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There are 3 types of matter. They are solids, liquids, and gases. These three types of matter can be used to make a mixture. Solutions are a mixture but you can not see the substances

The Amazing World Of Matter!

By: Adrienne Bryant

A solid has particles that are packed together and never move. An example of a solid is a Door!

Gasses particles move around and are not packed tightly they move around freely! Gasses particles take the container of there shape! An example of Gas is balloon!

A mixture is a solution that can be retracted and put into its original form. A mixture could be made using solids, or liquids! For example Strawberry and chocolate!


Liquids particles are not packed together tightly they can run around a little. Liquids take the shape of there container. An example of liquid is Oil!

Solutions are a type of mixture. The solute and the solvent mix so well that you cant point them out! Some solutions can be retracted to there own form again! An example is this lemonade from the powder!


There are three types of matter. They are solids liquids and gases. These three types of matter can make a mixture. One type of mixture is a solution.


By Alejandro

Solids will never change its shape . Solids are not a liquid or gases. An example of a solid is a car.

Gases are in a ball or a hot air balloon. Gases are all around us and it takes its shape of its container.

They can be separated by a magnet or by hand.

Liquid takes the shape of its container that its in.

Solutions are solute that dissolves into the solvent.

There are 3 types of matter. They are solids ,liquids and gases. These three types of matter can be used to make a mixture. Solutions is a mixture but you can not see the substances.

States of matter


Solids have definite shape. Solids has particles that move close together. an example of a solid is an ice cube before it melts.

Gases have no definite shape or volume. The particles dont always stay together. An example of a gas is a balloon

Solutions are when you mix two things or more and cant see the solvent and the solute. All solutions are example of a solution is lemonade.

Liquids dont have a definite shape it changes its shape based on the container. The liquids particles are close to each other and can be separated. An example of a liquid is water.

A mixture is when you mix two substances and can be separated. Mixtures can be made by solids liquids and gases. An example of mixtures can be cereal

There are 3 types of matter .They are solids, liquids, ands gases. These 3 types of matter can be Caption describing picture or graphic. used to make a mixture. Solutions is a mixture, but you can not see the substances.

Solids, liquids, and gases


A solid is part of the states of matter. It cant transform into another shape it stays the same. Some solids can be heavy and others aren't .An example of a solid is a book.

A liquid can sometimes be something you drink. A liquid is free flowing. An example of a liquid is milk.

Some gases can you cant see others you can. Gases can be helpful to human breath. An example is an air tank.

A mixture is made up of two or more things. A mixture is also two substances that are mixed together and that you can separate. A salad is an example of a mixture

A solution is a mixture mixed so well that you cant see the different substances. A solution is impossible to see the separate particles. An example of a solution is cookie dough.

There are 3 types of matter . They are solids , liquids, and gases. These types of matter can be used to make a mixture . Solutions are a mixture , but you can not see the substances .

Matter and Mixtures

Keshawn Blakely

An example of a solid is a an book solid does not take shape of a container. Also the particles have no freedom. Gases fill the room or space, so it has no definite size or shape. Also the particles have a lot of freedom. An example of a gas is air.


Solutions include solutes and solvents . Solutions are mixtures ,but the different substances cant be seen. Lemonade is a solution.

Liquids have no definite shape, and the particles have a little freedom. An example of a liquid is water.

Mixtures include solute and solvents. Also the substances can be seen. Cereal is a mixture.

There are three types of matter . They are solids, liquids, and gases. These three types of matter can make mixture. One type of mixture is a solution.

States of Matter

A solid never changes shape. A solids particles are really close together. An example of a solid is a car

Gases always take the shape of its container . A gases partiCaption describing picture or graphic.

Solutions can be Kool-Aid and it can be separated

cles are

A liquid always takes its containers shape. Its particles are a little spread out.
Caption describing picture or graphic.

A mixture has two or more things inside of it ,and you can separate

There are 3 types of matter . They are solids liquids and gas . These 3 types of matter can be used to make a mixture. One kind of mixture is a solution.

States Of Matter


Solids will not change there shape And they have volume.

You can only see some gases. They will take the shape of their container.

A solution is a mixture . It is mixed so well you can not see it. An example of a

An example of a solid is a car.

A example of a gas is a hot air balloon

solution is chocolate milk.

Takes the shape of its container. It also has volume

Made up of 2 or more substances. You can easily take them apart.

An example of a liquid is a beach.

A example of a mixture is salads

There are 3 types of matter. They are solids, liquids, and gases. Solutions is a mixture but you can not see the substances.

All Kinds of Matter



Solids have volume. You can not move through a solid. An example of a solid is table.

You can move through a gas A gas takes the shape of its container An example of a gas it a hot air balloon

A solution is one type mixture. A solution can not be separated.

A liquids shape will change depending on the container it is in. You can move through a liquid. An example of a liquid is juice.

A mixture is two or more substances mixed together There can be solid-gas mixtures, liquidsolid mixtures, gas-liquid mixtures, etc.


There are three types of matter. They are solids, liquids, and gases. These three types of matter can make a mixture. One type of mixture is a solution.
States of matter


A solid will never lose its shape. Solids have definite shapes and volume. An example of a solid is a car.

A Gases can always take a shape of something. A gas has no definite shape or volume.

solution can eventually be separated back to there form. A solution is completely mix together.



liquid take a shape of the container. The water volume and shape can change. An example of a liquid is water.

Mixtures are two thing that are mixed . Like a salad is a mixture.

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