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Q1 Ans:

Tell me something about yourself My name is.I was born in.and grew up..where I learnt nature/deal with the limitations of a small city? I actively learnt to fend for myself in a big city. I am currently finishing my mastersRight from my early years I learntdevelopedenjoyed. (Talk of some things relevant to the job) While I was in college(leadership skills) (ability to organize) ( analytical ability) (Get along with other people) a. I can summarize my life in 3 words.hard work, perseverance and interesting b. The quotation I live my life by is . c. People who know me sayThey appreciate me for my. d. When I was 7 years old I told myself.I will work hard and . e. If I decide to make a movie about myself I would call it

Tips (Dont bore the other person, make it sharp and specific ) Q2 Ans: Why should we hire you? /Why do you want this job?

If you know the employers greatest needs and desires, this question will give you an advantage over other candidates because you will give him better reasons for hiring you than anyone else is likely toreasons tied directly to his needs. Whether your interviewer asks you this question explicitly or not, this is the most important question of your interview because he must answer this question favorably in his own mind before you will be hired. So help him out! Walk through each of the positions requirements as you understand them, and follow each with a reason why you meet that requirement so well. Example: As I understand your needs, you are first and foremost looking for someone who can manage the sales and marketing of. As youve said you need someone with a strong background in . This is where Ive spent a lot of time in the last 2 years at school/college/university. As I evaluate my skills and goals, this job maximizes on both. My knowledge of.and..will help me to strategize forI have always willingly shouldered responsibility and faced challenges and as I can foresee, this job will have both. (Talk of companys vision and mission) I am a quick learner and am self motivated I will add value to my company without much supervision.

I have done my home work on this company and I see this position as almost being made to order.It has the challenge..I have the competencies.This companys good reputation and values make it head and shoulders above others


What is your idea of a good working environment?

The most important would be a clear road map where people are clear about what they are expected to do. I would be happy working with people who are equally willing to teach and to learn President career missions says If you want great working environment you must -State a clear mission and live it daily devise a strategic plan that is understood and embraced by everyone Show me a company with great communication and I will show you a great company Build a culture where everyone is a part of the team Be flexible to change and Have fun

Q4 Ans:

Tell me something that is not on your resume Nature lover Fond of poetry Good at Enjoy spending quality time with my family

Q5 How would your friends describe you? Ans:Dependable (why) good at planning Good listener Good fun and entertaining Q6 What are your strengths?

You know that your key strategy is to first uncover your interviewer's greatest wants and needs before you answer questions. Prior to any interview, you should have a list mentally prepared of your greatest strengths. As a general guideline, the most desirable traits that all employers love to see in their employees are: 1. A proven track record as an achiever...especially if your achievements match up with the employer's greatest wants and needs. 2. Intelligence..Honesty...integrity...a decent human being 3. Good fit with corporate culture...someone to feel comfortable with...a team player who mixes well with interviewer's team.

4. Likeability...positive attitude...sense of humor, Good communication skills, Dedication...willingness to walk the extra mile to achieve excellence 5. Definiteness of purpose...clarity of goal, Enthusiasm...high level of motivation and confidence, Match with Job Description and the skills required 6. People take pride in finishing their task on time. I finish not only well in time but I also do it well (how do you go about it) Q7 What are your weaknesses?

1. Have the answer to, Whats your greatest strength/weakness? (FYI: Your greatest weakness is just a strength taken to an extreme, Im so interested in my subject; I tend to inundate people with detail about it. But Im learning to pick and choose what information will be most effective, etc.) 2. I took on too much in projects, functions etc but then I realized that working with a team yielded better results, it was also more fun and rewarding so I learnt to delegate 3. I sometimes push my people too hard. I like to work with a sense of urgency and everyone is not always on the same wavelength Q8 How do you deal with criticism/Pressure? Over the years I have learnt to deal with criticism. Some of it has helped me to evolve better as a person because it was given to me as genuine feedback and I accepted it willingly. At other times, I have dealt with criticism which was purely a put down I have tried not to get effected by it. Pressure is a part of life. Pressure/good stresses are motivators. One should react to the situation and not the stress. It stays with you in some form or the other and if you allow it to de-motivate you, you cannot succeed. Life is not a cakewalk and I have dealt with my share of pressure quite well (be ready with a story or past incidence as an example to support your conviction) Q9 What do you know about us?

