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Professional Report Name: Maria de Jesus Martinez Sanchez Course title: En lish !

Module: Module $% Leisure and &ra'el Date: March 10th* 2014 Bibliography: "harles &alcott* #raha) &ullis% Target Score Second Edition. "a),rid e -ni'ersit. Press* 2007% /e,% http:00+++%duran oturistico%co)0destinos0destinos%ht)l Students AL02712244 Teachers name: Maria "ecilia #arza Arce Activity: Modular Learnin (utco)e $ Team: 12% Re'ie+ number:

b!ective: &hin1 of +a.s to attract touris) to .our to+n or a place .ou li1e to 'isit% 2ecide +hat is the )ost i)portant attractions are* +h. should people 'isit it* and the ,est ti)e of .ear to tra'el there% "reate a s)all ,rochure to create interest% "rocedure: &ouris) can )a1e ,i inco)es for a to+n* ,ut attractin a sufficient nu),er of 'isitors can ,e ,oth challen in and e3pensi'e% 4ot onl. do .ou need to attract tourists to ). to+n* ,ut 5 also need to pro'ide ade6uate transport* acti'ities and acco))odation to 1eep the) happ. and con'ince the) to hand o'er their cash%

#ays to Attract Tourism to my To$n Durango:

Professional Report 7uildin s that Attract &ourists

"ulture ,uildin s +ill naturall. attract 'isitors to ). to+n% &here are se'eral other ,uildin that +ill also attract )ore tourists* includin soccer fields li1e in other cities of Me3ico% 5n ). to+n there are )an. colonial places li1e ,uildin s* churches* and the )ain s6uare of the cit.* theater and old houses% 5 thin1 people should 'isit 2uran o* ,ecause it8s so ,eautiful all its colonial structures% 5t8s 'er. i)press to see all the details of each ,uildin in ). to+n% Pro'ide Ade6uate &ransportation

4o )atter ho+ attracti'e to a place is to tourists9 .ou can:t )a1e an. )one. unless the. are a,le to et transport% &rain stations* re ion;connected roads and ,us ter)inals all pro'ide e3ternal access to a to+n% 5t:s ,est to place e3ternal transport options +ithin +al1in distance of .our attractions* reducin the a)ount of local traffic% Streetcar depots are useful for )o'in don:t clo up the streets% 5n 2uran o all the tourists +on8t ha'e pro,le)s to transport% Since there are ta3is* ,uses* and our +al1in distances are not too lon % &he. +ill easil. o to different places ,. foot% Also our transportations fees are not e3pensi'e li1e in other places in Me3ico% 7uild an 5nternational Airport tourists ,et+een attractions* e3ternal transport and hotel areas9 so ta3i:s full of tourists

&he 5nternational Airport ,rin s a stead. strea) of ne+ tourists into a place* pro'ided a road and rail+a. infrastructure can support it% 7e+are of the increase in cri)inals thou h9 a cit. +ith e3cessi'e cri)e +ill stru le to attract hi h +ealth tourists% 5n ). to+n there is an airport* ho+e'er no+ our to+n is safer for our tourists% So .ou can co)e to 2uran o 'er. peaceful% Schedule an e'ent

Professional Report Schedulin e'ents can ,e a reat +a. to attract )ore 'isitors to a cit.* in addition to turnin a handso)e profit% <urther)ore* the ,est ti)e of the .ear to tra'el to 2uran o* it8s on June and Jul. ,ecause it8s +hen +e cele,rate our to+n anni'ersar.% /e cele,rate ,. )a1in a ,i and lon part. at an a)azin sho+s% fair% Also +e ,rin fa)ous artist and +onderful

Places &o !isit 5n 2uran o: &he ,i Re ata of 4azas Ri'er Paso Res,aloso 0 Me3i6uillo la1e

=ist>rico "enter

7aluarte 7rid e

Professional Report %esults: Brochure

58ll attach another Pu,lisher docu)ent* so .ou can ,e a,le to read it ,etter%

Conclusion: M. to+n is full of places to 'isit* it is a reat place for people that li1e to ,e close to nature and en?o. of Me3ican8s culture% 5 lo'e 2uran o* ,ecause of its 1ind people and +onderful places to 'isit% 5 li1e to +al1 around the )ain s6uare +ith ). fa)il. and friends to en?o. reat and a)azin sho+s% 5 reco))end to all the people to co)e to 'isit 2uran o* it is the perfect place for thrill see1ers as the Sierra Madre (ccidental +ill ,eco)e .our pla. round%

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