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Chapter 7 Question 1 : What is the role of information in the management process ?

The information is the competency in using technology to access, process , and share information is an essential career skill. First of all we need to understand what information and Techology is , Information is data made useful for decision making , and Technology is the tools and it needs the information. So , to make the technology works we need some information in order to access , process , and share it. Nowadays , information plays a big role in decision making , how the information influent the decision it self. If the information is bad then the decision will also not 100% accurate. Data are raw facts and figures As in the explanation said that the data are raw facts and figures. Example : the number of the shoes production in 2011 is 100 pairs , and in the 2012 the shoes production is 75 years. Thats what we called as data. After we understand what the data is , we can take the information that the shoes production for 2012 is decreasing as 25 pairs. We need to get a data from the good source , so we can make the trusted information in case of making a good decision. Information useful in management is timely, high quality, complete , relevant, and understandable Since that the information is playing the big role in the decision making we should understand the criteria of the information that the manager needs. The information should fulfill the 5 criterias. Timely , is talking about that the information should be in the managers hand in the right time, means that when the manager wanted to make a decision for something , any related information should be submitted. High Quality , talking about the quality of the information it self. Is the information extracted can be trusted or not ? Hows the source of the information it self. When the information that delivered has a high quality , its not closing the opportunity for accurate decision making. Complete , means that the information should be complete , when its delivered to the manager it should be complete , not a half , not a quarter , its should be complete. Relevant, in this criteria means that the information should relevant or have a connection with the managers neediness.If the manager need information about the shoes production for a specific year , then the information delivered should be relevant to the production , not about the other thing. And the last criteria is about understandable. The information should be simple and easy to understand , or complex but still easy to understand. The main poin is that the manager can read or understand about the information. Not about how the information being presented. Management information systems collect, organize, store, and distribute data to meet the information needs of the managers. Management information systems means meet the information needs of managers in making daily decisions , Information systems means use IT to collect , organize , and distribute data for use in decision making. In order to perform well, people must have available to them the right information at the right time and in the right place. Collect , collect the information from the environment or public. Organize , after the information being collected , then it will be organized or arranged in category and being keep (store) , so when the manager needs the information about something ,

The information will automatically distributed. It shows us that management information really important , even the information have a good quality but not being managed well it means nothing.

Managers play important roles in helping organizations meet their external and internal information needs. Every organizations need the information both internal and external information. What is internal information ? Internal information is the information that is exchanges within the organization it self, it used to facilitated in decision making and problem solving. We believe that every organization or company have a problem , so the internal information really important. How about the external information ? External information is the information that is occured outside the company. Like the information that is on public, for example like the consumer preferences , peoples willingnes to buy , etc. The manager really have an important role to help organization get the internal and also external information. Because two of them are really important in problem solving and decision making. Information technology is breaking barriers within and between organizations to speed workflows and cut costs. Since that now we are on the modern time. And in every managerial process use the information technology or as we called IT. The uses of IT it self has speed workflows or we can say that the IT making the information exchanges in management more faster. First between the company Manager and the suppliers by using the IT the information trades betweent the company / managers ad the suppliers are more easy , the transaction ca be done in minutes or even seconds. The same thing also occurred between the company and the customers. By using the IT the company can expand their market , and also the company cut the cost of the promotion that is needed. Like when the company want to promote their product / services to the people outside the country. If there is no IT , the company needs the extra money to send their representative to the other country in case to promote the product and also the company should give extra money their representative needs along his / her duty . But when there IT , everything will be more simple. The company just paid the advertising media in case to promote their product to the internet. In this case the area that is covered is more bigger than if the company send a representative to a specific country. When we are talking about internet, it means worldwide , it can be anyone and anywhere. For discussion : What are the potential downsides to the ways IT is changing organizations ? The potential downsides of IT is changing the organizations is that error that can be occurred in the IT it self. The uses of the IT can be error when something in the system is missing or corrupt. And also using IT in the organizations can reduce the interaction between peoples on the organization it self.

Question 2 : How do managers use information to make decisions ?

