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EDUC 450: Professional Clinical Practice Reflective Lesson Plan Model Name: Barry White Jr PART I: PLANNING Super

Hyperbole Title of Lesson This is an original Lesson Source Subject Area (s) Grade Level English 4th Grade 4-1.4 Distinguish among devices of figurative language (including Hyperbole) Date: 02/11/14

Curriculum Standards

I will explain figurative language using interactive power Description and Background point. I will demonstrate how using figurative language Information (Hyperbole) makes a text more interesting by exaggerating or stretching the truth. I will than demonstrate how to determine hyperboles in text. And also prompt students to creating their own hyperboles in their writing. Lesson Objectives Students will be able to identify hyperbole in text and create their own hyperboles. I will provide small group learning for students who do not understand the material and have them peer up with another classmate who does and apply peer tutoring. Students who have already mastered the content will become content leaders and help the students who are struggling understand the content. Students will be able to identify hyperbole in text and create their own hyperboles. Smart board Interactive PowerPoint Study Island Internet4classrooms Pass Coach Comprehensive reading assessment I used an example of hyperboles by including myself and talking about how my day started. I used statements such as last night I was so hungry I could eat a cow, my book bag

Varying Objectives for Individuals Needs

Statement of Purpose

Materials and Resources

Anticipatory Set

this morning felt like it weighed a ton, I got to school sweating bricks. I also had pictures to give imagery to what I was stating. Part II: IMPLEMENTATION Through whole group questioning I will find out what prior knowledge they have on the content and how they would use it in text. I will go over the agenda I have placed on the smart board and explain the procedures and plans for the day thoroughly and tell them the objective for todays lesson. I will guide the students in identifying hyperbole in a passage or a poem. Myself and the students will than create an example of hyperbole I will continuously use whole group discussion throughout the lesson to make sure the students understand what hyperbole is and remember the key terms that will help them remember for ex: It cannot be possible, stretches the truth, exaggeration. We will repeat these things throughout the lesson and I will question students on what is being discussed periodically. The students will read independently to identify hyperbole in text. Students will explain a hyperbole and create an example of a sentence that contains hyperboles.
Attached( physical copy hard copy)


Teacher Modeling or Demonstration Guided Practice

Checking for Understanding

Independent Practice Closure Assessment (attach to lesson plan) Extension Activities

Students can use study island to enhance their conception of hyperbole


I will use Prezi power point presentation, internet4classrooms and songs/videos pulled from the web. The Arts: Students watched a video the beauty and the beast and related personification in the video clip. Physical Education: Students will stand up and act out an exaggeration they have created that can be performed in the classroom

Connection Across the Curriculum



Weaknesses Suggestions for Improvement

My strengths are my ability to incorporate multimedia and imagery into my lessons and create interactive hands on activities with my students. My high energy lecture skills grabs students attention. Time management has improved however I am still working on finishing my lesson on Tuesdays where the classes are only 30 minutes I have to adjust my lesson. I will use more drill and practice worksheets to check for understanding more clearly.
Revised 6-2013


Candidate____________________________________ Title of Lesson ________________________________________________ Date:________________

Target (5 Points)
The candidate includes all introductory components and all components are appropriate to the lesson

Highly Acceptable (4 Points)

The candidate includes most introductory components that are appropriate to the lesson

Acceptable (3 Points)
The candidate includes some introductory components that are appropriate to the lesson

Moderately Acceptable (2 Points)

The candidate includes only one introductory component that is appropriate to the lesson The candidate lists standards, but standards are inappropriate for the lesson.

Unacceptable (1 Point)
The candidate fails to include the Introductory components


INTRODUCTION (Title, Source, Subject Area, Grade Level) ACEI .1.0


The candidate identifies all appropriate standards for the lesson.

The candidate identifies some of the standards that are appropriate for the lesson.

The candidate identifies some appropriate standards and some inappropriate standards for the lesson. The candidate identifies the lessons activities and content but fails to provide a clear overview of the lesson The candidate includes clearly written objectives that are not measurable The candidate varies some of the objectives to address diverse students needs and includes some teacher actions that

The candidate fails to identify curriculum standards.

The candidate describes the lessons activities and content in a detailed manner.

