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MICHEL THOMAS SPANISH (BUILDER) COURSE, 2 CDs TRANSCRIPT This is an approximate transcript of the course, since Michel often

changed his mind in the middle of a sentence to be translated, or adapted his sentences for the students. The booklet that accompanied Michel's courses was wholly inadequate, so I have written this transcript. I have found it useful, so maybe other people will, too. aturally, it would be foolish to try to learn the language using this transcript, without buying the recordings. ote that !nglish is my native language, so I don't guarantee that there are no mistakes. "n asterisk denotes a phrase that is highlighted in the booklet which accompanies the recordings. Tracks and track times in the recording are shown in brackets. #age numbers in the booklet are also shown in brackets. $ersion %, "ug &&th %''( Transcribed by )* CD 1 (74.28) (1) 11.15 (p7) *We are going to start Vamos a om!"#a$ % &amos a !m'!#a$ we're going to start om!"#amos % !m'!#amos let's start !m'! !mos I like... M! ()s*a... I like to be here M! ()s*a !s*a$ a+), *I want to do it but... -).!$o /a !$0o '!$o... +lo har, lo har I will do it, he,she,you will do it*I won't do it, I won't do it today because... "o 0o /a$1, "o &o2 a /a !$0o /o2 'o$+)!... ...I' !ery busy ...!s*o2 m)2 o )'a3o ...I' too busy... ...!s*o2 3!mas.a3o o )'a3o... do it ...'a$a /a !$0o *I "eel like... T!"(o (a"as 3!... I "eel like doing it T!"(o (a"as 3! /a !$0o I don't "eel like going there No *!"(o (a"as 3! .$ a00, I don't "eel like staying here No *!"(o (a"as 3! +)!3a$m! a+), I "eel like going out T!"(o (a"as 3! sa0.$ *It see s to e that, I think that... M! 'a$! ! +)!... I belie!e that..., I think that... $!o +)!..., '.!"so +)!... It see s to e that she doesn't "eel like going here M! 'a$! ! +)! !00a "o *.!"! (a"as 3! .$ a00, *I agree with you Es*o2 3! a )!$3o o" )s*!3 #$, agreed D! a )!$3o I don't agree with hi No !s*o2 3! a )!$3o o" 10 (p%)

What is your opinion& 4C)50 !s s) o'.".6"7 What is your opinion& 4C)50 !s *) o'.".6"7 What do you think& 4-)1 '.!"sa7, 4-)1 '.!"sas, Ro8!$*o7, 4-)1 '.!"sa" )s*!3!s7 *It interests e M! ."*!$!sa It interests e a lot, !ery uch M! ."*!$!sa m) /o, m) /, 'n"ortunately it's doesn't interest e D!sa9o$*)"a3am!"*! "o m! ."*!$!sa (() ).(* *I think that... C$!o +)!... I think that he will be there... C$!o +)! 10 &a a !s*a$ a00,... ...this a"ternoon ...!s*a *a$3! It's too late to do it Es 3!mas.a3o *a$3! 'a$a /a !$0o +tarde means .late. as well as .afternoon./ es tarde use .it is late.I think that he is going to be here tonight C$!o +)! 10 &a a !s*a$ a+), !s*a "o /! We will see V!$!mos, &amos a &!$ *It won't be possible... No s!$5 'os.80!... do it like this, in this way .../a !$0o as, I don't think so, I don't belie!e it No 0o $!o *sure, surely s!()$o, s!()$am!"*! #" course C0a$o +aturally Na*)$a0m!"*! #" course I' sure C0a$o +)! !s*o2 s!()$o *,ook... M.$a % M.$!...'s on the table ...!s*5 so8$! 0a m!sa Will - .an you put it, could you put it... 4P)!3! 'o"!$0o, 'o3$,a 'o"!$0o... ...under the table& ...3!8a:o 3! 0a m!sa7 (p)) *It is necessary... Es "! !sa$.o... *We ha!e to... T!"!mos +)!... *#ne ust... Ha2 +)!... go there ....$ a00, It is not necessary to buy it... No !s "! !sa$.o % No /a2 +)! om'$a$0o... ...because it is !ery e/pensi!e ...'o$+)! !s m)2 a$o *I need, I need it N! !s.*o, 0o "! !s.*o I don't need it now No 0o "! !s.*o a/o$a It is all I need Es *o3o 0o +)! "! !s.*o + ote the use of lo que in the middle of the sentence, literally, .all what I need.0his - 0hat is all I need Es*o % Eso !s *o3o 0o +)! "! !s.*o It is all I want Es *o3o 0o +)! +).!$o Is this all you want& 4Es*o !s *o3o 0o +)! +).!$!7 I want so ething else -).!$o a0(o m5s 1o you need anything else& 4N! !s.*a a0(o m5s7 +o thank you, that's all No ($a .as, !s*o !s *o3o *Will you - .an you show e& 4P)!3! mos*$a$m!...7 2es, I'll show you S,, &o2 a mos*$a$0!, 0! m)!s*$o +#resent tense used for future0 mostrar means .to show., muestro means .I show, I'll show./ le muestro, .I'll show you.. The future is often expressed by the present tense in