Managers serve as information nerve centers in the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling activities in organizations. Since that the managerial process is planning, organizing, leading, and controlling , in that every single managerial process the managers needs the accurate and right information. Managers are information processors who are continually gathering, giving, and receiving information. And , this information processing is now as much electronic it is face to face. Managers use technology at work the way we use it in our personal lives. Always on , always connected. Managers can display problem avoidance, problem solving, and problem seeking in facing problem. In the organization , every single managers will face problems on their work. Like when theres a big holiday date , maybe Christmas , or new year. In the same time many labors wants to have a long break or long holiday. While in the same time the show must go on, the daily activities of the organization should run in order to achieve the organizations goal it self. In that time the managers really need their problem-solving skills. Problem solving skills is involves identifying and taking action to resolve problem. After a manager success in the problem solving , they need to make a decision , its what we called as decision making process. Decision is a choice among possible alternative courses of action. In that process will face what we called as performance threat or performance opportunity. Peformance thret is situation in which something is obviously wrong or has the potential go wrong. How about the performance opportunity ? the performance opportunity is a situation that offers the chance for a better future if the right steps are taken. Managers often differ in their openness to problem solving, that is , in their willingness to accept the responsibilities it entails. Some are problem avoiders who ignore information that would otherwise signal the presence of a performance opportunity or threat. Managers vary in the use of systematic and intuitive thinking, and in tendencies toward multidimensional thinking. In solving a problem, managers have a different perception, both systematic and intuitive. First is systematic thinking. Systematic thinking is approaches problems in a rational and analytical fashion. In this perception, managers can make a plan before taking an action, the manager also carefully search the information to facilitate problem solving in step-by-step fashion. In the intuitive perception managers are more flexible and spontaneous in problem solving. The manager with this perception tends to solve the problem very quick and use their own experience as the thing to measure. Managers often deal with the portfolios of problems that consist of multiple and interrelated issues. In this thing managers are required multidimensional thinking, which is an ability to view many problems at once, in relationship to one another and across both long and short horizons. The good managers are able to map multiple problems into a network that can be actively managed over time as priorities, events, and demands continuously change. They are able to make decisions and take actions in the short run that benefit longer-run objectives. Havard scholar Daniel Isenberg stated that the managers have a strategic opportunism skills. Which is the ability to

remain focused on long-term objectives while being flexible enough to resolve short term problems and opportunities in a timely manner.

Managers must understand the different cognitive styles people use in decision making. Cognitive styles is the style of how the manager solve the problem, how they use the information that they got in order to solve the problem. Cognitive styles are shows by the ways individuals deal with information while making decision. People with the different cognitive styles have the different styles of how they face the problem , and make a decision. There are many different cognitive styles as Sensation thinkers, Intuitive thinkers, Intuitive feelers , and also sensation feelers. Programmed decisions are routine solutions to recurring and structured problems; nonprogrammed decisions are unique solutions to novel and unstructured problems. Managers in their organization face two kind of problems. Which are structured problems and unstructured problems. Structured problems are straightforward and clear with respect to information needs. Because of the structured problems occur over and over again they can be dealt by programmed decisions that uses the past experience / solution to solve the presence. Managers also deal with the unstructured programs that are new or unusual problems thats full of ambiguities and information deficiencies. These kind of problem required nonprogrammed decisions. Which is need fast respond from the manager to solve the problem , and new innovative to know about the situation. Crisis problems occur unexpectedly and can lead to disaster if not handled quickly and properly. Since that the crisis cant be forecasted by any kind of manager. It needs a good handling from the manager. Crisis are required non-programmed decisions which can lead into a disaster if not resolved quickly. The ability of the manager to solve the or handle the crisis may be an ultimate test for the managers problem solving capabilities. In facing a crisis , a manager should follow or fulfilled the six rules for crisis management. Which are : Figure out what is going on , Remember the speed matters, Remember that slow counts , Reespect the danger of the unfamiliar , Value the skeptic , Be ready to fight fire with fire. What is crisis decision ? Crisis decision occurs when an unexpected problem arise that can lead to disaster if not resolved quickly and appropriately. Managers face problems and make decisions under conditions of certainty, risk , and uncertainly. Managers are required to make a decision while face a problems. There are various condition that managers faced, such as certainty , risky, and also uncertainly. A certain environment offers complete information on possible action alternatives and their consequences In this situation the decision makers task is very simple, study the alternatives and choose the best solution. Certain environments are nice, neat, and comfortable for decision makers. Next is risk environment, whis is in this condition the managers feels the lack of the on formation but offers possibilities of the likely outcome for possible action alternatives. In this kind of situation the managers needs to use the probabilities methods, because of they cant get enough information , in this means that the managers occurred lacks of the information. Next is the uncertain environment , which is the condition of lacks so much information that leads to difficulty to assign the probabilities to the likely

outcomes of alternatives. This is the most difficult situation, the high level of uncertainity forces the manager to rely heavily on intuition, judgement, informed guessing, and hunches. For discussion : When would a manager be justified in acting as a problem avoider ? Manager become the problem avoider when they face the problem that they cant handle it anymore. Because when they get too much attention on that , it will become more worse.

Question 3 : What are the steps in the decision making process ?

The steps in the decisions-making process are(1) find and define the problem, (2) generate and evaluate alternatives, (3) decide on the preferred course of action, (4) implement the decision, and (5) evaluate the results. First is find and define the problem , in this step manager focus on gathering information and processing the information. So that Decision objectives should be established. There are common mistakes in defining problems which is defining the problem too broadly or too narrowly, focusing on symptoms instead of causes , and choosing the wrong problem. Next is Generate and evaluate alternatives , means potential solutions are formulated and more information is gathered, data are analyzed , the advantages and disadvantages of alternative solutions are identified. Then the manager decide on the preferred course of action there are 2 kind of decisions , first is behavioral decision is tend to make a satisficing decision , second is classical decision which leads to optimizing the available action. After the manager decide the decision they will implement the decisions means managers need to have willingness and ability to implement action plans, they also should avoid the lack-of-participation error. The last thing is evaluate the results , after they make the decision and implement it , is that the decision works or not should be evaluated If undesired side effects occur, corrective action should be taken means that the decision is not 100% working. The manager also should compare the performance result against goals. If the results is not match with the goals means that the manager should spend more time on fixing the decision. Clear goals, measurable targets, and established timetables are needed to make the evaluation easier .