The candidate describes the lessons activities and content in a manner that provides a clear overview of the lesson The candidate includes measurable performance objectives, but objectives are not clearly or concisely written for the lesson The candidate varies most of the objectives to promote rigor and a challenge for all students, including diverse students,

The candidate identifies the lessons activities or the lessons content

The candidate fails to identify the lessons activities and content


The candidate includes concise, clearly written, measurable performance objectives for all standards The candidate varies all objectives to promote rigor and challenge for all students, including diverse students, , and identifies

The candidate includes objectives that are not measurable or clearly written The candidate does not vary the objectives, but the candidate identifies teacher actions that accommodate diverse

The candidate fails to include objectives for the lesson

The candidate fails to differentiate objectives


teacher actions that accommodate diverse students needs

and identifies teacher actions that accommodate diverse students needs

accommodate those needs

students needs.


The candidate clearly explains the importance of the content for the student.

The candidate appropriately explains the importance of the content for the student, but more information is needed.

The candidate makes an adequate attempt to explain the importance of the content to for the student..

The candidate does not explain the relevance of the content for the student.

The candidate makes no attempt to explain the relevance of the content for the student



The candidate provides comprehensive lists of lesson materials and resources with explanations of how they will be used by the teacher and students The candidate clearly describes a well-organized student centered lesson that reflects all organizational issues: pre-assessment, motivation (anticipatory set), purpose, modeling/demonstration, guided and independent practice, closure, extension activities and other instructional strategies. The lesson plan reflects differentiated instruction The candidate describes specific assessments that correlate to all of the objectives and lesson

The candidate provides comprehensive lists of lesson materials and resources to be used by the teacher and the students, but no explanations The candidate clearly describes a studentcentered lesson that reflects most of the organizational issues: pre-assessment, motivation, purpose, modeling/demonstration, guided and independent practice, closure, extension activities and other instructional strategies. The lesson plan reflects differentiated instruction The candidate describes assessments that correlate to some of the objectives and the lesson

The candidate provides lists of some of the materials and resources to be used by the teacher and the students for the lesson The candidate clearly describes a studentcentered lesson that contains few of the organizational issues, and addresses some differentiated instruction.

The candidate provides a list of lesson materials and resources to be used by the teacher or the students, but not both The candidate describes a lesson that is somewhat studentcentered with few of the organizational issues, with no differentiated instruction

The candidate fails to provide a list of materials and resources for the lesson

The candidate describes an ill-planned lesson that is not student-centered or the candidate fails to describe the lesson


The candidate includes assessments that correlate to the objectives and the lesson, but do not describe them

The candidate includes assessments that do not correlate to the objectives and the lesson

The candidate fails to include assessments


The candidate describes and lists specific strategies and techniques and/or lists questions to be asked to check for understanding The candidate meaningfully incorporates and describes student used technology in the lesson or explains why technology cannot be meaningfully incorporated The candidate demonstrates a high level of competence in spelling, grammar and typing

The candidate describes and lists several strategies/ techniques and questions to be asked to check for understanding The candidate meaningfully incorporates and describes teacher used technology in the lesson

The candidate lists and describes strategies/ techniques, but does not list any questions

The candidate lists questions, but fails to describe or list strategies and techniques The candidate incorporates technology in the lesson in superficial ways; candidate does not describe the use of technology The candidate demonstrates little competence in spelling, grammar and typing, through many errors The candidate provides extension activities that do not connect the home, community and community agencies The candidate connects the lesson to at least two curriculum content areas The candidate provides superficial information regarding the effectiveness and the ineffectiveness of the lesson, and gives no information regarding future implementation of the lesson.

The candidate does not list or describe any strategies/techniques or asks questions to check for understanding The candidate fails to address the issue of technology


The candidate incorporates and describes technology in the lesson in superficial ways.


The candidate demonstrates competence in spelling, grammar and typing, but exhibits few errors The candidate provides at least one extension activity to connect the lesson with the home and community, but not community agencies The candidate includes connections to at least 5 of the 7 curriculum areas in the lesson The candidate somewhat provides information that shows an understanding of the effectiveness of the lesson; gives information regarding changes for future implementation of the lesson

The candidate demonstrates sufficient competence in spelling, grammar and typing, but exhibits several errors The candidate provides extension activities that connect the home, but not the community and community agencies The candidate includes connections to the four core content areas in the lesson The candidate provides information regarding the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of the lesson, but gives no information regarding future implementation

The candidate demonstrates little competence in spelling, grammar and typing through a significant number of errors The candidate fails to provide extension activities


The candidate provides more than one extension activity to connect the lesson with the home, community and community agencies The candidate includes connections to all of the curriculum content areas during the lesson. The candidate provides thorough information that shows an understanding of the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of the lesson; gives information regarding changes for future implementation of the lesson

The candidate fails to connect the lesson to other curriculum content areas The candidate fails to provide information regarding reflections from the implementation of the lesson


Revised 1-2012

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