1panish(*) 7.37 *Will you - .an you - .ould you tell e... 4P)!3! % 'o3$,a 3! .$m!... ...what ti e it is going to be ready& ...a +)1 /o$a &a a !s*a$ 0.s*o7 ...what ti e it will be ready& ...a +)1 /o$a !s*a$5 0.s*o7 (p14) *I will "ind out (lit. in"or ysel") Vo2 a ."9o$ma$m! I need certain in"or ation N! !s.*o .!$*a ."9o$ma .6" I ha!e to "ind out T!"(! +)! ."9o$ma$m! I will tell you to orrow Vo2 a 3! .$0! ma;a"a, 0! 3.$1 ma;a"a +poder means .to be able./ podr I will be able*I will not be able... No &o2 a 'o3!$, "o 'o3$1... do it .../a !$0o 5e will not be able to co e with us No 'o3$5 &!".$ o" "oso*$os 5e isn't going to be able to co e with us No &a a 'o3!$ &!".$ o" "oso*$os +buscar means .to look for.*I a looking "or it... Lo 8)s o, 0o !s*o2 8)s a"3o... *...but I can't "ind it ...'!$o "o ')!3o !" o"*$a$0o *1o you ha!e so ething "or e& 4T.!"! a0(o 'a$a m,7 *+o, I don't ha!e anything, I ha!e nothing No, "o *!"(o "a3a I don't ha!e it any longer, any ore <a "o *!"(o m5s 0here is a essage "or you Ha2 )" m!"sa:! 'a$a )s*!3 0here are so e essages "or you Ha2 )"os m!"sa:!s 'a$a )s*!3 6re there essages "or e& 4Ha2 m!"sa:!s 'a$a m,7 Is there any essage "or e& 4Ha2 a0(=" m!"sa:! 'a$a m,7 2es, there are so e S,, /a2 a0()"os *5ow uch is it& 4C)5"*o !s7 5ow uch is this - that& 4C)5"*o !s !s*o % !so7 5ow uch does it cost& 4C)5"*o )!s*a7 What is the price& 4C)50 !s !0 '$! .o7 5ow uch is it worth& 4C)5"*o &a0!7 (p11) It's not worth uch No &a0! m) /o 5ow uch do I owe you& 4C)5"*o 0! 3!8o7 +debo means .I must, I'm supposed to, I should.. Qu debo hacer? is .2hat should I do3.. Debo salir is .I must go out.*It's "ine, all right Es*5 m)2 8.!" It's #$ like this Es*5 8.!" as, (3) 14.14 I think that... M! 'a$! ! +)! % $!o +)!... ...he will decide to do it ...&a a 3! .3.$ % 3! .3.$5 /a !$0o *I' going to do it... Vo2 a /a !$0o... ...i ediately - right now ... ."m!3.a*am!"*! % a/o$a m.smo ...right away ...!" s!().3a *I want to do it -).!$o /a !$0o *I would like to do it M! ()s*a$,a /a !$0o

+me gusta means .I like., me gustara .I would like.I would like to know... M! ()s*a$,a sa8!$... what ti e... ...a +)1 /o$a... ...he can - will be able to - could... ...10 ')!3! % 'o3$5 % 'o3$,a... here ...!s*a$ a+), +olvidar means .to forget.*I will not "orget... No o0&.3a$1 % "o &o2 a o0&.3a$... tell - to gi!e you - hi - her - the ...3! .$0! % 3a$0! * gi!e it to you - hi - her - the ...35$s!0o I' going to gi!e it to you Vo2 a 35$s!0o a )s*!3 I "eel like doing it... T!"(o (a"as 3! /a !$0o... ...but I don't know i" I can do it now ...'!$o "o s1 s. ')!3o /a !$0o a/o$a (p1() *It's not worth the trouble... No &a0! 0a '!"a... go there - going there ....$ a00, We can go there i" you want Po3!mos .$ a00, s. +).!$! % s. +).!$!s 1o you want to co e with e& 4-).!$! % +).!$!s o"m.(o7 I'd like to go with you M! ()s*a$,a .$ o" )s*!3 % o"*.(o Would you like to co e with e& 4L! ()s*a$,a % T! ()s*a$,a &!".$ o"m.(o7 2es, o" course S,, 0a$o +)! s, % 4 6mo "o7 I'd like to !ery uch M! ()s*a$,a m) /o With uch pleasure Co" m) /o ()s*o 0hat's nice o" you >$a .as 'o$ s) (!"*.0!#a 6greed, #$ D! a )!$3o % Va0! 0his - 0hat pleases e, I like it Es*o % Eso m! ()s*a It's a good idea Es )"a 8)!"a .3!a 2ou are right T.!"! $a#6" 2ou are 7uite right T.!"! *o3a 0a $a#6" 2ou are right and I agree with you T.!"! $a#6" 2 !s*o2 3! a )!$3o o" )s*!3 (5) 8.(1 *I like to stay - staying here... M! ()s*a +)!3a$m! a+),... ...because I' tired ...'o$+)! !s*o2 a"sa3o I like to rest M! ()s*a 3!s a"sa$ *I' going to rest... Vo2 a 3!s a"sa$... ..."or a little - "or a while ...)" 'o o % )" $a*o ...because I' !ery tired ...'o$+)! !s*o2 m)2 a"sa3o (p1*) Is it worth going to see it tonight& 4Va0! 0a '!"a .$ a &!$0o !s*a "o /!7 +o, it's not worth it No, "o &a0! 0a '!"a *It's incredible9 ?Es ." $!,80!@ I don't belie!e it No 0o $!o It's incredible what you're telling e Es ." $!,80! 0o +)! m! 3. ! It's great - agni"icent - e/traordinary Es ma(".9. o % !A*$ao$3."a$.o It's e/cellent Es !A !0!"*! 0his is !ery interesting Es*o !s m)2 ."*!$!sa"*! It interests e a lot to see it M! ."*!$!sa m) /o &!$0o

