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Name:_____________________________________________________________ Date:___________

Genetic Disorder Brochure/Poster Project (50 Points) Overview: Create a tri-fold brochure or a poster for a doctors office waiting room. You should provide patients with information about one of the genetic disorders listed below. Assume that most of the patients of your audience are adults with a typical high school science background. The brochure should be creative as well as informative. You want people to pick it up and read through it. Be sure to include accurate up-to-date information and graphics that illustrate important ideas. Procedure: You will research the genetic disorder of your choice and use the following !uestions. as a guide to the type of information you will need for your brochure. ". #eneral $nformation% -&uick summary and general description of the genetic disorder -'hat other names are there for this disorder( )Any common names(* +. #enetic Cause% -,-plain how the disease is caused -$s the disease caused by a change to the ./A )mutation insertion deletion* -$s it a chromosomal disorder )trisomy nondis0unction etc.* -'hat gene or chromosome is affected by this disorder( )1 Y 2+"* -3ow is it inherited( )$s it se--linked recessive and4or dominant(* 5. 6ymptoms% -'hat are the symptoms or effects of having the disorder( -$s the disorder fatal( 7. Treatments% -'hat treatments or cures are available to someone with the disorder( -$s there a way to test for the disease before that person is born )prenatal 8 test* -Could this disorder have been prevented( Brochure (35 Points): After researching the disorder make an informational brochure that could be given to patients. This brochure should be of professiona !ua it". $t must infor# the reader of all issues pertaining to the genetic disorder. Again use the !uestions provided to guide your research.

Name:_____________________________________________________________ Date:___________
Your brochure will be graded based on accuracy completeness and creativity. 9isual representations )pictures graphs etc.* should be incorporated into the brochure. $ist of Possi% e Disorders to stud": 6ickle Cell Anemia .own 6yndrome Turner 6yndrome :linefelter 6yndrome Cystic ;ibrosis 3emophilia Albinism 'hich .isorder did you choose to study( 3untington<s .isease #alactosemia =:> Tay-6achs .isease .iabetes ?ellitus Colorblindness Al@heimer<s .isease Genetic Disorders &otes 'heet ((5 Points:

&uick summary and general description of the genetic disorder(

'hat other names are there for this disorder( )Any common names(*

,-plain how the disease is caused

$s the disease caused by a change to the ./A )mutation insertion deletion*

$s it a chromosomal disorder )trisomy nondis0unction etc.*

Name:_____________________________________________________________ Date:___________

'hat gene or chromosome is affected by this disorder( )1 Y 2+"*

3ow is it inherited( )$s it se--linked recessive and4or dominant(*

'hat are the symptoms or effects of having the disorder(

$s the disorder fatal(

'hat treatments or cures are available to someone with the disorder(

$s there a way to test for the disease before that person is born )prenatal 8 test*

Could this disorder have been prevented(

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