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Food and beverage industry is one of the largest industry sectors and is essential to all economies. It has its dominating role in satisfying basic needs and requirements of every person. The last 5 decades has seen a dramatic increase in the demand for food due to the rapid growth in world population. Annual dairy production accounts for 514 million tonnes; cereal production (including rice, wheat and coarse grains) is approximately 2 billion tonnes where as meat production is in the order of 200 million tonnes.

With the development in the industrial sector consequently there is increase in raw material usage. Water is an inevitable raw material for food industries. The main sources for the industrial sector are groundwater and surface water. Ground water has emerged as an important source to meet the water requirements of the industries in recent years. According to World Development Report (WDR) of 2003, in developing countries, 70 percent of the industrial waste water are dumped without proper treatment, thereby polluting the usable water supply. According to Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) report in 2004 on an average each litre of wastewater discharged further pollutes 5-8 litres of fresh water.

Meat industry is one of the highly polluting industries which require great concern with the environmental aspect. The primary steps in poultry processing includes bleeding, scalding or skin removal, evisceration, washing, chilling, cooling, packaging and cleaning. In all these processes water plays a key role. Poultry processing expels a more difficult waste stream to treat. The killing and rendering

processes creates blood by-products and waste streams, which are very high in BOD (1200-3800 mg/L) and COD (2650-6720 mg/L) values.

Waste streams from poultry processing can be generalised in to carcasses, skeleton waste, rejected or unsatisfactory animals, fats, animal faeces, eviscerated organs, blood and waste water. All the solid waste are subjects to rendering and are converted to useful by-products. They are rich in protein, nitrogen and minerals like phosphorus. They are used to produce animal feed, cosmetics, fertilizers fish and pet feed.

In conventional system of poultry waste water system follows coagulation, flocculation, aeration, flotation and biological treatment. Most of the times it is treated waste water is discharged into nearby water bodies or open lands. Sometimes it is used for irrigation of garden and lawns. Improper processing and discharging of wastewater in water bodies is a severe thread to aquatic lives. Whereas discharging it in open land leads to outspread of diseases. Drawbacks associated with this conventional wastewater treatment system are high sludge production which is difficult to process further. If resins or membranes are used for wastewater treatment it has to be recharged or changed periodically. And also this conventional system is less efficient remove some of the biological compounds and colour to make it reuse into the production process.

The advent of various technical developments led to the discovery of various treatment processes. One among them is Advance Oxidation Process. It refers to chemical treatment a process which employs oxidation techniques to degrade biologically toxic and non degradable chemicals. This treatment process is based on the production on highly reactive hydroxyl radicals as the primary oxidant. Advance oxidation process is broadly classified into Fenton process, Photo-Fenton process, UV based process, photo catalytic redox process, sonolysis, Electro Fenton process etc., The main function of this AOP is generation of highly reactive free radicals primarily Hydroxy radicals which are effective in destroying number of organic chemicals because they are reactive electrophiles that react rapidly and non selectively.

Fentons Reagent system of AOP is an attractive and effective technology because it uses only Iron and Hydrogen peroxide. Iron is an abundant material in nature and hydrogen peroxide is environmentally safe. Fentons method is capable of degrading large number of hazardous organic pollutants and there are no toxic reagents are involved in this process it also leaves no residues and the technology of this process is so simple. But the ferrous ions consumed in this are regenerated at a very slower rate. And it becomes a rate limiting step in this process.

Electrochemical advanced oxidation processes (EAOP) based on Fentons reaction chemistry are eco-friendly methods that have received much attention for water treatment. The most popular EAOP is the electro Fenton process. Electro fenton process has two different configurations. In the first one Fenton reagents are added to the reactor from outside and inert electrodes with high catalytic activity are used as anode material while in the second configuration, only hydrogen peroxide is added from outside and Fe 2+ is provided from sacrificial cast iron anodes. Compared to conventional Fenton process, the electro Fenton process has the advantage of allowing better control of the process.

In the presence of ferrous ions and in acidic aqueous medium the oxidation power will be enhanced due to the production of very reactive one electron oxidizing agent hydroxyl radical (OH) from the Fenton reaction. This electro Fenton process can generate OH by the simultaneous electrochemical reduction of O2 in the presence of catalytic amounts of ferrous ions. And this method is found to be effective for the degradation of number of organic pollutants.



This chapter deals with review of literature for industrial water usage, poultry wastewater, wastewater treatment, advance oxidation processes and electro fenton process.


70% of the earth surface is covered with water, which amounts to 1400 million cubic kilometres (m km3). However, 97.5% of this water being sea water, it is salty. Fresh water availability is only 35 m km3. Out of the total fresh water, 68.7% is frozen in ice caps, 30% is stored underground and only 0.3% water is available on the surface of the earth. Out of the surface water, 87% is stored in lakes, 11% in swamp and 2% in rivers. As all the sweet water is not extractable, only 1% of the total water can be used by human beings. As water was available in plenty, it was considered as a free resource since generations. However, with growing demand for water and depletion of the available water, assured supply of good quality water is becoming a growing concern. (Anon., 2006).