An optimizing decision, following the classical model, chooses the absolute best solution from a known set of alternative. In every problem the managers should use an optimized decision to solve the problem. While the classical model of the decision making means choose the best solution from a known set of alternative. When the organization faces many kind of the problems, the manager should use or choose the best solution for the organization. A satisficing decision, following the behavioral model, chooses the first satisfactory alternative to come to attention.

A good decision or satisfying decision should follow the behavioral model. While the behavioral decision put the satisfaction in the first priority. The satisfaction of the organization and the satisfaction of the manager it self.

To check the ethical reasoning of a decision at any step in the decision-making process, it is helpful to ask the ethics criteria questions of utility, rights, justice, and caring. After the decision has been made it should be checked is that the decision fulfilled the criteria of utility ,rights , justice, and caring. When we are talking about utility it talks about does the decision satisfy all constituents or stakeholders? Then about rights it talks abut does the decision respect the rights and duties of everyone? Justice talks about Is the decision consistent with the canons of justice? The last one is caring it talks about Is the decision consistent with my responsibilities to care? To check the ethical reasoning of a decision at any step in the decision-making process, it is helpful to ask the spotlight questions that expose the decision to transparency in the eyes of family, community members, and ethical role models. Spotlight questions is test the ethics of a decision by exposing it to scrunity through the eyes of family , community member , and ethical role models. It means that the manager should check the decision is that suiteable for their family or their environment ? For discussion : Do the steps in the decision-making process have to be followed in order? Yes, the decision making steps should be followed since the first step , because the decision first impressed because of the problems , the managers should identify the problem first , so that they can predict or plan the decision that will be made. If its not follows the steps it is just out of the mind or impossible. How about if the implement the decision is the first step of decision making ? It is impossible since that the decision still not yet been made. So basically , the decision making should follows the steps.

Question 4 : What are current issues in managerial decision making? Common decision errors and traps include the availability, representation, and anchoring and adjustment biases, as well as framing error, confirmation error, and escalating commitment. Availability Bias : Bases a decision on recent information or events Representativeness Bias : Bases a decision on similarity to other situations Anchoring and Adjustment Bias : Bases a decision on incremental adjustment from a prior decision point Framing Error : Trying to solve a problem in the context in a positive or negative context Confirmation Error : Focusing on information that confirms a decision already made

Escalating Commitment : Continuing a course of action even though it is not working

In every decision making the managers always find the error when the decision has been implemented. Because the environment have their different perception , and bias. Creativity in decision making can be enhanced by the personal creativity drivers of individual creativity skills, tasks expertise, and motivation. The decision making need the creativity from the manager. Thats why every single manager should have driver or we can call as talent in their self , they need to expand the creativity so it can be used in decision making. The experience of the managers also important since that the experience is becoming the thing that cant be valued by anything. At the last point every single manager should have a motivation to do every task or solving any problem that they faced in their organization. Creativity in decision making can be enhanced by the situational creativity drivers of group creativity skills, management support, and organizational culture. The creativity of the managers can be enhanced or trained by using the society or we can categorize as the group. When the manager work in a group the creativity will expand , because theres not only one view point of facing the problem. But theres many view poin of the group members. Also the manager can have the management support by supporting the group in achieving their goal. The manager also can learn the culture thats can be different one and another. For discussion : Which decision trap seems most evident as an influence on bad choices made by business CEOs today ? Escalating comitment it should be same with the planning. If not the result will also go wrong.

CHAPTER 8 Question 1 : Why and how do managers plan? Planning is the process of setting performance objectives and determining what should be done to accomplish them. First we should be understand that every single organization have a goal to accomplish. In order to accomplish that kind of goal , every managers should do planning of what will they do in their job. In this planning the goal must be clear , and also set the performance standard to make the achievement more faster and reliable. Without clear planning the goal is more difficult to achieve or reach by the organization. A plan is a set of intended actions for accomplishing important goals and objectives. Like the name it self , plan is something that is not yet been done and will be done in the future. In the plan that has been arranged theres some actions that is required to do. The plan is talking about the goals , and every single organization should done a good action to achieve that kind of important goals and objectives. For example , if an organization have an objective to produce 100 goods , so the company need an action to recruit a high quality workers , to produce or reach that goal in a short time. The benefits of planning include better focus and flexibility, action orientation, coordination, control, and time management

If the manager can do a planning in their job it will have advantages, because with the planning step the manager ca be more focus on their goals and the actions that will be performed are more oriented to the situation. The manager also can do a coordination with their group in order to do the plan, with this the plan will be work properly. Talking about control the manager can control the action that will be done in the future by planning. Because it takes more longer time and the manager can control it more easy. Then the time management , like what we know that planning means planned the things before the actions taken. It means the manager have more time to examine the plan and the action that will be taken. The managers can become more flexible in time management. For discussion : Which step in the planning process is likely to cause the most difficulties for managers ? Develop Premises regarding future condition.because we will never know about the future,and if the data isnt reliable we cant predict the future well

Question 2 : What types of plans do managers use?

