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BUS 475 Business and Society

Quarter Meeting Days/Time Instructor Instructor Phone Instructor E-mail Instructor Office Hours/Location Academic Office Phone um!er Spring Tuesday, 6:00 to 10:00 pm Professor Tim insey 571!"5#!05"" tim$%insey&strayer$edu Tuesday 4!5:'0 and By (ppointment: (cademic )ffice 70'!#5#!4111

T*is course e+p,ores t*e ro,e of primary and secondary sta%e*o,ders, -ot* .it*in and outside organi/ations$ 0t*ics and socia, responsi-i,ity .i,, -e in1estigated and .*ere organi/ationa, acti1ities fa,, .it*in different continuums .i,, -e re1ie.ed$ T*e -road forces in -usiness, society, and g,o-a,i/ation .i,, -e e+amined and *o. sta%e*o,ders can inf,uence t*e destiny of -ot* -usiness and society .i,, -e discussed$

$e&uired $esources 2a.rence, ($ T$, 3 4e-er, 5$ 6"0147$ Business & society: Stakeholders, ethics, public policy 614t* ed$7$ 8e. 9or%, 89: :c;ra.!<i,,$ %u''lemental $esources Bo>a!(1ram, ?$ 6"01'7$ =s et*ica, -e*a1ior of companies inf,uenced -y go1ernance@ International Advances in Economic Research, 196'7, '"5!'"6$ Bundy, 5$, S*rops*ire, ?$, 3 Buc**o,t/, ($ $ 6"01'7$ Strategic cognition and issue sa,ience: to.ard an e+p,anation of firm responsi1eness to sta%e*o,der concerns Academy o! "ana#ement Revie$, %&6'7, '5"!'76$ ?unning*am, :$ 6"01"7$ Pri1acy in t*e age of t*e *ac%er: Ba,ancing g,o-a, pri1acy and data security ,a.$ 'eor#e (ashin#ton International )a$ Revie$, **647, 64'!6A5$ ;o1i,, S$ $, 3 5ain, B$ 6"01'7$ ;,o-a,i/ation of mar%ets$ Advances in "ana#ement, +667, 65!65$ *an, ($, :utta%in, :$, 3 SiddiCui, 5$ 6"01'7$ ?orporate go1ernance and corporate socia, responsi-i,ity disc,osures: 01idence from an emerging economy ,ournal o! Business Ethics, 11*6"7, "07!""'$ 2in, ?$ P$, Tsai, 9$ <$, 5oe, S$ 4$, 3 ?*iu, ?$ $ 6"01"7$ :ode,ing t*e re,ations*ip among percei1ed corporate citi/ens*ip, firmsD attracti1eness, and career success e+pectation$ ,ournal o! Business Ethics, 1-.617, #'!A'$ :o*an, E$ B$ :, 3 Pai,a, ($ B$ 6"01'7$ Sta%e*o,der management in infrastructure F construction proGects: T*e ro,e of sta%e*o,der mapping and socia, net.or% ana,ysis 6S8(7$ A$eshkar Research ,ournal, 1.617, 4#!61$ :uGta-a, B$ ;$, 3 ?a1ico, H$ 5$ 6"01'7$ ?orporate socia, responsi-i,ity and sustaina-i,ity mode, for g,o-a, firms$ ,ournal o! )eadership, Accountability & Ethics, 1-617, 5#!75$ Strayer Iata-ase$ Betrie1ed from *ttp:FFresearc*$strayer$edu ote( T*e fo,, resources, accessi-,e t*roug* t*e Strayer Iata-ase, offer *e,pfu, -usiness!re,ated information: Business Source ?omp,ete, ?redo Beference, Iata!P,anet Statistica, Iatasets, :ergent
J "014 Strayer Uni1ersity$ (,, Big*ts Beser1ed$ T*is document contains Strayer Uni1ersity ?onfidentia, and Proprietary information and may not -e copied, furt*er distri-uted, or ot*er.ise disc,osed in .*o,e or in part, .it*out t*e e+pressed .ritten permission of Strayer Uni1ersity$ BUS 475 Student Eersion 114" 611A5 1"!'!"01'7 Hina, Page 1 of ""

BUS 475 Business and Society

)n,ine, ProKuest 8ationa, 8e.spapers Premier, Begiona, Business 8e.s, and Besearc* Starters Business$ Ea,entine, S$, 3 <o,,ing.ort*, I$ 6"01"7$ :ora, intensity, issue importance, and et*ica, reasoning in operations situations$ ,ournal o! Business Ethics, 1-&647, 50A!5"'$ 4ac*sman, 9$, 3 5ie, L$ 6"01'7$ ( mode, of cournot competition .it* ,o--ying$ ,ournal o! Business & Economics Research, 11667, "51!"5#$

"O#$%E LEA$ I ) O#T"OME%

1$ (na,y/e t*e re,ations*ip -et.een -usiness and society, and t*e .ays in .*ic* t*ey are part of an interacti1e system$ "$ Becommend .ays sta%e*o,ders can inf,uence t*e destiny of -ot* -usiness and society$ '$ (na,y/e t*e 1arious primary and secondary sta%e*o,der groups, t*eir ro,es, and re,ations*ips$ 4$ (na,y/e t*e mu,tip,e en1ironments of an organi/ation$ 5$ ?ompare and contrast t*e concepts of corporate socia, responsi-i,ity, citi/ens*ip, and g,o-a, citi/ens*ip$ 6$ (na,y/e .ays et*ica, c*a,,enges affect t*e mu,tip,e functions of -usiness$ 7$ 01a,uate t*e inf,uences of c*anging economic, po,itica,, socia,, cu,tura,, and tec*no,ogica, forces on -usiness and society$ #$ (na,y/e t*e c*a,,enges and opportunities of socia,,y responsi-,e management$ A$ Use tec*no,ogy and information resources to researc* issues in -usiness and society$ 10$ 4rite c,ear,y and concise,y a-out -usiness and society using proper .riting mec*anics$

*EE+L, "O#$%E %"HED#LE

T*e standard reCuirement for a 4$5 credit *our course is for students to spend 1'$5 *ours in .ee%,y .or%$ T*is inc,udes preparation, acti1ities, and e1a,uation regard,ess of de,i1ery mode$ *ee1 A'r 0 Preparation Beading o o ?*apter 1: T*e ?orporation and =ts Sta%e*o,ders ;o to T*e Times 100 4e-site and read t*e artic,e MSta%e*o,der engagement: ( e,,oggDs case studyN, ,ocated at *ttp:FF-usinesscasestudies$co$u%F%e,,oggsFsta%e*o,der! engagementFintroduction$*tm,Oa+//"f5(5Kd<G$ Be prepared to discuss$ "0 e!(cti1ity Pre'aration. Acti/ities. and E/aluation Points

(cti1ities " A'r 12 Iiscussion 8one Beading6s7 o ?*apter ": :anaging Pu-,ic =ssues and Sta%e*o,der 01a,uation Preparation

J "014 Strayer Uni1ersity$ (,, Big*ts Beser1ed$ T*is document contains Strayer Uni1ersity ?onfidentia, and Proprietary information and may not -e copied, furt*er distri-uted, or ot*er.ise disc,osed in .*o,e or in part, .it*out t*e e+pressed .ritten permission of Strayer Uni1ersity$ BUS 475 Student Eersion 114" 611A5 1"!'!"01'7 Hina, Page " of ""

BUS 475 Business and Society

o o Be,ations*ips ?*apter ': T*e ?orporationPs Socia, Besponsi-i,ities ;o to /he (ashin#ton 0ost1s 4e-site and read t*e artic,e, M(-ercrom-ie 3 Hitc*Ps -ig, -ad -rand mista%e,N dated :ay "", "01', ,ocated at *ttp:FF...$.as*ingtonpost$comF-,ogsFon! ,eaders*ipF.pF"01'F05F""Fa-ercrom-ie!fitc*s!-ig!-ad!-rand! mista%eF$ Be prepared to discuss$ "0 75


(cti1ities ' A'ril 44 Iiscussion Qui3 1( "ha'ter 1-Due A'ril 45th Beading6s7 o o ?*apter 4: 0t*ics and 0t*ica, Beasoning ?*apter 5: )rgani/ationa, 0t*ics and t*e 2a. ;o to T*e United States Iepartment of 5usticePs 4e-site and read t*e artic,e tit,ed M;,a+oSmit* ,ine to P,ead ;ui,ty and Pay Q' Bi,,ion to Beso,1e Hraud (,,egations and Hai,ure to Beport Safety IataN, dated 5u,y ", "01", ,ocated at *ttp:FF...$Gustice$go1FopaFprF"01"F5u,yF1"!ci1!#4"$*tm,$ Be prepared to discuss$ 01a,uation Preparation


(cti1ities 4 A'ril 48 Iiscussion Qui3 4( "ha'ters 4 and 6-Due A'ril 47th Beading6s7 o o o o ?*apter 6: T*e ?*a,,enges of ;,o-a,i/ation ?*apter 7: ;,o-a, ?orporate ?iti/ens*ip Use t*e =nternet or Strayer Iata-ases to researc* modern economic systems, suc* as free enterprise system and centra, state contro,$ Be prepared to discuss$ ;o to T*e Times 100 4e-site, and read t*e artic,e tit,ed, M(c*ie1ing sustaina-i,ity t*roug* ,ean productionN, ,ocated at *ttp:FF-usinesscasestudies$co$u%Fnest,eFac*ie1ing! sustaina-i,ity!t*roug*!,ean! productionFintroduction$*tm,Oa+//"eI* 8PC9$ Be prepared to discuss$ "0 "0 150 01a,uation Preparation


(cti1ities Iiscussion 01a,uation

J "014 Strayer Uni1ersity$ (,, Big*ts Beser1ed$ T*is document contains Strayer Uni1ersity ?onfidentia, and Proprietary information and may not -e copied, furt*er distri-uted, or ot*er.ise disc,osed in .*o,e or in part, .it*out t*e e+pressed .ritten permission of Strayer Uni1ersity$ BUS 475 Student Eersion 114" 611A5 1"!'!"01'7 Hina, Page ' of ""

BUS 475 Business and Society

5 May :th Assignment 1(%ocial Performance of Organi3ations-Due May9th Beading6s7 o o o ?*apter #: Business ;o1ernment Be,ations ?*apter A: =nf,uencing t*e Po,itica, 0n1ironment ;o to ?BS 8e.s 4e-site to .atc* t*e 1ideo tit,ed, MBe*ind t*e c,osed doors of 4as*ington ,o--yistsN 6A min 41 s7, ,ocated at *ttp:FF...$c-sne.s$comF#'01!'445R16"! 575"74A0F-e*ind!t*e!c,osed!doors!of!.as*ington!,o--yistsF@ tagSs*o.Ioor2eadStories(rea:ainTSun:o2ead<ero$ Be prepared to discuss$ "0 150 150 "40



(cti1ities 6 May 16 Iiscussion Qui3 6( "ha'ters 9 and 2 Qui3 9( "ha'ters : and 7 Beading6s7 o o o ?*apter 10: Sustaina-,e Ie1e,opment and ;,o-a, Business ?*apter 11: :anaging 0n1ironmenta, =ssues ;o to ?osePs 4e-site and read t*e artic,e tit,ed, M(n )1er1ie. of 200I ! =ts ?osts, Benefits, and ?omponentsN, dated He-ruary "", "011, ,ocated at *ttp:FF...$cosemindspring$comFTopicsFSustaina-i,ityF;reenin gU"09ourU"0BusinessF(nU"0)1er1ie.U"0ofU"0200I U"0!U"0=tsU"0?osts!U"0Benefits!U"0and U"0?omponents$asp+$ Be prepared to discuss$ Use t*e =nternet to researc* one 617 company t*at is focusing on sustaina-,e de1e,opment$ Be prepared to discuss$ E/aluation-;oth Due on May 11th



o (cti1ities 7 May 45th

Iiscussion Qui3 2( "ha'ters 0 and 8-May 10th Beading6s7 o o ?*apter 1": Tec*no,ogy, )rgani/ations, and Society ?*apter 1': :anaging Tec*no,ogy and =nno1ation ;o to P? 4or,dPs 4e-site and read t*e artic,e tit,ed M01en -efore 8S( scanda,, US residents .ere an+ious a-out pri1acy -reac*esN, dated 5une 1', "01', ,ocated at *ttp:FF...$pc.or,d$comFartic,eF"0416#"Fe1en!-efore!nsa!

