3e first caught her eye in his fishing shop window one day while she took a break eating a yogurt she watched him change a window display. 3e was so clean cut and attracti'e she had wondered if he had a girlfriend or married. 3is dark brown hair that seemed to always need a cut would fall into his eyes a lot and it would make her giggle while she watched him from across the street. She ne'er would ha'e had the ner'e to go meet him until the night he came into her shop for a haircut. 3is sweet& sincere 'oice and golden brown eyes& with the littlest specks of a golden hue in them& made her think he truly was an angel. 3e had helped her out at her shop and taking her to dinner the first time they met. She needed friends? more than anything at that moment& and with him as her friend& it made her feel like she could take on this town. C"hat a gorgeous day. :ou got any plans for later6 ) was supposed to go on a motorcycle ride with my stupid boyfriend& but he bailed on me. "hat an ass. "hy do ) date creeps like that6 ) need a good man in my life. Someone likeED She could not get herself to finish because the feeling of disappointment was too great. She wanted 0oe or at least a man like 0oe. 3owe'er& all he e'er insinuated was friendship.

1oreo'er& she needed friends bad. She was not going to scare this man away. 3e always seemed willing to do fun stuff with her. She hadnAt e'en asked if he was dating& but a nice man like him wouldnAt be scene with a scarlet like her. %t least that was how half the town made her feel. So she had to ask. C:ou dating anybody6 ) mean you are always so nice to keep me company.D Shit no I m not dating anybody because I only think of you when I do try to go out with other woman. C-ope.D 3e knew their friendship was uni/ue. 3e was her shoulder to cry on when her badass boyfriend came through town and left as /uickly as he sped in on his 3arley. 3e would not e'en doubt the bastard had another girlfriend or worse married. )t killed him to watch her sub$ect herself to this repeatedly. ;'er since she came into town to manage *ou %nnAs shop& he fell in lo'e with her. "ith his fishing shop located directly across from the salon. 3e would watch her through the glass windows when he rang up a customer or changed the window displays. 3e would catch himself staring at her doing someoneAs hair. 5ften #arney& his assistant& would bust him staring and tease around with it a bit. 3owe'er& he understood the perils of falling for a beautiful woman that did not know you existed& other than a HfriendA. The way she smiled and almost flirted with each customer was all the entertainment he needed each day. 3er workstation was right next to the window& right smack dab across from his shop. )t was the perfect 'iew. She mo'ed here knowing only *ou %nn and %ngel. %ll the other women that worked at the shop were $ealous of her incredible looks and happy go lucky demeanor. That and the fact *ou %nn brought her all the way from =en'er and made her the manager. That sure pissed off the other eight women that worked there. "ith *ou %nn and %ngel busy being newlyweds& Claire seemed lonely. 3e figured heAd ask her out. 5nly problem was she saw him as an a'erage man friend& not bad boy attraction she always seemed to be throwing herself at. ;ach time her heart was broken& he was there like a loyal puppy dog to pick up the pieces and lick the wounds. 5nly he wished he could be licking something else& like her ear lobe or bellybutton orE C1ore coffee6D The waitress had impeccable timing on interrupting his thoughts that kept him hard. C:es please.D Claire answered and held up 0oeAs cup as well as her own. CTwo sugars& no cream. 9ight 0oe6D 0oe shook his head yes& while looking down toward his plate of food he got an idea. C) was thinking about going fishing. #arney always watches the shop on Sundays and well it being the weather is so nice& you want to see my pri'ate fishing lake6 ) mean you could take a book or try fishing. ) could show you how. -e'er taught a gal to fish who didnAt end up en$oying it herself.D 0oe had already been fishing that morning at fi'e a.m. 3e had $ust dropped by the shop to check in on something then heard his tummy grumble. Then he watched ClaireAs boyfriend tear out of town without her on his motorcycle and her looking out the window& watching him dri'e down the street. )t looked as if she was crying and that had him pissed. The next thing he felt& as he was walking down the street towards the diner& was her hands o'er his eyes& asking him to guess who. 3e did not ha'e to. 3er hands were so soft and she always wore the same seducti'e smell. 3e wanted to know what perfume it was& because he wanted to buy a bottle to smell e'ery night before he went to bed. C3mmED She took a bite of her banana and figured she needed to wait until she finished her last bite before she talked with her mouth full. She always felt like she had to ha'e good manners around 0oe. 3e seemed so good& too good to be true& that he wanted to be her friend. She knew that as soon as a woman got a hold of him& their friendship would be o'er. 3owe'er& when that happened& she figured it would be time to gi'e *ou %nn notice and go back to =en'er. )t seemed& as of late that 0oe was the only reason she

stayed here. The more she thought about life without 0oe& the more she reali2ed how much he meant to her. Hmm what? %ll right& he was ready for it. %ll the mumble and grumble about why she dated men like this and why she couldnAt find an a'erage man like him. %ll she needed to do was open her eyes. 3ere he is. The man that would treat her like a princess& ser'e her breakfast in bed on Sundays and make her scream in ecstasy from orgasms you only read about. -o. Since he was so a'erage and nice& she would not gi'e him a shot. That was it. 1aybe if he got a make o'er& a man makeo'er& with a professional image consultant. 1aybe worked out and beefed up& lost the twenty or so pounds he put on. She would see him as the only bad ass she needed. 1aybe he should buy a motorcycle6 C3mmE that sounds nice. Should ) pack us a picnic6 5r we could order sandwiches from here and put them in a cooler6D Then she took another sip of her shake and smiled o'er at him so sweetly. She swallowed /uickly and piped out& C) was thinking& ) would lo'e it if you showed me how to fish.D C5k>D "ith holding back all the excitement and emotion& he still sounded like a geek. 5h well& she did not seem to notice. -ice man slash best friend today& badass boyfriend tomorrow. %t that present moment& he would take what he could get. 3e con$ured up thoughts of seducing her at his fa'orite pri'ate fishing hole and was interrupted in thought once again by the waitress. CCan ) get you folks anything else6D Then she was about to put the ticket on the table. C:es. Two of your deli special sandwiches with pickles and chips. 5h> %nd& two large to(go cups of coke. %ll to go please. "eAre going fishing>D Claire spoke excitedly that 0oe could not help but grin at how this day was getting better by the minute. C)All take a chocolate milkshake as well.D 0oe spoke up. The waitress had that perturbed ) thought this was an easy table look. Then 0oe always tipped well. This waitress was new and once she learned how well he tipped she wouldnAt be gawking at his extra re/uests. CSkip the other milkshake& $ust bring us another straw. "eAll $ust share this one. )f thatAs alright with you 0oe6D She smiled so sweetly how could he say no. CThatAs fine.D 0oe was always surprised by her romantic antics& but did not want to confuse his sexually frustrated brain any more than it already was around her. This was $ust Claire being nice& looking for some friend to spend the day with her. CThis is my treat.D She chimed in. C%fter all& you rescued me in my time of need once again and fishing lessons arenAt cheap.D That did it. She treats him like a friend& buys his breakfast& and bitches about her bad boyfriends to him as if he was a girlfriend. 3e needed to turn himself into a bona fide bad boy and soon. C)All buy.D 3e stammered and to his surprise& she did not argue. C3a'e a sip.D She slid the straw the waitress dropped off into her milkshake and put the straw in his mouth as she mo'ed closer and took a sip from her straw. They both pulled the creamy milkshake through their mouths at the same time. Their noses almost touching and their eyes glued to each other. $k that was se%y. Claire thought to herself. 3e smiled at her o'er the milkshake. 3er crystal blue eyes looked down& then back up to him& and seduced him as usual. 3er blonde hair surrounded her face and with the way she was leaning forward to sip on the milkshake& her tight& low cut tee shirt was exposing the crests of her breasts. )f she were an ad for milkshakes& e'ery man in %merica would be buying one.

C)tAs best friend milkshake day>D She wiped a drip off her chin and smiled from ear to ear with those luscious lips and white teeth. &od how did she come up with these things? ;'ery day was a something day with cause for celebration. She always seemed like the happiest person e'er& e'en when her stupid boyfriend dumped her. ;'erything seemed to ha'e an incredible perspecti'e yet when it came to herself? she $ust let those men trample on her feelings. 3e did not get it. She needed him in her life? she $ust did not know it yet. C*'P%ER %W# 1eeting *ou %nn at 1ikeAs apartment had been the change or turn around in her life Claire needed. Shocking6 :es. Seeing *ou %nn was a feeling of seeing something you missed. )t was since StanleyAs death that the last time she saw her good friend. *ou %nn had disappeared and did not return phone calls and Claire had her sick grandma& college and work to contend with. She did not ha'e time for friends and knew someday they would catch up again. *ou %nn and Claire went to beauty school together. Together with %ngel& *ou %nnAs best friend from growing up& they all used to hang together when they werenAt working or in college. "hen& grandmas health took a turn for the worse& she had to take up a second $ob. #etween the two $obs and beauty school& she no longer had time for friends. She gradually lost track of two 'ery good friends. Then one day while doing a strippers hair at school they started chatting about how much she made in tips. She con'inced Claire to go for an inter'iew and throwing caution to the wind she went. -ot like she knew how to strip or thought she would get the $ob. "ell she got the $ob at what turned out to be the most elite strip club in =en'er. Primarily& catering to high(end business deals. 5b'iously& they did not care that she could not dance? they had said they would teach her. They $ust cared that she was Hdrop dead gorgeousA as the hirer called her and Ha smile that would draw in the crowdsA. She needed the money and that was all she cared about at the time. The woman whose hair she did& got a finder.s fee. 8igures. #efore she knew it& she was set(up with outfits she would not wear unless she was with a lo'er. % dance instructor that was cruel and tough. )t was not long that she felt like she could dance in her sleep& seducing tips from men& with her smile and earning o'er a grand a week. )t helped pay for her grandmas medical care and got her through the rest of beauty school working only the one $ob. #y the time her grandmaAs health impro'ed& she had graduated and only had to work four nights a week. She knew this was not her career choice. She wanted to own her own salon someday. She found a $ob at an upscale salon in downtown shop district and switched to working two nights a week. She got the option to handle the business meetings on the restaurant side of the strip club. That is where she ran into *ou %nn again& almost three years later& after Stanley had died. Claire was taking *ou %nnAs new boyfriend& 1ike& home. %lthough she did not know at the time& she offered to dri'e 1ike home& that the *ou %nn he boasted about& was her old friend. 3e was too drunk to dri'e from the club and she wanted an excuse to get out early from work. 3owe'er& the surprise to find *ou %nn in his apartment was none greater. 1ikeAs best friend& Colton& who was engaged to none other than %ngel& had gi'en *ou %nn his key to 1ike.s condominium to return a business suit 1ike had left at her place. The ma$or shock came to 1ike that *ou %nn and Claire knew each other from long back and were good friends. Claire knew 1ike was not looking to get lucky. 3e had talked about some woman named *ou %nn that was dri'ing him wild the whole ride home. Claire finally told him that perhaps karma and good luck would help guide him in his decision to pursue the woman of his desires. Then to open his apartment door for him and find *ou %nn standing there& all three of them were surprised& none the less.

*ou %nn had seemed somewhat steamed that 1ike had not been returning her calls all day and then to come home with a gorgeous stripper she came unglued. Screaming accusations and running out of his place& only to be stopped on his high(rise condominium& by the ele'ator. 5nce Claire had calmed *ou %nn down& the women had embraced and cried at the site of each other. "hile 1ike had been instructed by Claire& to get cleaned up and sober up& while *ou %nn and her catch up. #y the time& 1ike took a shower and sobered up& Claire and *ou %nn had struck a business deal of a lifetime for her. 1anaging *ou %nnAs high(end& mountain town& salon and make more than enough money to help her start sa'ing to someday start her own. *ou %nn promised her to teach e'erything she needed to know and get her in touch with all the right business people& that in a yearAs time or two she could open her own shop where'er she wanted. *ooking back *ou %nn had embraced her like a long lost friend and that made Claire feel like the most special woman around. Then when she made the offer for her to manager her salon& she dropped e'erything& /uit her $obs the next day and hired a house aide to help at her grandmas. )n less than a week.s time& she was dri'ing the three hours out of =en'er to start a fresh life. She had needed a push in a new direction and *ou %nn ga'e it to her like a special Christmas gift. %ll this seemed so long ago but it was only a few months since she mo'ed here to this beautiful Summit County area. )t was full of tourists and the basics of a town. 3er $ob paid well and the tips were good. She had not experienced a full winter li'ing in the mountains yet& but %ngel and *ou %nn told her that all she needed to find was a warm man to snuggle up with. That was easy for them they were happy being newlyweds and did not ha'e loser boyfriends that seemed to mooch off her. 3owe'er& more and more she only found herself happy if she was with 0oe& being carefree and silly. 5therwise& the undertone snickers from the other women at the shop or the comments about the clothes she wore from uptight women in town had her wanting to ditch this plan and bale back to =en'er. )f it wasnAt for 0oeAs kind heart and gentleman ways of opening doors& helping her in the shop on late 8riday nights when all the gals left her and always buying her a meal& she figured she would had gi'en up a while ago. -e'ertheless& she also knew that managing this shop would help in her bank loans when she could start up her own shop. She once thought of buying this shop from *ou %nn but she $ust did not feel welcomed there. She felt restless again and was tired of the same boyfriend crap. She wanted lo'e& like *ou %nn and %ngel. She felt life was dealing her a test of some sort. "hat that was she did not know& but needed to figure out. %ll this thinking back of restlessness brought her to the here and now as she left her apartment in a fresh change of clothes to go fishing with 0oe. She had told him she would get the ice for the cooler but figured she had time to freshen up her makeup and hair for 0oe. 1aybe she would make a mo'e on 0oe while fishing at the lake and see if he reciprocates. -o. She did not want to ruin their friendship and without him& she felt lost. She did howe'er need to kick her boyfriend to the curb and let 0oe know she is single. That might be the best way& so she did not come off like a floo2y $umping from boyfriend to boyfriend. #ut& boy howdy& she wanted to $ump that man. 0oe was hot in his own way. 3e dressed plain and had a little extra waist. 3owe'er& e'erything else about him excited her. -o man had turned her on with his personality alone and that was something. 3is eyes howe'er looked like they were on fire when he smiled at her. )t made her feel special. 0oe was packing frantically at his shop. <rabbing all the best of the womenAs fishing gear. 3e hollered at #arney in the back office to hold the fort. 3e had a date.