The World Bank estimates that the current industrial water use in India is about 13 percent of the total freshwater withdrawal in the country and the water demand for industrial uses and energy production will grow at a rate of 4.2 per cent per year, rising from 67 billion cubic metres in 1999 to 228 billion cubic metres by 2025. All these estimates reveal that the industrial water demand is not negligible in India and that it is bound to grow in the coming years.

Industries not only consume water but also pollute it. In developing countries, 70 percent of industrial wastes are dumped without treatment, thereby polluting the usable water supply. Note that industrial water demand is not the demand for water as in other sectors, as a large part of the water withdrawn for industrial use is discharged as polluted water by the industries. According to Centre of Science and Education (CSE, 2004) report on an average, each litre of wastewater discharged further pollutes about 58 litres of water which raises the share of industrial water use to somewhere between 3550 percent of the total water used in the country. (World Development Report, 2003)


Food processing industry can be divided into four major sectors including fruit and vegetable processing, meat, poultry and sea food, beverage and bottling and dairy operations. All of these sectors consume huge amount of water for processing food. A considerable part of these waters are potential wastewaters to be treated for safe disposal to the environment.

Poultry processing industries offer a more difficult waste stream to treat. The killing and rendering processes create blood by-products and waste stream, which are extremely high in BOD. The primary steps in processing chicken include 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Rendering and bleeding Scalding and skin removal Internal organ evisceration Washing, chilling and cooling Cleaning

Solid wastes which include skin, fat, faeces, muscles etc, are subjected to rendering process and converted to useful by-products. Wastewater is tedious to treat and Discharge of this effluent without proper treatment in water bodies is a severe threat to aquatic lives and affects the ground water.


Number of methods has been studied previously for the treatment of meat industry wastewater. The maximum of 85% of COD removal is obtained in Upward-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor treatment for poultry wastewater (Anna Kwarciak-Kozowska, et al., 2011). And a COD removal of 54 67% is obtained in the treatment of meat industry waste water using dissolved air flotation (Rennio F. De. Sena, et al., 2009)


Advance Oxidation processes (AOPs) are an attractive for treatment of contaminated grounds, surface and wastewaters containing heavy pollutants. These technologies generate hydroxyl radical (OH) which is a highly react ive oxidant (E = 2.8 V versus SHE) (Farre et al., 2006; Guinea et al., 2008; Pera-Titus et al., 2004). These methods are attractive because of the possibility of the mineralizing the target compounds (Zoh and Stenstrom, 2002). The main interesting of OH radicals are also characterized by a non selectivity of attack which is a useful attribute for an oxidant used in wastewater treatment and to solve pollution problems. OH is the second strongest oxidant after fluorine.

Methods based on chemical and photolytic catalysis have been included in a group of new technologies denominated. AOPs generated highly degrading OH radicals. As OH radicals are so reactive and unstable, they must be produced continuously. These radicals are produced by several methods such as hydrogen peroxide/ultraviolet irradiation (H2O2/UV), hydrogen peroxide/ozone (H2O2/O3), ozone/ultraviolet irradiation (O3/UV), TiO2-catalyzed UV oxidation, and also the combination of H2O2 with ferrous ions (Fenton reagent).

Oxidation Species Fluorine (F2) Hydroxyl radical (OH) Atomic Oxygen Ozone (O3) Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) Permanganate (KMnO4) Chlorine (Cl2)

Oxidation power (V) 3.03 2.80 2.42 2.07 1.77 1.67 1.36

Table No.2.1 Oxidation power of selected oxidizing species (Beltran et al., 1998)


Fenton process is known to be very effective in the removal of many hazardous organic pollutants from water based on an electron transfer between H2O2 and iron. The reactivity of this process was first observed in 1894 by its inventor H.J.H. Fenton, its utility was not recognized until the 1930s when a mechanism based on hydroxyl radicals was proposed. The main advantage is the complete destruction of contaminants to harmless compounds, e.g. CO2, water and inorganic salts. The Fenton reaction causes the dissociation of the oxidant and the formation of highly reactive OH that attack and destroy the organic pollutants. The reaction mechanism can be described by means of the following reactions: the generation of hydroxyl radicals (OH) between H2O2 and Fe2+ (Reaction 2.1), the degradation of organic substance by the OH (Reaction 8). In the mean time, some reversed reactions and side reactions (Reactions 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, and 2.6) also occur (Kang et al., 2002; Kang and Hwang, 2000; Neyens and Baeyens, 2003; Oturan et al., 2001). Fe2+ + H2O2 Fe2+ + OH