"0 150

01a,uation Preparation


J "014 Strayer Uni1ersity$ (,, Big*ts Beser1ed$ T*is document contains Strayer Uni1ersity ?onfidentia, and Proprietary information and may not -e copied, furt*er distri-uted, or ot*er.ise disc,osed in .*o,e or in part, .it*out t*e e+pressed .ritten permission of Strayer Uni1ersity$ BUS 475 Student Eersion 114" 611A5 1"!'!"01'7 Hina, Page 4 of ""

BUS 475 Business and Society

scanda,!us!residents!.ere!an+ious!a-out!pri1acy! -reac*es$*tm,$ 8e+t, use t*e =nternet or Strayer data-ases to researc* recent situations in .*ic* t*e U$S$ ;o1ernment *as used tec*no,ogy to conduct sur1ei,,ance on U$S$ citi/ens$ Be prepared to discuss$ Use t*e =nternet or Strayer data-ases to researc* one 617 company t*at *as used tec*no,ogy to significant,y impro1e its -usiness offerings$ Be prepared to discuss$ "0 150

o (cti1ities # May 47th

Iiscussion Qui3 :( "ha'ters 15 and 11-May 42th Beading6s7 o o ?*apter 14: Stoc%*o,der Big*ts and ?orporate ;o1ernance ?*apter 15: ?onsumer Protection ;o to t*e ?onsumer Product Safety ?ommission 4e-site, ,ocated at *ttp:FF...$cpsc$go1, to researc* t*e circumstances -e*ind t.o 6"7 recent product reca,,s$ Be prepared to discuss$

01a,uation Preparation

e!(cti1ity o

(cti1ities A <une 6rd Iiscussion Assignment 4( "hallenges in the )lo!al ;usiness En/ironment Beading6s7 o o o ?*apter 16: 0mp,oyees and t*e ?orporation ?*apter 17: :anaging a Ii1erse 4or%force Use t*e =nternet or Strayer data-ases to researc* one 617 company t*at *as -enefitted from a di1erse .or%force$ Be prepared to discuss$ E/aluation-Due <une 1 Preparation

"0 "#0


(cti1ities 10 <une 15th Iiscussion Qui3 7( "ha'ters 14 and 16 Qui3 0( "ha'ters 19 and 12 Beading6s7 o o o ?*apter 1#: T*e ?ommunity and t*e ?orporation ?*apter 1A: :anaging Pu-,ic Be,ations ;o to t*e 2hronicle 3erald1s 4e-site and read t*e artic,e "0 150 150 E/aluation ;oth Due <une 0th



J "014 Strayer Uni1ersity$ (,, Big*ts Beser1ed$ T*is document contains Strayer Uni1ersity ?onfidentia, and Proprietary information and may not -e copied, furt*er distri-uted, or ot*er.ise disc,osed in .*o,e or in part, .it*out t*e e+pressed .ritten permission of Strayer Uni1ersity$ BUS 475 Student Eersion 114" 611A5 1"!'!"01'7 Hina, Page 5 of ""

BUS 475 Business and Society

tit,ed, MBad PB *urting ?arni1a,N, dated Septem-er "4, "01', ,ocated at *ttp:FFt*ec*ronic,e*era,d$caF-usinessF1156476!-ad! pr!*urting!carni1a,$ Be prepared to discuss$ (cti1ities 11 <une 10th Iiscussion Assignment 6( Presentation of Assignment 4 Beading6s7: 8one Iiscussion Kui/ A: ?*apters 16 and 17 Kui/ 10: ?*apters 1# and 1A "0 "0 100 01a,uation Preparation (cti1ities 01a,uation 150 150

)$ADI ) %"ALE = # DE$)$AD#ATE

Assignment Kui//es 6open -oo% .it* a 1!*our time ,imit per c*apter7 61A c*apters, 15 Cuestions eac*, .ort* 5 points apiece7 (ssignment 1: Socia, Performance of )rgani/ations (ssignment ": ?*a,,enges in t*e ;,o-a, Business 0n1ironment (ssignment ': Presentation of (ssignment " Participation 611 discussions .ort* "0 points apiece7 Tota,s Total Points 1,4"5 "40 "#0 100 ""0 ","65 > of )rade 6'U 11U 1"U 4U 10U 100U

Points ",0'A ","65 1,#1" ",0'# 1,5#6 1,#11 1,'5A 1,5#5 Be,o. 1,'5A

Percentage A0U 100U #0U #AU 70U 7AU 60U 6AU Be,o. 60U

)rade ( B ? I H

J "014 Strayer Uni1ersity$ (,, Big*ts Beser1ed$ T*is document contains Strayer Uni1ersity ?onfidentia, and Proprietary information and may not -e copied, furt*er distri-uted, or ot*er.ise disc,osed in .*o,e or in part, .it*out t*e e+pressed .ritten permission of Strayer Uni1ersity$ BUS 475 Student Eersion 114" 611A5 1"!'!"01'7 Hina, Page 6 of ""

BUS 475 Student 8otes

Assignment 1( %ocial Performance of Organi3ations Iue 4ee% 4 and .ort* "40 points (ccording to t*e te+t-oo%, t*e current .or,d economy is increasing,y -ecoming integrated and interdependentT as a resu,t, t*e re,ations*ip -et.een -usiness and society is -ecoming more comp,e+$ Use t*e =nternet to researc* one 617 of t*e fo,, organi/ations: Ie Beers Iiamond ?ompany 8ationa, Hoot-a,, 2eague 68H27 Britis* Petro,eum 6BP7 8ationa, Bif,e (ssociation 68B(7

4rite a si+ to eig*t 66!#7 page paper in .*ic* you: 1$ Specify t*e nature, structure, types of products or ser1ice of your c*osen organi/ation, and t.o 6"7 %ey factors in t*e organi/ationPs e+terna, en1ironment t*at can affect its success$ Pro1ide e+p,anation to support t*e rationa,e$ "$ 0+amine t*ree 6'7 sa,ient sta%e*o,ders of t*e c*osen organi/ation -ased on t*eir %ey ro,es and re,ations*ips .it* t*e company$ '$ Suggest fi1e 657 .ays in .*ic* t*e primary sta%e*o,ders can inf,uence t*e organi/ationPs financia, performance$ Pro1ide support for t*e response$ 4$ Specify one 617 contro1ersia, corporate socia, responsi-i,ity concern associated .it* your se,ected organi/ation$ 5$ (ssuming you are t*e ,eader of t*e most inf,uentia, sta%e*o,der group, out,ine a p,an to form a sta%e*o,der coa,ition to force t*e organi/ation to address your c*osen contro1ersia, issue$ T*e p,an s*ou,d inc,ude t*e %ey steps t*at you .ou,d ta%e to identify mem-ers for your coa,ition group, t*e maGor reasons .*y you -e,ie1e t*at t*e particu,ar target group can *e,p you to accomp,is* your goa,, and t*e met*od you .ou,d uti,i/e to foster co,,a-oration among t*e 1arious groups you target$

6. (ssume t*e ro,e as t*e ,eader of t*e most inf,uentia, sta%e*o,der group, and indicate t*ree 6'7
potentia, c*a,,enges t*at you may face in encouraging sta%e*o,ders to form a coa,ition to *e,p you ac*ie1e your goa,s$ Suggest t*e significant steps t*at you .ou,d ta%e in order to o1ercome t*ese c*a,,enges t*at you *a1e identified$ 5ustify t*e response$ 7$ Use at ,east four 647 Cua,ity references$ ote( 4i%ipedia and ot*er 4e-sites do not Cua,ify as academic resources$ 9our assignment must fo,,o. t*ese formatting reCuirements: Be typed, dou-,e spaced, using Times 8e. Boman font 6si/e 1"7, .it* one!inc* margins on a,, sidesT citations and references must fo,,o. (P( or sc*oo,!specific format$ ?*ec% .it* your professor for any additiona, instructions$ =nc,ude a co1er page containing t*e tit,e of t*e assignment, t*e studentPs name, t*e professorPs name, t*e course tit,e, and t*e date$ T*e co1er page and t*e reference page are not inc,uded in t*e reCuired assignment page ,engt*$

T*e specific course ,earning outcomes associated .it* t*is assignment are: (na,y/e t*e re,ations*ip -et.een -usiness and society, and t*e .ays in .*ic* t*ey are part of an interacti1e system$ Becommend .ays sta%e*o,ders can inf,uence t*e destiny of -ot* -usiness and society$ (na,y/e t*e 1arious primary and secondary sta%e*o,der groups, t*eir ro,es, and re,ations*ips$

J "014 Strayer Uni1ersity$ (,, Big*ts Beser1ed$ T*is document contains Strayer Uni1ersity ?onfidentia, and Proprietary information and may not -e copied, furt*er distri-uted, or ot*er.ise disc,osed in .*o,e or in part, .it*out t*e e+pressed .ritten permission of Strayer Uni1ersity$ BUS 475 Student Eersion 114" 611A5 1"!'!"01'7 Hina, Page 7 of ""

BUS 475 Student 8otes

(na,y/e t*e mu,tip,e en1ironments of an organi/ation$ ?ompare and contrast t*e concepts of corporate socia, responsi-i,ity, citi/ens*ip, and g,o-a, citi/ens*ip$ (na,y/e .ays et*ica, c*a,,enges affect t*e mu,tip,e functions of -usiness$ Use tec*no,ogy and information resources to researc* issues in -usiness and society$ 4rite c,ear,y and concise,y a-out -usiness and society using proper .riting mec*anics$

;rading for t*is assignment .i,, -e -ased on Cua,ity, ,ogic F organi/ation of t*e paper, and ,anguage and .riting s%i,,s, using t*e fo,, ru-ric$ Points( 495 "riteria
1$ Specify t*e nature, structure, types of products or ser1ice of your c*osen organi/ation, and t.o 6"7 %ey factors in t*e organi/ationPs e+terna, en1ironment t*at can affect its success$ Pro1ide e+p,anation to support t*e rationa,e$ 4eig*t: 10U

