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Angel Kohlmann Jane Smith Smalltown Elementary 2013-2014

Teacher Information Classroom Rules Daily Schedule Special Activities Communication Parent/Teacher Conferences Summary Q&A

Ms. Angel Kohlmann is a first-year kindergarten teacher, but has spent six year working in our preschool program. She specializes in early childhood learning
Mrs. Jane Smith is a veteran teacher here at Smalltown and this is her first year as an assistant. She has 10 years of experience in math and reading for elementary students.

Be kind to everyone All of our classmates (and teachers) are respected friends Use your listening ears We expect children to listen for instruction and follow through the first time. Homework folders go home Monday night and are due back Friday morning. We do require parent signatures on homework sheets and progress reports.

There is a behavior chart next to the teachers desk that looks like a stop-light. Attached are clothespins with each childs name. The clothespins are moved according to the childs behavior:
Green- Good. Child is following class rules and being respectful Yellow- Borderline. Child is talking out of turn or not following instructions Red- Needs Improvement. Child is disrupting class and/or misbehaving

If a child is on yellow for the day a note will be sent home to be signed & returned stating the childs behavior for the day If a child is on red for the day they will lose recess privilege the next day as well as bringing a notification home for the parent to be signed and returned.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday:

8:30-8:45am Children are dropped off to the classroom by parent/guardian 8:45-9am Breakfast is served in class (milk and cereal or fruit and toast with juice) 9-9:30am Free play in classroom centers + Books, puzzles, dramatic play, blocks 9:30-10:30 am Reading / Language arts 10:30-11:00 am Outdoor recess 11:00-11:45 am Math 11:45-12 pm Bathroom break, handwashing 12:00-12:30 pm Lunch 12:30-1:30 pm Social Studies / Science activities 1:30-2:00 pm Free play in classroom centers 2:00-2:15 pm Classroom Jobs + Calendar, weather, ABCs, assigning jobs for the next day 2:15 pm -- Dismissal

Tuesday, Thursday
8:30-9:00 am Drop-off and breakfast 9:00-9:45 am Science/Social Studies 9:45-10:45am Special Class + Either Rhythms (music) or Physical Education 10:45-11:45 am Language Arts/Reading 11:45-12 pm Bathroom break, hand washing 12:00-12:30 pm Lunch 12:30-1:00 pm Recess (outdoor or indoor play) 1:00-1:45 pm Math 1:45-2:00 pm Free play in classroom centers 2:00-2:15 pm Classroom jobs 2:15 pm -- Dismissal

Reading: We focus mainly on teaching children their letters and how to write throughout their first year. We learn basic sentence structure as well as beginning to read sight words Math: Children will be learning to count and do basic addition and subtraction (typically factors of one or two) Science/Social Studies: Children will learn about the weather, the life cycle of a butterfly, where different animals live (climate & geography) and much more!

Throughout the year our class will have many special activities for the children to experience including: Field trips
A farm, the science center, puppet shows

Classroom Activities
Field day, Mad Science (cooking/experimenting in class), Movie Day, Star of the Week

Parent Activities
Grandparents Day, Mother/Fathers Day Breakfast, Career Day

Lunch can be bought from the cafeteria or packed from home

Lunches must not contain peanuts or peanut products due to food allergies

We cannot administer medication in school. Please make arrangements for your child to take medication before/after school. The school nurse should receive prescription epi-pens, insulin or inhalers in case of emergency.

Items from home

Children are only allowed items from home for special activities like Star of the Week

Please try to give notice if your child will be out from school. If you cannot give notice prior to the absence, call the school on the day of the absence. Without a doctors note absences will be unexcused (unless prior arrangements have been made or there is an emergency situation)

We are dedicated to maintaining contact with all of the families in the classroom. The whole class will receive weekly newsletters to update on classroom happenings in the week to come. Both teachers can be reached by school e-mail at any time (we check them daily) A contact phone number will be given to each family Conferences can be scheduled throughout the year

We have specific times during the week for parents to come in to discuss any concerns:
Monday 2:30-4:30 pm Wednesday 3:00-5:00 pm Thursday 2:30-5:00 pm

Please try to schedule conferences one-two weeks in advance When you come in for a conference please do not bring your child unless it is previously discussed and decided to be necessary

We are excited to start off this school year, and are very glad you came to get to know your childs classroom a little better! We hope to be seeing you all throughout the year as your children are growing and learning in the classroom. Please, dont hesitate to ask any questions and feel free to call or e-mail either Mrs. Smith or myself at any time for information!

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