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Moxie Software(TM) Customer Spaces Channels Customer Client

9:11:47 PM 9:11:52 PM 9:11:52 PM 9:11:57 PM 9:12:02 PM 9:12:08 PM 9:15:35 PM 9:15:58 PM 9:16:43 PM 9:17:01 PM 9:17:26 PM 9:17:46 PM 9:17:46 PM 9:18:39 PM 9:18:44 PM 9:18:45 PM 9:19:17 PM 9:20:39 PM 9:20:56 PM 9:22:01 PM 9:23:07 PM 9:24:07 PM 9:24:48 PM 9:25:14 PM

Lucio System System

Initial Question/Comment: . You are now being connected to an agent. Thank you for using Dell Chat Connected with SUP_Christopher R

Welcome to US Dell Small Business Sales Chat! (^^,) My name is Chris and I will be your Sales Chat SUP_Christopher R Expert. I can be reached at You can now chat with us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week ! SUP_Christopher R Hi Lucio! SUP_Christopher R How can I provide you assistance today? Lucio hi ! I want to expand the potential of my software company and pass all my data from a cloud host to a dedicated server , but somebody advice me to buy a storage ! Is it the right thing to do? Does Dell offer this solutions and what id the advantage ? Thanks

SUP_Christopher R I'd be more than happy to assist you and thank you for considering Dell as your system provider Lucio SUP_Christopher R great Well it's your choice, to put it simply purchasing a storage device is like purchasing a big harddrive wherein you store your files, data and applications compared to just subscribing to a cloud option which does the same thing

SUP_Christopher R We offer both options actually, SUP_Christopher R Here is the link for the cloud option we offer for your reference: SUP_Christopher R SUP_Christopher R pushes page, SUP_Christopher R For storage options we offer several as well depending on the amount of date options vary Lucio Lucio Lucio What is the differenc ebetween the server and the storage and it impact the price in relation to the quality of service ? How buying astorage is better than buying a server ?

Server is the main equipment to run your applications and data, this is also the one that manages your users, SUP_Christopher R storage is just an added hardware on top of the server wherein you can store those data and applications. Concept is like purchasing a harddrive for your computer SUP_Christopher R an external harddrive* Lucio Lucio SUP_Christopher R SUP_Christopher R great ! thanks super clear! So. Why should I buy a storage Vs a Server only ? If you purchase storage how would you host or run your applications? I believe the right question here is Storage versus Cloud Server is the most important thing here as it will run your applications manage hits on your website and connects your physical workstations for your admin.

SUP_Christopher R Storage and cloud as mentioned does the same thing, stores data, backs them up


Moxie Software(TM) Customer Spaces Channels Customer Client

9:25:14 PM 9:25:55 PM 9:28:33 PM 9:28:46 PM 9:29:15 PM 9:29:26 PM 9:31:02 PM 9:31:15 PM 9:31:26 PM 9:33:55 PM

Lucio SUP_Christopher R Lucio SUP_Christopher R SUP_Christopher R Lucio Lucio

tell me more ! I really want to buy a storage but, I am not conviced yet is good for me Main difference between the 2 is price and if which do you prefer having a hard copy of your file via storage or just subscribe through cloud Why would I want an hard copy of my file ? I know it seems a stupid question. I am managing a lot of open data from financial institutions but they are all open so I have no problem of security .what would you suggest ? Well I'm really convincing but I would like you to choose on your own, advantage of having storage is like you having your own harddrive with you but by doing this you purchase the hardware which will be quite costly. Having a cloud service to store your files is like comparing it to hiring someone to save your files for you for a subscription I see what are the benefit of the storage, excluding the fact that it is physical and located in my office? I understand that it is costly but I would like to know more about the benefits

SUP_Christopher R That is why it's up to you as there are clients that prefers having a hard copy of those files SUP_Christopher R Well that is it actually Lucio wow ! not much advantage to buy a storage ! Are you sure it is faster the cloud than the storage ? also I see you guys offer three kinds of storages could you tell me the difference in simple words between Network Attached Storage and Direct Attached Storage? thanks

