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One week later: I was suffocating. The plan that had slowly been brewing in my mind for a fortnight was now at the eve of its fruition, and I was dreading it. My mind was working non-stop. There were simply too many variables that could go wrong, too many things that I had very little control over, but there was no choice now. There was no time for me do anything else. My heart felt like it was lodged in my throat, which seemed to stay parched no matter how many times I drank water. Why is it so hot in here? The heat prickled my skin like tiny needles and sweat pooled in the small of my back. I kept walking up and down my room because I just couldnt stay still. I needed some air, and not just because this damnable corset, it seemed as if the air was thinner these days. Walking across the room, I opened the glass doors that led out onto the balcony. The stone felt cold under my fingertips as I grasped the guard-rail. I leaned back and took what seemed to be the first breath of fresh air today. I turned around and rested my back on it, tilting my head back to see the clear blue sky and the feel the salty breeze tease my hair. Below, the maids and servants were scurrying about, gossiping and carrying on their duties, blissfully unaware of what their mistress was about to attempt. I felt a pang of guilt at what would happen if my disappearance were discovered too soon. They would take the brunt of my father's anger if that were to happen - especially Mary. Both she and her husband, Rupert, looked after me as their own and would be horribly worried. She was the only one who had an inkling of what I'd been up to, but that was

only because she had seen that Id been out of sorts for the past few days. However, as I wasnt planning on leaving for too long, I saw no reason that it should come to that. I was simply leaving for a few hours at the most, and if my demand to not be disturbed were followed, no one would be the wiser. I needed to leave, even if just for a little while. The days following my fathers proclamation were stifling. I felt like a prisoner and it seemed that nothing I did could take that feeling away. I havent even been attending any parties of late, which some had already taken notice of. I couldnt understand it. Why was he doing this? It made no sense to isolate me and the longer I stay here, the more that I feel an itching need to get away to breathe. A few more days of this and I would surely go insane. Biting my lip, I once again went through the plan. With my birthday only a month away, I needed to get away from Thornhill Manor and there was no better time than the festival. Most of the staff would be there, enjoying the celebrations. That meant the guards would be lessened as well and I had a higher chance of getting out undiscovered. However, scanning the courtyard, I found that there was more than the usual amount of guards about. Damn! My father had increased security shortly after his little announcement just in case I tried something like this not to say that such a thing was a frequent occurrence, but he may have had some inkling that I would do something my eleventh birthday, for instance, when I happened to cause a regrettable incident that involved some gun powder from the fireworks. My father had missed two consecutive birthdays already and I was feeling slightly put out. It was, perhaps, not one of my finer moments, though how was I supposed to know that Mrs. Bakers hair was so flammable?

Looking over to the servant's quarters I was mollified on finding that there were barely any guards there. Good. Now all I had to worry about were the ones at the back gate. Well, they shouldn't pose too much of a problem. I went back into my room and took a moment to appreciate it, for I might not be here very long if my marriage date was set. Each part of this room had a memory attached to it. The dark pink and white walls had floral patterns that covered it like a painting. A large window was on the right, directly in front of my four-poster bed. If I looked behind the curtains, by the border of the window that no one checks, I would find the scratches I made as a child, trying to measure my height like some of the others my age had done. The mahogany desk that sat next to it was a work of art, purchased in Parga. It had vines carved along the side of it to match the walls. There were carvings of my name along the sides that I used to make when I was bored during tuitions. I caught a glimpse of myself in the vanity mirror. The girl in the mirror had pale skin that had barely known the touch of the sun and reddish brown hair, with a slim build. Comely, I supposed looking over myself with a critical eye, but not stunning. It was my eyes of green speckled with gold that gave me some true character. I could be striking, but not beautiful. Closing my eyes, I sighed and massaged my throbbing head. I wondered for the hundredth time if I should be doing this. It wasnt sensible and highly unlike me. No doubt that it would only bring trouble to all those around me, not to mention how it would reflect on my father. I stopped short of the thought and gritted my teeth. How it would reflect on him? After what he was planning on doing to me, why should I care? It was like a reflex now, after years of being told that I must watch every action and every word that I make because there were always people wagging their tongues. Years of being spotless on some notion of

duty and responsibility. The thought of doing all that till I was beyond exhausted, just to end up here, practically being thrown away, was infuriating and insulting. Didnt I deserve some sort of respect or at the very least, a notion of an opinion? Arranged marriages are not so forced during these times, and the girl has the right to refuse at least one suitor in most families. With my status, I would have had more than just one proposal. So, why, for heavens sake? I had been trying to talk to father for days, but either Gustav turned me away as he had important business, or he was out. It was so frustrating! I felt my anger growing with every thought. I was his successor and was raised as such. If he just wanted a passive daughter without a mind of her own, he shouldnt have raised me to expect more. He shouldnt have thrown me into this mess where I have no control and expect me to take it. No more second-guessing. No more doubts. It was time to take back a little control. One day might not mean much, but if it was all I had left of my freedom, it was going to take it and enjoy it. My looks were not notable. I had thought once that I'd grow into them, like my mother, but now I was glad that I hadn't. If I had, it would make my escape even more difficult. After all, beauty was far more difficult to disguise. I had stolen a maids uniform from their quarters. I quickly put on the long, dark blue uniform over my undergarments and tied my hair up in a simple style, securing it with a simple white bonnet as the other maids did. The dress was a tad too big for me but there was hardly anything to do about it now. The only thing of true value that I wore was my locket, the only reminder of my mother I had left. It was a lovely little locket made of