Fe3+ + OH + OH FeOOH2+ + HO2 + H+

(Reaction 2.1) (Reaction 2.2) (Reaction 2.3)

Fe3+ + OH-

Fe3+ + H2O2

OH + Organic

Products Products

(Reaction 2.4) (Reaction 2.5) (Reaction 2.6) (Reaction 2.7) (Reaction 2.8) (Reaction 2.9) (Reaction 2.10)

H2O2 + Organic OH + H2O2 OH + OH FeOOH2+

HO2 + H2O

H2O2 HO2 - + Fe3+ O2 + Fe2+ + H+

Fe2+ + HO2

HO2 + Fe2+ HO2 + Fe3+

The reaction rate of reaction 2.3 is much slower than that of reaction 2.1 meaning that Fe2+ is consumed quickly, but reproduced slowly. Thereby, the oxidation rate of organic compounds is fast when large amount of Fe 2+ is present because large amount of OH is produced (Behnajady et al., 2007). Numerous competing reactions which involve Fe2+, Fe3+, H2O2, OH, hydroperoxyl radicals (HO2) and radicals derived from the substrate, may also be involved. OH radicals may be scavenged by reacting with Fe2+ or H2O2 as seen in reactions 2.2 and 2.6. Fe3+ formed through reactions 2.1 and 2.2 can react with H2O2 following a radical mechanism that involves OH and HO2 with regeneration of Fe2+ as shown in reactions 2.3, 2.8, 2.9 and 2.10 (Lucas and Peres, 2006).

The Fenton reaction also has several important advantages such as short reaction time among all advanced oxidation processes, iron and H2O2 are cheap and non-toxic, and the process is easily to run and control (Argun et al., 2008).

However, in Fenton process, a large amount of sludge will be produced during the neutralization process, especially when the high strength wastewater is treated (Oturan et al., 2001; Qiang et al., 2003; Zhang et al., 2007). To solve this problem, the Fenton reaction efficiency can be enhanced in the presence of UV

irradiation and electrochemical as commonly called photo-Fenton and electroFenton process, respectively.


The application of electrochemical method in Fenton process, named electro-Fenton process, could be generally divided into four categories (Khataee et al., 2009; Ting et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2006). In the first one, H2O2 is externally applied while a sacrificial iron anode is used as Fe 2+ source. In the second category, Fe2+ ion and H2O2 are electro-generated using a sacrificial anode and cathode via the two electro reduction of sparged oxygen, respectively. In the third category, Fe2+ ion is externally applied, and both of H2O2 and Fe2+ are concurrently generated at cathode, but primarily focusing on H2O2 generation on mercury pool, carbon felt, reticulated vitreous carbon, graphite, activated carbon fiber, stainless steel plate or carbon-PTFE cathode. In the fourth category, Fentons reagent is utilized to produce OH radicals in the electrolytic cell, an d Fe2+ ion is regenerated via the reduction of Fe3+ ion or ferric hydroxide sludge on the cathode.

Fenton reaction involves several sequential reactions as shown in reaction 2.1-2.10. The well known Fentons reaction (reaction 2.1) constitutes a source of OH radicals production by chemical means. The H2O2 and Fe2+ ions are simultaneously generated on the working electrode, according to the following electrochemical reactions.

On the cathode side O2 + 2H+ +2e-


(Reaction 2.14)

Fe3+ + e-

Fe2+ H2 + OH-

(Reaction 2.15)

H2O + e-

(Reaction 2.16)


On the anode side 2H2O

4H+ + O2 + 4e-

(Reaction 2.17)


Fe3+ + e-

(Reaction 2.18)

Fentons reaction (reaction 2.1) takes place then in homogeneous medium leading to the formation of OH radicals.

The anodic reaction is the oxidation of water to molecular oxygen (reaction 2.17) which is used for optimal production of H 2O2 (reaction 2.14) necessary for Fentons reaction. Figure shows two catalytic cycles taking place during this process. Electrochemical reactions 2.14 and 2.15 can take place when the aqueous solution is maintained under oxygen saturation by bubbling compressed air.

The electro-Fenton process can be considered very efficient and much cleaner techniques than chemical ones for improving the quality of water resources and eliminating organic compounds in water.

In this study, a novel electro-Fenton process, in which Fentons reagent was utilized to produce OH in the electrolytic cell and Fe2+ ion is regenerated via the reduction of Fe3+ ion on the cathode was investigated.


It has been proved that the Fentons reaction is a chain reaction. Various factors were found to have significant impacts on the electro-Fenton performance.