Assignment 1( %ocial Performance of Organi3ations Meets Minimum #nacce'ta!le EA'ectations @air Proficient EAem'lary ;elo? :5> @ :5-:8> D 75-78> " 05-08> ; 85-155> A

Iid not su-mit or =nsufficient,y Partia,,y specified Satisfactori,y T*oroug*,y incomp,ete,y specified t*e t*e nature, specified t*e specified t*e specified t*e nature, nature, structure, structure, types of nature, structure, nature, structure, structure, types of types of products products or types of products types of products products or ser1ice or ser1ice of your ser1ice of your or ser1ice of your or ser1ice of your of your c*osen c*osen c*osen c*osen c*osen organi/ation, and organi/ation, and organi/ation, and organi/ation, and organi/ation, and t.o 6"7 %ey factors t.o 6"7 %ey t.o 6"7 %ey factors t.o 6"7 %ey t.o 6"7 %ey in t*e organi/ationPs factors in t*e in t*e factors in t*e factors in t*e e+terna, organi/ationPs organi/ationPs organi/ationPs organi/ationPs en1ironment t*at e+terna, e+terna, e+terna, e+terna, can affect its en1ironment t*at en1ironment t*at en1ironment t*at en1ironment t*at success$ Iid not can affect its can affect its can affect its can affect its su-mit or success$ success$ Partia,,y success$ success$ incomp,ete,y =nsufficient,y pro1ided Satisfactori,y T*oroug*,y pro1ided pro1ided e+p,anation to pro1ided pro1ided e+p,anation to e+p,anation to support t*e e+p,anation to e+p,anation to support t*e support t*e rationa,e$ support t*e support t*e rationa,e$ rationa,e$ rationa,e$ rationa,e$ "$ 0+amine t*ree 6'7 Iid not su-mit or =nsufficient,y Partia,,y e+amined Satisfactori,y T*oroug*,y sa,ient sta%e*o,ders of incomp,ete,y e+amined t*ree t*ree 6'7 sa,ient e+amined t*ree e+amined t*ree t*e c*osen e+amined t*ree 6'7 6'7 sa,ient sta%e*o,ders of 6'7 sa,ient 6'7 sa,ient organi/ation -ased on sa,ient sta%e*o,ders sta%e*o,ders of t*e c*osen sta%e*o,ders of sta%e*o,ders of t*eir %ey ro,es and of t*e c*osen t*e c*osen organi/ation t*e c*osen t*e c*osen re,ations*ips .it* t*e organi/ation -ased organi/ation -ased on t*eir %ey organi/ation organi/ation company$ on t*eir %ey ro,es -ased on t*eir ro,es and -ased on t*eir -ased on t*eir and re,ations*ips %ey ro,es and re,ations*ips .it* %ey ro,es and %ey ro,es and 4eig*t: 15U .it* t*e company$ re,ations*ips .it* t*e company$ re,ations*ips .it* re,ations*ips .it* t*e company$ t*e company$ t*e company$ '$ Suggest fi1e 657 Iid not su-mit or =nsufficient,y Partia,,y Satisfactori,y T*oroug*,y .ays in .*ic* t*e incomp,ete,y incomp,ete,y incomp,ete,y incomp,ete,y incomp,ete,y primary sta%e*o,ders suggested fi1e 657 suggested fi1e 657 suggested fi1e 657 suggested fi1e suggested fi1e 657 can inf,uence t*e .ays in .*ic* t*e .ays in .*ic* t*e .ays in .*ic* t*e 657 .ays in .*ic* .ays in .*ic* t*e organi/ationPs financia, primary primary primary t*e primary primary performance$ Pro1ide sta%e*o,ders can sta%e*o,ders can sta%e*o,ders can sta%e*o,ders can sta%e*o,ders can support for t*e inf,uence t*e inf,uence t*e inf,uence t*e inf,uence t*e inf,uence t*e response$ organi/ationPs organi/ationPs organi/ationPs organi/ationPs organi/ationPs financia, financia, financia, financia, financia, 4eig*t: 15U performance$ Iid performance$ performance$ performance$ performance$ not su-mit or =nsufficient,y Partia,,y pro1ided Satisfactori,y T*oroug*,y incomp,ete,y pro1ided support support for t*e pro1ided support pro1ided support
J "014 Strayer Uni1ersity$ (,, Big*ts Beser1ed$ T*is document contains Strayer Uni1ersity ?onfidentia, and Proprietary information and may not -e copied, furt*er distri-uted, or ot*er.ise disc,osed in .*o,e or in part, .it*out t*e e+pressed .ritten permission of Strayer Uni1ersity$ BUS 475 Student Eersion 114" 611A5 1"!'!"01'7 Hina, Page # of ""

BUS 475 Student 8otes

pro1ided support for for t*e response$ response$ for t*e response$ for t*e response$ t*e response$ Iid not su-mit or =nsufficient,y Partia,,y specified Satisfactori,y T*oroug*,y incomp,ete,y specified one 617 one 617 specified one 617 specified one 617 specified one 617 contro1ersia, contro1ersia, contro1ersia, contro1ersia, contro1ersia, corporate socia, corporate socia, corporate socia, corporate socia, corporate socia, responsi-i,ity responsi-i,ity responsi-i,ity responsi-i,ity responsi-i,ity concern concern concern concern concern associated associated .it* associated .it* associated .it* associated .it* .it* your se,ected your se,ected your se,ected your se,ected your se,ected organi/ation$ organi/ation$ organi/ation$ organi/ation$ organi/ation$ Iid not su-mit or =nsufficient,y Partia,,y out,ined a Satisfactori,y T*oroug*,y incomp,ete,y out,ined a p,an to p,an to form a out,ined a p,an to out,ined a p,an to out,ined a p,an to form a sta%e*o,der form a form a form a sta%e*o,der sta%e*o,der coa,ition to force sta%e*o,der sta%e*o,der coa,ition to force t*e coa,ition to force t*e organi/ation to coa,ition to force coa,ition to force organi/ation to t*e organi/ation address your t*e organi/ation t*e organi/ation address your to address your c*osen to address your to address your c*osen c*osen contro1ersia, c*osen c*osen contro1ersia, issue$ contro1ersia, issue$ Partia,,y contro1ersia, contro1ersia, Iid not su-mit or issue$ inc,uded t*e %ey issue$ issue$ T*oroug*,y incomp,ete,y =nsufficient,y steps t*at you Satisfactori,y inc,uded t*e %ey inc,uded t*e %ey inc,uded t*e %ey .ou,d ta%e to inc,uded t*e %ey steps t*at you steps t*at you .ou,d steps t*at you identify mem-ers steps t*at you .ou,d ta%e to ta%e to identify .ou,d ta%e to for your coa,ition .ou,d ta%e to identify mem-ers mem-ers for your identify mem-ers group, t*e maGor identify mem-ers for your coa,ition coa,ition group, t*e for your coa,ition reasons .*y you for your coa,ition group, t*e maGor maGor reasons .*y group, t*e maGor -e,ie1e t*at t*e group, t*e maGor reasons .*y you you -e,ie1e t*at t*e reasons .*y you particu,ar target reasons .*y you -e,ie1e t*at t*e particu,ar target -e,ie1e t*at t*e group can *e,p -e,ie1e t*at t*e particu,ar target group can *e,p you particu,ar target you to accomp,is* particu,ar target group can *e,p to accomp,is* your group can *e,p your goa,, and t*e group can *e,p you to accomp,is* goa,, and t*e you to accomp,is* met*od you .ou,d you to your goa,, and t*e met*od you .ou,d your goa,, and t*e uti,i/e to foster accomp,is* your met*od you uti,i/e to foster met*od you co,,a-oration goa,, and t*e .ou,d uti,i/e to co,,a-oration among .ou,d uti,i/e to among t*e 1arious met*od you foster t*e 1arious groups foster groups you target$ .ou,d uti,i/e to co,,a-oration you target$ co,,a-oration foster among t*e among t*e co,,a-oration 1arious groups 1arious groups among t*e you target$ you target$ 1arious groups you target$ Iid not su-mit or =nsufficient,y Partia,,y Satisfactori,y T*oroug*,y incomp,ete,y indicated t*ree 6'7 indicated t*ree 6'7 indicated t*ree indicated t*ree 6'7 indicated t*ree 6'7 potentia, potentia, 6'7 potentia, potentia, potentia, c*a,,enges c*a,,enges t*at c*a,,enges t*at c*a,,enges t*at c*a,,enges t*at t*at you may face in you may face in you may face in you may face in you may face in encouraging encouraging encouraging encouraging encouraging sta%e*o,ders to form sta%e*o,ders to sta%e*o,ders to sta%e*o,ders to sta%e*o,ders to a coa,ition to *e,p form a coa,ition to form a coa,ition to form a coa,ition to form a coa,ition to you ac*ie1e your *e,p you ac*ie1e *e,p you ac*ie1e *e,p you ac*ie1e *e,p you ac*ie1e goa,s$ Iid not your goa,s$ your goa,s$ your goa,s$ your goa,s$ su-mit or =nsufficient,y Partia,,y Satisfactori,y T*oroug*,y incomp,ete,y suggested t*e suggested t*e suggested t*e suggested t*e suggested t*e significant steps significant steps significant steps significant steps significant steps t*at t*at you .ou,d t*at you .ou,d t*at you .ou,d t*at you .ou,d you .ou,d ta%e in ta%e in order to ta%e in order to ta%e in order to ta%e in order to order to o1ercome o1ercome t*ese o1ercome t*ese o1ercome t*ese o1ercome t*ese t*ese c*a,,enges c*a,,enges t*at c*a,,enges t*at c*a,,enges t*at c*a,,enges t*at t*at you *a1e you *a1e you *a1e you *a1e you *a1e identified$ Iid not identified$ identified$ Partia,,y identified$ identified$

4$ Specify one 617 contro1ersia, corporate socia, responsi-i,ity concern associated .it* your se,ected organi/ation$ 4eig*t: 5U 5$ (ssuming you are t*e ,eader of t*e most inf,uentia, sta%e*o,der group, out,ine a p,an to form a sta%e*o,der coa,ition to force t*e organi/ation to address your c*osen contro1ersia, issue$ T*e p,an s*ou,d inc,ude t*e %ey steps t*at you .ou,d ta%e to identify mem-ers for your coa,ition group, t*e maGor reasons .*y you -e,ie1e t*at t*e particu,ar target group can *e,p you to accomp,is* your goa,, and t*e met*od you .ou,d uti,i/e to foster co,,a-oration among t*e 1arious groups you target$ 4eig*t: 15U

6$ (ssume t*e ro,e as t*e ,eader of t*e most inf,uentia, sta%e*o,der group, and indicate t*ree 6'7 potentia, c*a,,enges t*at you may face in encouraging sta%e*o,ders to form a coa,ition to *e,p you ac*ie1e your goa,s$ Suggest t*e significant steps t*at you .ou,d ta%e in order to o1ercome t*ese c*a,,enges t*at you *a1e identified$ 5ustify t*e response$