#arney came out with a sheepish look on his face. C%nd the date would be with whom6D CClaireD 0oe continued to rip open packages like a cra2ed man. 3e told Claire he would only be a few minutes. She offered to run up to the gas station in his $eep and get ice for the cooler that was in the back of the $eep& for their food and any fish they caught. She seemed excited but he figured it was more because she would not be sitting home today. CClaire6 =oesnAt she ha'e a boyfriend6 That ugly badass& that rolls into town once a while& on his noisy bike6D #arney was not going for it. Claire had been brushing off 0oe like a friend e'er since she mo'ed here and he had to watch his boss and friend& stare and curse& wondering what she saw in her choice of men. C)Am teaching her to fish. %nd. "ell& she is going to dump this $erk and ) want to be the next man. ) am going to make a mo'e today. "hile fishing at the lake. <i'e her something to think about me as other than a friend.D 3e en'isioned them at his pri'ate lake. 3e personally stocked with fish himself. 5nly his granddad& dad& #arney and a few select good friends were allowed to fish there. %nd now& Claire. 3oping she would be impressed and like fishing. ;'en more reason to gi'e her the good stuff to work with. She had no idea that he owned the lake& the land and half the mountainside where his custom home was built. She actually did not know a whole of a lot about him. 3e was always listening to her. 5therwise& they ate at the diner and shopped in town. 3owe'er& that was about to change if he had anything to do with it. Claire walked into the shop and looked around. C3ey #arney. "ow is that all the stuff ) need to get6D C1y treat.D 0oe smiled up at her from opening a box with brown wader boots that should fit her. C3ere put on this fishing 'est o'er your t(shirt and ) grabbed some wading boots that look like your si2e. Try them on.D 0oe got a huge thrill out of buying stuff for her. 4sually it was a lunch& a morning coffee or something small at a shop& and e'en though all this gear was coming from his shop& it ga'e him a thrill. Claire stood up from trying on her wading boots and she looked like a model for a fishing maga2ine. She looked comfortable and fashionable. She had on a white& low cut tank top and khaki shorts adding the fishing 'est and wader boots she looked incredible. 0oe figured she had run home and changed since when he left her she was in something different and had a lot more color in her face. CThanks so much 0oe>D She pecked him on the cheek. "ishing it was a full(blown kiss on the lips. 3owe'er& she still needed to break it off with badass before making any mo'es on 0oe. #arney ga'e 0oe the thumbs up behind Claire. 0oe wanted to take her right there& but the front door chimed and two good customers walked in. CClaire& is that you from *ou %nnAs 3air Palace6D )t was Stella& a regular hair client as well. C:es. "hat do you think6D %s she twirled around on display. C=o ) look like )Am ready to learn how to fish6D She smiled. C0oe& ) didnAt know you ga'e fishing lessons6 ) got a niece& real cute& about ClaireAs age that could learn to fish.D Stella spoke up. Claire felt a flood of $ealousy. She wrapped her arm in 0oeAs and blurted out like a $ealous wife. C0ust me& right 0oe6D 0oe felt flushed. C<ood to see you #ob and Stella. 1ake sure you check out the new lures #arney made this week. TheyAre beauts.D 3e reached down and picked up the rest of ClaireAs new fishing gear& then wa'ed good(bye to #arney. Claire seemed miffed and stammered out ahead to 0oeAs $eep parked out front. Well shoot" 'aybe I m not so special to him. He didn t turn down that offer to take Stella s niece. Claire slammed the $eep door&

crossed her arms o'er her chest and looked out the window. She had to rethink the dumping the bad boyfriend thing. "hat if all 0oe wanted was friendship and was on the make for a more suitable girlfriend& a lot less like her. Then she would be left alone and she hated being alone. She needed her girlfriendAs ad'ice. She knew that next 8riday was galAs night out with *ou %nn and %ngel. She $ust did not know if she could wait that long. 0oe watched Claire stammer out to his $eep and slam the door. 3e walked out& opened the tailgate and put the rest of ClaireAs new fishing gear in. 3e was starting to sense she took something that said back in the store& all wrong. Customers were always teasing about setting him up with a woman. 3owe'er& the only woman he wanted was in the passenger seat of his $eep with a chip on her shoulder. That would need to change. 3e shut the tailgate on his $eep and got into the dri'erAs side. C:ou look like a fishing maga2ineAs co'er girl model in your set up. :ou ready to see my pri'ate fishing hole& because ) called ahead and told all the bass and trout you were coming and they swam away scared.D 0oe teased. There was that smile he lo'ed. 3e touched her cheek with the back of his hand and spoke softly. C) only gi'e fishing lessons to 'ery special people.D The touch was soft and it sent electric currents up his arm and straight into his groin. This was the woman& he fantasi2ed about and she was going on a date with him. 3e needed to take the friendship up a notch. 1aybe touch her gentle from time to time. Perhaps she would let him kiss her when he took her home later or maybe he would find the right moment at the lake. C0oeE )E ) $ust want to let you know that ) plan on breaking it off with stupid ass.D She didnAt ha'e the ner'e to tell him anymore. )f she told him she wanted him& he might think of her as a tramp& someone who $umps from one man to the other. -o. She needed a clean break from this other man first. The more she trash talked him& the more she began to wonder why she e'er went out with him. -o& she knew why. She was lonely. *onely unless& she was with 0oe. C5k.D That is a start. 3owe'er& that was it. So& she smartened up and was going to dump the $erk. They dro'e in silence except the country radio station playing in his $eep. 0oe pulled up a dirt road and then another and then another. 3e parked the $eep and came around to open ClaireAs door. C"here are we6 ) was beginning to wonder if you were taking me out to dump me in the wilderness.D She teased. 0oe wondered why she always felt like men were out to get her. C-ope. "e canAt dri'e any further to get to the fishing hole. )t is a short hike through that path there. Can you carry the fishing poles and tackle box6 )All grab the cooler and chairs for us.D CSure.D They grabbed their gear and worked in silence to balance their load. 0oe did not like the silence. Claire was always talking to him& funning with him. Something changed since this morning and he could not put his finger on it. 5h well& maybe it was P1S. 3opefully& she wasnAt anything like his little sister. She was a bear during that time of the month. C)All follow you.D Claire whispered sweetly into his ear as to break the tension. She noticed he seemed off& different from usual& not the normal 0oe. 1aybe he was thinking of someone else. %s they reached the top of the path& it opened up through the trees and came to a clearing. Claire held her breath. There before her& was the most gorgeous piece of land she e'er seen. )ts waters were crystal( clear and the edge of the lake had rocks you could sit or lay on. The base of the lake was in a small open field full of 'i'id wild flowers with the sun shining down on it. 3owe'er& the stream that filled into the lake was shaded and rocky. %n angler.s dream she supposed. @uiet. -ot a sound but the rushing water

from the stream and an occasional $ump from a fish. She ne'er felt so ali'e or comfortable. This was by far the best place a man had e'er taken her. C"ow>D C:ou like. 1y granddad owned this land and ) bought it from him some years back so he could take the money and retire to warmer places. H"here the girls donAt wear anything but stringsA he would always say. "ait until you meet him someday. 3eAll flirt the pants off youD )n a barely audible whisper& C) definitely didnAt get the flirting gene from him unfortunately.D 3e could tell she was in awe and soaking it all in. 3e watched her for a minute before he walked ahead& sat their chairs by the lake& and put the small cooler to the side. C3and me the tackle box and your rod. ) still need to get it set up for you.D She handed it to him and whispered CThanks.D 3owe'er& she was not sure he heard her because he did not reply. That soft whisper of thanks from her was a grip on his heart. This woman had him in her grasp. )t would not take much for her to s/uee2e the life out of him. She walked around part of the lake and back while he prepped her rod. She would catch herself imagining them doing this e'ery Sunday. Then she imagined making lo'e to 0oe on the lake in a boat. )t warmed her entire body and sent tingles to her core. She licked her lips& bent o'er& and touched the lake to feel the temperature. She would not mind skinny(dipping in this lake. )t was cold and although it was a warm summer day& her nipples had hardened $ust from the touch of the lakes cool crisp water. C:ou want to watch me cast in a couple times and then )All walk you through it. 5k6D 0oeAs masculine 'oice brought her back to the here and now. She really needed to get a grip. 3e did not want her like that or he would ha'e made a mo'e already. Shit for all she knew he could be gay. She tilted her head and watched him cast. -ah> -o way> That man is one hundred percent prime rib beefy man. %nd she& wouldnAt mind sinking her teeth into him for a nibble or two. C:ou look good. :ou make it look so easy. 3ow do you snap your wrist like that and it flows out so nice6D She walked up behind him. 3e leaned into her and started showing her the basics. The friction he felt and the need to reach o'er and kiss her was putting a noose around his neck. 3ow on <od.s green earth was he going to get through this day6 3is 'oice was getting softer and shakier and his hand would tremble from time to time. This was pure torture. C:ou think you want to gi'e it a try6D C:eah. Sure. "hatAs the worst ) can do6D CSnag the line each time and lose lots of bait or lures.D 0oe teased. C3ow about you watch me and criti/ue me. )Am a big girl ) can take it.D She smiled coyly at him. 0oe watched her. 3e watched her bend from behind. 3er long slender legs exposed to the edge of her incredibly nice shaped behind. "here her khaki shorts stopped& his imagination took o'er. 3e watched her look o'er her shoulder at him all sweet and smiling. 3e watched her bend o'er in front of him with the crests of her breasts peeking out. She had more than a handful on her and he would mind putting his hands on her chest. The 'ision of his hands co'ering her breasts& made it difficult to hold a con'ersation. %ll he could spout out was& .<reat. =oing good. eep it up.. #ecause up he was and if she walked& back by him& there was no way he could hide it. 3e was hard and getting harder by the seconds. 3e needed to walk around and fish on the other side of the big rock until his friend went limp. C)Am gonna fish o'er there for a bit. 3oller if you need me. 5k6D

C5kD Claire liked 0oe watching her. 3e e'en seemed to be getting a little hot and bothered by it. This was what she was trying to do by bending o'er a little extra& bending in front& and gi'ing him a show. %ll the mo'es she learned to do in her sleep from the strip club. 3is reaction was manly all right. That she could not miss. 3owe'er& for some reason he did not want to act on it. She had ne'er been with a man this shy before. She was going to need to make a mo'e /uick. -o& she needed to break clean from $erk ass first. Stick to the game plan girl or you ll screw this one up. %fter only a short time& he had caught three fish and attached them to lines resting in the lake. C3ungry6D 3e began pulling out their lunch they got from the deli that morning. CStar'ed>D Claire decided to put her fishing pole on a pole holder in the ground and took the lunch box 0oe offered her. They sat next to each other like two best friends& eating lunch& sharing the day fishing. She was content. Totally& utterly& content. )t was a scary feeling. C:ouAre the best 0oe. Thanks.D She reached o'er and ga'e him a peck on the cheek. C:ouAre welcome.D 3e set his lunch down and was going to reach o'er and kiss her full on the lips. The way they both deser'ed and what he was starting to think they both wanted. C1y line> *ook ) think )A'e got a fish>D She $umped up and went o'er to her pole. C5k& reel it in slow. -ow tug a little ok& wow look at that little fellow. 3eAs a cutie. Claire& ) hate to say this but youAre gonna ha'e to toss him back in.D C"hat6D She looked down at her small four or fi'e inch fish and sighed. C:ouAre right. That wouldnAt e'en make an appeti2er.D 3e helped unhook the little fish and put it back in the lake. 3e wa'ed at it. C#etter watch out buddy? in a year or two& sheAll catch you again& then )Hll let her keep you and eat you.D She laughed and started to step backward and her foot slipped on the rock and with a loud splash& she fell sideways into the lake and got soaked in two seconds. 3e offered her a hand and she was giggling. She was giddy with the fact that he said in a year or two& which meant he wanted her around for a while. Then reali2ing how wet she was she played it off cool. C)tAs national skinny dipping day>D She giggled some more as she took off her fishing 'est. That s it" !ational skinny dipping day" What the hell" 3er white tank top and white lace bra all wet now was showing e'erything& her round full breasts and her pink taut nipples. 0ust like that& 0oe was hard again. 3e turned around and spoke hoarsely. C4hm& Claire youAre see(through.D 3e could not help but start to snicker a little to himself. -ational skinny dipping day put thoughts in his head he would ne'er forget and she always did ha'e a way of laughing at the misfortunes that faced her. C5h. 5h> "ell yes& ) am a little excited& arenAt )6 ) guess ) should put that wet 'est back on.D "ith his back turned to Claire& to gi'e her the respect and pri'acy a woman deser'ed in a situation like this& he offered his shirt. Tossing his fishing hat on the ground in the process then handed the shirt to her keeping his back turned. CClaire hereAs my shirt. )A'e got another one in the $eep.D "ith the thoughts of her nipples still wandering in his head he started to walk uncomfortably towards the path to where the $eep was parked. C)All be right back. )Am gonna grab that other shirt out of the $eep.D 0oe hollered o'er his shoulder without looking back. 3e knew he was coming off as shy& but looking at her in that condition put his gentleman manners to the true test. %s Claire watched him walk& admiring his physi/ue and how muscular& he appeared to be. 3e always wore loose clothes so she could only guess what he looked like under them. -ow half(naked walking away& she wanted so badly to reach out& take him& and make lo'e to him by the lake. )nstead& she lifted his shirt to her mouth and breathed in deeply& sucking in his scent that was so appealing to her. She took off her wet tank top and laid it on a rock to dry then slipped his shirt on o'er her bra. That was sweet(

very gentlemanly of him. She thought. Then she wondered if he had a wild side and if so& she wanted to see it and soon. "hile waiting on 0oe to return from the short hike to his $eep and back he seemed to be taking a long time. She en$oyed the fishing she had done and with a full lunch in her belly and the lack of sleep she had lately& she was thinking a short catnap might do the trick. She pulled their two collapsible fishing chairs together facing each other and made a kind of napping cot. "ell at least she could nap sitting up. )t had been o'er ten minutes since he was gone and it was only a fi'e(minute hike. )t didnAt take her but a minute with his fishing hat o'er her face to fall asleep. She drifted to sleep smelling the sweet sweaty scent from 0oeAs hat that filled her nostrils and made her smile. She dreamed of his touch coming up from behind as she was bending to get something off the ground. 3er dream seemed so real and his touch so ex/uisite. She moaned softly as he ran his hand up the back of her thigh to o'er her skimpy shorts she was wearing in this dream. )t was as if she was in a dancing costume from the strip club. %s his hand touched the top of her inner thigh& an electric consistent wa'e of pleasure entered her and filled her entire body. She stood up but did not turn around as his hand came around to her bare belly and rubbed gently back and forth. She had some type of mid drift top on that pulled her breasts together with a single clasp in the middle for /uick release. :es& she was definitely dreaming of herself in a stripper costume. This one was a sil'ery white and flashed against her tanned skin. %s his hot breath breathed on the side of her neck& tingles of pleasure caused her to reach up and release the top that was holding her breasts in. She felt exposed in the middle of this gorgeous piece of land& out in the open and she had 0oe as her lo'er behind her& exploring with his hands and gi'ing her ear and neck soft lo'e nips. She could feel his hardened existence pressing in to her backside. )t dro'e her to moan some more as she pulled one of his hands up& held it o'er her breast& and then guided his other free hand to feel the warmth that was between her legs& o'er her short shorts. 3e groaned and she slightly turned her head to pull his head in next to hers and she breathed her own hot li/uid air o'er his earlobe. She felt his fingers firmly grasp and knead her breast then roll her taut nipple between his thumb and forefinger. )t was cra2y. She wanted to let him in from behind and make lo'e to her like this out in the open. She moaned more as she heard her name being called repeatedly& but each time a little less erotic and more affirmati'e. Than he shook her gently. CClaireEClaireE C*%)9;> :ou fell asleep. %re you ok6D 0oe was gently shaking her shoulder with one of his hands. "ith his other hand& he pulled off his hat to disco'er the look of sweet contentment on her face. 3e plunked his hat back on his head with a warm feeling in his gut after waking her. 4nfortunately& he had put another shirt on& but that was his intention as he went back to his $eep. Claire liked his backside& she wondered what his front side naked was like. "ould he ha'e some pectoral muscle definition or a little bear belly she would kiss and hug6 She smiled up at him sweetly after he pulled off his hat and thought that was a nice nap dream and she would not mind ha'ing more of those. )n fact& she did not remember e'er dreaming like that about another man. C3mm.D C3mm& what6 =id you ha'e a nice catnap6 :ou were letting out sounds that ) couldnAt /uite make out.D 3e smiled to himself. She was moaning softly and holding herself with her arms. 3e wondered if she was dreaming of a lo'er& maybe she dreamed of him. She did look at him with a look of pleasure before he weakly turned his back to gi'e her a moment of pri'acy with her wet& white tee shirt. 3e damned himself at the $eep for being such a polite gentleman. "hy couldnAt he been& a forward kind of man. "hy didn.t he fondle those gorgeous breast and rosy pink nipples& screaming out at him from behind the transparent wet shirt.