I a !ery interested Es*o2 m)2 ."*!$!sa3o I' !ery interested to go and see it M! ."*!$!sa m) /o .$ a &!$0o :he is !ery char ing, lo!ely, nice E00a !s !" a"*a3o$a I like !ery uch to go there with you M! ()s*a m) /o .$ a00, o" )s*!3 *I' sorry Lo s.!"*o *I' sorry to tell you... S.!"*o 3! .$0!... ...that I can't go to see it ...+)! "o ')!3o .$ a &!$0o ...with you tonight ... o" )s*!3 % o"*.(o !s*a "o /! I' sorry to tell you... S.!"*o 3! .$0!... ...that I wouldn't be able to go and see it ...+)! "o 'o3$,a .$ a &!$0o ...because I' !ery busy ...'o$+)! !s*o2 m)2 o )'a3o ...I shall be - I' going to be !ery busy ...'o$+)! !s*a$1 % &o2 a !s*a$ m)2 o )'a3o (8) *.*1 I ha!e to do it T!"(o +)! /a !$0o *I would ha!e to do it T!"3$,a +)! /a !$0o (p13) 5e has to do it T.!"! +)! /a !$0o 5e would ha!e to do it T!"3$,a +)! /a !$0o We would ha!e to go there T!"3$,amos +)! .$ a00, 2ou should tell e T!"3$,a +)! 3! .$m! I should do it D!8!$,a /a !$0o 2ou should wait "or e D!8!$,a !s'!$a$m! (7) 7.5( I like !ery uch to tra!el M! ()s*a m) /o % M! !" a"*a &.a:a$ +de vacaciones means .on holiday.I think I' going on holiday... C$!o +)! m! &o2 3! &a a .o"!s... ..."irst to :pain ...'$.m!$o a Es'a;a ...and then, later to Italy ...2 0)!(o, m5s *a$3! a I*a0.a I would like... M! ()s*a$,a... see hi - to go and see hi ...&!$0! % .$ a &!$0! *I think I' going to lea!e soon... C$!o +)! &o2 a sa0.$ '$o"*o... ...because I can't wait ...'o$+)! "o ')!3o !s'!$a$ When do you think you will lea!e& 4C)5"3o $!! +)! &a a sa0.$7 *I think I'll lea!e soon P.!"so sa0.$ '$o"*o When do you think you'll lea!e& 4C)5"3o '.!"sa sa0.$7 *I hope to lea!e soon Es'!$o sa0.$ '$o"*o 5ow long do you think... 4C)5"*o *.!m'o '.!"sa...'ll stay in ;adrid& ...+)!3a$s! !" Ma3$.37 I think I'll stay a week in :pain P.!"so +)!3a$m! )"a s!ma"a !" Es'a;a I "eel like... T!"(o (a"as 3!... ...going to the cine a night ....$ a0 ."! !s*a "o /! ...(in order) to see a "il , a picture ...'a$a &!$ )"a '!0, )0a (p15) an interesting picture )"a '!0, )0a ."*!$!sa"*! :he doesn't "eel like going there... E00a "o *.!"! (a"as 3! .$ a00,... ...tonight, perhaps to orrow ...!s*a "o /!, +).#5s ma;a"a

I think I'll lea!e - go away... P.!"so sa0.$ % .$m!... week ...0a s!ma"a +)! &.!"! onth ...!0 m!s +)! &.!"! ...or in two weeks ...o !" 3os s!ma"as (%) ).54 I want to ha!e it -).!$o *!"!$0o I' going to buy it Vo2 a om'$a$0o *I' not going to buy it because... No &o2 a om'$a$0o 'o$+)!...'s too e/pensi!e ...!s 3!mas.a3o a$o's !ery e/pensi!e ...!s m)2 a$o *I don't plan to buy it No '.!"so om'$a$0o +pensar .to think. is used for planning. esperar .to hope. also means .to expect.*I don't intend to buy it No *!"(o 0a ."*!" .6" 3! om'$a$0o +pronunciation of letter 4c50 the letter 4c5 followed by 4i5 or 4e5 is pronounced 4th5 in 6astilian 1panish but 4s. in other parts of the 1panish7speaking world. 8ut before 4a5, 4o5, 4u5 it is always .k.. 9ou'll hear intenthin in 6astilian 1panish, but intensin in many other parts of 1pain and in :atin "merica. "nother example0 Barthelona and Barselona(p18) I don't intend to do it No *!"(o 0a ."*!" .6" 3! /a !$0o +!nglish words ending in 47tion50 lots of words ending in 7tion in !nglish end in 7ci;n in 1panish. <ther examples0 condicin, reservacin, confirmacin, etcI plan to go there with you P.!"so .$ a00, o" )s*!3 I e/pect - I hope to go there with you Es'!$o .$ a00, o" )s*!3 I' going to take it Vo2 a *oma$0o It will be ready soon Va a !s*a$ 0.s*o '$o"*o *6t what ti e... 4A +)1 /o$a... ...are you going to be here& ...&a a !s*a$ a+),7 *I don't ha!e ti e to do it No *!"(o *.!m'o 3! /a !$0o 5e doesn't ha!e ti e to do it No *.!"! *.!m'o 3! /a !$0o We don't ha!e ti e to do it No *!"!mos *.!m'o 3! /a !$0o 5ow uch ti e do you ha!e& 4C)5"*o *.!m'o *.!"!7 *I don't know when... No s1 )5"3o... will be ready ...&a a !s*a$ % !s*a$5 0.s*o *I think... C$!o +)!... will be ready soon ...&a a !s*a$ % !s*a$5 0.s*o '$o"*o +abrir means .to open./ abro is .I open., I'm opening.. cerrar means .to close./ cierro is .I close., .I'm closing.:hould I open the window& 4D!8o a8$.$ 0a &!"*a"a7 *:hall I open the window& 4A8$o 0a &!"*a"a7 I' closing the door C.!$$o 0a ')!$*a *:hall I close the door& 4C.!$$o 0a ')!$*a7 (p17) +"sking questions0 all you have to do to change a statement .I'm closing the door. into a question .shall I close the door3. is to make it sound like a question, with the right inflection in your voice. The order of the worst doesn't change. In written 1panish, you