J "014 Strayer Uni1ersity$ (,, Big*ts Beser1ed$ T*is document contains Strayer Uni1ersity ?onfidentia, and Proprietary information and may not -e copied, furt*er distri-uted, or ot*er.ise disc,osed in .*o,e or in part, .it*out t*e e+pressed .ritten permission of Strayer Uni1ersity$ BUS 475 Student Eersion 114" 611A5 1"!'!"01'7 Hina, Page A of ""

BUS 475 Student 8otes

4eig*t: 15U su-mit or incomp,ete,y Gustified t*e response$ 8o references pro1ided =nsufficient,y Gustified t*e response$ Gustified t*e response$ Satisfactori,y Gustified t*e response$ T*oroug*,y Gustified t*e response$

7$ 4 references 4eig*t: 5U

Ioes not meet :eets t*e :eets num-er of 0+ceeds num-er t*e reCuired reCuired num-er reCuired of reCuired num-er of of referencesT referencesT a,, referencesT a,, references, and F some or a,, references *ig* references *ig* or references references poor Cua,ity c*oices$ Cua,ity c*oices$ are of poor Cua,ity c*oices$ Cua,ity$ #$ 4riting :ec*anics, Serious and 8umerous errors Partia,,y free of :ost,y free of 0rror free or ;rammar, and persistent errors in in grammar, errors in grammar, errors in a,most error free Hormatting grammar, spe,,ing, spe,,ing, and spe,,ing, grammar, grammar, punctuation, or punctuation$ punctuation, or spe,,ing, spe,,ing, 4eig*t: 5U formatting$ formatting$ punctuation, or punctuation, or formatting$ formatting$ A$ (ppropriate use of 2ac% of in!te+t =n!te+t citations =n!te+t citations :ost in!te+t =n!te+t citations (P( in!te+t citations citations and F or and references and references citations and and references and reference ,ac% of reference are gi1en, -ut are pro1ided, -ut references are are error free or section$ not in (P( t*ey are on,y pro1ided, and a,most error free 4eig*t: 5U format$ partia,,y formatted t*ey are and consistent,y correct,y in (P( genera,,y formatted sty,e$ formatted correct,y in (P( correct,y in (P( sty,e$ sty,e$ 10$ =nformation 2iteracy Serious errors in t*e Sources are Sources are Sources are Sources are F =ntegration of Sources integration of rare,y integrated partia,,y integrated most,y integrated consistent,y sources, suc* as using effecti1e using effecti1e using effecti1e integrated using 4eig*t: 5U intentiona, or tec*niCues of tec*niCues of tec*niCues of effecti1e accidenta, Cuoting, Cuoting, Cuoting, tec*niCues of p,agiarism, or fai,ure parap*rasing, parap*rasing, and parap*rasing, Cuoting, to use in!te+t and summari/ing$ and summari/ing$ parap*rasing, and citations$ summari/ing$ summari/ing$ 11$ ?,arity and =nformation is =nformation is =nformation is =nformation is =nformation is ?o*erence of 4riting confusing to t*e some.*at partia,,y c,ear .it* most,y c,ear and pro1ided in a reader and fai,s to confusing .it* minima, reasons genera,,y c,ear, co*erent, 4eig*t: 5U inc,ude reasons and not enoug* and e1idence t*at supported .it* and consistent e1idence t*at reasons and ,ogica,,y support reasons and manner .it* ,ogica,,y support e1idence t*at ideas$ e1idence t*at reasons and ideas$ ,ogica,,y support ,ogica,,y support e1idence t*at ideas$ ideas$ ,ogica,,y support ideas$

Assignment 4( "hallenges in the )lo!al ;usiness En/ironment Iue 4ee% # and .ort* "#0 points (ccording to t*e te+t-oo%, ongoing c*a,,enges in t*e g,o-a, -usiness en1ironment are most,y attri-uted to unet*ica, -usiness practices, fai,ure to em-race tec*no,ogy ad1ancements, and stiff competition among -usinesses$ Use t*e =nternet to researc* t*e code of et*ica, conduct of one 617 of t*e fo,, organi/ations: (T3T <ers*ey ?ompany ?oca!?o,a ?*e1ron

J "014 Strayer Uni1ersity$ (,, Big*ts Beser1ed$ T*is document contains Strayer Uni1ersity ?onfidentia, and Proprietary information and may not -e copied, furt*er distri-uted, or ot*er.ise disc,osed in .*o,e or in part, .it*out t*e e+pressed .ritten permission of Strayer Uni1ersity$ BUS 475 Student Eersion 114" 611A5 1"!'!"01'7 Hina, Page 10 of ""

BUS 475 Student 8otes

8e+t, use t*e =nternet to researc* t*e code of et*ica, conduct of t.o 6"7 simi,ar companies in t*e same industry as t*e company you *a1e c*osen$ 4rite a si+ to eig*t 66!#7 page paper in .*ic* you: 1$ Specify, in -rief, t*e nature, structure, types of products or ser1ice of t*e -usiness you se,ected$ 0+amine t*e information .it*in t*e companyPs code of et*ica, conduct, and c*oose t*ree 6'7 %ey issues from .it*in t*e document t*at you -e,ie1e are critica, for success$ Pro1ide a rationa,e for t*e response$ "$ Using t*e t*ree 6'7 %ey issues you se,ected as a -enc*mar%, compare and contrast t*e codes of conduct of t.o 6"7 simi,ar companies .it*in t*e same industry as your c*osen company$ '$ 0+amine t*e e+tent to .*ic* t*e t.o 6"7 simi,ar companies you researc*ed *a1e addressed t*e %ey issues you se,ected$ <ypot*esi/e t.o 6"7 potentia, positi1e outcomes for eac* company if eac* addresses t*e %ey issues in Cuestion and t.o 6"7 potentia, ad1erse effects if eac* company fai,s to address t*ese issues$ 4$ Propose t.o 6"7 tec*niCues t*at t*e origina, company you se,ected cou,d use in order to ensure t*at its code of conduct .i,, remain re,e1ant t*roug* years of c*anging economic, po,itica,, socia,, cu,tura,, and tec*no,ogica, forces on -usiness and society$ 8e+t, e1a,uate t*e effecti1eness of t.o 6"7 met*ods t*at t*e company current,y adopts in order to manage en1ironment issues$ 5$ 0+amine t.o 6"7 approac*es t*at t*e origina, company you se,ected *as ta%en in order to em-race tec*no,ogica, ad1ancements for inno1ation and t*us impro1e -usiness offerings$ (nticipate t*ree 6'7 potentia, tec*no,ogica, c*a,,enges t*e company cou,d face, and recommend one 617 strategy t*at t*e company cou,d use in order to e,iminate or minimi/e eac* of t*ese anticipated c*a,,enges$ 6$ Specify at ,east one 617 one ,o--ying strategy t*at t*e origina, company you se,ected *as used in an effort to inf,uence nationa, or ,oca, go1ernment decisions in its fa1or$ Summari/e t*e issue in Cuestion, and ascertain .*et*er or not t*e ,o--ying effort .as appropriate$ 5ustify t*e response$ 7$ (na,y/e t.o 6"7 g,o-a, corporate citi/ens*ip efforts of t*e origina, company you se,ected, and assess t*e e+tent to .*ic* t*ese efforts are effecti1e in accomp,is*ing t*e companyPs goa,s$ 0+amine t*e manner in .*ic* t*e t.o 6"7 g,o-a, citi/ens*ip efforts cou,d contri-ute significant,y to t*e companyPs sustaina-,e de1e,opment goa,s$ #$ Use at ,east four 647 Cua,ity references$ ote( 4i%ipedia and ot*er 4e-sites do not Cua,ify as academic resources$

J "014 Strayer Uni1ersity$ (,, Big*ts Beser1ed$ T*is document contains Strayer Uni1ersity ?onfidentia, and Proprietary information and may not -e copied, furt*er distri-uted, or ot*er.ise disc,osed in .*o,e or in part, .it*out t*e e+pressed .ritten permission of Strayer Uni1ersity$ BUS 475 Student Eersion 114" 611A5 1"!'!"01'7 Hina, Page 11 of ""

BUS 475 Student 8otes

9our assignment must fo,,o. t*ese formatting reCuirements: Be typed, dou-,e spaced, using Times 8e. Boman font 6si/e 1"7, .it* one!inc* margins on a,, sidesT citations and references must fo,,o. (P( or sc*oo,!specific format$ ?*ec% .it* your professor for any additiona, instructions$ =nc,ude a co1er page containing t*e tit,e of t*e assignment, t*e studentPs name, t*e professorPs name, t*e course tit,e, and t*e date$ T*e co1er page and t*e reference page are not inc,uded in t*e reCuired assignment page ,engt*$

T*e specific course ,earning outcomes associated .it* t*is assignment are: 01a,uate t*e inf,uences of c*anging economic, po,itica,, socia,, cu,tura,, and tec*no,ogica, forces on -usiness and society$ Use tec*no,ogy and information resources to researc* issues in -usiness and society$ 4rite c,ear,y and concise,y a-out -usiness and society using proper .riting mec*anics$

;rading for t*is assignment .i,, -e -ased on Cua,ity, ,ogic F organi/ation of t*e paper, and ,anguage and .riting s%i,,s, using t*e fo,, ru-ric$ Points( 405 "riteria
1$ Specify, in -rief, t*e nature, structure, types of products or ser1ice of t*e -usiness you se,ected$ 0+amine t*e information .it*in t*e companyPs code of et*ica, conduct, and c*oose t*ree 6'7 %ey issues from .it*in t*e document t*at you -e,ie1e are critica, for success$ Pro1ide a rationa,e for t*e response$ 4eig*t: 10U