2.8.1 pH

pH is one of the most important factors for the electro-Fenton process. It has been confirmed that the optimum value of pH is 2-4. In addition, when the pH increases, the iron ions especially the Fe3+ precipitate. Therefore, the amount of catalyst of Fentons reaction decreases. When pH is lower than 2, H 2O2 cannot be effectively decomposed to OH by Fe2+. This can be explained that in lower pH, the scavenging effect of the OH by H+ is severe to form an ozonium ion such as H3O2

; result in reducing the generation of OH (Sun et al., 2008). H3O2

is electrophilic

leading to the decreasing rate of reaction between H2O2 and Fe2+. The optimum pH for removal aniline and 2,6 dimethylaniline was 2 (Anotai et al., 2006; Ting et al., 2009). At the pH above 3 the composition rate of synthetic dyes decreased because the oxidation potential of OH and also the dissolved fraction of iron species decrease with increasing pH (Panizza and Cerisola, 2009).

In fact, the optimum pH indicates a disadvantage of electro- Fenton process because the pH of most water is not within the optimal range. There are two ways to decrease the pH of wastewater. One is to add acid, and then other is to mix the target wastewater with some acidic wastewater. Some researchers investigated the wastewater treatment at neutral pH and the organics can also be removed successfully. But, in that case, the wastewater is treated mainly by coagulation rather than by degradation of OH


The decrease of the distance between the electrodes leads to a decrease of the ohmic drop through the electrolyte and then an equivalent decrease of the cell voltage and energy consumption (Fockedey and Lierde, 2002). It can be concluded that the closer the electrode are, the better the performance. However, it is necessary to keep appropriate distance between the electrodes for installation and avoidance of short circuit between anode and cathode.


2.8.3 TIME

Time is one of the important parameters in the electro Fenton treatment of waste water. The treatment efficiency, COD, Turbidity and Colour removal is progressive as the time increases. And after a period of time it reaches a stable point after which there is very low or no removal of COD.


H2O2 Concentration is a crucial factor for electro Fenton treatment. Although Fe2+ can react with H2O2 to generate OH and greater OH radicals could be generated with increasing Fe2+ concentration. Fe2+ and H2O2 cannot be excessive unilaterally because of the occurrence of undesired side reactions (reaction 2.2 and 2.6). In reaction 2.6, the HO2 is also an oxidant, but has an oxidation potential much less than OH. COD removal efficiency increased with the increasing Fe2+ to H2O2 molar ratio (Zhang et al., 2007). Increasing the H2O2 concentration from 10 to 25 mM increased the removal efficiency, 46% of 2,6dimethyaniline but increase from 25 to 30 mM decrease in removal efficiency , 35% (Ting et al., 2009).




This chapter deals with material and methods involved in Electro Fenton treatment, coagulation and water parameter analysis. The parameters like pH, TDS, COD, BOD, Turbidity, Color, Sulphide and chloride contents are analyzed.


Wastewater from poultry processing industry was collected from poultry processing industry and stored at refrigerated conditions at pH 2. Initial characteristics of the wastewater were analysed. And after adjusted to necessary pH the electro fenton treatment was carried out. Then characteristics of the treated water was analysed and optimisation was carried out. And then combined coagulation and electro fenton was done and the results were compared.


Raw wastewater collection Storage of wastewater at pH=2 under refrigerated condition Study of initial characteristics Electro fenton treatment


Optimisation Combined coagulation and Electro fenton Analyse and compare the results


The reactor used in this study is a batch type lab scale reactor made of glass. The total volume of this reactor is 500ml. And 300 ml of waste water is measured and treated in this reactor for specified operational parameters. pH, Electrode distance, time and amount of H2O2 are the parameters changed and studied in this experiment. pH is changed using 0.1N HCl and 0.1NaOH with the help of digital pH meter. A constant DC current of 0.1 Ampere is maintained throughout the treatment with the help of lab scale Regulated Power Supply (RPS). Iron is used as electrode in this treatment to produce Fe 2+ ions. Effective electrode area is about 42cm2.


In wastewater treatment coagulation process is particles adhesion process with formation of large flocs, as a result of addition of a chemical reagent (coagulating agent) for the purpose of destabilization of suspended colloidal particles and their subsequent coagulation (aggregation). In this experiment alum (aluminium sulphate) is used for coagulating agent. Alum is easily available and cheap in cost. And optimum amount of alum for coagulating meat industry wastewater is found to be 250 mg/L (Vanerkar A. P. et al).



Chemical oxygen Demand test is used to indirectly measure the amount of organic compound in water. It is expressed in mg/L which indicates the amount of oxygen consumed per litre of solution for complete oxidation of pollutants in the solution.

The organic matter present in the sample gets oxidized completely by potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) in the presence of sulphuric acid (H2SO4), silver sulphate (AgSO4) and mercury sulphate (HgSO4) to produce CO2 and H2O. The sample is refluxed with known amount of K2Cr2O7 in sulphuric acid medium and the excess of K2Cr2O7 in determined by titration against ferrous ammonium sulphate, using ferroin as an indicator. The amount of O2 required oxidizing the organic matter.

