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EDUC 450



OBSERVATION FIELD NOTES FORM DAY ONE Candidate: Barry White Jr._________________________________ Mentor Teacher:_Ms Kennedy_ Date: _01/21/14___________ Content Area: _English_____________ Lesson Topic: Verb Tenses__ DOMAIN 2: INSTRUCTION
APS 4: ESTABLISHING AND MAINTAINING HIGH EXPECTATION FOR LEARNERS An effective teacher establishes, clearly communicates and maintains appropriate expectations for student learning, participation and responsibility. A. What did the teacher expect the students to learn from the lesson? How did the teacher convey the purpose and relevance of the lesson to the students? In what ways did the students demonstrate that they understood what the teacher expected for them to learn?

The teacher expected students to learn the verb tenses past present and future from the lesson she was teaching today. She conveyed this message by having a detailed agenda placed on the smart board as soon as the students walked in letting them know what was to be expected for that day. She started off with a class discussion asking the difference between the three different verb tenses and had the students give examples for each of them and explain why they gave those examples. The students understood what the teacher expected them to do by following the instructions that were given in the beginning of the class.
B. What did the teacher expect the students to do during and after the lesson? How did the teacher convey expectations for student participation and for accomplishing related assignments and tasks? In what ways did the students demonstrate that they understood what the teacher expected them to do?

The teacher had on the agenda if you finish than start reading the grade level book and go to the computer station to take the test afterwards. During the lesson students work to look at the worksheet given and circle the verb tenses they found in the passages and explain which verb tense it was when called upon. The teacher used choral reading ad guided reading to convey expectations for student participation and also used whole group discussion. The students followed suit with what the teacher had laid out for them without any distractions or problems with the directions given
C. How did the teacher help the students take ownership of the learning (e.g., by making the learning relevant to the students, using scaffolding, providing opportunities for students to engage in self-assessment and reflection, teaching compensatory strategies when necessary)?

The teacher helped the students take ownership of their learning by having them switch worksheets with a partner close to them and grade each other work while they went over it as a class. She gave immediate feedback and asked students to read the question and give the correct answer when called upon. She used scaffolding during the lesson than allowed the students to practice on their own providing opportunities for students to engage in self-assessment and reflection. The students were actively engaged in grading each other work and after they were done were allowed timed to go back and see what they got wrong in order to know what to work on individually on their own time.

EDUC 450



OBSERVATION FIELD NOTES FORM DAY TWO Candidate: Barry White Jr_________________________________ Mentor Teacher:_Mr. Catlin_______________________________ Date: 1/23/14____________ Content Area: _Math_____________ Lesson Topic: Fractions______

APS 5: USING INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES TO FACILITATE LEARNING An effective teacher promotes student learning through the effective use of appropriate instructional strategies.

A. What instructional strategies did the teacher use during the lesson?

The teacher used different instructional strategies such as: power points including media and technology, drill and practice, lecture and direct teaching. There was a lot of hands on activities that required students to take ownership of their work. Whole group learning also took place during the lesson.
B. In what ways did the teacher vary the instructional strategies during the lesson, and why?

The teacher started off with whole group than broke the students up into smaller groups to work amongst themselves while monitoring and giving feedback to the different groups. This was followed by a power point presentation that involved lecture where the students were able to visualize what the teacher was saying by following along from the power point. After that the teacher used drill and practice where the students had to answer a variety of questions related to the lesson that was taught today. I believe the different strategies were used to keep the students engaged in the learning of the topic and give them different avenues from which they could learn from.
C. What evidence suggests that the instructional strategies were or were not- effective in terms of promoting student learning and success?

Students were able to effectively respond and correct their mistakes when they made them upon being called for the drill and practice section of the lesson. Showing the strategies were effective in reaching the students and promoting student learning and success.

EDUC 450



OBSERVATION FIELD NOTES FORM DAY THREE Candidate: _Barry White Jr________________________________ Mentor Teacher:_Mr.Catlin________ Date: _1/23/14___________ Content Area: _Math_____________ Lesson Topic: fractions_____

APS 6: PROVIDING CONTENT FOR LEARNERS An effective teacher possesses a thorough knowledge and understanding of the discipline so that he or she is able to provide the appropriate content for the learner. A. What evidence suggests that the teacher did-or did not- have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the content? If content errors were made, did the teacher recognize and correct them?

The teacher did not read directly from the power point and was able to provide feedback from his own prior knowledge when asked questions related to the topic by the students. The teacher was able to adjust the content by breaking it down further in order for students to understand more effectively when It showed that the students were having a hard time comprehending the content.
B. What was the content of the lesson, and how did the content relate to the learners and their learning?