Assignment 4( "hallenges in the )lo!al ;usiness En/ironment Meets Minimum #nacce'ta!le EA'ectations @air Proficient EAem'lary ;elo? :5> @ :5-:8> D 75-78> " 05-08> ; 85-155> A
Iid not su-mit or =nsufficient,y Partia,,y specified, Satisfactori,y T*oroug*,y incomp,ete,y specified, in -rief, in -rief, t*e specified, in -rief, specified, in -rief, specified, in -rief, t*e nature, nature, structure, t*e nature, t*e nature, t*e nature, structure, types of types of products structure, types structure, types of structure, types of products or or ser1ice of t*e of products or products or products or ser1ice ser1ice of t*e -usiness you ser1ice of t*e ser1ice of t*e of t*e -usiness you -usiness you se,ected$ Partia,,y -usiness you -usiness you se,ected$ Iid not se,ected$ e+amined t*e se,ected$ se,ected$ su-mit or =nsufficient,y information .it*in Satisfactori,y T*oroug*,y incomp,ete,y e+amined t*e t*e companyPs e+amined t*e e+amined t*e e+amined t*e information .it*in code of et*ica, information .it*in information .it*in information .it*in t*e companyPs conduct, and t*e companyPs t*e companyPs t*e companyPs code code of et*ica, partia,,y c*ose code of et*ica, code of et*ica, of et*ica, conduct, conduct, and t*ree 6'7 %ey conduct, and conduct, and and did not su-mit insufficient,y issues from .it*in satisfactori,y t*oroug*,y c*ose or incomp,ete,y c*ose t*ree 6'7 t*e document t*at c*ose t*ree 6'7 t*ree 6'7 %ey c*ose t*ree 6'7 %ey %ey issues from you -e,ie1e are %ey issues from issues from .it*in issues from .it*in .it*in t*e critica, for .it*in t*e t*e document t*at t*e document t*at document t*at success$ Partia,,y document t*at you -e,ie1e are you -e,ie1e are you -e,ie1e are pro1ided a you -e,ie1e are critica, for critica, for success$ critica, for rationa,e for t*e critica, for success$ Iid not su-mit or success$ response$ success$ T*oroug*,y incomp,ete,y =nsufficient,y Satisfactori,y pro1ided a pro1ided a rationa,e pro1ided a pro1ided a rationa,e for t*e for t*e response$ rationa,e for t*e rationa,e for t*e response$ response$ response$ Iid not su-mit or incomp,ete,y used t*e t*ree 6'7 %ey issues you se,ected as a -enc*mar% to compare and =nsufficient,y used Partia,,y used t*e t*e t*ree 6'7 %ey t*ree 6'7 %ey issues you issues you se,ected as a se,ected as a -enc*mar% to -enc*mar% to compare and compare and Satisfactori,y T*oroug*,y used used t*e t*ree 6'7 t*e t*ree 6'7 %ey %ey issues you issues you se,ected as a se,ected as a -enc*mar% to -enc*mar% to compare and compare and

"$ Using t*e t*ree 6'7 %ey issues, you se,ected as a -enc*mar%, compare and contrast t*e codes of conduct of t.o 6"7

J "014 Strayer Uni1ersity$ (,, Big*ts Beser1ed$ T*is document contains Strayer Uni1ersity ?onfidentia, and Proprietary information and may not -e copied, furt*er distri-uted, or ot*er.ise disc,osed in .*o,e or in part, .it*out t*e e+pressed .ritten permission of Strayer Uni1ersity$ BUS 475 Student Eersion 114" 611A5 1"!'!"01'7 Hina, Page 1" of ""

BUS 475 Student 8otes

simi,ar companies .it*in t*e same industry as your c*osen company$ 4eig*t: 11U contrast t*e codes contrast t*e contrast t*e codes contrast t*e contrast t*e of conduct of t.o 6"7 codes of conduct of conduct of t.o codes of conduct codes of conduct simi,ar companies of t.o 6"7 simi,ar 6"7 simi,ar of t.o 6"7 simi,ar of t.o 6"7 simi,ar .it*in t*e same companies .it*in companies .it*in companies .it*in companies .it*in industry as your t*e same industry t*e same industry t*e same industry t*e same industry c*osen company$ as your c*osen as your c*osen as your c*osen as your c*osen company$ company$ company$ company$ '$ 0+amine t*e e+tent Iid not su-mit or =nsufficient,y Partia,,y e+amined Satisfactori,y T*oroug*,y to .*ic* t*e t.o 6"7 incomp,ete,y e+amined t*e t*e e+tent to e+amined t*e e+amined t*e simi,ar companies you e+amined t*e e+tent e+tent to .*ic* .*ic* t*e t.o 6"7 e+tent to .*ic* e+tent to .*ic* researc*ed *a1e to .*ic* t*e t.o 6"7 t*e t.o 6"7 simi,ar simi,ar companies t*e t.o 6"7 simi,ar t*e t.o 6"7 simi,ar addressed t*e %ey simi,ar companies companies you you researc*ed companies you companies you issues you se,ected$ you researc*ed researc*ed *a1e *a1e addressed researc*ed *a1e researc*ed *a1e <ypot*esi/e t.o 6"7 *a1e addressed t*e addressed t*e t*e %ey issues you addressed t*e addressed t*e potentia, positi1e %ey issues you %ey issues you se,ected$ Partia,,y %ey issues you %ey issues you outcomes for eac* se,ected$ Iid not se,ected$ *ypot*esi/ed t.o se,ected$ se,ected$ company if eac* su-mit or =nsufficient,y 6"7 potentia, Satisfactori,y T*oroug*,y addresses t*e %ey incomp,ete,y *ypot*esi/ed t.o positi1e outcomes *ypot*esi/ed t.o *ypot*esi/ed t.o issues in Cuestion and *ypot*esi/ed t.o 6"7 potentia, for eac* company 6"7 potentia, 6"7 potentia, t.o 6"7 potentia, 6"7 potentia, positi1e positi1e outcomes if eac* addresses positi1e positi1e outcomes ad1erse effects if eac* outcomes for eac* for eac* company t*e %ey issues in outcomes for for eac* company company fai,s to company if eac* if eac* addresses Cuestion and t.o eac* company if if eac* addresses address t*ese issues$ addresses t*e %ey t*e %ey issues in 6"7 potentia, eac* addresses t*e %ey issues in 4eig*t: 11U issues in Cuestion Cuestion and t.o ad1erse effects if t*e %ey issues in Cuestion and t.o and t.o 6"7 potentia, 6"7 potentia, eac* company Cuestion and t.o 6"7 potentia, ad1erse effects if ad1erse effects if fai,s to address 6"7 potentia, ad1erse effects if eac* company fai,s eac* company t*ese issues$ ad1erse effects if eac* company to address t*ese fai,s to address eac* company fai,s to address issues$ t*ese issues$ fai,s to address t*ese issues$ t*ese issues$ 4$ Propose t.o 6"7 Iid not su-mit or =nsufficient,y Partia,,y proposed Satisfactori,y T*oroug*,y tec*niCues t*at t*e incomp,ete,y proposed t.o 6"7 t.o 6"7 tec*niCues proposed t.o 6"7 proposed t.o 6"7 origina, company you proposed t.o 6"7 tec*niCues t*at t*at t*e origina, tec*niCues t*at tec*niCues t*at se,ected cou,d use in tec*niCues t*at t*e t*e origina, company you t*e origina, t*e origina, order to ensure t*at its origina, company company you se,ected cou,d use company you company you code of conduct .i,, you se,ected cou,d se,ected cou,d in order to ensure se,ected cou,d se,ected cou,d remain re,e1ant use in order to use in order to t*at its code of use in order to use in order to t*roug* years of ensure t*at its code ensure t*at its conduct .i,, ensure t*at its ensure t*at its c*anging economic, of conduct .i,, code of conduct remain re,e1ant code of conduct code of conduct po,itica,, socia,, remain re,e1ant .i,, remain t*roug* years of .i,, remain .i,, remain cu,tura,, and t*roug* years of re,e1ant t*roug* c*anging re,e1ant t*roug* re,e1ant t*roug* tec*no,ogica, forces on c*anging economic, years of c*anging economic, years of c*anging years of c*anging -usiness and society$ po,itica,, socia,, economic, po,itica,, socia,, economic, economic, 8e+t, e1a,uate t*e cu,tura,, and po,itica,, socia,, cu,tura,, and po,itica,, socia,, po,itica,, socia,, effecti1eness of t.o 6"7 tec*no,ogica, forces cu,tura,, and tec*no,ogica, cu,tura,, and cu,tura,, and met*ods t*at t*e on -usiness and tec*no,ogica, forces on tec*no,ogica, tec*no,ogica, company current,y society$ Iid not forces on -usiness and forces on forces on adopts in order to su-mit or -usiness and society$ Partia,,y -usiness and -usiness and manage en1ironment incomp,ete,y society$ e1a,uated t*e society$ society$ issues$ e1a,uated t*e =nsufficient,y effecti1eness of Satisfactori,y T*oroug*,y 4eig*t: 11U effecti1eness of t.o e1a,uated t*e t.o 6"7 met*ods e1a,uated t*e e1a,uated t*e 6"7 met*ods t*at t*e effecti1eness of t*at t*e company effecti1eness of effecti1eness of company current,y t.o 6"7 met*ods current,y adopts in t.o 6"7 met*ods t.o 6"7 met*ods adopts in order to t*at t*e company order to manage t*at t*e company t*at t*e company manage current,y adopts en1ironment current,y adopts current,y adopts en1ironment issues$ in order to issues$ in order to in order to manage manage manage en1ironment en1ironment en1ironment issues$ issues$ issues$ 5$ 0+amine t.o 6"7 Iid not su-mit or =nsufficient,y Partia,,y e+amined Satisfactori,y T*oroug*,y approac*es t*at t*e incomp,ete,y e+amined t.o 6"7 t.o 6"7 e+amined t.o 6"7 e+amined t.o 6"7
J "014 Strayer Uni1ersity$ (,, Big*ts Beser1ed$ T*is document contains Strayer Uni1ersity ?onfidentia, and Proprietary information and may not -e copied, furt*er distri-uted, or ot*er.ise disc,osed in .*o,e or in part, .it*out t*e e+pressed .ritten permission of Strayer Uni1ersity$ BUS 475 Student Eersion 114" 611A5 1"!'!"01'7 Hina, Page 1' of ""

