Creative Problem

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Creative Problems

Do not Succumb to Logic

Have no one right answer

And have too many wrong answers

They are a bit like okes ! you o"ten do not
"ind out how good they really are until
a"ter you have tried them out

So how do we
"ind the
solutions to
these tricky

$se Creativity%

A Creative Solution

&s new ' else its not creative%

&s use"ul ' solves the (roblem

&s "easible ' in the real world

)ut where is Creativity in an

&s it in its Peo(le#

&s it in the &nnovation Processes#

&s it in the Products + Services +
)usiness ,odels#

)etter have in all o" them%


)ecause. in a /lat -orld

&nnovation will kee( you on the ma(%

)ecause. Hard work

0 Low Cost
Are no longer enough 111

&ntellectual Arbitrage
is here to stay%

Creativity by individuals and teams
is a starting point for innovation4

Creativity is a necessary
but not sufficient
condition "or &nnovation1

Also. Invention is re5uired "or
&nnovation to take (lace1

&nvention is a new idea that is
turned into a tangible outcome1

6T6H. &nnovation is the conversion o"
a new idea into revenues & profits.

Collect & collate Ideas
Engage complete business ecosystem
Filter the collated ideas
Prototyping / PoC
SLDC / Project anagement
!o "o ar#et
Social ar#eting
&nnovation ,ethodology
$C% Cognizant "echnology Solutions &Solutions & Inno'ations !roup( CSP)
Are you ready to &nnovate#

Start "iring%

A. Prem 89:;<<<=

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