Take 1 ml of sample in two COD vials and 1 ml of distilled water in another COD vial. Add 10 ml of 0.25N K2Cr2O7 to all the COD vials. Add 11 ml of sulphuric acid-silver sulphate reagent to all the vials. Add a pinch of mercury sulphate to all the vials. Place all the vials in COD digester and digest it at 80C for 2 hours. After digestion transfer the contents to conical flasks and add 33 ml of distilled water and 3 drops of ferroin indicator to each of the conical flasks. Then titrate it against 0.1N ferrous ammonium sulphate solution. The end point is sharp colour change from blue green to reddish brown.

Chemical Oxygen Demand = A Blank titre value B Sample titre value

A B N 8 1000 mg/L Volume of sample taken

N Normality of ferrous ammonium sulphate


And COD removal is calculated using the formula COD removal percentage = RWW Raw wastewater
COD of RWW COD of treated wastewater COD of RWW



The Biological oxygen demand is a chemical procedure for determining the amount of dissolved oxygen needed by the aerobic organisms in a water body to break the organic materials present in the given water sample at certain temperature over a specific period of time. BOD is the principle test to give an idea of biodegradability of any sample and the strength of the waste. Hence the amount of pollution can be easily measured.

The sample is filled in an airtight bottle and incubated at specific temperature for five days. The dissolved oxygen (DO) content of the sample is determined before and after five days of incubation at 20 C and the BOD is calculated from the difference between initial and final DO. The initial DO is determined shortly after the dilution is made all the oxygen uptake occurring after this measurement is included in the BOD measurement.

Add 10 ml of sample to each of two BOD bottles and fill the remaining quantity with the dilution water. Dilution water is prepared by adding 5ml of Calcium chloride solution, 5ml of magnesium sulphate solution, 5 ml of ferric chloride solution and 5ml of phosphate buffer solution to five litres of high quality organic free water and aerated for 12 hours and allowing it to stabilize by incubating it at 20 C for four hours. Then add dilution water alone to another two BOD bottles (for blank). Preserve one of the sample and blank solution at in a BOD incubator at 20 C for five days. Measure the dissolved oxygen content of that blank and sample solution by digital DO meter (for initial DO and blank correction). And after five days


measure the dissolved oxygen content of stored sample and blank bottles (for DO after five days and blank correction).

Biochemical Oxygen Demand = ((DO-D5-BC) Volume of the diluted sample) mg/L Volume of the sample taken DO Initial DO of the diluted sample, mL D5 DO at the end of 5 days for the diluted sample, mL BC Blank correction (blank initial - blank final), mL And BOD removal percentage is calculated using the formula, BOD removal percentage = (BOD of raw wastewater BOD of treated wastewater) 100 BOD of raw wastewater


Sulphate content is estimated by gravimetric method. Sulphate is precipitated as barium sulphate on reacting with barium chloride in the presence of hydrochloric acid. The precipitate barium sulphate is dried, ignited and weighed as BaSO4. BaCl2 + SO42-

BaSO4 + 2Cl-

Take 200 ml of sample in a beaker and adjust the pH of the sample to 4.5 to 5.0 with HCl. Then add additional 2 ml HCl. Boil this solution for one minute and add 10 ml of hot barium chloride slowly using a pipette. Keep the beaker on a water to digest the precipitate at 80 to 90 C for two hours. Filter the contents of the beaker through an ashless filter paper. And place the filter paper in a previously


weighed crucible and char the filter paper by heating with a loosely closed lid on the top. And weigh the ash in the crucible for amount of BaSO4. mg/L sulphate as SO42- =
mg BaSO 4 Vol .Sample taken in ml



Silver nitrate reacts with chloride ions to form silver chloride. The completion of reaction is indicated by red colour produced by the reaction of silver nitrate with potassium chromate solution which is added as an indicator. AgNO3 + Cl AgCl + NO32AgNO3 + K2CrO4 Ag2CrO4 + 2KNO3

Take 100 ml of sample in a conical flask. Adjust the pH of the sample in the range of 7 to 9.5 using sulphuric acid or sodium hydroxide. Add 1ml of potassium chromate as indicator. Titrate against standard silver nitrate solution until a slight perceptible reddish colour persists.
Sample titre Blank titre Normality of AgNO 3 35.45 1000 ml of sample taken for estimation

Chloride (Cl-) mg/L =


To measure the colour reduction efficiency the max of filter raw waste water is calculated using the UV spectrometer. And it is found to be 403nm. Then at this wave length the absorbance of treated sample is measured. And colour reduction percentage is calculated using the formula,


Colour removal percentage = (Absorbance of RWW Absorbance of treated wastewater) 100 Absorbance of RWW

RWW Raw wastewater

3.4.6 pH The pH was determined by using a digital pH meter. The pH meter was standardized with double distilled water of pH 7.0 and buffers at pH 4.0.