BUS 475 Student 8otes

origina, company you se,ected *as ta%en in order to em-race tec*no,ogica, ad1ancements for inno1ation and t*us impro1e -usiness offerings$ (nticipate t*ree 6'7 potentia, tec*no,ogica, c*a,,enges t*e company cou,d face, and recommend one 617 strategy t*at t*e company cou,d use in order to e,iminate or minimi/e eac* of t*ese anticipated c*a,,enges$ 4eig*t: 11U approac*es t*at approac*es t*at t*e origina, t*e origina, company you company you se,ected *as se,ected *as ta%en in order to ta%en in order to em-race em-race tec*no,ogica, tec*no,ogica, ad1ancements ad1ancements for for inno1ation inno1ation and and t*us impro1e t*us impro1e -usiness -usiness offerings$ offerings$ Satisfactori,y T*oroug*,y anticipated t*ree anticipated t*ree 6'7 potentia, 6'7 potentia, tec*no,ogica, tec*no,ogica, c*a,,enges t*e c*a,,enges t*e company cou,d company cou,d face, and face, and satisfactori,y t*oroug*,y recommended recommended one 617 strategy one 617 strategy t*at t*e company t*at t*e company cou,d use in cou,d use in order order to e,iminate to e,iminate or or minimi/e eac* minimi/e eac* of of t*ese t*ese anticipated anticipated c*a,,enges$ c*a,,enges$ 6$ Specify at ,east one Iid not su-mit or =nsufficient,y Partia,,y specified Satisfactori,y T*oroug*,y 617 one ,o--ying incomp,ete,y specified at ,east at ,east one 617 specified at ,east specified at ,east strategy t*at t*e specified at ,east one 617 one one ,o--ying one 617 one one 617 one origina, company you one 617 one ,o--ying ,o--ying strategy strategy t*at t*e ,o--ying strategy ,o--ying strategy se,ected *as used in strategy t*at t*e t*at t*e origina, origina, company t*at t*e origina, t*at t*e origina, an effort to inf,uence origina, company company you you se,ected *as company you company you nationa, or ,oca, you se,ected *as se,ected *as used used in an effort to se,ected *as se,ected *as used go1ernment decisions used in an effort to in an effort to inf,uence nationa, used in an effort in an effort to in its fa1or$ Summari/e inf,uence nationa, or inf,uence nationa, or ,oca, to inf,uence inf,uence nationa, t*e issue in Cuestion, ,oca, go1ernment or ,oca, go1ernment nationa, or ,oca, or ,oca, and ascertain .*et*er decisions in its go1ernment decisions in its go1ernment go1ernment or not t*e ,o--ying fa1or$ Iid not decisions in its fa1or$ Partia,,y decisions in its decisions in its effort .as appropriate$ su-mit or fa1or$ summari/ed t*e fa1or$ fa1or$ T*oroug*,y 5ustify t*e response$ incomp,ete,y =nsufficient,y issue in Cuestion, Satisfactori,y summari/ed t*e 4eig*t: 10U summari/ed t*e summari/ed t*e and partia,,y summari/ed t*e issue in Cuestion, issue in Cuestion, issue in Cuestion, ascertained issue in Cuestion, and t*oroug*,y and did not su-mit and insufficient,y .*et*er or not t*e and satisfactori,y ascertained or incomp,ete,y ascertained ,o--ying effort ascertained .*et*er or not t*e ascertained .*et*er .*et*er or not t*e .as appropriate$ .*et*er or not ,o--ying effort or not t*e ,o--ying ,o--ying effort Partia,,y Gustified t*e ,o--ying .as appropriate$ effort .as .as appropriate$ t*e response$ effort .as T*oroug*,y appropriate$ Iid not =nsufficient,y appropriate$ Gustified t*e su-mit or Gustified t*e Satisfactori,y response$ incomp,ete,y response$ Gustified t*e Gustified t*e response$ response$ 7$ (na,y/e t.o 6"7 Iid not su-mit or =nsufficient,y Partia,,y ana,y/ed Satisfactori,y T*oroug*,y, g,o-a, corporate incomp,ete,y ana,y/ed t.o 6"7 t.o 6"7 g,o-a, ana,y/ed t.o 6"7 ana,y/ed t.o 6"7 citi/ens*ip efforts of ana,y/ed t.o 6"7 g,o-a, corporate corporate g,o-a, corporate g,o-a, corporate t*e origina, company g,o-a, corporate citi/ens*ip efforts citi/ens*ip efforts citi/ens*ip efforts citi/ens*ip efforts you se,ected, and citi/ens*ip efforts of of t*e origina, of t*e origina, of t*e origina, of t*e origina, assess t*e e+tent to t*e origina, company you company you company you company you
J "014 Strayer Uni1ersity$ (,, Big*ts Beser1ed$ T*is document contains Strayer Uni1ersity ?onfidentia, and Proprietary information and may not -e copied, furt*er distri-uted, or ot*er.ise disc,osed in .*o,e or in part, .it*out t*e e+pressed .ritten permission of Strayer Uni1ersity$ BUS 475 Student Eersion 114" 611A5 1"!'!"01'7 Hina, Page 14 of ""

e+amined t.o 6"7 approac*es t*at approac*es t*at approac*es t*at t*e t*e origina, t*e origina, origina, company company you company you you se,ected *as se,ected *as se,ected *as ta%en in order to ta%en in order to ta%en in order to em-race em-race em-race tec*no,ogica, tec*no,ogica, tec*no,ogica, ad1ancements for ad1ancements for ad1ancements for inno1ation and t*us inno1ation and inno1ation and impro1e -usiness t*us impro1e t*us impro1e offerings$ Iid not -usiness -usiness su-mit or offerings$ offerings$ Partia,,y incomp,ete,y =nsufficient,y anticipated t*ree anticipated t*ree 6'7 anticipated t*ree 6'7 potentia, potentia, 6'7 potentia, tec*no,ogica, tec*no,ogica, tec*no,ogica, c*a,,enges t*e c*a,,enges t*e c*a,,enges t*e company cou,d company cou,d company cou,d face, and partia,,y face, and did not face, and recommended su-mit or insufficient,y one 617 strategy incomp,ete,y recommended t*at t*e company recommended one one 617 strategy cou,d use in order 617 strategy t*at t*e t*at t*e company to e,iminate or company cou,d use cou,d use in order minimi/e eac* of in order to e,iminate to e,iminate or t*ese anticipated or minimi/e eac* of minimi/e eac* of c*a,,enges$ t*ese anticipated t*ese anticipated c*a,,enges$ c*a,,enges$

BUS 475 Student 8otes

.*ic* t*ese efforts are effecti1e in accomp,is*ing t*e companyPs goa,s$ 0+amine t*e manner in .*ic* t*e t.o 6"7 g,o-a, citi/ens*ip efforts cou,d contri-ute significant,y to t*e companyPs sustaina-,e de1e,opment goa,s$ 4eig*t: 11U company you se,ected, and se,ected, and se,ected, and se,ected, and se,ected, and did insufficient,y partia,,y assessed satisfactori,y t*oroug*,y not su-mit or assessed t*e t*e e+tent to assessed t*e assessed t*e incomp,ete,y e+tent to .*ic* .*ic* t*ese e+tent to .*ic* e+tent to .*ic* assessed t*e e+tent t*ese efforts are efforts are t*ese efforts are t*ese efforts are to .*ic* t*ese effecti1e in effecti1e in effecti1e in effecti1e in efforts are effecti1e accomp,is*ing t*e accomp,is*ing t*e accomp,is*ing accomp,is*ing t*e in accomp,is*ing t*e companyPs goa,s$ companyPs goa,s$ t*e companyPs companyPs goa,s$ companyPs goa,s$ =nsufficient,y Partia,,y e+amined goa,s$ T*oroug*,y Iid not su-mit or e+amined t*e t*e manner in Satisfactori,y e+amined t*e incomp,ete,y manner in .*ic* .*ic* t*e t.o 6"7 e+amined t*e manner in .*ic* e+amined t*e t*e t.o 6"7 g,o-a, g,o-a, citi/ens*ip manner in .*ic* t*e t.o 6"7 g,o-a, manner in .*ic* t*e citi/ens*ip efforts efforts cou,d t*e t.o 6"7 g,o-a, citi/ens*ip efforts t.o 6"7 g,o-a, cou,d contri-ute contri-ute citi/ens*ip efforts cou,d contri-ute citi/ens*ip efforts significant,y to t*e significant,y to t*e cou,d contri-ute significant,y to t*e cou,d contri-ute companyPs companyPs significant,y to companyPs significant,y to t*e sustaina-,e sustaina-,e t*e companyPs sustaina-,e companyPs de1e,opment de1e,opment sustaina-,e de1e,opment sustaina-,e goa,s$ goa,s$ de1e,opment goa,s$ de1e,opment goa,s$ goa,s$ #$ 4 references 8o references Ioes not meet :eets t*e :eets num-er of 0+ceeds num-er pro1ided t*e reCuired reCuired num-er reCuired of reCuired 4eig*t: 5U num-er of of referencesT referencesT a,, referencesT a,, references, and F some or a,, references *ig* references *ig* or references references poor Cua,ity c*oices$ Cua,ity c*oices$ are of poor Cua,ity c*oices$ Cua,ity$ A$ 4riting :ec*anics, Serious and 8umerous errors Partia,,y free of :ost,y free of 0rror free or ;rammar, and persistent errors in in grammar, errors in grammar, errors in a,most error free Hormatting grammar, spe,,ing, spe,,ing, and spe,,ing, grammar, grammar, punctuation, or punctuation$ punctuation, or spe,,ing, spe,,ing, 4eig*t: 5U formatting$ formatting$ punctuation, or punctuation, or formatting$ formatting$ 10$ (ppropriate use of 2ac% of in!te+t =n!te+t citations =n!te+t citations :ost in!te+t =n!te+t citations (P( in!te+t citations citations and F or and references and references citations and and references and reference section ,ac% of reference are gi1en, -ut are pro1ided, -ut references are are error free or section$ not in (P( t*ey are on,y pro1ided, and a,most error free 4eig*t: 5U format$ partia,,y formatted t*ey are and consistent,y correct,y in (P( genera,,y formatted sty,e$ formatted correct,y in (P( correct,y in (P( sty,e$ sty,e$ 11$ =nformation 2iteracy Serious errors in t*e Sources are Sources are Sources are Sources are F =ntegration of Sources integration of rare,y integrated partia,,y integrated most,y integrated consistent,y sources, suc* as using effecti1e using effecti1e using effecti1e integrated using 4eig*t: 5U intentiona, or tec*niCues of tec*niCues of tec*niCues of effecti1e accidenta, Cuoting, Cuoting, Cuoting, tec*niCues of p,agiarism, or fai,ure parap*rasing, parap*rasing, and parap*rasing, Cuoting, to use in!te+t and summari/ing$ and summari/ing$ parap*rasing, and citations$ summari/ing$ summari/ing$ 1"$ ?,arity and =nformation is =nformation is =nformation is =nformation is =nformation is ?o*erence of 4riting confusing to t*e some.*at partia,,y c,ear .it* most,y c,ear and pro1ided in a reader and fai,s to confusing .it* minima, reasons genera,,y c,ear, co*erent, 4eig*t: 5U inc,ude reasons and not enoug* and e1idence t*at supported .it* and consistent e1idence t*at reasons and ,ogica,,y support reasons and manner .it* ,ogica,,y support e1idence t*at ideas$ e1idence t*at reasons and ideas$ ,ogica,,y support ,ogica,,y support e1idence t*at ideas$ ideas$ ,ogica,,y support ideas$

J "014 Strayer Uni1ersity$ (,, Big*ts Beser1ed$ T*is document contains Strayer Uni1ersity ?onfidentia, and Proprietary information and may not -e copied, furt*er distri-uted, or ot*er.ise disc,osed in .*o,e or in part, .it*out t*e e+pressed .ritten permission of Strayer Uni1ersity$ BUS 475 Student Eersion 114" 611A5 1"!'!"01'7 Hina, Page 15 of ""

BUS 475 Student 8otes

Assignment 6( Presentation of Assignment 4 Iue 4ee% 10 and .ort* 100 points =n t*is assignment, you .i,, condense information from (ssignment " to create a Po.erPoint presentation$ ?reate a nine 6A7 s,ide Po.erPoint Presentation in .*ic* you: 1$ Pro1ide a tit,e s,ide 6as indicated in t*e format reCuirements -e,o.7 fo,,o.ed -y a s,ide .it* an introduction to your presentation$ "$ Summari/e your response to eac* of t*e criteria in (ssignment " one 617 s,ide per criterion, for a tota, of se1en 677 s,ides$ '$ Pro1ide a summary s,ide .*ic* addresses %ey points of your paper$ 4$ 8arrate eac* s,ide, using a microp*one, and indicate .*at you .ou,d say if you .ere actua,,y presenting in front of an audience$ 9our assignment must fo,,o. t*ese formatting reCuirements: Hormat t*e Po.erPoint presentation .it* *eadings on eac* s,ide and t*ree to four 6'!47 re,e1ant grap*ics 6p*otograp*s, grap*s, c,ip art, etc$7, ensuring t*at t*e presentation is 1isua,,y appea,ing and reada-,e from 1# feet a.ay$ ?*ec% .it* your professor for any additiona, instructions$ =nc,ude a tit,e s,ide containing t*e tit,e of t*e assignment, t*e studentPs name, t*e professorPs name, t*e course tit,e, and t*e date$ T*e tit,e s,ide is not inc,uded in t*e reCuired s,ide ,engt*$