The content was on fractions and the teacher related fractions to the students everyday lives, making comparisons to their favorite food like pizza and dividing up their toys. He also used money as an example showing the correlation between percent and fractions and how they all could come together.
C. How did the teacher organize and present the content in order to make it clear and meaningful to the students and to promote higher levels of knowledge, skills and/or cognitive processing?

The teacher presented the content in the fashion of students everyday lives and held whole class discussions about how fractions could be used with their own belongs at home or with their money. He used objects and media in order to make the content vivid and engaged the students more into the excitement of learning about fractions.

EDUC 450



OBSERVATION FIELD NOTES FORM DAY FOUR Candidate: Barry White Jr_________________________________ Mentor Teacher:___Ms Robinson __ Date: _1/24/14___________ Content Area: _Science_____________ Lesson Topic: weathering _

APS 7: MONITORING, ASSESSING AND ENHANCING LEARNING An effective teacher maintains a constant awareness of student performance throughout the lesson in order to guide instruction and provide appropriate feedback. A. How did the teacher monitor student engagement, understanding and performance during the lesson?

The teacher walked around the classroom and rows giving students feedback on what they was doing right or wrong. The teacher also used cues to get the class attention or to check for clarification on whether they understood what was being taught to them. There was choral reading and chime in reading techniques exercised in the lesson as well.
B. What adjustments, if any, did the teacher make during the lesson, and why?

The teacher switched from a map off the world on paper to pulling it up on a power point so students could actively play games with the map online making the activity more exciting and engaging for the students to learn. The students were seemingly getting off task at their desk when they had a print out of the map and seemed to become more engaged when it was on the smart board and able to be exploited upon.
C. What types of instructional feedback did the teacher provide to the students, and how effective was the feedback in terms of enhancing student learning?

The teacher held one on one conferences with her students where they would bring up what they had and she would effectively tell them where they were wrong and how to go back and check their mistake in order to fix it. Than as a class they went over the work given and went one by one through each answer, asking questions in between to make sure the students were comprehending why they answer was the correct choice for the problem given.

EDUC 450



OBSERVATION FIELD NOTES FORM DAY FIVE Candidate: _Barry White Jr________________________________ Mentor Teacher:___Ms Kennedy____ Date: _1/27/14___________ Content Area: English______________ Lesson Topic: narrative point of view

APS 8: MAINTAINING AN ENVIRONMENT THAT PROMOTES LEARNING An effective teacher creates and maintains a classroom environment that encourages and supports student learning. A. Describe the physical environment of the classroom.

The chairs are set in four columns in rows of four facing the front classroom. The smart board and white board is located in front of the classroom facing the students. The teacher desk is located in the front corner of the class to the left of the smart board. There are posters all around the classroom promoting a rich learning environment. There are three computers located to the right of the student desk and to the left of the computers there is a wash station for students to rinse their hands. In the back of the class there are shelves for students place their books and under the shelves they can place their coats on a hanger.


What type of affective climate did the teacher create for the students?

The teacher creates a caring and firm environment in the classroom the students know she loves them but will get on them if they are acting up or not performing to their best efforts on a test or assignment. She is always open to help any and every student that needs it.
C. In what ways did the teacher establish a culture of learning in the classroom (e.g., by facilitating inquisitiveness, motivating to learn, cooperation, teamwork)?

The teacher used a lot of group activities that required teamwork and cooperation when reviewing worksheets and a lot of praise techniques when students did the right thing or got an answer right. She motivates the students with high praises and has the class praise them a whole when doing the right thing individually.


An effective teacher maximizes instructional time by efficiently managing student behavior, instructional routines and materials and essential non-instructional tasks. A. What were the teachers expectations for student behavior? In what ways did the students demonstrate that they understood the ways in which they were expected to behave? How did the teacher address inappropriate student behaviors, if any, during the lesson?

Students are expected to come in with only one pencil and put their heads down at their seat until the teacher begins the lesson for the day. The days agenda is already on the board and the teacher at the beginning of every lesson goes over what they will be covering for the day and gives instruction so the students know beforehand how to proceed. The teacher quickly addresses any misbehavior firmly by scolding on giving the student a strong stare. There is rarely any misbehaving in her class. This shows the students know the expectation and follows suit very well.


In what ways did the teacher maximize-or fail to maximize- instructional time?

The teacher maximizes instructional time by making sure the students stay on task with cues and instructions on what to expect for the day so there is no time for any confusion on uncertainty on what comes next. Any small problem or student that gets off task she quickly addresses it and solves the problem to avoid wasting instructional time


How did the teacher manage non-instructional routines and transitions between activities and/or classes?

The teacher has a routine for every transition and non-instructional movement. The students know to enter class by row and only have one pencil in their hand and put their head down when they get to their seat. Only one person is elected to sharpen pencils so that everyone is getting up out their seat. Students use the bathroom before coming to class to avoid having too many students come in and out of the class. When the students exit the class they wait until their row is called and leave in a single file line.

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