Chess Club

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Kent Gardens

Chess Club
Virginia State Champions, Primary Division (3rd grade and under), March 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001. Fairfax County Champions 2002 and 2003. Also many individual award winners!

Prior State and Fairfax County Champions

Sign up NOW for Spring 2010 Session of Chess Club!

Where? When? Kent Gardens School cafeteria Wednesdays after school 3:20 5:00 PM. The Spring semester will begin Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2010 and end on May 26, 2010. Please note that we are unable to schedule make-up sessions due to unscheduled school closings. Any Kent Gardens student in 2nd through 6th grades. Girls! Boys! New and experienced players! Mr. David Mehler from the U.S. Chess Center will teach the club, organize games, and provide small group instruction to players of all experience levels. Mostly we will play chess. In addition, members will receive instruction in rules and strategy of chess in small groups. Fill out the chess club registration form and 1 return the form and check for $75 payable to Kent Gardens PTA - Chess Club by Wed., 2 Jan. 27th. Send form in an envelope clearly marked Kent Gardens Office -Chess Club. No refunds after Feb. 10th. Chess Club is a very successful and popular program at Kent Gardens. Parent volunteers are always needed! Sign-up dates are on the back of the registration form. There are several Spring tournaments, including the Kent Gardens Cup on March 1, 2010 when we host local schools. We will be competing with Haycock ES in the Westmoreland Bowl at Haycock this year. Jackie DiMauro at or (703) 281-9639.

Who can join? Who will teach?

Why Play Chess?

Chess is great mental exercise for children...

First of all Chess is fun! Chess involves multi-level critical thinking. Chess requires forethought and cultivates visualization skills. Chess improves problem-solving skills. Chess encourages children to overcome the fear of risk-taking. Chess teaches concentration and selfdiscipline. Chess enables children to assume responsibility for their decisions. Chess rewards determination and perseverance. Chess promotes good sportsmanship. Chess encourages socialization skills that extend across cultures and generations.

What will we do? How do I join?

Help needed!



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Financial aid is available through Assistant Principal, Ms. Gavin. We fill quickly -please return form promptly!

Please return the registration form and check no later than Feb. 3rd. Thank you!

Kent Gardens Chess Club

REGISTRATION FORM Spring Semester 2010 Chess Club meets on Wednesdays: 3:20 to 5:00 - February 3 to May 28 **Please place this form and $75 check in an envelope marked CHESS CLUB and have your th child give it to his or her teacher or drop it off at the school office by January 27 . Make checks payable to Kent Gardens PTA - Chess Club Student name: last Home phone:( Parent name(s): and day phone: Emergency contact: ( ) phone ( ) phone ) first Homeroom teacher: Grade:

( ) name phone (Communication for *Email required (print clearly): Chess Club will come by e-mail from our instructor, Mr. David Mehler and by Yahoogroup ( Pick-up information: ________ _____ __ My child will be picked up at 5:00 pm. I understand that late pick-up fees apply. Parent Signature Children must be met inside the building and may not wait outside. Parents, guardians, or childcare providers are required to sign children out. ___________________ My child will go to SACC. Parent signature __________________ My child will walk home. Parent signature

Volunteer support: The U.S. Chess Center provides all chess instruction. Parent volunteers are needed to assist in supervision of the children and administration of the club. Chess experience is not needed. Please check to volunteer below the number of times you can assist on Wednesdays from 3 5:30 pm. You will be given a schedule with your specific dates to volunteer. If you can not volunteer, please consider donating several bags of Oreos for snack. (a) ___ More than 4 times (b)___ 3 or 4 times (c)___ Once or twice (d) ___ Emergency backup

I am willing to provide additional support for Chess Club this Spring: check all that apply ___ Tournaments ____ Snack coordinator ___ End of session party ___ Kent Gardens Cup (we host 7 other chess clubs from local schools on Monday, March 1) I want to join Kent Gardens Chess Club! I want to learn about chess and will obey Chess Club rules. Childs Signature: I give permission for my child to participate in the Kent Gardens Chess Club. Please circle whether your child has been in Kent Gardens Chess Club before: YES or NO Date: Parent Signature: Ask Jackie DiMauro at or 703-281-9639. Questions?

Kent Gardens Chess Club

Volunteer Sign-Up Dates Spring 2010
The following dates are all Wednesday afternoons. Volunteers are needed from 3:00 pm 5:30 pm. Parents will not be involved in providing chess instruction. Parents are needed to monitor hallways for bathroom breaks and assist with snacks. The U.S. Chess Center provides all chess instruction. If you already know when you can volunteer, please write your name beside the appropriate dates below. You will receive a schedule and confirmation of your dates. We will try to assign you dates that best fit with your schedule. Parent Volunteer Name: Feb. 3: Feb. 10: Feb. 17: Feb. 24: Feb. 27: March 3: March 10: March 17: March 24: April 7: April 14: April 24: May 1: May 8: May 15: May 22: May 26: (End of Session Ice Cream Party!) Student name:

I am willing to provide additional support for Chess Club as: ___ ___ State tournament coordinator As needed ___ ___ Local tournament coordination End of session party coordinator ___ Weekly snack coordinator

Thank you for volunteering!

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