Short-range plans tend to cover a year or less ; long-range plans extend up to three years or more. When we are talking the period , we will find short-range and long-range type. When we are talking for weeks, months, a year or two year we are talking about the short-term. But when we are talking about next ten years or fifty years , then we are talking about the long-term. It is same with the planning period , when we are talking about short-period planning, the plan will only cover for the max Is a year or two year , but when the planning is become long-range period the plas can extended for more extra years.So theres a different between the short-range and the long-range planning.

Strategic plans set critical long-range directions; operational plans are designed to implement strategic plans. First we need to understand what is strategic plans, Strategic plans is a set broad, comprehensive, and longer-term action directions for the entire organization. This kind of plan is really important , because it plays the most crucial role for the organizations future, Strategic plans are talking about the future. Next is about the operational plans which is the reverse of the strategic plans , in this we are talking about the short-term. Operational plans means short-term activities to implement strategic plans. So the manager have two different plans, both strategic and operational.

Policies, such as sexual harassment policy, are plans that set guidelines for the behavior of organizational members. What is policies ? policies means standing plan that communicates broad guidelines for decisions and action. So basically , when we are talking about policies it same with when we are talking about the rules thats been agreed and shouldnt be broken. What about the sexual harassment ? In this thing we are talking about the harassment because of the sexual thing , or in general we can say discrimination in gender. How the managers act to the members should be same with the policies , they should not see the member different one and each other because of their gender, etc.

Procedures and rules are plans that describe actions to be taken in specific situations, such as the steps to be taken when persons believe they have been subjected to sexual harassment. As what we already know that every managers should follow or obey the policies that has been made , so whenever the manager did something that against or not suiteable with the policies they can be punished as the policies agreement. When a member or more peoples in the group are being subjected to sexual harassment they can claim it and the procedures can be done and taken.

Budget are plans that allocate resources to a activities of projects. Every organizations have their projects or plans to be done in the future or in presence. They need what we called the budget , budget is single-use plans that commit resources to activities, projects, or programs. Projects are one-time activities that have clear beginning and end points. So every projects needs the budget to be done. Because every projects needs resources such as human and fund. For discussion : Is there any real value to long-term planning in todays rapidly changing environment ? Yes , for example there is a rich man that would build an hotel. He will not care about the environment surround it. But in fact that we should take care the environment since now. If not we will lack of the resources in the future.

Question 3 : What are the useful planning tools and techniques ?

Forecasting, which attempts to predict what might happen in the future , is a planning did but not a planning substitute. Forecasting is like predicting what will happen in the future. By forecasting something that will happen in the future every manager can make a plan due to the forecasting result. There are two different methods in forecasting. First is qualitative forecasting which uses expert opinions, and second is quantitative forecasting which uses mathematical and statistical analysis. What we mean by qualitative forecasting is about when the manager forecast something based on the opinion or the argument that comes from many peoples. Beside that which is quantitative forecasting means the manager forecast something or plan to do something in the future based on the mathematical data or sources. For example that the manager see the growth of the motorbike users in this country, then the manager try to predict that the motorbike users will expand or still increase in the next 10 years. Thats what we called as quantitative forecast. Contingency planning identifies alternative courses is action that can be implemented if and when circumstances change. What is contingency thinking ? Contingency thinking is identifying alternative courses of action that can be implemented to meet the needs of changing circumstances . Like professional golfer. It means that the contingency thinking is the ability of the manager to change or think to use the another way in order to achieve the goals, because of many circumstances that are always changing in the organization and cant be avoided. When something goes not like what the manager already planned before , so the manager should be ready for the another plan , so that the show must go on Scenario planning analyzes the implications of alternative version of the future. What is scenario planning ? Scenario planning is a long-term version of contingency planning. Its similar with the contingency thinking but the different is on the period, when we are talking about scenario means that we are talking about the long-term or long-run. The managers should make two different scenarios which is the good scenario or even the bad scenario. Because the future of the market or the business are unpredictable. Planning through benchmarking utilizes external and internal comparisons to identify best practices for possible adoption. Benchmarking means use external comparisons to better evaluate current performance and identify possible actions for the future. It means that the manager check the current organization performance by compare it with the external thing such as the competitor sales , etc. In this kid of action which we called as benchmarking the manager should be able to identify the best practices for possible adoption. Mean that the manager can pick the best way for the organization to act. Then the idea or the plan can be adopted or implemented in the organization as well.

Staff planners with special expertise are often used to assist in the planning process, but the risk is a lack of involvement by managers and others who must implement the plans.

