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WAITING LINE NUMERICALS (A) Qs.1 : A bank is opening a window for customer service.

It is estimated that customer will arrive at the rate of 15 per hour. The staff at the window can service 1 customer in 3 minutes. Assuming oissons arrivals ! e"ponential service# find the following $ 1.1 %tili&ation of the window. 1.' Average number in waiting line. 1.3 Average number in the s(stem. 1.) Average waiting time in line. 1.5 Average waiting time in the s(stem including service. 1.* resent level of service for 3 customers limit in the s(stem. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Qs.' : A departmental store has onl( 1 cashier. ,ustomers arrive at a rate of 'per hour. The average number of customers that can be handled b( the cashier is ') per hour. Assume conditions of single channel model. .ind $ '.1 robabilit( that cashier is idle. '.' Average number of customers in the s(stem. '.3 Average time a customer spends in the s(stem. '.) Average number of customers in the /ueue. '.5 Average time a customer spends in the /ueue. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Qs.3 The customers in a tailoring house follow oissons distribution with mean arrival rate of 1' per hour. ,ustomers are attended b( tailor on .irst come .irst served basis. The time taken b( tailor to attend a customer is e"ponentiall( distributed with a mean of ) minutes. .ind $ 3.1 The utili&ation parameter. 3.' robabilit( that /ueuing s(stem is idle. 3.3 Average time tailor is free on 0 hours working da(. 3.) robabilit( of having 5 customers in the shop at a point of time. 3.5 1hat is the number of customers in the shop 2 3.* 3"pected number of customers waiting for tailor4s services. 3.5 3"pected waiting time in the /ueue. 3.0 3"pected time in the shop b( a customer. Qs.) 6ean rate of arrival of planes at an airport is '- per hour ! the actual number of arrivals follows a oissons distribution. The airport can land on an average *- planes per hour in good weather ! 3- planes per hour in bad weather. 7uring congestion planes circle in the air awaiting clearance for landing after the planes arrived earlier. ).1 8ow man( planes shall be circling on an average in good ! in bad weather2 ).' 8ow much time a plane shall be taking for circling and in landing in good ! in bad weather 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Qs. 5 99A $ I : 1' : '--* ! 1' : '--5

INVENTORY MANAGEMENT NUMERICALS (B) Qs.1 .ind the economic order /uantit(# reorder point ! total annual cost from the 7ata furnished below: Annual demand ; 1--- units < =rdering cost ; >s. 5 per order < 8olding cost;>s.1.'5 per unit per (ear< ?ead time;5 da(s< ,ost;>s. 1'.5 per unit Qs. ' A compan( uses 1'--- units of raw materials annuall( costing >s. 1.'5 per unit. lacing each order costs >s. 15 ! the carr(ing cost is 15 @ per (ear per unit of inventor( cost. .ind the economic order /uantit(. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Qs. 3 An organi&ation re/uires 1--- units per month. =rdering cost is estimated to be >s. 5- per order. In addition to >e. 1 the carr(ing costs are 1- @ per unit of inventor( cost. The purchase price is >s. 1- per unit. .ind the economic lot si&e to be ordered ! the total cost. Qs. ) The following information is available about an enterprise: Annual re/uirement;')--- units< ?ead time;1- da(s< 1orking da(s;')-per (ear In the past ' (ears the demand has gone to 1)- units per da(. ,alculate the re/uired reorder level with normal and increased demand. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Qs. 5 A compan( uses annuall( )0--- units of a raw material costing >s. 1.'5 per unit. lacing each order costs >s. )5 ! carr(ing cost is 15 @ of the inventor( cost. .ind the economic order /uantit(. Auppose the compan( follows economic order /uantit( purchasing polic( ! it operates for 3-- da(s a (ear and the procurement time is 1' da(s with safet( stock of 5-- units. .ind the reorder point# ma"imum# minimum ! average inventor(. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Qs. * A factor( is manufacturing an item in batches. The following details are available :+ ,ost of setting+up of machine ! tools : >s. 1)-- :+ Annual rate of depreciation# interest# etc. : 10 @ ,onsumption of parts in assembl( shop : 1'- per month rocessing of each part : * hours on the machine ?abour rate : >s. '- per da( for 0 hours 6aterial cost : >s. 5 per kg < 1eight of each item : ) kg =verhead on each item is allocated at 1'- @ of prime cost. .ind BaC 3conomic batch si&e for machining BbC 7uration of machine run# assuming machine loading factor as D- @ . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Qs. 5

erform A9, anal(sis on the following items of inventor( : Annual Consumption Units 3-'0-311-)''150-*-0!"i#e pe" unit Rs$ -.1-.15 -.1-.-5 -.-5 1.--.-5 -.-5 -.15 -.1-

