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Easter Reflection

Be Dead to Your Sin(s): To Be Alive in Authentic Freedom!

Don Bosco Center, Yelagiri Hills, Tamil Nadu, INDIA (April 20, 2014) 05:10 AM

Christ - The Transparent Presence of God

Dawn colors streaking through the foliage Across the window Reminding of yet another day of cares and promises The Another Day of a new Man of God. Once unknown Galilean of Faith Era. He rose from the death like us, but differently. His another day was different to all of us. He rose from death. Yes, but, Not for jobs, tasks, conferences, meetings, party, casuals His was historically unplanned and humanly unimaginable. Yes. God destined His rising to new life. His rising was obscure as his birth. Obscurity is the sign of Gods touch. And human Epiphanies are touches of Devil. Gods is always unnoticed (Daniel Berrigan) Like parabolic salt of the earth. There is only one Resurrection. Two millennia have passed, since then. That single miracle of an obscure rural young man By becoming the Christ The Gods Anointed in history.

Easter Reflection (2014): Be Dead to Your Sin(s): To Be Alive in Authentic Freedom! The young Galilean moving from shore to shore Sowing his baptismal mission of ushering the New Advent of God Into an his lethargic, rustic and culturally wayward folks; Reaping nothing but crowds after crowds; all selfish ones Power mongers (godly, ungodly and mundane). Gospel focuses on very few faces the faces of faith, which Jesus encountered, and Largely hides the faces of unfaiths. He confronted equally counter-faith throngs steered by, The other-wise side of humanity Shadows that cling with tenacities By primordial and malevolent consciousness of Evil one. Waging against Evil is solitary, always. Christ proved the fact, right from the era of faith. When he rose as the Source and Destiny of all People. Never for himself, but for us, the people of faith. Though being God of History, His resurrection was never restrained by science. Never get muddied by minds of men and their fancy myths. Howsoever proven by so called practice of excellences. His Passover into life of historical Presence Not just conveys message or messages His impacts on billions of people in two millennia and more to come. What were they? He enacted PEACE to apostles (his close friends) They found it radically in their lives. He introduced, GOD, OUR FATHER And people see the face of Father in Jesus. He questioned the stupefied and disheartened followers. His followers found their people voices in Pentecost

Easter Reflection (2014): Be Dead to Your Sin(s): To Be Alive in Authentic Freedom! That VOICES OF FAITH reverberating through centuries to come. He manifested his IMPOSSIBLE PRESENCE. Crossing into the closed room of his followers. Now, Christ passes through all human barriers (personal, social and political) He waited at the shore of Galilee. Knowing fully well the natural destination of all sea-farers. Dejected disciple of their failed-fishing venture. The Man on shore guides, the men on water! What a catch! What a breakfast for friends after their dreary toil. His CHALLENGE OF MISSION! Do you love me more than these? The open dialogue between Jesus and Peter His challenge of commitment over denials His CONSTITUTION OF FELLOWSHIP. If you love, you got to feed your people. (with bread for life); Feeding is loving, caring, guiding... (not promising heaven on earth!) He walks beside disillusioned disciples Dusk walk to Emmaus. Salvo of questions, refusals and rebukes; With two Gospel-obscured disciples. And then, The common reenactment of his mannerism of BREAKING OF BREAD That his friends Remember. His friends remember his breaking of bread More than Calvarys BREAKING OF BODY. Simpler and painless in ritualizing: break of body. Resurrection by REMEMBRANCE (painless, though) Such Remembrance of Faith got rude whacking

Easter Reflection (2014): Be Dead to Your Sin(s): To Be Alive in Authentic Freedom! With hard adversities of faith existences in centuries of oppressions Blood-lettings and brutal outrages Making faith-folks remember That credible source of answer: The Cross is always beyond CROSS IS NEVER AN END. SILENCE permeates since resurrection. Silence of Heart is the Presence and Wisdom of God. REPENTANCE: the turn-around, the back to source, point to right destination Is resurrection from sin(s). You got to die to your sins - but not with your live! (Only, Jesus of Nazareth had the privilege, to die to others sin, with his life ) Dying to sin is the AUTHENTIC FREEDOM, you ever would experience! Freedom from sin(s) is the only and True Freedom That a person can practically experience, anywhere and anytime. The practical manifestation of Resurrection is, Christ is the TRANSPARENT EXPRESSION OF GOD. Making immanent and transcendence of God, humanly comprehensible. By his Life in God, the once Galilean Now, the Christ of Faith Makes God, all in all, to every person on earth. A credible footprint of Christified lives (hidden or revealed) is God is no longer a Ruler, But THE LOVER of all living things, especially us, the humankind. Christ of resurrection is the, Harbingers of reality that every person is free And never to be conquered or ruled But networked by love, governed by selfless (or egoless) expressions of lives.

Easter Reflection (2014): Be Dead to Your Sin(s): To Be Alive in Authentic Freedom! In Gospels focus, where Jesus of Nazareth is the Hero, The more silent presence of Christ, no discourses, no parables, etc. The completeness of Gods mission on Earth. Mission completes. To begin. That Christ of Faith, has unified the human dichotomies of Good and Evil, Holy and Unholy, Peace and Violence His mission with the correct dimension rolls on. Through human eras. These messages stay still. That True freedom is Freedom from Sin. That God is all in all means: - He is above you (transcendence) - He is in you (immanence), and - He is through you (transparence). God is not the Ruler But the Lover of his begotten humankind He never built a political sovereignty. But society of all human communities (an expression: families) Bound by Peace and Radicality of the Cross. Giving meaning to unacceptable meaninglessness of lives. Cross remains only the Question of our lives That Resurrection answers, unending. And always.

Easter Reflection (2014): Be Dead to Your Sin(s): To Be Alive in Authentic Freedom!

Christ of Faith: Our Fuller Revelation of God

Wishing You Meaningful and New-found Easter Freedom!

2014. No Rights Reserved for any Human Credits.

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