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Draft Easter Points 2014

Easter speech Cllr. Samie Morris 20/04/14. This is the 98th Anniversary of the Easter Rising, which witnessed a coming together of nationalists, republicans, Irish language activists, trade unionists and the womens movement in the cause of an independent Irish republic. This is a template for republicans today as we seek to build alliances in the cause of a united Ireland based on equality and social justice. Sinn Fin remains committed to the realization of the vision of 1916 and the implementation of the principles of the Proclamation. We need to build Sinn Fein membership, support & political strength so that we can achieve a real republic on this island. In two years time, we will celebrate the centenary of the Rising. That will be an occasion to both reflect upon the legacy of the Rising and Proclamation, and what they must mean for the future. It is an opportunity to build a popular national consciousness on the true values of the Proclamation, and to encourage Irish citizens and the Diaspora to reclaim the spirit of 1916. This work needs to begin now, with other nationally minded organisations and citizens. We should be popularising the relevance of the Proclamations ideals for modern day Ireland, with innovative strategies, which reach into every community, through media, drama, art, cultural expression, the Irish language, and much more. Reconciliation The Peace Process must be built upon and this is a work in progress. While the North in particular has been transformed for the better in recent years, the scourge of sectarianism remains. Republicans are committed to a genuine process of national reconciliation. Of necessity, this involves reaching out to the unionist community. A real reconciliation process is essential in order to create trust between unionists and nationalists and between both parts of Ireland. Earlier this month a confident and cohesive Sinn Fein leadership decided that republican representatives should participate fully in the Irish President's state visit to Britain. Our Party leadership took this decision in

the context of republican objectives, and as an initiative to further strengthen the process of change started by the Irish Peace Process, and to advance the aim of national reconciliation. These events represent another contribution by Irish republicans to the continuing change in Ireland and between the island of Ireland, and Britain. There is now a peaceful, democratic way to end the Union and Partition. This is ongoing and Sinn Fin accepts that there is an onus to persuade our unionist neighbours that their interests are best served in a new, agreed Ireland. However, the real potential of the important and symbolic gestures from President Higgins's visit will only be realised if the opportunity is taken by the Irish and British governments to build upon peace and political processes. That means implementing all outstanding elements of the Good Friday and other Agreements; and consolidating the power sharing and all Ireland political institutions. Republicans are absolutely committed to reconciliation but for this to happen, unionist leaders must also play their part. It is unfortunate however that Fine Gael and Labour are helping to create a vacuum where Dissadent Republicans and Loyalist extremists are ready to ply their trade by sitting on their hands since they came to power in terms of North South bodies etc.

. There is a currently an effort on the part of political unionism to roll back on the progress that has been made since the Good Friday Agreement was achieved 16 years ago. This cannot be allowed to happen. None of the difficulties that the political process faces is insurmountable. With political will, it is possible to resolve all of the outstanding and toxic issues. This will only happen when both the Irish and British Governments take a leadership role in ensuring such an outcome.

Sinn Fin is about realizing the vision of 1916 and making the noble ideals contained in the Proclamation a reality for Irish people. We want a society and an economy run democratically in the interests of all our citizens. We seek to undo the carnival of reaction initiated by the partition of our country. Sinn Fin wants to see the reconquest of Ireland by the people of Ireland a real republic where the citizens and not vested interests whether in politics, banking, the institutions of state or foreign governments are in control. We believe that the wealth of Ireland belongs to the people of Ireland and that our natural resources should be exploited in the interests of Irish citizens not transnational corporations. Our vision is of a New Republic for the 21st century, which - like the Proclamation of 1916 - guarantees religious and civil liberty, equal rights and equal opportunities for all citizens; cherishes all the children of the nation equally and is anti-sectarian. This means equal rights for those in same sex relationships, ethnic minorities and those of all creeds and none. The new, agreed Ireland we seek to build is inclusive, where all the elements of the Irish nation including those in this country who regard themselves as British are comfortable, secure and can find the fullest expression of their identity. Partition continues to stunt Irelands potential politically, socially and economically. Sinn Fin is the only party with a coherent, realistic strategy for the achievement Irish unity.

Sinn Fin alternative/elections Irish citizens North and South have faced a considerable period of economic hardship. Hundreds of thousands are unemployed. Many more are struggling to survive. Highly educated, intelligent young people are leaving the country as emigration continues to be used by the Irish Government as a safety valve.

The enforced austerity by the coalition in Dublin and the coalition in London is the antithesis of everything the Rising and Proclamation envisaged. To stand for the ideals of 1916, must mean standing against austerity; and standing up for the vulnerable, those unable to care for themselves, and the working poor, north and south. There is no middle way between the inequality driven by British and Irish conservatives, and the egalitarian values of our Proclamation. Sinn Fein believes the future must be one based upon equality, social justice and the rights of all our people.

Meanwhile the Fine Gael/Labour Government have broken virtually all their election promises and have imposed a brutal austerity agenda which is hurting hard working families and other citizens. Meanwhile the wealthiest sections of society are cushioned and protected. Irish citizens have been forced to witness the spectacle of an Irish government acting as a mere agent for the EU and IMF in Ireland. The austerity project which is being inflicted on the Irish people by the Labour and Fine Gael government has seen over 10,000 people go hungry daily in Tipperary , it has also seen 800000 people living below the poverty line while those that were put in positions of trust in Banks/ Charities and Government agenices walk away with scandalous payoffs and pensions. One law for the elite while the rest of us struggle. Rural Tipperary is under siege from criminals as they ply their trade in areas vacated by closure of Rural Garda Stations. Rural Tipperary is losing its banks , Post offices , social welfare offices, Courts and now their area offices in the biggest attack of Rural Tipperary by a government determined to serve their masters in Europe Our Local Government and local development companies that have served the people of Tipperary so well are also about to be destroyed by Labour and Fine Gael also. In the Dil Sinn Fin has put forward realistic and costed alternative economic policies that are all about fairness. They are about making the necessary deficit adjustment without harming families or frontline services, by asking the wealthiest to pay more and cutting waste from public spending.

Sinn Feins focus is on job creation and stimulating the economy. Our approach is based on fair taxes, investing in jobs, debt restructuring and growing the all-Ireland economy. It is about protecting public services and those on low and middle incomes. This governments job creation strategy is to humiliate people into slave labour schemes like the Gateway scheme which was so stoutly defended by Labour Councillors O Dowd and Meaney when I brought in a motion against it recently as it is being brought in to the detriment of our Temporary Council workers. James Connolly must be turning in his grave.

Elections have always provided a platform for advancing the republican cause. The Local and EU elections in a few weeks time where every voter in Ireland, North and South, has the chance to vote Sinn Fin, offers republicans an opportunity to significantly advance the cause of an Irish Republic. Everyone here needs to play their part in these elections, which can prove to be another watershed for the republican struggle. Sinn Fein is a party on the move. Sinn Fein is a party for the future. Make sure you play your part in making history

Sinn Fin party membership has grown significantly over the last two years. We have a political vision and regardless of the ups and downs of opinion polls, and even elections, we will continue to work to deliver a better Ireland. Sinn Fin is not interested in winning seats for the sake of it. We seek political office only in order to bring about change in our country and in the lives of our citizens. I would ask people here today who are not yet members of Sinn Fin to join our party. It has never been easier. Ask your friends and neighbours to join. There is room for everybody. If we are to create a movement for change, we need everybody!

Republicans are about nation building. We are about laying the foundations for a New Republic a real republic with social justice and equality at its core. Let us go from here today even more determined to build that republic. Yours sincerely Cllr. Samie Morris 20/04/14

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