C) was tired from lunch and this warm day. "ell ) ha'e not gotten much sleep the last few nights. So a nap was ine'itable when you didnAt come back right away.D C) hated to wake you but your phone was ringing in your purse. ) did not feel right digging into your purse to answer it& but then my phone rang and it was *ou %nn looking for you. She started to catch me up on the latest on where her and 1ike had taken off in the 9! then reali2ed o'er all the excitement she had called looking for you. SheAs at the shop and they are in town. 1ike stopped in the shop and #arney mentioned we were fishing together. *ou %nn said she needed to go o'er a few things with you at the shop.D C=id it sound urgent6 ) mean did she say ) could stay for a while6D *ou %nn did not want to lea'e. She was content on staying with 0oe all day. )n fact& she thought about taking more of her catnap while he fished and then maybe con'incing him to cook up some of the fish he caught for dinner with her. 1aybe at her place6 #ut then& what if $erk face comes tonight after his ride with the mans6 She didnAt want to put 0oe in the middle of that. She needed to end this today and *ou %nn probably was in a hurry to get back on the road. She was sure it had to do with the in'entory sheets and the loss of stolen goods lately. She had an idea and needed to toss it around with *ou %nn or maybe $ust let *ou %nn fire the punk girl that was stealing the stuff. C) told her weAd be back in the next half hour since ) thought you were done& after falling in the lake.D 0oe didnAt want to lea'e but he hated what this did to him. 3e wanted Claire and she $ust seemed to be ok with the friend thing. 4ntil she broke it off with her boyfriend& he would not make any ad'ances to make her uncomfortable. C5h. 5k.D She was deeply disappointed. The man had seen her breasts and nipples& she bent and exposed herself and smiled sweetly. 3e definitely was not interested in her as a girlfriend. #ut a girl& can dream and dreams of him& touching her& still had her warm and moist. Perhaps they could do this again after she breaks it off with $erk wad and then she would be no holds barred. C0oe& can we do this again6 ) mean ) really en$oyed fishing and maybe you could teach me how to gut and cook the fish that is& if ) e'er catch one big enough.D CSure. That would be nice.D !ice but torturous. 3e could not help but tell himself. 3e knew e'ery new moment with Claire brought sultry thoughts into his head $ust as they had en'eloped his dreams since the first time they met. %s they packed up their stuff and started walking back to the $eep in silence& he could not help but think more about the first time they met. )f only he could read minds& he would know Claire had started to think of the 'ery first time they met as well. The warm bree2e and fresh air had them both feeling nostalgic. C*'P%ER %*REE C"eAre out of here Claire. 5hE there is a customer for a shampoo and cut in the lobby.D Patty blurted out and then they all pillaged out the door to go drinking and dancing& giggling like a bunch of girlfriends. % bunch that did not include her and that cut to her heart. She ne'er had problems with ha'ing girlfriends to go out with in the city. Some 8riday night fun they called it. Those witches did not e'en offer for her to come along and she was not going to beg. ;'er since she started there& they were unkind& gossipy and unfriendly. She took the $ob from *ou %nn with renewed hope that her old life of the strip club was far behind and would ne'er return. She did not want to? e'er strip again if her life depended on it.

She now had a good paying $ob and the tips here were $ust as good in the old salon she worked at if not better from time to time. The only people she knew were *ou %nn and %ngel and they could not be her shoulder to cry on e'ery time these women took ad'antage of her. *ou %nn kept telling her to speak up and be the boss. She was finding that was not in her nature& now. 3owe'er& she used to be able to stand up for herself& before she became a stripper but the degrading things she went through often made her feel like a wall flower. %s if she hid in her shell and was $ust going through the motions. 3ere she was another 8riday night with a shop to clean up& sweep up and close. Since Saturday was the busiest& she knew the towels that were all dirty& also needed to be cleaned. ;'en though she had harped on 0ackie all day to do a load between cuts since she was on the rooster for cleaning and folding the towels. That 0ackie had a way of forgetting repeatedly and then booking out faster than lightning. Claire $ust found it easier to do it herself and spend her 8riday nights doing the shop towels while watching a mo'ie in her apartment. 3er new boyfriend& Sam& a.k.a the $erk wad& could ne'er seem to make it by on 8riday nights the last two months. )n fact& his schedule for stopping by was set and she was beginning to wonder if he didnAt ha'e another girlfriend. %lthough her loneliness kept her from dumping him because once he came around she felt needed. C)All be out in a minute.D She hollered to the customer in the lobby. She figured one /uick load in now would let her go to bed earlier. C-o problem.D 9eplied a 'ery soothing& nice 'oice. !ery friendly. She put the load in the wash and started it. She washed her hands and went out front to greet her last customer. 3e was nice looking. !ery attracti'e. 3e had a clean appearance and looked simple in his green polo shirt with embroidered C#ait emD emblem on it. That was the fishing store from across the street. She smiled sweetly at him& walked to the door& and locked it. She turned the sign to close& walked o'er& and looked at the appointment book. 3e was the handsome man she would watch across the street and daydream about meeting him from time to time. #ut her shy nature and ignorance of fishing ne'er lent her the chance to stop at the #ait ;m shop. CShampoo and a cut6 0oe Stellee6D She held out her hand and offered to shake his. CClaire. Claire 1ontgomery.D 0oe held his breathe. She was more beautiful in person than staring at her across the street. 3e took her hand and shook it. C0oeD 3e said rather breathy. C)f you need to close up ) can come back another time. ) mean the ladies made it seem like it wouldnAt be a problem. Then they all left andED Claire interrupted. C<osh& no& itAs not a problem. ) mean yah we are closing& but ) wonAt turn you away. )tAs $ust the gals didnAt bother to do their chores so itAs going to be a late night.D She frowned feeling discouraged she was a terrible boss and had no backbone. 0oe followed her to the shampoo station and let her put a black cape around him& and then she snapped it in back. 0ust her handshake and the touch of her hand on the back of his neck ga'e him sensations no other woman ga'e. 3e wondered if it was $ust the fact& that he felt attracted by her good looks or she $ust had a sexy touch. )t was something different& because *ou %nn was drop dead gorgeous and usually did his hair e'er since high school. 3owe'er& her touch ne'er made his chest tighten or his breath short. -o& this one caught his eye when she rode into town on the back of some manAs 3arley and sheAs been li'ing upstairs in *ou %nnAs old apartment e'er since. )t was nice watching her during the day& her working at her station& located next to the front window. Sometimes at night& if he was working late in his office upstairs from his shop and directly across from her apartment& he would turn out the lights and like a sneaky boy& he would use his night 'ision goggles. 3e would stand away from the window where he was sure she could not see him and watch her. She was 'ery carefree in her apartment& not e'en closing the shades when she undressed. 3e felt like a peeping

tom e'ery time she started to undress so he would turn away. 3e wished he had the ner'e to watch& but then knew she did not deser'e some stranger watching her barely dressed in her apartment. 3e got some gossip from the locals about her& mostly that she was a city girl that *ou %nn went to hair school with. % few had whispered she had been an escort or call girl. 5ne man said he was sure he had seen her dance at a =en'er strip club as a stripper. 0oe turned a deaf ear& because she was so sweet and innocent looking& and now she was going to be doing his hair with them alone in a locked shop. Claire leaned him back in the shampoo chair and ran the water to test on her wrist. She did not like to blast a customer with water that was too cold or too hot. )n fact& the thing she liked best about getting her hair done was ha'ing someone else wash it. *ou %nn was 'oted the best most sensual hair shampoo artist in school. Claire got second place. Second place was ok with her& because *ou %nn was incredible with hair. )t only inspired her to be more like her friend. C3owAs that feel6D She asked him as she started to run the water o'er his thick& brown& wa'y hair and used her other hand to get his head totally wet for shampoo. C-ice>D !ice and se%y. The thoughts that started to wander in 0oeAs mind made him more of the ris/uI bad boy he wish he could be in situations like this& instead of 1r. -ice 1an. 3ere was a chance for him to make an ad'ance on a beautiful woman and he sat in the shampoo chair getting his head massaged with his eyes closed dreaming she was naked. C3mmED % soft moan escaped his lips and he opened one eye& and looked up at her to see her reaction. She leaned down into his ear. C% shampoo hair wash can be $ust as good as sex.D She whispered. She was en$oying teasing him a bit and he seemed so friendly she did not ha'e any alarms go up with this one. 3e felt safe. CSo you $ust sit back and relax and ) will do a scalp massage on you that youAll ne'er forget.D 0oe could not say a word. 3is 'oice trapped in his throat. 3is chest was tight& holding in the scent of her as she leaned into his ear. 3e felt himself slipping away on a soft gentle ri'er and it was taking him to a place of pure pleasure. 3e kept his eyes closed and en$oyed the scalp massage as he con$ured different images of Claire up that he had seen her in the last three months around town. 3e always saw her alone though and wondered if that was by choice or she did not ha'e any friends. 5nly the bad ass on the motorcycle showed up once or twice a week and he did not seem 'ery nice to her. 3e wondered what kind of woman sub$ected herself to that& especially one as beautiful and friendly as her. %s Claire rinsed the shampoo out of his hair& she admired his facial features and his thick luscious dark brown hair. )t had a natural wa'e to it and it hit $ust past his ears. She wondered how long since his last haircut. 3is $awline was masculine and he a dimple in his cheek with a beauty mark. )t was sexy. 3is skin tone was darker than white& it was a caramel color skin she could find herself licking all o'er. She felt a little tingle in her belly and dismissed it as hunger. )t had been a good se'en hours since her last meal. She remembered his eyes from when she shook his hand to introduce herself. They were a golden brown with flecks of gold in them that seemed so honest and genuine. She guessed him to be about four years older than her since his skin was 'ery tanned and leathered on his face. She gently put the towel o'er his head and blotted out the excess water& and then put her hand behind his back to raise him up. 3e opened his eyes and smiled. CThat was e'en better than *ou %nnAs shampoo and sheAs good. ) think ) found my new hairdresser.D

She melted into his eyes. That comment warmed her more than he would e'er know. C:ou know *ou %nn6 ) ha'e been here three months and ha'e not noticed you come in. :ou definitely ha'e eyes ) wouldnAt forget.D Claire smiled and wink. C*ou %nn and ) went to high school with %ngel. ) am bad during the busy season about getting my hair done& but #arney& my assistant at the shop& sho'ed me out the door and dragged me o'er here. ) am thinking short and clean cut. 1ake me look like the respectable man ) am known for& not some scragglier. #esides if *ou %nn had been around lately she would ha'e dragged me in here and cut my hair.D 3e smiled and his dimple ca'ed in. ClaireAs heart tightened a notch. That dimple did things to her when he smiled. 3is seemed so sweet and sincere. nowing he was friends with *ou %nn and %ngel& ga'e her some comfort. She would ha'e to /ui2 them on this one. C3igh school& huh6 That makes you what 2B6 ) went to college with *ou %nn. SheAs two years older than me.D C0ust turned twenty nine. ) own the H#ait ;mA shop across the street. )A'e seen you around& $ust mo'ed here6D C:eah& *ou %nn dragged me out of the city for some clean wholesome air. She needed a manager and ) was looking for a better $ob. 5wn your own business6 That is impressi'e. )Ad lo'e to own my own salon someday.D Claire trailed off the last sentence in almost a whisper& because she knew that was a pipe dream that she had. C) grew up here and my <randdad always ran the shop& and then one day the owners presented an offer to me when he retired to warmer weather.D 0oe felt awkward with the con'ersation. Claire seemed aloof all of a sudden and her sweet smile turned to a frown. 3e wanted to cheer her up& maybe in'ite her for a cup of coffee and dessert& unless she had not had dinner. )t was almost eight p.m. and he knew that managing a shop could lead to late dinners& alone. Thank goodness all his other single friends& they usually kept him company at the diner& a couple storefronts down from his shop. )t was a second home and well& eating out was easier than cooking for one. %lthough& he did like to cook. Claire felt the silence between them. 4sually she was a talker and got ner'ous when there was a lot of silence between her and her clients. 3owe'er& she was exhausted and depressed that she was spending another 8riday night alone& cleaning up the shop. CThere. %ll done.D She turned him towards the mirror to see his new clean haircut. 3e was gorgeous. % good haircut always did do wonders on a man. She smiled at him and took his cape off& and shook his cut hair off the cape onto the floor. C*ooks great.D 0oe ran his fingers through his hair and stared at the reflection of a beautiful woman in the mirror& instead of looking at himself with a new haircut. She seemed sadder than her normal perky self he usually watched through the window. 3e laid a ten(dollar tip on her stand. 3e followed her up front to the register to pay for the forty(dollar haircut and shampoo they charged. 3e wanted to ask her out for coffee but his shy tendencies were making it hard. %s she rang his haircut up& her stomach rumbled really& loud. C5h my> ) guess my stomach is trying to tell me something. ) guess it has been a while since ) ate.D She felt embarrassed but his warm smile and playful laughter comforted her. C"ant to $oin me for a bite to eat& at the diner down the street6 ) was $ust on my way to ha'e dinner myself. :ou could $oin me if you wanted to.D C)Ad lo'e toE but well the shops a mess and )A'e got laundry to do andED Claire really wanted some company. )t was not a date he was asking for $ust to $oin him for a bite to eat.

C*isten& )All help you clean up the shop& while you run the totals on the register and then put your next laundry load in. "e can eat and then if you need more help when we are done& ) would be happy to help. ) know what it.s like to ha'e your help lea'e you with all the work. "hat do you say6 =onAt make me eat alone.D 3e smiled and looked down out of ner'ousness. "hen he looked up again she was smiling so seducti'ely at him it caused his blood to warm. 3er full luscious lips had turned into a full succulent smile. CSure.D Claire was shocked that someone was being nice to her finally& e'en though he was friends with *ou %nn and %ngel. -o one seemed to welcome her to this community liked she had hoped. 5nly her clients were nice since she did such a great $ob on their hair. 3owe'er& when she ran into them on the street with their husbands they usually dragged them the other way. She was sure by now people would start warming up to her. Then& the only ones that e'er seemed nice were the men& when the women were not around. C<reat> ) look forward to your dinner company. ;ating alone is no fun.D 3e walked o'er& grabbed the broom& and started sweeping all the hair on the floor the women had left at their booths. 3e could tell the women had not done their chores and it tore at him the way they acted as they left and she was there on her own. #arney& his shop assistant& was dating one of the women that worked there and caught word that they were trying to dri'e her away so 0ackie& one of the other women& could be the manager. She apparently had rallied the women against Claire? since she had worked there the longest& she felt she deser'ed the $ob. 0oe would not ha'e belie'ed it until tonight. "atching a man sweep her shop floors made her tickled pink. -o man or boyfriend had e'er bothered to help her in her work. %nytime she dated a man& and was stuck at work for cleanup& they would tell her they would run to the li/uor store and be back. They usually came back later than she expected and was left waiting long after she was done. She knew she was in a pattern with her new boyfriend and needed to change. She knew she needed to dump his butt& but then she would be e'en lonelier than she was now. )f things did not change for her& soon she was going to gi'e notice to *ou %nn and head back to =en'er. %s she finished the register and locked e'erything up in the safe& she saw him putting the towels in the drier and another load into the washer. The floors& swept and mopped& and the counters wiped. 3e was fast and he did laundry. 3er heart went twitter(patter against her chest. !ow why can t I get a man like )oe? She asked herself $ust as he turned to smile at her. C%ll done& letAs go eat. )Am star'ing and ) think that was your tummy ) $ust heard again.D She smiled back and looked at her stomach. C)t has a mind of its own. )Am ready.D 3e put his arm out for her to hook hers into his& to walk out of the shop. She felt her face flush. -o man e'er did that. 1ost of her old boyfriends did not e'en hold the door open for her. They were too cool for that or something. )n fact& she come to accept it as ok& since it seemed like only total strangers or old men& that had that kind of chi'alry left. %s she walked out the door and turned to lock it& she felt ali'e and happy. She hoped this friendship would turn into something more but would take anything right now and that ga'e her a sense of renewed things to come. C3a'e you eaten at this diner yet6 ) eat almost all my lunches and dinners there. 4sually ) catch up with some of my friends and share a meal.D 0oe was feeling really& good. ClaireAs smile and perky mannerisms seemed to ha'e returned once he asked her to dinner. 3e did not make it sound like a date out of fear of re$ection. 3owe'er& once she accepted and he started cleaning the shop for her& he thought he heard her humming to herself. C5nce or twice. ) usually microwa'e my lunch and dinner from the fro2en food section.D She did not know if admitting she did not cook well would accentuate her flaws as the domestic type. She knew how to cook some? she $ust ne'er had the time.