Make sure you do the required research about the company. Research the company/interviewer exhaustively. Whats their best selling product/mission statement/biggest competitor? Why specifically do you want to work for them? How exactly are you going to contribute to their success? Also research the person who heads it /founder etc. Find out their outstanding qualities and what they did right. Q 10 Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I am looking at making a long term commitment. I know I have the skills and the qualification to back me In terms of my future career path, Im confident that if I do my work with

excellence, the road to growth will inevitably open up for me and Im confident Ill have plenty of opportunities here. The only right answer is to describe what this company is offering, being sure to make your answer believable with specific reasons, stated with sincerity, why each quality represented by this opportunity is attractive to you. Q 11 What has been your proudest moment/biggest achievement/worst failure? Part A Achievements:Think of major achievements that took place recently(Building a story-Given the short time frames and levels of work required, the most challenging aspect for me at least in the beginningwas meeting the tight deadlines. (Examples of the project/assignment) I met this challenge by improving the way I planned for contingencies, by training myself in several software packages including PowerPoint and by putting into place measures that improved the communication amongst key team members. The outcomes were very positive. Not only did I begin to meet the projects deadlines, but I also put into place communication procedures that improved team efficiency. I always felt a deep sense of satisfaction every time we successfully overcame a difficult challenge. A lot of planning and well-organized work needed to be completed before the deadlines were successfully met. For example, we needed to ensure that all members of the team were continually communicating with one another and that everyone had the required information. I enjoyed working in a fast-paced and challenging environment which stretched me on a daily basis. Part B Failures:Think of a failure earlier in life, what it taught you.- Very early during college life my parents pushed me into taking up subjects which they thought were good for me. 1. I failed to convince my parents that what they thought was not the right option. 2. I failed to convince myself that I should voice my opinion and change their decision. 3. Because of my disinterest in the subject I failed to get the grades my parents expected. I then changed over to the subjects of my choice and consistently did well..This taught me.


What do you do to improve your knowledge?

Mention any extra training/course you have undertaken. Newspaper/magazine subscription Affiliation to any association Participation in events TV/news, keep abreast of whats going on say for example Give an example of a recent development you have been following e.g. Death penalty..speak about your interest to know how India deals with it. If you have read any book that has helped you then mention that (provided you have actually read it and has added value)


Are you comfortable working in a team?

Yes! Absolutely, and then talk of the advantages and the benefits you recd while working in a team. Also include fun element

Q 14

How do you rate your communication skills?

Talk about participation in various events. Talk of recognition, awards and appreciation

Q 15 You do not have all the experience we need for this position, how would you contribute effectively? -Good organizations recognize that young people come with fresh eyes, they have the ability to think and do things differently? This is what I heard the CEO of a MNC on TV the other day. As a fresher I agree I do not have the experience but I do have the skills that are needed. I come without any baggage and with a clean and fresh mind that is ready to..

Q 16

How would you compensate for the lack of experience you have for this position?

I agree that like every fresher will lack the experience but over the years I have acquiredMy willingness to learn, ability to work without constant supervision

Q 17 If you were hiring for this position, what qualities would you look for in a potential candidate? Explain the skill sets that you read in Job Description and personify it as if you are looking for someone who is ..


What irritates you about your peer group co-workers?

I am basically an easy going person and get along quite well with people. However, sometimes I find deadlines being missed and a laid back attitude that affects our work..When I dont find people valuing time.Fun is good and an important part of a youngsters life but when it tends to overshadow serious work.


Is there any particular kind of person you cannot work with?

Try to describe your ability to work with different personalities and ability to adapt to cultural diversity and multi-culture environment.

Q 20

How would you define a good leader?

APJ Abdul Kalam- A leader must have a vision and a passion to realize that vision. He must be able to travel into the unexpected path and must know how to manage success and failure. A leader must have the courage to take decisions and should have transparency in every action. Finally a leader must work with integrity and succeed with integrity. History has proven that those who dare to imagine the impossible are the ones who break all human limitations. In every field of human endeavor people who broke the limits of their imagination changed the world. Q 21 Tell us something about your hobbies Do not just say Cricket, or listening to music, or playing Guitar, rather elaborate further like batting with 2 down position, listening to ghajals especially Jagjit Singh, and so on be specific Q 22 What is more important to you money or success?