The turbidity was measured using the digital turbidity meter. And it was calibrated using standard naphthalene solution.

3.4.8 TDS TDS was measured using hand TDS meter. It was calibrated using standard sodium chloride solution.




In this chapter the results and discussions of the study are presented. It deals with the raw water characteristics, preliminary studies, optimisation of electro fenton treatment and combination of coagulation and electro fenton and comparisons.


pH Chemical oxygen demand Biological oxygen demand Turbidity Sulphate Chloride Protein TDS

7.4 4960 mg/L 2800 mg/L 210 NTU 600 ppm 665 ppm 1160ppm (1.16gm/L) 1800 ppm

Table 4.1 Initial water characteristics


Initial analysis of wastewater shows that it has very high values of COD and BOD. So it has high amount of pollutant in it. And Turbidity value is about 210 NTU which shows that it has high amount of suspended solid particles than the normal water. It is found that the wastewater has only 1.16gm/L of protein. And salts like sulphate, chloride values are slightly above the normal water value. TDS value was about 1800ppm.


The amount of protein present in the wastewater is very low (1.16gm/L). It is due to efficient screening of wastewater in industries before discharge. And the screened solid particles are subjected to rendering process and are converted into useful by products. And most of the protein present in the wastewater is water soluble hemeprotein. So only there is very low amount of protein is discharged through wastewater. If some more water is used for cleaning process then obviously the amount of protein in the wastewater is going to decrease. So recovery of protein from the wastewater is not feasible as it built up unnecessary increase in cost.



pH Vs Removal Efficiency Time- 15min 70 Removal Efficiency % 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 pH Vs COD removal pH Vs Turbidity removal 3 4 5 pH 6 7 8 H2O2- 5ml Removal Efficiency % ED- 3cm 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 0

Time Vs Removal Efficiency

Time- 15min H2O2- 5ml ED-3cm 30 60 Time (min) 90

Time Vs COD removal Time Vs Turbidity removal


Fig. 4.2a Preliminary analysis pH Vs Removal Efficiency

Fig. 4.2b Preliminary analysis Time Vs Removal Efficiency

The preliminary analysis is done to study whether the electro fenton treatment is suitable for treatment of poultry wastewater and to screen out the parameters and their range which can give high treatment efficiency for the treatment.


Electrode Distance Vs Removal Efficiency 100 94

Amount of Hydrogen peroxide Vs Removal Efficiency pH- 3 Time- 90min H2O2- 5ml H2O2 Vs COD removal H2O2 Vs Turbidity removal 0 5 10 15 20 25

Removal Efficiency % 80 70 60 50 H2O2- 5ml 40 0 2 4 pH- 3 Time- 90min

Removal Efficiency % Electrode Distance Vs COD removal 90 88 86 84 82 80 6

Electrode Distance Vs Turbidity removal

Electrode Distance (cm) Fig. 4.2c Preliminary analysis ED Vs Removal Efficiency

Hydrogen Peroxide (ml) Fig. 4.2d Preliminary analysis H2O2 Vs Removal Efficiency

From the preliminary analysis we come to know that all the parameters have considerable effect on the treatment efficiency of electro fenton. For pH the maximum COD and turbidity removal is obtained in the range 2-4. And the treatment efficiency increases with increase in time till 90 min after which it tends to reach a stable condition. So the time range for maximum removal is selected as 75-105min. For electrode distance and amount of hydrogen peroxide the maximum removal of turbidity and COD is achieved in the range 2-4cm and 10-20ml respectively.



95 90 COD removal % COD removal % 85 80 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 0 2 pH 4 6 H2O2=10ml

70 65 60 ED=1cm ED=2cm ED=3cm




COD removal % 85 80 75 70 65 60 0 2 pH 4 6 Time=105min Time=75min Time=90min

Fig. 4.3a Effect of pH with other parameters for COD removal

Interactive effect of pH with other parameters for the removal of Chemical oxygen demand is shown in this figure. The maximum removal of COD is obtained at the pH 3. This optimum pH is a disadvantage for electro fenton treatment because the pH of effluent is around neutral pH. So acid has to be added to get this optimum


pH. Adding incoming water with the treated water can be a solution to decrease the pH of wastewater.

95 90 Turbidity Removal % 85 80 75 ED=1cm 70 65 60 0 2 pH 4 6 ED=2cm ED=3cm Turbidity Removal %

95 90 85 80 75

H2O2=10ml 70
65 60 0 1 2 pH 3 4 5 H2O2=15ml H2O2=20ml

95 90 Turbidity Removal % 85 80 75 70 Time=75min Time=90min Time=105min

65 60
0 2 4 6


Fig. 4.3b Effect of pH with other parameters for turbidity removal

In the above figure the interactive effect of pH with electrode distance, volume of hydrogen peroxide and time for the turbidity removal is shown. The maximum turbidity removal is achieved at pH 3.