C"ell theyA'e got all shades of greasy and they do ha'e some good health food. =epends on what you are into. ) ha'e been to this diner since ) was a kid and well as times change so do businesses. "hat ) like is that you can still get those $umbo greasy fries and a malted milkshake like the old days.D 3e felt so at ease with her. 1aybe not making this a date could work out after all. Starting as a friendship eliminated the pressure to impress. C) think you $ust selected my dinner? an order of fries and a strawberry milkshake& to dip it in.D She giggled lightly at the thought of fries and milkshake for a dinner. She hadn.t done something like that since college. Somehow& miraculously& she felt really at ease with this man. 3e felt like that worn leather glo'e that conformed to your hand o'er time? all soft and smooth with only your hand making the perfect fit. C8ries and a milkshake huh6 %nd strawberry to boot6D 0oe in/uisiti'ely teased her about her dining taste. C=onAt knock it till you try it.D She ga'e him a $ab and ran ahead so he would ha'e to chase after. That $ab in his side put a tingling sensation in his gut. 3e did not know what was happening to him& but his fairy tale fantasy of a woman was starting to come true. She was such a fun person to be around& he felt the need to chase her down& and he did. C5omph. 3ey itAs not -ational Tickle a 8riend =ay.D Claire giggled. 0oe had $ust caught up to her and side tackled her with tickles. #oy was she ticklish. C4ntil now>D She tickled back but he only stood there smiling with his hands on his hips looking like Peter Pan with his chin thrust in the air. C) ha'e only one tickle spot and only my little sister knows where it is. )t took her along time to find it and ) will not di'ulge that kind of information on the grounds once you find it ) am a weak man.D 3e smiled and held the door open to the diner as she walked in behind him. She began to /ui2 him on all the spots she could possibly think were ticklish. ;ach time he would shake his head no. They sat at a booth at the window that looked out onto the street. 0oe ordered for her and he ordered a chicken pasta salad. They sat and chatted like old friends e'en though they had $ust met. She /uestioned him on his friendships with *ou %nn and %ngel. 3e informed her that when they all went to high school their entire graduating class was twenty(three students. Therefore& you could not help but be friends with e'eryone. )t was nice. %s their food arri'ed& they dug in. They both started to reali2e how hungry they really were. Then the sound of a loud(piped motorcycle caught ClaireAs attention and caused her to free2e in mid stride of dunking her fries in her shake. She twisted to look out the window and almost ducked. Then breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at 0oe. 3e had caught all of that. There was no mistaking. 3e wondered if she was worried about being seen with him. #y now& he had pegged her loser boyfriends schedule to a tee. This was 8riday night and he ne'er came around. 5nly Saturday night& Sundays or "ednesdays. C% little $umpy6 ;'erything ok6 )A'e got good ears if you need to e'er talk.D *eah like talk you out of dating that loser and dating me. I am the good stable man. I m the treat you like a princess and buy you nice things man. 0oe had his stomach in knots thinking what kind of $erk would make his girlfriend on edge for $ust dri'ing in town and ha'ing dinner with a friend. %lthough loser boy would $ust assume that& he was competition and that was ok& because he would kick his ass. -o& he definitely was not a wimp. 3is firefighter friend *e'i and 5fficer 1cCormick constantly taught him self(defense mo'es $ust in fun. "hat was he thinking6 3e was feeling possessi'e and protecti'e about this woman. 3e did not want to go around picking a fight. %lthough he was sure& he could protect Claire he need be. C-o. )Am fine. )tAs $ust& wellE ) donAt know how to say this. ) am kind of dating this man on a motorcycle and lately he has been 'ery possessi'e. ) mean ) ne'er date more than one man at a time and this is $ust like a friend thing right. ) mean ) would go out on a date with you if ) was not dating this other

man and not that you would ask and he& ) mean this man ) am dating well he seems to ha'e a mean streak lately. "e went to this club last weekend to listen to this new band and he beat this man up for $ust looking at me. ) think ) seen the man somewhere before and that was the kind of look we were gi'ing each other and shoot )Am rambling and we $ust met as friends and this is not the type of thing you want to hear. )Am sorry.D She let out a huge breath and her blonde bangs fluttered out of her face that looked so gloomy and then fell back o'er her eyes since she was bowing her head down. Claire felt like crying. 3ow did she keep picking these men& these losers to date and then she meets a nice man like 0oe and sheAs not a'ailable6 She should keep her trap shut and wait to see if he had any interest in asking her out on a date and then she could dump loser boy. 0oe was somewhat confused by the fast rambling of words that escaped ClaireAs mouth. 5nly that he thought he caught she would date him if he asked but then made it sounded like they could only be friends and this man had a mean streak& which probably meant she was afraid of getting hit. CClaire. )tAs ok. =onAt worry and if he e'er threatens you& my buddy is the local police. %re you sure you are ok6 =o you want to talk about it6D She wanted to talk about it but she didnAt want to make herself look bad. C)Am ok. )Am $ust really tired. )Am sure )Am o'erreacting. Thanks though. :ou know. 8or being a friend. ) ha'enAt made many other than *ou %nn and %ngel and they are kind of busy lately.D In love with their dream men. +ike that would ever happen to me. ,heer up gal( you got great company sitting across from you. - new friend. 'ake the best of it. CSo tell me about your shop.D She pepped herself up and changed the sub$ect. She dunked a fry in her shake and took a bite. C1mmE. "ant to try some6D C1y shopAs my life and sure why not. )All try one.D 3e took a fry and dunked it in her shake& and ate it. !ot bad. 3e thought. .ind of tasty. 0ust like the treat sitting across the table from him. 3e wondered how she tasted. 3ow that fair i'ory skin tasted. 3er crystal blue eyes looking at him for appro'al that he liked her choice of dinner entrees made him smile from ear to ear. 3e could get used to her and that was a dangerous thing& because she was out of his league. The check came and 0oe snagged it before she got a chance to look. 3e slid the waitress two twenties and told her to keep the change. Their entire meal was far less but he liked to tip well& since that was what his sister did for a li'ing and he liked the ser'ice. CThanks.D Claire smiled at him and felt in awe. Sometimes she was the one stuck with the bill when loser boy would claim he left his wallet at home. "here e'er the heck that was. 3e ne'er took her there and was 'ery elusi'e about the rest of his life. She hated prying. )t was not in her nature to ask /uestions especially when they answer you with a stare or a kiss to distract you. %lthough the man was a good kisser& which he knew distracted her. C-o problem. 3ey anytime you see me head this way. 8eel free to $oin me. *ike ) said ) prefer to eat my lunches and dinners here to catch up with friends instead of being alone.D 3e really meant it but was not sure if she would take him up on the offer. %t least not& right now. 3owe'er& he could sense that her loser boyfriend was knocking on the exit door and 0oe wanted to be there& to be the next suitor in line. C:ou mean that. <osh& that is really& sweet. ) mean ) ha'enAt made many friends and well ) had a great time with you tonight. %lthough& ) should ha'e bought dinner since you helped with the shop.D Claire was elated at this new friendship. 3e was a genuine good man and well if he showed anything more& she needed to $ump at it because there was definitely a sexual attraction for her. 3e was cute in the good man fresh cut way. 0oe held the door open again as they walked out into the cool crisp e'ening air. She had not to think to grab a $acket and 0oe shed his then wrapped it around her shoulders. C%s soon as the sun goes down it cools off /uick.D

She smiled at the gesture while her heart was beating ten times faster than normal and her mouth felt dry. She was ner'ous. She was ne'er ner'ous around men. This was new to her. )n almost a whisper& she thanked him and he smiled then put his hand on her back. 3is hand& on her back left a warm sensation in her gut. %s they approached the back of the salon that was well lit& 0oe walked her to her apartment door at the top of the metal staircase. 3e would ha'e lo'ed to& peg her against the door and de'our her right there& in hopes of making it into her apartment& but he would ne'er force himself on a woman or pressure her. %s they reached the top& she turned to him and handed back his $acket. CThanks again 0oe Stellee. :ou are a one of kind type of man. ) am glad ) got to cut your hair tonight so we could finally meet. ) mean )A'e seen you around but )Am actually shy with men.D She did not think he would kiss her& but she wanted him to. 3e knew she had a boyfriend& but a friendly kiss would be ok or would it make her slea2y6 She did not want to blow it with this man in case he took interest in her. 3e leaned his head down and kissed a gentle butterfly kiss on her forehead. )t warmed his lips to kiss her skin and her smell was exotic. 3e wanted to kiss her on the mouth but she did ha'e a boyfriend and she kept stating the friend factor. C<ood night Claire. Sweet dreams.D #ecause he knew after tonight& his exotic dreams he had about Claire would only escalate. 3e had spoken with her& ate with her& $oked with her& walked with her& had his head massaged by her and know a sweet gentle kiss left him semi hard for more. 1uch more. C<ood nightD She whispered back with her eyes half closed and her lips parted as if the best cool drink of fresh water $ust left and she felt parched for more. She turned her back to him and opened her door. 3e watched her from the bottom of the staircase to make sure all was clear when she got in. She flicked her light on and off. She knew the procedure of the protecti'e man. She $ust had not had it in a while. 3is face felt plastered with a permanent smile as he walked back down her alley to get o'er to his shop alley& where his car was parked. 3e felt so ali'e with Claire tonight. 3e would ha'e to thank #arney for pushing him out the door and dragging him o'er to the shop to get his haircut. #arney knew loser boys schedule like him and if there was a night good for catching Claire& tonight was it. #ecause like clockwork those women were lea'ing? and him and #arney would watch Claire clean up the shop by herself for an hour or two and retire to bed to watch a mo'ie. 3owe'er& after tonight he would make 8riday nights a regular thing if he had to until he won her heart. She would ha'e to lea'e $erk wad on her own& but he wanted to let her know he was a good option waiting to happen. Claire leaned against her closed and locked door after flicking the lights on and off for him. That sweet gentle kiss made her yearn for more. She giggled to herself& went& and tossed on some music& dancing around the tiny buffet style apartment& she started to shed her clothes and laugh. She found 1r. 9ight she $ust needed to get herself cut off from 1r. "rong. She went into her tiny bath apartment and started to run the small bathtub that was in there. )t was tiny but with bubbles and bent knees& she could dream about being in a sunken tub with candles and a gorgeous window 'iew. 1aybe& a man like 0oe& to share all that with. She needed a man that lit her fire and tonight she would dream about what 1r. 0oe Stellee was like& with a real kiss and his bedside manner. The sound of the 0oe.s $eep turning off and coming to a complete stop? had both of them back to the here and now. The trip to the lake had been fun& but the ride home had been /uiet. )t seemed like the right time to reminisce internally about the each other. 1entally reli'ing how they met and where their friendship stood. To read more ( purchase the story.

Sample Chapters $ Co&boy Kiss

Can one rodeo(winning cowboy steal the heart and kiss of one =aisy 1ay6 :ou bet your bucking bronco. This steaming duo finally takes the chance to express their sultry attraction to each other and in more ways or positions than you can count on. )n a steamy shower& old barn& and handmade custom kitchen table or in front of the fire& these two find ways to make the ecstasy ele'ate. This hot scorching erotic short romance story will lea'e you warm and wanting for more... of something> @uestion is can you handle the hot temperatures and sultry scenes this story unfolds6 9ubbing his bare hands across his chest to scratch& he let out a loud stretching growl then stretched his hands into the air. =altonAs night after a successful rodeo could not ha'e gone any better. 3e had the coffee going+ in less than twenty seconds flat and was heading back upstairs to his shower& two steps at a time. "ith the shower still running he en'isioned her sweet body all wet and soapy. Shucking his $eans faster than a bucking bronco& he was in the bathroom and e'ery part of his manhood was seeking her out. "inning the money and pri2es at the 9odeo was sweet& but finally winning the heart of =aisy& his longtime lust was e'en sweeter. 3e broke her down with flowers and serenade for two years and after last night? she finally reali2ed he was the one for him. 3e heard humming of a familiar country song. 3er 'oice filled his bathroom with a sexy sultry sound. )t filled his heart with emotional warmth he did not know he could ha'e towards another woman& until now. 3e knocked on the steamed up shower glass door. C-eed company6D C"ell ) did ha'e someone in mind.D %s she opened up the shower door& steam billowed out with =aisy co'ered in suds all o'er the best places& smiling with a come(hither look. 3er long curly brown hair was wet in strands that fell o'er her breasts. 3er light green eyes sparkled with mischief& as she looked him up and down& perhaps from remembering how incredible the night before had been. 0ust as /uickly& he stepped inside. The bathroom was steamy and =aisyAs body was warm and pink from the hot shower. 3e grabbed the bar of soap and began rubbing all o'er the front of her breasts& down her belly and a soft gentle sudsy rub between her legs& which she slightly opened. 3e wrapped his arms around her and pulled her naked body up next to his so she could feel his enthusiasm. 3e started rubbing the soap on her backside. C-ice6D 8eeling the sensations of her breasts pebbling in the ecstasy of anticipation& she pulled back $ust enough to begin rubbing her hands all o'er her breasts with the suds. C-ice>D 3er mind was whirling with 'isions of them together fore'er& taking showers like this se'eral mornings out of the week. She could not help but wonder if this was $ust as special for =alton as it was for her. *ooking into his eyes for an answer she only got a look of pure lust and desire and reali2ed she would take what she could get. #ecause this cowboy in the shower with her was better than she could ha'e hoped. %fter two years of ha'ing her eye on him in the rodeo circuit& while she managed the rodeo transportation for horses& she was hesitant with all the rodeo bunnies that followed him around. 3e was an eye stopper& with his brown hair all unruly and sexy& blonde natural highlights from all his hours working out at the ranch or on his rodeo skills. The first time she saw him without a

shirt on left her breathless for days& not to mention self(pleasured with fantasies of him and what he could do to her. 3is large skillful hands& tanned muscular chest and back& the slenderness of his abs that showed not an ounce of fat& only a healthy man. 3er heart felt mesmeri2ed with his looks alone& yet he had some pro'ing to do. 3e had a cockiness about him and she was sure he only chased her because she was the only woman that had told him no for two years. %fter last night and winning the ultimate rodeo award& which she had to present to the winning cowboy& he told the li'e audience he dedicated it to her. Then he dropped a kiss on her lips so long and meaningful in a rodeo arena full of cheering crowds& she about melted. 3owe'er& he did not stop there. 3e announced that someday she would be his future wife. 5f course& all she could do was run from the arena in embarrassment. :et& when he caught up to her in the back office& he all but made it up to her. 3e got down on one knee and serenaded her with an off(key song& then started kissing her on the hand mo'ing up her arm until she was well within his embrace and they were kissing each other naked. Their first time was behind that closed office door& which she wasnAt e'en sure if he had locked& on the desk with her legs wide open and his mouth co'ering her pussy. Then before she could barely keep from screaming& he was in her and her whole world melted right around her. The sensations =alton felt& as he rubbed up and down her belly& felt like ecstasy. *ike his hands belonged there and not $ust for the here and now. They felt so right touching her and caressing her. *etting his hands wander south he began rubbing her mound and then parted her $ust enough to rub his fingers o'er her clitoris. Soft moans began whispering out of her& encouraging him. 3er moans did something to him& something more than sexual& almost a rite of passage. Slowly he began kissing her& but with each breath& his kisses became more desperate and possessi'e. CTurn around.D 3e breathed into her ear. Slowly assisting her in turning with her back to him& he took a moment to admire her tight backside and knew that with a bend of his knees she would be the perfect height. Taking the soap& he started lathering up her back and butt. 3e was hard and ready to cum from behind when he reali2ed he had no protection. 3e stilled his hands for a minute& feeling awkward. C=onAt stop. ) need you in me. ) want you so bad.D 3er 'oice was soft& but demanding. Sensing hesitation& she looked o'er her shoulder and saw a perplex look on =altonAs face. C"hatAs wrong6D 3e was trying to make a decision between right and wrong. C%ll my protection is on my bedside.D <rabbing his hands& she brought them around front to rub her taunt nipples as she reached an arm behind her to rub on his swollen cock& hoping to ease his worries with a touch and a reassurance of words. C-o worries. )Am on the pill.D She knew she had failed to mention that last night in the heat of passion& but did not want to come off sounding prepared for the moment. Sighing a deep breath& thinking to himself how that made their sex life a whole lot easier. :es& the thought of their sex life definitely got him going again. This was a great beginning. 3owe'er& the fact she was on the pill made him think for a fleeting moment that she was promiscuous with other men. That thought did not bode well with him. :et this was not the time to be thinking about his =aisy with other men.