9:35:30 PM

Network-attached storage (NAS) is file-level computer data storage connected to a computer network providing data access to a heterogeneous group of clients. NAS not only operates as a file server, but is specialized for this SUP_Christopher R task either by its hardware, software, or configuration of those elements. NAS is often manufactured as a computer appliance a specialized computer built from the ground up for storing and serving files rather than simply a general purpose computer being used for the role Direct-attached storage (DAS) refers to a digital storage system directly attached to a server or workstation, SUP_Christopher R without a storage network in between. It is a retronym, mainly used to differentiate non-networked storage from the concepts of storage area network (SAN) and network-attached storage (NAS). Lucio SUP_Christopher R Lucio SUP_Christopher R Lucio What kind of specs do I need to give you to suggest me the right one ? Well just tell me what applications you use and what you plan to use it for so I can pint you to the right server and specs Can you be more specific about the applications? What do you mean with applications? I am sorry for my ignorance, I am the upper level manager that need to decide to buy this solution, but I want to understand by myself before making this decision! Sorry for the jargon what I mean is the applications or programs you use as different software requires different configurations What I know is that we run Drupal, Java, Python.. Is that what you mean? My developers said that we required a lot of processing power because we are running Natural Language Processing on a few terabytes of files in real-time! What else do you need to give me some advice about the purchase ? thank you for your help

9:35:50 PM 9:37:48 PM 9:39:49 PM 9:42:40 PM 9:43:50 PM 9:47:14 PM 9:47:48 PM 9:50:51 PM

SUP_Christopher R Yes Lucio

9:53:04 PM 9:55:04 PM

Well we might need to go to higher models then, the T110 II model we offer only offers basic processor options based from what you mentioned I would suggest an 8 core or 12 core processor with 8 - 16GB RAM and 1TB drive SUP_Christopher R is RAID 1 of redundancy or RAID 5 Lucio Cool ! I get the specs of the machine. Are we still talking about Storage or about the server ? I am sorry to be repetitive but I really need to understand if I need to buy the storage or not.


Moxie Software(TM) Customer Spaces Channels Customer Client

9:56:31 PM 9:58:54 PM 9:59:52 PM 10:00:39 PM 10:02:43 PM 10:04:57 PM 10:07:52 PM

SUP_Christopher R Server first, it's no use purchasing a harddrive (Storage) without a computer (Server) Lucio Great ! I will buy the server for sure! But why my developers want me to buy a storage so bad? It is so expensive and it seems i don't need it . But I trust them

SUP_Christopher R Well they might be feeling more secure seeing a hard copy of the files rather than trusting it to a provider SUP_Christopher R Lucio Another thing I see is with your own storage you cut cost in the long run as the storage is yours no need to pay subscription charges. Good, that makes a lot of sense, it is several years that we are paying for the dedicated server to Hostdime! So you re saying that performance are exactly the same , the only added value is security and subscription costs? at what scale performance between a cloud server and a storage will be a challenge? if in 2 years we will 100x our data, cloud will be still good?

SUP_Christopher R correct Lucio

10:10:50 PM

That's the advantage of the cloud, it is unlimited storage no matter how big you just need to pay the subscription depending on your agreement with your provider. Opposed to a storage, in the event your data are more than the SUP_Christopher R capacity of your storage you will need to purchase more upgrade harddrive to store them which will be costly depending on the price and size of your storage drive, in some cases clients purchase a secondary storage Lucio Is it possible to have a cloud storage ? Can I rent a storage ? or I can only buy it ? Well renting storage is like subscribing to a cloud already, but of you mean renting through us a physical storage we do not offer this sorry Should I buy just the storage or the combination of the storage + the server ? Is the server included in the storage ? Server is different from storage Lucio so that means you need to purchase a server and a storage or either server and cloud. Your choice Is it possible to use the storage device's native processing power to run directly the applications? Some applications yes but not hosting as that needs to be managed only by a Server OS which is then only offered through full servers Sorry Lucio but you really cant get around this, a server is needed to run your applications and hostings for your clients, you then select either a storage device or cloud to save your data and files Got it ! So my decision will be only in relation to the fact if I want my data to be under my ass or in the sky ? Is it right ?

10:13:26 PM 10:14:13 PM 10:15:30 PM 10:16:44 PM 10:18:43 PM 10:20:26 PM 10:29:15 PM 10:30:50 PM 10:31:43 PM 10:33:07 PM 10:33:42 PM 10:34:06 PM 10:34:30 PM 10:35:27 PM 10:36:19 PM 10:36:46 PM 10:37:24 PM

SUP_Christopher R You cannot combine the 2 it's either purchase your own storage device or subscribe to cloud Lucio SUP_Christopher R Lucio SUP_Christopher R Lucio SUP_Christopher R SUP_Christopher R Lucio Lucio

SUP_Christopher R hahahaha SUP_Christopher R Well I dont like it under anybody's assess but you are right on the concept Lucio Like my grand mother in Italy was collecting money under the mattress, now we need to keep the data under the bed to be safe , withthe CIA controlling the cloud ! Yeah? Can I call you Chris?