What is staff planers ? Staff planers are people who being employed to help coodinate and energize planning. In every organization theres peoples who are hired or being employed by the organization to help the manager to coordinate and energize the planning. For discussion : Shoulnt all plans be supported by contingency plans ? Yes, because if the first plan is not working we still have the other option.

Question 4 : How can plans be well implemented ?

Great goals age specific, timely, measurable, challenging, and attainable. After the plans are made by the manager , now the most important thing is that how to implement this kind of plan in the reality or in the organization. There are some thing that should be fulfilled by the plan so that it can be implemented well in the organization. First is age specific , this thing doesnt talk about the age , but specifically talking about when or how long the plan will be implemented in the organization. Is it for a year , for a month , or for forever ? Next is timely , means that the plan should be done timely or directly in the specific time. The plan also should be measureable , challenging so it puts hard works on it. And also attainable which is logically can be reached by the organization or simply we can say that the plan is not impossible thing to do. A hierarchy of objectives helps to align goal from top to bottom in organizations. In the hierarchy of goals or hierarchy of objectives, lower-level goals and objectives are means to accomplishing higher-level ones.Conversations between team leaders and team members or between supervisor and subordinates at each step in the hierarchy are essential to achieving the integration just described. Ideally , the conversation results in agreements on 1. Performance objectives for a given period time, 2. Plans through which they will be accomplished, 3. Standards for measuring whether they have been accomplished, 4. Procedures for reviewing performance results. Sometimes this process is called management by objectives ( MBO ), but it is really just ol fashioned good management. Goal alignment is facilitated by a participative process that clarifies performance objectives for individuals and teams, and identifies support that can and should be provided by managers. Goal alignment should focus on objectives that are specific , timely, measureable, challenging , and attainable. An example is the improvement objectives for a team member to reduce quality rejects by 10% within three months another is the personal development objective to learn by april 15 the latest version of our supply chain management software package. Participation and involvement open the planning pro sas to valuable inputs from people whose efforts are essential to the effective implementation of plans. Participatory planning means includes the person who will be affected by plans / or those who will implement them. Planning is process and not an event. Participation and Involvement are two of its core components. One of the things that the research is more clear is about that when people participate in setting goals they gain motivation to work hard to accomplish them. Whether the planning is for a team , large division , or the entire organization, involving people goes a long way toward gaining their commitments to work hard and support the implementation of plans. For discussion : Given its potential advantages, why is not goal alignment a characteristic of all organizations ? Because the chart is the best , even though it is imperfect

CHAPTER 10 Question 1 : What is organizing as a management function ? Organizing is the process of arranging people and resources to work toward a common goal. In managerial process , one of the manager task is to organize the organization. While the organizing means arranges people and resources to work together to accomplish a goal. When we are talking about a manager, we know that the manager have the sub-ordinates that work as the follower in organization, then the manager should organize the sub-ordinates in order to reach the organization goal. Talking about organizing , its not only related to the sub-ordinates or human but it also related to the resources that is available in the company / organization it self. As the manager , we should be able to organize the resources which is scarce in our job, and how we use the resources as efficient as we can and achieve the goal that has been set. Its really important in the managerial process because when the manager cant organize the human and resources well , it will lead to the un-efficiency. Organizing decisions divide up the work that needs to be done, allocate people an resources to do it , and coordinate results up achieve productivity. When we are more specific talking about organizing we needs to concentrate in how we organize the work that to be done, the people / resources that will be use , and how we coordinate the work that can achieve productivity. In way that an organization wanted to do a project then the manager should arrange the steps of work that should be done is it need to be done in order or not. The manager also should arrange the people that will involved in the project, and the resources talking about the land, money, etc. At the end the managers are responsible for the result of the project itself, so they should coordinate with the groups in order to get the maximum results and can done the project as efficient as they can and show the productivity. Structure is the system of task, reporting relationships, and communication that links people and positions within an organization. First we should understand what is organization structure is. It is the system of tasks, workflows, reporting relationships, and communication channels that link together diverse individuals and groups. By this we know that in organization that is something that what we called as structure, shows us the relation between one and another , the position of a person in the organization , shows us the people that takes control. With the structure we can easily understand the organization, links people between department within an organization. So that the pattern is clear The formal structure, such as that shown on an organization chart, describes how an organization is supposed to work. The formal structure is the structure of the organization in its official state. With this kind of chart people will understand about supervisory relation, communication channels, major units, and level of management. The formal structure clearly shows us who is in the highest level of the organization, and shows us how many departments that the organizations have. By this we can understand the major sub-units which are showing us the report to the upper level that done by the sub-ordinates.

The informal structure of an organization consists of the unofficial relationship that develop among members. First we should know what is informal structure is , it is the set of unofficial relationships between organization members. In the informal structure what we called with unofficial relationships means the relation between one and each other , one department communicate with the another department outside the organizations task. With using the informal structure we can simply get the advantages such as helping people accomplish their work, overcoming limits of formal structure, gaining access to interpersonal networks Informal learning. But in the other side using the informal structure there are also several disadvantages it self such as susceptibility to rumor, may carry inaccurate information, may breed resistance to change, diversion of work efforts from important objectives, feeling of alienation by outsiders. For discussion : If organization charts are imperfect, why bother with them ? Becuase with chart we can understand where the show is going , how it will be performed.