put a question mark = at the beginning and as well as 3 at the end of the questionI' waiting "or you L! !s'!$o *:hall I wait "or you& 4L! !s'!$o7 *:hall I acco pany you& 4L! a om'a;o7 *:hall I go - co e with you& 4Vo2 % &!"(o o" )s*!37 I'll call you later - to orrow L! 00amo m5s *a$3! % ma;a"a *:hall I call you later& 4L! 00amo m5s *a$3!7 We are lea!ing Sa0.mos *:hall we lea!e& 4Sa0.mos7 We are going to do it Vamos a /a !$0o *What shall we do& 4-)1 &amos a /a !$7 ()) %.1) I know he won't be able to do it <o s1 +)! "o &a a 'o3!$ /a !$0o I ha!e to go and see it T!"(o +)! .$ a &!$0o I a going to see it Vo2 a .$ a &!$0o *5e was going to see it I8a a &!$0o I was going to do it I8a a /a !$0o 5e wasn't going to do it No .8a a /a !$0o *I wasn't going to tell you... No .8a a 3! .$0!... ...that I was going to do it "or you ...+)! .8a a /a !$0o 'a$a )s*!3 I was going to buy it I8a a om'$a$0o I wasn't going to "ind it No .8a a !" o"*$a$0o (p1%) 5e was going to be here this a"ternoon B0 .8a a !s*a$ a+), !s*a ma;a"a I wasn't going to wait No .8a a !s'!$a$ I wasn't going to wait "or you No .8a a !s'!$a$0! *I know, I know it, I don't know it S1, 0o s1, "o 0o s1 I don't know where it is No s1 36"3! !s*5 I can't "ind it No ')!3o !" o"*$a$0o .an you tell e where it is& 4P)!3! 3! .$m! 36"3! !s*57 .ould you - would you be able to tell e& 4Po3$,a 3! .$m!7 I ha!e to know (it) T!"(o +)! sa8!$0o +saber means .to know.. s means .I know./ sabe .he,she knows., .you know./ sabes .you know. +informal-/ saben .you know., .they know.*What do you know& 4-)1 sa8!7 Why don't you know (it)& (to a "riend) 4Po$ +)1 "o 0o sa8!s7 *+obody knows where it is Na3.! sa8! 36"3! !s*5 +obody can "ind it Na3.! ')!3! !" o"*$a$0o +saba means .I knew., .he,she knew., .you knew./ sabas is .you knew. +informal-/ saban .you knew., .they knew.*I knew (it) Lo sa8,a *I didn't know (it) No 0o sa8,a I didn't know you were going to be here No sa8,a +)! )s*!3 .8a a !s*a$ a+), I wasn't going to tell you... No .8a a 3! .$0!... ...that I was going to buy it "or you ...+)! .8a a om'$a$0o 'a$a )s*!3 (p1))

+llegar means .to arrive.I didn't know... No sa8,a +)!... were going to arri!e today ....8a a 00!(a$ /o2 I knew e!erything was going to be ready <o sa8,a +)! *o3o .8a a !s*a$ 0.s*o I know that I ne!er... S1 +)! ")" a... ...will be able to do it that way ...&o2 a 'o3!$ % 'o3$1 /a !$0o as, +end of recording-