SUP_Christopher R I like that, yes you are right Lucio SUP_Christopher R Right now no sorry as our phone lines are being updated


Moxie Software(TM) Customer Spaces Channels Customer Client

10:38:02 PM 10:38:54 PM 10:39:11 PM 10:39:50 PM 10:40:29 PM 10:40:34 PM 10:41:27 PM 10:43:12 PM 10:44:52 PM 10:45:17 PM


thank you for your help, I will check some of your storage offer online and compare them, if you remain online I might have some other question about prices, is it ok ? sure in case I lose the connection, Are there any way to connect back to you, instead of starting the all process with somebody else ?

SUP_Christopher R Sure, I will check back every 5 min or so just to check our connection will that be fine for you? Lucio Lucio

SUP_Christopher R Connect no not directly not unless you reach me again but I can communicate via email if you like SUP_Christopher R Lucio Lucio SUP_Christopher R Ok Great ! thanks BTW where would you keep your data if you really care about them ( for example: if they regard your family or memories ) in the cloud or in the storage? Personally I would keep them on a physical storage close to me a harddrive will be a great option. then if the files are really important I back it up on another drive so in case 1 of them gets corrupted I still have a copy.

SUP_Christopher R That's what I do with my movies and personal series actually Lucio How old are you? I am 37 , but a lot of my clients are 25 start ups entrepreneurs and they love the cloud! I am warning them that their digital life will vanish at some point and since they have only that , we will have a world of zombies ! what you think ( This is all pertinent to my decision on buying the storage )

10:48:30 PM

10:51:26 PM

I'm 29 well cant really blame the younger gen as that is the latest trend, most phones nowadays have their files SUP_Christopher R saved through cloud just like Samsung or Apple this way they no matter where they are they can still access those pictures or select movies and music, they tend to compare that to cloud storage for servers. For server files and applications on my personal view it will be better to have them on a hard copy although one SUP_Christopher R major downside is price but your files being secured and you see them and you know you are the only one that can access it is still better I like zombie movies/series too specially the TWD (The Walking Dead) but in case shit hits the fan (sorry for the SUP_Christopher R Lucio SUP_Christopher R

10:52:38 PM

10:54:33 PM 10:58:31 PM 11:00:11 PM 11:00:52 PM 11:02:41 PM

french) you still have your files backed up

too bad though if you yourself turned to one of them :D lol

Is it popular to buy storage today ? what is the trend of your clients ? I don't want to buy something that tomorrow is obsolete ! Is storage getting interesting or obsolete? It varies some prefers cloud some prefers storage, I guess you will just need to weigh between monthly subscription costs versus the cost if you have your own storage x certain numbers of years. Do I fit for storage or cloud ? Who are your typical storage clients ? Also storage consume a lot of power continuously, that will increase the electricity bill ? Isn't it ?

SUP_Christopher R Added factors are if you feel secure having the files on the cloud or as you mentioned sit on it Lucio

11:04:55 PM 11:06:48 PM 11:08:39 PM 11:10:52 PM

Typical clients that purchases storage are the ones like CPA firms, Banks, and lawyers, clients that needs their files SUP_Christopher R right by their side usually sure they consume some but not as much as servers, if you like to save money and power you can shut them down and only at the end of the day if you save data or files you open it again. Lucio SUP_Christopher R Lucio wow ! do you guys sell any application to manage storage ? If I buy a storage, is it coming with applications or without ? You can purchase storage devices with just the hardware storage OS is different but we sell them as well upon configurations, can you tell me how large are the files you plan on storing exactly? 100 terabyte , but there is a lot of processing ( soon may be 1 year 600 tera)