3e let out a hefty sigh and looked at what stood before him in this hot steamy shower? a tight& perky ass& all pink from the hot water. % cur'aceous woman that had her hands against the shower wall& her legs tilted high on the tips of her toes& looking o'er her shoulder with a Hdo me nowA look. *ife was looking good> To read more ( purchase story. Sample Chapters ( Santa #aby
C*'P%ER #+E The sound of her hea'y filled black leather purse& hitting the counter& caught his attention. 3owe'er& it did not cause him to turn around from washing the last of the lunch rush bar glasses. *ooking into the mirrored backdrop through the rows of alcohol& 0ohn Tally& saw a fra22led looking woman. Sexy looking but 'isibly exhausted. )t was in the s/uint of her bright green eyes& her tensed pursed lips and the way she slammed her purse down& he had a feeling she would be a moaner. The red hair was a sign she was fire. :ep. 3e would peg her as a hot(tempered redhead. -e'ertheless& she was sexy. 3e would gi'e her that. % /uick mental flash of that hot sexy redhead with her hand wrapped around his cock and her luscious lips about to surround his throbbing dick was erotic. 3e felt a /uick flinch of awareness between his legs and smiled to himself. Thinking how he ne'er had a redhead before. This type came in here from time to time& nicely dressed& good looking with nothing but gossip and turmoil to spill. )t was like nails on a chalkboard for his ears. 3e often wondered why these types took their lunch hour drinking away their worries in a local pub like this. "hy they didnAt $ust head to some trendy bar where they could be seen and heard and maybe some other bartender might act like they cared for a decent tip. 3owe'er& that wasnAt his style. This wasnAt his bar& it was his brothers. 3e did not need anybody.s tips& especially if the whine came with it. "hat he liked was the localsA stories of $okes and true grit. 5f men and their wi'es naggings& now that was funny. 3e liked the local union guys coming in and talking shop about machinery and bosses that bitched about employees with stories that made him laugh. 3e liked that he had put himself in a position to help his brother out and not need to worry about a lousy tip from some lousy broad. The Christmas music in the bar was playing a slower medley for its lingering customers. The lunch rush was o'er and the corner street bar of TallyAs Pub was practically empty with the exception of a few patrons finishing the blue(plate special that they offered to late comers. Co'ering for his brother at his bar while he reco'ered from surgery was a gi'en. 3owe'er& the customer clientele sometimes left much to be desired. #eing -ew :ork City and he had always been a more laid back west coast kind of guy& he had found a customer from time to time that ga'e -ew :ork its bad rap. Then& if he had to li'e year round in this city again& he might pick back up some of the attitude. This particular woman in her unra'eled state definitely came across as less than desirable. 3ence& in her current predicament he did not feel the need to rush right o'er and take her drink order& because her troublesome woes would be sure to follow like a babbling brook. 1aybe that was why he changed the music to a slow list of Christmas melodies. Soothing him from the rush of lunch& he $ust went through and knowing that his bartender relief& that $ust called in sick& would only make for a 'ery long night. "ith a methodical placement of the last glass he was drying& he turned slowly to only see the top of her head. 3er long curly reddish brown hair was co'ering her face as she looked to be searching for something in her lap. She looked up as she blew out a puff of air from her full luscious lips and it rushed

her hair out of her face. She was stunning& with her rosy cheeks from the cold& her full luscious bron2e colored lips all shiny from her lip(gloss and her light green eyes that seemed to light up next to her hair. She read like a professional type but in a co'er girl sort of way. She looked young yet old enough for him& but still young and ripe. Slowly he strolled o'er to her with rampart thoughts running through his head& running up a steep hill against his conscious. C"hat can ) get you6D 3e leaned on the bar top trying to look cool and collected but his thoughts were starting to race hot and steamy. *ike what she looked like? under that red cashmere& tight fitting& sweater she was wearing& re'ealing her figure& while taking off her expensi'e looking black wool coat. She smiled with a smirk like grin and a definite dose of attitude. C:ou got any of that wonderful time of the year this flipping song keeps repeating.D *ooking back into her wallet& she found her credit card she thought she left at the last store that tortured her. C:ou take 1aster Card6 5f course you do. ;'eryone takes 1asterCard. )Ad take it too if theyAd pay me the interest theyAre charging me to buy all my Christmas gifts this year.D She flipped the card on the counter and tossed her wallet off to the side. C) guess a tall one of whate'er would do. Thanks.D 0ohn turned without a word. -ot felling like Santa Claus he grabbed a glass beer stein and filled it with the cheapest& warm beer they carried. nowing it was rather scrooge like of himself but he didnAt want to gi'e her good beer and ha'e her stay too long. % woman like her& read like this? from her -ew :ork attitude with her snarky comment about Christmas& to money troubles since she is bitching about credit card interest& to a massi'e case of holiday blues. #esides& he lo'ed this time of year. )t reminded him of his mom& god rest her soul and all the things he is thankful for& because& this time of year was wonderful and magical to him. -o sexy eyed& luscious lipped redhead was going to ruin that for him. C3ere ya go.D 3e set the beer on a Tally bar napkin and flipped the bar towel o'er his shoulder. 3e slowly sauntered to the back where he needed to change the flat keg of beer he $ust ser'ed her. 3e did not see her ordering another. %s he headed to the back storage room& he could not help wondering about her. "ith a name like Callie 5AConner that he read off her credit card& he had to wonder about the woman. 3e figured a dose of fantasying was better than dealing with her cranky butt. Perhaps if he took long enough she would $ust pick up her credit card and lea'e. C*'P%ER %W# Callie had absorbed the finer details of her friendly neighborhood bartender. 1entally she worked herself up thinking sultry thoughts. She en'isioned him between her legs& working his way up with gentle kisses to her thighs& and then with a sexy smile and the use of his skillful fingers& he parted her lips and licked her clit. The 'ision caused a soft gentle sigh from her lips. She rattled off all the pluses to his demeanor& tall& muscular build& solid $aw line& hint of stubble& short thick dark hair and mmm& mmm& mmm. That behind as he walked away to the backroom in his faded $eans were making her feel yummier already. 3is crystal blue eyes had widened as he looked at her when she first blew her hair out of her face. )f she had not known better& he was $ust as interested in her as she was him. #ut boy& did she walk in here all cranky. She could not blame him for hightailing it out to the back any faster. She had not meant to bite the hand that ser'ed her but the ser'ing hands had been biting her and clawing at her all day. She knew it was a stressful time for e'eryone and it was not e'eryoneAs fault at e'ery flipping store she went to that the one item she needed for the special person left on her list was out.

The last store made her so cranky that she did something totally out of character& and stopped in at this cute looking ta'ern two blocks back from the last store she went to. The last department stores ad from the Sunday paper was as usual& out of stock. She left empty handed as the certain hoodie her nephew wanted was out. Since& he was her fa'orite nephew& her heart felt empty. 3e really wanted that hoodie. She did not ha'e a clue as to what else to get him. Cash was what she ga'e him the last few years and he liked it but this year she wanted to try extra hard and get them all something nice and what they put on their list. There was not much to her family and she wanted them all to feel special e'en if she could not be there to share Christmas with them this year. 3er new $ob in -ew :ork was cra2y busy. She had two more days until the shipping would cost her an arm and a leg to send gifts. She hadnAt wanted to wait this long to pick up the gifts& but the only time she had off from work& most of the stores she needed to go to were closed. She lied to her boss and secretary about where she was at and begged the client to say they kept her all day. This particular client said no problem as long as she went to dinner with him on Thursday night. #eing Tuesday& she hoped the time would drag or maybe she would get the flu. She really did not want to go out with the creep& but he is a top dog at the company she needed the most on her list of clients. She took a sip of her rather large beer& something she had not tasted since high school prom. Sometimes once something comes up? you ne'er want it to go back down you again. She sat for a second after her first swallow and all she could think was how this warm flat beer tasted an awful lot like the beer she puked for an hour after the prom. She sat stunned for a minute but the taste of the beer& the empty stomach and the acid churning from her shopping experience /uickly brought one hand o'er her mouth and the other o'er her stomach. She could not do this here. She was a lady& a professional business woman. She reached for her purse off the bar counter with the hand that held her stomach. #etter that hand& than the one& o'er her mouth& keeping anything down& that might possible churn up inside. 4gh> 0ust the thought was making her stomach want to hea'e. She looked around the bar like a deer caught in headlights until she saw the sign directing her to the ladyAs restroom. She ran as fast as her three(inch red strappy heels could carry her. She made it& to the sink. -othing came out but she was there where safety and security pre'ailed itself in the shape of a porcelain god. She really should ha'e ordered something to eat. The place did ser'e food& and it was only yesterday morning& she remembered eating anything substantial. She skipped lunch yesterday at the meeting because what they were offering did not look 'ery good. She had planned on a nice dinner at home& to find her microwa'e /uit on her. She had not yet unpacked any cooking pans. Therefore& she ate a few crackers and a diet coke but that does not constitute a meal. She needed to hit the corner store& down from her apartment& soon or she would star'e. She took a swig of water from the sink and swallowed down. )t tasted like nasty water from a sink facet& which tasted like Perrier compared to that beer she $ust took a swig out of. She peered up at the mirror o'er the sink and noticed she looked rather pale. She opened her purse& which was loaded with a few small things she picked up shopping. She dug around and found some makeup to touch up her color and a breath mint in a plastic wrapper. She popped the mint in then stared at herself and wondered what was so flipping wonderful this time of year and why this song was playing o'er again on the bathroom speakers. 0ohn had peered out the double swinging doors porthole to notice she was not at the bar. Thank <od. "hen he made it the bar where she had been sitting her credit card was still sitting there along with a full beer. 3er purse was gone but her coat was still draped o'er the next bar stool o'er. Peeking o'er the counter he saw two shopping bags from local stores still sitting on the floor. The thought H<reat& sheAs still hereA popped into his head. 3owe'er& with a meaning& that could go both ways. 5ne he would ha'e

been happy to see her go but from the opposite end& he also would not mind getting to know her. <i'e her a second chance so to speak. "hile in the backroom& he could do nothing more than think about her long legs wrapped around him while his hands tangled up in her long red hair and his body getting the relief it so desperately cra'ed lately. Thinking how nothing would be better than a hot looking redhead would be for an early Christmas present. 3e en'isioned how sweet she would look all spread out on his king si2e bed back at his hotel suite. "ith her red hair& all fanned out behind her as she lay waiting for his throbbing cock to enter her. 3er eyes would smile with anticipation and her arms abo'e her head showing her openness. Then a flash of her tight white ass in the air& bent o'er his couch and the long red hair trailing down her back as she arched back in orgasm. 3e was no longer sensing a feeling between his legs. 3e was rock hard. 3e took a few deep breaths and 'isuali2ed anything that would soften his resol'e. 3e saw that the bar was down to two tables of regulars& with their tabs closed and their drinks full. -ormally they both would finish and lea'e when they felt like it. Those booths belonged to them. 3e had known some of these customers as long as his brother had started this bar ten years ago. -ot too many of them knew too much about him. 3e liked to remain the brother of mystery. 3owe'er& e'er since his brotherAs stroke and triple bypass surgery& he had put all his mystery aside and chose to help& by running the bar until he fully reco'ered. %t his age& he was at that dilemma of not getting any younger but he still felt young. 3e was ten years younger than his older brother was and he had done 'ery well for himself. 3is brother had also done well in a way. This bar was his family and e'eryone that patroned here treated him that way. Still he wondered sometimes how two great guys& with great parents& ne'er chose to settle down. %fter their mom died all three of the men in her life& him& his brother and their dad& $ust did not seem to want to get close to another woman. 3e knew it would $ust hurt too hard. %s his eyes caught #obby& a local& sitting at the farthest table& he shouted out. C3a'e you seen the woman who was sitting here6 =id she lea'e6D CThe beauty in the red nice sweater and heels6D 3is hands made the signal of a full figured beauty. C:ah. The woman that was sitting here6D 0ohn could not help but roll his eyes. :es& she was gorgeous but she was trouble. 3e was sure of that. 0ust the 'ision of her looking up at him with her green eyes shining against her reddish brown hair and the cute grin she ga'e for a split second made him think of all kinds of ways he wanted to put a permanent smile on her face. Thoughts came into 'ision of her mouth& o'er his hard cock& green sparkling eyes looking up and red hair draping down her naked back. 3e was at it again and figured the bar would hide his excitement. CShe ran to the restroom. "hatAd ya put in that beer anyway6D "ith a hearty chuckle from the three older regulars sitting in their standard booth& 0ohn ga'e a de'ilish grin. 3e wanted to tell& but he was not the type. 3e $ust grabbed the beer and dumped it down the drain. 3e replaced it with a glass of water with a lemon slice. 8iguring he would buy her a drink on the house& and then run and hide back to the storage room again. This way she could lea'e without paying. )t was his plan until he watched her walk out of the restroom and almost glide back to the barstool with a look on her face& a look that made him e'en harder that /uick. )t was those green eyes with that red hair and those full luscious lips that he wanted wrapped around his cock like a Christmas present that softened his resol'e to her.

3er lips looked fuller& her eyes mischie'ous& and her walk almost too sexy for this end of town. 3e had to stay. 3e had to ask her that is& what she was doing stopping in at his brotherAs bar& this time of day. )t was only two in the afternoon and her type only fre/uented the upper side of town on happy hour. She sat down and looked up at him with a seducti'e smile. C) donAt think ) should ha'e ordered a beer.D C)t was flat and ) shouldnAt ha'e ser'ed you that. Sorry. *ong day. ) didnAt notice. "hat can ) get you on the house that might soothe that mistake o'er6D Somewhat stumbling with his words out of guilt& 0ohn grabbed a wine glass thinking that was more her style anyways and he should gi'e the woman a second chance. She was after all drop dead gorgeous. C%ctually ) really could use a bite.D % bite out of him& her mind /uickly thought. 3e was hot. 3is build was strong and his features spelled out <reek <od in neon o'er his head. 3e probably had a few girlfriends hanging in the wing and a steady on his side. -e'ertheless& it sure felt good to flirt a little. )t was not as if she had set a good first impression coming in here all cranky. She /uickly en'isioned what he would look like naked& behind that bar ser'ing her. #etter yet& ser'icing her on the bar& with no one but them and the empty bar to themsel'es. Those thoughts put a sexy smile on her face and she liked the reaction it got out of him. C"ell my kitchen staff left for the day. "e ha'e sandwiches and chips for the blue plate special. ) can whip up for the stragglers coming in looking for a bite. )All be right back.D Callie watched him walk or rather stomp to the back. 3e seemed sexy as hell and warm and in'iting then put out one minute and in a rush the next. 1aybe he was gay. -ot that she had anything against gays. 3er only new best friends and neighbors were a gay couple. )t was $ust a healthy looking man like that and a sex(star'ed woman like herself should really get it on. $h my god# did I /ust say that to myself. I did. I am a naughty( naughty girl. She took a sip of the iced water with a slice of lemon and had to take note that he was /uick to fix his mistake. "atching him walk into the backroom her mind /uickly went to the warm mental place that all women go when they see a man like that. % flash of warmth filled between her legs as she could think of nothing better than a slow linger of her fingers o'er his chiseled chest. Then letting her fingers wander on down below to bring him to the surge of hard firmness. 3owe'er& the thought of him in bed making her scream in the throes of orgasm kept slipping into her mind. She could not imagine him making any mistakes in the lo'e department. 3e had what looked to be 'ery large masculine skillful hands? hands that could wander o'er e'ery cur'e on her body and dip into her warm moistness to get her to the brink. She fanned herself with her hand for second and tried to come back to reality. Smiling to herself with her de'ilish thoughts she looked around the bar& with a silly grin on her face from her last thought& she noticed the place was pretty well empty& except for the fi'e men& sitting at two different tables& staring at her. She ga'e them her confident smile and finger wa'e and turned back around watching their reflections in the mirror o'er the bar. They were still staring at her. 1aybe a bar off the beaten path was not a wonderful idea. 1oreo'er& why in bla2es& is this flipping song playing again. %s her hunk of a bartender came back with a plate of food for her& towel o'er his arm& wearing a tight fitting black tee shirt and a 'ery sexy grin on his face& she warmed up all o'er instantly. <ay or not he was hot. <rumpy or not his looks were doing things to her body that her new $ob had made her forget what sheAd like to do to a man like him. C3ere ya go. 5n the house. "hat can ) get you to drink to make up for that beer6D