CD 2 (CD.EE) (1) 5.51 *What is there& 4-)1 /a27 +Qu ha ? can also mean .2hat's up3., .2hat's the matter3., .2hat's going on3. What is there to eat& 4-)1 /a2 'a$a om!$7 What is there to drink& 4-)1 /a2 'a$a 8!8!$7 +ofrecer means .to offer.*.an I o""er you so ething... 4P)!3o o9$! !$0! a0(o... drink& ...'a$a 8!8!$7 *2es, but "irst I ha!e to... S,, '!$o '$.m!$o *!"(o +)!... ... ake a phone call .../a !$ )"a 00ama3a *!0!96". a ...telephone ...00ama$ 'o$ *!019o"o *6nd a"terwards I' going to lea!e < 3!s')1s, &o2 a sa0.$ +#ronunciation of the letter 4>50 the letter 4>5 is always 4th5 in 6astilian and 4s5 elsewhere*the "irst ti e 0a '$.m!$a &!# the second ti e 0a s!()"3a &!# the third ti e 0a *!$ !$a &!# the ne/t ti e 0a '$ &!# *two ti es, twice 3os &! !s any ti es m) /as &! !s I' going to do it any ti es Vo2 a /a !$0o m) /as &! !s I don't "eel like doing it No *!"(o (a"as 3! /a !$0o I don't "eel like going there alone No *!"(o (a"as 3! .$ a00, so0o I' going to do it Vo2 a /a !$0o (p(() I was going to do it I8a a /a !$0o I didn't know you were going to be here No sa8,a +)! .8a a !s*a$ a+), +If you need clarifiers, put them in? "dd o, t!, l"ella, usted where necessary*I didn't know you were going to be here <o "o sa8,a +)! )s*!3 .8a a !s*a$ a+), *5e didn't know she was going to be here B0 "o sa8,a +)! !00a .8a a !s*a$ a+), I didn't know you were going to lea!e... No sa8,a +)! .8a a sa0.$... ...this a"ternoon ...!s*a *a$3! (() *.5) We are going to start... Vamos a !m'!#a$... ...soon - right away ...'$o"*o % !" s!().3a ...i ediately ...."m!3.a*am!"*! I' going to wait Vo2 a !s'!$a$ 5e was going to wait I8a a !s'!$a$ 5e wasn't going to wait No .8a a !s'!$a$ I didn't know... No sa8,a... ...that you were going to be here... ...+)! .8a a !s*a$ a+),... - this orning .../o2 % !s*a ma;a"a I didn't know... No sa8,a... ...that you were (all) going to be here ...+)! .8a" a !s*a$ a+), *<enerally - usually... >!"!$a0m!"*!...

+!nglish words ending in 7ly0 the ending 7ly in !nglish is usually 7mente in 1panish. .specially. is especialmente(p(*) ...I don't do it that way ..."o 0o /a(o as, +special @ especial0 words beginning sp7, st7 or sc7 in !nglish usually start esp#, est# or esc# in 1panish0 .1pain. is $spa%a/ .student. estudiante/ .school. escuela+!nglish words ending 7ty0 words ending in 7ty usually end in #tad or #dad in 1panish0 especialidad& libertad& oportunidad& cualidad<enerally I don't like doing it >!"!$a0m!"*! "o m! ()s*a /a !$0o <enerally I don't go there >!"!$a0m!"*! "o &o2 a00, *#"ten A m!")3o *=re7uently F$! )!"*!m!"*! *I al ost ne!er go there Cas. ")" a &o2 a00, (*) %.11 +acabar means .to finish.. acabo de ' Infinitive +to have Aust...- is an easy way of expressing the past tense?*I ha!e >ust A a8o 3!... I ha!e >ust seen it A a8o 3! &!$0o 5e has >ust le"t A a8a 3! sa0.$ *I ha!e >ust arri!ed... A a8o 3! 00!(a$... *...two days ago .../a ! 3os 3,as 5e has >ust called e... A a8a 3! 00ama$m!... ...ten inutes ago .../a ! 3.!# m.")*os :he has >ust gone out - le"t E00a a a8a 3! sa0.$ % 3! .$s! I ha!e >ust told you A a8o 3! 3! .$0! I ha!e >ust bought it A a8o 3! om'$a$0o I ha!e >ust spoken to hi A a8o 3! /a80a$ o" 10 5e has >ust told e A a8a 3! 3! .$m! (p(3) +volver means .to come back., .return.*I'll co e back... Vo2 a &o0&!$ % Vo0&!$1... ...right away - soon ...!" s!().3a % '$o"*o :he will co e back... Va a &o0&!$ % Vo0&!$5... ...!ery soon - later ...m)2 '$o"*o % m5s *a$3! :he has >ust le"t ten inutes ago... A a8a 3! sa0.$ /a ! 3.!# m.")*os... ...and she'll co e back later ...2 &a a &o0&!$ % &o0&!$5 m5s *a$3! I don't "eel like going out now... No *!"(o (a"as 3! sa0.$ a/o$a... ...because I' !ery tired ...'o$+)! !s*o2 m)2 a"sa3o % a"sa3a +preferir means .to prefer./ prefiero .I would rather....*I would rather - I would pre"er to... P$!9.!$o... *...stay here +)!3a$m! a+), I ha!e >ust bought a book... A a8o 3! om'$a$ )" 0.8$o... ...that I "ind !ery interesting ...+)! !" )!"*$o m)2 ."*!$!sa"*! I "ind it !ery interesting Lo !" )!"*$o m)2 ."*!$!sa"*! I think it is !ery interesting C$!o +)! !s m)2 ."*!$!sa"*! *I ha!e been waiting ten inutes "or you Ha ! 3.!# m.")*os +)! 0! !s'!$o

