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Easter Day 2014 11am St.

Andrews Story

show we!!# to show something /eter rushes into the tom". )hey have dou"t!ess seen grave $!othes many times. .ut this time it was new % the $!othes were &o!ded and se arated.

I have a question to ask this morning and I romise tru!y this is not meant to em"arrass# or $oer$e % there are no hidden $ameras taking re$ord# no means "y whi$h your i$ture wi!! rodu$e $onta$t in&ormation and the question is 'ow many o& you are here &or the &irst time today( .. Im a !itt!e disa ointed "y the res onse "ut we!! $ome "a$k to that !ater. )oday is a $e!e"ration o& new !i&e# new !i&e that $onquers des air# dismay# disi!!usionment and a"ove a!! new that $onquers DEA)'* In todays +esurre$tion ,os e! we read o& -arys visit to the tom" % she dou"t!ess had done this many times "e&ore. )o "e resent and mourn at the !a$e where !oved ones have died was not then# and is not now# unusua! or rare. .ut this time it was new % the stone was ro!!ed away. /ro"a"!y many times we have $ome to the same $ha!!enges# ro"!ems# &ra$tures0 we have visited the same "roken re!ationshi s and dashed dreams "ut today ho!ds the romise that ne1t time we visit it wi!! "e new# the stone wi!! "e ro!!ed away. 3ast night# at <igi!# -ark introdu$ed me to a wonder&u! new hrase S=)= So$iety o& the =verwhe!med. Day "y day# the +isen 3ord 2esus wants to overwhe!m us with newness o& !i&e unti! that &ina! day when we wi!! "e overwhe!med not "y death "ut "y resurre$tion. =h and the question /ro"a"!y many times we have er&ormed routine &un$tions# yes with $are and devotion# with e1a$titude and re$ision "ut no e1 e$tation o& newness and# sur rise sur rise# e1 e$tations &u!&i!!ed. )oday ho!ds the romise that ne1t time we $ome to the routine &un$tion# it wi!! "e new. ,od wi!! sur rise us. )oday we $e!e"rate new "irth# new !i&e es e$ia!!y in the !ives o& Emma# 3iam# -ade!eine and 4athanie!. Dou"t!ess the hoto a!"ums 5or whatever theyre $a!!ed on !ine*6 are growing a a$e with i$tures o& Emma# 3iam# -ade!eine and 4athanie! doing something new su$h as 7ou see# their !oving arents and &ami!ies $ome with the 8oy&u!# e1u"erant e1 e$tation that ea$h day wi!! "e new. 9riends# your ,od wants you to $ome with that same e1 e$tation to your !ives yours and those with whom you !ive and work. 9riends# you ,od wants you to seek the things that are a"ove where :hrist is seated at the right hand o& ,od 5:o!ossians ;6.

In todays +esurre$tion ,os e! we read o& /eter and 2ohn engaged in this ra$e to the grave ro"a"!y to /eters $hagrin# 2ohn arrives &irst "ut to

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