T*e specific course ,earning outcomes associated .it* t*is assignment are: 01a,uate t*e inf,uences of c*anging economic, po,itica,, socia,, cu,tura,, and tec*no,ogica, forces on -usiness and society$ Use tec*no,ogy and information resources to researc* issues in -usiness and society$ 4rite c,ear,y and concise,y a-out -usiness and society using proper .riting mec*anics$

;rading for t*is assignment .i,, -e -ased on Cua,ity, ,ogic F organi/ation of t*e paper, and ,anguage and .riting s%i,,s, using t*e fo,, ru-ric$ Points( 155 "riteria
1$ Pro1ide a tit,e s,ide 6as indicated in t*e format reCuirements -e,o.7 fo,,o.ed -y a s,ide .it* an introduction to your presentation$ 4eig*t: 5U

Assignment 6( Presentation of Assignment 4 Meets Minimum #nacce'ta!le EA'ectations @air Proficient ;elo? :5> @ :5-:8> D 75-78> " 05-08> ;

EAem'lary 85-155> A

Iid not su-mit or =nsufficient,y Partia,,y pro1ided Satisfactori,y T*oroug*,y incomp,ete,y pro1ided a tit,e a tit,e s,ide 6as pro1ided a tit,e pro1ided a tit,e pro1ided a tit,e s,ide s,ide 6as indicated indicated in t*e s,ide 6as s,ide 6as indicated 6as indicated in t*e in t*e format format indicated in t*e in t*e format format reCuirements reCuirements reCuirements format reCuirements -e,o.7 fo,,o.ed -y a -e,o.7 fo,,o.ed -e,o.7 fo,,o.ed -y reCuirements -e,o.7 fo,,o.ed s,ide .it* an -y a s,ide .it* an a s,ide .it* an -e,o.7 fo,,o.ed -y a s,ide .it* an introduction to your introduction to introduction to -y a s,ide .it* an introduction to presentation$ your presentation$ your presentation$ introduction to your presentation$ your presentation$ "$ Summari/e your Iid not su-mit or =nsufficient,y Partia,,y Satisfactori,y T*oroug*,y response to eac* of incomp,ete,y summari/ed your summari/ed your summari/ed your summari/ed your t*e criteria in summari/ed your response to eac* response to eac* response to eac* response to eac* (ssignment " one 617 response to eac* of of t*e criteria in of t*e criteria in of t*e criteria in of t*e criteria in
J "014 Strayer Uni1ersity$ (,, Big*ts Beser1ed$ T*is document contains Strayer Uni1ersity ?onfidentia, and Proprietary information and may not -e copied, furt*er distri-uted, or ot*er.ise disc,osed in .*o,e or in part, .it*out t*e e+pressed .ritten permission of Strayer Uni1ersity$ BUS 475 Student Eersion 114" 611A5 1"!'!"01'7 Hina, Page 16 of ""

BUS 475 Student 8otes

s,ide per criterion, for a tota, of se1en 677 s,ides$ 4eig*t: 60U t*e criteria in (ssignment " (ssignment " (ssignment " (ssignment " (ssignment " one one 617 s,ide per one 617 s,ide per one 617 s,ide per one 617 s,ide per 617 s,ide per criterion, for a criterion, for a tota, criterion, for a criterion, for a criterion, for a tota, tota, of se1en 677 of se1en 677 tota, of se1en 677 tota, of se1en 677 of se1en 677 s,ides$ s,ides$ s,ides$ s,ides$ s,ides$ '$ Pro1ide a summary Iid not su-mit or =nsufficient,y Partia,,y pro1ided Satisfactori,y T*oroug*,y s,ide .*ic* addresses incomp,ete,y pro1ided a a summary s,ide pro1ided a pro1ided a %ey points of your pro1ided a summary summary s,ide .*ic* addresses summary s,ide summary s,ide paper$ s,ide .*ic* .*ic* addresses %ey points of your .*ic* addresses .*ic* addresses addresses %ey %ey points of your paper$ %ey points of your %ey points of your 4eig*t: 5U points of your paper$ paper$ paper$ paper$ 4$ 8arrate eac* s,ide, Iid not su-mit or =nsufficient,y Partia,,y narrated Satisfactori,y T*oroug*,y using a microp*one, incomp,ete,y narrated eac* eac* s,ide, using a narrated eac* narrated eac* indicating .*at you narrated eac* s,ide, s,ide, using a microp*one, s,ide, using a s,ide, using a .ou,d say if you .ere using a microp*one, microp*one, indicating .*at microp*one, microp*one, actua,,y presenting in indicating .*at you indicating .*at you .ou,d say if indicating .*at indicating .*at front of an audience$ .ou,d say if you you .ou,d say if you .ere actua,,y you .ou,d say if you .ou,d say if .ere actua,,y you .ere actua,,y presenting in front you .ere actua,,y you .ere actua,,y 4eig*t: 10U presenting in front of presenting in front of an audience$ presenting in presenting in front an audience$ of an audience$ front of an of an audience$ audience$ 5$ 4riting :ec*anics, Serious and 8umerous errors Partia,,y free of :ost,y free of 0rror free or ;rammar, and persistent errors in in grammar, errors in grammar, errors in a,most error free Hormatting grammar, spe,,ing, spe,,ing, and spe,,ing, grammar, grammar, punctuation, or punctuation$ punctuation, or spe,,ing, spe,,ing, 4eig*t: 5U formatting$ formatting$ punctuation, or punctuation, or formatting$ formatting$ 6$ (ppropriate use of 2ac% of in!te+t =n!te+t citations =n!te+t citations :ost in!te+t =n!te+t citations (P( in!te+t citations citations and F or and references and references citations and and references and reference section ,ac% of reference are gi1en, -ut are pro1ided, -ut references are are error free or section$ not in (P( t*ey are on,y pro1ided, and a,most error free 4eig*t: 5U format$ partia,,y formatted t*ey are and consistent,y correct,y in (P( genera,,y formatted sty,e$ formatted correct,y in (P( correct,y in (P( sty,e$ sty,e$ 7$ =nformation 2iteracy F Serious errors in t*e Sources are Sources are Sources are Sources are =ntegration of Sources integration of rare,y integrated partia,,y integrated most,y integrated consistent,y sources, suc* as using effecti1e using effecti1e using effecti1e integrated using 4eig*t: 5U intentiona, or tec*niCues of tec*niCues of tec*niCues of effecti1e accidenta, Cuoting, Cuoting, Cuoting, tec*niCues of p,agiarism, or fai,ure parap*rasing, parap*rasing, and parap*rasing, Cuoting, to use in!te+t and summari/ing$ and summari/ing$ parap*rasing, and citations$ summari/ing$ summari/ing$ #$ ?,arity and =nformation is =nformation is =nformation is =nformation is =nformation is ?o*erence of 4riting confusing to t*e some.*at partia,,y c,ear .it* most,y c,ear and pro1ided in a reader and fai,s to confusing .it* minima, reasons genera,,y c,ear, co*erent, 4eig*t: 5U inc,ude reasons and not enoug* and e1idence t*at supported .it* and consistent e1idence t*at reasons and ,ogica,,y support reasons and manner .it* ,ogica,,y support e1idence t*at ideas$ e1idence t*at reasons and ideas$ ,ogica,,y support ,ogica,,y support e1idence t*at ideas$ ideas$ ,ogica,,y support ideas$

*ee-ly "ourse %chedule

T*e purpose of t*e course sc*edu,e is to gi1e you, at a g,ance, t*e reCuired preparation, acti1ities, and e1a,uation components of your course$ Hor more information a-out your course, .*et*er on!ground or on,ine, access your on,ine course s*e,,$
J "014 Strayer Uni1ersity$ (,, Big*ts Beser1ed$ T*is document contains Strayer Uni1ersity ?onfidentia, and Proprietary information and may not -e copied, furt*er distri-uted, or ot*er.ise disc,osed in .*o,e or in part, .it*out t*e e+pressed .ritten permission of Strayer Uni1ersity$ BUS 475 Student Eersion 114" 611A5 1"!'!"01'7 Hina, Page 17 of ""

BUS 475 Student 8otes

T*e e+pectations for a 4$5 credit *our course are for students to spend 1'$5 *ours in .ee%,y .or%$ T*is time estimate inc,udes preparation, acti1ities, and e1a,uation regard,ess of t*e de,i1ery mode$

Instructional Materials
=n order to -e fu,,y prepared, o-tain a copy of t*e reCuired te+t-oo%s and ot*er instructiona, materia,s prior to t*e first day of c,ass$ 4*en a1ai,a-,e, Strayer Uni1ersity pro1ides a ,in% to t*e first t*ree 6'7 c*apters of your te+t-oo%6s7 in eBoo% format$ ?*ec% your on,ine course s*e,, for a1ai,a-i,ity$ Be1ie. t*e on,ine course s*e,, or c*ec% .it* your professor to determine .*et*er =nternet!-ased assignments and acti1ities are used in t*is course$

To earn fu,, credit in an on,ine t*readed discussion, students must *a1e one origina, post and a minimum of one ot*er post per discussion t*read$ P,ease note: :ateria, in t*e on,ine c,ass .i,, -e made a1ai,a-,e t*ree .ee%s at a time to a,,o. students to .or% a*ead, *o.e1er, facu,ty .i,, -e focused on and responding on,y to t*e current ca,endar .ee%$ (s it is a,.ays possi-,e t*at students cou,d ,ose t*eir .or% due to unforeseen circumstances, it is a -est practice to routine,y sa1e a .or%ing draft in a separate fi,e -efore posting in t*e course discussion area$ Professors *o,d discussions during c,ass time for on!ground students$ ?*ec% .it* your professor if any additiona, discussion participation is reCuired in t*e on,ine course s*e,, outside of c,ass *ours$

Tests 6Cui//es, midterm and fina, e+ams, essay e+ams, ,a- tests, etc$7 are a1ai,a-,e for student access and comp,etion t*roug* t*e on,ine course s*e,,$ ?*ec% t*e on,ine course s*e,, to determine *o. students are e+pected to ta%e t*e tests$ Io not c*ange t*ese Cuestions or t*eir point 1a,ues in any .ay$ T*is disrupts t*e automated grade -oo% preset in t*e on,ine course s*e,,$ )n,ine students are to comp,ete t*e test -y :onday A:00 a$m$ Ietai,s regarding due dates are posted in t*e B,ac%-oard ?a,endar too,$ )n!ground students are to comp,ete t*e tests after t*e materia, is co1ered and -efore t*e ne+t c,ass session$

