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(Taken by the Atty. Juan dela Cruz in her law office at 123 Bagacay Street, Mibang, Dipolog City, on witness Ines H. Junio in connection with Criminal Case No. 100 entitled: People of the Philippines versus Donald Jamarolin for Murder, Regional Trial Court, Dipolog City); Q1. Will you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? A1. Yes, I do; Q2. Are you fully conscious that you are giving us statements, under oath, and if you are not telling the truth you may face criminal liability for false testimony or perjury? A2. Yes, I do; Q3. Please state your name and other personal circumstances. A3. I am Ines H. Junio, of legal age, single, Filipino and a resident of Turno, Dipolog City. Q4. Do you know the accused in this case? A4. Yes, I do; Q5. How do you know him? A5. We were neighbors before; Q6. Sometime in July 1, 2013 at about 11:00 oclock in the evening, where were you? A6. I was on my way to buy cellphone load at Almas store;

Q7. Where is this store located? A7. It is located in Circumferential Road, Barangay Turno, Dipolog City; Q8. By the way, on or about July 1, 2013, what happened? A8. While walking towards Almas store which happens to be two blocks away from my house, I saw the deceased, Raul Carangan, walking fast and staring blankly at the opposite side of the street; Q9. What happened thereafter, if any? A9. A block after, I saw Donald Jamarolin who was wearing a baggy sweat shirt and seemed holding something inside it, walking on the same direction as Raul; Q10. What happened next, if there is any? A10. A few houses before Almas store I realized that I left my wallet at the house, thus, I hurriedly rushed my way back but a block before reaching home, I saw Donald stabbed the defenceless Raul who was lying on his back, at the stomach with a bolo; Q11. You just said you saw Donald stabbed the bolo against Raul, what happened next? A11. I saw Donald wipe the blood from the bolo on Rauls pants, as if he was cleaning it; Q12. What happened thereafter, if any? A12. The accused, Donald Jamarolin placed the bolo on Rauls right palm; Q13. What happened next, if any? A13. The accused, Donald Jamarolin speedily ran away from the body; Q14. About what time did this incident happened, if you could remember? A14. At about 11:05 oclock in the evening;

Q15. Do you have something more to say? A15. No more unless further asked. Q16. I have here with me a document which I request to be marked as Exhibit 1. Do you confirm my action? A16. Yes, I do; Q17. Do you attest to the truthfulness of your statements and allegations in this judicial affidavit? A17. Yes, I do; Atty. Dela Cruz: That is all for the witness your honor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature below this 11th day of July, 2013, at Dipolog City, Philippines. INES H. JUNIO (Affiant) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 11th day of July, 2013, at Dipolog City, Philippines. Affiant Ines H. Junio who exhibited to me her Community Tax Certificate No. 35259908 issued on January 4, 2013, issued at Turno, Dipolog City. And by way of further identification, affiant Ines H. Junio presented to me her current identification card where her photograph and signature appear.

DOC. NO.: ____; PAGE NO.: ____; BOOK NO.: LXXXII; SERIES OF 2013.

JUAN DELA CRUZ Notary Public Until December 31, 2014 PTR No. 1234 Zambo. Norte Jan. 2, 2013 IBP LIFETIME MEMBER NO. 12345 Roll No. 890000

SWORN ATTESTATION I HEREBY CERTIFY ON MY HONOR that I faithfully recorded or caused to be recorded the questions asked and the corresponding answers that the witness gave; and That neither I nor any other person then present or assisting me coached the witness regarding the latters answers. JUAN DELA CRUZ (Lawyer) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 11th day of July, 2013 at Dipolog City, Philippines, Lawyer Juan dela Cruz who exhibited to me this Community Tax Certificate No. 35679990 issued on January 24, 2013, issued at Turno, Dipolog City. And for further identification, Lawyer Juan dela Cruz presented to me his Tax Identification No. 11468632900 where his photograph and signature appear. Doc. No. ______; Page No. ______; Book No. III; Series of 2013 FLORDELIZ F. LAPUT NOTARY PUBLIC UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 2014
PTR NO. 123456 Z.N.-JAN. 18, 2013

IBPNO.12345-Z.N.CHAPTER.-JAN. 18, 2013 ROLL NO. 56789-APRIL 14, 2013-07-19 MCLE No. IV 0000419-DEC. 20, 2013

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