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Abstract: The percentage of space occupied by india on the globe is much more less than the percentage of population occupied by the india in the world. Due to rapid growth in urbanization, in metropolitan cities traffic became a major problem in India. In major metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Kolkata, hennai, Delhi and !yderabad the transport system has been working more than it"s capacity.It is creating en#ironmental hazard in terms of pollution. $o it is necessary to introduce alternati#e transport system which is more feasible and %co&friendly. 'nderground trains are reducing the traffic problems moderately but these are less economical, difficult to construct and it posses risk of fires. India re(uires a public transportation solution that would not disturb city plan and still be more effecti#e. In order to sol#e this problem the concepts of the $ky bus Metro and the Intelligent )rouping Transportation, integrated with pedestrian walkway systems could be options to support o#erworked surface railway and city bus system in Indian cities. The $ky bus is the main public transport mode of the city, suspended from the sky tracks while top of the sky track is used for operating $'*s and Dual Mode *ehicles. These ta+i& buses pro#ide for an on&demand, fle+ible shared transport mode, based on the concept of Intelligent )rouping Transportation.The technology of sky bus with integrated metro would not only be able to transform whole public transportation system in urban India but also would reduce pollution le#els, consume area and reduce traffic problems in the metropolitian cities.This arrangement pro#ides for a point to point transit anywhere in the city limits, without the need for a change in mode. ,or powering these transport systems&both the sky train and the ta+i&buses flying abo#e, natural gra#ity power is used, using the principle of the Gravity Power Towers This paper e+plains in a historical perspecti#e, how India has been trying to transform her urban transportation system. Keywor!s: $ky bus technology, )ra#ity -ower towers, Dual mode *ehicles, $'*,metro. Re"ere#ces:, http.// http.// http.// !ttp.// Tea$ Me$bers: $. $adik basha, 6. )owtham, -. 9a#eenKumar, ontact no. 1213232413 ontact no. 1213137874 ontact no. 2:24:4;18; %&mail. %&mail. %&mail.

%#iversity Detai&s: <aji# )andhi 'ni#ersity of Knowledge Technologies, =.-.IIIT, <.K.*alley, kadapa>Dist?, =ndhra -radesh.

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