The 92 Governors

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The 92 Governors In this section on enochian angels the 92 governors must be mentioned, too. More informations on them you can find here. Here you can find the 92 sigils and the names of these angels. The sigils are shown on the Great Table, they are all unique in design. The translations of the names was first published by Schueler in his book "Enochian Magic - A Practical Manual". To find out which sigil belongs to a certain angel, use the serial number of the angel and look on the table where you can find the same number, attached to a sigil. Please note that this is the original table of Ave and not the reformed one of Raphael. You must change the place of the watchtowers if you use the reformed table.



The 92 Governors

No. Name 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 Taaogba

English Translation Who becomes the foremost

No. Name 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Sokhial

English Translation Who burns up the past

Gemnimb Who is only for a season Doxinal Advorpt Vastrim Odraxti Gmtziam Tabnixp Poklsni Oxlopar Saziami Mathvla Krpanib Pophand Nigrana Bazhiim Mirzind Obvaors Ranglam Orkamir Khialps Soageel Who establishes the night Who silently watches Who is merciful Who opens up the east Who knows only himself Who governs Who visits those in heaven Who has them in his hands Who has true power Who ends actions Who destroys speech Who is divided into three parts Who governs the 28 days of the moon Who makes use of the day Who is from the Waters of Torment Who is half darkness Who governs his thoughts Who is above and below Of wondrous joy Who helps the most

Tahamdo Who lives according to his name Nokiabi Tastoxo Tedoand Vivipos Servant who speaks the truth Who initiates dancing Who demands obedience Of many repetitions

Voanamb To whom truth is relative Gekaond Laparin Dokepax Tapamal Gedoons Ambriol Molpand Vsnarda Ponodol Lexarph Who only obeys Protector of man Who names only great names Who is like he was at the beginning Who eliminates your name Who continuously comforts Who receives men Who casts down into the depths Who destroys and creates Who is first of air

Komanan Who knows how to manifest Tabitom Oddiorg Kralpir Doanzin Zamfres Todnaon Pristak Who is like fire Of fire and justice Of bright joy Who names the waters Who appears when praised Who is and will be Who is like a holy one

Ronoamb Who protects the process of becoming Onizimp Zaxanin Ozidaia Kalzirg Lazdixr Paraoan Khlrzpa Toantom Vixpalg Zildron Parziba Totokan Torzoxi Abriond Who brings labor Who names things The God of truth Who is in the firmament Who brings down a bounty Who has eyes Who enjoys loud sounds Who loves knowledge Who consumes Who sets in flight Who promises Who drives the cycles Who rises up in strength Who prepares his kingdom

Opmakas Who is from the beginning Genadol Aspiaon Saxtomp Vauamp Zirzird Laxdixi Nokamal Tiarpax Thotanf Axziarg Pothnir Who only attracts Who precedes inner truth Whose name means understanding Who initiates action Who was and will be Who has no supreme name Servant of the arrow Whose name means truth Whose visit means victory Whose name is flame Son of the threefold throne

Omagrap Of lunar knowledge Nabaomi Zafasai Valpamb Sigmorf Aydropt Tokarzi Kvkuarpt Lauakon Who knows pain Who is in emptiness Who is the beginning and the end Who visits the darkness Who sees us with equality He of such equality Who replaces what was before with something similar The happy one

Samapha Who is with continuity Virloli Andispi Doagnis Pakasna Diaivoia Okkodon Paskomb Valgars Who made the first nest Who binds into obedience Who comes without a name Who is unchanged by time The god where truth is Whose name is renewal Who precedes understanding Who works with what which is

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