+To say how long you have been waiting, doing something, working etc, use hace, literally .it makes. B que B the present tense*5ow long... 4C)5"*o *.!m'o /a ! +)!G *...ha!e you been here in ;adrid& ...!s*5 a+), !" Ma3$.37 (3) %.3) *I would like... -).s.!$a % M! ()s*a$,a % -).!$o... talk to hi .../a80a$ o" 10 see it ...&!$0o (p(5) 5e isn't in - isn't there No !s*5 a00, What ti e will he be here& 4A +)1 /o$a &a a !s*a$ % !s*a$5 a+),7 *1o you know what ti e... 4Sa8! a +)1 /o$a... *...he will arri!e& ...&a a 00!(a$ % 00!(a$5 % 00!(a7 ... he will co e back - return& ...&a a &o0&!$ % &o0&!$5 % &)!0&!7 .an - .ould you tell e... P)!3! % 'o3$,a 3! .$m!... ...what ti e he will be here& ...a +)1 /o$a !s*a$5 % &a a !s*a$ a+),7 +irse means .to leave., .to go away.. de(ar means this .to leave +behind-. and also .to let., ie .to let someone do lea!e the key 3!:a$ 0a 00a&! to lea!e a essage 3!:a$ )" m!"sa:! .an you let e work& 4P)!3! 3!:a$m! *$a8a:a$7 *I'd like to lea!e a essage M! ()s*a$,a 3!:a$ )" m!"sa:! .an I lea!e a essage& 4P)!3o 3!:a$ )" m!"sa:!7 .an I lea!e you a essage& 4P)!3o 3!:a$0! )" m!"sa:!7 .an - .ould you tell e...& 4P)!3! % Po3$,a 3! .$m!...7 *.an - .ould you tell hi ... 4P)!3! % Po3$,a 3! .$0!... *...that I'll call hi later& ...+)! 0! 00ama$1 m5s *a$3!7 ...that I'll call hi to orrow& ...+)! 0! 00ama$1 ma;a"a7 ...that I'll call hi ne/t week& ...+)! 0! 00ama$1 0a s!ma"a +)! &.!"!7 *ne/t ti e 0a '$ &!# +Three words for 4time50 ve) as the sense of one of a number of occasions/ tiempo is the general word for a period or passing of time/ hora is the point of time marked on a clockonce, twice )"a &!#, 3os &! !s three, "our, "i!e ti es *$!s, )a*$o, ." o &! !s (p(8) si/, se!en, eight ti es s!.s, s.!*!, o /o &! !s nine, ten ti es ")!&!, 3.!# &! !s ele!en, twel!e, thirteen ti es o" !, 3o !, *$! ! &! !s "ourteen, "i"teen ti es a*o$ !, +)." ! &! !s the "irst ti e 0a '$.m!$a &!# *It's the last ti e Es 0a =0*.ma &!# (5) 8.*7 +e*presar means .to express., e*presarse .to express oneself.I don't know how to e/press it e/actly... No s1 6mo !A'$!sa$0o !Aa *am!"*!G +e*acto .exact. becomes e*actamente .exactly.. The 7o7 changes to 7a7 before adding

#mente. "nother example0 seguro becomes seguramenteI don't know how to say it e/actly... No s1 6mo 3! .$0o !Aa *am!"*!... :panish ...!" !s'a;o0 5ow do you say it in :panish& 4C6mo 0o 3. ! !" !s'a;o07 *5ow does one say it in :panish& 4C6mo s! 3. ! !" !s'a;o07 +1pecial use of se0 se is frequently used to mean .one. or .you., or to say something .is done.*#ne speaks :panish? :panish is spoken here S! /a80a !s'a;o0 a+), +escribir means .to write.I write to you 0! !s $.8o 5e writes to e o"ten M! !s $.8! a m!")3o ..."re7uently ...9$! )!"*!m!"*! *5ow do you write it - spell it& 4C6mo s! !s $.8!7 .an you write it down& 4P)!3! !s $.8.$0o7 (p(7) Write it down, please Es $,8a0o, 'o$ 9a&o$ *#ne can - It is possible - allowed... S! ')!3!... .an one co e in& 4S! ')!3! !"*$a$ a+),7 .an one do it& 4S! ')!3! /a !$0o7 .an one pass - co e in& 4S! ')!3! 'asa$7 Where can one "ind it& 4D6"3! s! ')!3! !" o"*$a$0o7 *6re you sure about this& 4Es*5 s!()$o 3! !s*o7 absolutely, totally a8so0)*am!"*! % *o*a0m!"*! *2es, I' absolutely sure S,, !s*o2 a8so0)*am!"*! s!()$o + ote that you say seguro if you are a man, segura if you are a womanI know because... Lo s1 'o$+)!... ...I'!e >ust read it... ...a a8o 3! 0!!$0o... the newspaper ...!" !0 '!$.63. o today's newspaper ...!" !0 '!$.63. o 3! /o2 (8) 7.51 .an - .ould you tell e where... 4P)!3! % Po3$,a 3! .$m! 36"3!... ...I can "ind a good restaurant& ...')!3o !" o"*$a$ )" 8)!" $!s*a)$a"*!7 not !ery "ar "ro here "o m)2 0!:os 3! a+), It's !ery "ar, a long way Es*5 m)2 0!:os *Is it "ar "ro here& 4Es*5 0!:os 3! a+).7 *+o, it's not "ar "ro here No, "o !s*5 0!:os 3! a+), *It's near here Es*5 !$ a 3! a+), 2ou can walk P)!3! .$ a '.! .an I walk& 4P)!3o .$ a '.!7 #ne can walk S! ')!3! .$ a '.! I need a car N! !s.*o )" o /! +In 1pain a car is un coche, but in Mexico it's un go to the restaurant ...'a$a .$ a0 $!s*a)$a"*! (p(%) rent a car. in 1pain is alquilar un coche but in Mexico it's rentar un carroI'd like to hire a car -).s.!$a a0+).0a$ )" o /!