Question 2 : What are the traditional organization structures ? In functional structures,people with similar skills who perform similar activities are grouped together under a common manager. In the traditional organization there are 3 different types , which are functional, divisional, and matrix. First is the functional structure , in this structure people with the similar ability or skills are grouped together and put into one control of a manager. It makes the organization structure more clear and easy to understand. In this structure also , members are working in their specific division or area , means for example if John is a person with the special ability or skill in marketing, so he will only put in the marketing area. Like what we know that in the functional structure people are working in groups based on their ability or skills. Means that they are working in the small organization in an organization. There are several advantages of using functional structure such as Economies of scale, task assignments consistent with expertise and training, High-quality technical problem solving, In-depth training and skill development, clear career paths within functions. In the other side there are the disadvantages also of using the functional structure such as difficulties in pinpointing responsibilities, functional chimneys problem, sense of cooperation and common purpose break down, narrow view of performance objectives, excessive upward referral of decisions. In divisional structures, people who work on a similar product, work on the same geographical region, serve the same customers, or participate in the same work process are grouped together under common managers. Beside the functional structure , in the traditional organization there is what we called as divisional structure , in this kind of the structure peoples are categorized or grouped based on the product that they work for , or in the same place, serve the same customers. For example John is working for a company and hes placed on small town where the company have the branch or little store. So he placed there and work with the other people who also placed in the same place as him. In this view point we can say that he is working in one division with the another people. They are serving the same customer , living in the same environment, and under control of one manager. By using this kind of structure there are some advantages that can be reached by the organization such as, more flexibility in responding to environmental changes Improved coordination, clear points of responsibility, expertise focused on specific customers, products, and regions , greater ease in restructuring. In the other side there are also some downsides of using the divisional structure such as duplication of resources and efforts across divisions , competition and poor coordination across divisions, emphasis on divisional goals at expense of organizational goals.

A matrix structure combines the functional and divisional approaches to create permanent crossfunctional project teams. The last structure of traditional organization is the matrix structure. In this structure the system is the combination between the functional and divisional structure in order to gain the advantage and to reduce the disadvantages of each structure. This kind of structure is being used in manufacturing, service industries, professional fields, non-profit sector, multi-national corporations. Then what is the advantages of using the matrix structure ? the advantages are better cooperation across

functions, improved decision making, increased flexibility in restructuring, better customer service, better performance accountability, improved strategic management. But still there is no structure that is perfect , even this is the combination between two different structure there are the disadvantages of using this structure , such as two-boss system is susceptible to power struggles , Two-boss system can create task confusion and conflict in work priorities , team meetings are time consuming , team may develop groupitis , increased costs due to adding team leaders to structure. For discussion : Why use functional structures if they are prone to functional chimneys problems ? Because the advantages are more than the disadvantages , what we want to know here is that chimney problem is because of lack of communication and coordination. If that two problems can be solved then the functional structure can be run.

Question 3 : What are the types of horizontal organization structures? Team structures use cross-functional teams and task forces to improve lateral relations and problem solving at all levels. First we need to understand what is the horizontal organization structure , horizontal organization means organization which has goals to improve communication,collaboration, and flexibility by decreasing hierarchy,increasing empowerment, and better mobilizing human talents. Next we need to understand what is team structures , team structures is permanent and temporary teams to solve problems, creating projects, and accomplishing daily task. the cross-functional teams is draw members from different areas of work to work as a team and then project team is establishing for a single project and break it up after the targets accomplished. There are some advantages that can be gained from the team structures such as omitting barriers between different parts of an organization, boosting morale, increasing enthusiasm for the job, greater sense of involvement and identification. And also there are some downsides of using the team structure it self such as conflicting loyalties among members, spend a lot of time in meetings, which is not all of those time is productive, effective use of time depends on quality of interpersonal relations, group dynamics, and team management.

Network trustees use contracted services and strategic alliances to support a core organizational center. What we means by the network trustees or network structure is uses more information technologies to link with networks of outside suppliers and service contractors. And also employs a minimum staffs and contracts out as much work as possible. In the other side makes use of strategic alliances or may be supplier strategic alliances or outsourcing to provide other components. What are the advantages of using this kind of structure? It is reducing overhead and increasing operating activity, firms can operate with fewer employees and less complex internal systems, can operate even though great distances blocks. The disadvantages of using network structure are more complicated to control and coordinate the network of contracts and alliances, potential to lose control over activities contracted out, lack of loyalty among contractors who are used infrequently, outsourcing can become so aggressive as to be dangerous to the firm. Boundary less structures of boundary less organizations combine team and network structures with the advantages of technology to accomplish tasks and projects. In the boundary less there are some key requirements that should be fulfilled by the organization. Which are absences of hierarchy, empowerment of team members, technology utilization, acceptance of impermanence. In this structure the ability of teamwork and the network structures are being combined with the technology in order to complete the task or reach the goal. Virtual organization utilize information and technology to mobilize a shifting mix of strategic alliances to accomplish tasks and projects. What we mean by the virtual organization is when some people in a organization separate in some other places. The simple example is using IT and the internet to connect people that limited by place

and time. With this virtual organization it really helps in organizing and mobilize the strategic alliances in accomplishing task and projects. For discussion : How can problems with group decision making hurt them structures ? It can hurt the group if one of the function is not working or we can say that one of the function is not being run well and not fair.

