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Natomas Unified School District

2008-09 Budget Adjustment Options


In light of the Governor's 2008-09 Budget Proposals, the District needs to plan for the worst case situation, which is hoped will not need to be
implemented. The worst case projection at this time is that the District will have to reduce its budget by $4.5 to $5.0 million to submit a positive
certification to the State. As an alternative, the District could reduce the budget by $2.3 to $3.5 million to report a qualified certification. The
following is a list of potential budget adjustments that were considered by the Board at a special meeting on February 27, 2008. There were
only three Board Members in attendance at this meeting. At this meeting the Board identified enough adjustments for the submittal of a
qualified report. The Board will have the opportunity on March 12, 2008 to consider these and other options prior to making their decision and
taking action on the Second Interim Report.

1 Items Teri Burn's considered were the next to "go to" if needed.
2 Items Jennifer Baker wants to keep.

Attrition Estimate 2/27/2008
Descriptions FTEs Amounts Prioritization

Potential Total Savings:

Total One-Time Savings 4,444,265 1,925,313
Total On-Going Savings Over Multiple Years 7,519,275 1,748,663
Combined Total Savings 11,963,540 3,673,976
Will take a
One-Time Savings: discussion
of all 5
1 Postpone Opening H. Allen Hight Elementary One Year (2008-09) 572,474 Board
2 Delay Hiring H. Allen Hight Middle School Principal, Counselor and Secretary from 2008-09 Members.
to 2009-10 263,193 263,193
3 Postpone Opening H. Allen Hight Middle One More Year (2009-10) 1,024,120 1,024,120
One year,
4 GASB 45 Special Reserve Fund Beginning Balance 1,946,478
1st Call.
5 GASB 45 Special Reserve Fund Annual Contribution 638,000 638,000

Total One-Time Savings 4,444,265 1,925,313

On-Going Savings of Multiple Years:

Potential On-Going Savings from One-Time Items Listed Above:

6 Postpone Opening H. Allen Hight Elementary Several Years 572,474
7 Postpone Opening H. Allen Hight Middle Several Years 1,024,120
8 GASB 45 Special Reserve Fund Annual Contribution Over Several Years 638,000
Sub-Total 2,234,594 -

Education Center Savings:

9 Professional Consulting Services BY VENDOR 326,000 326,000
10 School Board Online 12,000 12,000
11 Reduce Legal Fees (By controlling access.) 50,000 50,000 Charge a
12 Materials & Supplies (Not from Schools) 5.0% 50,000 50,000 partial fee?
13 LiveScan (Charge volunteers) 1 48,052
14 Travel & Conference (Professional Development) 50.0% 75,983 75,983
15 Dues & Memberships 50.0% 14,680 14,680
16 Teachers on Special Assignments 2 1.0 86,662
17 Shift Facilities & Planning Department Costs to Measures M & D 380,000 380,000
Sub-Total 1,043,377 908,663

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1 Items Teri Burn's considered were the next to "go to" if needed.
2 Items Jennifer Baker wants to keep.

Attrition Estimate 2/27/2008
Descriptions FTEs Amounts Prioritization

Support Services Savings:

18 Transportation:
a. Eliminate Transportation to High Schools 1 $ 50,000 50,000
b. Eliminate Transportation to Elementary Schools 2 $ 90,000 90,000
For students who live in their school's attendance area.
a. & b. Combined $ 165,000 165,000
c. Change Bell Times ONLY 50,000
a., b. & c. Combined $ 215,000 215,000
d. Raise Existing Transportation Fees 2 50,000
(For reduced-meal families.)
e. Improve Free/Reduced Verification Process 50,000 50,000
19 Food Services:
a. Require all classroom Pizza Parties to be ordered from Food Services and not outside
vendors 20,000
b. Require secondary schools to schedule their lunches on minimum days during the day
instead of at the end of the day. The law requires Free & Reduced Students to be given
a period for lunch. 25,000 25,000
c. Return to two lunch periods at NHS 100,000 100,000
d. Increase meal prices $.25 at Elementary Schools 1 18,750
e. Increase meal prices $.25 at Secondary Schools 1 18,750
f. Open Senior Café at NHS 18,000 18,000
g. Open an ASB Cart at IHS 18,000 18,000
Sub-Total 888,500 211,000

Program Reductions:
20 Tighter Control of Use of Substitutes 15,000 15,000
21 Kontraband Interdiction Dogs 2 22,000 Funded by
22 Renaissance Learning 5,000 Title I ?
23 Ripple Effects 24,000
23 Tungsten 2 158,000 Net of other
25 Opportunity Program 2 3.0 190,128 100,000 alternatives?
26 Attendance Center 1.8 138,699
27 Independent Study Program 2 1.8 88,859
28 Crossing Guards 14,000 14,000 Maybe a
29 Athletics (Includes stipends and transportation.) 1 2 357,425 percentage?
30 HOSTS Coordinators 12.0 958,333
31 Teachers Attrition Grades 4 - 12, 1 student per classroom. 2 10.0 581,360 500,000
Sub-Total 2,552,804 629,000

Anticipated End of Year Balance Improvement through Cost Control 800,000

32 ($2,294,610 is already projected in the Budget, bringing this up to $3,094,610.)

Total On-Going Savings 7,519,275 1,748,663

Combined Savings 11,963,540 3,673,976

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