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Attendance Report October 25

Sunday School 111

First Focus
Worship 155
Wednesday Night 117

Our Tithes and Offerings.... First Baptist Church, Hamilton, Texas

Gifts to the Budget Advancing the Gospel
Vol. 32, No. 37 October 28, 2009
October 18 7,508.00
October 25 4,451.00
Average Weekly Needs 5,350.48
FBC Revitalization 230.00
Hope for the Hungry 88.00
Wednesday Night Meals 187.00
World Hunger 25.00
Youth Fund 930.32

Total Gifts October 25 $5,911.32

Sunday Personnel November 1

Courtney Craig, Sheila Gromatzky, Jon Mark Jester,
Betsy Killian, Jon Lengefeld, Howard Wilson
Mason Bullard, Dale Gardner, Johnny Slough
E-mail Address

Carla Slough, Clydell Massingill
Rev. Eric Coleman, Minister to Youth

Church Nursery
Jacob Sensenig, Minister of Music
Church Office - 254/386-8141

Tracy Bullard, Renee McDonald

2-3 Year Olds
Sheena Dolloff, Sarah Pearce
Rev. Keith Felton, Pastor

Children’s Church
First Baptist Church

Hamilton, TX 76531

Chris Dolloff, Charles Kneuper

220 S. Bell Street
P.O. Box 673

Deacons on Call for October

David Courtney - Team Leader
Cody Catoe, Jimmie Edwards, Don Haile
From the Shepherd’s Shop‹
Shop‹ Life of the Church LOOK OUT!... A N NO U N C E M E N T S
by Pastor Keith Felton Friday, October 30 Here They Come!
5th Quarter - Await the Day 10:30 pm
Herbert Booth Smith wrote, “The biggest fact Sunday, November 1 SHOES
about Joseph’s tomb was that it wasn’t a tomb at Daylight Saving Ends
all—it was a room for a transient. Jesus just Sunday School 9:45 am FOR
Our students had a wonderful time Sunday night ORPHAN SOULS
stopped there a night or two on his way back to Worship 11:00 am
hanging out with the Rich’s from St. John Lutheran
glory.” We have been studying the resurrection in Children’s Church for Pre-K thru K 11:00 am
Church as they hosted Portico in their home. We had a
1st Corinthians 15 on Wednesday evenings during Preview 2010 Budget to the Church 12:00 pm November 1 - December 1
great turnout as we enjoyed a time of fellowship, pizza,
Bible study. Our study in Paul’s epistle to the Monday, November 2
and Bible study. I pray that you will check out this
Handbell Choir Rehearsal 5:30 pm These Shoes Are Made for Walking!
church at Corinth has been insightful and our time great ministry if you haven’t already! Thank you to all
Wednesday, November 4
talking about the resurrection has been critical. I the members of FBC for your support and prayers in
Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal 5:15 pm
love that quote by Smith because it helps me think regard to 5th Quarters. Our last 5th Quarter of the year
Budget Discussion with Church 6:00 pm
about how death was not the end for Jesus. will be Friday night and we need your help to make it
Children’s Music & Missions 6:00 pm
Through the resurrection he is the conqueror of the best one yet. If you would like to help with this
Ekklesia - Youth 6:00 pm
event please let Eric know. Also, don’t forget that we
death—He has overcome the world—He has Sanctuary Choir Practice 7:00 pm
have a great time of discussion during our Sunday
defeated sin—He is all powerful. Thursday, November 5
morning Bible study. We are tackling some tough O U R CO N G R A TU LA TIO N S to Faye &
What does the resurrection mean for us? In short, Ladies Crafts 9:00 am
questions and this week will enjoy some yummy Bill Chappel, who celebrated their 70th
AA Meeting 8:00 pm
it means everything! The Apostle Paul wrote, “If doughnuts! It’s a privilege and an honor to work
Wedding Anniversary this past week.
Sunday, November 8 alongside of you.
Christ has not been raised then your faith is
futile… but in fact, Christ has been raised.” Portico at the Rich’s Home 6:00 pm
Ironically, our hope was found when those In His Grip,
followers of Jesus found nothing in the tomb! Our Eric Coleman
faith hinges upon Easter. Our hope eternal springs Next PORTICO – Nov. 8th [6-7pm] – Stacy Rich’s
from the well of LIVING water. Our reason for WEDNESDAY Night Meal
house (combined groups)
ministry and mission in the world grows out of November 4
our belief that God raised Jesus from the dead. Brisket and Trimmings
We know this because He lives within our hearts. Remember in Prayer…
Ruby Webb Mack Cole Duck Payne
Do we live resurrected lives? On one level, we Bill Chappell Jace Williams Connie McQueen
have died and raised to walk in newness of life in Nelson Shave Rosa Gillham Norma Marwitz
the here and now. It is one thing to think of the Gwen Wallace Pam Jones Beverly Price 2009 BIBLE 365
Earl Cowley Renee Smith Betty Ann Beard Day 295 - Isaiah 15:1-18:7, Galations 1:1-24, Psalm
resurrection affecting our life after earthly death, Frankie Ellingberg Julie Allison King
Patty Gillham 58:1-11, Proverbs 23:12
but there is a whole other understanding of dying Jack Pettit David Clark Dale Harris
to sin and God giving us new life, resurrected life Dick Dixon Steve Ballow Day 296 - Isaiah 19:1-21:17, Galations 2:1-16,
Jacki Crusenberry
for the present. If indeed Christ died for our sin Tony Rogers Shane Donahoo Paula Mannings Psalm 59:1-17, Proverbs 23:13-14
DeWanna Alsouissi Holly Wallace Jim Wayman Day 297 - Isaiah 22:1-24:23, Galations 2:17-3:9,
and was raised again so that sin may be defeated,
Ray Groves Gayland Stephens Joe Slough Psalm 60:1-12, Proverbs 23:15-16
then our belief in the death and resurrection of Bobby Varner Polly Stevens Day 298 - Isaiah 25:1-28:13 , Galations 33:10-22
Christ should transform what we do today and Stanley Gillham Mark Giles DAYLIGHT SAVINGS Ends Psalm 61:1-8, Proverbs 23:17-18
everyday we have left on earth! I hope that we Brenda Andrews Alyson Chaky November 1. Day 299 - Isaiah 28:14-30:11, Galations 3:23-4:31,
will think about how the resurrection makes a ElizabethMarquess Krista Scafidel Psalm 62:1-12, Proverbs 23:19-21
difference in how we act, react, behave, think, and Charles Maioana Valerie Wilson Be sure and set your clocks Day 300 - Isaiah 30:12-33:12, Galations 5:1-12,
Vada Gregory Eileen Brazil
treat others. Because He lives, we should be living Amanda Griffin Vada Gregory Back one hour on Psalm 63:1-11, Proverbs 23:22
in a way that honors God’s power and love for us John Russell Amanda Griffin Day 301 - Isaiah 33:13-36:22, Galations 5:13-26,
Saturday night. Psalm 64:1-10, Proverbs 23:23
through the resurrection of His Son. JT Massingill John Russell
Dorothy Harelik Dorothy Harelik

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