Question 4 : How are the organizational designs changing the workplace?

Contingency in organizational design basically means finding a design that best fits situational features. When we are talking about contingency in organizational design we are talking about bureaucracy itself. While the bureaucracy is a form of organization based on logic, order, and the legitimate use of formal authority.When the bureaucracy is becoming a good choice for the organization, the answer is when the condition is stable. Mechanistic designs are bureaucratic and vertical, performing best for routine and predictable tasks. Organizations with more mechanistic designs are highly bureaucratic. The mechanic design work best for organizations doing routine tasks in stable environments. In Making adjustments to mechanistic systems takes a long time. Organic designs are adaptive and horizontal, performing best in conditions requiring change and flexibility. Organizations operate in dynamic and uncertain environments need to use organic design. Decentralized authority, fewer rules and procedures, less precise division. Organic design create adaptive organizations that work well in environments that demand flexibility in dealing with changing conditions Key organizing trends include fewer levels of management, more delegation and empowerment, decentralization with centralization, and fewer staff position. There are fewer Level of Management which are shorter chains of command , less unity of command. Organizations are being streamlined by cutting unnecessary levels of management. Flatter structures are viewed as a competitive advantage. Many organizations are shifting to wider spans of control as levels of management are eliminated. Managers have responsibility for a larger number of subordinates who operate with less direct supervision. For discussion : Which of the organizing trends is most subject to change under current conditions ? The organization chart now are more easily to understand and more easy to check the basic of the organization it self.

CHAPTER 12 Question 1 : What is human resource management? The human resource management process involves attraction, developing, and maintaining a quality workforce. Within the company or the organization there is two different capital resources. Which are fund resources and human resources. When we are talking about the human resources it means talking about the labor or the workforce it self. In the organization the management of the human resources or the human capital should be implemented. The manager should be able to manage the human capital that is available. In this management involves attraction, developing, and maintaining the quality of the workforce itself. What is human capital or human workforce ? Human capital is the economic value of people with job-relevant abilities, knowledge, ideas, energies and commitments. The human capital has become the foundation of a company or organization. Then what is the human resources management, it is a process of attracting, developing, and maintaining a talented work force. It ensures the success of an organization , or to show of how is the performance of the organization itself. There are two specific key in human resources management which are Personjob fit means the individuals skills, interests, and personal characteristics are consistent with the requirements of work. And person-organization fit which is the individuals values, interests, and behavior are consistent with the culture of the organization Human resource management becomes strategic when it is integrated into the organization's strategic management process. The human resources management has become the strategic when it is integrated within a company. Strategic human resource management mobilizes human capital to implement organizational strategies.The key is right people in the right places at the right time. Employees have legal protections agains employmet discrimination; equal employment opportunity required that employment and advancement decisions be made without discriminations. Every single employees that is working for a company or a organization have the right of their self. They have an protection against the discrimination, they all have the equal employment opportunity in the organization. Means that every single decision that wll be made by the manager should not be made without any discrimination. Discrimination in a job occurred when someone has been denied in applying a job for a company or organization. And the person who reject or denied cant give any reason that is relevant with the job itself.What we mean by the equal employment opportunity is the right to employment without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, or physical or mental ability. The base of this rules are in title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, and civil Rights Act (EEOA) of 1991. It is made to ensure citizents the right to gain and keep employment based on ability and performance only.

Current legal issues in human resource management include sexual harassment, comparable worth, rights of independent contractors, and employee privacy. In the organization there are some legal issues such as sexual harassment which is the behavior of a sexual nature that affects a persons employment situation. Equal pay and comparable worth which means people performing jobs of similar importance should be paid at comparable levels . Then legal status of independent contractors which means they are hired as needed and are not part of the organizaitonss permanent workforce and then workplace privacy which is the right to privacy while at work. For discussion : What gaps in legal protection against employment discrmination still exist ? The discrimination still exist in the workplace is the one of the example of the legal protection issues. Where the provacy of the labor is not protected well.