Where can I hire a car& 4D6"3! ')!3o a0+).0a$ )" o /!7 *5ow uch is it per day& 4C)5"*o !s 'o$ 3,a7 *5ow uch does it cost... 4C)5"*o )!s*a... ...per week& ...'o$ s!ma"a7 ...per onth& ...'o$ m!s7 +dnde? asks where someone or something is, a dnde? asks where someone is going. Dnde est? but + dnde va?*.an you - .ould you tell e... 4P)!3! % Po3$,a 3! .$m!... *...where to go... ...a 36"3! .$... "ind what I want& ...'a$a !" o"*$a$ 0o +)! +).!$o7 "ind what I' looking "or& ...'a$a !" o"*$a$ 0o +)! 8)s o7 *I would like to know... M! ()s*a$,a % -).s.!$a sa8!$... *...what I ha!e to do... ...0o +)! *!"(o +)! /a !$... get what I want ...'a$a o8*!"!$ 0o +)! +).!$o get what I' looking "or ...'a$a o8*!"!$ 0o +)! 8)s o +ha que means .one has to.*I want to know... -).!$o sa8!$... ...what one has to do... ...0o +)! /a2 +)! /a !$... order to obtain it ...'a$a o8*!"!$0o *I would like to know... M! ()s*a$,a sa8!$... ...where one has to go... ...a 36"3! /a2 +)! .$... ha!e it - to "ind it ...'a$a o8*!"!$0o % !" o"*$a$0o buy it ...'a$a om'$a$0o (p()) (7) 8.45 .an you gi!e e an e/planation& 4P)!3! 3a$m! )"a !A'0. a .6"7 +e*plicar means .to explain./ una e*plicacin is .an explanation.. This is an exception to the rule that most !nglish words ending in 7ation are identical in 1panish, with the ending #acin. Cowever, remember that most do obey this rule0 informacin, preparacin, reservacin etc. It's also worth noting that the verbs associated with these nouns are all #ar verbs0 informar, preparar, you tell e where it is& 4P)!3! !A'0. a$m! 36"3! !s*57 0hank you >$a .as *I thank you !ery uch L! a($a3!# o m) /o I really do thank you !ery uch R!a0m!"*! 0! a($a3!# o m) /o *I a angry, annoyed Es*o2 !"o:a3o % !"o:a3a I' !ery angry, annoyed Es*o2 m)2 !"o:a3o % !"o:a3a +In 1pain you'll often hear0 $sto enfadado " enfadada, which also means .I'm annoyed, angry.I' "urious Es*o2 9)$.oso % 9)$.osa *I' worried (lit. it preoccupies e) M! '$!o )'a I' !ery worried M! '$!o )'a m) /o I' worried about seeing this M! '$!o )'a &!$ !s*o I' not worried No m! '$!o )'a *I' bored Es*o2 a8)$$.3o % a8)$$.3a I' !ery bored Es*o2 m)2 a8)$$.3o

6re you bored& 4Es*5 a8)$$.3o7 I don't like being bored No m! ()s*a !s*a$ a8)$$.3o I think... C$!o +)!... % M! 'a$! ! +)!... (p*4) ...e!erything is all right ...*o3o !s*5 8.!" I' going to see it once Vo2 a &!$0o )"a &!# I' going to go and see it Vo2 a .$ a &!$0o I don't see it o"ten No 0o &!o a m!")3o *6t least... Po$ 0o m!"os... +menos means .less./ ms o menos means .more or less....I'll see it once ...0o &!$1 % &o2 a &!$0o )"a &!# (%) 8.1* +temprano means you co e... 4P)!3! % ')!3!s % ')!3!" &!".$... ...a little earlier& ...)" 'o o m5s *!m'$a"o7 +lleno means .full./ llenar is .to fill up.It's !ery "ull Es*5 m)2 00!"o .an you "ill it up& 4P)!3! 00!"a$0o7 +limpio is .clean./ sucio is .dirty.It's not !ery clean No !s*5 m)2 0.m'.o It's dirty Es*5 s) .o It's per"ect Es '!$9! *o @er"ectly P!$9! *am!"*! +calor is it .heat./ fro is .cold.. Dor hot weather you say hace calor, literally .it makes heat.. 8ut a hot person says tengo calor, literally .I have heat.I don't like the heat No m! ()s*a !0 a0o$ *It's hot - cold (weather) Ha ! a0o$ % 9$,o /o2 *I' hot - cold T!"(o a0o$ % 9$,o 6re you cold& 4T.!"! 9$,o7 I can't stand the heat No ')!3o so'o$*a$ !0 a0o$ (p*1) +hambre is .hunger., sed is .thirst.*I' hungry T!"(o /am8$! I ha!e to eat so ething... T!"(o +)! om!$ a0(o... ...because I' hungry ...'o$+)! *!"(o /am8$! *I' thirsty T!"(o s!3 I ha!e to drink so ething... T!"(o +)! 8!8!$ a0(o... ...because I' thirsty ...'o$+)! *!"(o s!3 I think I can do it... P.!"so % C$!o +)! ')!3o /a !$0o *... ysel" ...2o m.smo +mismo means .self. and also .same./ la misma cosa is .the same thing./ lo mismo is .the same.*I want the sa e -).!$o 0o m.smo I' going to take - ha!e the sa e Vo2 a *oma$ 0o m.smo It's not the sa e No !s 0o m.smo I' (!ery) surprised Es*o2 (m)2) so$'$!"3.3o

