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How did I spend my time this week? What responsibilities did I have? This last week I had to privilege of beginning my first bell-to-bell 40hour week. At first I was a little hesitant, but I can say now that I am so happy that I am now in the classroom 100%, both in all 4 of the general education classrooms co-teaching, along with teaching my 2 other Social Skills classes. Its a really great feeling having total control and to now have all of my students know me as Miss Diekemper, along with knowing that I am the person they need to go to if they have questions. I am becoming more and more comfortable with the special education probes that we deliver each week (reading, math, and writing). In addition to that, I am becoming even more skilled in scoring these assessments, along with entering this data into the computer for graphing purposes. Another first for me was having the chance to sit in on and co-lead a behavior referral meeting. This sanction was enacted because of several different misbehaviors from one of the male students on our SPED roster. There was an officer referral written, followed by a meeting with my cooperating teacher, Mrs. George, our principal Mr. Kuhnert, the student, the students mother, and myself. It was interesting to see the type of problem solving that occurred and how not only the teacher, but also the building, plans on addressing the issue. Additionally, I had the chance to really experience a true co-teaching model, along with the opportunity to collaborate in the general science room while Mr. Kuhnert, our principal conducted a formal observation. What were my most satisfying and challenging experiences? As far as challenges go, I think that mentally, emotionally, and physically I am better understanding what it really takes to be a teacher. Although this was another great week with plenty of learning experiences, I have begun to understand how much it truly

takes to be on 100% of time for students, on top of the other hours that go into lesson planning and mastering the curriculum myself. Another challenge that I think I have begun to understand a little bit more in the depth is the whole construct of teenagers they really are walking hormones. This week I have been challenged with a couple of defiant behaviors, seen how easily they can go from hot to cold, and even how sensitive some of the ladies can be and even turn to tears when they dont get what they want in the general education classroom. I dont think there could have been any sort of child development course that could have prepared me for some of their outlandish, while sometimes hilarious, behavior, but I am beginning to learn that it is simply a process of learning as you go. In terms of this week, I would say that I have had several moments of success and definitely felt satisfied as the student teacher in the room and building. This week we got a new student in our building and as the ST I felt quite compelled to help her feel as welcome as possible. Although she is not on our team, she is on our collaborate section of developmental Algebra. I think I could definitely relate to her fears of being at a new school and feeling like the new one around. I think another satisfying feeling is knowing that what I have been doing for my students is actually working, actually helping. Like Mrs. George and I have discussed several times, many times our job is a delicate dance of balancing the supplementary instruction and assistance for SPED, while still keeping the kids going in their general education classes. What are my plans for the upcoming week? As for the upcoming week, I am looking forward to my second full week of teaching bell-to-bell and the exciting experiences that it will bring. Both our boys and girls basketball teams are on their way to

state and the weather is supposed to be perking up. This upcoming week I look forward to finishing up the IEP that I have begun writing and look forward to preparing for that meeting as well. Its hard to believe that I only have 2 weeks left at this placement!

4/20/14 6:10 PM

4/20/14 6:10 PM

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