Item A 9 , 7 3 . E 8 I F

CONTROL C%ARTS NUMERICALS & Qs. 1 + The normal diameter of a shaft is 1.5G with standard deviation of -.-'G. The sample si&e was 1-. ,onstruct the control chart showing the central line and ' control limits. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Qs. '+ Ten samples each of si&e 5- were inspected# the results of the inspection are furnished below. 7raw a fraction defective chart Bp+chartC and state (our conclusion. Aample Ho. 1 ' 3 ) 5 * 5 0 D 1Ho. of 7efects ' 3 ' ' 3 ' 1 ' 3 .raction 7efective -.-) -.-* -.-) - -.-) -.-* -.-) -.-' -.-) -.-* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Qs. 3 + Ai" consecutive lots received from a vendor were inspected b( sampling process b( the bu(er. The sample si&e was varied as per variation in the lot si&e. The number of defectives of each sample were recorded as under: Aample Ho. ?ot Ai&e Aample Ai&e Ho. of 7efects 1 '051'5 1 ' 10*1'5 3 3 )05+ ) D50' 5 )305 '-) * '5*0 1'5 1

,onstruct a control chart for fraction defectives and no. of defectives. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Qs. ) + .or testing the /ualit( of e/uipment in a plant# the Inspector selected at random 1- samples of '-- e/uipment each. The number of defective e/uipment in each sample was as follows: Aample Ho. Ho. of 7efectives 1 0 ' 1) 3 '1 ) 35 5 )5 * '0 5 1* 0 '' D 5 1' Total '--

7raw a fraction defective /ualit( chart showing the upper and lower control limits. Also show above sample data in this chart and draw (our conclusions about the /ualit( of e/uipment. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Qs. 5 $ A machine is manufacturing a brass item whose standard weight is ' kg. Ten samples of 5 items each were taken after ever( ' hours which revealed the following : Aample Ho. 1 6ean 1t.# kg '.->ange# kg -.'' 3 '.1- '.15 -.'5 -.3) 5 * 5 '.-D '.-) '.-5 '.--.'- -.'- -.'5 -.-5 0 D 11.D- '.15 1.D5 -.1- -.15 -.'-

7raw a control chart for the mean ! range. 3"amine the /ualit( of the product is under control. Qs. * 99A $ I : 1' : '-1Qs. 5 99A $ I : 1' : '-1ANSWERS Waitin' line mo(el A : 1.1 $ 55@ < 1.' $ '.'5 ,ustomers < 1.3+ 3customer< 1.) + Dmin < 1.5 + 1' min 1.* + *D@ A : '.1 $ 15@ <'.' + 5,%AT=63>A < '.3+ 15 6IH < '.)+).1*customers <'.5 + 1'.5 min A : 3.1 + -.0 <3.'+ -.' < 3.3+ 1.*hrs < 3.)+ ** customer <3.5 + ) customer < 3.*+ 3.' customers < 3.5+ 1* min < 3.0+ '- min A : ).1 $ 1:* in good weather< ):3in bad weather ).'+ 1:)- in good weather <1:1- in bad weather

INVENTORY MANAGEMENT 9 1: 3conomic order /uantit(+0D.) %nits < >eorder point+13.5B1)C < Total annual cost+ >s 1'*1' 9 ' : 3conomic order /uantit(+1305 %nits 9 3 : 3conomic order /uantit(+555 %nits < Total annual cost+ >s. 1#'1#5)D :+ 9 ) : >eorder level in normal demand $ 1--- %nits < Increase demand 1)-- %nits 9 5 : >eorder point $ ')'- %nits < 6a"imum : 6inimum : Average inventor( $ 53-- : 5-- : 'D-- %nits 9 * 3conomic batch si&e $ 5)- %nits < 7uration of machine run $ 3*-- 8ours.

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