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Central Montcalm High School Department of Health and Physical Education HEALTH EDUCATION Instructor: Mrs.

Haley Dawe Course Outline COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will provide the students with an opportunity to enhance their health and wellness knowledge. The course will provide information on mental health, social health, human development, nutrition and fitness, and substance abuse. COURSE OBJECTIVES: The student will 1. Understand concepts related to health improvement and disease prevention. 2. Demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health-promoting products and services. 3. Demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks. 4. Analyze the influence of culture, media, technology, and other factors on health. 5. Demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health. 6. Demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision-making skills to enhance health. Demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health. RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Computer with Internet access 2. Webcam/microphone access 3. MS-Office or a compatable program 4. Glencoe Health Textbook 2009 Online Edition TEXTBOOK: GLENCOE HEALTH ONLINE EDITION This textbook will guide your learning throughout the course. Be prepared to carefully read each chapter as there is valuable information to enhance your learning. Along with the chapters, please be aware of real-world examples embedded throughout the chapter, Fitness Zones with informtion on nutrition and fitness, the Online Learning Center and the Video Series. These resources will enrich your learning experience. STUDENT LEARNER RESPONSIBILITIES As a student in this course, it is expected that you are a responsible and selfmotivated learner. Please expect to check email on a regular basis for course updates. All assignments are due Sunday by midnight of the week they are assigned. Late work will be marked down 10% for each day late.

ATTENDANCE: It is required that you attend each class session. If you are unable to attend class, please watch the archived lesson and respond to the questions attached for that weeks lesson. If there are extenuating circumstances please contact the professor as soon as possible. INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION Mrs. Haley Dawe is in her 6th year of teaching at Central Montcalm Public Schools. Mrs. Dawe has a degree from Central Michigan University with concentrations in Physical Education and Health. Mrs. Dawe has a passion for Health Education and is excited to share information and guide you through this course. Online Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9-11 am or by appointment ASSESSMENTS 1. Group discussion board 2. Written coursework 3. Group project 4. Written quizzes 5. Final Exam GRADING: 1. Weekly Discussion Posts @ 10 points each x 15 = 150 points 2. Written Assignments 100 points 3. Group Project 50 points 4. Quizzes @ 10 points each x 10 = 100 points 5. Final Exam 100 points Final grades will be based on a percentage of the total points accumulated by the student from all assignments/examinations. The following grading scale will be used:

A= 90% or above (450-500 points) B= 80% - 89% (400-449 points) C= 70% - 79% (350-399 points) D= 60% - 69% (300-349 points) Failing 59% or below (299 points or below)
COURSE OUTLINE (15 lessons): Week 1: Intro to Health Education Week 2: Goal Setting Week 3: Personal Health Week 4: Social Health Week 5: Mental Health Intro Week 6: Depression Week 7: Nutrition Week 8: Fitness Week 9: Body Image Week 10: Eating Disorders Week 11: Alcohol Week 12: Tobacco Week 13: Illicit Drugs Week 14: Reproductive Health Week 15: Semester Review Week 16: Final Exam

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