I will be honest and admit that money is important. Many people succeed even without it but I still feel its very important. However, at this point of time when I am getting ready to make my debut in the corporate world success in terms of a job, my career and moving towards my goal is more important than money. Q 23 How much salary do you expect? If your interviewer raises the salary question too early, before youve had a chance to create desire for your qualifications, postpone the question, saying something like, Money is important to me, but is not my main concern. Opportunity and growth are far more important. What Id rather do, if you dont mind, is explore if Im right for the position, and then talk about money. Would that be okay? The #1 rule of any negotiation is: the side with more information wins. After youve done a thorough job of selling the interviewer and its time to talk salary, the secret is to get the employer talking about what hes willing to pay before you reveal what youre willing to accept. So, when asked about salary, respond by asking, Im sure the company has already established a salary range for this position. Could you tell me what that is? Or, I want an income commensurate with my ability and qualifications. I trust you ll be fair with me. What does the position pay? Or, more simply, What does this position pay? Q 24 If you win a Crore of rupees on KBC would you still work? This type of question is aimed at getting at your bedrock attitude about work and how you feel about what you do. Your best answer will focus on your positive feelings. Example: After I get over the disbelief, I think I would still hold my basic belief that achievement and purposeful work are essential to a happy, productive life. After all, if money alone bought happiness, then all rich people would be all happy, and thats not true. I love the work I do, and I think Id always want to be involved in my career in some fashion. Winning KBC would make it more fun because it would mean having more flexibility, more options...who knows? Of course, since I cant count on winning, Id just as soon create my own destiny with my hard work and a desire to achieve. I think those qualities have built many more fortunes that all the KBC shows put together. Q 25 Are you planning to go for further studies?

Caution: This answer needs to be answered tactfully, they want to know whether you are going to stay for long or you are just there to use their training resources and then say goodbye in 6 months time. If you are pursuing further studies, say so. Tell them why you want to go for that course If you are taking up a distance education course or a part time course, they should know, as you will need to take leaves when you appear for exams.

Q 26

Will you be happy to re-locate, if required?

Again, a question for you to answer based on your position. If you are anticipating this question in the interview, it is better to discuss this with your family also before you go to face the interview. Also be specific what relocation means to you. For example Banking & Insurance Industry is expanding into Villages and small towns and need urban qualified executives there. So does many other services industry. Moreover Manufacturing units are located in far off distant places and organizations prefer people with flexibility to move around in their markets and business locations without any rigidity. Q27 What is your idea of an ideal company?

Do not go over board and ask for, it might give an impression that you are too demanding, some of the answers could be: An ideal company provides maximum opportunities for growth of employees. They provide comfortable and flexible work environment, so that employees can perform at their best and work towards companys benefit. A company that encourages learning A company that encourages open culture Q 28 Why are you leaving your previous job? Do not go around defaming your old company; it will give a bad impression about you. Give reasons such as: Professional Growth New challenges Change in profile Planning to relocate (if applicable) With time I found my job was becoming monotonous and I didnt want this to have any impact on the job I was doing for my employer I am not actively looking for a job change but, I saw this opening and it looked interesting.

Q 29 Assuming that you are selected, what will be your strategy for next 60 days? If I am selected for this position, Ill use my initial 60 days in understanding my role carefully in terms of the contribution to the business and increasing the overall profitability. Ill sit with my line manager and other juniors to understand what has already been done and what its impact has been. From there on, Ill formulate my strategy to growth in close conju nction with managers and see that it is properly implemented. Q 30 You do not have all the experience we need for this position? How would you compensate for the lack of experience you have for this position? It is not possible for a candidate to have all the experience an employer requires. Even if you match yourself up to the expectations on technical front, there will be some difference in the work environment. And, it is absolutely fine. The best way to deal with this question is to analyse the requirements of the position well and match your skills as close to them as possible. If something is still left untouched, offer your quick grasping power and ability to learn quickly as a solution & back it up with an example from the past. As we discussed in the last question, your ability to understand and pick up new things quickly should be able to compensate for the lack of work experience you have. Q 31 What do you want to achieve in the next 5 years?

This answer shows your ability to make plans for yourself, have an ambitious but realistic plan: Say you would like to acquire certain skills and move up the ladder If you are interested in Management, say you would like to take up a part -time course/full time course in x years time Q 32 What is your style of management?