100 Colour Removal Efficiency % Colour Removal Efficiency % 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 0 1 2 pH 3 4 5 ED=1cm ED=2cm ED=3cm

100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 H2O2=10 ml H2O2=15 ml


96 Colour Removal Efficiency % 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 0 2 pH 4 6 Time=90min Time=105min Time=75 min

Fig. 4.3c Effect of pH with other parameters for colour removal

The effect of pH with other parameters for colour removal is shown in the above figure. And the maximum colour removal is achieved in pH 3. So pH 3 is taken as optimum pH for the electro fenton treatment of poultry wastewater. The decrease in pH below 3 affects the conversion of Fe 3+ to Fe2+. So there is decrease in efficiency of the treatment. Increase in pH will lead to the production of ferric hydroxide which is undesirable and decrease the efficiency of treatment.



95 95 COD removal efficiency % 90 85

COD removal efficiency %

90 85

80 75
70 65 60 0 1 2 3 4 pH=2 pH=3 pH=4

80 75
70 65 60 0 1 2 3 4 H2O2=10ml H2O2=15ml H2O2=20ml

Electrode distance (cm)

Electrode distance (cm)

94 COD removal efficiency % 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 0 1 2 3 4 Time=75min Time=90min


Electrode distance (cm)

Fig. 4.4a Effect of Electrode distance with other parameters for COD removal

Electrode distance is an important parameter for electro fenton treatment. If the distance is low there is decrease in power consumption because of decrease in ohmic drop and vice versa. Also it is necessary to keep certain distance between the electrodes to prevent short circuit. From this interactive study of effect of electrode distance with other parameter we get the maximum colour removal at electrode distance of 2cm.


95 Turbidity removal efficiency %

95 Turbidity Removal efficiency % 90

85 80 75 70 65 H2O2=20ml 60 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 H2O2=10ml H2O2=15ml

90 85 80 75 70 65 60 pH=2 pH=3 pH=4

Electrode distance (cm)

Electrode distance (cm)

92 Turbidity removal efficiency % 90 88 86 84 82 80 78 0 1 2 Time=75min Time=90min Time=105min 3 4

Electrode distance (cm)

Fig. 4.4b Effect of Electrode distance with other parameters for turbidity removal

From this graph we come to know that at the electrode distance of 2 cm we can obtain the maximum turbidity removal.


Colour Removal Efficiency % Colour Removal Efficiency % 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 0 1 2 3 4 pH=2 pH=3 pH=4

94 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 0 2 Electrode Distance (cm) 4 Electrode Distance (cm) H2O2=10 ml H2O2=15 ml

96 Colour Removal Efficiency % 94 92 90 88 Time=75min 86 Time=90min Time=105min


Electrode Distance (cm)

Fig. 4.4c Effect of Electrode distance with other parameters for colour removal

The maximum colour removal is obtained at the electrode distance of 2cm. So the optimum electrode distance is 2cm. And overall treatment efficiency is high at this electrode distance.



95 COD removal efficiency % COD removal efficiency % 90

95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 ED=1cm ED=2cm ED=3cm 0 10 20 30

80 75 70 65 60 pH=2 pH=3 pH=4




Amount of H2O2 (ml)

Amount of H2O2 (ml)

Time=75min 94 COD removal efficiency % 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 0 10 20 Amount of H2O2 (ml) 30 Time=90min Time=105min

Fig. 4.5a Effect of Hydrogen peroxide with other parameters for COD removal

The amount of hydrogen peroxide is a very important factor for electro fenton treatment. The treatment efficiency increases with the increase in amount of hydrogen peroxide. But if it exceeds a level it will lead to unwanted side reactions. And favours the production of ozonium ion which is a very weak oxidizing agent compared to hydroxyl ion. From the above figure the maximum removal of COD is obtained at 50ml/L of hydrogen peroxide.


Turbidity remoal efficiency % 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 0 10 20 30 pH=2 pH=3 pH=4 Turbidity removal efficiency %

95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 0 5 10 15 20 25 Amount of H2O2 (ml) ED=1c m ED=2c m

Amount of H2O2 (ml)

Turbidity removal efficiency % 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time=90min Time=105min

Amount of H2O2 (ml)

Fig. 4.5b Effect of Hydrogen peroxide with other parameters for turbidity removal

From the above graph we come to know that the maximum turbidity removal is achieved at 50ml/L of hydrogen peroxide.