*It surprises e M! so$'$!"3! It doesn't surprise e No m! so$'$!"3! 0his - 0hat doesn't surprise e Es*o % Eso "o m! so$'$!"3! ()) 3.31 +traer means .to bring./ dar .to give./ mostrar .to - Will you bring e so ething& 4P)!3! *$a!$m! a0(o7 .an you gi!e e so ething& 4P)!3! 3a$m! a0(o7 .an you show e so ething& 4P)!3! mos*$a$m! a0(o7 *.an you show it to e& 4P)!3! mos*$5$m!0o7 + ote that the personal me .me. comes before the obAect lo .it. and that they are Aoined together at the end of the infinitive(p*() *.an you bring it to e& 4P)!3! *$a1$m!0o7 When can you bring it to e...& 4C)5"3o ')!3! *$a1$m!0o...7 ...because I need it and... ...'o$+)! 0o "! !s.*o 2... ...I ha!e to ha!e it ...*!"(o +)! *!"!$0o +vivir is .to live.Where do you li!e& 4D6"3! &.&! % &.&!s % &.&!"7 1o you li!e here& 4Us*!3 &.&! a+),7 +saber is .to know. in the sense of knowing a fact or some general knowledge. conocer is .to know. in the sense of being acquainted with somebody or something5e knows where it is Sa8! 3o"3! !s*5 *I know... Co"o# o... ...the city - the country ...0a .)3a3 % !0 'a,s +#ersonal a0 conocer a,,, is used for .to know a person.. 2henever the obAect of a verb is a person, not a thing, you always insert a between the verb and the personI' going to call - phone hi Vo2 a 00ama$0! *I' going to call - phone y "riend Vo2 a 00ama$ a m. am.(o +querer means .to want. and also .to love.5e wants it Lo +).!$! *5e lo!es his girl"riend B0 +).!$! a s) am.(a I know the city Co"o# o 0a .)3a3 *I know this lady Co"o# o a !s*a s!;o$a I don't know ;adrid No o"o# o Ma3$.3 (p**) *I don't know anybody No o"o# o a "a3.! 1o you know this city& 4Co"o ! !s*a .)3a37 *1o you know this lady& 4Co"o ! a !s*a s!;o$a7 1o you know where it is& 4Sa8! 36"3! !s*57 (14) 7.(4 ;y "riend co es here... M. am.(o &.!"! a+),... ...e!ery day ...*o3os 0os 3,as *5e usually co es here S)!0! &!".$ a+), 5e usually does it... S)!0! /a !$0o... ost e!ery day ... as. *o3os 0os 3,as +qui)s, qui) means .perhaps., .maybe.-

*@erhaps you don't like... -).#5s "o 0! ()s*a... @erhaps you wouldn't like... -).#5 "o 0! ()s*a$,a... stay here... ...+)!3a$s! a+),... ...because there are any people ...'o$+)! /a2 m) /a (!"*! +la gente is .people., tanto " tanta means .so much., .so many.*0here are so any people here Ha2 *a"*a (!"*! a+), =or y part... Po$ m. 'a$*!... ...I' not going to stay here now ..."o &o2 a +)!3a$m! a+), a/o$a 0here's a lot o" noise Ha2 m) /o $).3o +ha is .there is., .there are./ habla .there was., .there were./ habr .there will be.*0here were any people here yesterday Ha8,a m) /a (!"*! a+), a2!$ *0here will be any people Ha8$5 m) /a (!"*! 0here was too uch noise Ha8,a 3!mas.a3o $).3o 0here will be a lot o" noise Ha8$5 m) /o $).3o (p*3) *0here will be uch ore noise... Ha8$5 m) /o m5s $).3o... *0here will be uch less noise... Ha8$5 m) /o m!"os $).3o... to orrow ...a+), ma;a"a I hope to ha!e... Es'!$o *!"!$... I hope I'll ha!e... Es'!$o +)! &o2 a *!"!$... ...the opportunity... ...0a o'o$*)".3a3 % 0a o as.6"... ...o" seeing it ...3! &!$0o *I hope to ha!e the opportunity... Es'!$o *!"!$ 0a o as.6"... * see y "riends ...3! &!$ a m.s am.(os * !isit y "riends ...3! &.s.*a$ a m.s am.(os + ote the use of the personal a again*I' going to phone y "riend... Vo2 a 00ama$ a m. am.(o... "ind out i" he can co e... ...'a$a sa8!$ s. ')!3! &!".$... ...with us ... o" "oso*$os (11) *.(* +vemos means .we see./ nos vemos .we see each other., .we meet.*What ti e shall we eet to orrow& 4A +)1 /o$a "os &!mos ma;a"a7 6t the sa e ti e A 0a m.sma /o$a 6t ten o'clock A 0as 3.!# We will eet... Vamos a &!$"os % "os &!$!mos... *We'll eet... Nos &!mos... * orrow at the sa e ti e;a"a a 0a m.sma /o$a +ow I can ake ysel" understood... A/o$a ')!3o /a !$m! !"*!"3!$G :panish ...!" !s'a;o0 I think that's enough M! 'a$! ! +)! !s s)9. .!"*! <ood luck9 ?B)!"a s)!$*!@ (p*5) I wish you good luck L! 3!s!o 8)!"a s)!$*! *<oodbye, until soon - until later A3.6s, /as*a 0)!(o 5a!e a good >ourney9 ?B)!" &.a:!@

+end of recording-

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