C5h no& really& ) can pay. ) $ust ha'e not had beer in a really& long time and ) ha'enAt eaten in a while. =iet coke please.D She could tell by the look and hard set of his $aw he was not going to let her pay. 3e looked like the type of man that took direction from no one and no one set him in his place. She took a bite of the sandwich and after eating microwa'e garbage for the last month this sandwich was hea'enly. She moaned accordingly. %ll fi'e men at the two tables rushed out of the bar. The last one out flipped the sign to close. C5h gosh.D "ith food still in her mouth& she chewed /uick and swallowed. C)Am sorry youAre closing. ) can take this to go or thereAs a bench out front ) can eat outside. *et me get out of your hair.D 0ohn smiled at this woman& which went from a miserably fra22led nasty& to a sexy apologetic sweet one. 3e could not let her lea'e. -ot $ust yet. C-o sweat. )f you donAt mind the fact that )A'e got shift work to do and my night shift $ust called in sick and )All ha'e to close the bar tonight.D C-o please& ignore me on my account. )All $ust eat in silence. 9eally& go on ahead and get your work done. )All $ust sit here in silence.D 3e really wanted to stay and chat but he $ust did not see her being his type. "hy waste your time he thought. 3e glanced at her credit card as he handed it back to her. C3ere ya go Callie 5AConner. )t is on the house. ) insist.D She took her card and as their hands touched& she felt something. % slight tingle or maybe it was $ust the cold dry air that caused a slight shocking sensation. 1aybe her hand was tired from all the shopping& or maybe... 5r maybe& it was the electricity of their sexual desires. *iking the last part of her thoughts& whate'er it was she felt it& she was going to embrace it. C-o really ) donAt mind paying. )Am sorry about my comment early.D C"hich one6D She stared at him open mouthed. "ell he was straight forward she would gi'e him that. C"ell itAs $ustE oh ne'er mind.D She watched him turn and start in on some work. #ut that dang song& started o'er. C;xcuse me. #ut did you notice that this song keeps playing o'er and o'er.D 3e turned and looked at her then walked to the back. Then she heard silence. "ell better that than HitAs the most wonderful time of the yearA playing o'er and o'er. 3itting the off button on the sound system left 0ohn with a chuckle. 3e had put the song on that seemed to annoy her when she first came in& on replay. 3oping it would make her lea'e. -ow he would $ust lea'e the silence and still hoped she left. 9eally though& he had to come to grasps that something was definitely there. =eep down $ust a little part of him would not mind if she stayed. That would be the part of him& which got him into bed with women& that were far too young and immature but sexy. Pro'iding her attitude did not sway back to the woman that first walked into the bar& she held a slight air of possibility. %s he walked out he saw an awkward smile on her face and she mouthed the words CThanks.D 3alf her sandwich was gone along with her diet coke. 3e refilled it with a smile and set back to his work. The silence filled the air until the crunching of the potato chips snapped him out of the thoughts he kept ha'ing about his lonely patron. 3e did not see a ring. She looked young& but did she ha'e kids6 "hat was she like in bed6 3ot and steamy& or cranky and hard to please& probably the later. 1entally he kept telling himself to stay away but other parts of him were thinking far differently. 3is head to the east was in battle with his head in the west. 3e had been here before& battle of lust 'ersus she is not worth it. Then the sound of crunching from her eating the potato chips stopped and he looked up from his work to her reflection in the bar mirror. She looked sad. She lookedE damn it> She was crying. 3e had a 'ery

soft spot for a crying woman. 3e held his breath and counted to three before turning to blow out the breath he held and walked towards her. She was already putting her wallet back in her purse and reaching for her coat. =amn he was a mouse. 3e did not ha'e to be so cruel. 3e could ha'e lent an ear or at least been more hospitable. 3e cleared his throat and started to talk but then she looked up from buttoning her long black wool coat and her eyes said it all. Sorry. Sadness. =espair. "alk away good man he toiled with himself. Thinking how she could easily be trouble with a capital T. 3owe'er& the look in her soft green eyes reddened with tears made him rethink it all o'er again. )t wasnAt worth being a $erk and he was pretty damn sure if he let her walk out of his brothers bar in her condition& some sulky -ew :orker will add salt to her wounds. 3is mind felt like it was waging a 'erbal internal war of the de'il 'ersus angel on his mind. C3ey. :ah. ).. anyways. 1erry Christmas.D Stuttered out of his mouth& without any true warmth to his words. Then he watched as her tears streamed down her face. 3e felt like a schmuck. 3e practically $umped o'er the bar and slide between the bar stools while she had started to head for the door with her packages practically drooping behind her.

To read more ( purchase the story. Sample Chapters $ Wishin! $ an erotic m-na!e a trois story
They had reached a successful le'el in their li'es that surpassed most. 3owe'er& their sex life had taken a di'e in the opposite direction. %pril would do anything for her husband& %shton? she would e'en die for him. They were lo'ers and best friends for life. "as it the stress of their $obs& the le'el of success they had reached that the bedroom foreplay took a backseat to all else6 Could the sex therapist she con'inces him to 'isit hold the truth to unleashing their sexual fantasies6 %lternati'ely& someone so inconcei'able could offer them& not only the ad'ice to unleash their lust for each other& offer her body to make their fantasies come true. Chapter #ne %pril watched intensely through the kitchen window looking out to their backyard paradise and pool. 3er ga2e tra'eled o'er e'ery inch of their new lawn and pool maintenance woman that she had hired. She came highly recommended from the housing board as a top(notch landscaper. The day she inter'iewed her& to hire her& she wore manly type clothes and a sunhat& co'ered in dirt marks and sweat. She did not see her as any type of threat to her husband as an attracti'e female working their grounds. 9ight now& she did& howe'er. The woman went by the name of Chase. She made a slight giggle to herself as she took another sip of her morning coffee. 7"hat kind of woman.s name is Chase67 She spoke to herself. Then the slip of her husband.s arms went around her and one of his hands reached up and brushed her breast through her silk robe& causing an immediate reaction from her nipple to grow perky. 7"ho you mumbling about chasing67 3is lips brushed the back of her neck and caused a ripple sensation through her body& the whole time her eyes ne'er left the new landscaper. 3er body was incredible and there was something about her& that %pril found so 'ery& irresistible. The problem was& would her husband as well. 3is eyes must ha'e $ust caught what she had been staring at for the last ten minutes. 7"ho.s the hottie in our backyard6 :ou.'e got a play date after ) lea'e for work67 3e teased repeatedly about a threesome throughout their whole marriage of fi'e years. She knew it was his fantasy. 3ell& it was $ust about e'ery man.s fantasy. 3owe'er& a little part of her& $ust now& thought that fantasy did not seem all that bad. 3e knew better howe'er to continue the con'ersation because he was already running behind for an important meeting. She turned /uickly& ran her hands around his shoulders& and pulled him in close for a

kiss. %s she kissed him& letting her tongue linger in the warm spots of his freshly minted mouth& she turned him so his back was to the window and her eyes could stay on Chase. %s the kiss deepened a bit she wondered how Chase would kiss6 Then %shton broke that image by setting her aside at arm.s length. 7-ot this morning babe. ).'e got a busy day. ).m sure there is some type of toy you could play with that could make you happy. )f ).m to make it to that sex therapist you insist on us seeing tonight ) need to go.7 She got a /uick peck and he was gone. She knew exactly what he was referring to when he emphasi2ed the word .toy.. She had enough 'ibrators and clitoris stimulators to open her own store. )t was the only way she could achie'e an orgasm in the last four years of their marriage. Partially because he didn.t want to take the time or effort anymore to get her wet and ready& and a good part had to do with how well she could $ust do it herself. 0ust as she let her hand brush across her silk robe and down by her crotch& Chase turned and wa'ed with the sexiest smile on her face. Today she wasn.t in manly clothes& all dirty and sweaty. Today she was in a white tank top that glowed against her tan skin& her long brown hair was up in a sexy ponytail and her loose denim shorts looked like with one /uick tug she could shrug them off her. 5ut of politeness& she wa'ed back. She reached the window latched and flipped it open. 71orning Chase. #eautiful day out. ).ll be working from home today& so maybe at lunch you and ) can finali2e our contract on the lawn and pool.7 7Sounds great.7 Then Chase went back to cleaning the lea'es out of the pool and %pril went back to finishing her coffee& while behind the pri'acy of the kitchen sink& she toyed with her bald wet pussy. %ma2ed that a woman could actually do this to her& or maybe it was $ust the excitement of something new in her life. )t only took a few soft glides of her fingers between the folds of her pussy lips to ha'e the moisture spread all o'er. She let her finger slide in and out a few /uick swift moments and she mentally begged herself to complete this upstairs in the comfort of her bedroom. -ot while starring out at Chase. :et& she could not stop herself. The woman looked so sexy while cleaning her pool and the rush and excitement of it all brought on the feeling /uick. @uicker& then she had in a long time. She let the palm of her hand brush against her spread lips& exposing her clitoris to the touch of her palm. She pressed firmly with some force as she kept her ga2e on Chase. She took a second finger& slid it in to her warm wet pussy& and pressed in deep and forward to find her g(spot. )t took only a moment& and with the suction& her palm had created on her clitoris and she was 'ibrating with an intense orgasm. The kind that made her practically fall down onto her kitchen floor. % light laughter entered her soul then the sound of the phone brought her attention back to the here and now. She would let it go to 'oicemail while she ran upstairs to shower and compose herself. Chapter %&o %pril had a lot of work to do today& but for some reason she knew it would not get done. That reason was Chase. 3er mind toyed with her in the shower as she sha'ed her legs and lathered her body with soap. )t was the moment the soap lathered in her hands and began to wash o'er her body she knew this day was a complete loss. "hich wasn.t a bad thing. She hadn.t had one of those self(absorbing days in a long time. 1aybe this was what her sex life needed. She let the water in the shower run extra hot as it steamed up her master bathroom mirrors. She let the feel of the lathered soap run o'er and between e'ery space and nook on her body. She had let her hand brush once between her legs o'er her bald pussy and she felt the excitement build all o'er again. 3er hands fully lathered& both went up to her breasts and toyed with her nipples the way %shton always liked to do in the morning. She pictured %shton watching her as she pinched her nipples and rolled them

with her fingers. Then she let the palm of her hands brush across the sensiti'e nipples and a slight tingling surged through her body. This morning she would not need a toy to accomplish her second orgasm. This morning she needed to rely on herself. Then the image of Chase in the shower with her& popped in her head& while %shton stood out at the sink facing them& watching. 1entally she en'isioned Chase.s hands wandering o'er her body. %pril wondered what it would feel like to touch a naked lathered woman in the shower. That thought of excitement and a fantasy 'ision of Chase.s hands reaching between her legs caused one of her hands to press hard and firm against the steamed up glass shower. Then the palm of her other hand pressed hard and fast against her bald pussy. She pressed hard and fast as her fingers did not enter her but /uickly brush the back of her asshole and apply a bit of pressure. That feeling sent her through the roof. She cried out in pleasure and let her face lean back into the hot water as the shower rinsed her body of all the lather. That had been the first time she had e'er done that. Touched herself& back there. %shton had begged se'eral times for her to let him enter her there but she felt so reser'ed and off by the whole notion. 0ust now& she knew she could do this. *et him toy with her there. 1aybe after tonight.s session with the sex therapist she would let him. )t took more than a few minutes for her to compose herself. 3owe'er& she had calls to make and a secretary to bribe so that she could play hooky today. The first place she wanted to play was the backyard pool& nothing like a swim to get her blood pumping in the morning. -ot that she needed it right now& but drawn to the fact that Chase was in her backyard working and she $ust wanted to ha'e an excuse to watch the woman. 3er secretary congratulated her for finally taking a day to herself. She rescheduled all appointments and gladly took on the o'ertime to get things done. She knew she had hired a smart one& because when she was happy& her staff was happy& but more so her secretary. )n the last year& %pril had found herself often lashing out when she had not had a decent orgasm in weeks. %shton and her were always on the go in the social scene and then too tired or busy when they got home. She had tried multiple ways to gain his attention and when she did& it was always o'er before it began. She had found that she ne'er got a chance to get started and he was done and mo'ed on to getting back to work. She had gone so far as to masturbate right next to him while he worked on his laptop. #y the time she finished he would set his laptop off to the side and then get in another /uick round for himself. This was the 'ery reason she made them an appointment with a sex therapist. )t wasn.t that their sex was lacking& it was that the /uality and longe'ity was not where it should be. She wanted more and she was sure that deep down he did too. %s %pril reached into her lingerie drawer& she spotted a small personal touch massager that looked new. %shton was funny that way& always picking up some new sensual toy& along with buying her lingerie. This one was a see through bright blue with battery operated& waterproof and fit $ust on the tip of her finger. She laughed to herself and then took the toy out of the package. )n only her white cotton robe from her shower& her blonde hair in wet strands landing at $ust her shoulder& she caught a glimpse of herself in her full mirror and her honey brown eyes sparkled at the thought. She slipped the new toy onto her finger and it automatically began to bu22 gently as her finger slipped in. She strolled to their bedroom balcony with the toy on her cotton robe pocket and looked out o'er the edge. There was Chase and a 'ery healthy 'iew of her large clea'age in her white tank top. She watched Chase bend o'er for something on the ground and her ass rose in the air. 3er denim shorts slid up $ust enough that she got the 'iew of the crest of her ass. )t was sensual. She lo'ed the feeling all

this was gi'ing her. She had ne'er been attracted to women before now. She was sure it was $ust the thrill of it all. "hen Chase stood back up she caught %pril staring& so to sa'e face %pril hollered down. 7Pool almost ready for a swim67 Then Chase flashed the sexiest of smiles up and co'ered her eyes with her hand to shield the sun. 70ust about. <i'e the chemicals about an hour or two to set. 3eck& if it gets any hotter& ) might $oin you.7 %pril felt giddy at the in'itation. She felt a pool of warm li/uid gather at the base of her bald pussy and she smiled down. 78eel free to take a break with me later. Showers in the cabana. ).'e got some work to do then ).ll be out later.7 Then she turned and went inside to sit at her laptop on a side desk in her room. "ith her laptop open and her left hand punching in keys to open her mail& her right hand already had the new toy bu22ing on her finger& spreading her moisture around her pussy. This was unusual for her to be gi'ing herself and her orgasm.s so much attention. This would be more than she had in last week but something about Chase $ust turned her on& something daring and bold& but more so& exciting. She tried to concentrate on the emails but instead her left hand slipped inside her robe to play with her nipple. 3er right finger was toying with her clitoris as the new toy 'ibrated softly against her already swollen clit. She let her finger gently massage herself up and down& then back and forth. ;ach light touch of the 'ibration sent a /uick signal of need in her body. 3er brain was thrashing with ideas of what her and Chase could do to each other& how they could touch and lick each other. She wondered if licking a woman.s cunt was as exciting as sucking hard on a man.s cock. "ith all these thoughts& crashing around in her head& she let her head fall back on her chair and her ass slide forward then her fingers from her left hand reached deep into her slick wet pussy as her right hand 'ibrated against her cunt. "ithin seconds& she was shattered. 3er naked toes curled into the plush carpet& her eyes felt like they rolled into the back of her head. 3er whole body felt ali'e. )f there was anything she was sure of& it was hiring Chase was a damn good idea.