In todays scenario, everything needs customization, so here also, one size cant fit all i.e. one management style wont work in all situations. So, offer situational based style as your style of management.

Q 33

What qualities would you look for in your senior?

You can mention some generic qualities like intelligence, good sense of humour, dedicated to his team etc., which all the managers think that they have in abundance.


What are the most important things for you as a manager?

The two things which should be most important for a manager to succeed in his role are: a.) His team should be happy and keep performing b.) The project he is working on with his team is successfully finished with minimum problems. 35) Is there anything else that we should know about you that would impact our decision? I am a continuous learner and try to keep myself abreast of all developments in the field of IT. Also since I do not quit in the face of toughest challenges, I am certain that I would be able to achieve the targets that I set for myself and beyond. 8) How do you deal with criticism? You cant please everyone, so just please yourself. You are your best critic. Some people are just not going to like you. Accept it. But if the criticism is genuine, learn the lesson and improve yourself. 36) If after sometime you start disliking the job? What would you do?

Well, if such situation then my first priority would be to look within myself and try to find out any shortcomings or lack of skills and techniques. If such things happen then I would try to improve and rectify myself. Still if I dont get an answer then I will speak to my seniors and colleagues to learn my mistakes so that I become more user friendly to my organization. 37) How do you think our company determines success in an employee? Well, I think your company measures success in an employee in three parameters : a) Competence i.e how well one is able to perform his job with the least possible supervision. b) Co-operation or Interpersonal skills i.e how well the employees adapt or adjust themselves with a wide variety of situations. c) Integrity of characters -well a man with the above mentioned factors but lacks character is incomplete and unsuccessful.

38. Did you face any difficulty in finding this place? The interviewer usually asks this question to initiate the talk and put the candidate to ease. You can smile and answer this question by saying: It wasnt difficult to find this place. 39. Why does this role interest you? Or why have you applied for this job? The purpose of this question is to see if you are really interested in this job or you applied to this job just because you are jobless. Relate the job requirements with your candidature and explain why do you believe you are a suitable candidate for this job. 40. Are you an Introvert or Extrovert? Being on either of the extremes at work can be bad for you and the company. Your behaviour at work should be as per the requirement. To answer this question you can say something like: I behave as per the requirement of the situation. For e.g. If I am representing the company at an event which requires me to talk to a lot of people, I become an extrovert while if there is some serious issue under discussion, I think quietly and deeply on it. If you are interested in Management, say you would like to take up a part-time course/full time course in x years time 41. Are you willing to change your project/profile when required? This is very important for a company, they want employees who are willing to change roles, to meet business demands, so the typical answer here is Yes. Say I understand it will be in best interest of the business, if my manager wants me to develop my skills and take up another role. 42. What skills do you want to develop to succeed in this role? Again talk about some key skills that are necessary for the role, this will show them that you are ready to learn and are aware of your shortcomings: Tell them that you, as a fresher, have the ability but formal training to enhance your skills for a professional environment 43 Are you planning to go for further studies? This answer needs to be answered tactfully, they want to know whether you are going to stay for long or you are just there to use their training resources and then say goodbye in 6 months time. If you are pursuing further studies, say so. Tell them why you want to go for that course

If you are taking up a distance education course or a part time course, they should know, as you will need to take leaves when you appear for exams 44. What newspaper/magazine/book do you read? Browse through the newspaper that morning they might ask you what was the front page headline, they might ask you your favorite columnists name Same goes for the magazine, make sure you have read the last edition When giving names of books, remember the author(s) name(s) and be ready to give out some summary of the book 45. Do you know anyone who works with this company? It is fine if you do not know anyone, but if you know it will be good to give out the name: This shows them about your level of interest, and it is human nature if you know someone who works there you will ask them for feedback about the company or the role They could ask that person for your reference 46. Do you have any other offer at hand? This is usually a closing question and they might want to know how actively you are looking for a job. Usually give an honest answer and say why you are looking for another job with that offer at hand.

47) Can you work under pressure? If yes, how please explain? Sir, I can handle pressure of work. Let me explain how. Whenever there is pressure of work, we need to tackle it from the mental and physical stand-point. Mental stand-point would mean being in a state of relaxation and composure so that I do not feel stressed out during the course of my work and from physical stand-point; I always prioritize my job in their exact order of merit and importance so that I can dispose them off quickly and effectively.

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