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Voice Control Obstacle Avoiding Robocar


Harsh Sukhramani, Manish Ramrakhiani, AshishBadlani and Prof.K.K.Mathew Electronics and Telecommunications Department, ThadomalShahani Engineering College. P.G. KherMarg, T.P.S. 3 Bandra (W), Mumbai 50.

1. Abstract:
In todays scenario due to various reason senior citizen have to stay alone at home since their children are busy working to earn bread and butter for the family. Due to this reason the medication of the senior citizen is at stake. They are alone and most of the time it becomes difficult for them to search for medicine. In India the size of the elderly population, i.e. persons above the age of 60 years is fast growing although it constituted only 7.4% of total population at the turn of the new millennium. For a developing country like India, this may pose mounting pressures on various socio economic fronts including pension outlays, health care

years or above) account for 7.4% of total population in 2001. For males it was marginally lower at 7.1%, while for females it was 7.8%. Among states the proportion vary from around 4% in small states like Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Nagaland Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya to more than 10.5% in Kerala. Both the share and size of elderly population is increasing over time.

2. Introduction:

Robotic technologies have the potential to improve the lifestyles of people suffering from one or more disabilities. We have todays times robots are being used in almost every field to help humans in their work. This project aims at using robot technology in order to help senior citizen to get medicine by giving voice commands without hitting any

expenditures, fiscal discipline, savings levels etc. Again this segment of population faces multiple medical and psychological

problems.The elderly population (aged 60

Voice Control Obstacle Avoiding Robocar

obstacle. Objective of our project is as follows: Objective 1:

the IR receiver when the IR radiation bounces back from a surface of the object. The above stated are two objectives which is the primary objective of our project. Then the aim of our project is to help the people who are old or even handicap people. So assuming that an individual is working and simultaneously he needs to take care of the health of his parents or grandparents since they be alone at home and it practically difficult for them to take medicine on time. There is good amount of probability they tend to forget to take medicine on time. This in turn affects their own health.

To control the robot through voice commands given by the user. Which can be done by making use of speech application program interface abbreviated as sapi.The Speech Application Programming Interface or SAPI is an API developed by Microsoft to allow the use of speech recognition and speech synthesis within Windows applicatio ns. To date, a number of versions of the API have been released, which have shipped either as part of a Speech SDK, or as part of the Windows OS itself. Applications that use SAPI include Microsoft Office, Microsoft Agent and Microsoft Speech Server.

So the robocar which we are designing assures individual need not to worry about the location of the robocar as per the instruction given by the individual regarding the direction robocar will follow. It will also make sure that there is no

Objective 2:

To avoid any obstacle which comes in the path of that robot.Which can be implemented by using IR sensors.The basic concept of IR (infrared) obstacle detection is to transmit the IR signal (radiation) in a direction and a signal is received at

obstacle while moving towards the individual. If there is any obstacle the robocar will take a turn and will alert the individual about the obstacle. VOICE RECOGINATION & TRANSMITTER:

Voice Control Obstacle Avoiding Robocar

Voice recognition of commands is done by SAPI (speech application program interface) which along with VB6 program and Command directory will generate an output.

At receiver side first and most will be a 433 mhz receiver circuit followed by a demodulator.

The demodulated stream of bits is given to similar decoder which along with error correction will convert serial bits to parallel which is applied to microcontroller.

This output is given to parallel port of computer using system files interfaces with our vb6 program.

Also it will take account of misinterpreted recognition, due to background noise, which will be discarded and no output will be generated for them.

Output generated at parallel port of PC is given to our transmitter circuit. It consist of encoder IC and a 433 MHz operating Transmitter circuitry or a module.

The decoder IC will first convert these parallel bits to serial. Some error correction bits are added in our data and IC generates stream of bits at 1000 bps.

This stream of data will be modulated using any digital modulation technique (ASK/PSK/MSK) at carrier frequency of 433 MHz and transmitted using a suitable antenna.


The whole receiver side mounted on a four wheeled Robocar which is


powered by a 12v mA battery.

Voice Control Obstacle Avoiding Robocar

This battery will also power the receiver circuit. There will be 4 IR sensor placed along the side of carthese IR sensor are interfaced with microcontroller and will detect the obstacle in front, back and along both sides of car.

from the wall jack when depending on a 10foot cable. Similarly, you can't go out for a jog and expect your in-home cordless phone to keep a connection five miles away from its receiver. But if you get either a 20-foot cable or a wireless connector of sufficient power, you can move your laptop 15 feet away from the wall jack; and if you get a cellular phone, you can go jogging five miles away from your house and still take calls (as long as your service provider has a reasonable antenna set up). HT12D decoder General Description The 212 decoders are a series of CMOS LSIs for remote control system

The 89c51 microcontrollers heart of our project. The microcontroller will accept received data and output of IR sensors as input at port P1 and P3.

The output of microcontroller is applied to relay driving IC which will control the four wheels of car.

Depending on output of IR sensors and voice command given by us microcontroller will take decision of moving car ahead, back, turn or to pass an obstacle

applications. They are paired with Holtek's 212series of encoders (refer to the

encoder/decoder cross reference table). For proper operation, a pair of encoder/decoder

Wireless Technology When viewed as a method of data transport, wireless technology appears very similar to wired technology. You have a piece of hardware, a method of transmission, and connections on both ends that transform data from human-intelligible to transportable and back. For both wired and wireless

with the same number of addresses and data format should be chosen. The decoders receive serial addresses and data from a programmed 212 series of encoders that are transmitted by a carrier using an RF or an IR transmission medium. They compare the serial input data three times continuously with their local addresses. If no error or unmatched codes are found, the input data codes are

technology, the range of transmission is an issue. You can't move your laptop 15 feet

Voice Control Obstacle Avoiding Robocar

decoded and then transferred to the output pins. The VT pin also goes high to indicate a valid transmission. The 212 series of decoders are capable of decoding informations that consist of N bits of address and 12-N bits of data. Of this series, the HT12D is arranged to provide 8 address bits and 4 data bits, and HT12F is used to decode 12 bits of address information.

It can be used in industries or concerts. It is used for the handicapped for medication purpose. Voice recognization software can be future devoloped for easy attendance or other such to make life more easier

FUTURE SCOPE: It can be be implemented on the wheel chair for the handicaps. It can be used for the blind people. It can be used in automobiles to avoid accidents. CONCLUSION: Robotic technologies have the potential to improve the lifestyles of people suffering from one or more disabilities. So we thought

ADVANTAGES: Device can be switched ON through voice. User friendly We will not get interrupted for switching and directing the Robocar as its obstacle controlled. Easy implementation.

DISADVANTAGES: Due to surrounding environment noice voice recignization may not be proper, and can give garbage output. Increases interfacing problems on computer. Can cover only certain area.

of making use of this technology and after discussing among ourselves for almost few weeks we got a solution which might not be perfect but it can be helpful at great extend.

APPLICATIONS: For user convenience it can be installed in home.


Voice Control Obstacle Avoiding Robocar

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