Moxie Software(TM) Customer Spaces Channels Customer Client

11:11:22 PM 11:12:12 PM 11:12:46 PM 11:12:56 PM 11:13:05 PM 11:15:17 PM 11:15:48 PM 11:17:20 PM 11:18:55 PM 11:19:06 PM 11:19:22 PM 11:20:53 PM 11:20:58 PM 11:21:36 PM 11:22:25 PM 11:22:56 PM 11:23:17 PM 11:23:27 PM 11:23:28 PM 11:23:29 PM 11:24:12 PM 11:24:51 PM 11:25:28 PM 11:25:37 PM 11:25:50 PM 11:26:03 PM 11:26:14 PM 11:27:35 PM 11:28:06 PM

SUP_Christopher R That's a lot of storage Lucio Lucio Lucio Lucio We Downloaded all the major financial institutions open data ( World Bank, IMF, etc...) and we have a lot of videos too as part of the data it is not a lot

I would suggest then the PowerVault MD3260, it offers a hotplug drive option on it so once a drive is already full SUP_Christopher R you can store it and keep it on a safe place, basically what will happen here if you will have a library of harddrives specially if you plan on having 600TB worth of data SUP_Christopher R

We also can offer you higher Equalogic options but those are already being handled by our Enterprise Sales Group SUP_Christopher R but I can have one of their reps call you as well so we can tailor you a unit that can hold all of them as well at the same time if you like Lucio Why do you suggest this ? 500GB 7.2K RPM Near-Line SAS 6Gbps 2.5in Hot-plug Hard Drive [$230.25] SUP_Christopher R To arrange that I will just need some of your information SUP_Christopher R That's the initial option but of you access the link you can replace them with 4TB drive options SUP_Christopher R Would you like me to set you up a callback for a larger storage option? SUP_Christopher R Or will this be fine for you? Lucio SUP_Christopher R SUP_Christopher R what you mean? Well we do have higher or larger storage models called Equalogic machines it can offer you a far more larger storage option then this MD3260. Unfortunately those certain models are being handled only by our Enterprise Sales Team, (We are not allowed to offer them nor sell them)

SUP_Christopher R So if you like to check those options I can set you up for a callback with them as well SUP_Christopher R I will just need your information though Lucio Lucio Lucio you mean models that go over 4T ? Is this the biggest available online ?

SUP_Christopher R Models that go over the PowerVault MD3260 itself

SUP_Christopher R Available online and on our department yes Lucio Lucio SUP_Christopher R Lucio Lucio Ok let's set the callback! but give me some time to talk with my team May I please have your full name, phone number, e-mail address and address with your ZIP code so that I can give them your profile? Lucio Campanelli 414 412 4384, Headquarters Cambridge, MA 02142, regional office CA, 94103,

SUP_Christopher R And this is under what company name?



Moxie Software(TM) Customer Spaces Channels Customer Client

11:30:15 PM 11:30:34 PM 11:32:18 PM 11:32:35 PM 11:33:57 PM 11:35:16 PM 11:36:05 PM 11:41:16 PM 11:42:12 PM 11:48:01 PM 11:52:45 PM 11:55:44 PM 12:00:25 AM

Lucio Lucio


SUP_Christopher R Thanks, SUP_Christopher R When will your preferred callback time? Lucio Lucio May 1 1pm. I have still some questions for you! what about the competition, why should I buy dell instead of HP compURI=1225854#.U1SCqlVdXfJ or this : compURI=1225885#.U1SDuVVdXfI

SUP_Christopher R checking Upon checking we also have those technology, one advantage of the PowerVault MD3260 is the service we offer, SUP_Christopher R not to brag but Dell is the leader in terms of server warranty and services, Also with the companies that we have acquired we offer end to end solutions wherein HP can only offer you the server then you are on your own. SUP_Christopher R Here just tell us what you need and aside from the server, storage and applications we can also offer you services that you might need. That is the main reason why we are acquiring a lot of companies over the years :D

SUP_Christopher R Regarding the server do you have further questions for me Lucio? SUP_Christopher R Are you still with me Lucio? SUP_Christopher R Are we still connected Lucio? SUP_Christopher R It has been more than 5 minutes without a reply from you. I will be disconnecting now to help other customers, I hope you understand. Please e-mail me at if you have additional questions.

12:00:25 AM 12:01:21 AM 12:01:21 AM

Thank you for the opportunity to help you today! Our Chat team strives to provide the very best levels of customer service. If you have a minute, we would really appreciate your feedback on a quick survey that will SUP_Christopher R appear once the session ends. My manager gets all the feedback and we use it to help our customers. Thank you for choosing Dell's Sales Chat and have a wonderful day! System System SUP_Christopher R has left this session! The session has ended!


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