1 Eso First Term Model

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1 Circle the odd word out.

1 restaurant
sports centre
2 next to
3 I.T.
4 Brazilian
5 chemists
pet shop
6 exam
7 history


2 Write the opposites of the adjectives.

1 happy ________
2 quiet ________
3 fast ________

in front of
skateboard park
TOTAL ___/7

4 easy ________
5 interesting ________
6 funny ________
TOTAL ___/6

3 Complete the sentences.

1 I want a new dictionary. Is there a good b________ near here?
2 There is a good film on at the c________ night.
3 My favourite subject is g_______. I love learning about other countries.
4 The students r________ for their exams every evening.
5 He wants to go to China, but he doesnt speak C________?
6 Do you u________ this exercise?
7 Im not very good at a________ . Its difficult.
TOTAL ___/7
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of be.
1 Madrid _____ the capital of China.
2 Im French. I _____ from Italy.
3 David Beckham _____ a football player.
4 My cousins _____ Italian. Theyre French.
5 Hi, my names John. I _____ from England.
6 _____ you interested in music?
TOTAL ___/6
5 Write questions and short answers. Use the correct form of have got.

a Madonna CD
a bike
a mobile phone
a car
a brother
an MP3 player
a computer at home
a lot of homework






1 Jane / Madonna CD?

2 Paul and Jane / MP3 player?
3 Paul / computer at home?

4 Ian / computer at home?

5 Paul and Ian / bike?
6 Jane and Paul / car?
7 Paul / brother
8 Jane and Paul / a lot of homework?
TOTAL ___/8
6 Complete the text with present simple verbs.

study speak visit


speak play


Im English. My friend Ramn is Spanish. Ramn (1) _______ us every summer. He (2)
_______ English at a language school in my town. Ramon is a good student and he (3) _______
a lot of homework .We (4) _______ English with him at home. Sometimes he (5) _______ me
Spanish, but its difficult. Ramn (6) _______ playing football. Hes crazy about it. We (7)
_______ football every day after school. Its great! One day I want to (8) ________ Ramn and
his family in Spain.
TOTAL ___/8
7 Write questions for the answers. Use the present simple.
1 _________________________________________________?
Yes, I use a dictionary in class.
2 _________________________________________________?
No, they dont speak English.
3 _________________________________________________?
Yes, Marcus plays football every day.
4 _________________________________________________?
No, we dont finish school at four oclock.
5 _________________________________________________?
No, I dont copy my friends homework.
6 _________________________________________________?
Yes, they live in Barcelona.
7 _________________________________________________?
Yes, Carol studies in New York.
8 _________________________________________________?
No, they dont go to school on Sunday.
9 _________________________________________________?
No, my sister doesnt study Italian. She studies Japanese.
10 _________________________________________________?
Yes, we understand this exercise.
TOTAL ___/10
8 Read the text. Find eight mistakes and correct them.
I live in a small town. There a supermarket and there is some good clothes shops, but there not a
cinema. There is two restaurants but there arent an Internet caf. Whats your town like? How
many restaurants there are? Arent there any cafes? There is a skateboard park?
TOTAL ___/8

9 Complete the text the correct words. You may need to use more than one word.
My penfriend
My penfriend Sam (1) _______ in New York. Hes British but (2) _______ dad works in New
York. (3) _______ fourteen and he (4) _______ one sister and a brother. He likes heavy metal
music and rap, and his favourite group is Nirvana. I dont (5) _______ heavy metal but I like
rap. Sam plays basketball at school, but he (6) _______ play football. I send (7) _______ lots of
emails and he writes (8) _______ emails and postcards. I want to go to New York one day. It
sounds great! (9) _______ a big park in the city called Central Park. And (10) _______ lots of
shops and cinemas of course.
TOTAL ___/10
D Reading
10 Read the text. Answer the questions. Write complete sentences.
A Chinese teacher
Lee is a teacher but he doesnt teach in a normal school. He teaches Chinese at a language
school. Hes from China but he lives in London. Lee likes his job very much. He starts work at
six oclock in the evening and he finishes at nine oclock. His school is opposite the train
station, but Lee gets the bus to work because theres a bus stop outside his house. Theres a
Chinese restaurant next to his school. Sometimes after class, Lee and his students have dinner
together in the restaurant.
A lot of people in London want to learn to speak Chinese, so Lee has got a lot of students. His
students work during the day so they attend the classes after work. They think that Chinese is
very difficult.
Alice goes to Lees class. She studies a lot and revises hard for her exams. Lee thinks that shes
a very good student. She doesnt copy from other students and she does her homework. She
thinks Chinese is easy! Alice works in a Chinese chemists, and she wants to go to China to
study alternative medicine.
1 Where does Lee work?
2 How does Lee travel to work?
3 What does Lee sometimes do after class?
4 Are Lees classes popular?
5 Where does Alice work?
6 Why is Alice a good student?
7 Why does Alice learn Chinese?
8 Find words in the text that mean;
1 usual ___________
2 go to classes ___________
3 different, not usual ____________
TOTAL ___/10
F Writing
12 Write a description of a normal school day for you. Use three paragraphs and write

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