( standardi/ed performance grading ru-ric is a too, your professor .i,, use to e1a,uate your .ritten assignments$ Be1ie. t*e ru-ric -efore su-mitting assignments t*at *a1e grading ru-rics associated .it* t*em to ensure you *a1e met t*e performance criteria stated on t*e ru-ric$ ;rades are -ased on indi1idua, effort$ T*ere is no group gradingT *o.e1er, .or%ing in groups in t*e on,ine or on!ground c,assroom is accepta-,e$ (ssignments for on,ine students are a,.ays su-mitted t*roug* t*e on,ine course s*e,,$ )n!ground professors .i,, inform students on *o. to su-mit assignments, .*et*er in paper format or t*roug* t*e on,ine course s*e,,$

J "014 Strayer Uni1ersity$ (,, Big*ts Beser1ed$ T*is document contains Strayer Uni1ersity ?onfidentia, and Proprietary information and may not -e copied, furt*er distri-uted, or ot*er.ise disc,osed in .*o,e or in part, .it*out t*e e+pressed .ritten permission of Strayer Uni1ersity$ BUS 475 Student Eersion 114" 611A5 1"!'!"01'7 Hina, Page 1# of ""

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T*e Besource ?enter na1igation -utton in t*e on,ine course s*e,, contains *e,pfu, ,in%s$ Strayer Uni1ersity 2i-rary Besources are a1ai,a-,e *ere as .e,, as ot*er important information$ 9ou s*ou,d re1ie. t*is area to find resources and ans.ers to common Cuestions$ Tec*nica, support is a1ai,a-,e for t*e fo,, Hor technical &uestions, p,ease contact Strayer )n,ine Tec*nica, Support -y ,ogging in to your i?ampus account at *ttps:FFicampus$strayer$eduF,ogin and su-mitting a case under MStudent ?enter,N t*en MSu-mit <e,p Tic%et$N =f you are una-,e to ,og in to your i?ampus account, p,ease contact Tec*nica, Support 1ia p*one at 6#777 64"!"AAA$ Hor concerns ?ith your class, p,ease access t*e So,ution ?enter -y ,ogging in to your i?ampus account at *ttps:FFicampus$strayer$eduF,ogin and su-mitting a case under MStudent ?enter,N t*en MSu-mit <e,p Tic%et$N =f you are una-,e to ,og in to your i?ampus account, p,ease contact t*e =T <e,p Ies% at 6#667 610!#1"' or at mai,to:=T*e,pdes%&Strayer$edu$

Turn=t=n$com is an optiona, on,ine too, to assess t*e origina,ity of student .ritten .or%$ ?*ec% .it* your professor for access and use instructions$ T*e %trayer Policies ,in% on t*e na1igation -ar in t*e on,ine course s*e,, contains academic po,icies$ =t is important t*at students -e a.are of t*ese po,icies$

Class Information, Expectations, and Policies Please take the time to read and be sure you fully understand the Student Course Guide, the Policies and Services document, and this Class Information document. 1) Attendance: Students are expected to attend and be on time for all re ularly scheduled campus classes. Should absences or tardiness be necessary, students are responsible for the material covered durin the absences. Strayer !niversity re"uires all faculty to take attendance durin each class period and to record it accurately on their permanent roster. # student $ho is absent from four consecutive class meetin s, excludin holidays and emer ency cancellation of classes, $ill be $ithdra$n automatically from that course.

2) Weekly Course Sc edule: Students are expected to complete $eekly "ui%%es, and $ritin assi nments by the stated due dates. Please refer to your Student Course Guide for due dates. If you experience extenuatin circumstances and need additional time to complete an assi nment, you must contact the professor. !) "esc edulin# of Cancelled Classes: #ll classes cancelled by the !niversity and&or the professor are re"uired to be made up before the next re ularly scheduled class session. #ny exceptions to this policy must be discussed and approved by the Campus 'ean.

$) %ate Policy: Strayer !niversity understands students sometimes face illness or other exceptional circumstances that could impact their ability to attend class and complete course re"uirements.
J "014 Strayer Uni1ersity$ (,, Big*ts Beser1ed$ T*is document contains Strayer Uni1ersity ?onfidentia, and Proprietary information and may not -e copied, furt*er distri-uted, or ot*er.ise disc,osed in .*o,e or in part, .it*out t*e e+pressed .ritten permission of Strayer Uni1ersity$ BUS 475 Student Eersion 114" 611A5 1"!'!"01'7 Hina, Page 1A of ""

BUS 475 Student 8otes

&efinition: # documented exceptional circumstance may include, but is not limited to( ) Students lon *tem +, days or more- illness and&or hospitali%ation. ) /atural disasters +particularly those that lead to the loss of po$er&internet connection-. ) 0ilitary deployment. ) 1ospitali%ation and&or death of an immediate family member. &efinition: #n undocumented exceptional circumstance may include, but is not limited to( ) Short*term +2 days or less- illness of the student or students child. ) !nexpected circumstances related to a students employment. and ) !nexpected child or elder care. A' %ate Assi#nment (it &ocumented Exceptional Circumstance 3. # student may submit $ork after the due date and receive credit for the assi nment if the student provides the documentation supportin the exceptional circumstance directly to the class professor. 4. Students $ith documentable exceptional circumstances provided to the class professor $ill not receive a deduction of points for $ork submitted durin the exceptional circumstance timeframe a reed upon bet$een the professor and student. 2. 5aculty members $ho have been provided documentation for a late assi nment due to an exceptional circumstance must allo$ students to make up all assi nments, includin discussion posts durin the a reed upon time period for the documented exceptional circumstance. )' %ate Assi#nment (it out &ocumented Exceptional Circumstance 3. # student may submit $ork after the due date and may receive partial credit for the assi nment if the student contacts his or her professor as soon as it is kno$n that the assi nment may be late. 4. Gradin for late assi nments (it out documented exceptional circumstances is discussed belo$. C' *radin# for %ate Assi#nments (it out &ocumented Exceptional Circumstances 3. Students $ho submit $ork after the assi ned due date $ithout exceptional circumstance can expect a reduction of points in the follo$in manner(

J "014 Strayer Uni1ersity$ (,, Big*ts Beser1ed$ T*is document contains Strayer Uni1ersity ?onfidentia, and Proprietary information and may not -e copied, furt*er distri-uted, or ot*er.ise disc,osed in .*o,e or in part, .it*out t*e e+pressed .ritten permission of Strayer Uni1ersity$ BUS 475 Student Eersion 114" 611A5 1"!'!"01'7 Hina, Page "0 of ""

BUS 475 Student 8otes

a- #ssi nments submitted $ithin 6 days after the submission deadline $ill receive up to a 478 deduction. 9he actual deduction $ill be determined by the professor, but cannot exceed 478. b- #ssi nments submitted bet$een : and 3, days after the submission date $ill receive up to a ;78 deduction. 9he actual deduction $ill be determined by the professor, but cannot exceed ;78. #ssi nments submitted beyond 3, days from the due date are not acceptable and the student cannot receive credit for the assi nment. c- Please note, assi nments due durin the last $eek of the term cannot be accepted late. 4. #ll past due assi nments must be submitted by the last <ednesday of the academic term. =ate assi nments submitted after the last <ednesday of the academic term must receive a rade of %ero +7-, i.e. no credit a$arded. 2. 9his late policy only pertains to the academic term $hen the student is enrolled.

,. 'iscussion boards, by definition, are not assi nments that are easily made up. >ecause students have 33 day access to course discussions, late participation is not accepted. #ll Professors are responsible for revie$in and understandin the ?9he 9reatment of =ate #ssi nments @esultin from Axceptional CircumstancesB Policy that $as revised on 6&3&4732. 9he entire policy and procedures can be found on Strayer/o$. +) Weekly &iscussions , Participation: Students are expected to be prepared for the $eekly discussions. 9hese discussions $ill be completed durin each $eekly class session. Aach $eek students $ill earn class participation points by attendin class and participatin durin the lectures, class discussions, class activities, etc. Students $ho leave early may lose discussion points for that class. Students $ho do not attend a class session $ill lose their class participations points for that class session. -) .ui//es: Students are to complete a "ui% that covers the material covered durin the prior $eek. Aach "ui% is located in the course shell under a $eekly tab. Aach "ui% is an open*book and timed "ui% that can be only taken once. Students are to complete each "ui% by the due date. If the "ui% is not completed by the due date, the student earns a %ero for that "ui%. 9he %ero rade $ill be posted to the students rade book immediately follo$in the date the "ui% $as due. 0) Written Assi#nments( 9here are $ritin assi nments&papers in this course. # radin rubric has been provided for each assi nment. 9he rubrics can be found in the Student Course Guide. 9he radin rubrics vary by assi nment so please revie$ the radin rubric for each assi nment prior to completin the specific assi nment. If the $ritin assi nment&paper is not completed by the due date, the student earns a %ero for the assi nment&paper. 9he %ero rade $ill be posted to the students rade book immediately follo$in the date the assi nment $as due. Please ensure that you understand your professors expectations for the $ritin assi nments. a) APA <ritten assi nments must be compliant $ith #P# +Cth edition-. Information on #P# can be found under the @esource Center tab. #dditional #P# resources include(
J "014 Strayer Uni1ersity$ (,, Big*ts Beser1ed$ T*is document contains Strayer Uni1ersity ?onfidentia, and Proprietary information and may not -e copied, furt*er distri-uted, or ot*er.ise disc,osed in .*o,e or in part, .it*out t*e e+pressed .ritten permission of Strayer Uni1ersity$ BUS 475 Student Eersion 114" 611A5 1"!'!"01'7 Hina, Page "1 of ""

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http(&&o$l.en$l&resources&;C7&73 http(&&$$$.apastyle.or 1) 2utor'com is a 5@AA 4,&6 and one on one service for #== students coverin the content of 4D courses and #/E $ritin assi nment. c) 3re)4ision Center Students are also encoura ed to use Strayer !niversitys $ritin resource called the reFisionCenter. 9he tool can be found under the 9utorin tab. d) 2urnitin Pla iarism is usin someone elseGs $ords or ideas as oneGs o$n $ithout ivin proper credit and Strayer !niversity considers it to be a serious offense. 9herefore, students are re5uired to submit their $ritten assi nments to 9urnitin. 6) Cell P ones a) Please turn your cell phone off. Please discuss any exceptions $ith your professor. 9he use of your cell phone durin class $ill reduce the students discussion points. 1) Please do not text durin class time. 9extin durin class $ill also reduce the students discussion points. 7) Professor "esponse 2imes a) @espond to your "uestions +emails and phone calls- $ithin 4, hours +,: hours on the $eek*end-. 1) Post a %ero rade for non*complete "ui%%es and exams immediately follo$in the "ui% and&or exam due date.

c) Grade your #ssi nments and post the rade $ithin seven days of the due date.

J "014 Strayer Uni1ersity$ (,, Big*ts Beser1ed$ T*is document contains Strayer Uni1ersity ?onfidentia, and Proprietary information and may not -e copied, furt*er distri-uted, or ot*er.ise disc,osed in .*o,e or in part, .it*out t*e e+pressed .ritten permission of Strayer Uni1ersity$ BUS 475 Student Eersion 114" 611A5 1"!'!"01'7 Hina, Page "" of ""

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