%o read more $ purchase the story" Sample Chapters $ Wet + Wild

Some girls like it hot& but this one likes it wet and wild. %ttraction to the bad boys can bring on a dangerous mix but this one has her man wet and wild. Some days it $ust pays to take care of the urge of a restlessness that can ache between your legs. This wild and restless one finds her man& but he almost gets away. Then like a hero& he rescues her in more ways than one& letting the heat turn up past scorching as they explore their sensations lea'ing them sated for more. Chapter #ne )t was a simple touch& the feel of her hand on her hip as she woke to the sensation of skin on skin. The touch of her skin as her hand wandered across her belly and up to her breast brought on the reali2ation that a deep restlessness lie within her. #onnie was no stranger to waking with the feeling and desire for a new ad'enture. "ith no current man in her life& to fulfill the cra'ing that she awoke to& she knew she had to take matters into her own hands. The sun was not e'en up& yet her room flooded with the brightness of the full moon& laying shadows across her skin. The heat of the night had caused her to toss the blankets aside and now her naked body lay illuminated by the moonlight.

She let her palm settle on her breast& gently s/uee2ed and then brushed it across her nipple as the feel of her hand brought her nipple to tautness. She gently massaged and rolled her nipple in her hand as her other hand began cascading slowly down her body like a slow slithering snake. The air in the room was warm but the slow oscillating fan in the corner would brush a bree2e across her skin e'ery few seconds& which felt exhilarating. She slowly closed her eyes and en'isioned a man that she would want to be touching her& someone strong& tan and intense. :es& she lo'ed a man that held intensity about him& always attracted to the bad boys that ha'e a way of eluding danger. She wanted her fantasy man to be dangerous& with piercing eyes& a sexy smile and hands that looked like they could get the $ob done+ a man that could take charge and dominate her wild ways. The 'ision was clear in her mind as her hands began to take motion across her body like a pianist carefully playing out a dramatic song. 3er hand gently glided her legs open& softly caressing the folds of her skin from her inner thigh& o'er her hip& and then dipped e'er so slowly down into the folds of her 'agina. Two fingers found the $oyous bump that brought her so much pleasure from her own touch. The man in her fantasy was now licking her like an ice cream cone as she dipped her two fingers into her tight wet pussy to bring the moisture back up to her clit and allow her to bring the massage to an intense pressure. 3er body was building /uickly from the mental 'ision of her fantasy man and the skillfulness of the way her fingers pinched and massaged her breasts& mo'ing from one to the other. 3er palm of her hand now lay firm against her spread pussy as both fingers eased in and out of her. The lift of her hips allowed the pressure of her palm to set off an intense motion to her body. "ith her hand working her cunt with such pressure and intensity& in and out& in and out& that it was not long before her walls tightened around her two fingers. % /uick flush of slickness en'eloped her tightened pussy. *etting the palm of her hand brush across her clitoris one more time& caused her body to $olt as her toes curled into her sheeted bed. C5h <od>D She moaned out slow. The intensity of the satisfaction she brought herself slowly subsided to an easy continual feeling of satisfaction. )t was going to be a good day. She was going to go burn off this restlessness starting to build once again& and she knew exactly how she was going to handle it. The feeling to run away subsided once she made her fourth run through the middle of the lake on her $et ski. The sun was $ust starting to rise with its pink golden hue $ust on the rising hori2on mixed with the dark blue sky fading lighter into true blue sky. *ong ago& she comprehended that her eyes were the color of the rising sky& a blue that could pierce any man.s heart. 3owe'er& her mother was always a dramatic fool& filling her head with how beautiful she is and how to use her sexuality to her ad'antage. -ormally no one was out on a lake in the dark. 3owe'er& #onnie had it in good with the park ranger. So good& she was sure he had it bad for her but she would not reciprocate. She liked to lea'e him dangling along thinking something more might come of her flirting. She assured him she would only ride down the middle of the lake as to not wake up the campers in the area. 3er pri2ed possession& other than her 1KBL C0(M $eep& was her black $et ski. The feel of the machine between her legs as the wind rushed through her hair was the only thing that kept her sane in this insane world. The wind in her face and mist of water as she glided merciless across the wakeless water would awaken her senses tremendously. )t felt like a 3arley on water and it was her solace when she was at her wits end& which seemed to be more often than not.

There had not been a steady $ob or man in her life lately. The strain of her finances and the restlessness in her soul had about put her o'er the edge yesterday& but today she would let all that go. 8ired for the fifth time this month needed to be let go. 1entally tossing the fact that she was $obless out onto the water ahead as she created a wake in her passing& she felt better. The mist of the water on her bare legs tingled. 8or e'ery blue(collar $ob& she had e'er held she sped up faster on the lake by a mile until she reached forty. Then she hit a point in the lake where it was so far away from shore and e'eryone she $ust came to a complete stop on her ski. *eaning back with her head on the seat behind and her legs bent with the ski straddled she reali2ed all this restlessness was her. 3er life was one unresol'ed issue& that and the fact that it was spring. She took a moment to run her hand o'er the length of her leg to wipe the water droplets away. The smooth of her skin on her legs felt like silk. Smiling to herself& she thought of the last man that had his hands on her legs doing this exact thing. *etting his hands wander up her body& wiping the water away from a day on the lake& and then to undress her from her bikini. Then before long& they were naked on the pri'ate co'e& behind a bush and she was grabbing handfuls of sand in her fists as a wa'e of orgasm rushed through her body. )t had been the end of last summer and now she was restless and ready for a new ad'enture. She felt wet and wild for a man& an ad'enture and something to fill her soul. ;'ery year this time& her restlessness sent her going from one $ob to the next until she had one that tolerated her restlessness and need to call in sick on a beautiful clear day. Come spring this is all she could think about+ the water and wind in her hair with a speed of at least fifty mph gliding o'er the wakeless water in the early am hours. 5nce the traffic of the other boaters and skiers hit she would search out a co'e for some peace and /uiet to think. Then once the water got rough and choppy she would head out for her wa'e $umping to gi'e her the feeling of airless sensations as she hit each crest and tossed about the water like a cat with a ball of string. She had $ust enough money for essentials for the next week but after that& she would ha'e to settle down and start working again. %nnette 1iller& her trailer park neighbor& understood her better than anyone did. She offered to pay her bills for the next month until she burned some of her energy out of her system. 3owe'er& that was her last resort. She lo'ed %nnette like the mother she missed. #y now the fishermen& at least the serious ones& were starting to unload their boats into the water and that park ranger that she had a tendency to taunt sexually was standing with his hands on his hips and a white paper sack and two coffees between his feet planted firmly on the boat dock. )f she could look past the fact that she had no sexual feelings towards the man& he would make the perfect husband& but those feelings were not there. 3e did not seem too pu22led by her arm.s length approach to their friendship. 3e always seemed ready to wear her down with his sweet kindness. 3is brown simple haircut looked freshly styled and his park ranger uniform starched extra. She hoped he did not do it to appeal to her but deep down she knew he did. 4nfortunately& she used it to her ad'antage $ust to get out on the lake early and run her ski without getting a ticket. C:ou played it safe6D Park 9anger Ste'e was not sure but the gloomy woman that begged him in the middle of last night for her early morning run was looking ten shades happier. She was looking like the normal feisty blonde haired& blue(eyed goddess? he could do nothing but think about lately. -ow if only she would say yes to a real date. C) brought you coffee and donuts. "hat do ) get6D 3e held her $et ski close to the dock while she hooked it to the dock with a rope and climbed off.

CThis.D She smiled coyly at him and ga'e him a peck on the cheek. C:ou donAt want much more from me. )Am too wild for your tame and proper self.D She ga'e him a light tap on his ass. C#esides you should know me by now.D She bent down and grabbed one of the two coffees and the bag of doughnuts. C)Am only interested in running away from the best ones and you my handsome hunk park ranger are the best. Thanks.D She held up the coffee and bag of doughnuts. C) can be wild> ) ha'e a wild side you know.D 3e called out to her as he watched her saunter off looking incredibly sexy in her shorty black wet suit and her naturally curly hair swishing from behind as she walked. The thoughts of what he wanted to do to her body once the wetsuit was taken off& caused a semi hard state of mind. 3er constant turndowns that followed with playful banter only kept him going. 3e figured he would break her down& sooner or later. C=onAt you run off. 1y doughnuts are in there as well. :ou didnAt think ) would let you eat breakfast alone.D <rabbing the other coffee that was his that laid between his feet and trying to catch up with her fast pace walk he almost passed out in ecstasy at her little giggle shrill she let out as she ran up the dock. That body of hers was something he $ust could not get out of his head lately. Then she stopped& or more like the man at the helm of the cabin cruiser made her stop. 3er breath& her heart& e'erything stopped. 3e was incredibly sexy and e'erything in her body went on full alert& not to mention he was steering an eighty thousand dollar boat back down the boat ramp. -ot your typical early morning fisherman& more like bachelor party boy. She had seen his type before& but that did not stop her body from reacting to the man.s features. -icely tanned skin& brown hair with sun highlights and a firm s/uare $aw ga'e him the appearance of fun yet take charge kind of man. 3is eyes were too far to tell the color but held a brightness to them she would guess some light color. The $acket he had on looked like it could be hiding some wicked muscles. "ell out of her league with his high priced boat and friends& but a fantasy man nonetheless. Ste'e caught up to her and tickled her which caused her to let out a 'i'acious laughter that caught sexy captain.s eye as he backed his boat away from the dock& loaded with what looked like a couple of drowsy eyed guys. -o women onboard must mean a guy.s only day. That laugh caught his attention& but the moment he turned to see where it was coming from his whole body went into o'erload. #efore him on the docks was a 'ery slender blonde woman& mid(twenties& piercing blue eyes ali'e with laughter as the park ranger looked as if he was accosting her. Then she stopped and stared back at him with the ranger behind her looking 'ery $ealous as he too noticed the unremarkable trance between the two. She was wet in a half wet suit and that meant she had already been out on the water and the sun was barely up. Thinking it was too early to ski left him wondering what she and the park ranger were up to. "ith his mind& wandering to what she was like in a sexual sense he practically forgot his boat was in re'erse. C"atch out 9ay>D 5ne of the men behind him shouted and that was enough to break the trance. 3e reali2ed he was still slowly backing up his forty(fi'e foot cabin cruiser away from the dock and a black $et ski that was loose from the dock was floating out and right behind his boat. CShit& thatAs my $et ski>D #onnie screamed as she ran at a sprinters pace to the end of the dock and $umped off the end of the dock landing wide legged o'er the mid(section of the $et ski. She $ammed the safety key in and started it up. She re''ed the engine and did a one eighty that shot a rooster of water up unto the back of his cruiser+ drenching the four stunned men standing on the swim dock portion of the cabin cruiser with a straight shot of 'ery cold lake water. Stunned was not the most of it. She mo'ed like a female 0ames #ond& swift and dangerous. 3er long legs ran faster than he had e'er seen. She was a blur getting to her ski. 3owe'er& the best part was the

inches to spare before he backed into her ski as she started it and did a one eighty spraying his brother and best friends with water. The look on their faces was a pure mix of extremely pissed and molten seduction. CSorryD 3e bellowed out at her& but she did not ob'iously hear as she shot out of the no wake 2one faster than bla2es and tore down the lake. 3e turned to the ranger and shrugged his shoulders in apology. "ho only seem to glare back& then reached down to pick up an empty coffee cup and wet bag of something6 -sshole. Who the hell did he think he is? She stopped her ski $ust outside of the no wake 2one. Taking a moment to think about what $ust happened. *osing her $et ski would ha'e been like losing her right arm& or so she figured it that way. *etting her insurance lapses on the ski was an option of sur'i'al of the fittest. She was using e'ery spare cent $ust for gas today to get this tension out of her system and it had been out after the morning run. 3owe'er& $ust now& she felt all tight and bothered. The bothered part was the sexual reaction she had to the man. There was no denying that her body went on full alert with $ust a glance. Slowly her wits came about her. She was the one that had not secured her ski well and she was ogling him with her eyes while he was trying to back his boat out onto the water. She did not mean to distract him with her laughter when Ste'e tickled her. 1ore so& he was checking her out. 3e was extremely attracti'e. 3e was out of her league sexy. %lthough the look on the men.s faces was priceless as she sa'ed her ski from impact. Then sprayed them with a rooster tail of water from her ski as she speed out of there to sa'e face. She was mad and knew her short temper would only ser'e her to say words she did not mean. She had not meant to lea'e Ste'e standing on the pier. She figured she would need to head back and apologi2e. %s she 2oomed towards the no wake 2one she slowed down to the appropriate pace of no wake speed and sauntered by the cabin cruiser that was $ust heading out. 3oping they were too busy to notice her. She could hear their music tuned a tad too loud which only meant they thought they ruled the lake. That type would take o'er a co'e with their loud music and raunchy beha'ior. She knew the kind all too well. She ran into them e'ery weekend. 3er luck was wearing thin. The dri'er beeped his horn and wa'ed at her. She wondered if it was too late to drown and get the physical painful part of this o'er. Then at the same time& they shouted at each other. CSorry>D This caused laughter to split both of their lips at the same time. 5k so maybe he was not such a rich badass after all. 3e did apologi2e e'en though she was the guilty party& so no harm& no foul. %lthough another scene at the back of the boat was playing out. There stood four 'ery good(looking men with fully loaded water pistols aimed at her& as she was cruising past in her no wake speed. %s they began& spraying her with their expensi'e toy water guns that shot out sprays at least thirty feet out& she stood up and took it like a man. Causing her safety key to pull out of the hook and stalling her ski. She co'ered her hand o'er her heart as if she was a drama actor being shot and fell off the side of her ski into the water. "hen her head bobbed to the surface she heard a roar of manly laughter and then a large wake started up and she was roosted from his cabin cruiser wake this time. She climbed back on her ski thinking that was the most fun she had in a long time. )t had been worth it. She could not help but remember the sexy smile and wa'e the man ga'e her from the helm of his boat. 3ow she would not mind those large hands of his running the full length of her body& spreading her legs and pleasuring her to orgasm. % sensual smile crossed her face remembering the man as she rode into the docks. 5nce again to meet Ste'e& standing there looking protecti'ely pissed off. 3e did seem to melt at the smile on her face& but only did she know who that smile was for and why. C"ant me to gi'e them a ticket6D