silver that gleamed even when not polished, engraved with an intriguing symbol that looked beautiful, even though I have yet to find out its meaning. Inside was the only remaining picture of my mother, as my father had all the others burned. It pained him more than it did me, I think, to let go of the woman he loved. He grieved for her, and perhaps he never stopped for he had yet to remarry. His love for my mother was his most redeeming character, but the man he was before her death the man I remember was as dead as my mother. I always kept the locket with me, even while bathing. Although, when my father is near, it's tucked in safely underneath my clothes, next to my heart. Kissing it, I sent a small prayer to my mother, asking for strength wisdom and safety. I hid some of gold pieces inside the folds of my skirt, for safekeeping, just incase I needed it. I had enough sense to know it was never safe to be walking around with much gold on your person unattended. Not to mention that it would be idiotic of me to flaunt the fact that I have anything at all worth stealing, especially when I could barely protect myself. For protection, I had a gun, which Id stolen from my fathers study yesterday. It was the most unassuming one he had and I made sure to take extra ammunition as well, just in case something went wrong. He probably would never even realize it was gone. I kept it in my pocket along with the gold, hidden until I had use of it. Well now, I couldnt dally here any longer. Someone would be checking my quarters in a few hours, and I had better get back before then. Quiet as a mouse, I opened my bedroom door and peeked out. Lady luck seemed to be on my side, as there was no one about. I made my way down the long cream and gold corridors and took a right.

I headed towards the stairs and had my first encounter with the maids. Two of them were walking up, giggling about something. I kept my head down and tried to keep my pace normal, hoping they wouldnt notice me. Each step I took was agonizing and exhilarating at the same time. They passed by without bothering to look at me, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I sped up a little and made my way to the library. Once there, I found the unassuming red book with no title. I pulled on it and that opened the secret passages that went all around the house, except in my room. I found these when I was a child, exploring the mansion. And there just happened to be one that led straight to the servants quarters. I made my way with haste but I was careful. No one noticed anything wrong. I was itching with the urge to run, but I forced myself into an unhurried tread as I left the mansion. The gate was in my sight and I was but a few paces from freedom. My heart was pounding so fast, it was a wonder no one else could hear it. I hurried a bit, almost jogging, as I made my way out. Girl, where do you think youre going? You know we need all available hands inside to get the preparations ready, a far too familiar voice said from behind me. Mary. Damn it! If she saw me now, I was going to get more than a simple slap on the wrist. I couldnt afford to be caught now especially not in these clothes - but if I ran now, I would seem suspicious. Slowly, I turned around, carefully keeping my eyes downcast so that she wouldnt notice them. That feature would distinguish me quicker than any other. I mentally ran through any feasible reason for a maid being out here and noticed the well, conveniently right by the gate.

Without further thought, I quickly stated in a high voice, Beg pardon maam, I was just fetchin some water. Only after the words left my mouth did I realize that I had forgotten one very important detail the water bucket. Internally, I groaned and flogged myself for such stupidity. I knew without looking up that she was suspicious and I had to think of something quickly before she started asking questions. Then an idea struck me. I turned towards the guards by the gate and smiled sweetly, with a slight wave. The guards seemed to take some interest and a few even grinned back. However, after taking notice of who was standing by me, they quickly looked away. I smiled, in earnest this time. Perfect. Thank the gods for promiscuous maids. She noticed the gesture and waved me away, making a rather unladylike sound, as she walked away, saying, Dont let me catch you slacking off again, and for Gods sake girl, put your head on right! She walked briskly back into the manor without looking back, obviously having more important things to do than dealing with an enamored chit of a girl. I resumed my walk to the gate, barely restraining the urge to run. It was so close now and in just a few more steps I would be free. The music and cheers from the festival were loud and boisterous. However, I was stopped just before the gate by the guard who smirked at me. Wher ye be heading to, miss? he said, with an unattractive leer. I was starting to reconsider my earlier tactic. Perhaps it was more trouble than it was worth. I tried to hide my grimace with a smile that did not reach my eyes and said, To the festival, discreetly trying to get past

him. He simply moved in front of me with his burly body, effectively cutting off my escape. Internally, I let out a frustrated huff. Honestly! It was so close!

There was a loud group of maids walking by just then, and one of them noticed us. She stopped and yelled at the guard, Gerald! What the hell are you doing with her? The guard Gerald apparently quickly forgot about me and turned to face the maid just as her hand connected to his face, giving him a sound slap. She started swearing at him profusely in another language it vaguely sounded Pargan - and tried for another one but was held back by one of her friends. Then another maid joined the fray and took offence to the first maids behavior towards the guard and told her, What in the blazes do ye think yer doing, ye twit? I gathered that she was also involved with said guard. Soon enough, it seemed that everyone there was dragged into the argument and the two girls started getting physical. Recognizing that it was the perfect opportunity to escape, I ran out of the gate and away from the mansion. No one noticed and I ran for a good distance before I finally stopped to catch my breath, leaning against a wall. When I had finally gathered my bearings, and looked around, I realized that I was in an unfamiliar part of the city. There were plenty of people around and the festival was in full swing. It seemed to engulf the entire city and their energy was infectious. There were groups of girls and boys dancing and singing along to the music. I stared at them for a good while before a slow grin took over my face and I started to laugh. The feeling that rushed through

me was beyond words. It was like energy flowed trough me, from the top of my head to the bottom of my soles and I shivered, even as I reveled in it.

I was out. I was free. And it was glorious.

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