96 Colour Removal Efficiency % 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 0 10 20 30 pH=2 pH=3 pH=4 Colour Removal Efficiency %

96 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 0 10 20 30

ED=2cm ED=3cm

Amount of H2O2 (ml)

Amount of H2O2 (ml)

96 Colour Removal Efficiency % 94 92 90 88 86

82 80 78 0

Time=75min Time=90min Time=105min 5 10 15 20 25

Amount of H2O2 (ml)

Fig. 4.5c Effect of Hydrogen peroxide with other parameters for colour removal

The maximum colour removal is also achieved at 50ml/L of hydrogen peroxide. So the best treatment efficiency for the electro fenton treatment of poultry waste water is achieved at 50ml/L of hydrogen peroxide.



94 COD removal efficiency % 94 COD removal efficiency % pH=2 pH=3 pH=4 ED=1cm 92 90 88 86 ED=2cm ED=3cm

90 88 86 84 82 80 78 0

82 80 0 50 100 150




Time (min)

Time (min)

94 COD removal efficiency % 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 0

H2O2=10ml H2O2=15ml H2O2=20ml

50 Time (min)



Fig. 4.6a Effect of Time with other parameters for COD removal

The efficiency of the electro fenton treatment increases with increase in time. But after a certain period of time it reaches a stable value. Beyond that time there is no COD removal or very low removal. From the graph we come to know that up to 90min there is increase in COD removal. And after that time there is no significant change in removal of COD.


Turbidity removal efficiency %

90 85 80 75 pH=2 70 65 60 0 50 100 150 pH=3 pH=4

Turbidity removal efficiency %


92 90 88 86 84 82 80 78 0

ED=1c m ED=2c m




Time (min)

Time (min)

Turbidity removal efficiency %

92 90 88 86 84 82 80 0

H2O2=10ml H2O2=15ml H2O2=20ml




Time (min)

Fig. 4.6b Effect of Time with other parameters for turbidity removal

The turbidity removal increases with increase in treatment time up to 90min. After 90 min there is no significant increase in turbidity removal. So treatment of wastewater more than 90min will lead to unnecessary loss in time.


96 Colour Removal Efficiency % 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 0 50 100 150 Colour Removal Efficiency % pH=2 pH=3 pH=4

96 ED=1cm 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 0 50 100 150 Time (min) ED=2cm ED=3cm

Time (min)

96 Colour Removal Efficiency % 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 78 0 50 Time (min) 100 150 H2O2=10ml H2O2=15ml H2O2=20ml

Fig. 4.6c Effect of Time with other parameters for colour removal

The colour removal tends to increase with increase in time till 90min. But after 90min there is no significant increase in colour removal. Prolonging the treatment time more than 90min will lead to unnecessary waste of time. So the optimum time for electrode fenton treatment is taken as 90min.


4.5 OPTIMISED POINT From the above graphs the optimised point is found as Parameter pH Electrode distance Hydrogen peroxide Time 3 2 15ml/300ml (50ml/L) 90 min Optimised point

Table 4.2 Optimised point for electro fenton treatment of poultry wastewater


Characteristics Chemical Oxygen Demand (mg/L) Biological Oxygen Demand (mg/L)

Electro Fenton 360

Coagulation and Electro Fenton 160 (96.8% reduction) 60 (97.85% reduction) 7 (96.67% reduction) 440 (26.67% reduction) 180 (72.93% reduction) 840 (53.33% reduction) 36.7 gm


(93% reduction) 200


(92.85% reduction) 19

Turbidity (NTU)


(91% reduction) 320

Sulphate (ppm)


(46.67% reduction) 260

Chloride (ppm)


(60.9% reduction) 990

TDS (ppm) Amount of sludge production

1800 -

(45% reduction) 7.8 gm

Table 4.3 Characteristics of treated water treated by Electro fenton and combined coagulation with electro fenton



EF Vs Combined Coagulation and EF

100 98 Electro Fenton

Coagulation and Electro fenton


Removal %

94 92 90 88 86 COD BOD Turbidity Colour

Fig. 4.7 Characteristics of treated water treated by Electro fenton and combined coagulation with electro fenton

The above figure shows a comparison between electro fenton and combined coagulation with electro fenton. It shows that electro fenton has a good effect for the treatment of poultry wastewater. And combined coagulation with electro fenton is more efficient than electro fenton. But the sludge production is more in this combined technique. So this sludge has to be treated further through landfill or some other techniques. Also the sulphate content of the water treated through the combined technique is higher because the addition of alum (aluminium sulphate) which have certain interruption in the sulphate content of the treated water.




Wastewater from the meat industry is very difficult to purify due to its specific characteristics; irregular scatter; and considerable amounts &organic, mineral and biological matter. This investigation shows that electro fenton treatment can be successfully applied to the treatment of poultry effluent with minimal sludge production. Combined coagulation with electro fenton is more efficient when compared to electro fenton. But the sludge production is higher in this combined technique which has to be disposed or treated further through landfill or some other technique. And the waste water has very low amount of protein content. So the recovery of protein from the wastewater is not feasible as it increases the cost of recovery.



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