Rubric Presentation

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Sample Scoring Rubrics for Presentations

Scoring Rubric for Oral Presentations: Example #1 Category Organization (15 points) Scoring Criteria The type of presentation is appropriate for the topic and audience. !nformation is presented in a logical se"uence. Presentation appropriately cites re"uisite number of references. !ntroduction is attention#getting$ lays out the problem %ell$ and establishes a frame%or& for the rest of the presentation. Technical terms are %ell#defined in language appropriate for the target audience. Presentation contains accurate information. (aterial included is rele)ant to the o)erall message*purpose. +ppropriate amount of material is prepared$ and points made reflect %ell their relati)e importance. There is an ob)ious conclusion summari,ing the presentation. Spea&er maintains good eye contact %ith the audience and is appropriately animated -e.g.$ gestures$ mo)ing around$ etc... Spea&er uses a clear$ audible )oice. /eli)ery is poised$ controlled$ and smooth. 0ood language s&ills and pronunciation are used. 1isual aids are %ell prepared$ informati)e$ effecti)e$ and not distracting. 2ength of presentation is %ithin the assigned time limits. !nformation %as %ell communicated. Total Points Total Points Score

Content (45 points)

1' 1' 1'

Presentation (40 points)


1' 100

Scoring Rubric for Oral Presentations: Example #3 4ontent and Scientific (erit -5' points. Introduction: 6 /efines bac&ground and importance of research. 6 States ob7ecti)e$ and is able to identify rele)ant "uestions. Body: 6 Presenter has a scientifically )alid argument. 6 +ddresses audience at an appropriate le)el -rigorous$ but generally understandable to a scientifically# minded group.. 6 Offers e)idence of proof*disproof. 6 /escribes methodology. 6 The tal& is logical. Conclusion: 6 Summari,es ma7or points of tal&. 6 Summari,es potential %ea&nesses -if any. in findings. 6 Pro)ides you %ith a 8ta&e#home9 message. Spea&ing Style*/eli)ery -3' points. 6 Spea&s clearly and at an understandable pace. 6 (aintains eye contact %ith audience. 6 :ell rehearsed -either extemporaneous or scripted presentation.. 6 2imited use of filler %ords -8umm$9 8li&e$9 etc... 6 Spea&er uses body language appropriately. 6 Spea&er is %ithin time limits. 6 Spea&er is able to ans%er "uestions professionally. 6 Spea&er is dressed appropriately. +udio*1isual -3' points. 6 0raphs*figures are clear and understandable. 6 The text is readable and clear. 6 +udio*1isual components support the main points of the tal&. 6 +ppropriate referencing of data that is*%as not generated by presenter 0eneral 4omments

Scoring Rubric for Oral Presentations: Example #; PRESENCE #body language < eye contact #contact %ith the public #poise #physical organi,ation !N"#!"E S$% S #correct usage #appropriate )ocabulary and grammar #understandable -rhythm$ intonation$ accent. #spo&en loud enough to hear easily OR"!N%&!T%ON #clear ob7ecti)es #logical structure #signposting '!STER( O) T*E S#+,ECT #pertinence #depth of commentary #spo&en$ not read #able to ans%er "uestions -%S#! !%.S #transparencies$ slides #handouts #audio$ )ideo$ etc. O-ER! %'PRESS%ON #)ery interesting * )ery boring #pleasant * unpleasant to listen to #)ery good * poor communication 5 4 3 2 1 0

TOT! SCORE /////// 0 30

Scoring Rubric for Oral Presentations: Example #= Poor PRESENT!T%ON S$% S 1 :ere the main ideas presented in an orderly and clear manner>.................................., /id the presentation fill the time allotted> ..................................................................., :ere the o)erheads*handouts appropriate and helpful to the audience> ....................., /id the tal& maintain the interest of the audience> ......................................................, :as there a theme or ta&e#home message to the presentation> ..................................., :as the presenter responsi)e to audience "uestions> .................................................., $NO1 E."E +!SE :as proper bac&ground information on the topic gi)en> ............................................, :as the material selected for presentation appropriate to the topic> .......................... , :as enough essential information gi)en to allo% the audience to effecti)ely ............, e)aluate the topic> :as irrele)ant or filler information excluded> ............................................................, /id the presenter ha)e a clear understanding of the material presented> ...................., CR%T%C T*%N$%N" :ere the main issues in this area clearly identified> ..................................................., :ere both theoretical positions and empirical e)idence presented> ..........................., :ere the strengths and %ea&nesses of these theories$ and the methods used to ........., gather this e)idence ade"uately explained> /id the presenter ma&e recommendations for further %or& in this area> ...................., /id the main conclusions of the presentation follo% from the material presented> ...., :ere competing explanations or theories considered and dealt %ith properly> ........., O-ER! Excellent 4 5 , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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%'PRESS%ON ........................................................................................................ /////// 0 15


TOT! SCORE /////// 0 100

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