C-ah& it was my fault and itAs all in fun.D She stood before him and knew he was hurt. 3e had seen the way her and the mystery man ogled each other& she was sure the donuts& and coffee was another stab at asking her out. C*ook& Ste'e& you know ) like you and ) sometimes flirt and fun with you but all youAll get from me is heartbreak.D She smiled up at him and his six foot three inch skinny man stance and knew she $ust was not physically attracted to him. 3e was an a'erage looking man and she always went for the bad boys guaranteeing her heartache but usually gi'ing her multiple orgasms in the process. She would take the good with the bad for now& but would like the good with the man she $ust toyed with on the lake. C"ant to dry off at the office and take another stab at some donuts. This time you run to the marina and get them. :ou can use my truck so you donAt ha'e to unhook your $et ski trailer.D CSounds good. *et me grab my bag to change out of my wet suit and toss on some shorts and a tee. 3ey& whatAs the weather forecast big guy6 Can ) wear a bikini today or should ) put the wet suit back on to head out for my day run6D #onnie knew she was far done from riding out on the lake. She had cash in a waterproof pouch in the front of her ski compartment to buy more gas when her full tank went empty. She would gi'e up eating for the day $ust so she could ride some more. #esides Ste'e always brought her breakfast and sometimes lunch. C%n unexpected ninety two degrees. The water is still 'ery cold though. )Ad say $ust the bikini& hot stuff. 3ey do you need cash to get those donuts and coffee from the marina6D C)f you could spot me that would be great. ) was fired yesterday and ) am feeling restless& so ) think a road trip is in order. "ant to $oin6 % week of who knows where to lakes unknown that allows skis and bathing beauties.D She knew he could not lea'e his $ob but it would warm his heart is she asked. C3ereAs a twenty and you know ) would lo'e to but seasons fresh and ) ha'e the next four days on full then off two before ) got six straight. )tAs tough being a park ranger but someone has to do it.D "ith a purposeful sexy saunter ahead of him& she headed up to her $eep. She undressed right next to her trailer as she stripped off the full wet suit. She tacked a towel around her waist as she pulled the bottom part off $ust in case the wet suit pulled her bottom bikini with it. She grabbed her shorts and slid them on under the towel& took the towel off and tossed it on her trailer and grabbed a tank top out of her bag along with her flip(flops. )t was warming up already and the day was looking good. -ow maybe another run in with the cabin cruiser hunks to warm her insides up and she might be feeling less restless. Chapter %&o =amn if that was not the hottest ticket& he had seen in a while. She stirred something that deep in his gut not to mention the fact that one look at her on that $et ski and he was semi hard. Serious must ha'e lust& had passed through his brain. 3er blonde hair& all curly in silken wa'es that hit her shoulder made her look somewhat rebellious yet angelic at the same time. Those long legs of her sprinting down the pier to sa'e her ski made him want those long legs wrapped around his waist or straddled o'er him. The way the wet suit clung to her body she looked as if nothing was on underneath and he could only imagine what soft cur'es lay underneath. Perhaps her nipples were a soft rose to match her lips. 3er tanned skin that showed in her shorty wetsuit made him wonder how much of the rest of her naked body was tanned. The music was going already and the guys were awake now thanks to her. 4sually he got grumps and grumbles getting them out of bed this early but they wanted to fish and fishing at noon was not a guarantee catch. %lthough a catch of another kind popped in his head& a blonde hair& black wet suit kind& one that owned a nice black $et ski. 3is mind /uickly glimpsed at what he could imagine his hands on her tanned naked

body would feel like. 3er arched back in the throes of an orgasm as his dick penetrated her harder and faster. 3e let his mind settle there between her wet warm pussy then he shook his head and smiled to himself. She looked to be ha'ing something with that ranger and he knew better. Someone that young and restless usually was a cause for trouble. C3ey 1ikeD 9ay shouted at his twin brother o'er the music they were blaring. )t was only se'en in the morning and the sun had crested the full part of the hori2on. The fish would be biting& but not with loud music and re''ed up guys talking about the blonde hottie. 5ne he felt rather possessi'e about since he saw her first. She was at least ten years younger than he was but that didnAt stop his seducti'e thoughts seeing as he was starting to feel ancient at the ripe age of thirty fi'e. 7"hatAs up bro67 3is twin brother shouted back. 9ay fingered him to come here so he would not need to keep yelling o'er his shoulder as they speed down the empty lake at forty(fi'e mph. % couple miles faster than the limit but the empty lake and the open flat water called to him like a beacon in the night. -othing felt more exhilarating to him than splitting the smooth water in two with his custom boat. C1usicAs a little too loud for the fish. Turn it down. ) am going to hit the next co'e to find a fishing spot. "e had great luck there last time.D CSix minutes older and you think youAre boss.D 1ike slugged him in the shoulder and went back to the rest of the guys and turned the music down to $ust loud enough 9ay could hear it. 3e lo'ed his twin brother but he did not like him always playing the responsible big brother role. 3owe'er& it did come natural to him being so protecti'e and playing the do righter. 3e $ust wished he would lighten up some and act his age of thirty(fi'e instead of some old mister miser. The roar of the engines slowed& as they approached the no wake marker at the tip of the co'e. ;ntering in the co'e& the high canyon walls and lush pine tree hillside made it seem rather mysterious. )t was eerily /uiet except for their music and it ga'e 9ay a sense of peace and tran/uility. %s he found a good nook to anchor them down for some fishing& 9ay found himself feeling somewhat restless. *ike he needed to get away or chase something. Perhaps chase down the blonde back at the dock to ask her out. 3e could not get her out of his head and he only spent seconds with her this morning. )t was not like him to detract o'er a woman. 3e knew with his wealth and good looks he could hook up $ust about anywhere and anytime with any a'ailable woman. 3owe'er& that was the problem. ;'er since his twin brother 1ike found the lo'e of his life& he felt like he was starting to miss out 3e would watch his brother and girlfriend from afar show little signs of lo'e and affection and watch the way their eyes played out between each other. ind of like the way that woman on the docks held his undi'ided attention. "hat was he thinking6 She was young and a little pistol from the way she reacted to her ski and the fact that he almost being ran it o'er. Then she did come back and say sorry& at the exact same time he said it. That& made him laugh and the way she took the guys shooting her with water guns showed some real sense of comical relief. % woman that could make his friends laugh like that needed to be in his life. -ot the stuffy prissy high maintenance kind he kept running into in all his local hangouts. #y the time& #onnie and Ste'e had finished their donuts and coffee she knew he had to clock on and get busy down at the dock getting his boat ready to ride the lake. 3e had offered for her to tag along which she had done before but it bored her to death and besides she knew rules were rules but most of these people were here for a good time. So sometimes they forgot to update their fire extinguisher or their C* NAs were not current for the season. Ste'e was always by the book kind of ranger& handing out tickets and pulling people off the lake for what she felt was only worthy of a warning. Sometimes she wondered if he only acted like this when she was around.

She told him& distractedly& to look for her at the middle of the lake at noon exactly and she would ha'e lunch with him. 8rom where she parked her $eep& she could see most of the lake except the co'es. *ooking out on the lake for a /uick glance& she scanned for one particular cabin cruiser. Shucking her shorts and tee to her newly purchased sil'er string bikini she looked around once more for the man that made her insides warm and ready. She read$usted her recent no(no purchase but she could not resist. Some girls buy shoes& she buys bikinis. % treat she often ga'e herself. *ife is short was her theory and it made her look hot with her early ac/uired tan from the part(time $ob at the tanning salon she held. 3er Swedish heritage made it easy for her to tan and hold it all summer long. So taking a $ob early %pril at a tanning salon was a gi'en. 5nce she got her good tan& she /uit her $ob to work some other odd $ob to suit her needs. <rabbing her safety 'est and strapping it on& she stuffed a towel into a waterproof bag and her cellphone in hand. She opened her cooler and grabbed a half fro2en water bottle and a plastic bottle of coke. She locked her $eep back up and headed down towards the dock where her $et ski sat& tied up. 1aybe if fate played a hand in her life she would let another interlude happen again between her and her mysterious cabin cruiser dri'er. Sure& the other guys looked hot too or should she think cold after she dowsed them in water from her ski. 3owe'er& he held her mesmeri2ed for that fleeting moment. That was something she had ne'er experienced before. Tossing her drinks and waterproof bag into her front compartment of her ski& she climbed on. She slipped her cellphone in its waterproof case armband around her upper arm and slipped the earpieces in. She turned on the music ap and slipped in her safety key and started her ski. She took a leg& pushed hard away from the dock& and then slowly cruised off out of the dock area. %s soon as she hit past the no wake buoy she was no holds barred& wide(open until as soon as she saw Ste'e& then she would keep it legal. *ast thing she wanted was another lecture and a dinner date to get out of a ticket. % fast(paced song hit her ears $ust as she past her buoy marker. This day held promise if anything the wind in her air and the split of the calm water in front of her should do something for the attitude she had been carrying lately. Chapter %hree The water was getting busy but she had o'er a half tank of gas to burn. She kept to the middle of the lake as her mind constantly wandered back to sexual thoughts of her sexy hot cabin cruisers& mostly the man at the helm. 3owe'er& she would not mind ha'ing multiple orgasms on that boat in a co'e or the middle of the lake. 3er mind played tricks as she tried to focus on the water but could only focus on a 'isual of that sexy smile on that man running kisses between her legs& around her belly button& and lapping at her taught nipples. Then that same sexy smile trailing kisses back down until his fingers spread her lips and he licked her cunt like an ice cream cone. She about passed out at the 'isual and $ust about hit a ha2ard buoy. She was no longer in the middle of the lake but off to the edge and could not remember getting there. She slowed to a stop and remembered all too well. The 'isual of that man.s sexy smile between her legs had her so hot and moist she decided to take a /uick dip in the lake. The last co'e and she had not found her mystery man. %lthough she knew what she was doing& was like stalking. 3e could ha'e mo'ed from one co'e to the next while she was deep down another co'e. 8ate once again dealt her the raw bargain. 1aybe sir 9anger Ste'e was not a bad option after all. -ope. She did not settle. -or did she e'er plan to. She tried that for six months and it was grueling. She figured this was it until she died. "orking one

blue(collar $ob to the next and ha'ing fun in between. 5ccasionally taking on a man to keep her warm and kicking him out when things got serious. She definitely had no undying lo'e or romance to offer a man& especially that hot money man she saw this morning. She was not his type nor was he hers. +ast cove. !o luck. 0uck up girl and go for a ride. 1ind some waves to /ump and go for a 2uick dip. "ith the heat fast approaching ninety degrees& #onnie would not be surprised if it passed the anticipated high of ninety(two degrees that Ste'e told her. #y the time she found some good wakes to $ump& she was into her ski and nothing else. She stuck to the boats that had fast and furious on their minds& cruising at illegal speeds& going down the middle of the lake& causing all kinds of currents and wakes to toss her around e'ery which way on the lake. She pulled closer to shore to stretch her legs& reached in her compartment for her coke& and almost downed the whole thing. The /uick caffeine rush was what she needed. That and a kick in the ass to get her butt a $ob soon& not go running off to parts unknown with 'ery little cash. She really did need to rethink this running away thing some more. She could lose her trailer home. -ot that her neighbor& %nnette& who owned it& would ne'er do that and she $ust did not want to mooch off her& as she tended to do with men in her life. *ast sip and she put the cap back on the empty coke bottle and tossed it in the compartment. She climbed on and headed out in search of some big wakes. )t did not take long to find some and they were coming from a particular cabin cruiser. They were definitely going at least fifty mph if not more and they were dri'ing down the center of the lake. She could not help herself. She needed to go show off and maybe catch a particular man.s attention. ;ngrossed in the lake and dri'ing as fast as he knew he could get away with& 9ay almost $umped as his brother 1ike tapped him on the shoulder. C"e are getting /uit the show back here from a particular $et skier. 1aybe you want to switch places with me6D 9ay.s blood kicked up a notch $ust at the thought of the blonde woman on her $et ski. 3is brother and him definitely had that twin connection going& although they were not identical they shared their moms womb and they definitely were like two peas in a pod. 1ike knew that 9ay had a thought or two about his blonde eye candy from this morning. %s he headed to the back of the boat& he watched her doing tricks here and there and wa'ing at the guys. Then next thing he knew she took off ahead and circled around. #y the time she had crossed in front of his boat& his brother had dropped the speed to half. The guys leaned o'er to the side they expected her on the second trip around and then she came around the wrong side& the side she took off on and snuck up behind and roosted them with water. =amn that water was cold and she was hot. 9ay got a good shot of her up close and smiling like a Cheshire cat and he wondered how hard he would ha'e to work to put that exact some smile on her face. 3er long tanned legs fully exposed now with some kind of piece of sil'er material co'ering a small part of her 'ery nice and tight backside. 3e had his mind whirling like a =aytona race with the things he wanted to do to her. She definitely had all the guyAs attention now and he couldnAt help but feel extremely possessi'e. These men were his best buds& and he knew exactly what was going through their minds and he wanted her to himself. 3e was sure that her eye contact seemed to be more for him. 3e was the only one not encouraging her on and she seemed miffed.

Than before he could figure out how it happened she came straight at him full speed and didnAt look like she was going to stop& then her ski did a one eighty degree turn and flipped sideways& but reco'ered fully to a stopped position. C"hatAs a matter big boy6 =onAt like what you see6 "ant some more6D #onnie was flirting big time. She felt hurt he was not encouraging her earlier and she definitely wanted his reassurance in more ways than one. 9ay put his hands to his now bare chest and ga'e the innocent look of Hwho meA but did not speak a word. 3e could not for the first time? in he did not know how long& a woman had rendered him speechless. C1m. ) see.D See she did. 3is tanned muscled chest only led her to the conclusion that he had a physical labor $ob or he was 'ery& 'ery health conscious. There did not seem to be an ounce of flab on that man.s midsection or anywhere else& that was exposed. 3is dark hair left him with an interesting trail of dark small curly hair to places of unknown& at least for now. She caught his eyes staring at her legs and then that eye contact thing happened again. %s if the whole world shut down around them and they were the only two staring at each other. Their eye color was the same& the color of blue from an early morning sky& crisp clear bright blue. Then before either said a word& she was roosted with water from his wake as the boat took off. 9ay $ust stood there and stared hoping she would follow. %ssuming that was what his brother had in mind& getting them to a pri'ate co'e so they could get away from the boat traffic and get to know each other a little. Then they heard it& the park ranger siren. Shit what now. 9ay thought to himself. 3e headed up back to the wheel of his boat to see what the problem was and then she shot past them like lightning. 3e watched her pull up next to a /uickly slowed down ranger that definitely had a face that lit up as she pull up tight next to his boat. 9ay had taken o'er the dri'ing and had slowed the boat to almost no wake. 3e had a hard time watching the water and watching their interaction off to the side. That ranger definitely had it in for the woman. That bugged him all to hell. Then he watched her tie off her $et ski to the rangerAs boat and except what looked like a sandwich and a pop. "ell that blew his theory all to hell about getting to know her. #onnie watched out of the corner of her eye as her mystery man tore off down the lake. )t was noon and she had told Ste'e to meet her out on the middle of the lake. She was sure he was heading towards that man.s boat to gi'e him a ticket. 3eading him off at the tracks was all she could think to do at the time. Trying to gi'e Ste'e full eye contact and her undi'ided attention was killing her. She wanted to get back on her ski and follow those boys& but she was sure that would only lead to trouble on their part. Ste'e was talking about catching up with them to gi'e them a speeding ticket from watching them earlier while he was doing a boat inspection. Telling her how lucky they were that she came along when she did. They did not know that. They or he& her mystery man& probably thought she was $ust a tease and the park ranger was her boyfriend. #ecause twice in less than fi'e hours& the man saw Ste'e interact with her& on a more than friendly basis. *istening to Ste'e talk about his ad'enturous day while eating her sandwich& her mind replayed e'ery intimate detail of that man.s body. 3e was so firm and tanned with stomach muscles her hands ached to rub all o'er. 3is arms seemed so secure and strong. 3e could definitely hold her for a 'ery long time and would not tire. 3ot& sultry thoughts kept running her mind in a cyclone circle& and then Ste'e asked her. 3e asked her out& again. They had been friends& her ex and Ste'e& so he ought to know she was not a sure thing. She played him coyly& asking him to gi'e her more time& and then he surprised her. C#onnie& ) saw the way you looked at that guy and $ust now flirting and toying with him. ) get it. :ouAre $ust not interested in me& but you canAt blame me for trying& can you6D

She did not know what to say. 3e was being 'ery honest with her and it was going to kill her to break this friendship. CSte'e& ) think we make great friends.D The kind she could mooch off and she dreaded this moment when a man figured that out with her. She swore silently to herself that they should stay friends& because she did like him as a friend and if he would let her mystery man find her again& she would change her fraterni2ing ways. C8riends.D Ste'e stood and reached out for a hug+ a hug that #onnie found rather long with his hands wandering a bit. 3owe'er& Ste'e was probably figuring this would be the last of their contact for a while. C8riends.D She pushed away slowly and reached for her 'est. C"hen ) get another $ob and ) will& soon& ) want to buy you lunch on the lake. =eal6D C=eal. #ut you owe me breakfast next time.D C=eal.D Then she thanked him& got on her ski and untied it from the park rangerAs boat. She could only hope a great man like him would mo'e on and forget about her. #ecause that was how she liked all her friendships& short and brief before they hurt her or worst& disappointed her.

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*egal mumbo $umbo+ This is a fictional story with no reference to real people or places. %ny similar names are strictly coincidental and ha'e been created in the authors mind for purely fun or reference. ;'ery character created is from the author.s imagination? e'ery place created or name of a place it to gi'e the reader a mental image of where the story takes place. )f the story lists an actual city or state& all information in the story is purely reference or to gi'e the reader a mental idea of the location but does not in any way dictate the true nature of that area. %ny reference in a story by this author that could be seen as pre$udice is not a true semblance of the author.s ideals& it is strictly to create a character in the story and allows the reader an idea of how that character might think or feel.

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