Question 2 : How do organizations attract a quality workforce? Human resource planning analyzes staffing needs and identifies actions to fill these needs over time. How the company find the workforce with the high quality is the main job of the human resources department. The human resource planning is becoming really important in a organization. The human resource planning means analyzes staffing needs and identifies actions to fill those needs. The foundation of this planning are job analysis, job descriptions,and job specification. These foundations should be fulfilled by the manager in order to get the high quality of the workforce. Recruitment is the process of attractive qualified job candidates to fill positions. Realistic job previews provide candidates with both positive and negative information about the job and organization. Recruitment is a set of activities to attract a qualified pool of job applicants. There are three steps in recruitment which are : Advertisement on job vacancy, preliminary contact with the applicant, initial screening to create a pool of qualified applicants. There is two different types of the recruitment, External recruitment means seeks job applicants from outside the organizations. Internal recruitment means seeks job applicants from inside the organization. How the recruitment looks like there are some types also. Which are Traditional recruitment that focuses on selling the job organization and the job to the applicants. Then realistic job previews which means provide job candidates with all pertinent information about a job and organization, both positive and negative. The best recruitment is the realistic job previews because it show the applicant of how the job looking is , and also some negative points that may be contained in the job or in the future. Selection involves gathering and assessing information about job candidates and making decisions about whom to hire. Selection means choosing individuals to hire from a pool of qualified job applicants. In this step the selection should be attempted with fulfilling validity and reliability , reliability means that a selection device gives consistent results over repeated measures. Validity means that scores on a selection device have demonstrated links with future job peformance. The big line is that selection means selecting the people that is have an opportunity in the job. Selection done by the Human resources manager when choosing the job applicants. After the selection has been done then the decision wll be made about whom will be hired for the job. For discussion : Is it realistic to expect that a potential employer will give you a realistic job preview ? I think yes it is realistic to expect that the potential employer get the realistic view of the job. The potential employer or the job applicant must know about the advantages and also the minus of their work.

Question 3 : How do organizations develop a quality workforce? Orientation is the process of formally introducing new employees to their jobs,performance expectations, and the organization. What is orientation ? Orientation is a set if activities designed to familiarize new employees with their jobs, coworkers, and key aspects of the organization as a whole.We also should know what socialization is. Socialization means a process of learning and adapting to the organizational culture. Since that we should train the new employees , we also should know what is training means. Because every single new employees must be trained well. Training is an activities that provides learning opportunities to acquire and improve job-related skills.How to do performance management ? since that every manager should follow the progress of the new employees. Performance management system is done by set performance and objectives standard, assesses results, plans for performance improvement. On-the-job training includes job rotation,coaching,modeling,and mentoring; off-the-job training includes things like management development programs. Performance appraisal means serves both evaluation and development purposes. Formally assessing someones work accomplishments and providing feedback There are two purposes of performance appraisal which are evaluation means lets people know where they stand relative to objectives and standards, and development which means assists in training and continued personal development of people.Results-based performance appraisals it focuses on accomplishments such as quantitative and objective , and people may find unethical way to accomplish the goals Common performance appraisal methods focus on evaluating employees traits, behaviors, or performance achievements. Behavior-based performance appraisals let to the behaviorally anchor rating scale(BARS)Which are more reliable and valid than graphic rating scales and also helpful in training people to master important job skills For discussion : What are some of the potential downsides of being on the receiving 360-degrees feedback ? By receiving 360 degrees feedback the minus or the weak point of the manager will be shown up

Question 4 : How do organizations maintain a quality workforce? Complex demands of job and family responsibilities have made work-life balance and programs increasingly important in human resource management. Work-life balance means how people balance career demands with personal and family needs and progressive employers support a healthy work-life balance.There are contemporary work-life balance issues such as single parent concerns, dual-career couples concerns, and family-friendliness as screening criterion used by candidates. Fexibility programs are becoming essential for many employers to attract many qulified workers Compensation and benefits packages must be attractive so that an organization staysncompetitive in labor markets. Base compensation means is a salary or hourly wage paid on an employee. Increase the payment can have big impact of employees job attitude, motivation, performance, influences their tendencies to look around for better job elsewhere. Merit pay plans link compensation and performance; bonuses, profit sharing, and stock options are also forms of incentive compensation. Merit pay means awards a pay increase in proportion to individual performance contributions. It provides performance contigent reinforcement.Bonus pay plans means one-time payments based on the accomplishment of specific performance targets or some extraordinary contribution.Profitsharing plans means some or all employees receive a proportion of net profits earned by the organization. Gain-sharing plans means Groups of employees share in any savings realized through their efforts to reduce costs and increase productivity. Employee stock ownership plans is condition that employees purchase company stock directly through employer, sometimes at a discount. Stock options is that employees have the right to purchase company stock at a fixed price in the future as a performance incentive.In this the employee benefits are nonmonetary forms of compensation such as health insurance and retirement plans it requires social security, unemployment insurance, workers compensation, and not required health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off. Retention decisions in human resource management involve promotions, retirements, and/or terminations. Retention means keeping well trained and productive employees and turnover means management of promotions, transfers, terminations, layoffs, and retirements. Early retirement shows us financial incentive offered to employees who retire early termination shows us involuntary dismissal of an employee.Employment-at-will is employees can be terminated at any time for any reason and wrongful discharge is workers have legal protection from discriminatory firings.

For discussion : Given current trends in globalization is it likely that labor unions gain in popularity ? Yes the labor union nowadays has become more popular , because many labor join them in order to send their aspiration about their rights, and soon the union will fight for it.

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