DURAÇÃO DA PROVA: 90 Minutos N: As Respostas A Todas As Questões Terão de Ser Obrigatoriamente Escritas Na Folha Destinada À Execução Da Prova

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11 INGLS - Continuao

DURAO DA PROVA: 90 inuto!

NOTA: As respostas a todas as questes tero de ser obrigatoriamente escritas na folha destinada execuo da prova

! A " #efore $ou read the text% ans&er the follo&ing question in about '( &ords Nowadays there are many people that work in a foreign country. What do you think may lead someone to abandon home, family, friends and country and face the unknown? )ead the text carefull$ and then do the tas*s on it: +!mmigration has ,deepl$ unsettled, #ritainLabour's immigration minister has conceded that the record inflow of immigrants has ''deeply unsettled the country''. Liam Byrne has also revealed that a new points based system, aimed at ensuring that only migrants with in demand skills enter the !", will come into operation in the New #ear. $r Byrne admits in an article that the immigration is now near the top of the list of voter worries and could cost Labour power. .e says it is ''not racist'' to debate immigration even though Labour attacked the %ories for raising it during the &''( general election. ) few years ago, *avid Blunkett, the former home secretary, said there was ''no obvious upper limit'' to the numbers that could come legally to Britain. But $r Byrne says+ ,When a -unior school, such as the school in .odge .ill in my own constituency in Birmingham, sees its population of children with /nglish as a second language rise from five per cent to &' per cent in a year, then boosting standards in some poorer communities gets harder.'' $r Byrne also challenges the idea that immigration concerns have been media driven. ''%he only problem with the 'it's all the media' thesis is that it is not 0uite true,'' he writes. ''*uring the (11's, &.2 million people left Britain and 3.2 million came in.'' .e said the change had brought ''enormous economic benefits'' and had contributed to economic growth. But he added+ ''%he step change in public concern about immigration has been one of the most dramatic aspects of the changing political agenda since Labour came to power. 4n (115, the /!, unemployment, education and the N.6 7National .ealth 6ervice8 led the list of issues that voters said were vital. %en years on, the issue list looks different crime, race relations and defence have rocketed up the table.'' 9olls have consistently shown around 2' per cent of voters rating immigration as their top concern. ''.ere are a set of changes which have made Britain richer but have deeply unsettled the country,'' $r Byrne said. :igures due to be published by the ;ffice for National 6tatistics tomorrow will show that net immigration in &''< was close to &'',''' four times the number when Labour took office in (115.

)t the present rate of immigration, the population of Britain will grow by (& million in 2' years an unprecedented rate of increase. %he new points based system for would be migrants is part of a strategy announced by =ohn >eid, the .ome 6ecretary, last year with the aim of ensuring that incomers bring with them the skills needed by the !" economy $r >eid met :ran?ois Baroin, his :rench counterpart, in London yesterday amid concern over plans for a new refugee centre in @alais. ) .ome ;ffice spokesman said the two ministers had reaffirmed their opposition to ,any type of centre that could encourage the trafficking of illegal immigrants,.
#$ /hilip 0ohnston% .ome Affairs 1ditor% and )ichard .olt 2slightl$ abridged3

# " )ead from line 4 to 45 and indicate &hether the follo&ing sentences are T)61 or 7A891 :uote from the text to ;ustif$ $our ans&er ( A %he high rate of immigrants who have settled in Britain has not so far disturbed the countryBs life. & A 4n future only immigrants whose professions are greatly desired will be able to enter the !.". 3 A %he British are worried about the number of immigrants but that wonBt certainly lead to the fall of the Labour government. 2 A %here was a time when no barriers were imposed to the coming of new immigrants. < " )ead the text from line 4= to 4> and complete these sentences so that the$ represent the ideas expressed b$ the author of the text 6se $our o&n &ords ( A /nglish as a second language at .odge .ill -unior school CCCCCCCCC & A $r. Byrne does not believe that the media CCCCCCCCCCCCC...C. 3 A 4n the (11'Bs the number of people who entered Britain CCCCCCC.CC. ? @ 9can the text as far as line 4' and find &ords or expressions that mean the same as: ( acknowledged & A profoundly 3 A abilities 2 A members of the @onservative 9arty < A increasing 1 @ !dentif$ &hat the follo&ing &ords refer to 2The &ords are underlined and &ritten in bold3 ( A he 7line D8 & A its 7line (38 3 A it 7line (58 2 A their 7line &18 < A that 7line 238 7 " )ead the text from line 4> on&ards and ans&er the follo&ing questions using $our o&n &ords ( 4mmigrants have brought a number of problems to Britain. What are the issues that worry British voters the most?



Which is the positive and negative aspect associated with immigration referred to by $r. Byrne? 3 A WhatBs the great advantage the new points based system for future immigrants will bring to the !"? !! )e&rite the sentences that follo& &ithout altering their meaning #egin them as suggested ( A 4f nothing is done to control immigration, the economy of Britain will suffer a great blow. !nless something CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC. & A %he life of some 9ortuguese was very difficult in 9ortugal. %hatBs why they emigrated. 4f the life of these 9ortuguese CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC. 3 A ) great number of men and women do not emigrate because they have strong links with their families. But if these links CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 2 A 4mmigrants build big houses in their home country. %heir salaries are high. 4mmigrants CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC.. < A E4 myself am against refuge centres because they can encourage illegal immigration. What do you think about the matter, .arry?F 4 said CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC.. !!! <OA/O9!T!ON <hoose ON1 of the follo&ing topics and &rite about 4(( B 45( &ords on it: A @ 9ortugal is a small country that has nevertheless welcomed a great number of immigrants from all over the world and that often leads to discrimination. .ave you ever been or known someone who has been discriminated against because of age, seG or dress? 4f so, write down the whole story and do not forget to say what you think about it. O) # @ $any of the unemployed think that the situation they are in is like a Eslow descent into .ellF. @omment the sentence.

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